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063b2e No.37731

hello brothers i feel like im losing my imaan i have started praying again after a long time and this is my second year i have been constantly praying but nothing has gotten better for me , infact my life has fallen apart even more since last time

im on the verge of leaving islam and losing all my imaan

Allah was supposed to help me during this time i prayed daily and read the quran daily

i still read it and pray but i dont feel anything anymore i feel de-tached when i pray now or when i read the quran i feel like im going to lose my imaan again after working so hard to get it back

im lost on what to do any advice is appreciated

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b94921 No.37740

How is your life falling apart?

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91d583 No.37742

File: a3b0cb7937d5812⋯.jpg (104.43 KB,729x1200,243:400,taghut_qayim.jpg)

Firstly have you taken the shahada? Not just saying the words but knowing what they mean. The two pillars of shahada are rejecting taghut when you say "la ilaha (no deity)" and believing in Allah when you say "ila Allah (except the one Allah)".

"There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing." [2:256]

As you see, rejecting taghut will give your the most trustworthy handhold which can never break. This is what you need. I suspect that is what you're missing since you seem to accomplish the obligatory prayers, and I assume fast and zakat if you can.

You may ask yourself what is a Taghut, know that the taghut come in many forms,

Ibnul Qayyim (May Allaah have mercy upon him) said:

“At-taaghoot is anyone whom the servants go beyond the due bounds, whether it is someone worshipped, obeyed or followed.”

The taaghoot are many, and their heads are five:

1. Iblees (Satan), may Allaah’s curse be upon him.

2. Whoever is worshiped and is pleased with that. (ex. tyrants, celebrities, presidents)

3. Whoever calls the people to worship them. (ex. pharaoh, cesar)

4. Whoever claims to possess anything from the knowledge of the affairs of the hidden and unseen. (ex. "sufi saints", "rafida imams")

5. Whoever judges by other than what Allaah sent down. (ex. democracy, communism, capitalism, nazism, liberalism, feminism, other man-made ideologies)

Make sure you reject all taghut before you enter Islam completely. And Allah (swt) knows best.

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be82ae No.37748

The fact that you fear losing your iman shows how much imaan you still have brother, do not listen to the lies of shaytan, even the sahaba feared that they would lose their iman.

Sometimes you have to do something for a very long time before they get better, you just have to stick with it.

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