Theres a lot of variation when it comes to "Islamic Clothing", makes me wonder how many of them are sunnah, and what would consider them sunnah. Like its said our Prophet (SAW) used to where a Qamees, where its descriptions matches more today with what we call the Thobe or Jubbah, a long shirt that goes until the ankles.
When we look at other cultures, like in Asia, they've clearly have had influence from the Islamic Empires at the time (in Central Asia who started the Mughal Empire), with the Kurta or Punjabi and is often attributed as Islamic clothing in their cultures, but the description deviates a lot from what is Sunnah, it doesn't go until the ankles anymore, it goes to somewhere about above or below the knee, has side slits, and has often more extravagant designs. Can these still be considered Sunnah and Islamic clothing?
Like even with Islamic cap theres a lot of variations, can we eventually say its Sunnah even if you just wear a baseball hat.
Also kinda off topic question, when the
Muslims fought in battles in those times, did they still wear the Qamees, because it seems like it would restrict running?