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/islam/ - 8kun Masjid

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bd46be No.42862

The rise of racism and facsism is a good thing for muslims in the long term. I always laugh at these islamic activists who desperately try to “raise awareness”. They’re putting their trust in a decaying system

I've always supported "racism" in the West, because there's nothing sweeter than a non-White trying to act civilized because of his/her liberalism and then pushed into the definite state of sub-human by the masters LOL.

Also the fact that non-whites are forced to admit their race is "inferior" since both whites and non-whites subscribe to the secular/liberal belief that scientific/technological progress is the only marker of a race/civilisation.

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a16953 No.42863


Racism is haram and praising it is just as haram. I suggest you pray for forgiveness.

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bd46be No.42864


Alcohol is also haram but if the kuffar who are at war with us decide to drink themselves to death I'm not gonna stop them.

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a16953 No.42865


You don't have to stop them, but praising the consumption of alcohol would be haram.

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47335e No.42868


And if you go astray and take a sip? Would you want Allah to show you the mercy you show them?

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8eec84 No.42869



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a16953 No.42875


>to show them we hate jews too

But we don't and you should not be spreading falsehoods.

>I don't fear being killed by such nazis, as it's martyrdoom

Being killed while spreading falsehood and mischief isn't martydom. It's a one-way ticket to hell fire.

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a16953 No.42878


Yes, I do, but I don't lie to them about Islam.

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a16953 No.42880


>to show them we hate jews too

We don't hate Jews.

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a16953 No.42881


>I try to provoke them

>I will always provoke nazis

You're also spreading mischief and being the aggressor. Both of which are haram.

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bd46be No.42883


I'm pretty sure that guy is a kafir troll.

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a16953 No.42885


>Quran says jews are cursed

By Allah, not by us. We aren't supposed to hate Jews. They are dhimmi. Stop swallowing wahhabist propaganda. What are you going to do when you die and are shown by Allah all the Jewish people who would have come to Islam if only you would not have hated them?

>to cause dispute

ie. "spread mischief"

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bd46be No.42886


I meant the guy you're replying to.

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a16953 No.42888


Obvious /christian/ d&c shill is obvious. Go back to your containment board.

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a16953 No.42889


>bring me evidence from quran and sunnah

No evidence I give would be accepted by you because the evidence is already there and you have refused to read it. You don't want to read Qur'an, you just want someone to tell you what's in it, provided that it agrees with your personal fee-fees. Go troll somewhere else. I can smell a shill like a fart in a car.

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a16953 No.42891


No, it's what the /pol/fags call "taqiyyah" and you're clearly just pulling this "lol its ok to haet da j00s" garbage because /pmd/ is dead and 8bunker is dead, so you want to take over here.

we do not hate jews

Period. No piss off back to /pol/ or Parler or r/wahhabi or whatever hole you crawled out of, kafir.

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a16953 No.42901


Don't you have a holiday to celebrate, Jesus humper?

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bef606 No.42961

Muslims are merciful.

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31a9eb No.44630


*copied from two different sources.

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