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/islam/ - 8kun Masjid

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fd0110 No.42852


I personally been reading his book "12 years for life" and watching his content on youtube he seems like a cool woke guy and he hasn't outright said anything bad about Islam and Muslims.

In this interview, he makes good points against gender mixing in the workplace something that's in our Islamic beliefs regarding gender and segregation

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76b7b4 No.42853


he's a very smart guy, a lot of his views that he's developed due to his experience in clinical psychology and exploring into different philosophical ideals, and many of those views do align with Islam.

Even though he's a Christian, he's one more so due to necessity, he expresses the fact that the only thing atheism leads to is nihilism, and you can't be productive in anyway with nihilism, it would ultimately lead to downfall of civilizations. You can tell he doesn't believe in a lot of the things in Christianity, he explores biblical stories as if they're myth.

>he hasn't outright said anything bad about Islam and Muslims.

He's very uneducated about Islam, and because of that he stays quiet about Islam most of the time, but you can tell he does get misguided interpretations about Islam from the alt right figures he hangs out with (since they're the only ones that welcome him). He's called Muhammad (SAW) a 'warlord' before on stage, talking about how he was looking into Islam and didn't know what to think about that. He also made one video before during the time here in Canada they were about to pass an "anti-Islamophobia" bill, whatever that means, so he drew a smiley face and asked "is this Muhammad?", it seemed like half a protest and half an exploration into the topic, but I don't blame him, since he's so uneducated about Islam.

I'm really positive that if he got to know what Islam truly is, and got to talk with someone like Mohammed Hijab, then he'd surely accept Islam. Inshallah that will happen one day.

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d3730e No.42855

I don't really know about him but I've seen some clips of his talks which I've liked and he makes the right people seethe so he's probably based

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ec0e8c No.42892


Literally who?

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