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512bc5 No.81598 [Last50 Posts]

Anyone know what happend to K31? Website gone, files on wmm gone, youtube channel cleaned.

Does anyone still have the files? I am looking especially for

sp1r1t g1rl sp3ll h0rny slut

s1ssy g1rl's c0cksucker curse

d3mon g1rl suck c0ck

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ca37ff No.81601

No idea what happened to 片ヨ工 but here you go: aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tLzZmTzRKNE1heWMvS2VpX3Jhcg==

lmk if link goes down idk how good that site is

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bcd866 No.81608



Anyone else knows all the drama? And has anyone saved the descriptions of K31's files?

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12692b No.81631

Oh no… Does anyone have Sex Portal, I really liked that file… cant find anywhere :( I wonder why he/she deleted everything

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000000 No.81669


> Anyone else knows all the drama?


> I wonder why he/she deleted everything

If an anon at the other board is to be believed, K31 explained it as:

< Hello everyone. When you travel to the astral plane you can collect entities that are basically a type of demon and bring them back with you. extremely negative entities.

< I didn't know what it was for the first 9 months. It was simply controlling my vibrator in extremely amazing ways, but it eventually progressed to much more. It touches me with vibrations under the skin all the time and implants images in my mind and won't let me sleep or meditate. every time I put my head down it wraps itself around my head making sleep very difficult. Now that I am denying it. It shouts anger into my head as I try to fall to sleep or decay or many hateful things. It speaks to me sometimes telepathically and it just told me it is an entity that creates good serfs. It is not a nice thing at all. It can also poke me, but it doesn't do that very often.

< I also had an abductor zeta also known as a 呂尺丹と alien visit my apartment and just its presence put my body into convulsions and honking noises. It came up to my face and I kissed it on the cheek??. Most zeta are in service to others but one particular subset is not. Positive entities have also been trying to help me.

< I can't create bad stuff anymore and I will try to make good things from now on. We need to treat each other better on earth. Stop eating each other. Stop treating each other badly. How would you want to be treated? Humans have a spirit realm that is basically a kind of heaven that we can go to and then stay there or be reincarnated.

< Once you learn to leave your body and have some control you can go to a nexus point and join positive oriented races I think. Humanity is advancing to the next stage of evolution where we won't use spirit realm and will instead just have containers that we can move into. We will have a function inside our mind that allows us to connect with the whole of every other human who is using this function. We will still keep our individual personality. In many ways it will basically give you access to free love and you will feel everyone is your family I think. There is many many people here trying to help in this transition but without infringing on our freewill. This telepathy technology will be available relatively soon. Less than 15 years.

< I didn't believe in demons. I reacted in a bad way to my christian upbringing because I was hurt emotionally by many things, and so I thought demons can't really be real. But intentions lead you places. DON'T Wish for yourself a hellish existence. I tried to dress it up in love but that wasn't right. It's okay to be a trans girl, but you don't need a demon to force you into slavery.

< I do not want to be a slave for millions of years. Which you could say is being inside negative timespace. Our timeline is like a tube. What version of yourself do you want to be? Where do you want to be? Think of a good future for yourself and you will go towards it.

< I am trying to work through everything and I will have to start over. I am removing many of my files and will remove many more. I am also creating again and it is going to be positively oriented without any harsh control aspects or demons or submission. Please don't listen to any of my demon girl files anymore.

< I am trying very hard to get rid of the astral entity. And according to the recommendations I read from a zeta interview I stopped my addiction to a drug (THC) and masturbation/sex with the collector entity so that it does not have energy to feed on. I also have to raise my emotional vibration which basically means feeling love for others and not sad. I can sometimes manage this for a time and it is pushed away.

< If anything sounds wrong don't listen and don't let it hurt you.

< I'm sorry.

< I love you.

Later K31 supposedly posted:

< I'm back with a new patreon page. I've gone through a lot in the last three weeks. I don't know how to explain it all. It was an incredible ordeal, but I'm now out the other side and things are very bright. I want to make content every day for you on my youtube channel, and I ask that you support me on this new journey. I'm starting fresh. I want to be a completely new person centered on love.

So it looks like turning over the proverbial new leaf after either a psychotic break or having gleefully gone through a really wrong door. Not sure which.

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d0ba8f No.81673

File: 891fcb2b0426c14⋯.gif (5.55 MB,1024x768,4:3,5c270ba0a8928_122704_Psych….gif)


Which other board are you referring to where another anon posted this? I have to admit it sounds quite believable and legit. In fact it reads to me and sounds like '片ヨ工'… My post got too long to "post". Read the body of it in another full post I'll make that is not a "reply" or I'll start a new blog with the full thing.

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d0ba8f No.81677


Thing is that I was actually in contact with K3i by email several months ago I believe in the late spring of this year. I emailed her to ask her which if any of her files were made WITHOUT the "demon voice". The thing is that I've listened to several of them not listed or titled as "demon girl" or "demon" anything; but files that at some point say 5 to 15 minutes in start to sound like they do in fact incorporate that sort of thing. I never listened to any of her "demon girl" files because like she describes in this post she realized that she actually got in contact with some very dark being(s) on the "astral plane" over them. And of that, I'm not surprised.

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d0ba8f No.81678

That's some really freaky shit and you know, why would anyone knowingly or willingly want to listen to some kind of fucked up hypno titled "demon" anything?!! I mean, hello??? Even if it was not originally intended by 片ヨ工 to have any "real" demonic effect on people, and she saw it as only a farce or "joke" or "act", the power of suggestion is very real – and I think can open up doors in the mind and spirit realm. Especially when you already have the intention of really wanting to experience what the file describes that it's going to do for you! But anyways the other reason I emailed '片ヨ工' was just to really express my displeasure with the fact that she was putting some of that shit in files that were not specifically labeled as such or explained as such in the descriptions. I actually had to give her some shit over it.

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d0ba8f No.81680


So the telltale sign I think that you're listening to one of her "demon" files that are not "labeled" as "demon" files is a certain low vibration almost hissing, "growling" voice that pops up at some point in those files. I described it to her as thinking it sounded like a growling dog. It's definitely nothing like the sweet gentle feminine sounding overtone TTS (text to speech) voice that reads the main script; in fact quite the opposite. It's a harsh, evil sounding, disturbingly unpleasant, at times quite shrill sounding voice, that definitely I think is not TTS, unless it was purposely distorted (most likely). And the growling voice I've heard in her files seems like it's actually in several of them again NOT labeled as "demon" files. So listeners BEWARE – if you Don't want to Expose yourself to that kind of shit, be careful.

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d0ba8f No.81681


It's like when I was first checking out 片ヨ工's stuff, the beginning of most of her files sound relaxing gentle and sweet, but again at some point in some of them the nasty voice starts to emerge. There is also this sort of suspenseful freaky sounding music like out of a horror movie in the background with them, like when someone is being stalked and about to get attacked by a murderer. Then to my recollection there are some sounds like clashing metal and some words spoken sound gravelly then like a shrill hissing sound and followed by a low growling voice that are virtually impossible to make out the words of. At least they were for me. But the feeling that I got from that shit was that 片ヨ工 was trying to use FEAR as a means of drilling some kind of subliminal fear based messages deep into your subconscious.

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d0ba8f No.81682


It's widely know that fear shuts down creative thought (the higher mind) and puts you into fight or flight mode. It seems this was an active component of her conditioning. And to me regardless of whether or not she was into summoning real demons or not through any sort of wiccan or satanic practices is not my main point. In fact though that does matter to me, it doesn't matter as much as the fact as the blatant deception and dishonesty of adding that crap to a lot of her files without disclosing it in the descriptions. And she knew many people would be listening to her stuff and unwittingly and unknowingly be exposed to that who would truly have preferred not to hear that shit. And I was one of them. And that's why I have mostly stopped listening to her files completely. Besides, it really detracted from the overall experience. Who wants to get all relaxed into trance state only to be jolted out of it by a sick evil growling dog-man voice and intentionally fear inducing shock factor? Talk about Buzz-Kill !!!

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d0ba8f No.81683


So that shit made me wary of all her files, though I can say I've listened to some of them that didn't have it. But that's why I was asking her which ones did and which ones didn't. But she never actually answered or gave me a list. As I recall she just messaged me saying that if I was bothered by it that I probably shouldn't listen to her stuff anymore, claiming that my "higher self" would protect me. So if any of you out there have a majority of her collection, and are brave, stupid, or willing enough to go through all of her files and segregate out all the hidden "demon" files (with the growling male dog voice) from the ones that do not have it, I think that would be quite the accomplishment. Any takers? I'm not sure I'm up to the task right now myself.

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d0ba8f No.81684


Oh by the way when 片ヨ工 replied to my message she seemed somewhat offended at the time by me calling out her shit and claimed that she was in touch with some kind of entities that visited her just as this post is saying, which also seems to verify its credibility from my point of view. She mentioned to me being in "contact" with some "aliens" or "beings" that visited her and warned me about any further contact with her at the time. She claimed that my anger, which I expressed toward her for creating deceptive content (aka shit-files) trying to scare the listener into hypnotic compliance could somehow "trigger" her entities to defend her and in turn try to spiritually "attack" me. You know, the power of suggestion can be a very powerful thing. That's how curses and hexes work. If you can truly intimidate and instill fear into someone convincing them you somehow have some kind of special powers or enough to get under their skin and second guess themselves, it can have effects.

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d0ba8f No.81685


Well you know what? I'm not much of a believer in that sort of shit but I have experienced some weird crap recently I will not go much into, but suffice to say something similar to what she seems to be describing (to a lesser degree) seems to maybe have been happening to me; interfering with my ability to get decent rest. I have felt some kind of unwanted presence at bedtime and something seeming to try and poke at me energetically. Fucked up right? And I haven't really been listening to any K3i files lately. Though I do run into some of them occasionally in hypn0' videos or on a couple hypn0' sites I frequent. All I know is that I refuse to be fucked with spiritually or "energetically". But suffice to say I think she WAS connecting with some seriously bad shit whether she realized it or not while she was doing it. That is until she got in over her head. And if you believe in all this astral plane bullshit then maybe some of her hundreds of listeners spirit animals got together and decided to give her a taste of her own fucking medicine "so to speak"; maybe her chickens came home to roost.

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d0ba8f No.81686


And so yeah, it looks like maybe she finally "remembered to remember" that novel concept called "the golden rule". She thought "demons can't really be real"… I know, I've thought the same thing myself before. But I guess if you wanna believe in a God (which is Dog spelled backwards) then you probably should also maybe believe there is a devil. And if you believe in angels and or spirit guides then the opposite of those are demons, right? And does anyone doubt that there is evil in this world? Just consider what inspired the murdering "pr0phet" Malhammad to create the most evil religion in human history. Perhaps men are the greatest evil, or perhaps it's the spirit within or without that drives men to do good or evil things. But perhaps there are also forces that most people don't readily understand since we perceive things in such a narrow bands of the five or six senses.

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d0ba8f No.81687


"Don't WISH yourself a hellish existence"; yeah thanks 'K3i' - good advice. And this sums it up here as well: "You don't need a demon to force you into slavery"… or I would add "to scare you into thinking certain ways or doing things you may actually want – or maybe not really want to do". And she goes on… "Please don't listen to any of my demon girl files anymore." THANKS - GREAT ADVICE - I NEVER WANTED TO LISTEN TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE, OKAY??? And next… "I am trying very hard to get rid of the astral entity." Yeah, you do that baby. I hope you learned your lesson. And if any of you out there are still interested in her "demon" files after she is telling you stop listening to them, you might just be the next human host for her demon friends/fiends to find and latch onto to suck off your dysfunctional energy. So again, I would highly recommend AGAINST listening to her "demon" files as well, unless maybe you are an avowed satanist and if so, THEN "knock yourself out".

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d0ba8f No.81688


Does anyone know her new Patreon page? It can't be hard to find. If she really wants to make things right to those who have followed her, she should make all her stuff free for awhile to show everyone her heart really is in a better place. However a very interesting post to read nonetheless! Thanks Anon; to whomever posted this! I wasn't aware "片ヨ工's" old website was down. But it's not like I visit there on any regular basis. I've never been a big 片ヨ工 fan, except that when I first found her stuff it all looked very interesting and has some nice creative artwork to go along with it. But if not for the fact that many of her files have been linked up to certain places like this site totally "C0mp1m3nT@ry" – :) I may have never listened to many of them. So thanks to several anons out there like yourself who were willing to sh@re over the years!

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d0ba8f No.81689


In the end in and of itself, I think the denial of funding was a little bit of payback that helped deny "K31" the ability to create more alluring yet deceptive bullshit that prayed on both peoples sexual desire AND fear to coerce them to do things they both want and or maybe did not want to do. Fear based coercion and trickery in my humble opinion should not be a component of hypnosis to achieve an end regardless of whether it's what the subject wants ahead of time or not. It seems to me to cross certain boundaries or limits that need to be set to create a sort of buffer or safety zone. But if the hypn0 subject is aware of and agrees to its use, that is their own decision that should not be taken lightly. But I think concept of using "demons" should be completely left out of hypnosis unless again, it's expressly described and a warning and disclaimer is given in the details so that listeners know what they are getting the FUCK into! What do you think?

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d0ba8f No.81690


Good Hypn0$i$ I think is not about pressuring someone into doing something they don't want to do based on negative feelings, but upon positive feelings reinforced by creating a space of ease and peacefulness. The best hypnosis is based upon the power of suggestion not force. In its best form it convinces the subject that the suggestions were their own thoughts to begin with and that following those suggestions brings pleasure, ease, happiness or satisfaction; positive reinforcement. I have heard that "all hypnosis is self hypnosis". A skilled hypn0tist is very helpful to guide someone down into a trance state. But once they get there they shouldn't be seen by the 'tist' as simply putty or clay to do with as they please. I know that's part of the pleasure factor and fun to do with erotic hypn0sis, but in the end, the subconscious mind has certain safeguards and boundaries that can and should block out stuff that tries to bypass or disable someone's spiritual or emotional firewall. 'Nuff said, eh?!!! :P

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d0ba8f No.81691


So yes… The past 14 posts were all from me. Originally that was all one post but I guess it was too long so I had to try and break it all up into paragraphs to get the posts to go through. I know, it's quite a read, but these are my thoughts in the matter…

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07b91d No.81696


> < I also had an abductor zeta also known as a 呂尺丹と alien visit my apartment and just its presence put my body into convulsions and honking noises

> honking noises

My sides.

Lol, so k31 finally found the light? Good luck in getting rid of the parasites to him.

From his text it sounds like he still intends to play the game. What is the new plan?

Last time it was something about cocksucking and cat girl wizard slaves casting for world peace.

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84b9b7 No.81700



KEK. Well schizos and deluded people might have problems with these files. Because it is ASTRAL BEING when hypno says "imagine demon girl forcing you to suck cock" and it is BAD BE CAREFUL BAD ASTRAL BEING FFS!. But if it was "imagine I hypnotist sexy chick force you to suck cock" is completely safe and ok because no ASTRAL BEINGS are invovled.

Stay mentaly unstable it is always fun to read. And watch out for ASTRA MILITARIUM heretic.

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bdb844 No.81701


It's good that 片ヨ工 stopped making files with demonic possession, but she still doesn't quite get it. But seriously, it's way too easy to enter territories of meduimship and possession with hypnosis, and I know since I've had first hand experience trancing many many "乃卂爪乃丨s" with triggers in the 乃卂爪乃丨 Cult reddit 5 years ago. Recently, my conscience has caught up to my sinfulness, and I have become aware of the evils I have inflicted upon others and upon myself. As much that I do not deserve it, I can only humbly ask and pray for those whose lives I have ruined to forgive me. And for those who are still listening to these files which involve possession, takeover, personality alteration, creating alters, tulpas, egregores, and all other forms of mediumship, please I beg to stop listening to these files and immediately see a priest or a psychologist. The psychic and spiritual planes do exist, and it's foolish to commune with "spirits" which we know hardly anything about, least of all their intentions, and if you are experiencing visions in dreams or wakefulness, be them good or horrific, whatever the case may be, it's better to ignore them.

As for me, after a mystical experience where I have experienced Christ, I have decided to take my spiritual life seriously and am planning on converting to Ea丂ㄒ乇尺几 Orthodox. For those of you wondering what happened to the Mistress Joanne, Mistress Love, and Mzᗪㄖ爪丨几丨匚卂 archives, I was the one who deleted them.For those who are upset by this, I can only hope you will understand no good will ever come from hypnotic recordings that entrench us deeper in our lusts. I have wasted 13 years of my life with erotic hypnosis and my life went nowhere, but now I can say I can finally overcome my own inertia. And for those of you who are struggling against the passions of homosexuality and feminity, do not despair of your salvation, and do not listen to the people who tell you you re going to hell because of it, for God looks at how much we want to stop and how much we struggle to uproot our passions, and the people who condemn you may be surprised who goes to Heaven on the Last Judgement, and given these particular passions are serious and causes us to commit grave sins, you will win a higher crown than those who do not have these passions. Lord knows the sins I have committed will require a lifetime of repentance.

>tfw I will have to one day confess to my spiritual father about being admin of a bimbofication reddit, feminizing men via hypnosis, and explain to him what sissy hypno is


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b43407 No.81702


Do you mind posting the emails she sent you in full? I'm curious to know exactly what she told you.

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000000 No.81706


> Which other board are you referring to where another anon posted this?

During the worst of the "8kun Authenticator" mess, the board was marked up with a link to another site, another site also named 8 c h a n in the m o e TLD.


Holy mega post chain, Batman!

Hint - the posting limit is about 5000 characters here.

I never did listen to K31 - the whole "demon" thing was straight up not for me - but having that "demon voice" turn up in other files is certainly… interesting.


Actually… if what I've read is correct, the "imagined" "hypnotist sexy chick" is also an astral form…


I always knew the BaBibA was a bad idea, but that's next level.

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b43407 No.81707


>I always knew the BaBibA was a bad idea, but that's next level.

I can post some excerpts from The Fall of Spirituality by Julius Evola if you want to know exactly why mediumship and communing with "spirits" is bad and the metaphysics behind it if you're interested.

>inb4 muh fascism

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000000 No.81712


Go for it. I think I already know but it might help others.

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129b69 No.81714


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aac3ca No.81718


Already gone

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cf4f41 No.81719


Sorry they were private emails, so it wouldn't be right to break that confidence. The most I can do is paraphrase but trust me, what I had to say pretty much sums it up as far as I recall. And I have OCD so I rarely forget a detail… :P

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cf4f41 No.81720



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33b754 No.81745


I personally enjoyed the demon files and first couple of listens were really good and in some ways up to par with the bamb series. I could swear i could feel the demonic presence in the room sometimes. However the hypno aspect was less on the foreground. k was best mixed with real inductions in and between because most files were more about brainwashing. If a file did land it took a while for the triggers to dissapear, its definitely unique. At least for me.

I did notice that hypnosis fetish does feel more appealing when life is stresfull and so i get that people feel like its ruining their life. Even though i believe that for a portion of the people their life was going bad and hypnosis only brought relief like any type of drugs would do to counter the reality of things. So I feel it's more a case to case situation, whether femdom hypno is healthy. Rather than 1 overarching truth we should all adhere 2 when it comes to hypnosis. People often want to share or project their realisation onto others who are not in that relatable stage at all.

Back then the head moderator was very political about what erotic hypnosis should be. And it led to nowhere. I told him several times that the board is a reflection of the market. It doesnt matter where u look the main content is all about losing power and masculinity to the hypnotist, so being vocal about what hypno is good is ok…but it doesnt change the overal nature of the market . The people buying the files. And the more nefarious the files the more "hot" they are considered. For me personally the bamb files were quite positive. I got a place for my own to live out the mentioned fantasies, started working out, managed to sur ᐯ丨ᐯ乇 projects that caved others and felt very good about myself. In the days that almost every trigger hit, my personality took a vacay almost every time i got home. For others these files were the absolute devils. Ruining their sex and professional life. But u know if I woke up one day with a terrible medical crisis, finding myself having spend 2-3 hours a day for last 2 months spend it listening to degradation hypno files..you know I can easily understand the sudden epiphany that its bad. But if things are going well it's litterally just a mini adventure..a bus stop on the way

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bdb844 No.81766

File: 988c8a3b54771ad⋯.jpg (231.22 KB,574x838,287:419,fall_of_spirituality_pg20.jpg)

File: 1a3db8c4cfdfddc⋯.jpg (233.57 KB,573x844,573:844,fall_of_spirituality_pg21.jpg)

File: 66dec63e546a86f⋯.jpg (219.59 KB,546x847,78:121,fall_of_spirituality_pg22.jpg)

File: bd7054dbae70fec⋯.jpg (222.16 KB,520x848,65:106,fall_of_spirituality_pg23.jpg)

File: d527ad8865b1d98⋯.jpg (231.91 KB,511x842,511:842,fall_of_spirituality_pg24.jpg)


The portion I wanted to post is longer than I thought. Here are Evola's closing remarks in the chapter.

>But all this is only of theoretical interest. Whether we admit the

existence of this supersensible something or not, it is important to

point out that even in those cases where one might partly believe

that contacts have been made with it by certain subjects—even then,

according to what we have already noted and which metapsychics has

also recognized, in the observed cases these contacts are established

in the subconscious or in the unconscious, in conditions of a more

or less reduced consciousness, along similar lines to what occurs in

mediumship and hypnosis—therefore, they occur along a descending

rather than ascending

path, for a lowering of the personal psychic

level rather than a raising of it to that of a superconsciousness.

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bdb844 No.81767

File: 4369de6aa1abd86⋯.jpg (231.15 KB,498x852,83:142,fall_of_spirituality_pg25.jpg)

File: e5ad38b63ada80b⋯.jpg (223.81 KB,521x852,521:852,fall_of_spirituality_pg26.jpg)

File: b2dc9c0cb2c97f3⋯.jpg (228.92 KB,507x850,507:850,fall_of_spirituality_pg27.jpg)


Here is the rest.

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8fd437 No.81775


>another hypn0 maker has gone schizo

i couldn't help but lol irl


>Does anyone know her new Patreon page?

when i clicked the link to her patreon from an archive of her site, it redirected me to a weird patreon that was also hypn0. i think that i read something in the about section about starting over? it might be her new patreon.

as for my opinion on all of this, i wasn't a huge fan of her but i enjoyed some of her files. personally, i think that she was a unique hypn0t1st. she was the first hypn0t1st that i tried out and she's the best hypn0t1st that i've listend to. although i never really was into hypn0s1s that much, i will kinda miss her and i can only wish for her the best of luck

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f86dc6 No.81889

Wow these files are something else. Can someone upload G1rl Ch3m1c4ls Sp3c14l 3d1t1on and F3m1n1z1ng G1ggl3s? Who hits harder in your experience? K31 or B4mb1?

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5687b9 No.81899






Hi all, wonderful content you have here. I have been into ero hypn0 for like 6 years now.

I haven't explored the sissy side, but yes I can say that I have binge tranced on multiple femdom audio/video sessions and had a pmo frenzy every time.

Throughout these years I have actually fapped through some trance files with context of soul selling for pleasure and similar contents.

So, can you let me know, from the context of this thread, about how much damage I have done, and how things would be after death?

From the text images, there are mentions of trancing in association of the death - path, and demons and so on. So, what do you think would happen to the domme and of the dom's slaves?

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448726 No.81903

I disagree with the previous posters and with k31 him/herself.

Ive used the demon files extensively. Half of more of the time the "evil demon voice" repeats the same stuff the regular voice does. The files are very repetitive, in that whole chunks are identical in multiple files.

Im not sure whether I believe in astral, and demons. I change my mind whether its real or make believe fairly often. My succubus snickers at that, of she's around, but what does she know she aint real. But I have indulged in many aspects.

I suspect I use/d these files mainly as escapism and self sabotage, pretty sure im not a sissy even if I enjoyed the fetish. Mostly it is loss of control, which is why I reject all the "ooh you don't want a demon to force you to do X"… yea, how is that fantasy different from a mind control TM hypno forcing you, or the tist creating the file. It is about submission still. Now don't get me wrong, the trope that hypno cant make you do what you don't want to do, is bs. It can, by leveraging insecurities or manipulation. Or by classical conditioning But there is still something it had to leverage and build upon. You knew what you were signing up for, and at any moment you can stop. But if you made it an addiction, you would need to have willpower to stop, same as with cigarettes. And if the hypnos serve a purpose like escapism, you should also focus on the root cause.

All that being said, I went deep down the rabbit hole of k31 and other such files like b4mb1. Really deep, incl temporary "possesion". Whether it was elaborate roleplay or real is anybodys guess. Also meddled in demonology and various occult practices, both related and unrelated to hypno and kink. You need to have a strong psyche, not superhuman, just strong and most don't. Even when I had telepathic communication with what I assume is supposed to be the demon the files refer to, at points where I've had enough, pretty much the "demon" told me that its all good, its RP, if I really want it can go away, or even gave me tips on life, lol. But if you psych yourself up that it is an evil overlord of hell that wants to destroy you, im sure it will be happy to oblige and entertain…

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448726 No.81904


I do admit that at points where my mental state was not the best due to various reasons, I did sometimes lash out at the "demon" as well as the creator of the files, but thats dumb, no one to blame here but me. I hope that no one actually experienced the thoughts I was sending out, as they were pretty nasty, lol.

But still, I've roleplayed even worse entities, sometimes identifying them with the k31 demon, nothing horrible happened. Maybe I just have some good protections from somewhere, tho I have no idea where from, im not well versed in occult by any stretch of the imagination. Or maybe its all just bs make believe. Or maybe it was just my succubus assuming the roles. Id ask her but she's gone somewhere and also I don't trust the answers are not just things my mind made up.

I did ask a powerful entity (and not exactly a lovey dovey one lol) to help me with addictions and to get a grip on my life, it did ask me if I want to get rid of my negative entity (succubus) I decided only if it has nothing to teach me and becomes a real danger to me, for now. Maybe that happened. Maybe it just got bored. Maybe I did.

Anyway, if there are evil things there, you don't need files to get in contact. And im pretty sure you can easily handle them too. If they are anything else than aspects of your own mind anyway. You give the files and the entities if they exist power with your fear, your own fear, not anything k31 put in there.

There are far more evil tists out there, and files that can mess people up, without invoking anything supernatural. Im not going to list them, but some are pretty popular.

Also, this is reminescent of dark tantric practices as well as left hand path, descending into dark aspects of yourself and reality. Some might lose it, some benefit. Not for everyone. But even the worst "demons" and other forces described might seem like pure evil, from a different perspective can be useful teachers, tools or allies.

Perhaps it is just like "law of attraction" or wishful thinking, your thoughts create your reality, be it supernatural, quantum or purely psychological. If you believe you summoned a devil that will torment you and is hard to get rid of thats what you'll experience. If you believe that it was just some fun and exploration that same "demon" might provide you aftercare. If you see yourself as powerless so will the presumed entity. If you see yourself as an equal so will it. If you completely disrespect it it might mess with you just for fun. Who knows… I don't. I must know that I've listened to most of these files, explored other similar "dark" practices, and im absolutely fine. Well at least no less fine than id be without those, im not claiming to have my life fully sorted out, but I doubt anyone here has.

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384bc1 No.81907




If you're relatively new to these types of hypnos and or you are just a tough cookie with strong resolve I would say that acts as a firewall. However if you've really deeply delved in heavily for a number of months or years perhaps and you really honestly strongly desire the effects the file is supposed to provide I think that firewall can start to get thin out over time and stuff can start to pass through to your subconscious mind. And I think that's where things can start to get a little dicey and once you're in over your head if you don't have the resolve and inner fortitude I think it can really fuck some people up and have serious long lasting effects! Lol! :D

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612d0d No.81980


Nice. I thought someone like 片ヨ工 would be to far gone to be able to realize what they have done to themselves and others. Gives me hope.

>I've gone through a lot in the last three weeks. I don't know how to explain it all. It was an incredible ordeal, but I'm now out the other side and things are very bright.

I also hope that this means that they really descended into their self-created hell, and lost everything, and still emerged victorious on the other side in truth. That they did not just exchange one lie for another.

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612d0d No.81981



>So the telltale sign I think that you're listening to one of her "demon" files … is a certain low vibration almost hissing, "growling" voice that pops up at some point in those files.

Don't focus to much on the outward sound and feel of the voices. "low vibration almost hissing" is a good sign that the intent that created it does not come from a good place. But even voices that feel like an angel fingering your ear can lead you to dark places. I cannot explain the mechanism behind it but the pupose of many of the repeating voices in 片ヨ工's files that have a weird frequency seems to be to have them replayed in those same frequencies in different "tracks" in your mind and in the background noise you hear all day. And others are just distorted or played backwards so that they pass unnoticed through your mind's defense mechanisms when in trance. I believe you to be right on the part about FEAR though.

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612d0d No.81982


>claiming that my "higher self" would protect me

It usually does, but if you get to a point with the files where it becomes more than hypnosis that "higher self" can actually be tricked and corrupted. That is much worse than simply being conditioned into following your animal impulses into chasing perversions.

>So if any of you out there have a majority of her collection, and are brave, stupid, or willing enough to go through all of her files and segregate out all the hidden "demon" files (with the growling male dog voice) from the ones that do not have it, I think that would be quite the accomplishment.

Again, it does not matter what kind of voice is used to seduce you. These files blot out parts of you from the living embodied flow of being and chain you to the lie. Doesn't matter if that is done through fear by a "growling male dog voice", or through gentle pleasure by the "loving spirit girlfriend voice".

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612d0d No.81983


>You know, the power of suggestion can be a very powerful thing. That's how curses and hexes work. If you can truly intimidate and instill fear into someone convincing them you somehow have some kind of special powers or enough to get under their skin and second guess themselves, it can have effects.

You can also invite/create nasty things in your space, let them "jump" into others, and have them self-destruct. Without them knowing or (at least directly/causally) believing any of it. Though I doubt that 片ヨ工 ever was able to do such a thing consciously and purposely. Too much "pissing in the dark" even in their later files at points where they almost got it.

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612d0d No.81984


>If she really wants to make things right to those who have followed her, she should make all her stuff free for awhile to show everyone her heart really is in a better place.

The question is if their new stuff really comes from a good place or is the old evil dressed up in new clothing and good intentions.

>But if not for the fact that many of her files have been linked up to certain places like this site totally "C0mp1m3nT@ry" – :) I may have never listened to many of them. So thanks to several anons out there like yourself who were willing to sh@re over the years!

Another question is if any of us who shared their stuff over the years, bumped threads, and so on, can really claim the moral high ground. And how can you on the one hand complain about the effects these files had on you, and on the other hand be grateful to anons that made them available to you? Or are you being sarcastic?

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612d0d No.81985


>prayed on both peoples sexual desire AND fear to coerce them to do things they both want and or maybe did not want to do. Fear based coercion and trickery in my humble opinion should not be a component of hypnosis to achieve an end regardless of whether it's what the subject wants ahead of time or not.

I want to repeat my point again because it is just so important. Whether fear is used to drive somebody away from, or just pleasure to pull someone to a place DOES NOT MATTER. It is only important where they end up.

>But I think concept of using "demons" should be completely left out of hypnosis unless again, it's expressly described and a warning and disclaimer is given in the details so that listeners know what they are getting the FUCK into!

NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE GETTING THE FUCK INTO! Hypothetically: Some kid believes/has read that heroin will give him a good time. And "a good time" is what he "wants". You are also an addict. In the early stages so you haven't degenerated far enough to see that the bads of heroin outweigh the "goods". If you give him a shot, who is at fault for fucking the kid up? The kid because it "consented"?

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612d0d No.81986


>A skilled hypn0tist is very helpful to guide someone down into a trance state. But once they get there they shouldn't be seen by the 'tist' as simply putty or clay to do with as they please.

Here you hit the nail on the head. A good hypnotist will take people to strange but somehow familiar places. Show them good things that where already there. That could be felt but not quite seen yet. MAYBE even create room to safely experiment with darker or frightening or denied aspects of the psyche. BUT THIS IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. If the hypnotist fucks up here they are just as (if not more) responsible than the "consenting" subject. And even "pleasure, ease, happiness or satisfaction" can be good or ill depending on context and circumstance.

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612d0d No.81987


>tfw I will have to one day confess to my spiritual father about being admin of a bimbofication reddit, feminizing men via hypnosis, and explain to him what sissy hypno is

This will probably suck more than anything else you did in your life. But imagine the freedom you will have after that! Something to look forward to.

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612d0d No.81988


>So, can you let me know, from the context of this thread, about how much damage I have done, and how things would be after death?

Take this with a huge grain of salt because I doubt that I got the whole picture and that my limited mind interpreted it all right: From all I have experienced it seems that conciousness is asmuch a fundamental building block of existence as is matter. And it does not seem to be destructible or bound to space and time as we understand them much. Our local, moment to moment impression of it stems from a limited perspective because most of our attention is drawn into the bodily senses. Or worse into an abstraction of that sensory input in our minds. You will get in death everything that you experienced (conciously and unconciously) in life. But all at the same time and forever. Plus every other perspective that "experienced you".

This will be always forever created anew in the most wonderful way by a very special light that comes from the center that is birthing existence without ceasing, if you reached that light and made it the ground of your being while still living. Failing that, your ground of being will still be the second order light of nature. Which is now useless to you because your body is dead and cannot "eat" from it and see with it anymore. So instead of endless wonder you will get darkness. Endless frustration and confusion. Always wanting in everything but never able to satisfy that want. Beacuse without any light there is no object for your desire to get fullfilled in anymore.

It is bad enough not search for the light because you are distracted/blinded by anger, fear, money, fame, sex, whatever. Normal hypnosis indulged in for sexual pleasure is just another distraction. (But by no means harmless.) But if hypnosis takes you deep enough to become something else, you might accidentally "etch" your desires and perversions into the emmanation close to the first light I described. These etchings will then become a literal fetish in the truest sense, drawing your desire(the vektor that determines where your being goes in life) away from your true source and covering it. One of the deeper reasons for the first two commandments of the Christians. And you will not even realize your predicament, because your world got smaller and darker, and you cannot see(/know) what you do not see(/know) anymore. This is the double ignorance or evil Plato speaks about.

Can't really say, how much damage you have done. Fapping "through some trance files with context of soul selling for pleasure and similar contents" is bad and will begin to anchor aforementioned fetishes in your mind. Though this is not much worse than any other bullshit we waste our lives and dull our senses with. But if you entered something like a timeless, technicolor space, blissfull beyond anything, while in trance and had absolute committed faith in the seriousness of your actions, it might be bad. Won't really feel bad for quite some time though. Like described above, one cannot really see or even remember what has been lost. And the part of the mind that is left is usually quite optimistic about its situation (because it cannot see the whole picture), and thinks of itself as very clever and grandiose. Hatching new schemes and being proud of itself. And as long as you are young, you can cover the pain of missing the light by creating pleasure by sacrificing to your fetish and other indulgences.

If you do not get what I am saying here, don't try to grasp it intellectually. I am only (badly) trying to put into words what I (faintly) saw and felt. Telling it to someone sadly only works if that person already sees (the outlines of) it but is not yet aware of it. It can be gained through lived experience but intellectualizing only covers it more.

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bdb844 No.81992


>NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE GETTING THE FUCK INTO! Hypothetically: Some kid believes/has read that heroin will give him a good time. And "a good time" is what he "wants". You are also an addict. In the early stages so you haven't degenerated far enough to see that the bads of heroin outweigh the "goods". If you give him a shot, who is at fault for fucking the kid up? The kid because it "consented"?

You raise an excellent point. The abstract and hypothetical are completely different to experience. You can educate kids about the dangers of drugs and alcohol inside and out, but how many kids in the old D.A.R.E. program grew up to be addicts anyway? Even the U.S. government admitted the war on drugs has failed. Thinking "I'll just try it once, how bad can it be"? or "That'll never happen to me!" are the worst traps you can fall into, and before you know it, you are giving blowjobs for a hit of heroin that is probably cut with fentanyl.


>This will probably suck more than anything else you did in your life.

Oh, I bet it will. Thank you for your encouragement.


>Another question is if any of us who shared their stuff over the years, bumped threads, and so on, can really claim the moral high ground.

Of course not. Sometimes I wonder who is worse, the people who create the damn thing and put up a paywall that restricts access, or people like myself who gave it out to anyone who asked despite the dangers and damage it will cause? I'm no better than them. And how can I say I live a life in Christ and still let anons have access to this trash that corrupt their nous, will, and desires even further?

>And how can you on the one hand complain about the effects these files had on you, and on the other hand be grateful to anons that made them available to you?

This is the mentality of a drug addict.

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d0ba8f No.82005


Super insightful! Thank you! I keep following this thread and am glad those of use who can think for themselves are able to have this conversation. This is truly an adult level conversation. Some of us truly have to wise up and take responsibility at some point. Not just for ourselves but for everyone else too. Truly a Tallie conversation going on here…

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d0ba8f No.82006

Tallie; Tallee; TALLEES– TALL-Eee… The Tall Ones Must Speak…

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d0ba8f No.82007

And Stand TALL for those who do not or cannot or are unwilling or too blind-minded to think or see for themselves. Sometimes if not more often than not warnings are not enough. I know. I've been there. It does feel like a drug. You just want to take it to the max and go as completely mindless as possible until you mind goes POP! Nevermind the after effects or what comes tomorrow. And many newbies will probably dismiss all of this. I would have 5 years ago myself but now we're the ones talking. Thanks KEE for allowing us to initiate and have this conversation!

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259434 No.82032

File: 146c4aca46a1db3⋯.jpg (304.56 KB,952x945,136:135,The_Beginning_of_Life_c_19….jpg)


>And how can I say I live a life in Christ and still let anons have access to this trash that corrupt their nous, will, and desires even further?

While under the influence of this crap, it is like one becomes a sexual organ of it. Like an ovipositor that is used to reproduce it in others. I remember experiencing strong sexual arousal from the thought of corrupting innocence by spreading these files to young impressionable minds. The younger and the more naive, the better. And all kinds of absolutely retarded rationalisations for why my actions were good and helpful:

>All generations before us were just stupid and frigid, I am enlightened and wise and can make it work!

>Freeing the sexual impulse from temperance and responsibility is the right thing to do!

>Pleasure is the highest good the human animal can experience!

At the root of it was, I think, that I forgot what love is and confused it with lust.


>As for me, after a mystical experience where I have experienced Christ

Would you mind describing that experience as far as you are comfortable and as far as it is lawful to do?

I also would like to know how much of it stayed in you and influences/changed your day to day life.

>I have decided to take my spiritual life seriously and am planning on converting to Ea丂ㄒ乇尺几 Orthodox.

Are you planning to do that soon, or do you feel that there are things that you have to take care of first?

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bdb844 No.82037


>Would you mind describing that experience as far as you are comfortable and as far as it is lawful to do?

I had to experiences one lesser and one greater. The lesser experience out of the blue in the summer of 2017 when I was active in the 乃卂爪乃丨 Cult disc-ord. I felt there was something greater out there, and all of my interests and passions were vanity. A couple days later, I found out my grandmother had died, which magnified the feelings I had. I sold all of my video games and consoles without thinking, as if it was natural to me and started reading philosophy and books from many religions. I still had too pride to leave the reddit, so I had to set myself up, and make me look like a monster, and make dabc a sort of legend. After I left the reddit, I read more and discovered the Traditionalist School and my views became more perennialist. For the next 5 years, I kept reading philosophy, religion, the Traditionalists, esoterica, critiques on modern society and technology. Despite all this reading, I couldn't commit myself to a spiritual path, and when you trad critiques of modernity and technology without living a spiritual life, you will become blackpilled.

Before I go into the greater experience, I have to explain the relationships I have with my mom and brother. About 8 years ago, we knew some of my brother's friends (a different brother who is currently in prison) were going to rob my dad's house, where I was staying at the time. I asked my mom if I could stay at her place, but she said no because I am lazy and don't clean up after myself. Then, my sister called me and offered for me to stay at her place, so I did. A couple weeks later, someone broke in the house during the day, stole some wizardelry and stuff my brother owned. I felt so betrayed by my mom, because if I was still living there, I probably would've been killed. Now, the brother who is not in prison, I hated him for many decades since my childhood. I had so much hatred for him that it ran deeper than the love I had for my friends and family that it drove me to madness. I would fantasize about murdering him in the most horrific ways imaginable. My hatred was so strong that it ran downstream and made me hateful of other people too.

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bdb844 No.82038


Before the mystical experience, I was working from home for a call center, and I felt so hopeless that I felt my situation in life was never going to change. I felt my life had no purpose and I wanted to die, but suicide was out of the question, because I knew there are severe spiritual consequences if you do that. My despair effected my work that I would cry between calls. During a transfer call to another company, I broke down and told the black girl on the phone how I felt. I quit a few days later. I was afraid of telling mom that I had no job and she would throw me out, but I told her how she felt and she was kind to me. I attended church the next day, because I thought it might help. After the service, I felt ready I can forgive forgive her, and I did.

That night in bed, I thanked the Lord for letting me forgive her. moments later, I felt compunction in my heart like nothing I have ever felt before. All of the hatred I had for my brother and everyone else just went away. It was a mix of joy, sorrow, and hope of such magnitudes I can't describe. I couldn't stop crying for over two days.

>I also would like to know how much of it stayed in you and influences/changed your day to day life.

The first changes I noticed were my willpower was extraordinary. I could resist the urge to scratch an itch like it was nothing. All of my compulsive unhygenic habits, like picking my scabs went away. I just didn't do those things anymore. I could also kinda feel subtle movements in my body like my blood flow. I would know when I'm sexually aroused by the rush of blood going to my head, and I can stop it. I also became more sensitive to negative influences like cursing. For example, I was riding in the car, and Cardi B came on the radio, and felt so much mental pain that I put my hands to my ears yelling TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF. But these went away in time, I guess because of pride in them, and I did something stupid like judging people. But, my thoughts are much easier to control, my lusts are much much much much easier to control, whereas before I was a chronic masturbator, and an erotic thought, or any bad thought for that matter pops into my head, I can nip it in the bud by saying a Jesus Prayer or just "Lord have mercy on me, a sinner" and the thought goes away. The thing is, you are not your thoughts. The trick is to be watchful if your mind and to not engage with your thoughts. We let our thoughts "possess" us by "participating' in them, mingling them, copulating with them. When it comes to hate and anger, I can't bear to ever have such thoughts again. I would rather be struck dead than have another hateful and angry thought towards anyone or anything ever again. If you want more details on this read these posts. They were all made by me. I called this mystical experience an initiation, but honestly, I still don't know what this is.





>Are you planning to do that soon, or do you feel that there are things that you have to take care of first?

I have been attending liturgy every Sunday since December. To convert to Orthodoxy, I have to go through the catechumen process to learn the church history, theology, and 'phronema' which is greek for mentality or way of thinking. I also have to confess my sins before I get baptized. I pray to God to give me the faith and courage to do this when that day comes. The devil will do everything he can to make you run away from the church as the day draws nearer to baptism.

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55ac0d No.82057


>these posts were made by me

I have not posted in the thread yet, but just for context I am the anon you were replying to in that thread on /lit/, I only lurk on this board, but it is interesting to see you here.

>The first changes I noticed were my willpower was extraordinary. I could resist the urge to scratch an itch like it was nothing. All of my compulsive unhygenic habits, like picking my scabs went away. I just didn't do those things anymore. I could also kinda feel subtle movements in my body like my blood flow. I would know when I'm sexually aroused by the rush of blood going to my head, and I can stop it. I also became more sensitive to negative influences like cursing. For example, I was riding in the car, and Cardi B came on the radio, and felt so much mental pain that I put my hands to my ears yelling TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF

The coincidences are quite striking, I went through the exact same thing, and had the exact same habit of picking at scabs compulsively, leaving me with scars all over my back.

>But these went away in time, I guess because of pride in them, and I did something stupid like judging people. But, my thoughts are much easier to control, my lusts are much much much much easier to control, whereas before I was a chronic masturbator, and an erotic thought, or any bad thought for that matter pops into my head, I can nip it in the bud by saying a Jesus Prayer or just "Lord have mercy on me, a sinner" and the thought goes away.

About two years I also went through such a phase, and did the same things you describe like the Jesus prayer. I am interested to see how you develop.

All I can say is we are very similar, in many ways.

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bdb844 No.82060


>I have not posted in the thread yet, but just for context I am the anon you were replying to in that thread on /lit/

Incredible! The internet is such a small world. Were you the anon talking about tantric formation in music or the one who called me a teacher?

>I went through the exact same thing

Please, tell me you experience and the events which led to it.

>About two years I also went through such a phase, and did the same things you describe like the Jesus prayer.

What have you been up to since then?

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84b9b7 No.82095


You should rather check psychiatric ward not church. You are schizo and it will only get worse.

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727415 No.82128

片ヨ工 appeared in Likea's forum! https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/Thread-片ヨ工-s-MindWarp?pid=65480#pid65480

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727415 No.82129

Ah, obfuscations: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/showthread.php?tid=2820&pid=65480#pid65480

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000000 No.82136



Posts from there:

< #619

< Hello. I am being actually being stung by an entity for the content I've created and by posting this and making it more widely available is causing it to sting me more. I thought that I could compromise and it was a disaster. I will eventually be able to take it down through legal notices but it might be complicated. Please delete your link to the mega file as it is causing me actual pain in the form of stings. I know that is hard to believe. But I will stop at nothing to remove that content. I desperately need to clear my energy and this is making it very difficult for me to do so. I would ask that this entire thread be deleted please please please.

< #621

< please please please delete this thread. please end this misery. this is causing me such misery. please stop please stop please stop. delete this thread delete this thread

< #622

< Like Ra. Ask me for a taste of the paranormal. Ask me for a taste of the divine. The spirits are sparkling and want me to teach you a lesson. To show you the misery you are living off of others. I can show you something more than the mundane. When I reiki others the lights flash in the room. I can show you magic. Ask me for a lesson. I won't give it to you unless you ask. Do you want to see the divine? Magic can be mindless.

< #623

< I am bring racked with twitches non-stop now. It doesn't matter if I work out 4 hours a day it coming back too fast for me to handle. Please I need this negative energy to stop.

< #624

< They've never sparkled about anything as much as this thread causing me all the negative energy in my life. A vision of a corpse with thousands of flies swarming over it.

< #627

< so you won't delete this thread even though I've shut down everything else on the internet. My youtube channel my website everything but this forsaken thread. You going to sacrafice my life so that someone might glean so information from past things I've said? You are causing me pain every day by not taking this thread down. You are also gaining money from people visiting this forum gaining money from my suffering.

< #628

< You are a gossip.

< #629

< profiting off my pain

< #630

< stinging me hundreds of times

< #631

< I will commit suicide unless i solve this energy problem

< #632

< I've gotten so close so many times. It is so bad please

< #633

< I have nothing left on the internet. Please no store no youtube please please please

< #634

< I have 20 dollars in my bank I won't ever start it again

< #635

< Please let me disappear please

< #636

< Look i clicked the delete button on my youtube "Your content is being deleted


< Your content is in the process of being permanently deleted. Usually this takes a few minutes, but can take up to a couple of days if you have a lot of content." My website can't be restarted unless i pay 350 and I won't ever

< #637

< Please at least delete the posts containing my words

< #638

< I should have the right to disappear

< #639

< Why do you have to have copies of the things i've said

< #640

< Why should I have to be stung over and over. I want to be forgotten

< #641

< for 4 months I can't keep going

< #642

< pleaese let me disappear

< #644

< Can you delete everything I've ever said? Maybe I will create something positive in the future If i can free myself from these stings. I have tried and it doesn't counter the energy. I need to clear completely and then think about being creative again. It won't let me do anything without constant stings. It is so difficult to make anything anymore

< #645

< i am so frustrated and desperate for this to be over. maybe i can start anew under another name doing something completely different

< #646

< I just need to be clear please god. I need to disappear

< #647

< Eveerytime someone thinks about the demon it gets stronger please delete everything about that please it even told me "yes" to get getting stronger when someone thinks about it please please i need this thread to disapeaar so that it wont get anymore energy

< #651

< NotSpoogeanator: This is not that sorry. You don't know anything about energies and demons. Imbalances can't effects lights and electronics.


< Like Ra: I have asked thousands of times for it to leave me. Can you at least lock this thread so that it slowly disappears. I'm stuck in a negative feedback loop. please please lock this thread. That won't compromise your morals. Please please please.

< #656

< Your such a leech.

Apparently there's "fucked" then there's "really fucked" then there's whatever the hell K31 is right now…

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d5c782 No.82138

片ヨ工 has a mental disorder for sure. Spirit girl and demon girl arent real. Ill say right now be it real, move those entities to me. Ill take them in. No issue at all for me. If said entities are real they will become broken and abused by me. So i doubt anything will happen. The last entity that tried to torture me (in my dreams) was tortured by me instead. It wanted to feed on my fear and instead gets its ass whooped. Pretty sure it attacks my brother but hes an asshole so lmao. I dont care in that regards. I never have nightmares because i use that nightmare fuel to mess with the entity trying to to absorb my fear for food.

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000000 No.82141

Well well well, looks like K31 baleeted most of his posts at Like Ra's site, but left one remaining:

< #634

< The Hanged Man

This appears to be a reference to Arcanum XII, but interpretations vary as the symbolism for the Major Arcana is not universal. Wikipedia suggests that Arcanum XII is generally interpreted more as self-sacrifice than punishment.

A thought occurs. That may have been a suicide note. If so, let K31's end stand as a warning that demons are not masturbation toys.

Remember kids, Evil Is Not A Toy.

Like Ra himself posted about an hour later with a screenshot from this thread informing K31 of how the Internet works.

Hi, Like Ra! Good to see you here! On a side note, what did you mean by "unbelievable" in that post?

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5a6c66 No.82146

In the first place how it's possible create this files like there were created.

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9e05a1 No.82150

Any chance for a re-up?

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000000 No.82157

LOL, K31's last post there also got baleeted, and now some of the other users are freaking out and baleeting their posts too. At least one user there has speculated that K31 may have posted a trigger causing the dreams and other weirdness other users are reporting.



>> #649

> I can't post there

8kun has had lots of "fun" weird problems lately.

> Perfect timing! Swift action! Kudos!

You're welcome, but that timing seemed like coincidence to me. I just thought "I should go there and paste whatever else K31 said here for other anons to read" I'd pasta'd >>81669 from another imageboard earlier and was expecting to copy more posts the next day, not to find the posts in the thread on your site renumbered because K31's posts disappeared! To God Be The Glory? I certainly can't take credit for catching those posts like that.

Where did you get that description of Arcanum XII? Given K31's previous statements, that could make it a disturbingly apt suicide note.

Did K e i l i g h t remove his own last post? That would at least confirm that K31 didn't immediately commit suicide. Do I correctly understand that K31's post baleetion spree occurred before you posted the screenshots?

I've been trying to confirm or reject a hypothesis but Wayback's crawls don't reach far enough, and K31 wasn't interesting to me back then. Do you or anyone else know when K31, and more specifically the "D3m0n G1rl" file series began? Wayback's earliest crawl is from 2017 and already shows a few of the "D3m0n G1rl" files on the front page, but that crawl seems to have only hit the front page and all links end up at a later crawl from 2020. Wayback will redirect you to the closest crawl that has a page at each link. This can cause different paths through a site to land on different versions of the "same" page if intermediate steps exist in different crawls. It looks like the hypnofetish forum on your site originates in 2017, likely with a thread moved from your self-bondage forum - the other early threads were posted by you and seem to be an attempt to outline a catalog of the topic from a look at the forum index.

For the most concrete version of the hypothesis, I'm looking at what K31 had produced before/after October 2015 but the timing element is the part I'm least certain about.

More broadly, if K31 was having problems whenever anyone thinks about those files, the actual - likely addicted - listeners are going to be a near-constant source of power for whatever the hell that problem was.

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2d00b4 No.82158

Guys about what suicide you talking about and like ra teaching 片ヨ工 that things on internet are undestroyable like 片ヨ工 dont know. For sure first simply smith would not produce the atmosphere in this files like they are.

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d0ba8f No.82161



Mega'ss'z of 片ヨ工 files will exist for years and years from now so long as the internet doesn't go down and total societal collapse. You made you bed 片ヨ工… now go lie in it! :D Until your karma balances out you have to take the peckngs !!! Lol !i!i!i! :D

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9c12c2 No.82163

TYPO Corrected Version:

The "stings' K3i… I THINK are probably trying to get you to evolve. It sounds like you're already on the right track. Keep focusing on the positive and work to create something new that is working in the opposite direction from before. With a sincere heart ask for the forgiveness of Jesus Christ aka "Yeshua-Ben Hammashiach" to send you an angel of atonement for your sins, and an angel of divine light and healing. Tell and thru your actions try and Show the Holy Spirit that you are Truly sorry for what you have done. Ask for the Archangel Michael to step in and drive away the demons attacking you.

However under your circumstances you might NOT prove worthy until you have made atonement and have been washed clean and demonstrated your earnest honest unequivocal single minded focus of Humble sincerity. If it doesn't work the first time to pray for protection, keep trying. As the old adage goes "knock and the door will be answered"… and "ask and ye shall receive". It may not work immediately but with a persistent focus you might just get some remedy if you are truly sincere.

Personally, I forgive you. We are all children of the most high and there are worse things you could have done in life though yours is almost certainly a special category of sin especially since it has been distributed amongst the masses and will continue to be for an unforeseen length of time. But you could also ask for an angel of intercession to metaphysically manifest an intentional sub-fractal reverse time-space distortion field to act as a sort of cosmic firewall to scramble the demon voice and turn it back into the "cat-purr" you said you originally intended it to be. I think everyone who will continue mindlessly listening to your files for the unforeseen future will subconsciously receive and appreciate your prayers and efforts on the astral plane.

Good Luck !!! :D

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9c12c2 No.82165


And then so aren't her files preying on people with mental disorders also? Aka males who identify as transgender and want to be made female? You are lucky to be strong willed and feel able to psychically/psychologically defend yourself but not everyone is as grounded or personally emotionally solidified as you believe yourself to be. The thing about these things has everything to do with the subconscious. You're right in the sense that technically these "entities" are not real if you don't believe in them or buy into the possibility of their existence. But then with all the subliminal messages and triggers do you really know what your subconscious mind is thinking or where that might eventually lead? And have you been and/or are still you still listening to 片ヨ工's files? If you don't believe they have any affect on you and don't desire the intended affects then why listen in the first place? If on the other hand you came in already strongly attracted to the intentions and strongly wanting the desired effects then I think you are on a different page. It's not only the intention but the vibration that I think can open you up to the possibilities within your own mind and begin to part open the thin veil between the "real" world and that of the etheric realm…

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9c12c2 No.82166

…That is if you open yourself up to get "demons" involved. The rest I think is all mental, emotional and energetic within. As an analogy I think of it like we all basically have an O.S. (operating system) that you don't want to get infected with malicious software. So even if your intention was to download something that is described to manifest a desired affect or install an new program, you don't want that new program to rewrite your whole system. Think of it like this; we all have a living intranet of fractal consciousness that exists within us. We connect with the outside world; internet. Some things from the internet are things we want and some things we do not. The problem is when they get intertwined based upon the malicious, subversive or maybe selfish intent of someone else who has their own agenda that doesn't align with our needs and desires. This is where a persons defenses have to kick in. But the issue with subliminal programming is that it's purposefully designed to penetrate and or circumvent your firewall. So if the intentions were devious to begin with and/or use fear as a catalyst it creates subterfuge and once you get really drawn in then you might have to really fight to claw your way back out !!! Lol !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!

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5ac34d No.82169


I think this is a bit unfair to say.

"Do you know where your mind is going" is such an impossible thing to retort to; it's similar to asking someone how they can be sure God exists.

Further, it's unfair because some of these files are utilized for essentially porn.

I've listened to the file because, in my mind, I enjoy the concept of some sort of entity forcing me to do something, and often times I follow along. However if I stop listening, and I have for weeks to months, I completely forget about it.

What you are describing is more of an addiction, not some sort of subliminal entity. More specifically, it's a sexual addiction. It may have started off tiny, but over time you form pathways that link hypnosis and things like that to arousal. I know I have. In fact, I've listened to every single premature ejaculation hypnosis file on the internet and while they arouse me a lot, if I stop listening to them for a few weeks, incompletely forget it exists.

This usually happens when I get occupied with work and/or life. When I'm bored, well, I'll play video games, and if I get bored of that I turn to this audio porn.

Anyway none of it is legit or exists outside of your own mind, and we know how strong the mind is, and we don't quite know why some individuals are aroused by one kink, and another completely unaffected by it.

You are utilizing a lot of computer analogies, and while I understand why, I don't believe it's accurate. Humans are animals of habit. Habits are formed fairly easily, and in often cases, addiction form from that. We have a specific drive for it.

Anyway, I digress. There is a wide range of mental health and not everyone comprehends things the same. This is a case of, you are either firmly grounded, or not. 片ヨ工 is not. Others here are not.

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000000 No.82170

Like Ra, the K31 meltdown appears to have started 22 Oct 2022. That's the first indication of it on your forum and when the text quoted in >>81669 was supposedly first posted. The later text in the second part of >>81669 about a new Patreon was posted some time later. It claims "three weeks" but I don't know, having found both of those reposted elsewhere on 2 Nov 2022, claiming the latter part had been posted "6 hours ago" then.

Thanks for the answers to the questions. K31's last known post probably wasn't a suicide note and the hypothesis remains unresolved. Wayback shows that at least two "D3m0n G1rl" files existed by April 2017, but none earlier than 2017 are known at the moment. No definite conclusion either way.

I'd add one more possibility to the egregor alternatives list: as one of the users on your forum earlier speculated, K31's files could have planted a trigger for experiences of weirdness and K31 fired that trigger in the now-baleeted posts. This would tend to imply that K31 had a long-term plan from the start to blow the whole thing up like this, which would be very strange but possible. I can certainly see means and opportunity, but a plausible motive for that is difficult for me to imagine, especially at this time frame.

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d5c782 No.82182


I generally listen for the luls. Never has any hypnosis file effected me or caused any permanent change. Nor do any triggers work on me. Do i think it would be hot af if triggers did work? Absolutely. But there is a difference between fantasya and reality.

On the note of demons. Ive done rituals time and time again from notable authors of occult books and NONE of them work. At least I could return the books and get my money back… The occult is the biggest joke.

I remember way back in middle school this girl who supposedly cast a spell. There was a boy she liked whom she NEVER talked to, ever. She "cast her spell" and then the next day talked to said boy. "Omg it worked" she claimed…. There was no magic. All she did was present herself, that isnt magic….

The issue for many of you is that you believe in the bible or any other religions so you automatically believe in things like demons or egregors. They don't exit. Me trying to sell my soul and literally going nowhere is proof. I see a lot of crazies talk about how "movie and music stars sold their soul" and being up obscure b.s. like "oh in this one interview they admitted to selling their soul" lmao because they are just as crazy as you. Just because they believe they sold their soul doesnt make it true. Always conspiracies without proof. Again ive done the rituals to summon demons and nothing works. Its, not, real. Most christians wouldn't even attempt to summon demons for fear of seeing something.

I remember as a kid. The whole mirror thing and saying bloody mary. I remember a girl went into the bathroom, lights off, said it three times and SWORE she saw something. That chick today is on medication because she has issues with her brain, legit medical conditions. I remember i went to the bathroom right after her, bloody mary 3 times, nothing. Because its not real….

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84b9b7 No.82203


Any chance of reup?

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d0ba8f No.82274

I'd really like to see this thread keep going and the discussion to continue. Because I think its a discussion that needs to be had…

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cad9c6 No.82281


>ive done the rituals to summon demons and nothing works

So you have done the whole deal - forged and crafted the tools and parchment, acquired the more exotic implements like the lion skin belt and the special inks, spend weeks in prayer and contemplation, found a good node, and then did the whole ritual when time and planetary configuration was as described in the texts - and you got nothing? Not even some floating lights and smoke in the air, or at least faintly audible voices?

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196cc3 No.82307

Here's a novel concept: Knock at "God's" door and keep knocking and you don't receive. Try again and keep knocking and again still nothing. One more time and another time again and again and again and again and again… And still nothing. But then you knock at the door of your desires and that door is answered so quickly! If the one answering is satan then why does he answer but "God" doesn't?

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75551b No.82311


Because robbers, murderers, and slaveholders will gladly jump at the chance to lure a fool into their dwelling. And desire, which I assume you have taken to chiefly mean sexual lust, is also absolutely necessary for knocking at God's door. Without great and serious hunger and thirst one will not even be able to find the door. Much less to knock.

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d9d8fe No.82313


>Max Filesize Limit Reached

>As a Free user you can download file upto 50MB. To remove this limit, upgrade your account to Premium

Yeah, fuck that.

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dcf065 No.82316


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c54288 No.82317



> your free will makes you able to knock on any door.

> Biblically speaking you could say there are a 1000 doors, 999 leads you to dark places with no happy ending but only one leads you to God.

> you can only know whos door you are knocking on if you can read his doorsign and/ or someone trustworthy told you who lives there.

> God`s door was exclusive for his ppl for thousands of years, and no other could find it.

> Because no other trusted / believed / followed him etc

> God´s door is now reachable for everyone, thanks to Jesus/ Jeshua (he is the way/ the path).

So you need to follow Jeshua to be on the right path (which is narrow), you need to stand with him before the right door, and you need to knock on this door and only then it can be opened.

ofc no one forces you to follow. If you cant differentiate bettwenn "believing" and "following" here is a thought: Even Demons believe in God´s existence yet they can´t be saved.

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954473 No.82330


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3e5d3a No.82339



Thank you for the detailed answer. Finally freed some time to read through the thread. Very interesting. I would like to talk about some points from there and here:

>>These states of grace, or whatever you call it, can be lost but can be regained with great effort. I understand why ascetics cut themselves off from the world.

Do you believe that searching enduring Grace should be the purpose of a life?

Do you think one would end up in Heaven if when dying while not in Grace?

>>We let our thoughts "possess" us by "participating' in them, mingling them, copulating with them…

This is such an apt analogy

>>I called this mystical experience an initiation, but honestly, I still don't know what this is.

I think we can never know exactly what He is, like He is deeper than the root of our perception.

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3e5d3a No.82340



>> I am interested to see how you develop.

Me too. Please post an update if something interesting happens. Especially during or in the days after your baptism.

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727415 No.82352



New fetish?

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bdb844 No.82419


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bdb844 No.82420


>calls other people schizo

>asks for a reup of demon possession files

Pot calling the kettle black.


>Do you believe that searching enduring Grace should be the purpose of a life?

Our purpose in life is repentance and the goal is theosis. Repentance (from Greek: metanoia - change one's mind or change one's life) is not merely guilt or regret for one's sins (from Greek: hamartia - miss the mark), but to correct those actions, and to strive to turn your life towards God. Repentance is change in the fullest ontological sense of the word.



>Do you think one would end up in Heaven if when dying while not in Grace?

The Orthodox view on salvation is far different from the Catholics and Protestants, which will take many posts to explain. To keep it short, the Orthodox do not believe in eternal security, like many Protestants, nor do they believe in Purgatory like Catholics do. The only people the Orthodox know for sure go to Heaven are saints. Everyone else? They don't know. This is part of the reason why Orthodox Christians pray for the dead, have panikhidas (memorial services), and give alms in their memory.


Get your mind out of the gutter.



>Me too. Please post an update if something interesting happens. Especially during or in the days after your baptism.

I constantly struggle against my thoughts. I haven't masturbated in over three months (I fapped on my birthday out of weakness), and I haven't got an erection in over two months not even the slightest bit of chub, except in dreams (and when I have to pee in the morning but I don't count those). Four weeks ago, the priest told me the date for my baptism after the liturgy. During the presentation on Greek Independence Day which followed divine liturgy, I was so choked up with emotion on the news of my baptism that I ran in the restroom and cried. I want this more than anything, but I am so scared to confess my sins. I cry most nights when I pray. Another thing I've noticed is bad thoughts spontaneously popping in my head, even things I wouldn't think about doing. One such thought I had in the church bookstore was "you want this, steal it." I never thought about stealing something. Another thought I had when I accidentally lied to a customer when working, and I had a suggestion that was like "it's okay to lie about these things and you'll do it again." I was so spooked by it my reaction was WHAT WAS THAT? Another thought when waking up in the morning on Sunday, "I hate going to church." I told my priest about these thoughts, and he said they are 'logismoi'. Thought images that are sent by demons. These logismoi became more intense during Holy Week when I started to fast for the first time (just starting out with abstaining from meat), and I had a horrible carnal thought, and no, I will not elaborate. I'm relieved these thoughts don't come from any part of me, otherwise I'd probably go insane and leave the church. I told the person who will be my sponsor/godmother about this, and she said it's Satan attacking me because he is pissed off at me for turning my life around.

To all my Orthobros out there,

Christ is Risen!

Christos Voskrese!

Christos Anesti!

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000000 No.82430


> I want this more than anything, but I am so scared to confess my sins.

As an anon, I'm obliged to laugh and say "DO IT FAGGOT!"

Then laugh some more imagining as realization dawns on the priest just what sins you are repenting. Especially the BaBibA reddit admin bit… Yes, you have a lot to repent. Make with the repenting…

> I cry most nights when I pray.

Examine yourself closely, that may be a good sign.

> Satan attacking me because he is pissed off at me for turning my life around.

It does not like losing toys, but you'll be much better off with God.

> logismoi

Have "fun" with those. I'm not even Ea丂ㄒ乇尺几 Orthodox and they're quite obnoxious.

Thanks for describing them, btw. Now I have a word for those - and I know as I previously suspected they aren't actually my thoughts, even the ones I can't directly trace to various media sources.

> I had a horrible carnal thought, and no, I will not elaborate.

Many of those, too, including one exceptionally bizarre recent dream. …that I will not fully narrate either, now that I think about the audience we have here. Rejecting Evil seems to be enough to make it go away and stay away, but there's lots of it to reject and I'd expect some here to actively seek it out. On the plus side, I'm getting a lot better at recognizing where dream images come from my own memories.

> Christ is Risen!

Indeed He is Risen!

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060de3 No.82437


Does anyone have any files to share or is this just a schizo thread?

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727415 No.82443


>Does anyone have any files to share


>is this just a schizo thread?


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bdb844 No.82447


>Then laugh some more imagining as realization dawns on the priest just what sins you are repenting. Especially the BaBibA reddit admin bit…

The question of one's salvation is not a laughing matter.

>Examine yourself closely, that may be a good sign.

It can happen at any moment. Sometimes when I recite Psalm 51, particularly at "the sacrifices to God is a broken spirit, a contrite and humbled heart, God will not despise." Other times when I pray to the Theotokos to have mercy on children who are growing up in broken homes, motherless and fatherless, and and being abused, and to not have their hearts know hate and despair. Or when I contemplate Christ's love for us that is beyond measure and comprehension, and how little I have for others in comparison, or when I ask Him to crush my pride to make me more forgiving, merciful, patient, compassionate, and loving; or when I say the prayer of St. Peter the Studite to the Theotokos, which is as follows:

>O most pure Mother of God, in my wretched state I fall down before thee in prayer: thou knowest, O Queen, that I constantly sin and anger thy Son and my God. But though I repent many times, and repent with trembling, yet I appear a liar before God. Shall not God smite me? — but an hour passes and I do the same things. Knowing this, my Lady, my Queen and Theotokos, I pray thee: have mercy on me, strengthen me, and grant me to do good. O my Lady Theotokos, thou knowest that I abhor my evil deeds and love the Law of my God with all my thought. But, most pure Lady! I do not understand how I can hate what I love and turn away from what is good. Do not allow my will to be done, O Most Pure, for it is not pleasing to God; but rather may the will of thy Son and my God be done. May he save and enlighten me, and give me the grace of his Holy Spirit, so that henceforth I may abandon my squalid activity and live the remainder of my life in obedience to thy Son, to whom belongs all glory, honor, and dominion, together with his Father who is without beginning and his all-holy, good, and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be a part of the church. I don't have a car, and people in my parish give me rides all the time, yet I feel like I am being a burden to them. I feel like I am lying to everyone, because they don't know all the terrible and evil things I have done and to not hide it, to have everyone see the ugly part of me. Adam and Eve hid their own nakedness when they sinned, they tried to hide themselves from God, and Adam tried to hide his sin by shifting the blame onto Eve. How can a man who hides his sins ever be good? How can a man who has something to hide ever truly be himself?

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bdb844 No.82448


>and I know as I previously suspected they aren't actually my thoughts

Which begs the question, where do they come from? I was frightened at the possibility these thoughts came somewhere deep in the psyche. I'm glad that's not the case though.

>even the ones I can't directly trace to various media sources.

I've been getting better at spotting the links to media and other signifiers. Many months ago, I was eating chocolate putting and was thinking "mmm chocolate puddi-BBC." I slowly looked up and sighed. I have many other examples, but I don't want to go too in depth.

>Rejecting Evil seems to be enough to make it go away and stay away, but there's lots of it to reject and I'd expect some here to actively seek it out.

The advice my priest gave me when it came to logismoi is to ignore them and not worry about it. Everybody gets them including priests. Otherwise, inviting those thoughts into and entertaining them will lead to sin. I'll post the process of temptation into passion in the next post and a few other definitions.

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bdb844 No.82449


From the glossary in the PhiㄥㄖҜ卂lia:

>TEMPTATION (πειρασμός - peirasmos): also translated in our version as 'trial' or 'test'. The word indicates,

according to context: (i) a test or trial sent to man by God, so as to aid his progress on the spiritual way; (ii) a suggestion from the devil, enticing man into sin.

>Using the word in sense (ii), the Greek Fathers employ a series of technical terms to describe the process of temptation. (See in particular Mark the Ascetic, On the Spiritual Law, §§ 138-41, in vol. i of our translation, pp. 119-20; John Klimakos, Ladder, Step 15 translated by Archimandrite Lazarus [op. cit.], pp. 157-8; Maximos, On Love, i, §§ 83-84, in vol. ii of our translation, pp. 62-63; John of Damaskos, On the Virtues and Vices, also in vol. ii of our translation, pp. 337-8.) The basic distinction made by these Fathers is between the demonic provocation and man's assent: the first lies outside man's control, while for the second he is morally responsible. In detail, the chief terms employed are as follows:

>(i) Provocation (προσβολή - prosvoli): the initial incitement to evil. Mark the Ascetic defines this as an 'image-free stimulation in the heart'; so long as the provocation is not accompanied by images, it does not involve man in any guilt. Such provocations, originating as they do from the devil, assail man from the outside independently of his free will, and so he is not morally responsible for them. His liability to these provocations is not a consequence of the fall: even in paradise, Mark maintains, Adam was assailed by the devil's provocations. Man cannot prevent provocations from assailing him; what does lie in his power, however, is to maintain constant watchfulness (q.v.) and so to reject each provocation as soon as it emerges into his consciousness - that is to say, at its first appearance as a thought in his mind or intellect (μονολόγιστος - monologistos emphasis). If he does reject the provocation, the sequence is cut off and the process of temptation is terminated.

>(ii) Momentary disturbance (παραρριπισμός - pararripismos) of the intellect, occurring 'without any movement or working of bodily passion' (see Mark, Letter to Nicolas the Solitary: in our translation, vol. i, p. 153). This seems to be more than the 'first appearance' of a provocation described in stage (i) above; for, at a certain point of spiritual growth in this life, it is possible to be totally released from such 'momentary disturbance, whereas no one can expect to be altogether free from demonic provocations.

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bdb844 No.82450


>(iii) Communion (όμιλία - homilia); coupling (συνδυασμός - syndyasmos). Without as yet entirely assenting to the demonic provocation, a man may begin to 'entertain' it, to converse or parley with it, turning it over in his mind pleasurably, yet still hesitating whether or not to act upon it. At this stage, which is indicated by the terms 'communion' or 'coupling', the provocation is no longer 'image-free' but has become a logismos or thought (q.v.); and a person is morally responsible for having allowed this to happen.

>(iv) Assent (συγκατάθεσις - synkatathesis). This signifies a step beyond mere 'communion' or ‘coupling'. No longer merely 'playing' with the evil suggestion, a person now resolves to act upon it. There is now no doubt as to his moral culpability: even if circumstances prevent him from sinning outwardly, he is judged by God according to the intention in his heart.

>(v) Prepossession (πρόληψις - prolipsis): defined by Mark- as 'the involuntary presence of former sins in the memory'. This state of ’prepossession' or prejudice results from repeated acts of sin which predispose a man to yield to particular temptations. In principle he retains his free choice and can reject demonic provocations; but in practice the force of habit makes it more and more difficult for him to resist.

>(vi) Passion (q.v.). If a man does not fight strenuously against a prepossession, it will develop into an evil passion.

I was quite astonished when I found out my conclusions on the psychological and ontological effects of sin were very close to what early Church ascetics wrote.

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bdb844 No.82451


A few more to clarify some things.

>THOUGHT (λογισμός - logismos; νόημα - noϊma): (i) frequently signifies not thought in the ordinary sense, but

thought provoked by the demons, and therefore often qualified in translation by the adjective ‘evil' or 'demonic';

it can also signs divinely-inspired thought; (ii) a ‘conceptual image', intermediate between fantasy (q.v.) and an

abstract concept; this sense of noϊma is frequent in the texts of St Maximos, where the rendering 'conceptual

image' is normally adopted.

>PASSION (πάθος - pathos): in Greek, the word signifies literally that which happens to a person or thing, an

experience undergone passively; hence an appetite or impulse such as anger, desire or jealousy, that violently

dominates the soul. Many Greek Fathers regard the passions as something intrinsically evil, a 'disease' of the

soul: thus St John Klimakos affirms that God is not the creator of the passions and that they are 'unnatural', alien

to man's true self (The Ladder of Divine Ascent, Step 26, translated by Archimandrite Lazarus [op. Cit.], p. 211). Other Greek Fathers, however, look on the passions as impulses originally placed in man by God, and so fundamentally good, although at present distorted by sin (cf St Isaiah the Solitary, § 1: in our translation, vol. i, p. 22). On this second view, then, the passions are to be educated, not eradicated; to be transfigured, not suppressed; to be used positively, not negatively (see Dispassion).

>FANTASY (φαντασία -fantasia): denoting the image-producing faculty of the psyche, this is one of the most

important words in the hesychast vocabulary. As one begins to advance along the spiritual path one begins to

'perceive' images of things which have no direct point of reference in the external world, and which emerge

inexplicably from within oneself This experience is a sign that one's consciousness is beginning to deepen: outer

sensations and ordinary thoughts have to some extent been quietened, and the impulses, fears, hopes, passions

hidden in the subconscious region are beginning to break through to the surface. One of the goals of the spiritual

life is indeed the attainment of a spiritual knowledge (q.v.) which transcends both the ordinary level of

consciousness and the subconscious; and it is true that images, especially when the recipient is in an advanced spiritual state, may well be projections on the plane of the imagination of celestial archetypes, and that in this case

they can be used creatively, to form the images of sacred art and iconography. But more often than not they will

simply derive from a middle or lower sphere, and will have nothing spiritual or creative about them. Hence they

correspond to the world of fantasy and not to the world of the imagination in the proper sense. It is on this account that the hesychastic masters on the whole take a negative attitude towards them. They emphasize the grave dangers involved in this kind of experience, especially as the very production of these images may be the consequence of demonic or diabolic activity; and they admonish those still in the early stages and not yet possessing spiritual discrimination (q.v.) not to be enticed and led captive by these illusory appearances, whose tumult may well overwhelm the mind. Their advice is to pay no attention to them, but to continue with prayer and invocation, dispelling them with the name of Jesus Christ.

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000000 No.82454


> The question of one's salvation is not a laughing matter.

Yes, but there's both joy and sorrows along the way, and what better way for an anon to encourage repentance than to see the lulz in the repenting?

> It can happen at any moment.

Those all sound good.

> Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be a part of the church. I don't have a car, and people in my parish give me rides all the time, yet I feel like I am being a burden to them. I feel like I am lying to everyone, because they don't know all the terrible and evil things I have done and to not hide it, to have everyone see the ugly part of me. Adam and Eve hid their own nakedness when they sinned, they tried to hide themselves from God, and Adam tried to hide his sin by shifting the blame onto Eve.

This is where you put your faith in God and His Grace and Mercy.

> How can a man who hides his sins ever be good? How can a man who has something to hide ever truly be himself?

Those sound like good questions for your priest when you confess the BaBibA stuff. It's possible that owning up to and airing that dirty laundry may be part of your penance. You should get the priest's answer on that.


> Which begs the question, where do they come from?

Some probably truly are ours, after all, we are wayward sinners, others - probably most - are memory and association, and a few can probably be best described as the foul whispers of demons.

> I was frightened at the possibility these thoughts came somewhere deep in the psyche.

That's a question of definitions - does "psyche" include sense recall memories?

> I have many other examples, but I don't want to go too in depth.

There's also the small matter of "seen one, seen 'em all" with most of the media-induced garbage. You could probably fill a thread with maximum-length comments describing only a tiny part of it. Spare yourself the typing and the rest of us the reading.

> ignore them and not worry about it

I prefer to actively reject such thoughts with a firm "NO" and then move on with my life. At least in my experience this does seem to reduce them.


> I was quite astonished when I found out my conclusions on the psychological and ontological effects of sin were very close to what early Church ascetics wrote.

I believe that modern media may have slightly moved the line - it is now possible for nearly fully developed images to be "put into your head" by watching TV or other video, including false social memories i.e. seeing others act and get results as called for by the script rather than as reality would produce that may actually reach as far as prolipsis, with only minor culpability on the part of the viewer. You did watch it, but you most certainly were not told of the evil thoughts that media would seek to place into your head before you watched it.

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bdb844 No.82615

I did it!

Last Wednesday, I confessed to the priest about my homosexual past and my activity in a hypno feminization reddit, and I brought a friend along with me for moral support (I confided to her this stuff many months before). I was a bit surprised she actually came, because she is very bad at responding to texts and reddit dm's, and I would visit her at work but she got temporarily laid off. So, it's almost like she dropped off the face of the earth. But, she actually came! After the church service, both of us went to see the priest in his office. There were a lot of tears, and I told him about my homosexual past, and the reddit. I didn't go into detail about it, but I did tell him I had an admin position in the reddit and that I feminized men with hypnosis and that it creates an alternate personality. But, everything went better than expected. He said he knew I was struggling hard with something from what I told him earlier and that he was impressed by me for knowing all of this is wrong and going this far in my struggles, despite not being Orthodox yet.

I won't be posting here anymore, because of the proto membership fee, and because of the temptation of listening to hypno again. All I see is death when I look at my homo lusts and hypnofetish.But still, I don't want to be like a dog licking it's own vomit. This will be my last post. If you want to talk to me, my d i s c o r d is dabc#1603.

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000000 No.82616


> I did it!

> Last Wednesday, I confessed to the priest about my homosexual past and my activity in a hypno feminization reddit,


> I didn't go into detail about it, but I did tell him I had an admin position in the reddit and that I feminized men with hypnosis and that it creates an alternate personality.

> I didn't go into detail about it

You may still have more to confess, listen closely to your conscience here.

> He said he knew I was struggling hard with something from what I told him earlier and that he was impressed by me for knowing all of this is wrong and going this far in my struggles, despite not being Orthodox yet.

I think that you're on a good path.

> the proto membership fee

Well, that'll have the potential to blow up into 8kun Authenticator 2.0 and be just as much of a disaster.

> All I see is death when I look at my homo lusts and hypnofetish.

Yes, that kind of bad sex is bad for you.

> d i s c o r d

Not touching that infamous honeypot even with seven proxies.

> This will be my last post.

I guess this means goodbye, then. It was nice to talk with you.

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553b34 No.82619


Good Lord, thank you that you stop. I hope also >>82616 will stop.

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bdb844 No.82623

I almost forgot to mention. All of the logismoi stopped after I confessed, including the doubts on being accepted in the church and and wanting to confess in front of everyone.


>I didn't go into detail about it

>You may still have more to confess, listen closely to your conscience here.

My parish priest is not the kind of person who wants to hear things in excruciating detail. I once told him about the hateful thoughts I had for my brother and doing evil and horrible things to him, and as I was about to say what they were, he cut me off and said "Yeah uh, you don't have to go into all of that." But for this session, he did say to speak from the heart, and I did. I told him I defiled their nous, will, and desires, and said I was worse than a murderer.

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000000 No.82625


> My parish priest is not the kind of person who wants to hear things in excruciating detail.

Fair enough.

> I told him I defiled their nous, will, and desires, and said I was worse than a murderer.

You had been quite the prize for the evil powers, then you accepted God's Grace and His Offer of Repentance and all they could do is watch that prize slip away… Praise Be to Our Lord Jesus Christ and to Our Father in Heaven, Who work through the Holy Spirit!

> All of the logismoi stopped after I confessed, including the doubts on being accepted in the church and and wanting to confess in front of everyone.

That's a very good sign, but don't be surprised if new logismoi turn up eventually. Evil seems to regroup and try another trick every time. I think your priest already told you that, but I want to be certain that you know to expect it and won't be caught off guard.

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384193 No.82640

This is still the most interesting thread on 8kun/hypno. Thanks guys for bringing in the intellect and breaking out the Greek biblical references. One you forgot though is Echthros - AKA - Enmity. Anybody wanna tackle that one? What policy does the Greek Orthodox church have now towards the Turks for the sins of antiquity in ruthlessly murdering their ancestors? Does Jesus forgive all in that regard?

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963691 No.83560

This thread was a ride

Does anyone have a valid mega link?

If someone can share sq1rt1ng pu55y would be much appreciated

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c2f4eb No.83565




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07b516 No.83719

片ヨ工 had a whole ABDL series on WMM. Does anyone still have some of those files?

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3b0e90 No.83784

Does anyone have d3m0n g1rl c0ck cr@zy

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3779cc No.83790


Hi! I'm new here, and i would like to know if you have those files on mediafire or something, because i cant download them on kshared. thanks for the good job

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c62756 No.84236

Can someone share files? Last link seems not work anymore.

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3a51ba No.84251


I have a load of K but don't know where/how to upload it for people if a new upload is required

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758046 No.84257


A new upload would be great. Not sure the best place, but a lot of people use gofile.io or mega.nz

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0b3ccd No.84320


did you end up uploading your stuff?

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f0c6b3 No.85103

Here's an idea. How about we start a project to sift thru the 片ヨ工 material to determine all the non-"demon" files THAT DO NOT contain the demon girl type scare tactic sounds from the ones that do, to build a "safer" playlist of "clean" or cleaner "vanilla" 片ヨ工 files that do not contain that type of material, if there are even more than a handful that actually don't. One file for example that clearly did not seem to have any was "Feminine Symbols". Not all the 片ヨ工 files, I think, contained the dark manipulations though it seems many did – even those that were not designated obviously as "demon" girl files.

Anyways this will be real project if we as a community seek to undertake the task of sifting though each 片ヨ工 file one by one and giving it a rating. If as many participants as possible were to report back to review each file, its status could be determined by percentage via a poll even. Again, it would be nice if a mellow kind 片ヨ工 playlist could be put together that only includes her most benevolent gentle soft/sensual material. And then by the same token, the suspect and obvious dark content files that were not ever designated as demon files yet which obviously contain those sounds, intention and content could be identified and sectioned off (quarantined) onto their own separate list.

This sounds like a real interactive project. Any takers? It's also a way to get as many people participating not only to upload their 片ヨ工 files one by one per day for analysis but also to collate together the feedback to make a more clear determination on each file as to its intent and "vibe", as it were.. Thoughts?

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f0c6b3 No.85104

Feminine Symbols:



An example of a non demon girl file

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c29ce0 No.85269


I would like these also.

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14eacc No.85593

Bump! :P

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f3e376 No.85604


yeah yeah i know im a month late, but im down, i think, although i don't have a huge problem with le voices. i recently have been thinking about listening to the files again for the first time in a couple of years. i'll give a random file a try and post my findings in a day or two.

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f1a276 No.85616

in case my id is different, i'm >>85604. i had to write this post all over again so it's probably a bit shit but w/e. well the random file i got was "I am a good girl" (desc: https://web.archive.org/web/20211208035154/https://片ヨ工smindwarp.com/collections/hypnosis-files/products/im-a-good-girl). i blacked out while listening to it so i don't remember everything, but the "worst" that happened from what i remember was that voice that speaks backwards. if you've heard it before then you know it doesn't sound scary or anything. it just sounds like a male tts if you ask me. i give it a possibly safu/safu for now. im going to listen to it again tonight and then listen to a couple more files before updating you guys on how it's going.

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