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 No.1306862 [Last50 Posts]

Previous Thread:


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File: 0d1e108350635ca⋯.png (222.08 KB,659x618,659:618,sans.png)

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sponge come to trivia with me tonight

the special rounds are magazines and "the nightmare before christmas"

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XLR give me your address I'm coming to Thanksgiving

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that would be epic

i would suck at magazines but probably be decent w tnbc

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File: ec395b74c18fff7⋯.mp4 (327.05 KB,480x480,1:1,sansfield.mp4)

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i figure that's how my whole team is gonna be, if anyone shows up

you'd be a welcome addition

how good are you at identifying songs and their artists, that's the round that always gives us a leg up

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File: fdf4f1e825b33c1⋯.png (221.62 KB,1024x531,1024:531,sans_did_9_11_by_syringegu….png)

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i’m usually pretty decent at that bc i know a lot of 80s and 90s music

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File: 022b0728b3d6444⋯.jpg (29.64 KB,584x433,584:433,1542606166023.jpg)

me earlier: am I unhappy? what am I doing with my life? is this it?

me now:

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hsg trivia team sounds like it would end in disaster

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Between our various psychoses and 'tisms we'd probably be pretty decent

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nah, the varied life experience and interests would probably make us unstoppable

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*disastrous gay sex

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hsg team disqualified for answering "my ass" to every question

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"table 5 if you keep using racials slurs in your team name we are going to have to ask you to leave"

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"whaddaya mean I can't get high in your parking lot? I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA"

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oh no, it's downtown, nobody gives a shit

all the hip kids go out for oil pen breaks, not smoke breaks

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>oil pen breaks

oh yeah, that's why i like my friends

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"uh you guys need five for a team"

*fifth member falls in through the ceiling tiles*

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tumut and wonk and wesley come get high with me

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how should we schedule the meet up and is it viable that it wont fizzle out

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what a crew

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I am ready and committed and dream of the day I can hang out with any, let alone a group of you

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fuck that got me

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supremely epic post

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the team name "spittin' hick and the bathroom hole" wouldnt even be out of place

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Bitch, I'm a monster,

no-good blood-sucker

Fat motherfucker, now look who's in trouble

As you run through my jungles all you hear is rumbles

Benye Scharf sample, here's one for example

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call me when its nintendo trivia night

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File: bdeb4e0dbd3af4e⋯.png (1.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1541997621304.png)

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File: 97f832e48da8e4b⋯.png (1.15 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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damn that's an easy choice huh

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hey you read taz right

what's your opinion on this

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I wonder how antifa!tumut is doing in it's reality

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You'll find out when the merge completes

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no i didnt read/listen to taz

i keep meaning to

i cant listen to that right now but remind me in a few hours


can you and antif!tumut switch i feel like we'd be friends

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i said read for some reason but i meant listened to

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Fighting white nationalist James Daniel (he hides his real surname of Dambro)

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will you survive the merge hsg

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he'd be an eridan stan i bet

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>can you and antif!tumut switch i feel like we'd be friends

if they're like normal tumut they'd almost never politics post so they'd still at least be a decent poster

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this is such a james dambro post

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yeah but i would be better friends with him than i am with this one

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Be good to yourself hsg

No matter which you you are

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so it is, friend

so it is

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i still think stan is a fucking retarded word and people who use it are probably bad people

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what was the phrase hussie used for the true self across timelines


>i still think stan is a fucking retarded word


>people who use it are probably bad people


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im confident everyone here will die

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I wish True Selves were something you could meet

Though I don't know how I could/would take it if true me hated us

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the newish phenomenon of using stan in a somewhat positive way is weird yeah

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how do you think cwc will react to the merge being absolutely nothing

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I think he'll just keep getting more delusional

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seriously what's the phrase from the comic

now im kinda in the mood to do some litcrit


didn't rose have some commentary about all of the infinite timeline selves merging or something?

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true me would disintegrate me instantly with her laser gaze

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taz-listener here: it's epic

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same way doomsday believers act

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I actually think that's probably the only good usage of it, in that people use it for a meme similar to "in this house we respect so and so".

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Movements - Losing My Religion

Is a good cover

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aight, fair

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File: 48d03006044bdae⋯.png (1.08 MB,672x936,28:39,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c77ed62a8f8d798⋯.png (1.22 MB,672x936,28:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 795c428a0679d2c⋯.png (1.27 MB,672x936,28:39,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dd12a664032f42⋯.png (1.19 MB,672x936,28:39,ClipboardImage.png)


choose a vampire f

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Would you kill yourself to make the True You

I dinnae no

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Captain's Rog

Howday, fans, Jackie Weston Chandler here with an update.

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jwc is real now thanks to the merge

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i think cwc is probably gonna jump out of a window thinking the merge gave him super powers or something

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Not to get needlessly dark......but how long do you think it will take Chris to report Barb's death when she finally succumbs in their hoardernest?

I'm legit betting 3-5 days

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I honestly dont know if he will outlive her

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real question is what is he going to do to the body

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choose one

there is a wrong answer

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if there’s a wrong answer there are rules

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Actually, what is the proper course of action if somebody dies suddenly like that? I've never thought about it.

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i would imagine calling the ambulance or something

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yeah but that feels weird cus theyre already dead

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there are no rules but there is an objectively worst choice

just choose one

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transgender president

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trump totally would declare himself the first female president just to spite hillary

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I wish

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that would be based

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i fucking wish

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>us troops withdrawing from the border within the week


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this will be extremely epic

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never, to keep the money faucet on

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objectively wrong based on what parameters is my question

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i cant wait for them to price out this stunt

like they did with pence’s baseball walkout


just in time to miss thanksgiving

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zognald and the recucklicans cucking out as usual

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elenda cuz she has a cool sword even though drana has neat horns

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good choices

the wrong answer was etrata

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either Drana or Olivia because I actually have those two

>fuck up 3 captchas in a row


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looks dumb and is a literal who compared to the others


goddess of ixalan vampires


Only effective head of zendikar vampires, killed a giant eldrazi bare-handed and almost sparked probably


Matriach of the 2nd largest clan of innistrad vampires


The Great Gatsby and one of the most prominent aetherborn on Kaladesh


some literal who who has never done anything

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etrata was my third because she’s hot in a normal looking way and also cool

this game is dumb because I don’t know who any of them are

next time if you just wanna talk about lore just do it

or just say “guess who has the least interesting lore“ because I could’ve told you that just looking at them

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i want everyone in this thread to respond to this post with their circumcision status

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File: 94bcfb8c8131e5d⋯.png (1009.39 KB,672x936,28:39,ClipboardImage.png)


Etrata also looks the worst, in both of her arts

The one i posted is from a guild kit or something i think, this is the real art.

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is this a fetish thing

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looks better than yehenni imho

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i'm circumcised yet i usually masturbate at least twice a day

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cut for standard americuck reasons

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im neutral about it i guess

i think uncut dicks look gross but we also probably shouldn't mutilate lil baby dicks

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american circumcision is some sort of blood ritual to the concept of sexual purity

damn you kellog

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File: 22266c1bb3380c0⋯.jpeg (126.02 KB,1004x543,1004:543,4096BB30-2A0E-41EC-AF49-1….jpeg)

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*jangles foreskin @ this post*

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File: dcacee9c242628a⋯.png (179.87 KB,340x367,340:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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not a thing around these parts

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Yehenni is great he's the great gatsby.

Also he's technically agender but i think he was masculine? I don't remember. His whole species is agender and dies in a few months-a year, he was a "vampire" because he had the power to steal other people's lifeforce but didn't much because he didn't want to be evil or something.

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i like him a lot from what i’m hearing

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File: e6c2a7c56cb6a4a⋯.jpg (845.01 KB,1080x1528,135:191,8a666f85465b2e1f6e79d83958….jpg)

File: e8ff8865095f689⋯.png (540.28 KB,827x1169,827:1169,2e1e1bf6e0113da584cd60d0fb….png)

File: c39e1e05954eecb⋯.jpg (304.39 KB,1241x2276,1241:2276,31273215b7114d295e6a7b7976….jpg)

File: 3539f334900e099⋯.png (897.11 KB,850x1576,425:788,585f2dc0e27fb9a86984b3f4cf….png)


dare ye

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File: 7d8b7542d14d1a4⋯.mp4 (8.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,イカダ乗せガーディアンとお戯れ.mp4)

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File: fea434c77051c37⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,243.29 KB,1024x1453,1024:1453,5dd64f23df038f62898a8a56ea….jpg)

File: aac8fd1b1fc7646⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.04 KB,800x818,400:409,6e0fd42c7be42c23dd4be13818….jpg)

File: d544e68b0745aeb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.82 KB,1024x786,512:393,96467dfda3d513d122e466bd37….jpg)

darest thou

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bad great good

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he was a pretty good character

definitely the most entertaining thing from Kaladesh

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i was browsing a 40k art booru and was in the Z tag and lo and behold there is a (very small) Zootopia tag

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surprising and yet not

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I am a nigger

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wow me too, wanna frot?

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I am a nig

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I can't believe we still don't know who killed Stan Lee

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what if stan lee isnt dead and this is a publicity stunt for thanos wars 2

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File: 1e93ef75ca45363⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,219.04 KB,797x1000,797:1000,ANGELICUS.jpg)

File: 6a7979a5b601516⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,179.35 KB,693x1000,693:1000,CORVUS.jpg)

File: 48f730e33f1c119⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.94 KB,722x1000,361:500,DECEPTOR.jpg)

File: d96266c36e1e72d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,214.86 KB,729x1000,729:1000,FEROX.jpg)


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is he gonna show up with tupac

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File: 1b3500b7632144b⋯.jpg (180.03 KB,774x1000,387:500,FERRUS.jpg)

File: 7cf8dc7575a7f2b⋯.jpg (216.74 KB,742x1000,371:500,FURIAE.jpg)

File: 031e1e995785cb3⋯.jpg (185.08 KB,739x1000,739:1000,HONORABILIS.jpg)

File: 3e81d97b9829b0f⋯.jpg (238.65 KB,802x1000,401:500,IGNEUS.jpg)

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File: 7350eccb6506f27⋯.jpg (210.66 KB,715x1000,143:200,IMPERATOR.jpg)

File: 539bae9625e6d8b⋯.jpg (213.28 KB,741x1000,741:1000,INFIDELIS.jpg)

File: 0f7ec7af2d4d0d8⋯.jpg (202.76 KB,730x1000,73:100,KHAN.jpg)

File: ceae74194f1555e⋯.jpg (178.18 KB,742x1000,371:500,MACHINATOR.jpg)


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File: 80b4832c1822bea⋯.jpg (218.25 KB,712x1000,89:125,MAGUS.jpg)

File: 6c367764b5ad608⋯.jpg (210.97 KB,737x1000,737:1000,MORTIS.jpg)

File: a8c348b582e0352⋯.jpg (215.28 KB,729x1000,729:1000,NOCTURNUS.jpg)

File: eb2bacb41b1d14e⋯.jpg (218.07 KB,727x1000,727:1000,PROPHETAE.jpg)


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File: 340f887162e4e04⋯.jpg (247.76 KB,775x1000,31:40,PUGNI MAGNO IMPERIALIS.jpg)

File: 021a8d02d54f906⋯.jpg (213.72 KB,777x1000,777:1000,SUPERBIAE.jpg)

File: 1c2d1bc13393122⋯.jpg (425.22 KB,1426x1000,713:500,THE MASTER PLAN.jpg)

File: 3705fcb4c95ff4e⋯.jpg (215.08 KB,1024x710,512:355,THE WARMASTER CROWNED.jpg)


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File: 0bbdfc4d719c58b⋯.jpg (224.98 KB,728x1000,91:125,ULTRA.jpg)

File: ea0a0099d4960f0⋯.jpg (199.5 KB,738x1000,369:500,WARMASTER.jpg)


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half of these guys look like eustace bagge

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It's the Emperor of Mankind and His 20 Sons who set the grandiose baroque space opera of 40k into motion

It's a story about a father's hubris tearing a family apart

And also neverending war eternal

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During the Horus Heresy, the gentlemen facing right in their portrait went traitor

While the left stayed loyal

Most are missing, many are dead, some are active, and others have transcended humanity all together

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File: a513eeeefe98c5d⋯.jpg (162.94 KB,1280x1047,1280:1047,tumblr_pigmxmi81Q1xmn3vxo1….jpg)

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i like the nathan explosion one

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File: 8f35758a4969e16⋯.png (329.28 KB,634x474,317:237,ClipboardImage.png)

pictured: emperor of mankind

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i laughed so hard i choked a little

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File: 8f882e1a7701e20⋯.jpg (296.22 KB,1115x1386,1115:1386,God-Emperor[1].jpg)

Nope, not getting out of this chair

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File: aab8e88d38821ae⋯.jpg (125.28 KB,859x651,859:651,1538074189211.jpg)

Guys, I have a serious question here. If you don't talk about homestuck anymore, what do you talk about in this board?

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mouthpics and vore

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read the sticky/lurk

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statistically, we're all about courage the cowardly dog at the moment

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Fuck you guys

Get into my obessive hobby

It only takes a months rent to build an army of plastic and metal army men and lil toy cars

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the only guy i knows that plays 40k is the guy with the mustache at the vape shop

it does seem really fun tho

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i'd want a tau army

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hey tumut that cover was based

how’s the rest of “songs that saved my life”

thread theme

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we just kick it

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pic thankfully unrelated nowadays

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That's the best of the compilation imo, the Torn cover is also good too

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perhaps you gentlefolk would like a finely curated selection of mouthpics?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the real thread theme

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enough with the harvest

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let the harvest begin!

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File: fd39b31ae4e679d⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1542680204646.jpg)

>tfw I'll never be this good

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oh, how the wheels and gears and schemata yearn to yield to my hunger once again!

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this is epic

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peruse this epic thread before it is gone forever! lest we epicly forget!


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File: fd67acbac43394a⋯.jpg (32.95 KB,336x277,336:277,cutting_torch_05.jpg)

Though I am one of the relatively small subset of the populace that has actually fired a plasma gun

Well technically it's a plasma cutter, it can't actually propel itself out beyond like a foot

It's still cool, but not sci-fi level cool

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we have the archive

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File: 171449ee9b254ee⋯.png (1.18 MB,810x800,81:80,ClipboardImage.png)

from based hicktard, presumably

i might've been wrong about his guro, it's pretty epic

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File: 52ef221547b6d47⋯.jpg (9.53 KB,225x225,1:1,suspisious lapis.jpg)


I have read it, and I lurked the board for several month, but I still don't understand (maybe I'm just very stupid). Is this like a random board with just a general thread or what?

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terrible thread that ought to be sealed away

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File: 45ec3b66fb54b73⋯.jpg (85.63 KB,1280x720,16:9,mpv-shot0043.jpg)

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>lurked for several months


can you pass a quiz of hsg lore?

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it is an epic thread.

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it's a hangout thread of people who read homestuck with a bimodal age demographic

are closer to a 27 year old NEETcel or a 20 year old spastic retard

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god damn i love reading the stupid shit i said and forgot about

i wish i had another one of me. we'd be unstoppable

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I'd leave forever

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> I lurked the board for several month

and what have you gleaned from that epic time spent in this place?

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>are closer to a 27 year old NEETcel or a 20 year old spastic retard

it's sad how true this is

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I keep forgetting a lot of you niggas are old

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>hey stabs will you glomp me with your esophagus and then let your bowels kill me

t. me

i am so funny and so epic.

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this is based

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there’s some epic wonkposts in here

im havin flashbacks

what a fucking fit sako was having

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it was based

i miss bickering with that little hicktard bitchboy

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weve been hanging out together since homestuck general on 4chan

and now we hang out here

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File: 06c49d39768189b⋯.jpeg (440.23 KB,1242x1035,6:5,2AA2C408-5169-403B-A311-A….jpeg)

i liked this joke


i miss making fun of him and hisdumb beliefs and stupid bad logic

but he’s annoying and id rather he was gone

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i liked that epic joke too

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i liked arguing with saltlick more because she was so convinced of her intelligence and magical ability

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i feel like i couldnt make posts as bad as saltlicks if i tried

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she has a semblance of actual writing ability which lends itself beautifully to her retarded takes

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File: 4eb3104e1db13a7⋯.gif (1005.59 KB,700x691,700:691,22d29edf-80b7-4393-874d-f3….gif)

speaking of salt, she sent me a text snap a while ago saying that i should get off of hsg due it being a bad influence for me

little does she know that I'm beyond salvation!

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hsg is good for us... it's good! hsg good... hsg good...

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she was and is usually right tho yeah

remember sjw-anon, those were good times


one of those things that she’s right about that i ignore unfortunately

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no one is beyond salvation uwu

not even us owo

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File: 17a1fa194429e43⋯.jpg (344.63 KB,859x1155,859:1155,INRI2.jpg)

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File: e2f9f87b47abec0⋯.jpg (17.04 KB,800x600,4:3,cogx.jpg)


>she was and is usually right

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i'm never leaving hsg

i need to make a backup board in case grant is slain by a truck of peace

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Sponge youre getting your wish

Wonk is evolving into the second sponge

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i think the jury is still out on that one, hoss!

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*cenk uyger voice*

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File: 7757e4d646ffd56⋯.png (1.74 MB,1700x626,850:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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>sponge admin

enjoy your flock of wesley, and wesley

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saltlick is for sure a buffalo jill

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i would be a good admin, given the chance

i would not be vindictive with my mod powers.

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she’s epic


how so?

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File: 8483fcaf03fd379⋯.jpeg (160.2 KB,1024x768,4:3,4313E720-97CF-40E7-B20E-8….jpeg)

tag yourself i’m karen leto

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File: bb575c1afb3d4f6⋯.gif (1.64 MB,400x400,1:1,73DA0041-2B0A-46BB-982B-6C….gif)

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um... maybe if we could be sexy lolis?

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which one just claims to be enby forever

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File: 2722c4d6cefeeb1⋯.png (3.58 MB,1679x2278,1679:2278,ClipboardImage.png)

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imagining trying to do something like this with my massive baby retard hands

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File: f68df7685aca61a⋯.jpg (363.7 KB,1461x881,1461:881,1542603543763.jpg)

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there is absolutely no way i am clicking this

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not the version with visible boob veins? that's not very epic

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i NEED to start drawing porn

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poor laura

homegirl just needs uh,, actual time on hrt and a lot of dental work

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oh and a skincare routine

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do you have that version? i didn't know it existed i just took that image from one of the old threads

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can i commission you to draw my shitty oc

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>There's nothing here.

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requesting xray youmu with shit in her rectum

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let me see this shitty oc

my art is too trash to be making money off of it yet

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there's no artwork of her yet

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post a little doodle of her

or describe her and let me fill in the rest. is she human?

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what do you think texas girl is up to right now

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bbq or wearing cowboy boots or somethin

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tired: drawing porn

wired: programming porn

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>Ivanka was using a personal email

now it's time for all the hillary supporters to jump on her for that

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showdown with the first caravan arrivals

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can i text you it, i'm too embarrassed to post it here

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I'm not clicking that

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holy fuck i can post again

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my university blocks posting on 8ch but i'm back home for thanksgiving

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thank god for the university

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i really love that outfit


>my university blocks posting on 8ch


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of course babe

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oh shit

it's time for princess prom

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how unbased and fascist of your university

i'm sorry anon

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yeah, whenever i hit the reply, it just gives me a captcha every single time, even if i've already solved it. like, i can still browse it but not post, so why bother? i also didn't want to phonepost.

anyway, i've unironically missed sponge and wonk

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it's baldur's gate eboot

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oh wonk what did you think about the epic midterms

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welcome back, fishbro


lepic blue wave

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File: ccd6d733bb4cb9a⋯.png (5.46 MB,3000x3000,1:1,3ea65ae417f6f8b63f5baf00ae….png)

File: 7ebd88ce668ccd5⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,2892x4096,723:1024,7ebd88ce668ccd5e000c92dec0….jpg)

File: d7df618a7c08311⋯.png (2.31 MB,1500x1000,3:2,a fresh lineup.png)

File: 62b0e095c6426f9⋯.jpg (54.15 KB,464x960,29:60,bed time.jpg)

File: d4cd0f7a604821c⋯.jpg (66.78 KB,849x1062,283:354,bob-ombette.jpg)

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blue wave!

*a small splash of water proceeds to hit land*

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i will never skip this intro

unironically catchy

also i love scorpia so goddamn much

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eboot for.....?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


god i wish i was the kind of person who blocked people

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who do you want to be the 2020 dem nominee?

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why the hell would I want to play a PC game on my VITA through Adrenaline?

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i was going to listen to a song but i dont remmeber which

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new soundtrack

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not good enough

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the thread theme?

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also i love bow

he tore off his cummerbund to make a crop top tux


please dear god ask me anything but that

maybe harris, warren, sanders at a stretch

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people have already declared their candidacy. there's no brakes on the election train. personally, i'd love klobuchar or beto

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lol he wants pocahontas as a nominee

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forgot about klobuchar

love klobuchar

like beto

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klobuchar/o'rourke is probably my dream ticket, as a texan

anyway, the worst possible options i think are hillary again, warren, and avenatti

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File: 1580d929293fb2e⋯.jpg (90.56 KB,1155x1529,105:139,me souix warren 2020.jpg)

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not really, no

i was grasping for contenders

i'd take her if no one else, but i already regret ranking her above sanders

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File: 2b442f7b911cf56⋯.png (56.89 KB,750x257,750:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 631ab46bee0d291⋯.png (22.96 KB,750x120,25:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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i hope hungry hungry kasich runs again, ill give him a pity vote

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is this writing.com

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le yes

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File: c93fdca9ac74550⋯.png (215.28 KB,500x1477,500:1477,ClipboardImage.png)

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one time i looked at a gif that i thought was just a friendly rimjob

but it turned out to be scat, what a fool i was

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why aren't you watching she-ra

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that's how they get ya

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um do you think i’m racist? *pouts*

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i’m smoking weed btw

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yeah a little bit i guess

im guessing you know that considering you’re asking

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would you consider my level of racial bias above the norm? would my knowledge of it not make me more “woke”?

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dont know enough to make that call

no, that’s not how it works

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wonk do you think im epic (its wes)

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thank you arbiter of racism, your words have been noted.

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File: d07484cf8975153⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.93 KB,666x1280,333:640,and he needs help desperat….jpg)

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howzit wesheads

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what's popping benlords

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File: 30e845debc06b8e⋯.png (152.35 KB,705x417,235:139,image0.png)

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File: 9e399cefeadd910⋯.jpg (316.67 KB,600x895,120:179,hopal for opal.jpg)

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bigly epic

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you ask, i answer


that’s certainly a word for it

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i read over old text convos from years ago cuz i have em on my phone still for some reason and i made myself really sad

i pretty much entirely forgot a really close relationship i had, cuz all the drugs


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james what is your take on the controversial "pit bull" breed of dog

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File: 2bd37e794dc215d⋯.png (1.55 MB,1053x953,1053:953,ClipboardImage.png)

After like 4 months of extending the deadline the popularity poll is finally done.

Mine (#5) wasn't even on the top 20 during the first results

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File: 8d62890228ca6d5⋯.png (483.38 KB,640x355,128:71,ClipboardImage.png)

also the leader of a cult that you see in literally a single 4-minute side mission in one of the games got higher ranked than the main character's adopted daughter who is a central focal point for like half the series

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lmao that fucking headline

"refused to serve black men"

no, refused to serve a serial dine and dasher

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i dont really have a take on specific dog breeds

ive got a take on the concept of purebred dogs but i dont think most pit bulls fit that ticket, unless you want to get specific about the breed of pit bull

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grant, just now discovering that catchy headlines are used to lure people to read the story: lmao@the new york post

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File: 15587e71600cf16⋯.jpg (143.53 KB,1080x607,1080:607,Screenshot_20181120-005849….jpg)

hate these dipshit wrong-siders tbh

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this is one of those situations where the headline being like that is worse than it would normally be, as its falsely playing on racism

hwile i understand thats the situation as it was originally presented, people dont click the article (and many cant see it because theres a paywall) they just see a headline like that and come away with a damaging misconception, unlike in many other situations where a "click bait" head line doesnt have such a bad misrepresentation

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i havent shaved since i think wednesday so i look like shit but im sick, married, and a neet so it doesnt matter

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im just saying your expectations are high, racism is in right now, on all sides

you’re not wrong that it’s wrong though i’ll grant ya

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i had long underwear somewhere but they might have gotten mixed up in my wifes belongings and i ahve no clue where they went

shame, u gotta keep warm around here

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>mexicans protesting the migrants

*palpatine voice* ironic...

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yaoi fuckers don't care about the loli

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12:00~23:59: dead tired

00:00~: wide awake


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File: 6f5a5f41e50d521⋯.webm (1.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,1542696265535.webm)

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they care about yuki though, she's first outside of protagonists and popular villains

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 5a0238a21b087cf⋯.png (944.52 KB,750x745,150:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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whoever made the "vegetables are bad" meme should fuckind ie

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

thread theme

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File: 51069626d651222⋯.png (752.76 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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>gift from demoman


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is the demoman even allowed to use it

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he's black

his grandma is black and at least one of his parents was black

so uh, yea, probably

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File: a31cdd4fa2a6701⋯.png (4.02 KB,250x250,1:1,good night anyanymouse.png)

goo night hsg

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File: a36009267177b6a⋯.jpg (204.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,mpv-shot0019.jpg)

File: 133500fd836b638⋯.jpg (195.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,mpv-shot0020.jpg)

i still love this and i can't bring myself to delete it

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i'm glad none of you niggas care about jungkook or bts or any of that kpop shit

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real talk boyz what is UP with kpop people

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goo night hsg

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goodnight anon (possibly ben)

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its fucked up how they be like that

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it's like how people objectify let's players but worse because of how bad the kpop industry is from what i've come to understand of it

i would imagine most of them are little corporate slaves

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remember when the prime minister of south korea was an epic plant

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please watch that video I posted, it's so good

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and the people telling her what to do were really into the occult? yeah i remember. that shit was fucking epic

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File: 880417510b11002⋯.jpeg (221.92 KB,750x738,125:123,bluelivesmatter.jpeg)

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File: b504e740aea1fad⋯.png (266.62 KB,540x353,540:353,ClipboardImage.png)

something based

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File: 6e27e9f599b0f2f⋯.jpeg (142.04 KB,1024x768,4:3,6D0EEB1E-CCAD-4E62-BD92-C….jpeg)

goodnight palz

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wait a second

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no one is posting

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File: 4a533989944ab6d⋯.png (5.5 KB,167x256,167:256,025BBA6F-A373-4552-BACB-5D….png)

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File: ef444b8ccb859d9⋯.jpeg (112.76 KB,1125x1104,375:368,FA5D8034-DD8C-4ABA-9A95-7….jpeg)

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File: 2ffa28e0c5a6061⋯.jpeg (108.17 KB,800x812,200:203,55171B87-654F-491A-B530-B….jpeg)

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File: c413211b469a421⋯.jpeg (67.98 KB,1024x576,16:9,211810D3-F33D-4ADD-83BA-B….jpeg)

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File: a2347d856839fed⋯.jpeg (646.73 KB,2200x1650,4:3,1888422B-78B2-4EA5-BDF3-5….jpeg)

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File: 25dd6e4d266bcb8⋯.jpeg (109.11 KB,638x359,638:359,E367DCB4-79A7-4078-B686-6….jpeg)

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File: c704c20f26a7dd3⋯.jpeg (37.46 KB,540x536,135:134,D20F38E0-93B5-4AC9-8B90-C….jpeg)

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This GameBoy Advance is so tiny in my adult hands it's blowing my mind

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File: c85e2e12ab151ba⋯.png (2.52 MB,1280x1581,1280:1581,AD635A73-E50D-4698-8818-DF….png)

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i miss how big a gameboy advance felt when i was a shota

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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i found a spoon that kind of looks the the one in ffak

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this is maybe one of my favorite images ever

i wish i was this stunning and gorgeous

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that sounds pretty based

is it huge and/or red?

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its big and would have looked exactly the same as in ffak but its orange

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you should smack somebody with it

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bbc on wes

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File: 306774a417e6613⋯.jpeg (96.34 KB,725x564,725:564,1F348E92-706F-4696-BF30-2….jpeg)

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yes that but on wesley

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File: 218de2c11eaecc9⋯.jpg (118.08 KB,566x600,283:300,218de2c11eaecc92838fd6cbcd….jpg)

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did the comic update again

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it did

the updates have been epic

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File: 56ac24a13d47cec⋯.jpg (20.6 KB,445x389,445:389,Dr1yMWPXQAEmYEg.jpg)

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are you goign to sawcon this year

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

thread theme

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can someone link the thread theme playlist

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its a carbon copy of the other one

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You know nothing about Tik Tok Thots

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i do know very little about that subject

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>everyone: laura croft you dingus, you started the apocalypse with your tomb raiding!

>laura croft literally 20 minutes later: *destroys ancient mural to Raid a Tomb*

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>npc: all these archaeologists just take from us

>laura: *stealing fat and jade from the storehouses* you say something?

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File: c34c887b7b66624⋯.png (17.41 KB,332x370,166:185,cfeda792e3c5102eb89885bacf….png)

>6ix9ine Facing Possible Life Sentence in Prison

>6ix9ine and two of his former associates were arrested Sunday night (Nov. 18) on racketeering and firearms charges in New York City, the NYPD confirmed to Billboard. The rapper is now facing 6 counts, one of which includes discharging a firearm while committing a crime, according to the indictment obtained by TMZ. If found guilty, he could face possible life sentence and a mandatory minimum of 25 years in prison.

>The indictment, which lists 17 counts dating back to 2013, reads that Tekashi and his group conspired to commit crimes, such as drug deals, armed robberies and shootings. Additionally, the rapper is thought to have pulled an armed robbery on April 3 with his ex-manager, Shottie, and two other members of the Nine Trey Bloods.

>Tekashi and associates were also allegedly selling heroin, fentanyl, MDMA and marijuana in New York.

thank god im sick of this fucker

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im glad that pedophile might go away

hes probably going to get a slap on the wrist, because hes rich

but i hate him, and he is a pedophile and incredibly low intelligence

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File: 372a149c46a7ace⋯.gif (47.42 KB,250x194,125:97,1482446129220.gif)


>“On the night of February 21, 2015, and into the early morning hours of February 22, 2015, defendant (Tekashi69) participated in the creation of three sexually explicit videos of a 13-year-old child inside an apartment in New York County. In one of the videos, defendant fondled the child’s breast and smacked her buttocks while two adult males were penetrating the child orally and vaginally.

>Defendant faced the camera directly, bragging to the viewer, ‘You already know we rockin’ over here.’”

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keep in mind these gun/racketeering/drug crimes charges are on top of his probation

you know, the probation he got from diddling a 13 year old

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i hope they put him in solitary confinement and break him irreparably

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>Healthy young woman goes to Michael Avenatti's apartment, gets punched many times, doesn't feel good and charges-RESTRAINING ORDER. Many such cases! Sad!

i had a laugh at this pol shitpost

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File: 236f338907db17d⋯.png (253.51 KB,472x410,236:205,1542166943164.png)

Me go work

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File: 0f03c1339481990⋯.png (87.28 KB,900x276,75:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 8cc562ac0280e55⋯.png (17.2 KB,571x458,571:458,ClipboardImage.png)

shill or retard?

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Think there's a lesbian version of BLACKED

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bebece,i on wesli

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play nuclear throne with me

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gift it cunt

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how is he not in jail forever if they have that on him

also didn't he just get arrested for similar stuff like a month ago? he paid bail or something?

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>video footage of him raping 3 13-year olds even talking to the camera

big epic

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i said play nuclear throne with me

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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just ate my own cum ama

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i've done that thousands of times

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i just did it right now

the afte taste is still in my mouth

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File: fcb9fb98b542550⋯.jpg (3.41 MB,1580x3431,1580:3431,white criminals.jpg)

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File: 16940b8ba8bc565⋯.png (1.45 MB,1920x1012,480:253,It's Rev.png)

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well i didn't mean to do that but google hit autofill or something

anyway rev stop revving

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File: a9d8c5236ea1bab⋯.mp4 (198.19 KB,1920x1080,16:9,no.mp4)

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revvin up

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big man can't even spell it right

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i spelt it right

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nuclear throne

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black ops 4 zombies

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bbc on overwatch guy

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this is fucking epic

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how does that bowl work

it looks like two red doritos stabbing nancy's head in the first panel

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someone post the revvin up gif

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nancy's bow is like mickey mouse's ears, it changes depending on which direction you look at her from

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File: 0895cab5bf83cec⋯.gif (10.51 KB,256x192,4:3,revvin up.gif)

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ma boy

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got my first haircut in three months

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holyfuck you arent dead?


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File: 56636f201df5b58⋯.png (625.83 KB,561x859,561:859,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 700d60685698c8f⋯.png (273.37 KB,1600x800,2:1,download (5).png)

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File: 6828585fe110e33⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,1688x2400,211:300,griffith-san.jpg)

File: 604cdb67c3035a4⋯.jpg (393.54 KB,1500x1052,375:263,griffith.jpg)

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File: 126be18b3c776a2⋯.png (1.15 MB,1280x1340,64:67,ClipboardImage.png)


i will never understand why you keep posting them saying they're griffith

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File: 0539217aa5c057c⋯.jpg (123.6 KB,974x653,974:653,1341181530293.jpg)

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File: 1930b85b9f22ef0⋯.png (1.22 MB,1680x1050,8:5,Image1.png)

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Fat Jades you say?

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File: 00b4287d0d48e76⋯.jpg (80.83 KB,528x960,11:20,I can't believe Jade ate K….jpg)

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File: b186bc159b3e496⋯.png (9.69 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

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File: 894ccf4d1e3f262⋯.jpg (356.97 KB,960x1280,3:4,fat on a chair.jpg)

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Witch of Taking Up Space

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play nuclear throne with me

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buy me a copy you cheap fuck

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More Fat Bitches

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can you play multiplayer on Vita?

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i got shot down real hard what do

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play video games

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shoot her up

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nuclear throne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i hit those

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vore and vom

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no one is playing nuclear throne with me yet

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File: 22b7ca349234d80⋯.png (750.46 KB,888x755,888:755,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bbafe5b0e18064⋯.png (50.2 KB,884x245,884:245,ClipboardImage.png)

fuckin sick

love it

all hail the saudis


>After the United States, Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producing nation in the world. They have worked closely with us and have been very responsive to my requests to keeping oil prices at reasonable levels – so important for the world. As President of the United States I intend to ensure that, in a very dangerous world, America is pursuing its national interests and vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm. Very simply it is called America First!

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buy me a damn copy and ll play

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Love it

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Jude is Lit

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ok add me @ ruta#11899

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in kengan asura they talk about all the important world leaders there and they show obama, turmp, and putin with trump and putin holding hands or something

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nuclear throne

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The thing is like about KA is that everyone is friend with each other

Even fighters hang out after the matches

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most of them at least

raian isn't exactly getting chummy with any of the others and some of the "evil" ones aren't nice either

but yea like most of them are friends

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>nuclear throne

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i'm real curious as to if they're going to be able to make ohma an actual main character

i don't actually know if anyone cares about him, he's shown up a little bit more in the past dozen or so chapters but before that he was all but forgotten for ages

i probably care about most of the other fighters besides him

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....nuclear throne

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File: c17660078430eb0⋯.png (56.87 KB,625x605,125:121,1542705228983.png)

If you show this image to a libtard, they have to explode by law

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i did think it was bigly epic when the attempted coup happened and everyone fought them

they even had epic hair man and his entire epic hair family

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it’s true, I looked at this image and now I’m gassy

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the only atelier who believably aged is ayesha

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damn my room smells

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*wipes smegma under desk*

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File: 8398baa0e833053⋯.png (279.22 KB,411x651,137:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bfd68e01dbc5c9⋯.png (491.42 KB,564x987,4:7,ClipboardImage.png)


she ages about as realistically as any of the others

going from 17 to 27

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File: 4d4b31a7f515603⋯.png (537.33 KB,840x850,84:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e52dd6d6293a89c⋯.png (1.88 MB,1621x2108,1621:2108,ClipboardImage.png)

Going from 16 to 24

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File: e63f5615a96b295⋯.png (340.44 KB,1274x800,637:400,8bf2b9deb8e6b593b6f7cfc130….png)

Going from Toad to Toadette.

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>cp in the nudestuck thread


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which posts are of the girl

i quickly looked earlier and only saw ppl requesting her and then other people saying "no i think shes underage"

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ok - believably aged aged past 21, autistic mercury

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they're all just cute anime girls

they don't really age, if anything they just get slightly taller

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mr birdman

crash me a floor

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play nuclear throne with me

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I only have it on Vita

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where is sako right now

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play nuclear throne with me

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except ayesha

now stop posting

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do you mean personality wise?

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File: 2661149a4c3c43c⋯.png (217 KB,446x647,446:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 171ca891df420db⋯.png (563.92 KB,661x1104,661:1104,ClipboardImage.png)

rorona is the only one who changes significantly

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First one please

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File: 86c9b11c3e0fd16⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB,640x482,320:241,86c9b11c3e0fd1611e33ebc963….mp4)

#depression #deeznuts #meme #doge #jjba #video

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really surprised by the amount of homestuck tiktok shit there is

how is it still relevant

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i hope he gets murdered in prison

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File: 72cfea1e91799f5⋯.jpeg (45.85 KB,680x340,2:1,F3A67F4C-A20D-49A3-BA33-9….jpeg)

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>Bethesda dmcaing fo76 vids

It begins

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do you find him epic?

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imagine the MGS games

but with VATS

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yes jeoj he is epic

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File: f336777b7adc93d⋯.jpg (81.12 KB,852x476,213:119,mpv-shot0066.jpg)

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There were always be another generation of slutty jade cosplayers

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Damn that's some shiny meat

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the mcweeb is back?

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File: c25882073f568e5⋯.png (195.81 KB,1200x517,1200:517,STRONK NUGGIES.png)

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File: 5b6f55325ecf315⋯.png (1.61 KB,149x100,149:100,roxykitten lurk.png)

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hiveswap 76

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im very full and i wanna take a nappy

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File: 085fbde3af460eb⋯.png (46.87 KB,593x585,593:585,roxykittensleep2.png)

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i missed roxykitten

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they're not making steam links anymore apparently

that sucks

i wish i had bought one when they were two dollars

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my stupid samsung tv can run the steamlink software but it supports jack shit controllers

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Homestuck cosplays are easy

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All these 600 lb fat cunts with b/gfs...

Is it really that easy...

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are there really that many

i thought it was just one of the really popular ones that did a lot of homestuck stuff

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>3d guy's tumblr got deleted


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>blogs are being reinstated

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Did gay 3dpornguy get nuked too

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A bunch of others I liked did, but not him.

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The gay Davekat wiccas are back at it again...

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tbh having a feeder b/gf could be part of the cause

at some point you're gonna need help to get that fat

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>the guy that does all the azula porn is gone

God fucking dammit

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>75% of all the artists I follow are gone

Machine crusade when

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File: 0674c1a8376b0e2⋯.png (139.68 KB,750x1000,3:4,6e33f72c-6d7c-4963-9f94-1a….png)

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File: 991d1c0e073fffb⋯.jpeg (189.61 KB,1000x1000,1:1,9d033775019a9a1e3b829ab57….jpeg)

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they had like 4 sales of them for that

i've never even taken mine out of the package and i still got it

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File: 803130018532f79⋯.png (161.59 KB,1000x1000,1:1,7226ae91-0b6e-4bdf-8536-af….png)

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File: 1a910bfb9c1805c⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,1000x4000,1:4,1531280364037.jpg)

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File: 48cfa4e88ce5f47⋯.png (232.7 KB,1280x960,4:3,58b68423-fca2-41b9-8b10-79….png)

File: c9af2af823b9967⋯.png (165.48 KB,1000x1000,1:1,2348fd98-8af6-4826-a6cf-cb….png)

File: 27e270b5ae43b74⋯.png (270.66 KB,960x1920,1:2,a9e6db43-9212-4da1-a38e-f5….png)

File: e9adf49ff149cbe⋯.png (1004.82 KB,1000x1000,1:1,d0dd7c56-98e8-4c64-ae3a-fb….png)

File: 0c0c6e98adad202⋯.png (248.24 KB,1000x1250,4:5,fb660635-0a4b-45cf-b7f2-5c….png)

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File: 01dac607470d9b6⋯.jpg (47.44 KB,565x800,113:160,x (rockman x and etc) draw….jpg)

I watched about two minutes of that new megaman cartoon

it was cringe as fuck

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>Ratslayer has a very high critical multiplier of x5, making it the gun with the third highest multiplier (after alien blaster and Euclid's C-Finder). This fact alone makes the Ratslayer a very powerful gun; a shooter with a critical chance of 20 or higher would score a critical strike on every hit. This can be achieved very early by having Finesse (perk), 10 Luck, and the 1st Recon beret.

I just need to get to NOVAC, help Boone with his revenge murder, and I have a 100% critical hit rate 5.56 sniper

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Rev niggas be like


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The coochie market crashed

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*invests in dickoins*

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File: 9c9dd33dc75742f⋯.jpg (91.84 KB,1280x800,8:5,8b1a456b-490e-40c6-a57a-8f….jpg)


it's all about the donger market now

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is this the antirev

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File: f22495b9138585b⋯.jpg (95.8 KB,675x900,3:4,IMG_20181120_234256.jpg)

File: 4bc4746f90562c6⋯.jpg (109.29 KB,607x900,607:900,IMG_20181120_234024.jpg)

Non is superhot when you cant see her horseface

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Just as inane as rev

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no I think that`s just rev

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Isnt nmagod rev's internet handle?

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how do you run into rev's blog without knowing it's his

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damn london in pajeet infested in that psyop vid

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File: 4d90b88cc54dda3⋯.jpeg (199.5 KB,1242x519,414:173,D8797597-79B9-49A7-B43D-E….jpeg)

>liked by wes

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>lets make a pugilist angry by pretending her wife has a stalker and then film it!

Holy fuck i hope it ends with him sending someone to the hospital

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trump military coup 2018 (PRANK VIDEO)

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>NYT reporting that in April Trump askedDon McGhan he wanted to order the DOJ to prosecute Clinton and Comey

>he didnt make it clear what he wanted to prosecute them

>it’s not clear he ever read the list of consequences of “president ordering investigations” that the lawyers prepared

unsurprising yet newsworthy

the dems will have so much to investigate soon

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File: 77be27a24169937⋯.mp4 (11.05 MB,1024x576,16:9,eat shit benny.mp4)

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File: 9c32b50e0d873b4⋯.png (124.39 KB,570x307,570:307,ClipboardImage.png)


japanese girl thighs are too lewd for advertisers

also that guy is right jitsu wa was great

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File: f71eebf1b3325c1⋯.png (30.94 KB,325x290,65:58,tumblr_inline_pihbp2IqJZ1t….png)

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I have had five of those fucking scam robocalls from "wyndham hotels" today alone

and the pajit who answered when I "pressed 1 to hear more" about the $1000 gift card had the audacity to hang up on me

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I thought he didnt to gay or is this male kanaya

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lesbians aren't real gay

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there's no male or female kanaya

just cockanaya

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File: 8396cb66b783bb3⋯.png (1.16 MB,800x1280,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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what a patrician

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File: 7510ab42e2283c4⋯.jpeg (81.78 KB,750x250,3:1,9589CBD5-41DB-40DC-B2A1-E….jpeg)

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is he gonna get the snib

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would be based

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Today's dinner is an entire family sized can of collard greens and 2lbs of sirloin steak pan fried in adobo and hot sauce

Malt vinegar with the greens obviously

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an hero

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jews wont touch my weenie

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with two snibed musicians (three if buzinkai didnt die) wouldnt be a surprise at this point

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*in TB's voice* get tranny and die

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File: c0b50e99a500ef3⋯.jpeg (106.85 KB,1200x675,16:9,DF9D5A74-90A4-433F-A4AE-9….jpeg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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he’s right you know

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>he also discussed this with whitaker

it all makes sense now

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File: 0f530c6ceb560c9⋯.jpg (162.11 KB,532x630,38:45,eaf288cf49ad68ccd45ca81bd3….jpg)

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Who liked this

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File: f3b3809bb066771⋯.png (1.22 MB,956x1252,239:313,1540066618550.png)

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le me and i dunno i’ll go check

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Le what is this

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File: f391844ebf66892⋯.jpg (100.02 KB,630x473,630:473,you'll fit in here.jpg)

attn: spacebar

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oh, spacebar, you’re dead you dumb nigger

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Rev is ready to kill again

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boomer fight! boomer fight! boomer fight!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I remember this PSA

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i wasted money on bash it bob 2 -- the audience was full of kids and they fuckin lost it because a still of the battle bus was on screen for like 4 frames

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Outside of that, how does it compare to the first one?

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was the movie good as the first one at least

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oh is that out already

how was the epic princess scene

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free my nigga 6ix9ine

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File: c66915dd9a07790⋯.jpg (147.62 KB,1040x1620,52:81,c66915dd9a0779099e9c0ebb75….jpg)

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File: eb3144d844a318f⋯.jpg (46.32 KB,620x640,31:32,eb3144d844a318fb2c63196af6….jpg)

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File: c3feb6551c5df53⋯.jpg (40 KB,639x483,213:161,c3feb6551c5df5384412e94e27….jpg)

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the pedophile who's facing 25 years minimum?

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not great? it's better than the emoji movie, but it's still one of those "look, yr fav #brands everyone!" movies. It tries to elide the basic issues with the latter by trying to keep most of the characters and plot points from actual sites (except for ebay and disney's buzzfeed knockoff blogsite)


it was okay, it got a big pop from the audience, probably sold a whole lot of those comfy graphic tees

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File: b424298d6fb0f68⋯.jpg (180.17 KB,640x1940,32:97,b424298d6fb0f68238273316ac….jpg)

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>smash it steve 2 isn't good


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I'm sorry but it's unepic

for the lose

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File: 19cb221be99515d⋯.jpg (39.9 KB,500x558,250:279,19cb221be99515d1cd354b35e0….jpg)

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free my boy 6ix9ine he dindu nuffin

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sir, my client is epic

motion to dismiss

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File: 17e3017f9cdbdcc⋯.jpg (44.04 KB,640x500,32:25,17e3017f9cdbdcc46fe21edde4….jpg)

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File: 68dbfad9fe936bf⋯.jpg (64.73 KB,498x820,249:410,68dbfad9fe936bf1e44de4a75a….jpg)

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File: 9ce243980eb4410⋯.jpg (73.33 KB,750x753,250:251,9ce243980eb44100b2266b2435….jpg)

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File: 168aa7a992d7529⋯.png (745.11 KB,552x767,552:767,ClipboardImage.png)

>pooh censored in chinese KH3 because chinese internet compares him to the prime minister

huge epic

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hell world

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assblasted lib

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File: de3b4a9d831b277⋯.jpg (57.38 KB,720x961,720:961,de3b4a9d831b277919216e596b….jpg)

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i’m assblasted because i want trenis in my epic mouth

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don't they ban peppa pig because all the hip chink youths use it as a symbol of rebellion

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im horny and i dont like it it's so distracting

how do you cumbrains deal with this 24/7

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File: 34e969af8b8cc4c⋯.jpg (109.41 KB,1000x1010,100:101,34e969af8b8cc4ce462465b96b….jpg)

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File: 763e3845d4eea21⋯.png (5.88 KB,558x37,558:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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i jerk off compulsively and it makes me hate myself

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it’s literally my worst addiction

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except for caffiene maybe

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ive got a ritual fap too but im ambivalent about it

serves its purpose

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File: fdc939791e158fc⋯.jpg (63.7 KB,600x540,10:9,fdc939791e158fc116333b23d3….jpg)

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File: 1b3e6e5a577b6a3⋯.mp4 (661.14 KB,640x480,4:3,weasel.mp4)

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File: be49ea04f3ffa7d⋯.jpg (56.93 KB,768x980,192:245,be49ea04f3ffa7d902abbc8b51….jpg)

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File: 4eb7208fbf21dcc⋯.jpg (57.51 KB,640x753,640:753,4eb7208fbf21dcc8078ee85f13….jpg)

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File: 9896159b7920b9d⋯.jpg (171.86 KB,1080x1122,180:187,9896159b7920b9df533ae3573a….jpg)

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File: 99a5c74c3b271ba⋯.jpg (17.07 KB,300x315,20:21,99a5c74c3b271ba6e211e39ae7….jpg)

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File: d3a3d81221cdfea⋯.jpg (59.09 KB,498x527,498:527,d3a3d81221cdfea3bc22434537….jpg)

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i got the steam controller / steam link bundle since it's cheap

i don't expect much out of the steam controller but i'm still kind of excited to mess around with my new little toy

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niggas afraid of winnie the pooh lmoa

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File: 60588b4b6b9d273⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,1018233333665468417_101823….mp4)

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File: 02b458f56146ac8⋯.jpg (16.74 KB,292x396,73:99,02b458f56146ac839f320d3eb3….jpg)

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File: 5a532127fbb359d⋯.jpg (85.68 KB,749x727,749:727,5a532127fbb359d61ce1f1656f….jpg)

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nigga nigga nii

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File: 83974592bd61e93⋯.jpg (94.22 KB,1080x1254,180:209,83974592bd61e9312f518e6938….jpg)

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File: f56f323504758e9⋯.gif (1.4 MB,406x449,406:449,tumblr_inline_pigzwhmS0T1u….gif)

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maybe the real mouthpic was the trauma we caused along the way

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when a general has "x edition" in op i assume half of the people are underage

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the steam controller's pretty nice, but it takes some getting used to. I tend to use it for games that don't have very good controller support because the mouse keyboard emulation is usually good. the only thing that gets me hung up is the left pad, because i want to actually press down on the pad, and it feels like it takes longer than it would were it just buttons

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so what about us

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pretty baseless assumption

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out of the 350 threads in the catalog, only 19 is an edition thread

so 5%

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we dont do it every time

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futa on shota edition

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rape sako edition

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rapist futa cock on sako

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File: 3982fda40ddac6b⋯.jpeg (18.93 KB,260x260,1:1,3E518DEF-943A-4ABF-860C-8….jpeg)

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(例大祭15) [にゅう工房 (にゅう)] ハンドル付きスキマホール ふたなりち●こで自分とH (東方Project)

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le this

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sponge chokes on panda cock

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File: e54d448e718c4f0⋯.jpeg (114.01 KB,850x926,425:463,AD84153A-3BD7-4DE8-96DE-3….jpeg)

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File: ad1ff8c583673e4⋯.jpeg (269.68 KB,850x1098,425:549,A010455C-BCBC-402D-BEE0-8….jpeg)

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gook furries be out there like

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File: 160da7592865d75⋯.png (455.56 KB,1280x1137,1280:1137,image0-3.png)

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think: are (you), the player, the one in control of kris, or are you (chara) the one in control

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File: 5b244133ee9ff7d⋯.png (379.12 KB,690x645,46:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 03356760a14c6e5⋯.jpg (133.16 KB,640x973,640:973,03356760a14c6e57c31680c883….jpg)

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Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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you the player

look at the save file.

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i don't know jack shit about undertale but does chara even exist in the deltarune universe

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the whole chara thing is stupid anyways

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File: 33430dd65408a79⋯.jpg (26.78 KB,636x489,212:163,33430dd65408a7962f65f91bc4….jpg)

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worst part of this tumblr nsfw nonsense is coming to grips with how many of the porn artists i like have furaffinity accounts

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fuck, they haven't shut down furaffinity yet?

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xlr you’re a furry why does this surprise you

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don't like being reminded of it :(

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File: 9d25241a0a83914⋯.jpg (45.15 KB,720x755,144:151,9d25241a0a83914b8801874a99….jpg)

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File: 2c1cecceff2f281⋯.jpg (71.56 KB,500x293,500:293,e31f8879-c1f5-4c3b-990a-e9….jpg)

god I wish this would happen to me

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love who you are

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File: 9387a08f778579a⋯.jpg (93.64 KB,640x1940,32:97,9387a08f778579a64a6fd9c299….jpg)

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males only

mouse boy




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in genocide chara becomes a literal(?) demon and has the power to erase the universe (and then recreate it if you ask them nicely)

if you then do a pacifist run, everything is mostly the same, except in the last few frames Frisk's eyes glow red and flowey's laugh plays, indicating that it's Chara and they are presumably being a shit again

one of the pseudo-theories about deltarune is that it's a universe that chara created

Kris themselves is most likely a completely normal albeit reclusive and antisocial teen, just like a lot of people here, and while the ending of the demo is meant to heavily copy the post-genocide pacifist ending it's almost certainly just Kris fucking with (You) (or you (chara) if that is the case, but probably not)

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tfw no kris bf

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tfw no cute sf(steam friend)

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every time i see tomgirl i think of chris-chan

not a good look for tomgirls...

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File: 06398c951645a08⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,1600x1900,16:19,__hakurei_reimu_kanna_and_….jpg)


i respect this arist

they draw fat and/or slightly schlubby dudes so it's "realistic" and easier to self-insert in for most people jacking off to it but they aren't horrendously ugly

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File: f199618507087ac⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.38 KB,750x767,750:767,f199618507087ac1d0f8d6d781….jpg)

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File: 4ea9e377b068642⋯.png (187.13 KB,448x428,112:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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my throat hurts

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drink pee

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File: 84b804d7f77f5ab⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1512x2124,42:59,__kochiya_sanae_touhou_dra….jpg)


he does freaky things with mouths though

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File: bd0a2fe7c2743d8⋯.jpg (131.4 KB,542x614,271:307,1482867655253.jpg)

>6ix9ine has been denied bail even after offering his entire bank balance of $1.7 mil.

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not him but hit me

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oh it`s the guy with the rainbow teeth

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that's it? that's his whole balance?

that's not even 2 grants worth

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in what context was "the broth" first used in regards of the hsg populace

who was our 3rd admin in the post exile era

which tripfag sucked on their piss soaked undies

which hsg females was vfan infatuated with

who was roasted bread's most prominent shitposting comrades

what was the last hsg post made on /co/ before the general was exiled

what made ipgd ban grant for 50 years on dumbgarbage

who did moody save shitto from

what place did hsg move to after getting banned from /co/

which one of sponge's targets of attraction is not real? texas girl, knife tattoo girl, enby girl, bpd girl

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confusing hsg lore with tripfag gossip...

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is that not what this place is? just gossip among regulars?

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i know all but the last one because i'm too smart to pay attention to sponge

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this actually makes you a brainlet

spongelord is an enlightened entity who will bring salvation to us if we follow his discordian ways

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: ae7af8280873184⋯.jpg (271.57 KB,1280x1790,128:179,003.jpg)

just look at the face at the bottom right

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stfu wesley

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yea he does


>only 1.7 million

i thought he was popular....................

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"the broth" was someone complaining about someone else complaining about people shitposting and being annoying


cuntpi, who has no secrets anymore

fuck if i know

uhhhh fuck some other namefag who had coopted the george clooney thing and had a similar shtick, also grant i think? and egg is mixed in with him too or something iirc

kanaya's long long legs i think, that or eri posting

gamergate shit? i dunno



enby i think

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File: 1f6e550c4e34c09⋯.png (4.69 KB,250x250,1:1,goo night anyanymouse.png)

goo night hsg

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i want a black man to inseminate wesley's tight boyhole

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45/100, see me after class

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i'm still the highest grade in the class

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i dbout you can do better cunt boi

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im the one who made it

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well do it then, bitch

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File: 9ad053d89f4e084⋯.png (265.29 KB,700x595,20:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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bebeceii onn. wes

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all of those targets of attraction are real

i just ended up never really interacting with knife tattoo

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why are undertale fags so retarded

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