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/islam/ - 8kun Masjid

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40b9e7 No.27582

why do many converts change their none arabic names, to arabic name? whats the significance of this?

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f26cf5 No.27583

>Association with Islam

>Arabic names are based

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679380 No.27585


Sometimes converts feel closer to the community when they adopt Arabic names. It's not necessarily a legal name change, but it is the name you're called in the mosque and in the Muslim community.

It's sort of like how Christians take a communion name.

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40b9e7 No.27587


Not sure if your being sarcastic, but if not, are you saying that having an arabic name has no significance? I know Im not the only one that clearly sees that almost all muslim converts take an arabic name. Just wondering if this question is addressed in the quran…


So basically due to the fact that most muslims are of arabic ethnicity, henceforth generally having arabic names, would make a none arabic convert feels more at home?!

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679380 No.27588


Actually, Arabs are less than 15% of the world's Muslims. Most of the world's Muslims are SE Asian. But, Qur'an was given to an Arab and Islam began in Arabia.

Also, most converts don't take an Arabic name. Some do, sure, but nowhere near most. I'm curious as to where you're getting your statistics.

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f26cf5 No.27589


I'm not being sarcastic. The significance is the association with muslims. Muslims commonly name their children after Prophets and the companions of Mohammed peace be upon him(who were mostly Arabs). Hence the popular names adopted by converts will be those of the more famous Muslims, eg Mohammed, Umar, Ali etc. and not just any Arabic name for the sake of it being Arabic.

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3e6701 No.27590

In my opinion, it should be discouraged to change names that aren't anti-Islam in their nature (e.g. "Christian" references "Christ", which is a problematic term that references a supposed deity of 'Isa. Or "Adolf", a name that means "noble wolf" in Germanic languages, and is a remnant of Germanic pagan culture, etc.)

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dc9d91 No.27596


"Christ" has nothing to do with divinity. It's from the Greek word for "anointed", which is a literal translation of "Messiah."

By your logic, we're ascribing divinity to Nabi 'Isa (alayhis salam) by calling him "al-Masih".

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40b9e7 No.27597


I get my statistics from what Ive seen with my own eyes (granted I haven't seen everything, but everything I have seen points to what I claim) .For starters, muslim somalians, which are negros and not arabic, whom all of which have arabic names. Also from non arabic muslim I know whom go by arabic names.

With this said I I didn't know arabs made up such a small percentage. I stand corrected.


Thats make sense. not to discount what :>>27585 also wrote.

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393616 No.27598

File: 836499919eaf929⋯.jpg (128.54 KB,1280x747,1280:747,Malcolm-X-Intelligent-huma….jpg)

File: 3f3bb99f320a6d0⋯.jpg (270.31 KB,736x742,368:371,malcolm-x.jpg)


I don't see too big a point in it, but if a revert wants to change his name to that of a Muslim he greatly admires he should feel and be free to do so. I know that some famous American Muslims like Muhammad Ali and Malik el Shebazz (Malcolm X) switched to Muslim names because they felt it liberated them from English names that their forefathers had been more or less forced to take on.

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679380 No.27599


Confirmation bias isn't a good path to knowledge.

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073152 No.27608

Convert here. Haven't changed my name. No one has told me that I need to, either.

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1ffb08 No.27615



arab weeabos really ruin the religion, stop the larping

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f26cf5 No.27619


Or how about I just not care what a kafir thinks about Islam?

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81cb74 No.27621

File: cd368760ebbcaed⋯.png (309.15 KB,1276x717,1276:717,cd368760ebbcaed017d643a173….png)


>m-muh takfir!!

>m-muh bidah!!

mfw it's one of "them"

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679380 No.27625


If someone wants to adopt an Arabic name, who are you to stop them? People have the right to be called whatever they want.

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81cb74 No.27626


>people have the right to be called whatever they want

No they don't.

That would imply we have a duty to call them whatever they want, and we don't have that either.

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f26cf5 No.27630



What are you even going on about?

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679380 No.27632


If I introduce myself to you as "Mustafa Aaban", then that's what you would call me. But then what if you later find out that my birth name was "Jerome Smith"? Would you suddenly start calling me Jerome? Dick move.

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a281f0 No.27638


nobody cares about your opinion

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81cb74 No.27644


>throwing out the kafir term so easily you don't even know what you're doing

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81cb74 No.27645



nice projection.

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3e6701 No.27646


You need to go back to /pol/, retard.

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cbdf59 No.27651


>anyone who disagrees with me is /pol/



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f26cf5 No.27655


That was a kafir troll.

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df4d8c No.27656

File: 6551e9c47d47612⋯.jpg (690.25 KB,2937x1835,2937:1835,636134902260215529-1069589….jpg)

Hi, I am a convert from Christianity.

If my name is one of the names of the original apostles of Jesus, do I have to change my name? This apostle is mentioned in the Qur'an.

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a281f0 No.27658


No, you don't.

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679380 No.27660


You don't have to change your name at all. Some converts choose to, most don't.

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f73740 No.27661


John/Yahya is a good name.

Don't change.

John is just a different language's way of referencing the same person.

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a39aaa No.27689


Yahya sounds more like a girls name.

John is more masculine.

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f26cf5 No.27691


I for one love male names that end in a. Like Yahya, Ya'la, Shayba, Mua'wiyya etc.

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df4d8c No.27710




Thanks, brothers.

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d98e1c No.27827

My father is a non believer. Should I use my grandfathers name as a last name (ibn …) in this situation?

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679380 No.27839


That is literally entirely up to you.

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c844fc No.28087

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257312 No.28153

I changed my name to Jennifer.

I think Arabic names are cool, but I'm white as a ghost and I don't think it would really fit me.

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6500dd No.28576


I'm actually a big white Irish-American myself, but picked up an Arabic name because it's what the brothers started calling me after a while. I still use my birth name for legal purposes, having never officially changed my name.

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2a6b9d No.28577


Does your non-Muslim family and old acquaintances still call you by your prior name?

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6500dd No.28580


Honestly, I didn't hang on to my old friends from before I converted. My non-Muslim family, however, do call me by my birth name.

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309549 No.29264

I've been thinking of changing my name, but I wanted to take two names, and I was wondering whether that's considered "acceptable" according to Islamic naming conventions. Basically I wanted a theophoric name followed by the name of a prophet, e.g

Abd ar-Rahman Ibrahim

Abd al-Qadir Yahya

Abd as-Shahid Musa


Those are not the one's I wanted, just wondering what people think about this idea.

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c3da5a No.29265


I was thinking similar, but I was going to use Abdulrahman in one word so its less confusing on identification etc…

Those are good names though

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6500dd No.29267


Might want to check your state and local laws when it comes to changing your name on official government IDs. It's not always easy and there are fees involved.

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faa5a9 No.29271


sad excuse

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5a5357 No.42895

You believed.

Took a name for a new life.

Live righteously

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b66b6f No.42916

As a convert I personally won't change my name. I have Christian name that's Germanic in origin not Biblical. You're name doesn't really affect your faith unless you have a very explicitly pagan name or something.

Most non Arab Muslim countries will have a mix of native names and arabic names anyways.

Also imo you can never truly change your birth name. To me it'll always feel like larping if I started calling myself Hussain or something. I'll probably name my kids Arabic names though.

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0b213c No.42917



It's just a name, it's not like you need to start acting like an Arab or something

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cc665d No.42922


I don't have a problem if other people want to take on arabic names, i'm just saying personally it feels like larping if i start calling myself a name thats different from my birth name

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5e15c2 No.43043


Culture should be valued according to the blessings and guidance of God within it.

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