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/islam/ - 8kun Masjid

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ca595b No.41596

Actual Islam is not liberalism. Actual Islam is not about one's self-absorption as is the case for Current Year Buddhism.

This needs to be stressed in light of too many Westernized/Western/Degenerate Muslims turning Islam into a toothless "religion" that's more about worshiping men, enabling degeneracy. Islam recognizes that men should live as they should. Not as they "whim." Men can live as Allah decrees or suffer the consequences (as reflected by the opposition to homosexuality prior to Western influence).

Westernized Islam is functionally atheist. It puts men's whims ahead of Allah. Has to compromise itself so that the Great Satan's troopers don't bomb it or send protestors after it. It's public face is "racialized" (see the Nation of Islam) and how its more about Brown Ppl yelling about 🤬 Whitey than obeying the hadiths.

The following are a sign you're a liberal ahead of a Muslim:

>complaining about "policing morality"

>Advocating for democracy and/or claiming that the Quran or hadiths advocate for such

>Advocating for integration in society rather than demanding more maintained segregation

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10d599 No.41598

Nice blog. Why didn't you keep it in the other thread?

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fe83f4 No.41601

File: 5d99bb2e1a30e5e⋯.png (12.98 KB,422x651,422:651,american_muslims_salat.png)

Sadly there is no future for Islam in america, already most (60%) american muslims don't pray. The scholars warned us about living & having children in dar al kufr. Western muslims care more about money & creature comforts than Islam, and that's just the sad reality. These are migrants who sacrifice to migrate & pledge to a taghut flag for financial opportunities, and when they become parents, most are dayooth with their children. You have nominally practicing parents having children surrounded by kufr, they set them up for failure, except the minority who Allah has mercy on.

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a8bf03 No.41602


>if you don't have the same man made politics as me, then you're not Muslim!

Go cry on Reddit.

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fe83f4 No.41603


Where did the brother push man made politics?

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ca595b No.41605


Okay liberal.


Globohomo will not stop until the entire world is



Found the atheist/protestant.

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675c3f No.41606

Keep this garbage in the politics general.

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