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476c55 No.43715

How come India and Pakistan have over a 100 nukes each but the whole Arab world has none?

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fff457 No.43717


Who cares?

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f5a2b8 No.43721


The whole world cares!

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a01d30 No.43722


The world wants nobody to have nukes. The world doesn't care if country A has more than country B.

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92fab3 No.43789

pakistan & india hate each other so pakistan needs nukes as a deterrent for its survival

as for arabs well israel keeps bombing their nuclear plants and research facilities like in syria and iraq, also kills egyptian nuclear scientists, to prevent that, but saudi may or may not have nukes, since they funded pakistan's nuclear program they have a deal to share warheads, saudi bought chinese ballistic missiles which can carry nuclear warheads just in case iran gets a nuke

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9736c6 No.44129

File: f2c9be81c8748f0⋯.jpg (795.07 KB,1667x1667,1:1,India_Pakistan_Overview.jpg)


Because nuclear weapons are extremely difficult to design, test, produce and maintain.

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