Welcome to /kingcrimson/, a board dedicated to the band King Crimson. Post all your KC news, memes, photos, stories, trivia, opinions, ratings, torrents, etc!
1. Jojofags are banned on sight
2. Don’t be indisciplined. Don’t spam/raid the board, don’t post coomer shite, and don’t be an overt asshole trying to start arguments
3. Focus primarily on King Crimson, the solo works of its members, and associated acts (i.e. Brian Eno). All things music can be discussed in moderation, but even then please try keeping it in the prog rock/art rock sphere
Post video footage of 70s crim (60s too but I doubt that exists other than part of the hyde park performance)
I know there exists a brief (and rather low-quality) bootleg video recording of what I think was the SABB era lineup performing Schizoid Man but I cannot seem to find it now