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271fb0 No.43798

What is this freakish scholarly obsession with defecation?

It's in the footnotes to the Saudi Quran as well, when you get to the part in Baqarah about purified spouses.

My mind: Oh, it means purified of all impurities

Scholar mind: Poo poo pee pee

Quran: Specifically refers to food, needed for life by humans

Scholars: Oh they meant 🤬 let's go on about that

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cd94ef No.43805


Because everybody poops. When something is common to all humans, it tends to get talked about a lot.

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271fb0 No.43806


Who the 🤬 thinks of a great wife or a perfect woman or what it would take to have a great relationship and then thinks "Poo poo pee pee" rather than all the psychological stuff? It's 🤬ing weird. The need to find ways to go there rather than anywhere else.

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cd94ef No.43807


Well, that's the thing of it: if she doesn't poop, she's not perfect. She has a flaw.

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271fb0 No.43811


The Saudi Quran states the opposite view, but anyway the point still stands that that is a weird thing to focus in on. I don't look at a potential partner or think of friction in my relationships and arrive at "poo poo pee pee".

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cd94ef No.43814


I think you're completely missing the point.

>Jesus is God!

<Jesus ate food and pooped. Why would God need to do that? Jesus clearly isn't God.

How are you getting "perfect woman/relationships" and "obsessed with pee pee poo poo" out of that?

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271fb0 No.43815


I’m referring to two different situations in which the notes in two seperate parts of two seperate translations have mentioned defecation whereas the text has not. Once in reference to the perfected spouses verse, another in reference to the Isa ate verse. I haven’t read much Quran so it’s weird for me to see Muslims putting “and pee pee poo poo” in in the form of notes to places where it seems odd to me. I’m genuinely puzzled as to why they’ve done that.

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cd94ef No.43816


It's pretty common knowledge that if you eat, you poop. There's really no way to avoid it. The purpose of a footnote is for expansion/clarification of what the text is saying. That's really all the footnote is doing: clarifying. I can also assure you that 2 examples does not constitute obsession.

You should read Qur'an more.

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f7ef7e No.43818


Are you genuinely puzzled or did you grab this garbage off of JihadWatch and came to /islam/ thinking it was a "make fun of lol so stupid Muslim" board? Anyone who has been through a high school freshman level English class knows the difference between Text/Footnote and Canon/Commentary.

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271fb0 No.43823


No m8 I take religion seriously and I was curious about why scholars were taking it in this direction.

It reads to me like people here are more concerned with protecting Sheiks than understanding the word of god.

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23bfe5 No.43824


>I was curious about why scholars

Which scholars? There have been literally 10s of thousands of scholars throughout history and thousands of Islamic scholars alive today. You're citing 2 examples and claiming it's somehow ubiquitous.

>people here are more concerned with protecting Sheiks

What people? What Sheiks? Who is protecting what?

You come in here with a single tree and balk when the forest is pointed out to you. You even talk about Saudi stuff without knowing that Arabs are less than 15% of the world's Muslims. There are more White Muslims in the world than there are Arab Muslims. Think about that for a minute. Qur'an was revealed to an Arab in Arabic lands in the language the Messenger understood, but that doesn't mean it's an Arab religion.

It becomes very suspect when someone shows up with minutia and concern trolls that it's prevalent. We're a Muslim board. Created by a Muslim, built for Muslims. When you come in with a question that sounds like it's straight out of /pol/ or JihadWatch, surely you can understand if we make fun of it a little.

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ad716c No.43827

Because it's a clean way of saying God can't defecate, the quran is so eloquent even the implications are clean. So because of that, it will wake up christians to see that being human does not befit the majesty of God.

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