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File: 3fb67319f5d5c71⋯.png (921.53 KB,1280x720,16:9,TT.png)

 No.41847 [Last50 Posts]

Hello /htg/, here's a game I made.

Tell me what you think !





Oh and I made a page on this AWESOME Site !


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>The game explores many taboo fetishes from the perspective of an actual fetishist and not some clueless amateur teenager


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>one wrong decision game over

lol kys tbh

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haven't played all of it yet, but here is my initial impression:

I like the characters and backstory. It feels organic and not artificial like other self-insert porn games. Cant say anything about ero as I havent seen any of that content yet. The style of writing is good.

The music doesnt really fit the scene sometimes, notably the picnic with daughter has really unfitting edm.

Overall I hope you get some patreon bucks and continue the game for a while. Maybe set up your code in advance so you can change incest terms with "au-pair"/"roommate" or something simply by changing a variable. Makes providing a "fan-patch" much easier when the time comes.

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File: 0cd084d1ecf3feb⋯.png (1.13 MB,1680x1050,8:5,6c723d3af71519751c4a73c505….png)


>Play as an army vet

>But still meet the mother/daughter ugly Daz combo because that's all you can think of

>Explore fetishes from a """Professional""" approach.

>Wants $400 upfront before he starts working on Ep 2.

>Basically started the thread to shill his barely started game.

Keep on walking mate, it's crap and you know it.

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File: 4b5bbd219e08f9f⋯.gif (420.35 KB,616x338,308:169,6qzago9sgfa01.gif)


You know what mate, I liked your demo. Such a shame you prolly won't get crowdfunded to continue it.

But either way:

>Dialogue was alright/very acceptable, better would be nice especially the parts where you drag on and on trying to build immersion could be done better if you kept in mind that every line must serve a purpose and the purpose "building immersion" doesn't count. But I understand not everyone's a writer so okay

>The daughter(and her two friends) looked really good, especially compared to other games of the same genre

>The one mini game you put in was okay but it really made it fun/stand out by actually putting effort and having individual images with the daughter doing cheeky stuff instead of just being a still frame or two

>Demo was kinda short

>Music was very very questionable, needs improvement, I understand not everyone's a musician but come on

>I can see this having good potential even though it might not go anywhere, depending on you

Solid 7/10

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Man, at least put some screenshots on Patreon. The only clue I have of the game's appearance is the banner that doesn't show the girl's face. And the microscopic icons on the tiers part.

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File: dc0e2da86d96bdd⋯.png (309.52 KB,480x450,16:15,destiny.png)

It looks above the par of gobbo games. But for a fag like me who wants to raise and protect his teen daughter, she is too much strong and confident (the character who needs help is the MC, not her. I had the weird feeling that he can only mess up her life). As for pedo standards, imo she should look younger and cuter.


You asked for it.

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Well, the quality of the renders is not the worst. The girls' bodies are hot. Some faces are passable, but the blonde's is "strange." I personally found her ugly.

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>I personally found her ugly.

I mean:

>I thought she was ugly.

Google translate problems, sorry…

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Did he make her look deformed on purpose? At no point of posing etc. he didn't think "wow, she looks hideous"?

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>>The music doesnt really fit the scene sometimes, notably the picnic with daughter has really unfitting edm.

Agreed, some birds and insects ambient might be more fitting, it's too upbeat for a casual conversation.


You seem to be in need for some *hugs*


>>would be nice especially the parts where you drag on and on trying to build immersion could be done better if you kept in mind that every line must serve a purpose


>>Demo was kinda short

Do you mean the amount of writing part or/and scenes ?

The audio effects will get better as I keep building a library, you can recommend some sites if you want.




The Genesis8 models have more pronounced laugh lines for added "realism" and it's convenient for say..30-40 year olds, however when doing younger characters, they look too sharp, instead of more rounded, like you see with babies fo example, I frequently end up with a "Chucky the killer doll" look like in the screen, however the Gen8 has more details in °other° areas so it's worth it eventually.

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>Actually came back

>Didn't answer question about needing $400 up front.

Can you please go shill somewhere else, reddit seems like a better place for you.

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Both are perfectly acceptable sentences

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File: 4ec5f112f58f0a1⋯.png (1.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,What are you firing at.png)


I'm not on form today. That was half hearted. Let's see, I'll actually download this crap and then deconstruct it, just to see how bad it is.

>Assaulted by track when first starting up.

So, I'm just gonna assume you pulled this song from a free license place, otherwise you've already screwed up.


Devil Dog? Used by Germans to call Americans. But Americans don't call each other Teufelhunden, probably meaning that you're german. Still leaving a space like "this ?" as well Quite noticeable that English isn't your first language.

>Bravo squad pinned down.

>HQ will send an entire division to help them.

You obviously don't know your military sizes.

>Can said division provide cover fire on one single house.

>~15,000 soldiers firing on one single house.

Those terrorists are Swiss cheese.

>Enemy unit to your 3, so move ! (Verbatim)

>1, how would HQ know an enemy squad was moving to their position. 2, how does HQ know what time it is?

>First choice is to move, firing gun FPS style at nothing

>Empties entire clip into Muslim woman who has a rifle.

>Cuts to him working a white collar job.

>"Hey, you okay man?"

>No option to go "I've seen some shit" and violently bash the water cooler for no reason.

You're making us play as a Vet but that doesn't really account for anything so far, you could replace this guy with literally any other job and it wouldn't change the story.

>All this free, unlicensed music.

Probably should credit that.

>Max the super exec who looks like he's twenty knocks over picture of GF.

See, that's how you can do subtle characterization.

>No option to violently punch him.

>Saying you're going to spend the holidays with GF in the woods.

Going Inna Woods huh? Maybe she can hunt you down with a paintball gun and it'll be like being back in the Rangers.

>GF turned 18, no option to send E-mails.

While the vet is pushing 40? Talk about daddy issues.

>Merry X-mas

It's Christmas, you politically correct heathen.


>But Leon "The Professional" said she didn't e-mail him.

They must have a bad relationship then.

>(((Tara))) is a painter who basically cucks Leon for a bar owner.

>No option to employ of friends to go kill her, A-team style.

C'mon man, you're really not having any fun here. If you're gonna make a Vet character, have him do some awesome shit, not this cuck office worker shit.

>I was afraid to tell you that I was cucking you because you've been to war and might get violent.

>Still no option to kill the cheating bitch.

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File: 1a741bfa5b3b7ae⋯.png (1.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,This is supposed to be hot.png)


>Gets a Christmas card from a kid called "D"

>Turns out it's his kid called Destiny.

She a stripper? Because with a name like that you're setting her up to be.

>She just somehow happens to be on a tropical island.

>City where "Leon" lives is Mew Work.

Pokemon reference?

>Pours out two full bottles of Jack Daniels.

>And he calls himself a "Professional."

He should have finished them.

>Have any issues flying?

>Can't get into the Marines without it so…

"he United States Marine Corps (USMC), also known as the United States Marines, is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for conducting amphibious operations[11] with the United States Navy."

Flying does happen but they spend more time on a ship than in the air. If you said an Airborne division like 1st Cavalry it'd be more believable.

>Chawaii Island.

>Dress for summer.

>Doesn't pack light camo fatigues.

Guy has adapted pretty well to civilian life.

>Male pissing into a toilet complete with audio.

I will never understand porn stuff that involves the toilet. Shower, bathtub, humping someone on a sink I get. Why show a guy using a toilet in a porn game?

>Airline is a flying hotel complete with a hostess in a swimsuit.

Pretty expensive airline. Daughter must be loaded. Blood related daughter, by the way. (Still don't get the deal with Incest).

>Not at liberty to say how much a room like this costs.

>Quick google search later, Singapore Airlines has a room available on an aircraft for $18,000 US a trip.

She is loaded.

>Movie playing in room is "Taken"

Fitting in with the professional angle. You know, if the daughter was kidnapped and you'd have to use your old contacts and skills to get her back, all this foreshadowing would be pretty cool. Default name is Leon, after "The Professional" hitman, Taken shown on the plane.

It's a shame this is a patreon trash porn game because there's no way it can have that good a plot. Has to always revolve around incest and blueballing.



That's gotta be projected. No way would they include a structural defect like that.

>Destiny is this uncanny valley looking bitch when the flight attendant looked better.

Yeah, not attractive in the least.

>Hey, Daddy, did you dance on the disco floor, get a taste for the bar or at least sleep with a flight attendant, you know, something interesting to do in a porn game.

>Nah, mostly slept.

>Daughter spent all that money on a fancy flight ticket for nothing.

>More like the writer couldn't think of something porn worthy to do on a plane where the attendants walk around in swimsuits.

>She used disappearing ink to get her phone number to Leon.

Pretty clever, but Daughter doesn't mention why she had to do this (as her mother doesn't want her to contact her father, we're supposed to assume this through the broken english) and she also says "Appearing Ink" like it doesn't disappear.

>Daughter presents father an "Agile Cobra" worth at least $60,000 US.

>From this angle, you get a good look at her bust and it's at least a D, DD pushing E.

Someone's got implants.

>Where did you get this from?

>It was a gift, don't worry about it.

Uhhh, feel like you should.

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File: 2f3327705cab6da⋯.png (1.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,Sudden braid.png)


>Boyfriend from overseas.

>Her biological father that's pushing 40.

>Not if you don't want to weird people out about why we're spending so much time together (Verbatim)

>That makes sense.

I mean… rich girl with daddy issues and all but… pretty creepy.

And no it doesn't Leon, you just explain to anyone you come across they you're her uncle or someone here to visit because her jackoff of a mother doesn't allow you to visit. Whole reason for this is to not raise the alarm about him being her to her mother, but the guy is an Vet, the fuck does he care about his ex-wife. Yeah, this is really weak logic.

>Work in the military industry.

>Not just calling yourself a "Private Contractor."

Seriously, people raise less questions about the second while the first is an outright lie that invites questioning. This daughter isn't very bright is she?

>Has special forces training.

Uhhhh… so what, MSOC? MAGTF? MSPF? You know, the "Taken" situation would get pretty cool if he was ex-special marine forces, he'd have the contacts and the ability to get her back then. But this is some shoddy slapped together thing that's not gonna last long, so there's that.

>Head-off to a forest and have a picnic.

>Ex-special forces took a job an in insurance firm, despite not having any contacts or anything and remarkably adjusted to civilian life pretty quickly.

>Started drinking after the war, wife filed for divorce but has been sober 5 years and didn't hit her.

Wife is a bitch, daughter probably inherited her intelligence from her.

>Go to Ice Cream shop.

>Introduce dad as boyfriend.

>He's ex military, real hush hush.

You know… again, if you introduced Leon as her father, it wouldn't change all that much.

>What are her favorite flavors.

How the hell would I know.

>We'll go to the beach now.

>Peek while changing.

Not exactly exciting as it sounds.

>Kimi and Marika are playing volleyball on the beach.

More future strippers?

>Daughter has earth length hair at the airport.

>After changing into the bikini, she goes to meet her friends.

>On the beach, still has short hair.

>While playing volleyball, has a braid down to her stomach.

Pffftttt… Incompetence on your part. Shame

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File: 53cc9894e64a47e⋯.png (767.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,Now no braid.png)


>Play Volleyball with what essentially is rock, paper, scissors.

>A party is mentioned but not available in this version.

>Go to the beach home

>"I have a huge allowance."

She is loaded.

>We're going shopping to show you how spoiled I am.

>Daughter has to get home before curfew, before her mother is called.

Again, I don't see as to why I should care who she is. Leon was involved in a bloody war, he's not scared of some harpy. Daughter on the other hand is a different story but again, if she had intelligence, she would have already his money in accounts her parents couldn't get too.

>She leaves, that's it.

Jesus, I knew it was bad but this is worst than amateur hour. You thought to yourself one day "I can make a porn game too!" Without taking into account your bad english skills or the uglyness of the main girl.

And the worst part is you're asking $400 before you even work on an ep2. I have to wonder if you've done this before and are exploiting, again, stupid people who'll throw money at you because they're thirsty.

Shit, I almost wanna make a Taken parody where the guy was ex-marines special forces, dumb ass daughter gets kidnapped, mother doesn't care but you do because he's your daughter damn it and deliberately play up the connection. Father than can call in some help from a few contacts like a CIA agent he's had dealings with in the past or a local mobster who facilitated the crime. So many options.

Here? This game?


Nothing unique I haven't seen in 100 different other barely completed projects and there's actually no sex here, yet again.

Phew, done. Need to do that I think. Just to show how rubbish and half hearted this project is.

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*she's your daughter.

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File: edaa408977d57a9⋯.png (1.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,airplane B3.png)


Attendant for comparison.


*ear length

Dafuq? She does have a braid, just coiled.

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File: 7b9ded6f97ef7a3⋯.png (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,Braid in coil.png)

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File: db60162b93f1318⋯.png (1.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,Taken, a better premise th….png)


>Daughter looks good.

>>Daughter looks good.

>>>Daughter looks good.

I don't… I don't know where to start. She doesn't look good. She looks acceptable, which is a curse for her seeing as she's the main girl. She needs to look good and because she doesn't it's kind of repulsive in a way.


>Writing is good.

>Broken English counts as good writing.

I be you think pigeon English is Shakespearean.

>It feels organic and not artificial like other self-insert porn games

Sounds like a douche way of saying "I can self insert and it doesn't come off as weird"

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On a side note, those spaces before the question marks and before every fucking punctuation mark with 2+ traits, that is ? ! : ; " … are a French thing.

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>I frequently end up with a "Chucky the killer doll" look like in the screen, however the Gen8 has more details in °other° areas so it's worth it eventually.

Well, I still think she's a bit ugly even when she doesn't have a facial expression. I think the biggest problem is the combination of the chin and the nose, but I'm not sure, maybe it's the case of trying to make a new face from scratch.. Look at Mr. Dots' Patreon, even though his games are bad, he knows how to make some pretty girls at DAZ.

I think you'd better try to improve on the main girl now than 3 months hence when you have 3x more content to modify.

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File: 2be7c9b09c7836a⋯.jpg (5.61 KB,225x224,225:224,cheers.jpg)


>>Demo was kinda short

>>>Do you mean the amount of writing part or/and scenes ?

Both, plus I expected at least one or two more more revealing scene of the daughter. A bit more sexual content basically.

And on audio effects, honestly you can get all you need from google if you search long enough.

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Not her, she's cute tho.

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File: 0899cdf51dabe16⋯.png (366.2 KB,600x500,6:5,face.png)

Nice Barbie hairline!

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File: 1111b4d27aa642b⋯.jpg (493.76 KB,1009x540,1009:540,1522246826154.jpg)


Welcome to the western H-game market, motherfucker.

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Agreed … that fuckgly face ruines everything

I'm amazed how the creator managed to come up with such an ugly piece of shit on her neck

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I know, right? Flight attendant looks good in a background character sort of way, the type you have one scene with on a plane just to get started. But the 'daughter' just looks really bad.

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File: ef7eb1147f5a453⋯.png (988.01 KB,1080x1350,4:5,1000_hours_in_MS_DAZ.png)


Thats not always true though

You just have to find the devs that give a shit about their "work"

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Such as…?

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>Barbie doll


You have shit taste.

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File: cc7d42f127d074e⋯.jpg (232.72 KB,1092x1500,91:125,barbie.jpg)




Is that so…

How does that make you feel anon?

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File: 4eac5e1d07d4fc8⋯.jpg (30.98 KB,567x561,189:187,autism.jpg)

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>>What are her favorite flavors.

>How the hell would I know.

Unironically this. I've guessed one flavor because of OP's image and I've just been lucky at picking the second one. But… Were there any in-game hints? Like, on the card with the phone number?

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File: 09f618a0b0d8ed7⋯.jpg (50.01 KB,512x384,4:3,RIP fat bastard.jpg)


My autism saved you from playing this crap.

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File: dab7d52133e7408⋯.png (13.56 KB,267x451,267:451,1.png)

Okay, which one of you cucks are giving this guy money for a shit heap of a game? Might be F95, they finally have a thread up and they're supportive instead of giving this the rip and tear treatment it needs.

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File: 2154b02a010aabf⋯.png (54.36 KB,524x659,524:659,2.png)


One calling for a cucking already, as well as another linked F95 in the comments. Birds of a feather and all that.

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File: 13c05380ea35549⋯.png (967.23 KB,2328x680,291:85,ALL OF THEM.png)


But this Andrew guy? Jesus man, he's thirsty. As in white boi trapped in Mojave thirsty. If he's pledging a dollar to each of these projects, that's $62 a month. That's insane. He must gulp down office cooler jugs instead of using drink bottles.

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File: 22ff9d6b22ea23c⋯.png (649.4 KB,800x800,1:1,Getting a bit THIRSTY.png)


He's not a chad though, he's a very thirsty virgin.

Look, if the creator even attempts to come back I'll shit on him, he releases a new version I'll update above just to show how bad it is. It's actually kind of cathartic tearing something shit like this apart.

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Wrong! Your autism only skyrocketed my interest in the game.

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>not into incest

>supports a game with the main fetish of incest

What did he mean by this?

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File: 77ce8ad5e645c50⋯.jpg (45.54 KB,600x496,75:62,1496503786602.jpg)

TWO SCOOPS?! Are you fucking kidding me?

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At least the guy has good taste because my game is on his list.

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>(((Good Taste)))

Must be happy goyim are giving you free shekels, rabbi.

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File: a7d6df28179f7ed⋯.png (1.42 MB,1080x1620,2:3,passable human.png)


Im just saying you dont have to be a wizard to make a somewhat acceptable looking character, OPs girl is nightmare fuel

Most devs are lazy shits that get the first model they see and just use the crappy presets

They go completely overboard on expressions and the result is flat out scary sometimes


[shill]Side project I'm working on

gooder english and the models are a little bit better than the usual daz horror story villains

not a lot of sex yet so I haven't uploaded

Ill crap out an alpha in a couple days. probably.


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that looks kinda good.

Whats the catch? Amputees? Cucking? Are you a fart fetishist?

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See, at least you take pride in your work Anon. You create something that looks semi human.

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File: ad756d8c1fcd0e5⋯.png (1.52 MB,1080x1620,2:3,paige_thinking1(post).png)


The catch is I don't have a background in writing, programming or 3d

Thankfully both renpy and python are relatively verbose and idiot-proof and a coherent plot/narrative structure isn't exactly a top priority for a porn game

I'll start up a discord so I don't fail too hard on something I overlooked


This is something I'm concerned about

I have my doubts this is the *only* thing patrons donate for but if it is, the project might have to stay as a hobby/free time thing until it gets a better following.

Writing cuck content would only kill my interest in the project.

So no, no cucking. Too many games out there already with that… fetish


I appreciate that man

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This one looks okay.


This is a transgender lesbian with a comb-over.

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File: 87b363328f35095⋯.png (1.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,7.jpg.png)

The two schoolmates are not that bad. Standard assets, maybe? Also a MC's coworker looks like the sister from Dreaming of Dana.



Nice models, but tbh I find their eyes unsettling.

What have you done to their hair? Have you overlapped multiple layers or is it some built-in effect? (I don't know anything about 3D, I just play games)


Quite good, imo. Maybe she's not fap material, but I find her more "natural" than the previous girls.

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>The catch is I don't have a background in writing, programming or 3d

Don't worry about it. I also had none of this, I did a game with Google Translate and RPG Maker with stolen assets and got about 200 patrons (not much, but I'm able to survive with the money).

Just make beautiful and charismatic girls (yours look good).

And one thing I learned from the experience is that you have to insert the player into the plot. He has to have a sense of achievement when he wins a girl, for example. He has to have some control over what happens, the guys who play adult games are looking for a much deeper experience than simply seeing sex scenes.

>I have my doubts this is the *only* thing patrons donate for but if it is, the project might have to stay as a hobby/free time thing until it gets a better following.

This is myth. Cuckolding does not make the devs make money overnight. I still suspect it to be bad because of the rejection it creates. The fact that so many devs put this theme is simple: lack of creativity. In my opinion, they think like this: "Well, I've done the anal sex scene, how can I keep creating more and more daring things?" and start doing scenes involving other men. From this point, it is almost inevitable that the game begins to involve cuckolding.

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>I've done anal, what else?

>Several scenes leading up to dick penetration, use fingers during normal sex then get her use to bigger and bigger toys so she doesn't rip your dick off during.


>Light bondage

>Soft Fendom (Let her take the lead, no butt stuff)

>Exhibitionism (Hide in an alley way, use toys under a skirt)

>Pick a girl up from a club/hire a stripper/invite a curious friend over.

I mean, these are just off the top of my head. They really arn't good at the pacing of scenes, they'll blue ball you for months with tits and blowjobs but then sex, anal, whoops, cucking you.

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I've made some alterations to here character, here proportions where a bit off since she was originally an older looking character, and had to modify here to look 18.


Yeah I always google.it


>> You call her "cherry-pie" after Max brakes your picture frame

>> She takes you to a picnic surrounded with "vanilla flowers"

That MAY have been a bit too subtle….



Lights are very important to how a character ends up looking, use "Create->New Primitive->Plane" then go to "Shader Presets->Iray->DAZ Uber->Emissive" and use that as a light source.

You can set the "Cutout Opacity" to 0.00001 to get "Ghost Light".

I suggest you play with the "Surfaces" settings a bit (Tip:Select the "skin tab and see the Glossy and Glossy Roughness tabs")

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File: a0bedc8a1e0166d⋯.png (277.88 KB,631x361,631:361,Don't run nigga, I see you.png)


>Actually came back

>Conveniently sidestepped the massive posts I spent hours on deconstructing his piece of shit that he doesn't address.

Aww naw, nigga. You don't get to run away like that. Unless you actually address my points, I'm gonna keep being here and shit up this thread.

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>Still hasn't answered the question about needing $400 before he even starts working on the second part.

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I got the cherry/vanilla thing right away - guessing cherry was a bit of a shot in the dark, but vanilla was pretty obvious after the picnic scene.

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>too subtle

HURRR he calls her cherry pie cuz she likes cherries

bitch, you don´t get to give new meanings to words.


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File: 7682f8d2d1a9c3d⋯.jpg (322.8 KB,871x1000,871:1000,Audrey and Cooper.jpg)


I thought it was simply a sweet term of endearment, like ‘honey’ or ‘pumpkin’, that also works as a double-entendre.

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>>~15,000 soldiers firing on one single house.

I meant team, as in team Charlie thanks for noticing.

>>No option to go "I've seen some shit" and violently bash the water cooler for no reason.

Because that's what soldiers trained to operate under fire do ? I imagine if a marine snaps, it will be for much more and be even uglier than that, just my take.

>>All this free, unlicensed music.

>>Probably should credit that.

I'll have to do that eventually, it's only fair.

>>Merry X-mas

>>It's Christmas, you politically correct heathen.

Please forgive my transgression Comissar !

>>Still no option to kill the cheating bitch.

Yes.. feel that tension build…

>>City where "Leon" lives is Mew Work.

>>Pokemon reference?


>>She is loaded.

Her step-dad is loaded, an important detail (for later)

>>It's a shame this is a patreon trash porn game because there's no way it can have that good a plot. Has to always revolve around incest and blueballing.

Diamonds are made by the weight of matter pressing on a certain point you know

>>That's gotta be projected. No way would they include a structural defect like that.

What do you mean by "projected" ?

>>Hey, Daddy, did you dance on the disco floor, get a taste for the bar or at least sleep with a flight attendant, you know, something interesting to do in a porn game.

>>Nah, mostly slept.

>>Daughter spent all that money on a fancy flight ticket for nothing.

Are you left with a sense of missing out in life, if yes then remember that feeling…

>>Whole reason for this is to not raise the alarm about him being her to her mother, but the guy is an Vet, the fuck does he care about his ex-wife.

Yeah, he could just easily smash her head in and just get on with his "date".


>>Has special forces training.

>>Uhhhh… so what, MSOC? MAGTF? MSPF? You know, the "Taken" situation would get pretty cool if he was ex-special marine forces, he'd have the contacts and the ability to get her back then. But this is some shoddy slapped together thing that's not gonna last long, so there's that.

I bet you're eagerly waiting for the next updates to confirm this hypotheses.

>>Daughter has earth length hair at the airport.

>>After changing into the bikini, she goes to meet her friends.

>>On the beach, still has short hair.

>>While playing volleyball, has a braid down to her stomach.

>>Pffftttt… Incompetence on your part. Shame

The braid is out in the volley game, just didn't make it visible enough, I am flushed now…


>>Actually came back

>>Conveniently sidestepped the massive posts I spent hours on deconstructing his piece of shit that he doesn't address.

>>Aww naw, nigga. You don't get to run away like that. Unless you actually address my points, I'm gonna keep being here and shit up this thread.

Pls don't go Anon ! I'll let you do the poopsies and stuff, just don't leave :,(

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File: c574e9b6d5bb245⋯.jpg (65.05 KB,600x400,3:2,luxury-jets-planes-ixion (….jpg)


When I meant Projected, it looked like the ceiling on the aircraft had a window instead of a projection onto the roof. Something like this.

You're the one with something to prove right? Still don't know why you need $400 for a second part when you should just be working on it already. Unless… you're doing this for a money reason and it's a scam instead of an artistic reason and actually making a good game.

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File: 965350c83b42bb4⋯.png (1.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,airplane D3.png)


For comparison.

Still don't know why 'Leon' didn't get drunk off the plane. So vague excuse like "Missing something out of life" is more like "I can't play a drunk, violent veteran who cares abnormally much for his daughter." You could play that off as a satire but that would actually require talent on your part.

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File: 3ebf6fb140db25b⋯.jpg (190.78 KB,960x1248,10:13,00-daz3d_birthday-girl-hai….jpg)


I think the reason is simple: he put whatever value he finds feasible because most devs in Patreon don't plan anything and don't view it as a serious activity, but as a way to make easy money.


>I've made some alterations to here character, here proportions where a bit off since she was originally an older looking character, and had to modify here to look 18.

Dude, I still think you need to redo her face. The current face is not good and I think the only solution would be trying to make a new model. Look at the pic that I got in 2 seconds on Google, a face like that will get attention, while the current one creates rejection because it's just plain ugly.

If you feel confident, go ahead, but I believe that without a attractive main girl you will not succeed in Patreon.

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File: d5321fc95210329⋯.png (11.33 KB,720x200,18:5,wait_what.png)

I don't get it, is dev a "she"?


More than ugly, I feel like her face is just wrong. Deformed. Maybe is it something about her skull (giant forehead + tiny chin)?

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That would explain a bit. And how it's barely cobbled together. So the random Devil Dog name thrown in was German but some anon said the spaces were French, so I'm guessing European with english as a second language. Maybe a migrant or just a student who needed quick patreon buxs, and hence needs $400 US before 'she' works on the next episode. Never did address that.

Ahh, so author was referring 3/6 Marines? But that's just a normal regiment. 'Leon' says he has special forces training but he probably never transferred out to a joint task force. That doesn't make any sense.

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File: c94a3e2f751db7d⋯.webm (8.07 MB,720x406,360:203,M. R. James - Ghost write….webm)


<Merry X-mas

>It's Christmas, you politically correct heathen.


>Please forgive my transgression Comissar !

Don’t listen to that autistic shitposter. He has no fucking clue what he is talking about. It is perfectly acceptable to write Xmas, especially so in personal letters and cards written to friends and loved ones.

If M. R. James, the Christian and conservative dean of King’s College, Cambridge, who was also the son of a vicar and the brother of an archdeacon, would write Xmass in his letters to his closest friend back in the early 1900s, then I think a daughter (in a porn game) in the current year could also use that in a card to her father.

TL;DR: only autistic Christcucks who are triggered by anything (and therefore shouldn’t even be browsing this board or play this kind of game to begin with), would throw a temper tantrum at someone writing to wish their loved one merry Xmass.

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File: 9714df019f62e28⋯.gif (612.95 KB,498x498,1:1,971.gif)


Are you quoting me with >>43477? Because I didn't mention Christmas anywhere there. You did tag me in the rant however and it's meant as a joke, which I find even more funny that it tick you off so much you gave the the history of the word Xmas and then called me a christcuck when I'm not even christian.

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at least he had the brain to write a good critique you smoothbrain

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So wait, it's just the changing box and the volleyball game? NOTHING else? Why the fuck would anyone release it like this?

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Because Dev wants $400 bucks to work on a barely put together Ep 2.

>Already earning $86 from 15 people.

I don't get how people can have disposable income and waste it on something like this, being a poorfag teaches you the value of a dollar. Throwing it at porn games because you're thirsty just seems to me you need to go out and get laid, or get better taste.

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As a wagecuck I fully understand what you mean but hear me out for a moment because I believe I have the answer to the why people with disposable income throw money at this garbage.

It takes me 2 hours to get to my job where I work 8 daily hours 6 days a week in an almost all male enviroment and I say almost because there are 2 girls . These 2 girls already have their own army of orbiters so fuck talking to them.

After that I go home and that´s another 2 hours.

Then I need to sleep 8 hours.

It is a good paid job but having 4 hours for me time is not even enought time to go out looking for whores or even searching for non shit porn games.

Those hours are reserved for cooking food and taking dumps.

I mean fuck. I still remember when I used to support the simbro team because their updates where the only thing I looked forward each month.

Most patreons lifes are empty like that.It´s the emptiness that comes once you get stuck in an endless grind loop.

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Sounds rough bud.

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File: 67ecdf9379ed5b0⋯.png (294.98 KB,478x732,239:366,Untitled.png)

You know me, I'm not dick ridin' or anything but I just love to tear this POS up.

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File: fa22dd26157cb6e⋯.png (238.68 KB,457x500,457:500,Untitled2.png)


Tell me, good Anons. Can you see any difference in the model? I don't know if it's my eyes but I don't see any.

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Stop Down syndrome shaming, it's not her fault she was born this way.

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File: bf6ccc5a1775ce1⋯.jpg (153.9 KB,707x536,707:536,bf6ccc5a1775ce130829bdc27c….jpg)


>You know me, I'm not dick ridin' or anything

Surely you jest? You are working that thing like a pro! And you keep coming back for more like the cock-hungry slut you are too.

Anyways, I checked the devs Patreon and saw that Ep 2 is out - anyone got it?

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File: 2e65431019be170⋯.png (13.78 KB,1126x305,1126:305,Untitled.png)


Not really, I've got better things to do in my time. If someone provides a link I'll write more paragraphs as to why it's shit.

Don't be like this idiot, it doesn't look good.

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It'd called Patreon milking. The "revamping the model" is the new "Have personal issues in my life right now". There is only so many times Devs can use that excuse, they needed a new one.

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Man, that just lazy- when that "Teacher's Pets" guy was scamming idiots, at least he was making up stories for some top-tier entertainment.

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File: 3524533ef2d60bf⋯.png (696.2 KB,741x614,741:614,GET AWAY FROM ME.png)

Guess what I got on my hands on. Everyone ready for act 2 of this shit heap? I know I am.

Link it back so it's connected.>>41969

Starting up and still no mention of the free use music used. Shame.

I'm going to quickly go back through the opening to see if anything's changed or if the dev is just lazy and didn't actually fix anything.

>Still called Teufelhunden

>Still calling up a battalion when it's only a squad.

>Charlie division is now just a squad.

>Can choose bitch's name now.

>Added server on the plane (Specifically mentions a roof window). Woot.

>Only just sleeps on the plane, again.

>Still drive car, still have pick-nick.

>Still pick out ice-cream

>Still go to beach with volleyball.

That appears to be all the changes, unfortunately. Anyway, let's continue.

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File: 1d29541a92333fa⋯.png (1.02 MB,921x718,921:718,Untitled.png)



Space damn it.

>"Leon" wakes up and decides to take a shower, somehow there's no door for privacy and of course hoe walks in.

>Baked cookies for breakfast.

BITCH, Imma Marine, I eat MREs and shit bullets for the enemy. Cookies ain't gonna help.

I think her face has softened a bit now though, >>43794 couldn't see it here but compare this to that and I think I notice it.

>Isn't it weird having your dad as your boyfriend.

Uhhh, yeah, it's pretty weird.

>Friend throwing a party, daughter mentions that they need to go buy new cloths.

She's loaded, so why not. At least "Leon" can get a good suit out of this.

>Suggests Squash as an activity to do.

So the fag version of Tennis it is.

>"Leon" asks hoe how she got a Lotus Elise

>It's mine, don't worry about it. It's not gonna come back to bite you.

>Go to clothes store called "Ashley's Boutique," service girl is called Camille.

I was expecting Ash somewhere. You know how womyn are when they name a business after themselves, they like to be present during hours to reinforce that narcissism.

>Cami has a softer face, a 'Cali girl' look and pretty green eyes.

Damn man, how come all the NPC girls are more good looking than Hoe? Come to think of it, why isn't this a Hawaiian dating sim or something. Jen the stewardess who likes traveling and can probably speak a few different languages, Cami the receptionist who probably likes going down to the beach of a weekend and surfing. Give 'em personalities and there's decent stuff here, but nope, shackled to Hoe because that's the focus of this game.

>Hoe immediately goes to buy shoes.


>Someone called Irelia (League?) is in the changing room next door and asks for help with her bra.


WHAT. What kinda guy would make snide comments about his big titted wife?

But probably cucking stuff in the future if she's involved (if the game progresses that far and if there's any sex, so far there hasn't been any)

>She looks like a default model with bigger boobs, in that she looks 20ish while complaining about wanting kids.

Not really interested in her.

>Finally asked to pick dresses.

>Dress one is it looked like Ms Claus ripped some decking off the halls and re-purposed it as a two piece dress. I laughed for a good minute because of how bad it was.

>Dress two is a simple cocktail dress with hypnotic swirls.

Naturally I chose Dress one, 'tis the season but she looks like a fucking joke in that.

>Got both dresses anyway.

Spoiled Hoe.

>Sports time.

>Rush>Rush>Wait gets me through all of it.

>Catch her falling over.

>Head to secluded beach for some reason, maybe we'll finally get to the sex.

>Nope but she does reveal she paid for the plane ticket and car out of her trust fund.

>That car is nothing to laugh at either, easily 5 digits.

>If it reminds me of you, then I'm into it.

>I have lots of cash left over.

And when they runs out…?

>Basically piggyback her out and she kisses his cheek.

Kids got some issues. Any chance we can dump her, take her trust fund, spend it on a drunken bender in Hawaii and get a decent suit out of it? Or spend it on weapons and shit and forming your own A-team? Or spending it on prostitutes who put out more than the Hoe does? No? Shame.

>Hoe cuts her foot walking on the beach.

Really a good idea to wear solid shoes, to prevent glass and that.

>Stitch the wound.


>Only for most extreme cases.

Boooo. You're denying my player agency.

>Going to drive her home

>That's it.

What? Over a month and that's what, an hour of content at that, no sex and you get $200 for that? You're shitting me right?

>No party

>No explaining to bitch ex-wife how daughter cut her foot


And people are seriously giving you money for this tripe.

I'll be back for next version, just to see how more shit it is.

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File: ba43fc20580ecc5⋯.png (857.78 KB,680x689,680:689,Isn't it weird having your….png)


>I've got all these images I saved but no text to go along with em because it was that short.

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File: e8eb213cffdd3ab⋯.png (1.12 MB,860x699,860:699,Cali Cami.png)


Seriously man, Jen or Cami are better than Hoe.

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File: b154e9173473c18⋯.png (1.2 MB,848x702,424:351,Even has the ring.png)

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File: 510a2758bd36d74⋯.png (772 KB,654x694,327:347,Irelia.png)

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File: b64fbc274a7d41f⋯.png (1.06 MB,787x689,787:689,Dress 1.png)


This is the worst dress I've ever seen, she looks like a Christmas decoration and not the good kind.

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File: 4c878429b48e223⋯.png (960 KB,703x681,703:681,Dress 2.png)

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File: 4b233c3932c7e84⋯.png (567.84 KB,672x686,48:49,Babyfaced sport.png)


Remember, Rush>Rush>Wait.

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File: fa8c0991f6b3079⋯.png (1.87 MB,1267x707,181:101,It will haunt my dreams..png)


God damn this POS.

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File: 1ee7f8f179734d0⋯.png (457.24 KB,510x2761,510:2761,CUCK STUFF ALERT.png)


>I hope cheating it added.

>It will be added because I know I can squeeze more money from you cows if I do that.

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File: f405d03a147815b⋯.png (1.16 MB,2472x680,309:85,64.png)


>Monthly 4k wallpaper

Who in their right mind would want that.

>Also has a poll open about fetishes, I want to see the replies for cuck content, because I know it will be big.


I found someone even thirstier than Andrew. Arthur here has 64 vs 62.

That's it for tonight, I'm tired of shoveling shit.

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Hehehe. Anyone want to go troll a discord group.


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File: db35d0efc987f89⋯.gif (1.92 MB,800x800,1:1,tmp_db35d0efc987f893ea762f….gif)


>instead of sharing the DL link I will now go on to recap my playthru in the most autistic and forced way you can imagine

No one gives a flying fuck about your wall of greentext, just post the fucking Mega link you cumgurgling spastic cunt

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File: 3f5dff7d585e10b⋯.jpg (33.27 KB,600x316,150:79,Cult-Of-Chucky-Director-Do….jpg)







Jesus Christ she is hideous. Every time I see her face, this is the first thing that comes to mind. Pic very related.

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B-but why? You can tolerate the "art" in this? Amazing.

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File: 51c20bbe17c3f0a⋯.png (1.37 MB,1118x679,1118:679,Javerticus.png)


>Wanting to download this in the first place

It's 500 mb now for some reason, I'm saving you an hour of your life and data over your connection.

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Shut the fuck up and post you immense faggot

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File: d532fb228e6f616⋯.jpg (7.5 KB,200x200,1:1,d53.jpg)


Are you… angry? Over not getting to play your shitty patreon game? Hahaha.

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File: 36f11cca1ea25f7⋯.jpg (134.8 KB,950x1001,950:1001,POTION SEELLLLEEER.jpg)


Fuck off with this piece of trash of a game. It's not a trainer game so fuck off.

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From Fag95:

Win: mega.nz/#!PCh20AbC!PYj3F_D9AdxRkS3xHI-nBY-D0J1CUjavCxw3T9a0d3o

Mac: mega.nz/#!zLg1CQqA!hvO8NWXHUc7h3O5_feBYaeb9SWs0xEdUYOJGZVSYACw

New mini-game solution: Rush-Rush-Wait

>inb4 fuck you, this steaming POS and that shithole of Fag95

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




this is probably what he was going for

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File: c602612fa7f4d40⋯.jpg (36.63 KB,750x625,6:5,yolandi-3.jpg)


I thought he was going for the yolandi look.

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Holy fucking shit

what is wrong with her face?

I mean I know that most daz models look like shit but slaanesh almighty thats a new low

whoever came up with this should really consider hiring someone who knows what he's doing

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jesus christ man no, look at the cheeks for fucks sake

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File: 6b767268c50338f⋯.jpeg (30.98 KB,400x400,1:1,DISGUSTING.jpeg)


>that face

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>I showed you my patreon answer me

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Episode 3 next week apparently.

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File: f188b85b89eecd2⋯.png (1.73 MB,1275x682,1275:682,Points.png)


So ep 3 is out and I'm ready for more of this shit. First thing I notice is variables for influence, like it adds anything.

>Irelia is a tour operator and gives her card to Leon.

Anyway, Hoe and Leon show up to her house and they get their stories straight. Hoe introduces Anna who is her caretaker, she has the smallest eyes I've ever seen.

>Anna has specalised medical training.

>I must redo this bandage, it's very sloppy for a person who was in the army.

>Hoe's story seems to convince Anna and Leon spends the night over.

>Hoe isn't interested in any boys because they're full of themselves.

>She's a trust fund baby who bought her father a business class ticket so she could 'date' him.

>Next morning go shopping with Anna. Got a game over for mentioning to Anna that Leon is her father.

>Jess shows back up

Yey. Someone actually good looking.

>Some guy called Sergey shows up and remarks that Jess is a slut, Leon defends m'lady's honor and gets punched as a result.

>She doesn't suck off passengers, other hostesses do that and she's just there for the pay.

>Leon suggests that she report them but they have connections and all that.

>Can't do the feminist thing and complain on twitter. "Womyn stewardess dress only in bathing suits and suck off old men while flying." Can see the headlines now.

>She'll be at a Christmas party in the city, maybe see her again sometime.

>Leon heads back home from shopping and bumps into Roselynn, she's pedobait. She looks 14.

>She tells Leon that Hoe is a virgin.

>Another person born into money, she and her aunt live all alone in a huge mansion.

>Tells Leon Hoe is in love with her.

>Dinner time, Hoe and Leon watch a movie. Hoe falls asleep and Leon finds Anna who goes hardass on him saying he shouldn't be lying to her.

And that's it, over before it began. Still no sex either.

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File: 557e60c10be631f⋯.png (1.66 MB,1253x698,1253:698,Small Eyes.png)

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File: 692806f8afcc1de⋯.png (1.55 MB,1256x688,157:86,Jess shopping.png)

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File: 3f860ce30b02f1e⋯.png (1.13 MB,1155x702,385:234,Totally 18.png)

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spoilerI know assspoiler

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>FASD: the game.

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Yeah yea incompetent snow nigger is being an incompetent snow nigger.

Can we stop bumping this shitty "game"?

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Is she part abo?

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How do I make girls like they? What program is that?

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Lurk a thousand years

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Does the game called "fertile and mating" actually have any pregnancy content or?

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Nope. No sex scenes yet.

>$422 a month on patreon

Just end it already.

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So, fertile and blueballing? Dropped.

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>Potato and mating

First game about mating with vegetable. Amazing

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File: 6b95ae1211b883b⋯.png (205.43 KB,292x269,292:269,The Face Of God.png)

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Its just mentally ill cucks actually targetting a decent fetish. Have you not realzied were part of a war for long now?

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>Eyes closer together

>Mouth narrower

>Nose narrower

>Super faint lighting tweak. Probably.

Still looks pretty bad tbh, probably junk it or use the model as some side character or uggo bitch. The other models mostly look better, they'd be easier to salvage.

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No, it's not.

Either you've been misinformed, or are trying to make /htg/ look retarded.

Even worst is that, it's not like spotting actual careless frenchies was that hard due to a combination of:

- autocorrection in writing fields littering words similar between the 2 languages with accents (é, è, ê, etc).

- structural language expressions and thought patterns leading to a rampant "1 sentence = 3 paragraphs" epidemic.

- over-reliance on words which may *appear* as filler words in more casual discussion to an english-language native.

t. an actual frenchy.

PS: maybe some countries who have French as a 2nd non-official language next to something like arabic are prone to that, but I wouldn't know. To the extent of my knowledge, it is not a thing from any latin-alphabet using people.

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File: a5ffdf1beda568e⋯.png (508.77 KB,1280x871,1280:871,Lemonde.png)


Sure, in french a narrow or a regular space before exclamation points, question marks, colons and semi-colons is not mandatory at all (pic related).

Also from https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponctuation#En_fran%C3%A7ais

En France, on place une espace après un signe simple (, .) et deux espaces autour des signes doubles (: ; ! ?).

Btw, you're a faggot for bumping this shit.

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>le Monde as a reference

>the French paper version of CNN is somehow a reference.

>the same fucks that support immigration, pretend that faggots are normal, etc


It's also probably something non-French are not aware of, but there has been an internal war on the matter of linguistics for a decade and a half now in the country.

Started with a flag carry around the "autant/au temps pour moi" as team-referring points.

However, I should have saged, you're correct on that part, sorry for being a tard.

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Should be noted that the patreon hasn't updated since July and their discord channel is dead as well. Another scam basically.

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