I've been having terrible days, weeks, nay terrible past few years. But I've been trying to sort myself out. But today was particularly bad so I left work early, bought a pack of cigarettes, smoked one and just went to sleep. I just woke up after having had a strange dream. I think I understand .. something a bit better now. Warning long meandering thoughts ahead.
There is a lot of nonsensical posts created by normies as to what qualities a successful person have vs what are the qualities of an unsuccessful person.
The truth is that there is no just world. The world is random and callous. External circumstances are often set by things outside your control. And so too is internal parameters. It is hypothesized IQ is determined by randomness and genetics. Your personality and disposition is fairly static; tho it can change.
But I think there is one quality that does mark the hopeful heroic individual. That would be reverence and respect to the unknown and to infinity. The idea of infinity is actually a terrible concept when you know how random the world is and understand the actual malevolence that are mixed into the average human. The natural reactions would be fear or anger.
Anger can get you some results and help you move forward. Fear is absolutely paralyzing. The best way to move forward is cautiously but also with gratitude, reverence and wonderment to the infinite possibilities that life holds.
And I think this is where the idea or concept of God came from. There is no easy way to deal with the all encompassing idea that is infinity. And the mode of being hopeful and reverent is a viable means to chart a course thru life. And maybe this is what is meant by the story in the Book of Job.
I was happier (and probably more successful but I'm not sure how to properly gauge such a thing) when I still was hyper religious/spiritual. Spirituality implicity packs into it, this frame of being. Because of some terrible tragedies surrounding myself and family matters, I discarded the whole thing. But if I didn't discard it, would I have come to understand the actual psychological benefit underneath it all? I'm not sure. There are a lot of people that pray and their whole way of life is to operate fearfully. Existing in the mode of fear is this most stressful and energy consuming mode to be in. It is self defeating and you rob from yourself.
Revere life itself. Revere the time that has been given to you