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Cosas De Gente Jota.

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The Luciferian Doctrine was used as a strategy of manipulation by the NAA Luciferian forces that were irritated at the success of the Black Sun’s control over the masses and the immense power, wealth and territory they had accumulated by the Popes campaigns and the Romans backing the Catholic Church. Because of the incredible brutality exhibited by the Black Suns enforcing the Roman Catholic Church’s satanic ideology, some groups went underground to reject the Church and its teachings. Thus, the Luciferian Doctrine was born out of the rejection of the power of the Catholic Church during the murderous times of the Crusades, and purports that Lucifer is a positive helper and bringer of light for an awakened humanity, in pursuit of gaining deeper knowledge of the true spiritual self. The proponents of the Luciferian Doctrine believe that Lucifer is not evil or anti-life, but is the God that desired to educate humankind and save them from the fallen state, so that worthy humans could elevate themselves into true Universal knowledge and enlightenment.

In this doctrine, the bible God Yahweh is considered to be the anti-life principle and is actually the primary evil oppressor of humankind, because he did not want humans to gain this knowledge of the tree of life. As a result of the murderous persecution of all those who disagreed with the Catholic Church, secret societies were formed in order for groups to discuss these theories, along with studying the ancient wisdom collected from the Gnostics and other sacred texts outside of the bible.

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