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There's no discharge in the war!

File: 4f609702109908e⋯.gif (65.5 KB,220x173,220:173,animegirlfingergun.gif)

384624 No.689157

I'll start.

Some people, not just on imageboards, but behind the counter at gun stores, have some odd preconceptions about proper defensive armament for people other than the baseline user–that is, people other than adult males with normal hand size, grip strength, and upper body strength.

"What the little lady here needs is an airweight Taurus .38 snubby! Look, this one's pink!" Yeah, she'll love it. Until she takes it to the range and fires it once and the recoil jolts the fillings out of her teeth.

Let me preface what I'm about to say by saying that this is a moral pronouncement I'm about to make, rather than a demand for change of laws. I'm speaking in terms of changes I'd like to see in the gun culture and what we do or don't approve of or endorse when we see it. Ready?

There are people out there who choose a self-defense firearm because it's pink, because it weighs almost nothing (unloaded, natch), because it comes with a laser. Yes, almost all of these people are women. You know what? They aren't serious about self-defense and they aren't going to train. They aren't comfortable with or at peace with the idea that they just might find themselves fighting for their lives in a supermarket parking lot and they're not comfortable with the idea of killing. They're not going to build any kind of proficiency, they're not going to go to the range at all, they're not going to train. And when they see that knife in Tyrone's hand, they're going to hesitate, and predators can smell fear. And Tyrone's gonna get himself a brand new gun along with her purse, right after he strangles her with her own stockings and rapes her corpse. This is not a desirable outcome, for a number of reasons, not least of which is that I don't want to be the first one Tyrone shoots with his new toy.

I don't understand this mindset. A gun is not a fucking good luck charm. It's not a magic wand that makes bad people stop what they're doing and go away and leave you alone. It's a tool that you just might have to use to fight for your life. If that happens you're betting your life and the lives of the people around you on your choice of weapon and your proficiency with it. If you aren't comfortable with that, get a rape whistle. Here's one in pink.

I'm just saying. There are people who aren't going to train with it, aren't going to git gud. I'm saying, git gud or don't bother. Here's your rape whistle.

But then I also think that CCW handgun qual courses should require enough proficiency that fatass Fudds who've not touched a handgun since the Navy sixty years ago and their wives who've never seen a gun except on TV might not pass on their first try, or their second, if they don't have their shit squared away and they don't have a good grasp of the fundamentals.

It all comes down to the fact that if you aren't proficient you're going to hesitate, and if you hesitate Tyrone and his homeboys are getting a gun along with your wallet. Did I mention I don't want to be the next one they shoot? I want you to win. I want you to be the one who leaves on his own two feet and not in a body bag.

GIT GUD. Come to the range and shoot. This is Mr. Front Sight, he's your new best friend. Or get a rape whistle. It's up to you.

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42413c No.689162

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"What the little lady here needs is an airweight Taurus .38 snubby! Look, this one's pink!" Yeah, she'll love it. Until she takes it to the range and fires it once and the recoil jolts the fillings out of her teeth.

>vid related

Start with overall comfort/likelyhood of consistent carry, ease of use at level of knowledge, and carry location on person (assuming this is for carry firearms and not home defense setups, specifically.

>other than adult males with normal hand size, grip strength, and upper body strength.

It really comes down to grip and firing stance/posture from any particular position, and repeatability. Female firearm owners should be expected to drill and train with their carry weapons just as men (hopefully) do. I'm actually glad that a lot of firearms manufacturers are providing different sized backstraps or frames for different sized hands, as proper grip is one of the most important aspects of shooting. That and if it's too unwieldy/bulky/heavy, then the likelihood that a smaller woman (or soylent males) will consistently choose to carry the firearm at all.

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79414e No.689175

File: 5d579c5845177a2⋯.jpg (17.45 KB,600x400,3:2,6.5.jpg)

File: 761c8aa8c119da8⋯.jpg (302.84 KB,2000x657,2000:657,MK-107.jpg)

6.5 CM should become the main cartridge of automatic rifles. If 7,62 NATO can be fired somewhat effectively on full-auto with shoulder-fired rifles, then 6.5 CM with it's significantly less recoil and yet superior ballistic performance should absolutely replace 5,56 and other sissy calibres. If you want to make it even easier for the average retard grunt to control a 6.5CM rifle then finally adopt the balanced action that is already used on the AK-107 and MK-107.

Just imagine the potential, anon.

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b61c12 No.689176


Yeah, the potential to waste tons of ammo.

When we get full body armor suits and you have to pump 10s of rounds in to a dude to finally die, then this would actually make sense.

Until then, no point. Supply can't keep up.


Suppressive fire is useless, MGs should shoot to kill only and suppress psychologically, not by firing.

Hence low rate of fire MGs are retarded, its all about that burst kill ehen the target is bounding between covers.

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79414e No.689177


>5,56 and 5,45 suck donkey dick at ranges beyond the length of a street

>Can't even go through 2 plywood walls or a chink car door before tumbling all over the place

>Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan hated that calibre because it wouldn't hit shit at ranges where firefights actually happened

>Even in urban warfare there's numerous reports of shitskins still fighting despite getting hit multiple times on their torso

<Yeah well, you see, the reason we don't use better calibres is due to supply issues

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118917 No.689178


>dood just replace assault rifles with full-power battle rifles

Rene Studler, is that you back from the grave?

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79414e No.689179


6.5CM supposedly has light recoil so I don't see the issue

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384624 No.689180


>If 7,62 NATO can be fired somewhat effectively on full-auto with shoulder-fired rifles



How is that possible? It's just a necked down 7.62x51 NATO, operating at the same or higher pressures,, using the same propellants, to push a 140gr 6.5mm match bullet to 2800 f.p.s. instead of a 147gr .30 caliber FMJ. If there is any measurable change in recoil, by what magic is it taking place? A bullet seven whole grains lighter?

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79414e No.689181


>How is that possible?

Obviously since I live in a no-fun 4th world country I haven't shot 6.5CM, but from videos and reviews I've watched, that seems to be the case.

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ca7013 No.689182


>all guns should be revolvers, lever actions, or rolling/falling block or breech loaders, pump or break actions only

>any gun in 357 should be 8 shots minimum

>.38 special-needs is thrown into the trash bin where it belongs

>concealed carry licensing should be a test on concealing a ruger blackhawk with a 6.5 inch barrel or more on your person if you're too much of a manlet or brainlet to conceal that then you don't deserve protection

>dueling makes a return and is applicable to anyone no exceptions even forced dueling for niggers or people who own a nintendo switch. Dueling has to be done with ruger redhawk Alaskans in .454 Casull at a minimum of 50 yards

>if you are in any way shape or form colored close to that of a charcoal blue you're put on a lead boat heading towards Israel or at least to canada

>the only government monetary assistance is for buying ammo

>reloading classes replaces high school and college math classes

>shit and wesson is forced to make n-frame 357s with non fuck huge cylinder window gaps and styles other than scandium tacticool or performance center holes in weird places style

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9f1d08 No.689183


Well, you hit the nail on the head and chose an unpopular opinion. Let me opine:

Necking down a cartridge increases wear of a give barrel; 6.5CM is known for having a barrel life about 2/3rd, I think(?), of .308.

Now that we've reduced the expected barrel life, let's shove it onto a full-auto host weapon, which will reach rated life expectancy in a matter of days, instead of years.




They just make guns better now. old .308's were bolt action, no moving parts - your shoulder took the full brunt. Creedmore is going into semi-auto, consuming some of the round's energy to load the next round. That energy never makes it to your shoulder.

You've almost certainly been reading articles written by fudds that went straight from their grampa's reliable bolt action that never died and never forgave either, to an AR-10 with a professionally tuned gas system.

>hey, look, this isn't as bad as I remembered it!

Wew, stelok.

okay, my turn

Since I can't reasonably expect the alchemy or cold fusion problem to be resolved, meaning no osmiridium bullets for me, I want to load up stainless steel bullets (and not draw any stares).

Can't be any worse than straight copper bullets, right?

Also I want a custom PSL chambered in 30-06-necked down to 6.8mm. We can call it 270-06, and I can load up some stainless steel spitzer boattails and I can LARP and being a walking tank killer.

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384624 No.689184

File: bb2e0b6ff9f7646⋯.jpg (14.9 KB,358x359,358:359,babby_smirk.jpg)


>30-06-necked down to 6.8mm

Shall I tell him, or does someone else want to?

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a08533 No.689186


I have an internet. Barely. (never get a modern Dell/Wyse terminal. netbooks are more useful)

reading from


it would seem the 270 winchester IS a necked down 30-06. Strange; I thought the -06 was longer.

There is a less popular wildcat known as the 6.5-06; maybe I glanced at that and didn't read whatever article passed through my fingers.

Oh well. I can always be the first to make an AR10 in 270 WSM. Will have to make custom mags though, because the round almost scrapes the magwell hand feeding it through, no clip in place.

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26f126 No.689191


At least you can go to Lesbos and beat up some sand niggers.

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9f1d08 No.689195


I'm going to amend my unpopular opinion as follows:

boutique calibers are fine.

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710644 No.689200


They're fine as long as you're fine with spending two times+ the amount of cash on them, compared to 7.62 or whatever

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384624 No.689202

File: c9e8e655b3a283c⋯.jpg (107.47 KB,300x459,100:153,Cooper dvd principles.jpg)

This is going well.

I'll try another–shorter this time.

Jeff Cooper is underrated.

You can love or hate the Weaver Stance. You can ridicule his stance on handgun effectiveness and his preference for calibers that begin with a "4," though it was formed long before the advent of modern hollowpoint bullet ammunition. You can despise him for his affection for the 1911A1, even though it was cutting-edge tech early in the last century, when his experiences formed his opinions.

You can't deny, though, that when you take his teachings and training down to base, he is saying:

"Use both hands to shoot. Point-shooting is a way to make noise quickly. Fast aimed fire is the one true viable way to use a handgun past contact distance. Some bullets are better than others so use the best you have access to. Train, so that you will be faster and more accurate than the guy who's trying to kill you."

…this is what everybody, everywhere, is doing today. Do you use a compact red-dot on your carry gun? I presume you're aiming. Are you shooting Isosceles instead of Weaver? You're using both hands. Are you training, instead of being lazy and figuring you're "good enuff?" That's what he said to do. Is your carry gun a Glock 19 with hollowpoints? He felt 9mm was lacking–with the duty ammo that existed in 1940. He didn't like Glock triggers, but nobody's enthusiastic about them and even Glock acknowledged this with the design changes in the Gen 5 to improve the trigger.

All the cool kids hate Jeff Cooper but all the cool kids are following right along with about 85% of what he taught.

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2c7bb5 No.689214


>Jeff Cooper

>the guy who pretended like he was the first person in the history of pistols to use the sights and practice regularly


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384624 No.689216


Go back to around 1953 and he and Jack Weaver pretty much WERE the only ones.


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422725 No.689226


>stainless steel bullets

>cant be any worse than copper, right?

sure, if you want your barrel life to be measured in 1000 rounds. changes in hardness matter

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384624 No.689227


Bullets with mild steel jackets are not uncommon, though usually with a very thin copper "flash plating" that protects them from corrosion and acts as a thin-film lubricant as they are forced down the bore. Especially with the Russian export ammo that is sold under so many brand names.

A solid steel bullet would be more difficult, from an engineering perspective. Pressures would run up to extreme, possibly unsafe levels when the bullet reached the rifling if it was not made of a material soft enough for the rifling to engrave. Also, at least in the US, there might be legal problems with "armor piercing ammunition."

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