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/islam/ - 8kun Masjid

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b820cd No.41823

If I as a non-muslim white man were to visit a mosque without someone "guiding me through" the first experience; what are some things I really should know and understand before I go?

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db7599 No.41825

1] Nobody there cares that you're white except you.

2] Don't enter the prayer area until you wash your hands, feet, and face (facilities are provided).

3] Take off your shoes.

4] Don't walk in front of someone who is praying.

5] If it is prayer time, sit down in the back and shut up.

6] Don't take pics without permission.

7] Declare shahadah and come home, white man.

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6783e7 No.41826

Imagine being so insecure about your whiteness that you have to use it as a qualifier when discussing something.

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5fa6b8 No.41842


Kafir may not be allowed in mosques.

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d0a348 No.41843

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db7599 No.41844


Everyone is welcome at the mosque.

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59bf13 No.41856


Good and concise. After taking your shahada I recommend visiting the mosque and enquiring about learning to read Arabic as a starting point, if they have those programs available.

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e7c27e No.41908


He is unaware of islamic racial etiquette. You should introduce him to it more beautifully.

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