Who's the most JUSTed person you know?
Knew this guy since high school
>0 friends
>all of the people that more or less pretend to be his friends but are just being polite
>only plays vidya and watches anime
so far sounds like a typical loser, but it gets worse…
>his mom hates him
>his mom's boyfriend humiliates him and calls him garbage all the time
>moved to his grandparents to escape abuse at home, grandfather developing dementia accuses him of fucking his grandmother
>moved back to his mother
>can barely find a job
>can barely hold a job
>IQ so low he has difficulty reading
>listens to podcasts and lectures instead
>gets into fringe shit, thinks the moon landing didn't happen because if we really got to the moon then we'd establish colonies, like in video gamesyes, like in video games, that's his reasoning
>has a complementary JUSTed haircut, thinks he looks classy
He's the only severe case I know of.