I think you should read the Qur'an if you're interested in Islam.
Reading posts on facebook isn't really "reading" about relgions, after all.
>Could this be possible?
God being a lunar deity?
If you'd read the Qur'an you'd understand that our God is one. And he's the creator of everything, not limited in any way whatsoever.
If he'd be a lunar deity he'd be limited and not the creator of everything, so there is simply no way.
>For instance how Christianity adopted MANY pagan holidays and customs from its domination of Europe?
I would argue that pagan Europe adopted many Christian customs and holidays while still staying pagan.
>Just food for thought. Not here to cause a fuss.
The problem with this statement is that's it's rather obvious that you know very little about Islam. If you were actually interested in learning more about it you'd read the Qur'an instead of posting on an alt-r— boomer q-anon forum.
I'm not saying that it's bad to come here, but I feel like our generation has to learn to "**** up and read".