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 No.71422 [Last50 Posts]

because the old thread was full

no builds since the last one yet and that one's pretty old, but oh well

Original Thread: >>27976

Thread 2 >>45191

Thread #3: >>56550

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Hope to get updates soon, and less retarded arguing

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go fuck yourself fuckboy

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Well I tried

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File: 2c87c7f32192202⋯.png (250.99 KB,560x700,4:5,1559664704339.png)


Right, update update update. uhhhhhhh…….

The only thing that's left to do is just writing and than putting it all together + some animations which I already got a base idea on sprite sheets

The writing is really what takes the most time due to having this autism thing where I can't get a clear sense of imagination without writing down the event in my notebook, then transferring it into sublime

It's quite annoying because my hand gets cramped after like 3 - 4 events

Any tips on getting over this retardation?

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Resigning from the project and handing the assets to someone who isnt known for stalling or outright killing projects.

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I agree with this statement

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who the fuck are you and why are you namefagging


tropic at this point give us the intro again with what you got at least. The hand cramps are from writing in pen/pencil? Do you have some shitty narrow pencil or some shit? Do you need to go some ergonomic pens or some shit?



>game is supposedly amost done

>samefag says change devs


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File: b6ef482c3967ce0⋯.png (201.05 KB,781x518,781:518,y o s h.PNG)


Name 3 people


I mean, when you write like 3 pages (750 words) in 20 minutes you're going to get hand cramps whether you like it or not

I just want to skip over the writing in my notebook phase because it's horribly inefficient writing out the same event twice

But I simply don't know what to write when I sit behind a laptop screen, staring at the ever accursed blinking cursor.

Give me lifehack, some kinda way to trick my brain.

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So where's the latest build?

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>>game is supposedly amost done.

Yeah the las deadline was a 2 weeks wait a year ago.

Take tropic's scrotum out of your mouth.


>Name 3 people

Any Anon who doesnt thinks he is hot shit and wants to just offer a simple porn game/VN instead of trying to pass himself as a game dev.

This is autism on the level of the MHA trainer faggots.

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Good job at not mentioning 3 people. Also, good to know you like mediocre shit. Kill yourself.

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Anon 1

Anon 2

Anon 3

There you have it Tropic scrotum sucker.

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Just someone new to 8chan, only been here for a while a bit, didn't even know namefagging was a thing


I just want to see how the progress is going, also art. I like what I've seen so far, hopefully we get a playable build at some point

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You really thought I was that guy?

Are you retarded?

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>didn't even know namefagging was a thing

Because you are retarded. 8chan is a dedicated ANONYMOUS image board, yet you can't figure out why namefagging is shunned?


In the previous thread you said it would be done soon, now you are claiming you still have to do some animations, ALL of the writing and still combine all of it into forming an actual game. This shit is getting ridiculous, you are no place near finished.


How about stop being a faggot and coming up with retarded reasons and excuses for why you inevitably murder all games you develop. We don't care about your imaginary autistic need to write on paper instead of using a PC like a normal human being in 2019. Your hand hurts? Then type. You need to trick your brain into allowing you to type on PC? What the fuck kind of made up bullshit are you talking about man, just finish the godam demo and release it.

This is pathetic at this point, you literally murdered another game with great art and a good concept.

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File: d58821c65056778⋯.jpg (60.37 KB,615x615,1:1,1561037253485.jpg)


>All of the writing

No I'm just adding in between scenes on main events such as interactions between Abby + Kuki depending on their specific corruption/stats so that they could influence each other as NPC's

Also I like that title

I'm going to call myself "tropic the Game Murderer"

Where I go, Vaporware follows

Fear me Mortal

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quit bein a fag all the time


>totally not the same person


nah I got nothin man, the pen flows fast but consider getting a different pen. What pen you using now?

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i don't give a shit

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Using greentext must mean your right. :O

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if you want a good fusion get a digital writing pad. pen whatever onto the computer then edit it on the computer. takes steps out while still letting you do it the way you like. wont solve hand pain stuff though. alternate thought though, you could try a speech to text program or a recorder if you can talk out loud on this stuff. hopefully you can get something figured out cause this project seems interesting. good luck with it

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Quit being Tropic's bitch.

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Stop being a bitch

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Quit licking his scrotum you homo.

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tip top argument fatass


quit being a faggot

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>Any tips on getting over this retardation?

What tip do you expect unless someone tells you to write straight into Sublime?

Forget the notebook, just open the game script and start typing right into it. It's going to be bad, but you fix it later.

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>But I simply don't know what to write when I sit behind a laptop screen, staring at the ever accursed blinking cursor.

Man… Confess, you don't like to make games. I think I understand you, you have a vision and you would sincerely like to turn it into a game, but you don't want to do it yourself and that's why you're making excuses.

Maybe it's time for you to recognize this reality and try to join forces with someone who has the ability to turn your ideas into a game. Preferably not some autistic you met at Discord.

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File: 3504610c7ace2a8⋯.png (736.46 KB,922x704,461:352,kero kero.PNG)







I enjoy making games and writing/drawing in particular, I just dislike that I'm limited by time constraints and having to sleep and rest

I'm just trying to find ways to trick my brain into being more efficient at things so that at 6pm I don't have to be like

>I don't give a fuck, I'm tired and my wrist hurts

and play vidya for the rest of the day and than into the night, and than wake up at 2pm and feel like shit

I'm not an idea goy and I don't burn out, If anything i'm the vanguard who will work on the project when everyone else has left.

Because really, I don't have anything else in life that I'm particularly interested in.

I wish I was a cyborg

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try meth

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Quite being a Cluck you fucking bitch.

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quit gorging on cock you walking abortion

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Quit being such a faggot taking tropics cum out of your asshole you sissy bitch.

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Quit Being such a {INSULT}, you big pile of {SOMETHING}, god do i hate {INSERTNAMEFAGHERE}, you can all just {SUICIDE}.

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The only meaningful argument you will get in this thread for refusing to let the previous thread die until tropic posts the new build.

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you only now caught on?


quit taking it in the ass from a nigger train you queef huffing self castrater

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How long will Tropic procrastinate, make excuses and delay a game that once had potential but is now dead and buried because his severe autism annoyed and/or scared off everyone else that was helping develop it, the thread.

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File: 5ba903925bdc2fb⋯.png (899.1 KB,1283x2037,1283:2037,3070020 - Ashley Codename_….png)

I can no longer tell if any of this is real or parody

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File: 5ddc80fec9a7a80⋯.jpeg (123.42 KB,577x1024,577:1024,3092.jpeg)


Release all the art assets you have now for us to enjoy the work you're actually known for being good at (drawing KND lot ) OOOOOOOR… actually getting a group together to actually do this shit with you. A team. One person for writing. One person for coding. You for art.

Or or or…. Findng a Dev that already has a great track record for game development, dumping all you got on them, and sit back as other people deliver.

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This game had an entire team of people working on it, but now they are all gone. Whether they left because they were faggots that lacked commitment, or because Tropic wormed his way in and took over every aspect of it, I don't know, but they are gone now.

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this will never happens since means splitting the money.

take for example the developer of yandere simulator he was an ass he had shitty coding skills and barelly made progress then he found a developer and argued with the developer expecting him to do shitty code as the one he made in the end the only person that made the game progress said to yandere developer fuck you maybe in 3 hundred years your descendants will be able to finish your game with the shitty code you use .

searching for developers is easy problem is will he do the necessary ,for example a developer i know he can make the game and story and has always delivered but he has a policy he can complete the game but funding has to be transfered in total from the developer patreon to his paypal since is fair and reason people started to complain to patreon of why they have to show the money people gave them you could say the reason of why hiding the ammount donated is because of him

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>since means splitting the money.

What money? There is no patreon and it wouldn't survive their banhammer.

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now is clear why they havent made anything at all

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There have been art updates it's not like they did nothing at all. But without a patreon site there also isn't much reason to push out versions every month just to keep the money stream up.

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most REAL developers only care about fame and glory not about money reason of why old artists and developers are still praise even after years of retirement.

Patreon is just an excuse to avoid doing something since most people know that if you are USA citizen they will allow whatever content you create either lolicon,toddlercon, or going to extremes child porn fakes (photoshopped images) and you patreon wont be taken down even you can rquest support for piracy and your stuff will be allowed and wont be taken down if you are USA citizen.

for example there are guys spreading mod packs with full game on patreon they havent made anything they put it together in a zip and ask support and lock the downloads under 5 dollars donations laughable and the patreon is still active and not taken down because he is a yankee "flashbangz"

As you see patreon is subjective and benefits yankees only no matter the scam they run.

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File: ee5e01b77298f6e⋯.jpg (1016.91 KB,1301x1848,1301:1848,1534106998913.jpg)


i'm pretty sure all artist want money

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>the wave of patreon banning creators/forcing them to change content never happened

>being US based excludes you from any rules patreon has even if they don't mention it because I say so

Some content not having been reported yet doesn't turn it into "everything goes".

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if you live in USA and have a patreon everything goes.

some content is reported yet patreon wont do anything for example i reported 20 patreon from child porn fakers several times yet said content is still available on patreon and i doubt i will be the only one reporting it yet still online authors are USA based.

Patreons of scammers same as above to date are online.

Patreon of piracy content same as above to date are online.

All of those are USA based people but foreigners well they get banned inmediatelly,for example i know a developer he had a patreon and wasmaking the game lolicon fantasy MV the demo didnt have anything hentai or similar but he got banned because of the title and was outside USA

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>i reported 20 patreon from child porn fakers several times yet said content is still available on patreon

Name a few devs who have it on patreon. Even the Insexual Awakening dev had to remove everything related to the original game on patreon.

>Patreons of scammers same as above to date are online.

>Patreon of piracy content same as above to date are online.

Scam and piracy is a different situation. They have no rule against scamming.

>All of those are USA based people

How would you know all the locations of those scammers?

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scamming and piracy is illegal in almost any country and patreon rules are they will fullfill the law.

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File: 473a9ba9a8808ce⋯.png (2.73 MB,1332x2004,111:167,C K KND.png)

Still Working on the Game, Progress is slow, waiting for Tropic to prepare the build to start game test it , fix shit, twitch Art related to events, do more art for other events, etc etc. Unless you want a doc with the script, there's not much else to show for progress so no reason to give updates.

Have some art someone Commissioned.

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Patreon will not check any of this, unless there are a certain amount of reports over a two-day time frame.

This company must have about 20 employees, mostly hippies, hipsters and leftists who hold Hillary Clinton posters on the wall. In addition to being too little to manually check every report, they probably spend more time drinking coffee with herbs, posting on instagram, and discussing social justice on twitter than working.

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I have a feeling this will be like that Kim Possible game. lots of previews but nothing else.

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I'm keeping a copy of all the sprites and art. If Tropic ends up ghosting or shit happens I will make sure to leave a link with all of it here

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When you have enough material to create a game, we make a pirate version without the bullshit that Tropic wants to include in the game, just a simple dating sim full of hot sex scenes.

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File: cfe671a612558f0⋯.jpg (1.89 KB,123x125,123:125,1560819276889.jpg)

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>Y-you need money to do something, goy!

Golly, makes you wonder about the hundreds of 00000.01V unfinished games on patreon.


Bless you. Also, I realized you are not the original artfag but I assume the friend of the guy that came here or something like that. Good on you for improving. I still rather the original artfag, though, rest in pepperoni.


tropic may do a lot of things, but you can be sure, he will always lurk here, for some reason. If he stops logging you should assume he died, chocking on cocks.


Even though I like tropic ideas, he is getting pretty autistic about it. A simple date sim can work wonders.

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File: ed45e5912a13ced⋯.gif (244.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,abc5088ded448aecea788bb6bd….gif)


are you mad at the artfag who does commissions or do you thin he should do it all for free so you can beat off with a smile

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If artfags decide to do commission, that's on them, whether they live of it or not. I was just pointing out how retarded the thought of "the only way something can get done is by pushing money into it" is.

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Yeah, I'm the one that was friends with the original poster. I also do miss Original Artfag.

And just like Tropic gonna be still lurk around, I'm also too autistic to drop this project after spending so much time and resources in it.

Even if a simple date sim would work. I'm intrigue to see if this shit tropic is making gonna actually work or explode in his face

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>the only way something can get done is by pushing money into it

that's fair

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implying it won't implode

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It probably would. I usually defend tropic, because he does have ambition, something porn game makers don't and consumers don't care. But his major improvement in coding was adding RNG in the basement build of Supermom because "He liked RNG".


It isn't. It's retarded. Otherwise, plenty of 0.1v games would actually be finished. Hell, Summertime Saga should have 5 sequels by now.

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no i'm saying that your statement is fair. i agree

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Honestly at this point I'm impressed (if a bit perplexed) at your dedication to stick with the project, considering the state it seems to be in. Unless things are actually progressing dramatically smoothly behind the scenes, this whole project seems like it's been in "nope fuck this shit I'm out" mode for like a year.

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Probably because things are progressing, at a slow rate I guess

Here's a quick breakdown

>Idea is proposed around 2 years ago on this board

>artguys and idea guys pile on

>Make a bunch of sprites and some basic writing

>Release the base vn that has a lot of problems but good art 1 year ago

>Tropic see's the good art, joins in hoping to change the project into what he thinks is good

>Proposes a lot of idea's and creates a game design doc to make the VN into an actual game

>It's a lot of workload and tropic and art people seem to be the only one doing the new proposed plan

>Artguy leaves due to some disagreement with the old vanguard

>old team decide they want to do something else because of that

>tropic get's mad and takes his ball and goes home with soul and other artguy 5 months ago

>Scraps all of the old stuff and starts to remake the game in his vision by himself

>And now 5 months pass and he's still doing it

I'm sure there's some progress just due to tropics autism

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What are the old team doing now?

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If that guy is truly the OP of the first KND thread, then why the artist doesn't help with the art of that game? Is not like he can't do both this one and the other.

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Cause I don't have the spare time and I joined this project as a favor cause the OP of the first thread asked me for help. Why I would want to work ever again with them after the mess that the KND game became?

Also that's not the only project they went to do, for what I have heard they went to do another two projects apart of the loud house, one being gravity falls. So fuck no, I won't be following them to start projects to get jack shit done and then just jump to the next shit.

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File: e12cc4a228b0c86⋯.png (1.56 MB,1920x940,96:47,ClipboardImage.png)


So you'd say the Loud House guy is truly the previous OP? Just curious, it seems like there IS some bad blood, and that sucks.

Have you ever considered working by yourself and coding? Because speaking of TLH, there's this really basic game called The Lewd House coded in HTML, pretty simple, but it does have a lot of potential for a good game, it only lacks some text and scenes.

Here's the link https://mega.nz/#F!dgBmHZRR!QTEHPCa41w-rFeHMe7zH5w

>they went to do another two projects apart of the loud house, one being gravity falls

Oh shit. Those are mostly idea guys, anon. I tried my hand at programming to not just be an idea guy, but it is certainly harder than you would just expect.

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Well yeah, I thought about learning to code and do stuff on my own. But learning to code takes time and I gotta also work on Commission art. I make a living from it so I don't have much spare time.

And with the time I lost all interest in Loud House tbh. If they decided to pay me for some art I wouldn't mind helping but I'm already using my free time on other stuff.

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Fair enough.

>And with the time I lost all interest in Loud House tbh

I still think is the perfect H game setting

>Boy living with a bunch of sisters

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If you're a pedophile maybe.

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Do you realize this is a KND thread?

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You dont play as yoursf so its Cluckshit.

For all his autism the KND game at least isnt Cluckshit.

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Lincoln is so bland it doesn't matter. Couldn't give any less of a shit if you don't agree.

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Same Cluck.

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every day we live in fear that we'll fap to porn with a non-generic character fucking our waifus, and then we'll be Clucks and the consequences are just too scary to think about

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Poll of the day. Who will deliver the update first?

A) Tropic - KND

B) Anon dev that doesn't namefag - Sim Loli

Tropic the slayer of "games that could have been great" vs Sim Loli dev, the guy that is creating a game in his spare time and lets everyone know he only updates once a year during Christmas time. Slow as hell schedule, yet he has never failed to drop that update. I chose "B", Sim Loli dev will beat Tropic to the punch, releasing his usual update around December. Pretty easy poll I guess since Tropic is actually never going to release an update for this game, it was doomed the second he got his grubby little autistic hands on it's code.

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Why did they leave? Well, what I really want to know is what came first, them leaving, or Tropic joining. It's like the old "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" question.

Did they abandon the game then Tropic decided to salvage it, or did they naively invite him to the team then realized his insane autism is an absolute nightmare to work with, that the game will never be released with him coding it then decided to abandon it?

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The Sim Loli guy will probably never end the game because he is autistic to the extreme and doesn't know how to differentiate essential features from superfluous things. But he really works and that's why we can check the result (although it's probably the sickest game ever made).

I don't think Tropic really works, he should open the text editor and spend all day to write 50 lines of code. The rest of the day he spends browsing the chans, watching YouTube videos, reading hentai and chatting with other autists on social networks.

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I first saw Sim Loli on AGDG in, what, 2011, 2012? I saw it again a few months ago, absolutely astounded it was still going. AND IT LOOKS NEARLY THE FUCKING SAME HE'S ACHIEVED GODDAMN NOTHING. I can't believe one person can achieve so little in a decade. Like Jesus Christ, he could have made the next Cave Story or Iconoclasts by now and be filthy rich and engage in the kind of underworld sex tourism filthy richness buys and FUCK. REAL. LOLIS.

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File: a712be994c1b737⋯.png (1.06 MB,3550x2000,71:40,map.png)


>using social networks

I may be an autist but I'm not a retard anon, don't slander me like that

If you feel like helping, How would you make this Map Ui look better?

It's supposed to keep track of where all the characters are in the game but it looks like fucking dog shit when I actually placed it into renpy

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why are there so many fucking rooms tropic? It was already a shitty mechanic in your incredibles thing so you thought more rooms would be a good idea?

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I've mastered the technique of knowing what to do to make the events flow better with room to room movement and character a.i.

I'm using the skeletons of my dead projects to build a Frankenstein.

It's also done because that's how many rooms are in the actual treehouse based on all my reference images

I also got the bg's for like most of them that I need done a while ago

It's a good system, it works.

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Just have the outline show till someone is in a room and then have it color in. Could also change up the color palette

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File: fe68094870ecf67⋯.jpg (163.34 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1532486969284.jpg)


just kee going we'll make things prettier in the 2.0 version

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Tropic is swear to god if you have the girls skipping over rooms again so we just keep missing each other like in the incredibles game I'm gonna beat your fucking ass

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File: 1d57d22700b79f9⋯.jpg (182.98 KB,800x1163,800:1163,15.jpg)


I'll make it work this time

I could have fixed it in SM but I got really really annoyed that it didn't come out how I wanted so I never bothered to actually sit down and fix all the inner mechanics of how event encounters worked

I got it this time. tip top. All planned out.

I'll tattoo it across my labcoat like Onions boy

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anyone got a link to the "latest" build?

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It really looks like shit, but you don't have to worry about it now. All games have depressing UI during the development process. Just make the map work for now.

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>He actually made the tree house resemble the one in the show

Holy shit, tropic, you autistic madman, can tell, at the very least, that Numbah 1 room is indeed next to the main room. Wasn't Numbah 2 room in the hangar, though?

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File: 4a44f414bb0be20⋯.png (1.78 MB,1006x746,503:373,hwat.PNG)


You're correct that numbuh 2's room is also the hanger. The one labeled Hanger should actually be called "the garage" since that's where they keep the Battle bus

I must have just gotten confused in the labeling because it also opens up and is primarily used as another exit way point.

Thanks for pointing that out

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Cool, also, this anon is right >>72222

Get right of the fucking corridors and stylize the map a bit more, for fuck sakes.

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can you fucking go back to super mom you autistic nutwad

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File: ea108eb495b9889⋯.png (36.87 KB,300x100,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck, mate, I never thought it would have affected you this much.

I invite you to my board to either grief or fucking do something >>>/hentaiclub/

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File: c1fca786a99b8df⋯.jpg (223.4 KB,555x555,1:1,1564126778634.jpg)


Exhentai had a lot of game cg's that don't exist anywhere else

I got a bunch of the very old ones from 1980's to 1990's but I was the only one backing up the game cg's so I managed to only get about 40 pages in

Fucking 12 hours is not enough time to back up a lifetimes worth of history

E-Hentai has only about half of that collection and none of the old stuff that people forgot about

And now it's all ogre

Lost to the sands of time.

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It might not all be lost an anon scraped 50TBs of data of the 70TB total (according to the admin). They said they did not archive any 3d stuff so sadly a good portion of that might be lost.

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That anon hasn't offered any proof so I think it's bullshit.

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File: 8a5de33cd37dca5⋯.jpg (141.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,kokomade.jpg)


it keep going back thinking it was just a joke

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everything that we love can and will be gone, but the pain is all that stays

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File: 5ad8ad9939c72f8⋯.jpeg (212.35 KB,1800x1214,900:607,EAfkbWQW4AAor0b.jpeg)


Its time like this im glad im not a degenerate so the purge didnt affect me that much. Only issue was losing game CGs because of 2% loli content.

Fuck loliniggers and shotaniggers.

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Fuck off, viper.

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About the story: Correct me if wrong ,but if we choose to be the Suprame Leader we get 86 and 362, while if choose not to be we get 3 and right? (plus some bonus one likes mega mom, mushi and henrietta

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File: 6e4bad216ac8665⋯.png (1.52 MB,3556x2000,889:500,stats.png)


That's old shit

The new story is just hanging out in the tree house doing stuff until megamom appears

The major difference in the new stuff in terms of choice is that each girl has inhibition/Lust/Depravity that account for how they act, and the more you build a specific style up, the more their appearance changes + rpg stuff

Also accounts for what events come up for them and how they influence other characters in the treehouse (ie. If Mushi + Kuki are more depraved they'll have a higher chance to make Numbuh 5 and 86 more depraved as well)

Also stats mean different things for each character, a depraved Kuki is not the same as a depraved Abby, it basically takes their characteristics and warps them (Depressed kuki / Thug abby)

The main goal of the game is still to solve the issue of serums, but it takes it's time to build up your own specific version of your team (as the leader) before you go out and beat the big bad

Right now, none of that galactic stuff is in the game though. I want to finish off the base s1 characters and storylines before I move onto 86 and 362, Mandy/ Numbuh 10

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File: 778bd174715ee98⋯.png (160.59 KB,559x682,559:682,ad48137353b2e3d29dacd4e311….png)


>The new story is just hanging out in the tree house doing stuff until megamom appears

I'm disappointed, I could have wrote a better story for you, faggot. Just answer this: What about the MC, who will be the MC? OC? Also, What will happen with the other male characters around the tree house.

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File: 0db2b33f5abf07a⋯.png (2.8 MB,2620x6160,131:308,clothed.png)


I mean the story will progress into stuff, I have a bible written. the first build is needed to be more basic due to it being the introductory point to the main plot and gameplay style.

MC is pic related. He takes over as numbuh 1's replacement.

He's fairly simple due to various customization options to be added on.

Male characters are also still there and I've mainly written them to be general comedy relief as well as potential battles.

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>the first build is needed to be more basic due to it being the introductory point to the main plot and gameplay style.

>The main build

Faggot, with all the time you are taking I thought you were going to release the whole game at once. I've done 2 games in the time you've been working on this although admittedly fairly simple VNs

MC looks great. I would have go against including the other male characters at all, but that option doesn't look bad at all.

Are you using Ren'py? If so, I could help you a bit with the code.

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File: 6859c1a0c713320⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,14.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,numbuh 4.webm)


I mean, it's not a demo for sure. It's super large. I've written about a books worth of content and it can easily eat up 3+ hours, I just finished storyboarding the ending last week.

you beat Megamom but forget to unfreeze numbuh 4 who drifts through time and space

Just in terms of story it doesn't have much in terms of actual plot progression. It's more along the lines of

>protag fucks around and does shit to the girls until stuff happens and than MegaMom bullies them all"

And like there's enough content in general it easily eclipses most games by far.

And ye I use ren'py but I use a lot of python stuff that might be tuff stuff, because it's not a vn it's more like Akabur princess trainer (princess maker archetype) tier of trainer where you move around more.

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Is the webm part of the game? Because if so, man, get a better fucking font.

>because it's not a vn it's more like Akabur princess trainer (princess maker archetype) tier of trainer where you move around more.

As long as you don't push Akabur's shitty tropes around, then it's nice if it has actual gameplay.

>Python stuff

Since you are an autist I'm guessing it's a lot of variables.

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File: 590f229337e5e80⋯.png (47.51 KB,970x90,97:9,key_frames.png)


It's a storyboard

It's sketches that you line up to later insert other things

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File: c6868bd431376a1⋯.jpeg (21.88 KB,402x394,201:197,c6868bd431376a1f06bb7f820….jpeg)


I understand the concept of an story board. But why waste time animating it?

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>The damn thing is an hour long

I usually just make a a showcase of key scenes with notes and obviously character notes. You are in a whole new level of autism, tropic. I just hope the game gets finished soon.

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File: eee0f17624809cd⋯.jpg (820.52 KB,3550x2000,71:40,bomb boy.jpg)


It's fun~

I also have animation's story boards set up for attacks/battles/and gui stuff


Anon that's a minute

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Can you postpone Megamoms appearence by not doing a certain story quest, or she acts more like a timer, where she appears when the calendar reaches day x?

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File: f94e393eac4f0e9⋯.png (698.71 KB,3840x2160,16:9,mm angry.png)


Kinda both

I have her set up that she appears at random spots throughout the story based on time and to remind you that she is there, but than she bursts forth from her stalker phase into full battle just as soon as you're about to complete the story events for either kuki or abby

Personally I don't really like timed "GET TO X DEADLINE" stuff because I like to scrape the walls for content in most games before I progress any sort of story.

Albeit for other villains down the line I'll probably have to do that, since our main mission gameplay is based around Xcom style of alerts

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I don't wanna battle numbah 2 or 4. Those are my niggas

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File: 5ad13297e7446b4⋯.png (107.06 KB,361x370,361:370,1532460989923.png)







so at what percent are you close to being done.? please tell me this will be out before 2020

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>literal vaporware

>4 months until 2020

>people still expect this game to be completed


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I mean I can understand Numbuh 4, dude is a hothead and is currently (trying to?) tapping Numbuh 3.

Numbuh 2 doesn't seem like he'd mind unless you manipulating the girls makes him angry or something. He just seems like the type to just hang out in the hangar, do any upgrade/tech/shop work you need, maybe go into rants about that new thing he's interested in if you can be bothered to listen.

Numbuh 2 is a good boy.

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We're dealing with a developer who has never released a completed product. 2020 is… let's call it optimistic.

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So if I understand it correctly, if/when the game comes out its going to be about the 3 and 5, with a possible update about the Moonbase much later. Or did I read it wrong?

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File: dcefdbc6338282a⋯.png (221.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,Liz_FlashingTits.png)



There are sprites of mushi/lizzie and 362 and 86 but there's not much written content for them and no cg's

Right now I'm trying to finish the first test build which is only numbuh 5, just to see how the game functions and where I should focus my efforts and if things need to be adjusted or removed

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>There are sprites of mushi/lizzie and 362 and 86 but there's not much written content for them and no cg's

Aw, I wanted to fuck Lizzie and call her fatass.

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File: cc2c1a1b32567b4⋯.png (163.63 KB,409x325,409:325,1564192922133.png)


can we also play the test build?

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The initial one is straight up for testing purposes.

Unless you want to have sublime open to fix bugs as they appear whilst you play I don't think you would enjoy it.

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i don't care how fucked it is i want to see proof you actually put something together that is playable

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File: 72b4b4d6e0d8808⋯.jpg (19.16 KB,288x450,16:25,168539577-288-k106894.jpg)


Nice Dolphin porn, also 50mb is way too low dude

Also evo is fun, I hope my boy dotodoya gets into top 64

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Why don't you let us report the bugs, faggot? Better having a few dozen anons doing it than only you.



Come on.

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File: 92dea96073f2ccd⋯.png (623.49 KB,1098x779,1098:779,1554958314903.png)

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No point doing constant synch for every change.

>release broken build

>Progression blocker bug in 5 minutes

>Have to release a new build each time for every bug

Testing in that sort of way only works when you have a bunch of google drives or git's synched up

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I don't think you are bad enough to have so many progression breaking bugs. And even if you were, let anons test it, faggot. Give the test build a day or two of testing, then you correct the bugs and upload it as a new version. No need for google drive or gits, just compile it again after the changes and reupload it.

Be practical for once, damn it.

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Just upload whatever you have every week or so, all you've given us until now is jargon for "I got nuffin".

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K, once I finish the first test which will probably just be walking around and interacting with menus I'll upload it

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File: 1d8ef321f6f6157⋯.jpg (69.04 KB,340x372,85:93,1553215779305.jpg)

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Atleast you could post the newer old version the one where you go and save 86.

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author and OP is trolling he has nothing made similar to patreon shit this is why no upload

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How's that (((testing))) coming along?

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File: aad670c31004b03⋯.jpg (190.2 KB,1093x619,1093:619,old.jpg)


I'm parsing through bugs and building up my spaghetti

I'm trying to make it non-garbo so that I can build ontop of my files rather than akabur/oni it up and have to rework it every patch

Also fuck mosquito's

August is the worst month

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>trying to make it non-garbo

Now that's something you don't see everyday.

Shit, I might even believe this game's coming out sometime.

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If that day comes I pledge to translate the thing to Spanish just beacause.

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I can help you, fellow spic.

A menos que quieras traducirlo al castellano, sucio Español

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Claro que no soy Español, "Porque soy barbaro"

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Didn't know there were other spics lurking this board.

Que bien

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File: b382038e784a7db⋯.jpg (10.7 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault (5).jpg)

30 weeks

210 days

5040 hours

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We did get a demo with the intro and dressup, so progress?

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File: 945c217bfd4ea50⋯.png (300.58 KB,916x514,458:257,unknown (3).png)

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File: 45380553c5a94f6⋯.png (324.79 KB,1085x605,217:121,ClipboardImage.png)


Tropic says that is almost done with the demo. just to add the last few tweaks , clean the art and hunt for bugs. I will try as much as possible to make him let me do the art so he can focus on the other shit and speed things up.

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cool, now if only links popped up correctly

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So what does the almost means? This month?

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File: a3d63b93df0771f⋯.png (605.14 KB,980x553,140:79,unknown-8.png)



I need testers to see how the character influence other character works and if there are any bugs I missed

So it'll be the last demo test with some events and than if that's fine it's a big boy release

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If you want it I could be a tester. I'm already on the discord server.

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anyone here would be willing to test, but some testing guidelines would be helpful to keep people from giving shit feedback

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Testing guide lines are a good idea. Its probably going to be a bug hunt.

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File: 795b4dd352eb427⋯.png (1.33 MB,3550x2000,71:40,hallway_stuff.png)

Tropic said only left to polish stuff for the demo release.

Give a deadline until Sunday To release it.

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He said the same about a year ago, anon.

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>Can we get the link Soul?

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File: f3454fa6e4bf770⋯.gif (277.94 KB,250x381,250:381,1446138272295.gif)


So, coup or art dump when?

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File: 2f7493b00fd269d⋯.png (79.02 KB,416x363,416:363,waaaaaaaaaaaa.PNG)


Come on man

I'm almost done

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I might. I thought my patience for this project would be enough to endure any bullshit but after this kind of thing again and again it's truly pissing me off.

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You know what you have to do Soul. The game will never release before the end of the corona.

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>I'm almost done

You've been saying that for almost half a decade.

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tropic, but with actual releases.

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Do it Soul. At least after 5 years of waiting it won't be for nothing, at least the 4 or 5 of us still checking this thread will get a fap out of it. Half a decade without even a demo produced, you know what to do, dump the art.

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File: 0cbd16efa437b40⋯.gif (140.22 KB,500x300,5:3,1438588441416.gif)

trapic put this bideo on /stg/ on /aco/ on 4chan

he imploded here, but exploded over there

I figured you guys deserve to see it


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File: 6bc910df88e674d⋯.jpg (18.92 KB,481x498,481:498,0aed5bbbcb8e79a1a905d2662c….jpg)


come on bro

Let this be my safe space

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>Tifa Trainer

That's a name I haven't heard in a long ass while.

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Tropic, Im just curious are you gonna make a demo? Or doing a whole release at once? You have a lot of art and have had a lot of time.

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File: 6cc63591b6c7dfd⋯.jpg (44.25 KB,750x577,750:577,1582510915959.jpg)


One test build than a big release afterwards

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File: af30e2e812ebf43⋯.png (27.91 KB,256x209,256:209,Wake_Me_Up.png)


Watching that shit physically hurt me, hotdamn.

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>CG got posted

Kek, get fucked Tropic.

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lmao, what damage control will be done I wonder

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File: 38ee84a395ae151⋯.gif (1.67 MB,640x480,4:3,1553574582005.gif)

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>SoulCentinel has left the team

>handed the server over to Tropic beforehand, instead of just nuking the retard chamber.

>now tropic's re-adding all the unfun RNG and the strategy game that only makes sense to his retard brain that NoClass and Soul told him to remove.

and with that, Tropic claimed the life of another potentially good trainer game.

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I dumped the art for a reason, if someone wants to do give it a try on their own they are free to use the assets. I draw them so isn't my right to decide if it's of public use, right?

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don't know about that, chief.

personally, I wouldn't want to be getting into a Breeding Season/Towergirls debacle with the king of the spergs.

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Breeding Season/towergirls debacle?

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Breeding Season fell apart when one of the artists claimed ownership over the work he did during the campaign and refused to let them keep using the artwork and characters.

Towergirls(Now called Princess and Conquest) went under fire from the creator of the Towergirls idea, Gats, and a lawsuit ensued.

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But I'm doing the reverse of that. Making it public use.

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Didn't tropic pay you for those?

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What he paid me for cleaning lines and stuff, some of it. Megamom assets probably the only true commission from tropic. And of most of it when I said that I wouldn't draw more until the build drop, that never droped. If He wanted me to renounce my ownership over all the stuff I draw he would had to paid me a lot more than what he did.

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File: 297b3169e9f8086⋯.jpg (41.16 KB,447x467,447:467,_NoobSubs_Shimoneta_to_Iu_….jpg)


>Boy living with a bunch of sisters

And mom

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Loud house had a girl for any flavour. shame they didn't put the effort into it.

They droped the game entirely or they are "still working" ?

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Seems it was dropped entirely, but it makes me think how come there isn't a game already with that concept? the setting is pitch perfect.

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File: 16c4e98d749f2fe⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1821x2560,1821:2560,lynnbed.jpg)

Loud house game is actually going fine.Just slowed down due to the virus.

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Where can i follow the development?

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She looks adult in here

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File: ae0b045fbc146cf⋯.jpg (34.98 KB,900x900,1:1,photo.jpg)

>The game died

what a shame

Oh well, expected just as much coming from Tropic

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Hey Soul, do you have any art of the sex scenes to dump? if, there even is any?

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How? Lockdown

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In the link I posted all the PSDs files. I didn't put Melancholics stuff cause not sure if they are still in or out of the project. But everything I done is in there. Unless I forgot some file.

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File: 77f4cb02e1436a2⋯.png (130.02 KB,274x385,274:385,77f4cb02e1436a2eb9949df091….png)


Jesus tropic.


TowerCluck had it coming it's way. Reminder that everything started here in 8/hgg/ because of the inclusion of Cluckshit in the game that he swore to god wasn't Cluckshit, and it was added very early in the game. Princess and Conquest is just as bad.


I doubt tropic can or even want to cry about this. Faggot had it coming his way too.


>They droped the game entirely or they are "still working" ?

Long time dropped. The dev is known for dropping most if not all his projects, just like tropic. At least the game was developed in HTML so it should be pretty easy to pic up from any literal monkey.

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File: eae9955f01be342⋯.png (24.61 KB,128x111,128:111,1552394000560.png)

So that's it then? all these years of waiting for nothing.

Seeing as Tropic is too incompetent to deliver, this game is good as dead.

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Some guys at based four chan are going to make their own and Soul offered to help so we will see. Heck tropic even offered help with some code (It was strange that he wasnt his snappy and arrogant self, guess that the leak humbled him a little).

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File: 2ed71a42835b91d⋯.jpg (30.95 KB,500x502,250:251,2ed71a42835b91d287652b0037….jpg)



Shit right off the bat.

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Then do it yourselfif you are so Great.

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File: 043fcf607088c2f⋯.png (79.63 KB,1582x759,1582:759,autism.PNG)


Tropic hasn't stopped which is why

On discord he's still posting shit

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I AM making my own games. I'm just about to finish the next update to shill it here since I didn't know /htg/ was back. But I come back to find out that soul was taken by Cluckchan, sadly. May his game fail, because it will probably be full of Cluckshit.


Why not post it here?

Also, this is Duke Nukem Forever: Autism version.

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So it's being worked on by someone else who is not tropic?

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File: b6e1cdf5115633a⋯.gif (120.01 KB,220x220,1:1,1557113499292.gif)


Was this announced in the /stg/ threads? I haven't seen anything about this.

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>Also, this is Duke Nukem Forever: Autism version

This isn't Legend Of Krystal

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File: 39a0e6e42f5afa9⋯.png (1.35 MB,3500x720,175:36,1212211.png)


It's only me

it's only ever been me!



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File: 406dcb6c20bfab9⋯.png (194.99 KB,1009x657,1009:657,unknown_15.png)


Wow. It's kinda amusing how much you suck without help already. Don't tell me you spent all this time just doing those two edits.

I don't know what would be funnier. Pointing everything wrong with them that you managed to fuck up from my ten min sketch. Or how many things are wrong without telling you which ones. See if you could find them.

I will just do a few. You moved the body closer. Somehow made the arm longer and forgot to move the white lines of the butt swings.

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>SC destroying Cluckpic.


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File: ead9a83344cd55a⋯.jpg (244.08 KB,1080x1657,1080:1657,IMG_20200411_011005.jpg)


Just noticed the butt swings

Thanks for the help~

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What pisses me off the most about tropic is that he did not only had free art and free help, or offers thereof of it, he did nothing with it. He keeps his autistic crusade with terrible game mechanics, while I had to beg for free art only to work with shitty 3D done in illusion games and working by myself.

And even then, I have something playable.

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alright fair enough, I'm interested

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This entire thread is like the entire promise of the board, and it delivers just as it should. Hostile takeovers. Deadlines missing. Talentless hacks. Patreon scams. Just another drop in the pond of western hgames.

When will you fags get real? Then again, clownworld's gonna continue honking i guess.

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File: 72056414c272e78⋯.png (1.18 MB,3840x720,16:3,test.png)


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Where's soul sentinel art assets

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scroll up a bit >>72655

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I downloaded a link and there wasn't a .exc file to run the game. I know there is something I'm missing but I'm stupid.

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is that retard arudan still working on this cuz hes been posting to his tumblr about some dating sim hes working on and telling people its for kids lol

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>loud house

>pedoshit with tongues

>funny not hentaifaces

Man, thanks good shit is banned

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File: 9bcb5db767e3da9⋯.png (949.03 KB,1416x798,236:133,VERY_COOL.PNG)


I don't think so

It's just tropic by himself, he's been asking about stuff on code and design every couple of days

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I wish I could play this game!

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Imagine being this much brain dead, just like 8kun.

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File: e72a7af8de57bfd⋯.jpeg (9.99 KB,275x183,275:183,images_63_.jpeg)


Since the art assets are out is anyone else working on a game?

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File: d4b161af3f710ee⋯.png (151.16 KB,543x624,181:208,unknown_23.png)


Of course it's only going to be me, everyone else likes to talk big but they're just larpers

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To be honest, tropic, I'm making my own game separated for your own shit, and although I do have plans for my next game, I may make a game with all these assets only to shit on you. I have no idea what it can be, though. If I have something decent and I'm pushed to use placeholders, I may contact soul for help.

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File: 550291aa64b49ab⋯.png (103.98 KB,345x328,345:328,1588574959581.png)


ur gay and stupid and I will always dab on you with my superior skills

You can never face me

That's the problem these days, There's no one left that can face me!

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File: b97b50d15b4ede8⋯.png (2.07 MB,1920x1080,16:9,laura_demo_end.png)


I should be finishing the game I'm making soon.

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File: c27e6ce95c05a2d⋯.png (1.96 MB,3200x2880,10:9,test.png)

What else to add?

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File: 9e4d68a04246d5c⋯.gif (2.9 MB,540x259,540:259,53047fbe_af4c_4970_8365_51….gif)


You're not making a game though you're playing with assets. It's been 2 years and you have so much as a 0.5 to the original 0.2. Which came out may 2018.

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File: b6ee629fdd0f77b⋯.png (991.59 KB,1920x1080,16:9,witch.png)


More versions with panties. Like tight 4-6 and possible zipper 4.

Or give an option to tell her what combination to wear.

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You can't have an option to tell her a combination since 2 our of the 3 outfits are one piece.

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File: b5c3cd0b43f6937⋯.png (150.58 KB,600x720,5:6,test.png)


I can just draw more stuff combined without issue


>zipper with short

>Zipper with tight

Zipper with whatever the fuck


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File: d0f27de0ea9b8e7⋯.png (84.3 KB,300x265,60:53,ClipboardImage.png)


Sure, but that's mostly underwear, I don't think you can really change her outfit that much considering she literally only uses a large t-shirt. You can try and go nuts with different styles, but I think there are more important things, like releasing the damn game, and then releasing whatever updated with extra fluff stuff like extra outfits. Right now, it seems to be enough.

Also, as long as the underwear doesn't overlap with other outfits like what Akashit lazily does.

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File: 7d91043ba0de17e⋯.png (422.68 KB,1565x592,1565:592,overlso.PNG)


I'm super particular about overlaps or overlays, It peeves me.

I set up a function in my itemtable that strips things that don't fit together like pic related

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Noise. Wish you weren't too autistic, tropic.

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Guy from /co/ here we are waitng with our dick in our hands for the VN

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File: 9fa025e67074b8d⋯.png (150.47 KB,1200x922,600:461,test.png)



Kinda gay to have so many hands on your penis anon

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We're desprate

You're making us gay Tropic!

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He's saying it's been two years and you've put nothing out

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Where's the demo you fuck

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File: c8154c351e814cf⋯.png (2.1 MB,3149x1771,3149:1771,1592595319287.png)


I gotta write for all the new wardrobe I added and than bug test

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At this point, the demo doesn't even have to be complete, as long as it shows progress has been done! You got years of work to show for

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Just wanna say, I haven't checked since before 8ch got taken down…

For the love of everything that is great and holy, I cannot believe this is still being worked on…

Am I alive right now?

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considering the fact that there hasn't been a built since 8ch was taken down, no you're dead

This is hell

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>You're dead

Oh good, finally.

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You've been saying that exact excuse for 2 years straight. You always have to bug test before you release a demo then you add more shit and have to bug test again. This is like rogue like if oni bug tested his own work then never posted it when he's done

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>bug test

who gives a shit, its a alpha, the players bug test

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hell im still excited to see it. ill wait however long

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File: 0cf8e8f8045db8a⋯.png (376.98 KB,1280x720,16:9,cg2.png)

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File: 9cbf28e6c90337c⋯.png (389.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,cg5.png)

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I just stumbled upon this game not but 10 minutes ago.

I'm confused on the status of the game. There were playable builds of the game, but are gone now; and the game is still in development, but the status is questionable and the release-by date unknown.

Did I get the gist of it?

From what i've seen and gathered from the snippets, it looks amazing! Can't wait to see a working version!

If there is a working link to the last build, could someone share it?

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It's in feature creep mode, means it will never come out or will come out tomorrow. The other builds are nothing.

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tropic is constantly "building" the game. i don't think he's made a game, the original artist released an asset pack so anyone can take a crack at it

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Asset pack? Really? I would love a link if you know

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File: 83639cdbad41d78⋯.png (166.47 KB,540x720,3:4,combatplaceholder_doingnot….png)

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bruh these are not yours these are on sentnils mega

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File: 8be937e8d16143c⋯.png (194.78 KB,1476x683,1476:683,retardd.PNG)


I literally drew them a week ago, what are you talking about

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File: b041e2404c9814c⋯.jpg (11.57 KB,279x312,93:104,1571508451043.jpg)


2 years where's the game. or demo

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File: 373330c4005ad9c⋯.png (77.87 KB,500x500,1:1,play_game.png)


I wanna make an slot machine that goes BRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBR and than you get an item

Than I'll be happy

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well since you're here, might as well not be a dick and ask you a legit question, got any webms of the game? like a scene?

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I mean you can play the intro and uhhuhuhuhuhuhuh play around with outfits in


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File: 921c6dd14d1e969⋯.jpg (130.67 KB,961x1065,961:1065,2020_04_22_12_05_06_18_Tek….jpg)


innit cute

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pretty neat. got anymore?

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File: d2ec1868d843717⋯.png (1.93 MB,3149x1771,3149:1771,33333.png)



Pretty sure that build doesn't have any events in it since I took em out for testing purposes

The one I have now basically goes from 0 - 100 in 3 stats for abby

A bunch of talk events for kuki and duo events

uh gift mechanics

uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh and whatever other dumb shit I added.

I removed missions for now I think.

Ye next build is just mostly a shit load of events and stats and a bunch of wardrobe checks for default clothing that changes along with stats

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File: d956caaf881adb4⋯.png (868.91 KB,1428x825,476:275,ClipboardImage.png)


Holy shit, faggot, this needs A LOT of polish. Why the fuck can't you make a simple hover map for your image? I thought you were ironing these things out, and I know this is an early build.


There's no even a decent main menu screen despite having a lot of assets that could have been used.

Better than basement build, sure.

Also, why don't you jump shit, mate? Make a board in any of the sites in the webring. Hell, I'll lend you my board.

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File: 62957bfd8022771⋯.png (518.83 KB,1407x822,469:274,talk.PNG)


I spend most of my time writing and coding

as long as it works I don't care about polish atm

Let me finish at least Kuki and Abby, and set up an actual gameplay system before I have to worry about how it looks.

Also that map has to track where the characters move through the game along with their schedules, if I tie imagebuttons onto the map it becomes annoying since it also has to keep track of where you are as well as the time.

So if 2 characters are having an event in the hall, and you want to go see it, you wouldn't want to create overlapping imagebutton's between a room and a hall because you intended to click on hall but ended up in a room.

Trust me I tried it both ways. Buttons on the side are a compromise.

I also re-use these types of buttons for a lot of other scenes so it ties into the aesthetics of it, that doesn't mean I neglected image buttons.

Press B and click on the character on the right and you can have an interactive scene, or if you go to their respective rooms and click on specific parts of the body in the current build I have

So It's a purposeful mix of buttons and hover buttons.

And what's wrong with the main menu? It's a cool animation that's straight from the show.

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Tropic did "draw them. look closely enough and you start to see where he runs out of stuff to trace over or copy from what soul left behind.

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I understand, but that may bite you in the ass later, it's better to do everything along the way instead of having to go back to it later. I'm sure that since you are an autist you already have a plan to do so quickly, but at the same time, you had 2 years to do THAT.

>you wouldn't want to create overlapping imagebutton's between a room and a hall because you intended to click on hall but ended up in a room

Let me get this straight, problem is that image buttons are going to overlap. Can't you create a switch that would render the bottom layer button inactive if there's an active button with priority on top? At the very least, I hope the last product map looks fucking better than that, as in design, at least, both of the buttons and the map itself. If you already will do a side menu with buttons with the names, you can at least remove the names from the original map.

>And what's wrong with the main menu?

It's a black screen with green buttons to the left. At least put some kind of logo in the end.

Making UI elements isn't even that hard, tropic.

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File: 9b0c5a043288460⋯.png (83.53 KB,1115x714,1115:714,now_loading.PNG)


>Can't you create a switch that would render the bottom layer button inactive if there's an active button with priority on top?

Well now you have another problem, the player can only now click on the duo event as opposed to the specific room, thus removing his option of skipping the duo event if he didn't want to do the event.

>It's a black screen with green buttons to the left.



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>thus removing his option of skipping the duo event if he didn't want to do the event

Then why can't the event start once you are IN the room and choose to instead of starting from the map?



Want to improve it, here:

>Make frame around screen to make clear that it's a fucking KND computer screen

>Cool, first video happens, with some static LIKE IN THE SHOW

>You are presented with the option WITHIN the KND computer screen.

>There's at least a fucking logo and maybe some static

Anything is better than a fucking black screen, specially if you can skip the introduction video, you would only be left with what is, essentially, a fucking black screen. Further more, I'm alright with the fact that you are respecting the source material, but you are not doing a 1:1 port. Adapt elements from the show to work like it would in a game interface, and I know you tried that, but it doesn't look good.

You are on the right ideas, just bad executions, and, again, I understand that this is an early build, but just have in mind that the majority of the UI sucks right now, starting with the fucking intro screen. Also, the low quality webm don't help.

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File: d713f5b5496fbe1⋯.gif (2.94 MB,500x281,500:281,d71.gif)


Because the event starts IN THE HALL not the ROOOOOOOOM

Why would you go to a room and than have the bg change to a hallway. HEH AM I SUPPOSED TO ASSUME IT'S SOME KINDA MAGICAL ROOOOOOOM? HEH.



Sorry kid. I'm a visionary. I don't subscribe to your COOOOOORPORATE ideologies. HEH. What am I some sort of Shill?!

240p. Black Screens. Semi-Fucked transitions to the main menu. That's how you do it when you're an ARTIST and not a corporate DRONE.


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File: e80bebd31e9a4fa⋯.png (64.19 KB,408x244,102:61,ClipboardImage.png)


>Why would you go to a room and than have the bg change to a hallway

You can't just fucking code it right so it works with hover images, admit it.

>Sorry kid. I'm a visionary. I don't subscribe to your COOOOOORPORATE ideologies

It isn't about shilling yourself, you fucking autist., it's about having something there other than a fucking black screen. Anything can do, the fucking KND logo can do, you can design your own logo with the title of the game. Anything, even fucking green letters saying M.A.L.W.A.R.E.

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File: efdad791ef3beeb⋯.png (30.04 KB,447x520,447:520,acshully.PNG)


What do you mean I can't code it right. Just to exit the room you do hover image

It's just creating hotspots it's not that hard

>hotspot (something something something) clicked ShowMenu("specific room")


As for main menu

If you care so much about "MUH UI", here's screens change it yourself.


It's too hot and I don't care enough to do something so nothing burgers

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>hotspot (something something something) clicked ShowMenu("specific room")

Then do it.

>I don't care enough to do something

I was willing to add something. But not with that behavior, faggot.

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File: 8eb9d61f56fe83e⋯.png (113.82 KB,281x436,281:436,pose_2.PNG)


>Making me do something he himself is not willing to do

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You should do it yourself because it's your game, faggot, not mine. Not to mention that it would literally take one minute, but the same is true for various UI elements.

You are just fucking lazy.

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File: 3d37eaae5af1026⋯.png (396.89 KB,1013x754,1013:754,one_eye.PNG)


Why would I choose to do something when I can just not do it

You fool

You absolute idiot!

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File: ca9aeb9e8efc2e9⋯.jpg (32.83 KB,349x344,349:344,ca9aeb9e8efc2e911696eabb29….jpg)


I forgot you are a scammer for a second.

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Haven't checked up on this for around half a year.

Anything new? No? Okay then, see you all in 2021.

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The alpha version 0.0… …0.0.2 might be released on 2030

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File: ff3f97f9b5f905e⋯.png (2.65 MB,3840x2160,16:9,sofagirls_innocently_readi….png)

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the link from thread 3 is dead.

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It's nothing burgers anyways

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File: 18603351449425a⋯.png (332.11 KB,720x1280,9:16,kukisanban.png)

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Kuki is only wearing the sleeve in one arm. You forgot the other. Also. Are you sure you want to stick with those feet? Really?

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File: a657f67c7e5c0f4⋯.png (2.18 MB,3840x2160,16:9,feet.png)


Cheers, Didn't notice.

What's wrong with the feet?

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you really don't see it?

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I dunno, maybe the pad of the foot is kinda weird?

I never really drew feet that much

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Ok, i haven't checked in here since this board came back in 8kun, that's like since the beginning of the year (?).

Well, it's not like I was expecting anything new, but can we at least get a new discord server? I never understood why the old one was nuked. I just don't have the time and patience to browse boards anymore.

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So I just joined the Discord for the game and well I am not sure why but I just got called a grub and insulted by the creator over just a simple question. Is that normal?

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File: 7fd3fab88377301⋯.png (3.8 MB,3840x2160,16:9,watching_yourself.png)

Playback for scenes

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> So I just joined the Discord for the game and well I am not sure why but I just got called a grub and insulted by the creator over just a simple question. Is that normal?

Definitely not. He was too polite

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got another build stranger?

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Any chance we can get another link to the discord group of this game?

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Thank you :)

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Jesus fucking Christ this game has been in development for years and we've only gotten a 2nd test demo. You know you're doing something wrong when fucking SUMMER TIME SAGA updates more frequently than you

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I just visit every month or so to see kuki titties. Everything else is irrelevant.

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File: 034e08e3fb06e03⋯.png (87.82 KB,447x513,149:171,unknown_22_.png)


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If this game turns out to be worth the wait I will take back every negative thing I've ever said about you, if it ends up being some overdesigned grind (if it even ever finishes) you must know that everyone is just gonna get a hacked save to get all the art cause at this point thats all we want.

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File: 43afeaeb18e6123⋯.png (52.71 KB,420x445,84:89,goth_kuki.PNG)


>if this game turns out to be worth the wait

It's not.

It's going to turn out like No Man's Sky where you'll go

>"Where's the thing I wanted"

And than get upsetti spaghetti

But than in a year of constant updates some bald soyman youtuber will go

>Achsually it's not so bad anymore

And than everyone forgets and I turn into a pile of ash

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File: 06038a1141da41b⋯.png (255.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,t2.png)


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been over a month, is this thing dead?

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File: f78971c46d9c730⋯.png (1.78 MB,3840x2160,16:9,comp.png)

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I CANNOT believe this is still being worked on.

Not that I can't believe it's taken so long, but that it hasn't been cancelled.

Or rather, Tropic himself hasn't said it is.

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File: eb6945c5cc2bc98⋯.png (409.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,caught.png)


Why would I cancel it when I'm almost done with it?

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"we have yanderedev at home"

yanderedev at home :

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File: 59e9f1ba850369c⋯.png (399.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,rhino.png)


Why you have to bully, iz only game.

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You are bringing back the combat minigame?

also, you should move that ear a tad lower or change the inclination a bit,have some hair coming from behind the ear instead of looking to be coming from behind the entire head. is making it look weird

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File: 80d827dfb4fa763⋯.png (183.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,lemon.png)


No, I'm doing microgames

This isn't the final work or nuffin, I'm setting up reference sheets so that I know what I need to code and animate

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warioware style for anything it could be made into a game?

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File: 640f885a1fb224f⋯.png (11.05 KB,960x524,240:131,image_448.png)

hi I'm manic

I'm starting right now

I'm kind of a shit artist. If I don't have gameplay by tomorrow idk.

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File: 61ce0a1a1f386fa⋯.png (262.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,magnet.png)


Ye, it's the best way to do rpg combat without having to do actual rpg combat

You create minigames to represent various actions of attack and defense

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interesting, hopefully a lot less trouble to make

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File: 4782122ba51e495⋯.png (877.57 KB,3840x2160,16:9,abbybed.png)

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File: 62a411167c1d49a⋯.png (967.32 KB,3840x2160,16:9,bra.png)

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File: 2d23c4deb35be88⋯.png (944.74 KB,3840x2160,16:9,thong.png)

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File: 9a56bd5b531c5f4⋯.png (1016.59 KB,3840x2160,16:9,drool.png)

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File: ef5d7e6724cd6e6⋯.png (1.12 MB,3840x2160,16:9,kukibed2.png)

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Nice. Does this mean a release date is coming closer?

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File: 5e150adcf815e71⋯.mp4 (501.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,bomb_test.mp4)


I gotta finish my minigames and send it out to test

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File: 79e9e8a6ce06416⋯.png (1.49 MB,3840x2160,16:9,squeeze.png)

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File: 8ddbe0684f7aecb⋯.png (1.55 MB,3118x1819,3118:1819,EasyAmbient.png)


I see you getting there with the scenes. I would recommend trying using some gradients to give a bit of ambient tho. it is something relatively easy and can add some good effects to the scene. Abby's anatomy seem all correct in the sleeping scene but the blanket on Kuki's I don't think it would fold like that around the tits.


Abby's rightmost foot breaks the perspective a bit, try having part of her foot be hidden behind the guy's back. that should make it more clear it's completely grappled.

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File: 506bf7dc3eb55a7⋯.png (358.82 KB,912x513,16:9,Abigail_Scenes_2B_thong.png)


Right, I forgot that you did use gradients a lot in your work and they do look cool, just something you don't really notice until it's pointed out to you.

I'll have to start incorporating that as well.

Thanks for the feedback.

And ye, I noticed the thing with the leg too but only way too late. I'll adjust it at some point

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Anon it’s never coming

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File: 3aea71430bd2fb5⋯.png (106.58 KB,986x515,986:515,unknown_26_.png)


Why not?

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How much is finished? I don’t see why you don’t just release it now and update it later

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File: 34c24e10f6dc48a⋯.png (40.3 KB,580x427,580:427,unknown_24_.png)


Up to stat 30

>why you don’t just release it now and update it later

I don't want to get bullied

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>I don't want to get bullied

You’re gonna get bullied either way, just dump it now and tweak it later.

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dead game

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alive game

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Stop hiding tropic, post something

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Is this the current and only board?

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seems like it, just look at the banner lmao

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All the old ones got purged with the 8chan reset

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File: cd6bfaccbe2c529⋯.jpg (12.73 KB,236x184,59:46,bkbkbkbkbkb.jpg)


yeah but still it's the only one

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Tropic just release the game in increments like literally every other Renpy game maker. It's been almost 5 fucking years since this project started and you seemingly have had no progress made at all. If you have whoopty-fucking-doo, none of s have been able to see it so it may as well not exist. At least Yandere Dev is honest about not working on his game at all.

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File: 182be2b046a4b74⋯.png (67.87 KB,536x515,536:515,unknown_28_.png)


>5 years

5 years

10 years

500 years?

Time is relative

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This statement only works when you're not planning to deliver or when you cannot die of old age.

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File: 1f710d0c87322a2⋯.png (162.83 KB,1200x480,5:2,unknown22223.png)


I am in fact, Immortal.

Every dead project, every vaporware game, every piece of disappointment you got from an overhyped project.

That's all me

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hey tropic an actual question here, how much % of the game is done?

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File: a4fd4248015abc5⋯.png (42.34 KB,302x515,302:515,unknown31.png)



Depends on what I feel like adding

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How long can you delay the progress if, say…

You made an entirely new story and assets about an adult that was "it" from the tag game to choose a supreme leader and now had to decide either taking side with the KND being their first adult agent, taking side with the adults or go rouge and turn them into his personal army.

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File: 614371671ac460e⋯.png (1.27 MB,1002x622,501:311,bunny_island_base.PNG)


sounds awful

Fuck adults

I'm a loli/shota man at heart

But a villain story is always fun, I wrote down some stuff a while ago using evil con carne as a base

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Funny, that's how i feel towards oversaturated Shota/shouta/Boku/-kun VN/Game number 39251860

Also, thank you for announcing that it will be a shota game only, now i can just jump off to other VNs like Four Elements Trainer, where players can actually fuck the daughter.

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File: e557ac720ac3b3c⋯.webm (5.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,fight_test.webm)

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dating sim are for kids and there are a lot,certainly babyman like you may find it offensive (like when you cried because your favorite anime character showed her panties)

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File: e60a0a608d5d18c⋯.png (1.8 MB,3840x2160,16:9,video_assets.png)

Feedback Build

Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated


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It's fucking called "Malware"

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File: a7a8d3c13eaaf14⋯.png (138.19 KB,340x482,170:241,Sneed_feed_and_seed_remove….png)


It's a natural boomer replant

I don't want any losers to play MY game

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On a more positive note…

I can't believe something came out.

Haven't checked for half a year and suddenly there's a feedback build…

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File: cde80e9cc5741e0⋯.jpg (98.09 KB,990x973,990:973,1629358921340.jpg)



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Okay time for some feedback.

So far I like how this game is turning out. Seeing it in the early stages, the potential for a good game is there. I feel like once the training/corruption is more fleshed out it'll be a fun game. So far there's not too much to do but I can see the MC performing more actions to corrupt the girls or sending them on missions to earn cash or even lewd mission gain corruption. I also like the costumes and hope to see how much more variety we can get out of them as well. There appears to be a bug where you can get the same costume again that you've already unlocked.

I enjoy the interactions with the characters during the ! events you see on the map as it adds more life to the world but it seems completely random so far instead of being triggered by story progression or character stats. Don't know how I feel about that as they could be completely missed if you just keep skipping time instead of constantly checking your map since they seem to go away if you miss the event.

Some negatives for me was how the map felt awkward at first but I got used to it. I also don't see the point of having to put your clothes on every morning as it becomes annoying pretty fast.

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File: e7638bb0ec6e161⋯.png (552.33 KB,565x681,565:681,D9dD10cXYAELc_.png)


Thanks for the feedback friend

There are still a lot of bugs I didn't account for and you're right how event progress feels awkward, they're tied to stats but too sparse apart, hopefully I'll add more to make it feel more cohesive and have a general sense of progress

I still have to re evaluate the map since it is annoying for me too, i might try to create an HHS style of navigation system that has a healthy mix of walking around and movement

I'll address the clothes thing

Did you rike my minigaymes from the intro?

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Can't trigger the event to get missions, what is supposed to cause it?

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File: e234660c1da33f8⋯.jpg (40.88 KB,438x754,219:377,1625729477420.jpg)


When you hit any stat 5 on any girl, and you're in the pcroom in the morning

I don't know why it bugged out, it was like one of the first things I fixed

You can open the console and do

$ missionroom_unlocked=True

$ wardrobe_unlocked=True

$ gifts_unlocked=True

$ touch_unlocked=True

To force the unlocks

My bad.

I probably should have spent way longer doing testing than not at all

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Did work once, had a crash and loaded an earlier save. No idea why.

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>Did you rike my minigaymes from the intro?

Yeah the mini games were a nice little way to start the game. Apparently I sucked on the last section and didn't realize how hard I had to mash to take the skirt off. Overall it was pretty solid and I don't got any complaints. Wouldn't mind seeing more of it in story missions or something but I'm worried it could get old if you use them for any missions that you would need to grind for money.


That bugged out for me too. I got it the mission computer to work on my first playthough when I lost to the teen. Loaded it back to a previous save and beat the teen but I never got access to the missions after that even with a lv 14 inhibition Abby. I was holding Crtl to skip the dialogue I already heard most of the time so I don't know if that skipped the trigger. I know holding Crtl for the teen fight will make you insta lose.

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How do you see the corruption level of the characters? I don't really know how the inhibition, lust, and depravity stats all add up.

I assume they will each need to reach a certain level to activate a trigger but there's really nothing showing corruption level needed to strip the characters.

Also is there anything else to do after unlocking the ability to use the mission room in this build?

I've just been sending them to look for quarters to buy outfits and that's about it so far.

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File: 9b979d31240d7fe⋯.png (881.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,58b9f7fbec397951d9300b137f….png)


I think it would be best to leave sequences like that for major plot points as a way to have different fights with various bosses or characters, with each one having a specific theme and than unlocking said character to interact with. Making minigames as grind points for money making seems like a waste.

I still haven't decided what the main sus amogus gameplay loops should be for earning money, I don't want to go the akabur route of spamming


If you have any fun suggestions I would be glad to hear them, it's something I've been stuck on for a while on how to balance making a loop work while still having it be fun

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File: 9cc85ca67ad350d⋯.png (145.18 KB,565x669,565:669,unknown_12.png)


>How do stats add up

Corruption tier works by tracking the highest stat in multiples of 5

The way the code is set up for natural progression is

>Tracks which stat reaches 5/10/15/20/25… first

>Unlocks a tier 1/2/3/4/5/6….99

So if the game was working as intended you would unlock alt clothes as the characters stat grows

I disabled that for now since there's not really enough story to justify alt clothing and just set it to unlockables in shop

> is there anything else to do after unlocking the ability to use the mission roo

Not really I kept this specific build tight and small as a way to see if the approach I'm taking currently is the correct one and if I should keep going in this direction or pivot onto a different approach

Since the base is all done its now very easy just to keep adding on events, polish and gameplay onto this build

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Are you actually supposed to be able to beat the teen at the beginning, can't work out how to remove anything via the magnet.

General feedback on the teen fight at the beginning, you need to give more ime to read the instructions on what you are supposed to do.

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File: a6ae1eefb9353f1⋯.png (355.83 KB,1277x721,1277:721,unknown_46.png)


There's a win con for lasting to ​the final fight which gives you a Vial which I plan to use to make it have the ability to make one of the characters back into a loli

For magnet just mash up and down harder and don't save scum.

>give more time to read the instructions on what you are supposed to do.

I disagree on this viewpoint because its supposed to immitate warioware and warioware always does a fast


albeit they give you several lives in warioware

Microgames always need to have a fast paced feeling to install panic and make the player mess up

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How're you supposed to get Numbuh 3's stats up? randomly triggered events aside. Numbuh 5 is easy enough with the training although think the stat check might've skipped over some scenes for me.

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Is Interact ever supposed to do anything? Doesn't seem to no matter what stats I get.

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File: 3fd8a93a1a18f9e⋯.png (257.43 KB,1117x695,1117:695,unknown_43.png)


For kuki it's just random events, duo and talking interactions, I'll add a specific thing to do per room that will help with stat gains and progression


Sorry, not really, it's supposed to be the

>Do lewd thing if character is comfortable enough

But I had to dumb it down because I couldn't finish the cgs in time


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Cool thanks. If it hasn't already been mentioned there is a bug where you can strip numbuh 3 without high stats

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File: 9a1824db41de833⋯.png (543.62 KB,809x624,809:624,97589757.png)


>make one of the characters back into a loli

god can't wait to cherish loli kuki

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Bro, this game fucking sucks.

Its been 3 years and this shit is barely functional.

I wish tropic did more than jerk off all day and collect money from retarded people.

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First time coming back to the boards in some time, how do we bypass the 404 image block on everything?

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Looks like Jim is blaming the servers. Even if he gets new servers, I'm not sure if the old content can be brought back.

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Freaking hell been away since '99 and i see this shit still alive. How much is the progress since the 2018-19 build? Can't recall really what was the last time i lurked here before the retarded shooting stuff making me lose this place

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Already found first bug. If you go to mission room the first day you get stuck. Clicking the map does nothing, in fact you can only get a reaction out of the machine.

Also, seems to run nice on android using joyplay just to let you know

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File: b592a23be52399f⋯.png (1.83 MB,2551x1449,2551:1449,top_left.png)


The exit is on the top left so it might be hard to see.

There are plenty of other bugs though

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Yeh, I'm blind as a mole. There's a weird bug where you can leave Kuki in the nude but not No 5. Also, kinda eager to see more content and some events where you can at least touch some tiddies. BTW: playing in android with joy play, it works fine just the buttons are quite small (my screen is nowhere the small side of the phones).

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File: 6d4f228f4fb440c⋯.png (468.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,inhib_slap_remade.png)


There's a bunch of bugs with wardrobe stuff

>Also, kinda eager to see more content and some events where you can at least touch some tiddies

I think more events are fine, but I really have to think about a way to incorporate a better game loop or else it'll just end up being a

>Hunt the event

type of game which is fucking cringe

And yeah, I haven't played on android so I don't know how it works on that

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Hmm to avoid shit like having to hunt the event or waiting for rng I guess you could make it a triggered event with proper progression like first unlocking the wardrobe, then being able to remove clothes, interiors, being able to. Leave then nudes until there's action. To justify them just add a mission or a reward system where instead of sending them into missions they can send you on errands and stuff to build up a point like system just symbolic to avoid cringy errand boy farming since we're here to rub off one, not to repeat daily life shit

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File: ab41a060de7d658⋯.png (4.99 MB,3840x2160,16:9,rubber.png)


Yeah I'm doing the first part already, it's basically set up to have that sort of progression system

>To justify them just add a mission or a reward system where instead of sending them into missions they can send you on errands and stuff to build up a point like system just symbolic to avoid cringy errand boy farming since we're here to rub off one, not to repeat daily life shit

I already set-up general missions, sort of like Akabur WT Shit but you going on missions sounds kinda fun, albeit it might take a lot more work, but really thats just

>Events with extra steps

I really want to emphasize the "game" aspect, and have the events and other stuff compliment it rather than be the main aspect

I think the minigames came out good, but I don't know of a way to incorporate them as the main gameplay part


1. Doing them over and over again is gay and lame

2. They require the most work so making a billion trillion of them is hard

3. How do you incorporate microgames together with the walking around parts

feels like a fucking millennium prize problem, ya know

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Doing them over is lame yup, but there's certain ways to circumvent them. If you want to implement the mini games to the game why not make them sudden events where the room you're trying to get into is the mini game. The story so far seems to be a plot like the teenagers tried to make teenagers of the knd. So their next step should be the invasion of their bases. So if I'm going to the hangar, a random event where I should repeal an incoming aerial invasion sounds good. Or if I'm headed to the training room, a fight scene. You know, using the major plot of the teens to think "how are they going to screw even more over the knd". This way you may make more than one but less than a billion. I say two variations per room should be good, three of you're generous. Then again, this could be also part of another rewards system, nog directly making you able to strip any or Kuki but why not, the teenagers might lose a piece of their clothes, that conveniently seems to fit in 3 and 5

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File: dcefdbc6338282a⋯.png (221.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,Liz_FlashingTits_1.png)


That's not too bad of an idea

I might try some version of this

Thanks pal

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Any news? Did Dev dieded?

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Wasn't tropic living in Ukraine/Russia or something like that?

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Still no news?

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I update on my discord and my git



There's no point using 8ch because it's just straight up broken

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File: d1b94ad74b35cb0⋯.jpeg (35.97 KB,720x405,16:9,Fmjj_lNXoAI6zOA.jpeg)

Hi i'm spy

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