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d28239 No.43150

After a period of leaving my faith and insulting Islam out of ignorance, I decided to study Islam again and realized that it truly is the one correct path. I want to become a good Muslim again but I am not sure where to start. When I pray I get easily distracted, and can't maintain focus. I also have bad habits from my old lifestyle such as masturbation. I am on nofap currently, but besides praying I'm not sure what I have to do in order to properly return to Islam and repent for my past sins. Please help me if you can.

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35da49 No.43152


Everybody gets distracted when they are praying sometimes. Focus on praying 5 times a day, every day. Stay away from haram things, go to the Mosque and get some Muslim friends to help you out. Study the Seerah and read the Quran in your spare time. As long as you sincerely repent and return to right actions, Allah will surely forgive you.

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d28239 No.43155



thank you for the response. I can't access the mosque because of lockdown, could I contact an imam online?

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35da49 No.43157


If you need to, but it isn't like you have to take your shahada again or anything.

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bd43f6 No.43161


Shahadah is something we declare every day, several times a day.

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35da49 No.43162


He said he left Islam, that was what I was referring to.

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bd43f6 No.43163


Oh, my bad brother.

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38f0ab No.43263


u can decaler it without having imam, but its still better.

i was like op, an atheist but i returned, i did shahad without the presence of anyone but allah, since my shirk was also secret.

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38f0ab No.43264



i found that talab l3ilm helped me a lot, i mean i started to understand what every move and word means in my 3ibada, which led me to focus on maintaining it to a high level of itqan for me, i guess since i started to enjoy it

but i also fail to do this in my bad days, since dunnya is fittna and to be khachi3 in your salat is a high level stuff

so i reccommnd to start using new surat and ayat in your salat, and start to prepare you da3awat and what you should ask allah for before salat, just so your brain understand this is something important you should focus on, and with time allah might help you if you ask him.

and allah knows better.

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ae6e95 No.43309



>so i reccommnd to start using new surat and ayat in your salat, and start to prepare you da3awat and what you should ask allah for before salat, just so your brain understand this is something important you should focus on, and with time allah might help you if you ask him

>great advice, thank you. I remember one time Allah immediately answered my prayer minutes after I asked for it. Ever since then I am 100% sure He exists and watches over my prayer. I want to present the best possible package so every time Allah looks at me He will not be ashamed and instead bless me. May Allah reward you for the advice

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7af97b No.43538

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