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7511c1 No.22061

This is a thread for sharing miracles of Islam and the Qur'an.

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7511c1 No.22062

File: 5461e6e00bd8fa1⋯.png (1.27 MB,700x2048,175:512,Kaaba Golden Ratio.png)

File: 8f885acf26ffefe⋯.png (422.19 KB,638x1056,29:48,embryo.png)

File: 538727bb21b90ec⋯.png (223.47 KB,289x605,289:605,Name of Allah Hand.png)

Natural Miracles

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7511c1 No.22063

File: fa3e309c00b8029⋯.jpg (474.48 KB,554x1813,554:1813,Quran Word Repetition.jpg)

File: 1971d9e5ac23b75⋯.jpg (2.08 MB,554x8000,277:4000,Quran Elements 1of2.jpg)

File: efff426234e2dad⋯.jpg (2.07 MB,555x8279,555:8279,Quran Elements 2of2.jpg)

Miracles of the Qur'an

More Miracles of the Qur'an, science, history, and mathematics:


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c9c86e No.32481

Quran names the king of egypt at the time of prophet Joseph (pbuh) as "king" while the bible get's this wrong and names him pharaoh.

Quran names the landing place of the ark of Noah (pbuh) as mount judy, while the bible get's this wrong and names mounts ararat. The ark's decomposed remnants were found mount judy in the 80s.

Quran has the story of satan's fall which was only found recently in the dead sea scrolls, who knows what else they haven't revealed,.

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c9c86e No.32686

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GEOLOGY -Plate tectonics

‏86:12 والارض ذات الصدع

"By the earth of fractures and cracks that are held together! (The Noble Quran, 86:12)"

I will begin by stating the exact meaning of the related words, because translation can sometimes be misleading, Sad3 صدع [singular], in Arabic terms is defined as “a crack in solid material that does not cause separation”. The nearest term in English is fissure noun [singular]: “A long, narrow crack or opening in the face of a rock. Fissures are often filled with minerals of a different type from those in the surrounding rock.”

88- When you look at the mountains, you think that they are standing still.

But they are moving like clouds. Such is the artistry of God,

who disposes of all things in perfect order.

He is indeed fully aware of what you do.

(27- The Ant, 88)

Clouds are created and move due to Cold fronts meeting Warm Fronts. Mountains are formed and move due to two tectonic plates meeting, from the convection of hot magma and sinking of cold magma.

This is science that takes advanced technology and geological records to notice. Only Allah (swt) could have revealed it to arab bedouins.

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c9c86e No.32688

File: 4e6660fc928bf9b⋯.jpg (139.17 KB,1024x768,4:3,Al-Fatihah.jpg)

وَلَقَدْ آتَيْنَاكَ سَبْعًا مِنْ الْمَثَانِي وَالْقُرْآنَ الْعَظِيمَ.

And certainly We have given you seven of the oft-repeated (verses) and the grand Quran. (Surah Hijr 15:87)

As per one of the research its belived that Sura Al Fatihah (The Opening) is recited every second without a break.

Imagine muslims around the world praying five times a day and in each day, each person recites minimum of 17 times. (max even 100times in a day) SubhanALLAH now you can imagine how many times this Surah Al Fatihah will be recited. That's around 10 trillion times per year. Making it the MOST repeated text in the world.

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ac2d2d No.41775

Deserves a bump!

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a311e8 No.41782




Can we actually talk about the miracles instead of just posting links, pics, and videos, its more engaging, people are less likely going to engage if we don't make the effort ourselves

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