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6ecb41 No.40896

I have already expressed this opinion twice on forums without bringing this opinion forth to those who might be authorized to reason on it.

I believe in the compatibility of the Abrahamic religions. This for various reasons, not wholly developed yet. It is stated, however that this board "is not for the comparison of the various world's religions", so I hope either I can be pointed to the appropriate board or the question is not too bold.

But in particular, the opinion that I have so stated, is that, if the Satanists accuse us Christians of hypocrisy for raising up the sword, we should say "perhaps we can't raise up the sword, except in self defense, but the Muslims can".

Does this opinion seem at all reasonable to the people of this forum?

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70c64b No.40897

Are you saying muslims can declare offensive jihad and not just a defensive one?

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a9caf5 No.40900

Well, you guys have that whole "turn the other cheek" thing. We don't. We aren't allowed to initiate conflict, but we are allowed to defend ourselves to the death if necessary.

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6ecb41 No.40901


Sorry for taking so long to respond. I went to sleep. I don't have my Qu'ran handy, but there are passages on the surah that assume that the enemies of the Muslims at Medina will stop at nothing so it is okay to destroy them wherever you find them, right?

This passage gets used to justify extremism against all non-muslims, but surely it applies against satanists.

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a9caf5 No.40902


Since those enemies at Medina have been dead for 1300 years, it's pretty safe to say that we don't have to worry about it much anymore.

>gets used to justify extremism

Some asshat using a single sentence from an entire book as an excuse for their asshattery doesn't mean they're in the right.

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3fc25d No.40903


We're not allowed to declare offensive jihad just because they're wrongthink. The only justification is to those that actually persecute muslim just because they're muslim. Even then, usually war is not favorable.


>We aren't allowed to initiate conflict

Can't we initiate it if there are evidence that the enemy oppress the muslim in their land? Correct me if I'm wrong since this is what I inferred from the period of conquest during the caliphates.

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a9caf5 No.40904


Technically, if they're oppressing Muslims in their land, then they've already initiated the conflict.

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3fc25d No.40907


Heh, aiight. Just to clear things up. Jazakallah

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6ecb41 No.40908

File: c4562a438efa410⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,130.52 KB,622x1280,311:640,Subverted_Islam.jpg)

Just to be clear, and I hope this is not too offensive, but I'm talking about the people that promote, this:

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0a619d No.40909


No, you do not have the right to go kill them.

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70c64b No.40911


It's not just for medina, we have other examples of both offensive & defensive jihad in the quran.

Defensive jihad is to defend your life, family, wealth, home, honor.

Offensive jihad is when you have the ability to conquer and is with the goal of extinguishing idolatry wherever it is found.


Yes satanists would fall into that, and those who promote homosexuality, and other degeneracy.

But It's not wise to kill them in a country where you can get arrested.

If they were in an islamic land, of course they would not last long.

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4da1be No.40957


To add to what everyone else has said, people often say Islam was spread by the sword, Mohammed Hijab explains it well in this video (https://youtu.be/2DoGwF9DX-g?t=966) (@16:07).

Its more complicated than that, basically, yes the Islamic empire was expanded with their military, because they had to, that was the nature of empires, if you don't expand your empire, then you will be swallowed whole by another expanding empire, it was always the case. If Islam didn't expand their empire, it would've been taken over.

But no, non Muslims, by and large, were not forced to covert (obviously there were probably a minority that were, those who forced it upon people were going against what Islamic law says) forced conversions are considered rare in Islamic history. Early historians attributed forced conversions to Islam due to western lens put on to it, where they tried to draw influence from other events in 'western history'. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced_conversion#Islam)

In reality a lot of them would convert to Islam because of faith, but also due to sociopolitical reasons since people are more likely to adopt the culture around them, and also many opted to use Islamic law and courts because of rights that were provided that their own communities/cultures did not provide, such as rights to women like inheritance, or rights for slaves.

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70c64b No.40963


Basically the Islamic empire did spread by the sword, but Islam itself, did not. In many places, muslims were the minority & ruling it for centuries. Like spain & egypt.

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