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Hi guys, i have something to get off of my chest. I'm 15 years old and ive been addicted to porn for 5 of them. This has become a huge struggle in my life. I know I need help but i'm not sure how to go about it, I would ask help from family or friends but I'm afraid they'll judge me, if you guys hav any idea/advise to help a person overcome by themself, please tell me, and have a wonderful Sunday


W-whatcha like?

Do you not have any excuse to get away from your computer (where I imagine you get it)? If you have something fulfilling to pursue then you don't think about sex as much. Exercise, a creative hobby, a club, ect. It doesn't make it less of a struggle or a problem to be taken seriously but plenty of people here probably look at porn a lot so it's not as if you're an odd one out.

If all else fails save up for a chastity belt. (^:

All joking aside sorry you're having a rough time.


To what extent are you porn addicted, OP? A bit of porn collecting is normal for someone at your age. I take it it's interfering with your school life?

How much time is it taking from you, and at what times do you generally indulge in it? Breaking a habit can be as easy as finding something else to do at that particular time.



Porn is always a destructive hobby. There are always much better things to be doing than jacking off.


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My addiction is actually pretty bad. I can tell I'm starting to view women a different way, which I'm afraid of. My head is just clogged up with lustful thoughts all the time, whether it be thinking of a girl I barely know in a sexual way, or wanting an excuse to watch porn. These thoughts hit me dayley and I'm afraid this will become an even bigger problem. I have a weak will to resist temptations, but I know I need to change, and as the son of a pastor it just kills me a little inside


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>10-15 years old

>puberty years

>horny as fuck

You're honestly fine. Puberty does that to you. Your hormones are going crazy, but everyone goes through it.



>son of a pastor

I know religious environments can be a bit uncomfortable but this is something men feel. Whether your dad be a pastor, a police officer, or a prostitute (the alliteration and theme was too tempting, forgive me) he should be able to understand (though, like, up to your judgement on whether to have faith in anyone to talk to). You can only worry about how you can move forward and overcome, not that you have the trouble in the first place.


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Also combined with some anger issues and pent up frustrations I feel like I could become a very aggresive person like my uncle; bitter, also struggles with porn, afraid to tell anyone anything. I'm the only one he opens up to, and I don't want to go down his road. Patterns run in my family, and that's one I really don't to follow. I feel like I should see a therapist.



>anger issues and pent up frustrations

This could also be hormones from puberty. I think you're scaring yourself with these thoughts of your family (but I'm no doctor). Try not to worry so much about it.



Well it's not like seeing a therapist is a bad idea if you think it could help. Don't you think your parents are going to ask why though?


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> I can tell I'm starting to view women a different way

This is something you see anti-porn activists claiming a lot of the time. Are you sure it's not an idea that's been implanted in you?

The women you see in internet prons are people, just like the ones you see in your daily life. They have their own feelings, motivations, and most of them have a horny streak just like you do. I fail to see how pron could change your outlook on them. Respect yourself, respect them. Easy!

>My head is just clogged up with lustful thoughts all the time, whether it be thinking of a girl I barely know in a sexual way, or wanting an excuse to watch porn.

I agree with >>25179 this is just you being 15 years old. Don't feel guilty about something you have no control over. It'll pass once you leave puberty.

>I have a weak will to resist temptations

This is the big problem. Willpower and discipline are important. Not just to resist fapping, but in general. Here's an interesting article I found that tries to explain the evolutionary origin of temptation and how to fight it: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/use-your-mind-change-your-brain/201106/tips-resist-temptation

>I could become a very aggresive person like my uncle; bitter

This problem has a simple solution. Use your uncle as a negative role-model. When you recognize that you're having angry and frustrated thoughts, remind yourself of how you view your uncle. You do not want other people to see you like him.

Pic related: My very own negative role-model.


Don't let society shame you into feeling bad about your perfectly normal male sexuality!

Enjoy your puberty to its fullest, bro! Wish I did.

Here's a tip: next two times you get the urge, don't. Then the third time, you'll explode. It'll be awesome.

Then try holding it in the next three times, and on the fourth? KER-BLAM!!

Then holding it the next four times. Then five. You'll love it.



It did not do that to me, and maybe that's because I have self control.

Self control is key.


>Don't feel guilty about something you have no control over. It'll pass once you leave puberty.

You aren't helping him by talking like that. Porn addiction is a serious thing. I didn't touch the stuff at that age, and I still don't. It will fuck you up.


>Don't let society shame you into feeling bad about your perfectly normal male sexuality!

Porn is not "normal," it is contrived and unnatural.



> I didn't touch the stuff at that age

>It will fuck you up.

Do you see why you aren't very convincing?


How often do you look at porn, OP?

>as the son of a pastor it just kills me a little inside

Do you think your religious views could be giving you a negative opinion of porn?


>I didn't touch the stuff at that age, and I still don't. It will fuck you up.

Ridiculous. Porn is not some hardcore drug. Porn addiction does exist, but it's far more likely he is simply being a horny teenager.


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Hey kid, a piece of advice from a veteran here.

First of all, just like what almost everyone else here have said, it's perfectly normal. Puberty does funny things to your head.

Second of all, don't go down my path. Back when I was around your age, I also got horny as fuck, but since I was raised to be a goody-two-shoes dork, I was under the impression that porn was bad and didn't actually go around to watch it until I'm like, what, 14?

So prior to that, I took out my sexual frustration on the "morally correct" alternative, that is scientific articles of human reproduction and anatomical diagrams of reproductive systems, and that is how my fetishes got so messed up today.



>Porn is not "normal," it is contrived and unnatural.

Says who?



I didn't even masturbate until I was 20 because I was guilt ed into believing my healthy male sexuality was somehow badwrong.

Try and guess how I turned out.

Hint: I'm here.



Have you ever even seen porn? It's the dumbest fucking shit.



Why did you break such a mighty nofap streak? You're dumb, friendgot.


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>You're dumb, friendgot.

No bully.



So is any non-sexual artistic medium. Yeah, it's usually pretty dumb or bad quality but someone not being able to tell if something isn't dumb (regardless of whether they enjoy it) has separate issues to work out. If there's any danger in porn it's a love of drawn characters that dwarfs real people (that and an aforementioned addiction which applies to anything pleasant).


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> I can tell I'm starting to view women a different way, which I'm afraid of.

Not a huge surprise I must say. Women are quite sexually expressive nowadays and big portion of mass culture is based on sexuality.


>Porn is not "normal," it is contrived and unnatural.

Humans get ready for producing children far ealier than at 18, did you know that? Society wants people to not produce children and substitutes it with porn.

I hope that you do not imply the porn which is characterized by youtube series "PG Porn" - it's certainly not the only kind of porn.


Dude you're 15. Humans are biologically programmed to want to fuck like rabbits at 15. It's no wonder you love to jack off. It's cathartic and age appropriate.


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>Started pr0n at 10

Sweet Jesus OP, I couldn't fap until I was 15.

How'd you even manage?

But to help, try weaning, such as looking at Playboy/Maxim stuff when you want to see the crazy stuff, and try to keep the mentality of "this is someones daughter" whenever you feel urged…unless its your fetish…

Also helps to stay away from alot of anime.

good luck ,OP


start exercising


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if you're 15 it is normal to masturbate every single day or once at every 2 days

just don't pass that limit

also if you're having trouble to keep your mind under the control of your willpower, try being busy with anyshit else like exercising, studying and blah blah blah



I discovered that rubbing my dingaling made me feel really good at 8 years or so.


Twice a day keeps boredom away imo.



>just don't pass that limit


And who says there's a limit?

And who's to say what's "normal" and "not normal"?




I, however, did get involved with that stuff at that age - teenage years, till now (early 20s).It caused me significant distress, and what could be described as addiction to porn. Yes, including withdrawal symptoms (shaking, sweating etc)


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Hey OP, you sound a bit like how I'd describe my situation with this when I was early into my teens - though I hope you're travelling better than I did!

I had troubles related to porn all through my teen years - and frustrations over my failures, and worries about my sexual perspective flowing from this. Nowadays things aren't perfect, but much better than my highschool years.

Is the anger and the frustrations in relation to the porn issue, or just generally?

Seeing a therapist - as some anon said recently, a therapist is your lawyer for your feelings and emotions - legally required to be on your side and be confidential. So that's an option, if you're really not comfortable with your parents knowing these things are troubling you, at least for now.

->Exercise regularly, develop hobby(ies) you enjoy, have regularsocial contact as you need… all of these will help.

I also found mindfulness meditation a big help - helps one to manage and gain control over your thoughts, while not panicking or being as affected by any unwanted thoughts that do show up.

Full disclosure: Had religious (not Catholic) upbringing, and also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.



>This is normal, this is just something men feel, incl. OP's dad

Y'know, when I heard that line years back, all I took away was 'anything you feel is right and ok', 'everybody thinks these things' (how do you know what everyone thinks, feels?)

And I didn't believe that then, and wouldn't be okay with it if it was true. I'm still not, though I do think about it a bit differently than I did then.

I learned I didn't have to be 'okay' with it, but I did have to refrain from treating it like something catastrophic, regardless of how bad or not my thoughts were. Adding excess shame, anxiety is pointless, if only because it makes the original issue harder to fix.


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your body

if you want to fuck your shit up, be my guest

but if you want to keep your testosterone ok, follow what I say


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That is not true. I even found some guy on an anti-porn addiction website delivering a passionate scientific argument on why that is not true:


It doesn't lower testosterone, otherwise the old myth that "fapping kills your gains" would be true. Since testosterone is necessary for you to maintain your muscles. In fact, if it were true, I would have muscular dystrophy.



>Y'know, when I heard that line years back, all I took away was 'anything you feel is right and ok', 'everybody thinks these things' (how do you know what everyone thinks, feels?)

If you're unsatisfied with the answer you've been getting that what you're going through is something natural that men go through and you think anyone answering that way can't know what you're feeling then don't you think more details are necesary? Sell your situation here, for example what is it about your attitude towards women that has got you so upset? Do you think something's wrong with you for certain concepts that appeal to you? Overall how is it you compare yourself from now to the past if you had to say?



OP, my child.

I have been where you are. You probably feel very conflicted with your sexuality and you don't need to.

You experience sexual desire and its okay.

You have a sexuality and its okay.

Don't stop fapping or cut off porn altogether. Find erotic content you're comfortable with, maybe expand your horizons a bit too, erotic literature can really help with this belive it or not. Find some fantasies you find enjoyable and "wholesome" to you and go with that.

I struggled with this for a long time, the self loathing, hating that part of you. It fucks you up long term. Every time I've had a sexual experience all I feel is overwhelming guilt despite how much the other person liked it or even if they said it was okay. You can't hate this part of yourself, its going to hurt you.

The best thing you can do is just try to interact with people. If you feel attracted to someone then try to do things, but if you feel desperate about it then you should stop, desperation will lead to something bad.

You'll make it, I promise.



Not to bully, that's just awful to read. Grammar really is a requirement.

>If you're unsatisfied with the answer you've been getting (that what you're going through is something natural that men go through) and you think anyone answering that way can't know what you're feeling, then don't you think more details are necesary? Sell your situation here: for example, what is it about your attitude towards women that has got you so upset? Do you think something's wrong with you for certain concepts that appeal to you? Overall, how is it you compare yourself from now to the past if you had to say?



I appreciate the importance of more punctuation but how you've placed the parentheses confuses the meaning of the one sentence by separating the idea inside from the "then" portion later. Also with the addition of the colon then "for example" and/or the following comma becomes pointless.

Need a distraction from jerking it OP? Argue about sentence structure with us. Next debate we talk about "its" and "it's".



Not OP and don't totally agree with you, but methinks you're alright.


Shit, didn't think anyone would reply/anyone would be left from migration.

-The height of these troubles occuring happened a few years ago, things are much better - but as to thoughts and attitudes towards women that disturbed me:

I had/have high ideals and aspirations regarding how people treat each other. Call it a love of virtue, to be vague.

The kind of stuff usually featured in porn mocks, deginerates and generally drags through the mud anything noble, genuine, dignified, or respectfully affectionate.

So yeah, since porn generally portrays values opposing my own, it was going to be a problem. Kinda scary, for (apparently) inescapable drives to drag you away from what you love.

I mean, I never asked for those desires, and they (back then) tended to push out how I'd normally wish to act/think towards women (with respect)and people in general, replaced with utmost selfishness.

-Did I think something was wrong with me? Of course. I generally thought differently to my peers, going by peers and teachers regular comments in that regard, so how could their thoughts and concerns reasonably resemble mine in the sexual realm, if they didn't ordinarily?

Furthermore, nothing in all the 'So you're going through puberty!' type books, sex-ed lessons, forums etc covered or even seemed to hint at the kind of thoughts that did appear in my head: incest, enslavement, rape and sexual violence, for starters - often out if the blue e.g. when talking to someone.(I'm not talking the 'nice' role-play versions.)

Shit's disturbing enough without the thought and suggestion dive-bombing you in public, while in the middle of something.

-I'm better nowadays. I always feared the only option out of that grating conflict was to surrender my values for these desires (fuck that).

I learned how to control my thoughts better (meditation), & adopted different attitudes which preserved my values (see my ' not something catastrophic' post).

Had some counselling/therapy, also did some ad-hoc art-narrative therapy by myself.

Apologies for long post and some autism.


…Also when is this board officially abandoned? I don't know whether to be here or on Next.



So you feel better since you first posted this thread as well you mean?

How intrusive and sudden these thoughts are sounds like a tough problem but as far as you having them there's just a dark sort of half to our egos that we have to learn to accept is there. Lemme tell you how I see it. Growing up in a decent society (well assumptions where you are aside decent as they get anyway) we feel really pretty close with our empathetic side and that we're all supposed to cooperate and be pleasant and respectful. A civilized society is almost suffocating in a way to out baser animalistic minds but as a child one doesn't notice. Then puberty comes crashing down and everything suddenly has another characteristic or two to it, the world's essentially changed to be less innocent. It's rough, you thought things made sense but now you're sure they never did and you have unwanted feelings that you want to repress but at the same time like. What I'm trying to say with this rant of sorts I guess is that by nature we were all made to do bad shit like any animal but we try our damnedest to be the special awesome creature society and oneself convinces us is superior. I of course don't mean to belittle any qualities that one considers moral or ethical but we are not without nastiness which ultimately has always won out in history. -but while it seems terribly scary and unfortunate it's not reason to beat yourself up. You're a gentle soul who wants to be good, your fantasies don't change that.

…The hell AM I rambling about? This was about porn. Sorry, my autism is pretty out there too. If any of that you identified with or made you feel better then great but advice and personal feelings and opinions are just that.



>I had/have high ideals and aspirations regarding how people treat each other. Call it a love of virtue, to be vague.

Same here, friend! Well, I suppose that shouldn't be too surprising, given that this is /kind/. I believe in goodness (though not in any esoteric or religious sense) and I want to see people treating each other well.

>The kind of stuff usually featured in porn mocks, deginerates and generally drags through the mud anything noble, genuine, dignified, or respectfully affectionate.

>So yeah, since porn generally portrays values opposing my own, it was going to be a problem. Kinda scary, for (apparently) inescapable drives to drag you away from what you love.

>Furthermore, nothing in all the 'So you're going through puberty!' type books, sex-ed lessons, forums etc covered or even seemed to hint at the kind of thoughts that did appear in my head: incest, enslavement, rape and sexual violence, for starters - often out if the blue e.g. when talking to someone.(I'm not talking the 'nice' role-play versions.)

You are into some kinky stuff, huh? I mean, this is not your average porn scenario we're talking about here. Typical pron is like:

"Hey I'm going to give you a traffic ticket."

"Ohhh you're sexy and I need a big dick inside me."


"Ohhh yeah baby fuck my pussy and spank my ass."


That's okay, though. I have some really fucked up fantasies too. Furthermore, in my fantasies, they are not "nice role-play" either. Rarely do they involve anyone from my day-to-day life, but sometimes they make their way into my idle fantasies.

The bottom line is that you are in control. You have your values. You're even taking steps to keep invasive thoughts and desires out.

In addition, you're hardly the only person who looks at porn where "anything noble, genuine, dignified or respectfully affectionate" is dragged through the mud, and allows it to stimulate the fucked up desires inside of them without succumbing to them. The fact is that as long as these impulses stay within the sexual sphere of porn and erotic fantasy, there is no difference between them and "nice role-play." Ask anyone who acts out rape fantasies with their partner, for example.



Fapping in bed at night before I sleep is nice, I think. But I try not to fap to porn often, I'm always disappointed in myself when I spend an hour or more just browsing porn and masturbating. OP, I recommend you stop looking at porn, masturbation is fine but just use your imagination.



I'm not OP, sorry.

I've been feeling better generally over the past 9 years, in phases.

>Dark half to our egos

Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde was quite relatable to me in school.

>Less innocent

Less naive maybe, but I never want to become insincere. It's a theme a lot of my peers seem to have taken up - that since these desires exist, it's okay to have them as ulterior motives.

That's an interesting take on people in/and society. I consider it both a challenge and a merit to understand and master my own desires. In a way I don't accept the 'nasty stuff' in myself, but yeah I don't panic about it either anymore - cause that's counterproductive regardless. I believe that 'nastiness' doesn't have to ultimately win, on a personal level at least.

Cheers for your thoughts.


>Same here

I appreciate that.

I certainly didn't feel in control for most of my teen years.

I value integrity (esp. for myself), so apart from concerns that said desires were leaking into/corrupting my personality, I am/was concerned about the blunt double-facedness of the situation.

Not saying necessarily that you lack integrity, but for myself at least, condemning something, then engaging in it (implicit approval) looks hypocritical.

Theatre-acting as Jack the Ripper is one thing, revelling in the murderous aspect of his character - to use a dramatic example. I see a bit of a slippery slope towards enjoying the taste of a different personality, and encouraging the growth of that in one's own personality.

Disclaimer: I don't blanket-disapprove of BDSM or other practices necesarily, but I think that play-acting, or revelling in fantasy of something over time could affect oneself, so one better understand and be okay with what alterations that could make to one's disposition.



I don't feel bdsm is a gateway to acting criminally deviant to most people. -then again I'll likely stay a kissless virgin forever so what do I know? Any kind of power or pleasure can intoxicate you though, life's constant battle of discipline is a bitch.



>I certainly didn't feel in control for most of my teen years.

Are you sure you didn't just revel in the thought of being an unhinged individual? Unpredictable, dangerous, etc. Lots of teens love to see themselves that way. But in the end, you didn't act on any of it. So were you really out of control?

>Theatre-acting as Jack the Ripper is one thing, revelling in the murderous aspect of his character - to use a dramatic example. I see a bit of a slippery slope towards enjoying the taste of a different personality, and encouraging the growth of that in one's own personality.

That's an excellent example. It reminds me of a more tired one: video games. You're often invited to revel in carnage, lawlessness, and cruelty. But all of that is just a "what if" thought experiment, not to mention pure indulgence. Then you come back to the real world.

Obviously, it does have an effect on you. But I don't see it causing unwanted or uncontrollable changes.



Also kissless virgin here.

Should have made clearer, I'm not singling out BDSM in particular, only mentioned because it's more well known

Power and pleasure can intoxicate, can't argue with that.


I really didn't revel in it. If anything I was somewhat preoccupied with either shutting these problems down, or shutting myself away from others so I couldn't be a bad influence.

I dunno if that's what most teens are/were like, but I didn't want to see myself that way - i was just scared that being genuinely unhinged was a real possibility, and that it couldn't be changed.

I didn't do anything to anyone, no. So was I really out of control? I'd argue that I was in a limited sense. I tried constantly to get some control over my thoughts and feelings through my teen years and failed more than I won.

My grades suffered substantially, anxiety went through the roof, hobbies disappeared, couldn't remember who I was as a person.

Most of all, I felt unable to make plans, because I couldn't reliably predict the choices I'd make over the next week.

It seems redundant to state that having failed to exercise control over a substantial section of my actions, feelings and thoughts, I was not in full control of myself.

As for the vidya/play-acting to real life influence, I don't think there's a straightforward connection between the two, but that usually there's some kind of effect. I've gained the ability to be indifferent to violence, gore and obscenity from watching the news, browsing the net… That's a change, and it's not even play-acting yet.

I used to be so hestitant of violence that I couldn't bring myself to shoot anyone, my first time playing Quake 3 in high school. Kept playing (all my friends were), and 3yrs later I had no hesitation left.

Real world is definitely another kettle of fish, I just don't think there's no connection between imagination and action. I wasn't then, and still aren't convinced that porn etc could be worth the risk.

Again, things are much better since my teen years.

I suppose OP's long gone?…



>My grades suffered substantially, anxiety went through the roof, hobbies disappeared, couldn't remember who I was as a person.

>Most of all, I felt unable to make plans, because I couldn't reliably predict the choices I'd make over the next week.

That's interesting, friend. Do you know that you're describing what could be considered textbook "antisocial personality disorder," or "a psychopath" or "whatever you want to call the mental recipe for an irrepressible repeat criminal." Apologies if you've heard that before and tried anti-psychotic meds already.

Strong violent impulses, poor planning ability, dropping grades, inability to concentrate. They all point to that specific mental illness.

>As for the vidya/play-acting to real life influence, I don't think there's a straightforward connection between the two, but that usually there's some kind of effect. I've gained the ability to be indifferent to violence, gore and obscenity from watching the news, browsing the net… That's a change, and it's not even play-acting yet.

>I used to be so hestitant of violence that I couldn't bring myself to shoot anyone, my first time playing Quake 3 in high school. Kept playing (all my friends were), and 3yrs later I had no hesitation left.

I think about these exact things a lot. I've also been noticeable desensitized to violence throughout years of gaming, and I feel more confident in saying that I'd be able to take a life in a violent situation. Hate to say it, but Jack Thompson did have a point. Although, not the one he wanted to make, if you ask me.

Consider extreme sports. A skydiver gradually becomes desensitized to the fear of jumping from great heights. Is he more at risk of suicide because he is comfortable jumping from tall places? I'd say that he's merely more capable of suicide, should he choose it, but not any more at risk.

Perhaps you're right, and the exception is someone who is particularly mentally vulnerable, like a depressed person. But on the other hand, you have the argument of catharsis. The idea that by play-acting out your impulses, you can purge yourself of negativity and learn to be more in control.



Man, that whole thing makes it seem like finding someone willing to fuck you is easy. I'll just walk down to the Person I'm Attracted to, and that is Attracted to me Store, and pick up someone to fuck.

Fuck off. Probably written by a woman.

Although I am glad that someone finally showed how nofap is bullshit.



>I'll just walk down to the Person I'm Attracted to, and that is Attracted to me Store, and pick up someone to fuck.

There are ways to do this. Trouble is, it's "misogynistic".


I don't know if this is the place to post this, but you seem to be helping this guy with how he's fucked in the head, I also have problems relating to warped minds.

When ever I see rape or bullying I want to murder those people.

This rage takes over me and I can't focus on anything else.

When It's fiction I try to repeat to myself that it's just fiction, it's not real, over and over again, but it doesn't help.

And when it's real I can't calm down for days. I feel like I can't think straight, and I won't initiate violence against anyone else that doesn't deserve it, but I might instigate something if I see anyone harassing anyone else or otherwise trying to intimidate, dominate, control, or make people afraid.

I really am usually not violent, but when I see others causing people suffering and TAKING PLEASURE from that, I just go psycho and want to SLASH THEIR friendGOT THROATS DIE DIED DIEDIEDIEIDEIDIEDIEDIEIDIEIDIEDIEIDIEDIEIDIEDIEIDIEDIEDIEIDIEID


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Were you victim of abuse as a child?



If you can find a sex addicts anonymous/porn addicts anonymous group in your area, I recommend you go along.

Find some excuse to go out, say you're in a club or some shit.

The 12 step program works for addictions that aren't drug-related too.

Just make sure it's a non-religious group or ignore the religious parts of it - this may go against your upbringing but I can't stress enough that when you're battling addiction, the last thing you want to do is go and complicate it by adding in religion too. It's just putting another dimension onto an already-complicated issue.

Also I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you've had a relatively strict, moralistic upbringing (I could be wrong though). If that's the case, consider the possibility that your addiction has perhaps grown from a natural response to this restrictive environment - sexuality and the sex act appeal to your because they're "taboo" and "forbidden" so to speak.

Best of luck.



I don't think so.

I mean, I had weird sexual experiences between the ages of 6-9, but it was always with other children of that age, and no adults ever did anything to me.

As for other types of abuse, I can't recall ever being hit or screamed at by adults.

I don't think it's abuse anon. I can see why you would think that, but I think it's something far stranger.


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Are you often in situations where you witness someone taking pleasure in bullying/abusing/raping someone? That sounds more worrisome than a healthy urge to stop injustice using violence. As long as you can avoid murdering anyone or going to jail, that is.

Not being able to calm down for days is a bigger problem. After I have an experience that really upsets me, or boils my blood, I also have trouble keeping my mind off it. I think it works that way for a lot of people, actually.

When something goes terribly wrong, or not the way you want it to, your instincts tell you to focus on it. To keep reliving it in your mind and think of ways to improve it. This is how we evolved to think, because if it were easy to put something out of your mind and forget about it, then we would end up making the same mistake again. In our caveman days, this would have been fatal.

I find it effective to not resist these thoughts, but to work through them as quickly as possible. Recognize that you are having the same thoughts again, and think of how that train of through ends. That is, "I should have done X," or "I want to do Y," or "I will do Z." Then change the mental subject.

You might also try meditating. I'm sure you can find plenty of resources for that online. The important things are relaxed breathing, and to abandon any train of thought whenever it pops up. Touch the thoughts lightly and let them go.


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You're not addicted you're fifteen. As long as it doesn't get in the way of your life. (IE. Girls, Friends, School, Sports.) Then you're fine. If you're really concerned about talking to you're parents ask if you can see a therapist. It might help you sort some stuff out.



Keep it sfw please.


porn is a really unhealthy passion, I went through a phase like yours, too. tbh, it's probably just your hormones.


Im struggling with porn too. Last week I wasted 140$ on a 1tb hard drive (already full) and a tablet exclusively for porn, worse is the tablets screen is dogshit so I pretty much lost 50 on it. If only I were rich I wouldnt mind it but im not. I want to dban that hard drive so badly, then I think about the close to 100hrs downloading, cleaning and organizing and im not sure anymore.

Im 24 so I think its an actual problem here, I noticed I tend to do it as an escape mechanism more than horniness, I'm 1 step from dropping out college for good.

pls help, convince me to get rid of my hard drive


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>Last week I wasted 140$ on a 1tb hard drive (already full)

Was it an SSD? 'Cause otherwise I'm more concerned that you paid that much for just 1tb.

Well, I'm also concerned about your habit, friend.

I also feel the need to save all the stuff I really like. After all, it can suddenly disappear off the internet without warning if nobody archives it, and then something that specifically pushes your particular buttons could be lost. That's my rationale, anyway. I actually end up looking inside my archive very little (probably because I didn't bother sorting it into categories, which I'm fixing at the moment). So it's more hoarding behavior than actual pron use.

Hoarding, and to a lesser extent categorizing behavior, are impulses that that men retain from a more primal era. The more stuff you have, the more impressive you appear to a mate. Even though today that may not necessarily apply, since some men hoard anime figures and porn, where others hoard money and expensive luxuries.

The point is that you aren't alone, and it is also good that you recognize that the habit is taking up more time than you want it to, and that it is probably a coping mechanism to take your mind off other things.

What are you escaping from? Is there anyone who can help you with that problem, perhaps a counsellor? I can imagine you might be experiencing anxiety from the pressure to succeed, or simply dealing with loneliness.

I think that, if you can address your problems, you won't need to delete your pron stash. In fact, getting rid of something that you worked on, and are fond of, is never a good thing imo. Curb your habit, ween yourself off it, and be mindful of the things you really want.



Nope, normal mechanical drive, I should add I also got an expresscard usb 3.0 adapter, a usb 3.0 case, and a usb 3.0 sd reader, all adds close to 100 but I dont feel guilty about those parts because I'd have got them sooner or later anyway.

Your logic is the same as mine, its hard to find this crap again so it becomes hoarding more than anything.

I dont even know what im trying to escape from, I have general anxiety and depression, and im so behind my lectures that its pointless to try at this point. Hoarding porn takes my mind off from my problems and makes me feel like I accomplished something, considering where im in life even the smallest things have a positive effect. Its pretty much the only 'project' I can look forward to. Seeing as im about to get kicked out of school the school counselor is not an option, I have no money and my dad is getting really fed up with my shit.

Im thinking of a system that locks me out of accesing the data but without permanently losing access. Something like setting up an access password, write down the password on a txt file, delete the file and have an automated email sent to me after a month. Encrypting would be a fucking pain in the ass, processing that much data could take days. I'll have a look at that later. Then again I was cursed with finding some great porn sites 1 click away.



I thought I was going through a phase, now I'm 25


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This is going to be most important post in this thread. If you feel desperate, just drop everything and trust my advice.

You can only masturbate twice a month in your twenties. Masturbating less will make you have tiny orgasms during peeing, pooping or at night, masturbating more will have negative impact on your body and mind

If you orgasm and you immediately start to feel tired and sleepy, it's a sign you're not in control of your sexual energies and you're depleting your body of the stuff you could utilize in other ways. If you don't experience prolactin release after orgasm, feel rejuvenated instead, it's a sign you're doing it right

You can fap more often than 2 times a month, but only if you draw your sexual energy up your spine to the tingling place in your forehead. You do that with concentrating on subtle energies within your body, pumping with kegels and pressing million dollar point on your perineum with your finger. You move the orgasm up your spine to the whole body and you orgasm with whole body, without ejaculation. Such orgasm doesn't fuck you up like crude ejaculation, and practicing it teaches you control.

Even more efficient way to utilize your fap time is to invoke sexual partner with your imagination. As you go deeper into orgasmic trance, effects of your imagination begin to imprint more visibly on the world around you, and it's frequent to reach low brainwave state after enough to experience hallucinations a la visual reality in real time. Teenagers in the past in the East practiced masturbation drawing energy up the spine + visualizing hallucinations so that later they can have sex for hours and they also had prominent imagination. Meanwhile in Europe people had similar technique, they would draw it up and then bend at the neck before it reached head (ankhing).

This technique puts you in prolonged light orgasm state, and staying in it for a very long time could reshape certain structures in your brain. The effect of this is that you start to think a bit differently. Generally, people who are fascinated by math or grammar of language often shift their interests a bit to music and art




>draw sexual energy up spine

how do?



Sounds like a bunch of new-age hippy bullshit and pseudo-science. Refer to >>25253



If you were a scientist, you would approach it with a scientific method. You disregard it because you spiritually, subconsciously get the cues what I talk about is

>new-age hippy bullshit and pseudo-science

And you get these cues because of cultural paradigms imprinted on your mind, telling you what to think, manipulating you the same way it manipulates all religious people.


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>And then came the pseudo-psychology where he attempts to dismiss you by making guesses about why you think what you think


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As a scientist, I would ask you to provide links to sources. I would ask you to explain the pictures you attached in depth (as opposed to not explaining them at all).

You see, science is a cultural paradigm designed to weed out bullshitters like yourself.

Your time would be better spent

>pressing million dollar point on your perineum with your finger.

as you

>reach low brainwave state after enough to experience hallucinations a la visual reality in real time

But don't forget to say hi to the two Alien Narutos that show up after two months of NoFap


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>This is going to be most important post in this thread. If you feel desperate, just drop everything and trust my advice.



When I first realized I had a problem I spent a good chunk of time researching how all this hormones-fapping-porn works. Unfortunately I couldnt come to a definite conclusion. The brain and human behaviour are too complex to do so, add in factors like depression, erectile dysfunction and you can see how every case is unique. The personal conclusion I drew from all was that porn in excess is indeed harmful, at least it is for me. How much it takes to consider it an excess? I have no idea, if I had to give an answer itd be when youre not even getting that much aroused but still cant stop watching it. By the way I once managed to do a 10 months no fap and that was before I was even aware of what no fap was. I never experienced the microorgasm youre talking about and only 2 erotic dreams without cumming in 10 fucking months so I know the pressure buildup thing is not always true. Now that im sort of cured I can go easily weeks without fapping, but porn? Thats another story and I personally feel physically different after binging whether I fap or not as opposite to quickly faping. Bottom line is you can actually masturbate a couple of times a week without problems and even use porn only but when masturbating, otherwise youre wasting time and harming your brain.

If I understood your post correctly, what youre suggesting is like a refined version of edging, which is ultimately harmful because puts your brain under the prolonged influence of orgasm chemicals. And honestly like the other anon said the "draw your sexual energy up your spine to the tingling place in your forehead…" part takes away credibility and makes it sound like new age crap.

This site https://nofapsolideo.wordpress.com/2012/12/12/the-physiology-and-endocrinology-of-sexual-arousal/ is an interesting read, dont take it at face value, the guy provides some sources and in my experience some of it makes sense.


Put your pinky finger slowly up your ass.


I find 3DPD porn mostly gross.

Am I normal?


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For what raisins?

I'd say that isn't normal for a man. But your average woman seems to find visual stimulation gross, and prefers fap-books where the love interest is a ripped man who can transform into a unicorn and owns a mansion.

But being part of the statistical average (e.g. being normal) or being "natural," both have no intrinsic merit.



Fake boobs, fake love, ugly unclassy people, no cuddling.



>Fake boobs, ugly unclassy people

This is mostly true for mainstream pron, which has been dropping in revenue continuously since more personal, amateur content has become available. Although personally, I think the trashiness is fun in its own fetishistic way.

>fake love, no cuddling

I don't mean this as a childish comment, but it sounds like you do indeed have a more feminine taste. Most fellas can satisfy their sexual urges completely separately from these things.



More and more the norm as many negative factors progress in my pessimistic opinion.




Look up amateur porn, its close to the real thing. Though you wont find true love in it, in fact I think finding actual lovemaking is nearly impossible because who in their right mind could care about taping themselves when fucking with love?

If you need cuddling and kissing some escorts can do it.


I went on no fap this summer and my libido actually went down, not up. I used to fap every day, now I don't care. I wished it would give me more daily energy for my creative work but it's not the case. I can get hard and have a lot of orgasms, but I'm never horny. When I see arousing images on imageboards I get very slightly aroused, but I don't have "the rushes" I used to have in the past (I'm 23 now). I don't get aroused by real women much and I don't experience loneliness.

Anyone else experiencing this? I took up cold showers, became obsessed with healthy diet, started exercising more, took aphrodisiacs like maca root, but I'm still somewhat detached from all sexuality.

Should I perhaps start fapping every day to fix myself back?


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To be honest, I haven't a clue what could be happening. I'd say do the obvious thing and try fapping every day to see if helps yeah.



If you don't mind lesbian, Gachi Yuri has some of this in the second vignette. Even though it's them cosplaying as anime characters, the way the two girls hug and snuggle and kiss so passionately right between finger-banging and boob-licking is actually kind of comfy to watch.



Yes, it was the first time watching a hardcore porn and for the most part just thinking "Aww, that's cute!" and "That's so sweet, hee~"



I listened to your advice and edged for whole day yesterday, first time in a very long time.

I noticed I keep deriving pleasure from contractions behind my balls (somewhere inside my ass?) instead of my dick. My whole body also gets really hot. Back when my libido was high, I'd generally feel it only in my dick.

Could it be my sexual patterns had been somewhat rewired? It would explain why I'm not actively horny. I wonder if it's dangerous and whether it has to do with hormones. These brain-melting contractions behind my balls feel a bit too good to be true. I woke up and I'm still pretty high from the edging. I had to drive somewhere but I can't, I'm incredibly dissociated and brain-melt


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>try fapping every day

>edged for whole day

These are not the same thing at all. I think you messed up, friend.


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That is indeed not what I said to do, anon. :p

Sounds like you're feeling your prostate? From what I know, it could be a bit swollen with fluid from the lack of ejaculation. But I'm not that knowledgeable on the subject. Try searching for some more info.

You might try a butt plug or prostate massager if you want to recapture that feeling. I've been meaning to myself.

Also be careful that you do not keep an erection for too long.




>These are not the same thing at all

After reading the thread and stuff on the net I understood edging is good because it trains your stamina. Quality > quantity etc. less ejaculation, but more practice. I thought this is what you meant?

>You might try a butt plug or prostate massager

I get it that the good feeling comes from inside, but inserting anything inside completely ruins it. I found prostate but as soon as I get anywhere close to it with anything, I think it automatically "deactivates". I guess the internal organs have their own intelligence and don't want to be touched?

When I'm 80% close to ejaculation, I just tense my legs while sitting on the edge of something and my prostate (?) starts to orgasm. I don't feel pleasure in penis at all, only pleasant buzzing in ass. Theoretically I could keep doing it to infinity, but after a few hours I became really high. Have you ever laughed so much your stomach muscles started to get really tired, yet you couldn't stop? It felt a lot like this, except it was muscles contracting in ass and not in stomach. Eventually the muscles became so "tired" by the constant laughing-like throbbing and contracting, that I zoned out. And when I woke up from trance some 50 minutes later, I was still orgasming. I curled myself in the corner and just kept orgasming there while staring at phone menu for no reason. As I'm writing this, I'm still kinda high. I just want to sit by the window and look at birds for hours



Sounds like a great prelude to some sexual meditation.



> I thought this is what you meant?

Most folks have a fapping habit where they "rub one out" every day. As in, they cum at least once, and don't really waste that much time fapping unless they're particularly horny.

> I guess the internal organs have their own intelligence and don't want to be touched?

Generally, it's supposed to feel good down there. Did you just use your fingers? The key seems to be the constant pressure you get with a toy.


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ITT: penis magic



As if anyone in this thread wouldn't study to be a cock-o-mancer.



How the fuck can you be addicted to porn? Unless you're jerking off like 10 times a day, that is no addiction.



Hey. Hey. No bully.

You can get addicted to pretty much anything under the right influence and while porn put doesn't something in you like a drug you can develop thay need-like feeling from the posisitive input. Being a sex thing of course the draw is huge for men.


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>if you guys hav any idea/advise to help a person overcome by themself, please tell me, and have a wonderful Sunday

Treat it like any other addiction. You know, quitting smoking or drinking or heroin isn't easy but people do it all the time when their life bottoms out. If your porn habit is truly a "huge struggle in your life" then it's just as serious as any other narcotic or drug addiction. Approach it from that perspective.


Well, as this seems to be a masturbation thread, I'll ask you guys one thing.

Is masturbating once a day normal? Is it too much daily dopamine? 17 years old, soon to be 18, I masturbate once a day, but sometimes I do it twice or twice, but those days are far in between and usually after short breaks from masturbating


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>tfw spent the last 4 days downloading 500gb of porn

End my life.


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To get a decent answer to that question, you would have to look into cutting-edge academic research on the topic, friend.

I can tell you this:

-When you have an excess or a shortage of something (dopamine), your body will adjust so that you can "get used to it" and function normally.

-When you are used to something, you won't feel quite right if you suddenly quit or change your habit. But you will adjust again over time.

I take it that you're worried that your habit is making you desensitized to dopamine, and you will not be able to enjoy everyday normal things as much? That is an intriguing question, and you need to be careful with what information you trust. Hence my suggestion: critically comparing advanced research on the topic.

Because if you wander around popular google results, you'll alternately find boring answers like "it's fine to jerk your dongle as long as it doesn't interfere with your life" and crackpot theories about how it'll turn you into a femboy cuck due to lower testosterone levels.



Well, I personally jerk off once a day. Less if I am busy, more if not. I pretty much jerk off when there is nothing better to do (or there is but I am not motivated enough to do them). Fapping is easy and pleasurable, can take you as long as you want (From 5 minutes to some 4-6 hours, the longer he better ofc), is free and mostly harmless. Probably the reason why it is so crippling, it is simply such an easy and effortless reward…



Thanks friend, I'll try to carefully look into the subject. I'm at biochem after all, I will get to it eventually


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I'd be interested to know what you find out!


Your webm isn't playing for me, are you trying to troll us?






I don't know how much porn you count as "addiction". If it's to the point that it's getting in the way of other aspects of your life, then sure, see if you can tone it down a bit.

Otherwise, my advice is this: you have to learn that sexuality/masturbation/fetishes are NOT immoral. I was raised in a fundamentalist Evangelical Christian household, and due to constant indoctrination about the evils of lust (and not having my own computer) I didn't fap til HS. I felt awful and guilty on my first few faps, but after a while realized that I was happier and had my sexual urges better controlled than the years I spent bottled up, with literally no release besides the occasional wet dream.

If you want to limit your faps to feel more in-control of your life, I dunno how to do that really, as it never got to that point for me, but if it's some moral or religious hangup, my only advice is to look at it logically, see that you aren't hurting anyone, and go fap to your heart's content.


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I just deleted my porn folder. I didn't check how many GB it was, but it was over a year old. I feel kind of relieved and hope to cut back on my masturbation.



Woah that´s a bit too drastic don´t you think? If you want to make sure it´s gone for good delete your hard drive free space right now so you can´t recover it later.



Drastic? If anything it's ineffective since porn is so abundant on the internet, and about as easy to access as a folder.



I'm not worried about recovering it, I'm not really that addicted; I'm just lazy and don't have a lot to do so I tend to masturbate instead of spending time on more constructive things.

>>30838 is right as well, but with my porn folder went my firefox profile I used for bookmarking porn sites. My goal is to cut back to occasional sadpanda visits. There's something about 2D that makes it feel a little more wholesome, maybe I'll eventually cut the hardcore and stick to light ecchi.



>2d lewd is more wholesome

Anybody else also think so? Why do you think it is so? I'd say it's because:

>the situations are fictional, no one had to whore themselves out to make the work

>nobody is harmed, no happy merchant rubbed his hands, no AIDS was transmitted

>the scenarios in vanilla 2d tend to focus on loving relationships, as opposed to the shit you find on pornsites

And, well, if you have a waifu, then - depending on how you approach it - it's basically sex with the girl you love.


Don't worry about it.

Just don't become demanding with your porn interests.

Porn's healthy for the mind, just the porn's average community could be toxic.

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