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/islam/ - 8kun Masjid

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ
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File: d31071afe5b427e⋯.jpg (299.38 KB,2048x1319,2048:1319,quran-image.jpg)

173d0e No.26037

Post your Qur'an with time stamp. :)

(Must be 50 characters blablabla)

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5d1de0 No.26039


>makes a "post with time stamp" thread

<doesn't post his own

Mmhmm …

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bafdd7 No.26449

File: a1c0cc9972e471d⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2560x1440,16:9,0223181541.jpg)

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5d1de0 No.26450


Hey! Nice to see you, Undy.

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532f7c No.26453


have you studied the effects of high estrogen on the male body? it's extremely unhealthy

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826484 No.26462


Get mental help

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f9f3e3 No.26514


Heyyy! o/



Judge me all you want, but I'm apparently the only person on this board who owns a Quran :c

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95f0e0 No.26515

File: 226710efb16b304⋯.jpg (26.79 KB,600x338,300:169,l6VhRi4.jpg)


>I'm apparently the only person on this board who owns a Quran

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194e1e No.26516

>>26515 (you)

>>26514 (you)

>>26450 (you)

>>26449 (you)

What did he mean by this?

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194e1e No.26517

File: dc44b1ab3ff29e7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.64 KB,372x768,31:64,S3djL8bAhWA6t0ViXFetWSzgqy….jpg)

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95f0e0 No.26520


>lol le memes is le argument


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69a909 No.26522


>lol le go back to reddit meme is le argument

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a5d381 No.26529

I would but as a rule I don't post OC photos of any sort on here, as this way I don't have to be worried about possibly getting doxxed somehow. Checkmate FBI.

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5d1de0 No.27236

File: 627d6f8a42fc848⋯.jpg (807.97 KB,1220x1220,1:1,0315182246.jpg)

Meant to post this last night. This is the one I carry around with me.

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743683 No.29179

File: e0c611d3e273f29⋯.jpg (3.66 MB,5312x2988,16:9,15285701881201719175182.jpg)


Im suprised not more Muslims have posted in this thread.

Here is my contribution.

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d4240b No.29182


Well, it's a slow board and folks can be a little paranoid about posting pics online - even if their face isn't in it. Thank you for your contribution, though.

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5a7d08 No.29183


I have that Mushaf as well.

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6613d4 No.29184


Thank you friend.

This one I have was a little pricy for my tastes, but exponentially better than the cheap one I bought a while back.The context that Maulana brings to the table helps tremendously when understanding Allah's words. Well worth the money I paid for it.

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43c48c No.29188


FBI is busy framing Trump, no time to spy here.

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d4240b No.29190


Trump is an authoritarian jackass. Not much framing necessary.

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d19d44 No.29191

File: b05976c79fbf4c0⋯.jpg (155.18 KB,941x1200,941:1200,DdhlD4kVQAAVEaO.jpg)


What results have you acquired so far with that medication? Aren't you afraid of making such a decision? What if you change your mind? What made you take this medication in the first place?

I'm very interested in your case from a medical perspective. :)

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d4240b No.29193


That's not what this thread is about.

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b8d588 No.29194


Lol, I dont even think the Undyne lurks here anymore.

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987a90 No.29195


Hide tranny threads.

Ignore tranny posts.

Do not reply to trans posters.

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d19d44 No.29196




I just noticed the date of the post, haha.


You're probably right.

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743683 No.29198

File: 8707011f71b0dce⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.71 KB,400x400,1:1,mA59xMZ5_400x400.jpg)


Lol, tbh I feel partly responsible for your feel as I am the one that necro bumped this thread.

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d4240b No.29202


Don't feel bad about that. It could very well be a good thread, but people need to stop focusing on a medication bottle and stick to what the thread is about.

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29b0bb No.40571

File: c213f2b1ae58f9c⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,3120x4160,3:4,IMG_20200303_182449~2.jpg)


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3a0b3c No.40574


Is that urdu translation?

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29b0bb No.40575

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