>working drive-thru during the afternoon
>guy gives me his cash for his order
>no words other than greetings and Ps and Qs
>I close the till
>"There sre human colonies on Mars you know!"
>I'm still looking at the till while trying to process what he just said since nothing prompted him to say it
>Look up at him, still dumbfounded
<"A-are there?"
>"Yeah! A colony of 300,000 people up there!"
<"…er, wouldn't people notice?" (In hindsight a daft question which he immediately points out, but I'm still trying to make a running jump onto this conversation)
>"What, you think someone's going to fucking look upwards and spot them all up there?"
<"Oh, right…"
>"Anyway, a fella named John Lear (think that was the name) wrote about it, was a jet pilot and flew up there himself in a ship that could go the speed of light, something the government kept to them fucking selves"
<"Oh, er, really?"
>"Yeah, look him up, John Lear his name is. See you later mate! Colony on Maaaaaars…!", he finishes with while driving away
He was just an average guy, just came out of nowhere. I liked this encounter a lot.