[–]▶ No.198776>>198800 >>198912 >>199003 >>199145 >>201139 >>201158 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
I know this isn't as hardcore as most of the stuff on /hgg/ but I figured some of you guys probably do have some of these games.
Mod edit: steam didn't remove anything and apologized for it.
Post last edited at
▶ No.198798>>198823 >>198941
Valve is giving up to the (((SJWs))). Sad!
▶ No.198800
>>198776 (OP)
Disappointing, but not a great loss; there's not a lot of shit on there and we already have platforms for H-games. What might be concerning is if this leads to fanservice-y games like Senran Kagura being axed as well.
It shouldn't affect the existing H-game market much, but it might hurt the growth of it since it will be harder for normalfags to discover.
▶ No.198810>>198817
I'll leave this here to help boost the talks.
▶ No.198817>>198941 >>199204
>require an extensive opt-in to view it so that children are no longer automatically exposed to this content.
Oy vey! Think of the (((children))) goyim!
▶ No.198823>>198836 >>199010 >>199149 >>199467
just lol if you think it's the SJews who are the sex negative ones
▶ No.198826>>199348
I never have and probably never will use Steam to buy adult-themed games. You shouldn't, either.
▶ No.198836>>198877 >>198932 >>198941
What planet are you on? They more or less think male sexuality is inherently evil unless it's gay. That's why they harp on and on about "Rape culture" and the "Male gaze."
▶ No.198838
The problem is that steamfags seem to think that steam is a good platform for porn. It is not. The only way it would be if is they made a dedicated platform for 18+ pornographic games, but that would be pointless business for them. Valve should really put their foot down already so people know where they stand instead of this fence sitting shit they're doing currently where they allow porn 'but it's not cause we took it out (*Pst* Hey, download our patch for the porn you were looking for)' on steam. That shit is fucking stupid as ever-living fuck.
▶ No.198873>>199063
Gonna need more details, does this fuck them over?
▶ No.198877>>198932 >>199175
how the fuck can you be this deluded just a decade after the soccermom ban-craze on vidyas
▶ No.198912
>>198776 (OP)
Maybe people will start using their brains instead of steam doubt it.
▶ No.198930
The problem isn't "where will we get games". For us that's not a problem and the games that exist will be picked up by other platforms, whether those are better or worse is irrelevant. The problem is the companies making these games need to make enough money for it to be worthwhile to keep making these games. If they can't sell on steam they lose most of their market, as a result the games don't get made or they get censored to such a degree they may as well not be made.
▶ No.198932>>198979 >>199010
Wow, it's almost like both "sides" of the political spectrum can have similar opinions on some issues…
▶ No.198941>>198969 >>199467 >>201085
so, anon, are you actually indoctrinated by retards to the point where you believe everything bad happening is the result of some malign social justice movement you don't agree with or are you just upset you can't use your parents' saved credit card information to buy outfits in sakura clicker?
▶ No.198969>>199015
>are you actually indoctrinated by retards to the point where you believe everything bad happening is the result of some malign social justice movement
In video games at least.
▶ No.198974
Now would be a great time for someone like Mangagamer to step up and modernize their platform.
▶ No.198979>>198981
You mean drooling moralfaggot retards that need purging.
▶ No.198981
They don't even have real morals in this regard. They'll wag their finger at us while their daughters are riding the cock carousal and their sons are sodomizing themselves while wearing women's clothing.
▶ No.198993>>198995
So when's GTAV getting pulled down then? I recall stripclubs and Trevor raping some guy, surely that violates their new 'strict' guidelines, right?
I'd like Valve to come out and say it, they just hate anime and anything in that style.
▶ No.198994
I assume you mean the term "cock carousal" which has been around since at least 2005. Maybe you shouldn't allow the media cycle to control your mind like a fucking puppet.
▶ No.198995>>199000
>So when's GTAV getting pulled down then?
>it's faggots like you who spam the word 'degenerate' at any opportunity that are censoring society
Do you really think I would call anybody degenerate, when I browse fucking H-games board?
Are you retarded?
>incel rhetoric
>using reddit slang unironically
You need to go back
▶ No.198998>>199006
/v/tards are on it.
They seem to be mass reporting AAAtrash and shitposting.
▶ No.199000>>199006
>thread already capped out
I forgot how effective our /v/ can be when they get good and mad. Now I feel a little awkward we dumped FBB on them.
▶ No.199003>>199005 >>199006
>>198776 (OP)
Couldn't they just have a mod on their main website that puts all the lewds that were taken out back in there?
I mean some devs already have decensor patches on their websites, i see no reason why the lewds can't be added in later?
besides who actually buys porn games in the first place? apart from Kamidori Alchemy Meister of course
▶ No.199005>>199007
>Who actually buys porn games in the first place?
Eh. I gave Sweet Home a purchase solely because I absolutely love Kiriyama Taichi's artwork and Sweet Home was the epitome of the nukige he did artwork for. Sure, it's been five fucking years since JAST announced it, but I wanted to send them a message that I was waiting for it all this time with an actual purchase instead of the usual pirate.
▶ No.199006>>199292
As long it works, its fine.
>I forgot how effective our /v/ can be when they get good and mad.
>Now I feel a little awkward we dumped FBB on them.
I don't. It was just done for cheap laughs.
It won't work anymore.
Fucking ADL got involved.
Read threads on /v/ to know more.
▶ No.199007>>199009
> I wanted to send them a message that I was waiting for it all this time with an actual purchase instead of the usual pirate.
Theres nothing wrong with supporting devs, But wasn't the game around $50?
Thats quite a lot of money you spent on a porn game
▶ No.199009
Around 45 CDN. *This fucking country's dollar is worth shit, Jesus Christ.* Honestly not too bad considering how these nukige usually go for similar or higher prices even over in Japan. Besides, the uncensored CGs are very hot. Helps that the artist actually drew in details behinds the mosaics, bless Kiriyama Taichi's heart for giving a shit knowing no one might have ever seen it.
▶ No.199010
>both sides of the political spectrum
anon, is it possible you don't know what a SJW is?
▶ No.199015>>199022 >>199181 >>199184 >>199467
> marxism = sjw = jews = pozzed games
this is you, putting all these things together without context
this is the shit that been cursing /v/ lately, sperging out anti-sjw without really understanding anything
first thing the marxism thing, and I bet most of the audience though the same I did when I read your post
> what is this fucker on about?
I've checked it out, its a paradox article and turns out its legit and has nothing at all to do with sjw or jews,
its just about being deterministic and logical about story progression in games, in games such as EU4 and HoI4
another point is fourth picture, saying
> video games are expressions of culture
is not wrong at all, in fact, besides that, you can't get what the author is trying without more context
but solely on that slider, I could confer it just tries to imply people need to be educated to think for themselves
but its entirely possible it just steered off course to some sjw rant indeed
the other slides are indeed pretty pozzed, but what would you expect since being SJW is the buzzword of the moment
▶ No.199022>>199028
>marxism = sjw = pozzed games
I know that this much is true.
>first thing the marxism thing, and I bet most of the audience though the same I did when I read your post
>another point is fourth picture, saying video games are expressions of culture is not wrong at all, in fact, besides that, you can't get what the author is trying without more context
I see. I really should go searching for archives for these images.
>what would you expect since being SJW is the buzzword of the moment
It was a buzzword for over 4 years.
▶ No.199028>>199030 >>199098 >>199467
> marxism = sjw = pozzed games
> I know that this much is true.
how the fuck is marxism a form of SJW?
>Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that views class relations and social conflict using a materialist interpretation of historical development and takes a dialectical view of social transformation. It originates from the works of 19th century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
and even if were just being dumb and associating it with commie russia, how is it SJW, since slavs are practically the most pozzed resistant culture so far?
> It was a buzzword for over 4 years.
yeah, and we're at the peak of this wave,
and now will come the next thing, anti-sjw sperging
you can just see the signs when normal fags starting taking the turn like pic related
being smart is about always questioning yourself and the info that gets to you
and not going "well I'm full retard extremist" and every hype wave that comes around
▶ No.199030
>how the fuck is marxism a form of SJW?
>and even if were just being dumb and associating it with commie russia, how is it SJW, since slavs are practically the most pozzed resistant culture so far?
I meant that as some sjws are marxists. I should have write it better.
>you can just see the signs when normal fags starting taking the turn like pic related
I am glad that is already happens, but I am still worried about idiots that still listen to their lies.
>now will come the next thing, anti-sjw sperging
It was already a thing for few years. Mainly from centrists and centrists on social media.
▶ No.199044>>199063
This doesn't affect them at all, they function exclusively on Patreon donations.
▶ No.199058
And nothing of value was lost.
▶ No.199063>>199124
Didn't they wanted to post the game on steam?
▶ No.199098>>199191
SJWs are the end product of the real world attempt to manifest Marxist morality in a post-Marxist world. It's no wonder they all act like they suffer from schizophrenia.
▶ No.199124
Judge has been talking about how easy it would be for them to censor the game and how they want to use distributors to sell it at the end. With this and considering how they don't do a sex scene this month while having two animators it will be most likely steam.
▶ No.199145>>199347
>>198776 (OP)
>Remove games like huniepop with censored nudity
>Meanwhile it leaves games like GTA and the Witcher with have uncensored full frontal nudity
▶ No.199149>>206211
Hot damn the reddit-tier faggery in this thread defending idiots sperging about porn. You retards are as bad as the people sperging about SJWs.
And before you go accusing me of anything, this shit is more likely to do with Steam trying to get on Apple's App Store.
Get the fuck out of here you retard. Instead of slowly poisoning yourself with Soylent just drink bleach.
▶ No.199153
Why people keep listening to "Muh chillin" people? Are they retarded? Chances are they aren't even clients
▶ No.199158
>Hot damn the reddit-tier faggery in this thread defending idiots sperging about porn. You retards are as bad as the people sperging about SJWs.
Nice bait
▶ No.199168
It seems pretty weird that they'd doubleback on lewd shit after allowing it for a good year or so. Guess the trial period wasn't worth it to not also be on the Apple store thing.
A lot of the stuff on there happened to be throw away shit translations to make a quick buck, but I know some devs like Sierra Lee used Steam as an important source of revenue. Pity. It wasn't a good platform for it, obv, but it's a much bigger market then whatever the smutty game webstores are these days.
rip apple, rip random internet discos about how SJWs or whatever the fuck
▶ No.199175>>199176 >>199407
have you literally just not been paying attention for the last half decade? the left have been the ones going after video games for awhile now and games journos bent over backwards to accommodate them
▶ No.199176
Shhh, shhh, let the faggot dream.
▶ No.199181>>199204 >>205344
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
>basic reality is now /pol/-teir
>Marxism isn't a problem
>SJWs aren't a problem
>it's just buzzwords
>what is common core
>what is the mass hysteria regarding trump (even in mainstream media and news outlets)
>what is the massive push regarding feminism in vidya for the last six+ years
>people in the industry pushing this
>entire studios have taken sociopolitical turns, Naughty Dog for one example, based on this nonsense
Let's keep /hgg/ pure for fun and games, but I just needed to post at least once since you both had me recoil at how delusional you are.
Also, who said anything about Jews?
▶ No.199184
>this is you, putting all these things together without context
>first pic is literally a icon twitting about Marxism at the Game Developer's Conference
>second pic is White Cis Gender nonsense
>last pic is "make your art less racist"
▶ No.199187>>199198 >>199204 >>199467
hoo boy this thread sure is some hot garbage
even cartoon porn can't escape muh cultural marxism sjw boogeyman
▶ No.199191>>199198 >>199467
>SJWs are the end product of the real world attempt to manifest Marxist morality in a post-Marxist world
marxism is about the clash of the classes, socioeconomic differences, poor and rich, it has nothing to do with race or gender, you can be pozzed regardless of being rich or poor,
and anyone who mix them together is a retarded regardless of being SJW or not
▶ No.199198
>even cartoon porn can't escape muh cultural marxism sjw boogeyman
That's unfortunate.
I hope that (((Fakku))) won't get every game from H-games that were on (((Steam))).
/hgg/ will get more DMCA's than all of them in ROBF thread.
>marxism is about the clash of the classes, socioeconomic differences, poor and rich, it has nothing to do with race or gender, you can be pozzed regardless of being rich or poor,
It's still shit.
▶ No.199204>>199208 >>199333 >>199467
>can't escape muh cultural marxism sjw boogeyman
more like even /hgg/ can't escape /pol/ shitposting, most of us more likely wouldn't give two shits about this news
while I agree that this could hurt a potential for eroges in western market, I also understand that Steam as a company of its popularity, has to cave in to popular demands, and most likely not the most appropriate store for full blown porn games, even if its already ridden with low quality tier ero VNs
>Also, who said anything about Jews?
>>198817 >>198823
and again as I've posted above, its not that it isn't a problem, its that spering
> omg! its habbening the jews/sjw/commies are fucking us all
is just another form of low quality shitposting about it,
its not that we agree/disagree with it, its just we don't /v/ levels of retardation
▶ No.199208>>199214 >>199333
>can't escape /pol/
You're on 8chan, not cuckchan, retard. You and the others in this thread complaining about /pol/ are just outing yourselves.
▶ No.199214
>replying to bait
▶ No.199215
It isn't, but complaining about /pol/ is solidly cuckchan behaviour.
▶ No.199292>>199316
Be aware /leftypol/ is on this because they've been asshurt at /v/ for a while so they'll be shilling smaller video game related boards aswell.
>Implying I'm an /a/sshat
I'm actually an /int/ellectual refugee with no board to settle on.
▶ No.199315
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This shit is ok but not porn games?
Really makes me think.
▶ No.199316
>Be aware /leftypol/ is on this because they've been asshurt at /v/ for a while so they'll be shilling smaller video game related boards aswell.
Don't forget about /tv/ being stupid too. I still don't get why/when exactly they got that huge hateboner for /v/.
>I'm actually an /int/ellectual refugee with no board to settle on.
Nevermind it, then.
▶ No.199333>>199479
>/pol/ shitposting
The only shitposting here is you leftyniggers crying after about how "it's not the sjws!!" after we exposed (((who))) is behind this. Your (((tactics))) are pathetic as your bodies you hook-nosed soyboys.
▶ No.199347>>199361 >>199467
>One has gratitous sex that was meant to fap to.
>One has as a portrayal of characters relationships that dont have the story revolve around and are meant as emotional momment to move the characters forward.
Hmmm i wonder why one of them is more acceptable…
▶ No.199348
>I never have and probably never will use Steam to buy adult-themed games
> will use Steam to buy adult-themed games
>Steam to buy adult-themed games
>adult-themed games
I've stopped using steam 4 years ago after I find out they sold my personal data to oracle.
▶ No.199361>>199392 >>199426
That doesn't matter, if they say nudity is against their guidelines they can't pick and choose exceptions for whatever reason.
▶ No.199392>>199401 >>199467
>they can't pick and choose exceptions for whatever reason
>there are actually people who believe this
▶ No.199401>>199402
It's a shame the people behind this are advocating removal of GTA V and Witcher 3 as well.
▶ No.199402
So what? You can simply pirate them.
▶ No.199407>>199408 >>199419 >>199467 >>205593
>muh left boogeymen
literal brainlet thinking right here
▶ No.199410>>199467
excellent retort, now head back to cuckchan while you're ahead
▶ No.199419>>199420
Sure is interesting how on a board about porn games there are all these people supporting the censorship of porn games.
▶ No.199420>>199422 >>199463 >>199467
no one here buys any of the games being effected by this anyway lmao
▶ No.199422>>199446
You realise we've been slowly getting more vns onto steam and trying to pave the way for the good shit? At the very least encourage more localisations by showing they can do business in the west, pirating shit in moonrunes is pointless if you can't read it. This is a pretty big step back.
▶ No.199426
>That doesn't matter.
It does, one is clearly porn while the other isnt.
>if they say nudity is against their guidelines they can't pick and choose exceptions for whatever reason.
They can and they will, this move is just to combat the plethora of H-games taking advantage of their lax policies.
▶ No.199444
>All this /pol/ talk about jews
Can we just all admit we hate jews? Come together as a species, and agree on this one thing. Then move on. You might hate bankers, corporations, war, child trafficking, mass media, gaming journalism, greed, ugly people, black slavery, capitalism, communism. It doesn't matter. You all hate the same guys.
▶ No.199446
Fucking this.
▶ No.199463
▶ No.199465>>199467 >>199471 >>199473
Christcucks are behind this.
▶ No.199467
Same illiterate lefty Reddit cunt. Isn't it about time for you to become a part of the suicide statistics?
>NCOSE (http://endsexualexploitation.org)
>(((Judeo-Christian))) feminists
▶ No.199471
>We thank Steam for their leadership in working to change our #MeToo culture in which sexual violence in rampant and normalized. Your corporate leadership is a major step in creating a world free from sexual exploitation.
Looks like the christcucks realized if you use lefty talking points the tech companies will do whatever you tell them.
▶ No.199473
>(((Judeo-christian))) are behind this.
▶ No.199479>>199482
>leftyniggers crying after about how "it's not the sjws!!"
implying right-wing christcucks are not behind this
▶ No.199482>>199484
>NCOSE also works through constitutional means to curb traffic in material they consider obscene and uphold the (((Judeo-Christian))) standards of decency in media.
>Over 3/4 of the people involved are (((Jews)))
>Only target things that aren't pozzed or very slightly.
>Only targeting japanese anime VNs and western pseudo-anime VNs
>Christian conservative group, which used sjw rhetoric to do that.
▶ No.199484>>199494 >>199805
You know, I've found that the political spectrum isn't a line. It's more of a ring. When you reach the very end of the left, it ends up meeting the very end of the right.
Extremist liberals and extremist conservatives will have different opinions on issues, but they end up using the same logic and tactics to solve those issues.
Look at a Christian social conservative: they're against portrayals of sex in media, that isn't of their viewpoint. They're against showing anything besides a traditional monogamous relationship between a man and a woman.
Then look at the extreme liberal SJW: they're against portrayals of sex in media, that isn't of their view point. They're against showing anything that doesn't conform with the "feminist-positive view" of sex.
In the end, they're against sex, just in different ways. They're two sides of the same coin, really.
▶ No.199486>>199487 >>199494 >>205630
So instead of infighting like a bunch of faggots, which email box should we send our displeasure to?
Seriously. As paying customers with 10+ year old accounts, we have a fucking say in this too. I imagine as actual customers, we have more of a say in this shit than these random christfags or #MeToo fags do.
They don't know there's opposition if we do not voice said opposition.
▶ No.199487
You can't just say "whatever, I don't care if Steam sinks into shit anyway". Steam may be cancer, but it's one of the barriers against normalniggers and SJWs, first they come for Steam, then they come for you. Well, you don't want to do anything? Don't do anything and stay quiet, stop demoralizing people that care
There are links on /v/, probably /vg/ too
▶ No.199494
>That spacing
>Muh horseshoe theory
I would agree with you, if you would say all fanatics are the same regardless of ideology.
But otherwise, go fuck yourself.
<Image related
Read thread OP on /v/
▶ No.199529>>199545 >>199621 >>199657
I see the typical response here is "hur dur who cares only slack jawed mouth breathing apes buy porn games on steam".
I'm honestly disappointed, is it so hard to even put a little bit of thought into something before tugging your meat to cuck porn? Steam brings porn to normies. You want normies playing porn, because normies playing porn means much more sales for porn games in general. The east sees this and they will step up their supply of porn games and they will translate more of them. 8chan loves it's porn, but were so deep in the porn rabbit hole that we don't tend to make good customers, because were always pirating products. Normies help to equalize that and give dev's profit and motivation. Another side effect of porn games on steam is normalizing it to western culture in general.
You anons need to see the bigger picture, or do you want the future of porn to always be .00000001 western patreon dev scams, awful MT's, or awful fan translations that take 17 years to finish.
▶ No.199545
I've stopped caring.
Death to weebs.
Death to israel.
Death to amuttrica.
▶ No.199621>>199626 >>199713
>Implying anybody here wanks to cuck porn
I refuse to believe that.
>You want normies playing porn, because normies playing porn means much more sales for porn games in general
I don't want former, because they will just ruin it and I don't care about latter on Steam at least.
>The east sees this and they will step up their supply of porn games and they will translate more of them.
>east will translate more of them
Nice joke. The only way for majority of these is to get translated, because some western fan that knew moonrunes translated it.
>8chan loves it's porn, but were so deep in the porn rabbit hole that we don't tend to make good customers, because were always pirating products.
I can give you that one.
>You anons need to see the bigger picture, or do you want the future of porn to always be .00000001 western patreon dev scams, awful MT's, or awful fan translations that take 17 years to finish.
It always looked like this, I admit it was way better before patreon existence though.
The only one that should die is (you).
▶ No.199626>>199633
Come join me on GOG.
▶ No.199633
I already use it, but I pirate games to check them out first.
▶ No.199657
That's all the porn shit that was on Steam, though, lots of MTs. The only actual good translation I can genuinely think of was Melty Quest, and this was over the better part of a year or so.
It's shitty for devs to lose the market, but don't pretend it's going to change the big picture. While this is probably naive and altruistic, I suspect Steam/Valve saw that the product quality was abysmal and it wasn't worth being blocked out of markets like the Apple App store.
which is an unfortunately good business sense
▶ No.199663>>199696 >>199714
Reminder that this is the 'free west' and censorship only happens in undemocratic fundamentalist third world nations.
▶ No.199696>>199797
>undemocratic fundamentalist third world nations
Which is what a lot of these people seem to want us to have. Extremist Left or Right want their fundamentalist belief to reign supreme.
I just want to be left alone with my porn, man. I just wanna jerk off and feel guilty afterwards -- not just feel guilty without jerking off.
▶ No.199713>>199804 >>201325 >>205657
>Implying anybody here wanks to cuck porn
>I refuse to believe that.
I truly hope not, I wasn't serious about the cuckshit anyways.
>I don't want former, because they will just ruin it and I don't care about latter on Steam at least.
I can see your point, if normies started storming in demanding vanilla content and kink shaming, but I really don't see them ever coming to HGG in mass no matter how popular h-games became
>Nice joke. The only way for majority of these is to get translated, because some western fan that knew moonrunes translated it.
Wouldn't that be the ultimate goal? Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't, but if they saw a huge market in it then why wouldn't they? Either way the odds of getting more porn games and translations increases as dev's make more money.
>It always looked like this, I admit it was way better before patreon existence though.
The patreon plague is definitely new in the recent years, but yes it has always been awful MT's or really slow fan translations, that's what I want to change.
I'm just looking at it through probability. When looking at it from the point of view of a company, I can't see why they wouldn't want to increase their supply when demand increases. What will they think when their biggest selling platform has banned their games? They probably won't bother anymore.
▶ No.199714>>199804
nah this is capitalism
▶ No.199716
Its probably the credit card companies again and social engineering backed by corporate interests, every fucking time.
▶ No.199797>>199798
>Extremist Left or Right want their fundamentalist belief to reign supreme.
Please, this is the dead center doing this shit, the people who only care about politics as a means to pad their own wallets. They are the same people who put cameras on every inch of every city and put NSA back doors into smart TVs. The status quo is extreme.
▶ No.199798>>201023
▶ No.199804>>201325
>I can see your point, if normies started storming in demanding vanilla content and kink shaming, but I really don't see them ever coming to /hgg/ in mass no matter how popular h-games became
Maybe not in mass, but some of them came here.
Like redditors to FC pregmod thread few months ago and shitscordians to LT thread few days ago.
>Wouldn't that be the ultimate goal?
It is like this already, but translation scene has few of its own problems in H-games or in normal games.
>What will they think when their biggest selling platform has banned their games?
There are other platforms which they can use.
Majority of them sucks though.
▶ No.199805>>199807 >>199816 >>199832 >>200212 >>200960
Liberals and SJW's aren't against sex, lol
▶ No.199807
if you're using "liberal" to offer some blanket protection to the far left, then you're just wrong. the far left and sjws are very against male sexuality, it's why they came up with terms like the "male gaze" and why the batshit ones think any sex between a man and woman is rape.
anyway, it seems like valve is backing off of this so crisis averted for now. hopefully.
▶ No.199816>>200956 >>201324
True, #MeToo is a far-right religious nutjob movement, lol
Doh wait
▶ No.199832
Not until doesn't involve heterosexual white men.
▶ No.199840>>199853 >>199892 >>199899
I forget the word but you people are the sort of insane neurotic people who make a huge fuss about every irrelevant thing. You shouldn't care about Steam and you shouldn't be constantly looking over your shoulder worried about your fucking pornography for fucks sake.
▶ No.199853>>199856
Is just another drop in the sea.
We are not annoyed by the drop, but by the sea.
What with the moralfaggottry lately?
▶ No.199856
>What with the moralfaggottry lately?
Bunch of idiots showed up at all threads about it on several boards.
Largest number of them is on /v/.
They even used 2D loli = 3D pedo arguments once again.
▶ No.199892
>you shouldn't
You should neck yourself, cunt.
▶ No.199899
>you shouldn't care about any attempts to censor and remove porn
As much as I agree with you on the steam issue (I want it to die), I think you're missing the fundamental point of this whole thing, which is to fight targeted censorship. I don't care if the games (((they))) decided to strike are absolute garbage, but i'm 100% that they will not stop just on steam.
▶ No.199921
Imagine the massive loss of potential future revenue especially with the rise of VR. They are just shooting themselves in the foot and inviting a new actor to rise and start knocking them around, simpletons.
▶ No.200212
They absolutely are, if it involves male agency in any way whatsoever.
▶ No.200910>>200912
The free market will fix it.
Start a game selling service that handles these sorts of games!
There's obviously a market for it otherwise steam wouldn't have allowed it in the first place. Stop complaining. pitch your idea. let the free market fix it.
▶ No.200912>>200914 >>200933 >>200959
>The free market will fix it
>Looks at the US healthcare system
▶ No.200914>>201024
>applying the health care system to pornography.
If the healthcare system took the same course there'd be the free lite version and paid subscriptions…
▶ No.200933
Does your social services nanny know you're on the internet, Anon?
▶ No.200956>>201013
>True, #MeToo is a far-right religious nutjob movement, lol
>Doh wait
Click the URL from the exact image you uploaded. endsexualexploitation.org is the homepage of the "National Center on Sexual Exploitation".
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation was founded by a Manhattan clergy, and called itself Morality in Media before 2015, when they renamed themselves to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation because nobody wanted to listen to what was obviously religious nutjobs.
You could've figured this out yourself aswell.
▶ No.200959
us health care is not in any way freemarket, it's regulated as fuck. it's just regulated in a stupid way.
▶ No.200960
heavily depends on the particular sex thing we are talking about.
▶ No.201013
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Religious nuts ruining more good things. What else is new.
▶ No.201023
I'm not the one stopping you. The board of directors at Valve is.
▶ No.201024
That sounds exactly like most health insurance plans.
▶ No.201085
If you want to D&C/Shill/Slide go back to reddit where the average user is dumb enough to go along with your kikery cheers.
▶ No.201139>>205657
>>198776 (OP)
I wonder if they're going to pull the more risque RPGs like The Witcher. If they don't, they'll get called hypocrites. If they do …. bahahaha. I kinda hope they do.
▶ No.201158>>201245
>>198776 (OP)
all this shit becoming mainstream by appearing on places like steam is what caused all this shit in the first place, first the ironic weebs got followed by normies and then the sjw came after them
still waiting for an industry crash
▶ No.201245>>201320 >>201330
actually comrade it's capitalism that's at fault
▶ No.201320
No, comrade, capitalism is only concerned with profit and were that the only thing at play we'd get big bouncing tiddies in every game. It's authoritarian liberalism and feminism at work here.
Women want exclusive ownership of the female form, men making cartoons or 3D games involving it takes away their monopoly.
▶ No.201324
Into the trash it goes
▶ No.201325>>201326 >>201330
I'd like to throw my hat into the ring and bring up the possibility of an EA or Ubisoft of porn becoming a thing if h-games become too popular. Hell, we are already seeing some of it with patreon. With devs already paywalling content to all but the most "generous" of supporters, imagine how bad it would be if they could afford to piss everyone off with DLC and micro-transactions.
While it isn't a good system, what we have now is the best system we as consumers can hope for. h-games should stay a niche/indie market. As is, the fact that h-games struggle to find an audience keeps them from doing anything drastic that would alienate their fans. Big companies don't have that problem, or else EA would be dead by now. So far, the only thing keeping big companies from dominating the market and strangling small time developers of what little income they are making is the strange taboo western societies have against sex in general. They would very quickly take over if they were no longer worried about their image. It is when it hits mainstream that competition would die, and it would take what little quality remains with it.
▶ No.201326
>>201325 (cont.)
I'd like to point out before anyone else does.
>competition would die
To clarify, there would be competition, but it wouldn't be about making the best game to get people's attention. They aren't doing that now, and they wouldn't then. They don't need to get our attention, they have recognized brands that people can't stop hearing about. The only competition involving big game companies anymore is seeing who can siphon cash from our wallets the fastest and with the least effort.
▶ No.201330>>205657
Don't even joke about that >>>/leftypol/
>I'd like to throw my hat into the ring and bring up the possibility of an EA or Ubisoft of porn becoming a thing if h-games become too popular.
The closest things to it are (((Fakku))) in h-manga and (((Sekai Project))) for some h-games and VNs.
Besides, it seems very unlikely to ever happen to be honest.
▶ No.205344>>205345 >>205372 >>205391
Marxism is the solution. Go home /pol/.
▶ No.205345>>205372 >>205391
I forgot to add also anarchism. Pic related
▶ No.205372>>205407
kek you guys are a joke
▶ No.205391
This shit is why almost every bigger board hates you and wants you to fuck off from this website.
Even /tg/ got tired of your shit and turned on IDs.
▶ No.205407>>205410 >>205434
It doesn't matter much OP. The games that were on Steam until now were intrusively censored anyway. Take for example The Heiress. All naughty bits covered with oversized sunflowers or grinning bunny heads instead of the mosaic like in the original. And some of the lewds were disabled entirely on top of that. Not to mention the shitty quality of the machine translation applied, with the same names appearing as two or three different versions.
What did happen for /leftypork/ to leak even here?
▶ No.205410
>What did happen for /leftypork/ to leak even here?
They leak everywhere, because it's only thing they are able to do, or just some stupid faggots are RPing as them.
It also could be both.
▶ No.205434
>go through CG's of this game
>it's brown men or niggers all over the place
10/10 piece of shit oneone1 you chink fuck.
▶ No.205592>>205595 >>205640 >>209738
Am I supposed to sex all the girls instead of picking one and sticking with her?
>Go to gym looking for /fit/ girl
>Find delicious brown
>Nig name
>Single mother
Dropped that cuckshit like a rock.
▶ No.205593
▶ No.205595
>Am I supposed to sex all the girls instead of picking one and sticking with her?
>Dropped that cuckshit like a rock.
I don't know what you expect from Western ecchi game dev.
▶ No.205630
>As paying customers with 10+ year old accounts
Wew laddy.
▶ No.205640>>205657 >>205854
Wasn't she a Latina? Being a single mother is not so rare for them.
For me the biggest appeal was that you could alternate between fucking a mother and her daughter. Pity the mother was a porn actress, and you can't do both the same day, but you can't have everything.
▶ No.205657>>205745
>kink shaming
This is lefty speak. It's only kink shaming to them when it's shaming women though.
>Not /hgg/
>Lists two instances of it beginning to happen
<it seems very unlikely to ever happen to be honest.
Wew lad. The doublethink on this one.
>If they don't, they'll get called hypocrites.
And they won't care. Because it won't come close to affecting their bottom line. You think the SJWs gave two shits when people called them out for essentially agreeing with Trump on vidya? No. They brushed it right off and used weasel words to say their anti-vidya stance was good and Trump's wasn't. Valve probably won't even do that. They'll just ignore it.
>Dark brown
>Named Kyanna
▶ No.205745>>205769
Actually, she wasn't as dark as I recalled. Still though, "Kyanna".
▶ No.205769>>205785
It's a real name though.
▶ No.205785>>205854
It's a nog name. And she's a single mother. Put two and two together and don't be a cuck.
▶ No.205854>>206530
She dropped out of highschool too.
>For me the biggest appeal was that you could alternate between fucking a mother and her daughter.
The kid's name was Philly during the conversation between her and Tiffany. You must be thinking of some other character..
▶ No.206211
> You retards are as bad as the people sperging about SJWs.
says the sjw censoring games he doens't like that isn't as pretentious as gone home or tacoma, faggot cancer walking simulators
an hero faggot
▶ No.206218>>206231
I like how patches are being removed too even when purchased an uncensored patch your account gets banned, now you can't have eiyuu senki, seinarukana and littlewitch uncensored.
you know whats similar to steam but allows eroge to be put onto its platform without removing the content? DLsite, you have a section for all ages and 18+ stuff. If steam did that they have some actual respect or real recognition. But I guess they want to appeal to feminism, pretentious hipsters who pump out walking simulators like gone home just for its main appeal to make you have "feelings" and puritan faggot prudes who want anything erotic off the site and EA making assassins creed we wuz kangz by rewriting historical events and characters.
These sjws need to have their teeth kicked in and fuck off of gaming for good. This aid-ridden cancer has been going way to long as it is, for no more than 2 or 3 decades now.
▶ No.206231>>206234
Yeah, Steam can only dream of the day it will finally have the same respect and recognition as DLsite.
▶ No.206234>>206323
so no on a 18+ page or section for steam? you want them cucked, that's fine then, let steam be dead in the water.
▶ No.206323>>206535
I have no stakes in Steam's success or failure. It is none of my concern.
I do however feel it should be their prerogative as a private enterprise to set and enforce policies that have their own interests in mind without having hashtag warriors screeching down their ears about MUH PORN #GAMERGATE #SJWSARERUININGEVERYTHING
▶ No.206390
Thread has devolved into meaningless shitposting from what I've gathered so I'm preemptively bumplocking it since it doesn't seem to be relevant any more.
Thread will remain bumplocked unless another vol comes along and unlocks it or until there's a good reason to unlock it (use the meta thread if that comes up).
▶ No.206488>>206489 >>206830 >>208970
Capitalism will work out this time guyz. It won't totally backfire and then we'll have to do damage control by calling it socialism.
▶ No.206489>>208736
Wow, my bans gone. Thanks mods.
▶ No.206530
Yes, of some other mother-daughter pair that is in the game. Think a little.
▶ No.206535
As if any enterprise that bows to SJW thought policing has any other goal than moral posturing in mind (to avoid shitflinging black PR, to be precise). The only problem is that there is no alternative to Steam with comparable popularity. Yeah, this de-facto monopoly is totally a free enterprise in pursuit of higher profits. Some shitflinging from the side of people that actually BUY its merchandise would do it some good. A nice high horse you have here though.
▶ No.206830
>Capitalism will work out this time guyz. It won't totally backfire and then we'll have to do damage control by calling it socialism.
Since when was any socialist regime called capitalist? I don't remember Venezuela being called capitalist.
I don't think I need to say you're a faggot…
▶ No.207426>>207584 >>208970
▶ No.207584>>208734 >>208741 >>208773
Until I can see a loli getting gangraped by a pack of wild pigs on steam i'm not trusting the "we allow all content that isn't illegal"
▶ No.208734>>208970
Inclined to agree, but still hopeful. They already moved to ban a few games and while those games do look pretty low quality my worry is that they'll slowly get closer to banning/disallowing the stuff I'm interested in.
For now, I'll take them at their word that they're gonna let this be a free for all and count this as a victory. If I'm being honest, I think the real reason they let up is because GoG and other platforms seemed like they were stepping in to fill this niche if Valve dropped it.
▶ No.208736
▶ No.208741>>208773 >>208776
I'm pretty sure such a game is actually illegal in certain parts of the world.
▶ No.208773>>208800 >>208837
Drawn pornography depicting minors is illegal in Australia and at least some parts of Europe.
▶ No.208776
I'm pretty sure most games would be illegal in certain parts of the world. You just need to find right country.
▶ No.208800>>208809
And Canada, right?
▶ No.208809
Yeah, illegal in Canado too.
▶ No.208837>>208877
I heard owning GTA5 will land you in jail when those feminists removed that game from a Target.
▶ No.208846>>208848
▶ No.208848
▶ No.208877
Owning GTA5 will also make you blind and shrink your dick.
▶ No.208970>>209749
more pics like this please
> except for things that we decide are illegal, or straight up trolling.
> tools, but they're too hidden and not nearly comprehensive enough. We are going to enable you to override our recommendation algorithms and hide games containing the topics you're not interested in.
Basically YouTube
>but still hopeful
Wait, you actually use Steam?!?
▶ No.209145>>209154
Speaking of which >>>/v/14940267
▶ No.209154
Shit gets even weirder in Japan.
▶ No.209732>>209749 >>209816
Today Valve announced a partnership with a chinese company.
Reading between the lines, it's an end to chinese-language H-games on Steam.
▶ No.209738
>Am I supposed to sex all the girls instead of picking one and sticking with her?
The next game the devs put out made it canon that the player fucked all of them and they found out about it. Most of them (the humans ones, that is) ended up literal whores.
▶ No.209749>>209797
Stop using NSA+Windows
>Perfect World
YEP: >>208970
>Basically YouTube 2.5
Personally don't care, and comprehend what Valve is trying to do, but that means on their platform less visibility on games users might be interested to try, and down right scoping.
That means users will see games that benefit more global propaganda by the highest bidder.
For porn games, less LGBT, since China doesn't tolerate such.
▶ No.209797>>209923
>For porn games, less LGBT, since China doesn't tolerate such.
I bet it would be profiled for Chinese users only. Why would that affect anyone else?
▶ No.209816
>Steam China will have a different, carefully curated line-up of games
So Steam China won't be a pseudo-App Store trash heap? Might be a good time to start learning Chinese.
▶ No.209923
Because of the scoping. If your government let's say doesn't like loli&shotacon, or it's illegal, it will do everything in its algorithms to not yield you the result, and instead recommend you ara/bara or "get help" games.
It won't remove them from their store, but it will make it difficult to find, like unlisted videos or restricted mode in YouTube.
Like I said, I don't care, I never have used their platform, never will. But since the majority of people on >>>/v/ are Steam users, and it's summer, you're going to read crap on how "I WAS RAIDED BY THE CHILD POLICE" or "Why can't I find X game anymore?" "Censorship!" "Why did just get an ad on gmail about seeking psychiatric help by my pedophilic urges?!?" etc.
▶ No.209930>>210228
>when the villain becomes the good guy
Based Gaben