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File (hide): 1984e84b9b03c93⋯.png (17.01 KB, 100x100, 1:1, ZaWaurdo.png) (h) (u)


 No.100549>>100729 >>100731 >>100768 >>100887 >>101400 >>101698 >>104544 >>155599 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Post last edited at


Whoo. Are you going to make a git available?



I just edited the .sfw by hand.

The changes are already available in a file for anyone that wants to make his own .git fork.

Git doesn't work well for me for some reason


>>100549 (OP)

Does pregmod have some muscle related content?


File (hide): f5edec31f02fe92⋯.jpg (118.02 KB, 680x700, 34:35, 116.jpg) (h) (u)

>>100549 (OP)


 No.100745>>100765 >>100823

You know this is actually one of the biggest innovation in this game, after all in more then 6 months beside some very basic improvement and some serious bugfix, nothing else has bee added to the game

No new mechanics, no new FS (Aztecs is unfinished and add nothing new), no new operation of any kind even non furry, because apparently for those faggots cat girls are furry, and no new customization options for your character either, nothing even for your arcology not even flavour ones

Pretty much actual new things, that are not incest bullshit

I seriously do not understand the incest fixation in pregmod, if at least the game would recognize it with special scene and dialogues, options etc, i could understand to a point, but as it is nothing support this, just an anaemic family tree that say this slave is related to you by a small coloured line attached to a square with your char name on it and a description saying your daughter/sister etc, that's it, that's all, would have been better adding your sister calling you oniichan, would have aroused far more people with less effort



- Family titles ( Bro Sis Dad Mom etc whatever ) in the game for several weeks or so.

- Custom titles in the game since ancient times.

 No.100768>>100770 >>100777

>>100549 (OP)

adding a fox tail seems to actually add a cat tail.



It's a simple fix. The value in the add fox tail in the surgery part is a 1 instead of 2 in the mod code for some reason. Not on my computer so I can't tell you the exact line at the moment.



line 26404


File (hide): 7b68cf36dbd8ace⋯.png (117.99 KB, 1592x414, 796:207, NekoMod.PNG) (h) (u)

Found a typo

shoud be "A pair of cute cat ears twitch on her head"





Thank you. Nice to see some actual content added to this.

Any plans to alter the sex blurbs or slave affixes to reference their cat/foxgirl status?

 No.100777>>100778 >>100780


Fixed. Same download

Added a few minor quality of life tweaks

- reduced addiction chance

- bigger internal testicles allowed

- perverted added to quirks that stop

things like that



- perverted added to quiks that stop pit rape from hurting relationship



Thanks. Will this be updated to v18?

 No.100808>>100814 >>100824 >>100836 >>100838 >>100990 >>100995 >>103549

So what does this add exactly?

I'm literally a newfag who only knows that the Pregmod thread thinks catgirls are furry and therefore bannned, LC which was apparently had them is apparently dead, and there may or may not be a mod that adds cybernetic animal ears and tails that the Pregmod thread may or may not hate.

All I want is to fuck cute catgirls is that so wrong?



According to mods yes



8chan is full of autists, idiots, and Nazis. Basically it's like the White House.



>Fatty FS added today

>Ongoing changes to FC TV and other FS mechanics

>Pit changes




>All I want is to fuck cute catgirls is that so wrong?

Nope, free cities and mods just got mad at us because there were a few autists that wouldn't stop endlessly shitposting until i think 3+ threads were nothing but a shitflinging war. They still keep trying to restart it as well. A couple hyper autists ruined shit for everyone else as usual.


File (hide): c5a903dc56c6633⋯.png (157.41 KB, 340x487, 340:487, c5a903dc56c6633cca2c3ca35b….png) (h) (u)

 No.100836>>100838 >>222047


If you throw enough money at the fabricator you eventually get to graft cat ears to slaves. LC never had shit, and the only reason they're grouping it with LC is because it's dead.

 No.100838>>100845 >>100959 >>101302

File (hide): 2c8e40be96797fb⋯.jpg (162.11 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, drtu8rtu.jpg) (h) (u)



To make things even funnier the original mod that triggered the janitor reject was literal cosplay with any cat parts being accessories in the way of tail plugs and headbands. Then again can you really expect any better from dipshits that believe ponygirls are /pone/ infiltrators?



>To make things even funnier the original mod that triggered the janitor reject was literal cosplay with any cat parts being accessories in the way of tail plugs and headbands.

Stop making shit up anon, the original mod was surgery/implants which pregmodder didn't want in his mod which caused several threads to be consumed by shitposting until the hotpockets finally stepped in. I also remember reading some shit in meta about mod tools being fucked for a bit around that time but whatever.



Go fuck yourself. No one cared about cat or puppy girls until the FCNN guy wrote that story and that one autist hotwired a headband and plug edit. The implant mod came months later.



Shit dude, I forgot that happened. My bad then, though I don't remember any hotpocket getting triggered by it.

is anyone else noticing issues with the site?

 No.100861>>100864 >>100866


To the best of my knowledge that happened when reddit got wind of said mod(s) and bait and legitimately retarded posts in the vein of I haz furriez now started popping up in the thread. My problem is that around the time this fuck took a chance to lump everything, legitimate BDSM content included, with muh furries the OP started featuring a straight to god reddit infiltration guide in the pasta. There's also enough of a ni/gg/er left in me to get pissed over hamfisted censorship

 No.100864>>100868 >>100993 >>147786


If you don't like the pasta then post an updated version with the infiltration thing removed with some other helpful misc shit added instead of complaining about it. I remember that later bit though, pretty clearly too. The modder that made the implant .txt mod refused to compromise with pregmodder's compromise of headbands and shit because 'it wasn't the same' and proceeded to continue the huge shistorm that was already going on for one or two entire threads resulting in the anons in there and the mods getting sick of it and deciding to partition the thread. While I think it's a shame, I understand why they did it considering how long and constant he shitstorm was with the hyper autists constantly pushing shit.



Also, I remember that the current views on what is furry was entirely based on pregmodder's opinion. It wasn't just random anon lumping shit together haphazardly.

jesus that post was shit, I should proofread more.

 No.100868>>100869 >>100870 >>100871

File (hide): 77b051967d30eeb⋯.jpg (536.56 KB, 2000x1381, 2000:1381, 80huooo.jpg) (h) (u)


>The modder that made the implant .txt mod refused to compromise

So fuck him. Let someone more reasonable pick up the torch and not the torch and pitchfork, either or at least talk about it. For example how silly it is to b& on sight talk about pony girls on the pretext of furries in a game that already has them in everything but the name and the racing? Same goes for cosplay seeing you got cowgirls, bunny hostesses and more.



Fuck him too. I like the game but I haven't seen a more closeted faggot in years. and since when does this place answer to him, reddit or /pol/?

 No.100869>>100872 >>100993



>Fuck him too

I know you have your reasons, but maybe be less harsh with someone who's added and supported tons of content. Credit where it's due and all that.



Maybe try talking to the hotpockets and ask pregmodder to talk about the subject here/message him in git. The mods are pretty interactive in the meta thread and they seem to reply to any fucking suggestion/post. I don't think anyone there genuinely doesn't want cat girls, they're just annoyed by the people constantly popping in and trying to start crap over pregmodders decision rather than actually talk to him about it outside of the main thread. Hell, I'm a good example of that. Also try toning down the hostility, msot people aren't gonna really listen to you if you call them shit on the get go. Just suggestions on how to possibly fix this situation seeing as this is something you seem to care about to a certain degree. Good luck bud.


So what I'm getting from this is that pregmodder hates petplay and anything remotely associated with it like cat ear headbands?


>So fuck him. Let someone more reasonable pick up the torch and not the torch and pitchfork, either or at least talk about it. For example how silly it is to b& on sight talk about pony girls on the pretext of furries in a game that already has them in everything but the name and the racing? Same goes for cosplay seeing you got cowgirls, bunny hostesses and more.

He does have a point.



My reasons for disliking the FCDev start and end with reddit and reddit related cirklejerking. Whether it's about gloating about messing with those nerds on h8ch XDD or circling up the wagons on the mention of problematic content like male pronouns in a game where you're more likely to get assfucked than handshook.


I did try talking to the guy until he started pruning the thread to set up a narrative with cherry picked posts. So especially fuck him and whoever put him in that position.

And I just hate dipshits roleplaying Goebbels. This fucking place was supposed to be better than that.



>I did try talking to the guy until he started pruning the thread to set up a narrative with cherry picked posts

If you are who I think you are; don't switch IPs that quickly so you can actually read the ban message. If I keep pruning your posts as they happen then don't complain in the thread itself if you disagree with the judgement; do it in Meta without ban evading. The bans should be short enough for you to wait it through. If you want to continue this conversation with me on moderation head to meta. Thank you.


File (hide): 6b462d8bd162275⋯.webm (5.27 MB, 352x480, 11:15, I'll even make it easy fo….webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


How about we skip the PR spin and you just slap another XX hours for bait? I mean the only difference is that this time you or granted maybe someone else still hasn't dismissed everything I said on account of me being insert boogeyman.



Are you the one that kept arguing with that anon and talked about moot? You type in a similar overly angry and sarcastic way. I didn't take part in that conversation but I felt you were baiting as well, disregard if you aren't the same anon. The hotpocket also said to go to meta if you want to continue the conversation. And the anon talking about giving credit was talking about pregmodder not fcdev. Calm the fuck down bud, stop being so buttblasted.


>>100549 (OP)

Thanks for making this thread, the mod is harder to find than it should be and if you ask for it in the normal pregmod thread autists are always ready to fuck off and tell you to go to another thread that doesn't exist.


Holy shit we got Nekos now? Nice dude it's still not all that I want but I do enjoy kawaiing the fuck outa shit.

 No.100907>>100923 >>100993

I don't understand this cat ear neko Kemonomimi mod i'm sorry for using cat ears. i realize there is no direct translation for Kemonomimi in english. Is there an advantage to having them on my slave's heads like +1 to attractiveness? If there is no benefit why couldn't a player just add a custom description to their slaves? In game slaves like Zhao Li,"Dragon Godess" Chae-Won, and even "Top" Lillium already have custom descriptions. i am mentally retarded please have patience with me.



You can already change the origin story and custom description all you like. Go to the slave's details page and click on "Customize".



I think that is his point. You can already add a custom description so this is mod is unnecessary.

I disagree though I mean by that logic why do you even need this game when you can just open up notepad and write anything you want in there. Having it as option with costs and effects makes it feel a lot more real than simply editing the description.


File (hide): 831e008711258ed⋯.jpg (60.61 KB, 628x432, 157:108, 3adylr82ppmy.jpg) (h) (u)


Amen, brother!



While for now its flavour only, in the future minor extra options can be added in with the tails and ears, plus customizing every slave i want to add, if the number is 50+, get ridiculous, especially because you may decide to keep a slave only for a while and the sell, i would need to redo descriptions for all of them every time

Fuck that

 No.100990>>100995 >>101029


YES. You degenerate!

You must only like anal wombs, hyper-tits and asses and taking it in the ass.

 No.100993>>100995 >>101025


That was me.

I made 5 posts total, the shitstorm was someone elses doing.

And why should I compromise? I left the code there for anyone to use.

Pregomodder is faggot, shitting on catgirls but loves getting a cock rammed up his ass.


Currently no beauty effect. Should be simple to add.


He's still a faggot.




Don't forget incest with your grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-daughter!

I mean i can fuck her in the ass! How great is that?!

Fucking retards


>He's still a faggot

Don't forget a chuck, he earned that title, it would be wrong depriving him of it


Hmm what is included in Pregmod and its associated content? The Faq is lacking in listing everything included.

 No.101021>>101047 >>101048 >>101443 >>101762


-Minor "improvement" for speed, not fully functional but it help a little

-Allow to have slave under 18 years old, but nothing specific have been written for it, it just mentioned in the description an some scene

-Can accelerate growth of children up to 1 year every week, so you can fuck your daughter or more, again no content for it, just the title mentioning it's your daughter/relative

-Hyperpregnancy for 10 children or more and hypergrowt, again no content, just an event or two mention it

-Maybe cybermod, not sure, an eternity haven't played the original, allow to have lab to build cybernetics, but again add little to no content, since it's the same cybernetics present in vanilla, only difference is that with that mod on, you can change the sittings of the cybernetics modification after implanted, so you can replace a slave eyes, and blind/blur/restore her vision as you want, that's all


>Fatty FS

Great addition, a loss we arleady have hyper, completely unnecessary

>Ongoing changes to FC TV and other FS mechanics

Barely integrated, completely irrelevant in the game, it's just a small improvement to the original cameras upgrade, nothing new

>Pit changes

Again minor event, useful but it's basically nothing new again

I don't deny there are some MINOR addition, but the gameplay has stalled and playing an old version i have of 6 month ago, and comparing it with the very new version, both compared with original not modded FC, pretty much nothing of relevance has been done, beside incest of course



>And why should I compromise? I left the code there for anyone to use.

Sorry for getting the wrong person.

The problem was that there were one or more anons thay felt that your mod not being included in the base game was unforgivable and kept shitposting which was what I meant by compromise, telling the anon the main thread thought was you to modify the mod so it would be included if he thought it was so bad.



>You must only like anal wombs


>hyper-tits and asses


>and taking it in the ass

That I'm okay with.

Honestly I'm turned off by pregnancy but some of the other content/improvements is worth using Pregmod. Being able to pick what countries slaves are allowed to come from is a godsend.

Its just a shame that FC Dev is trying to keep things somewhat realistic/near future. I reminded of an idea for some series that would be perfect to explain the rise of arcologies. The Illuminati enact their plan of knocking over the house of cards that is modern civilization to take advantage of the complete chaos to become God Kings of a new era through the use of their advance technology.

 No.101030>>101056 >>101429

I want to be smothered in slave dung and eat human body parts, will this mod support it or is is just going to be about fucking little kids with cat ears?



The implication being that cat ears is a bigger change than the family naming convention change?



>arely integrated, completely irrelevant in the game, it's just a small improvement to the original cameras upgrade, nothing new

confirmed for not having actually played it.

Special slave purchase events, special events with the concubine.



Bitch, i played this game since 0.5 original and then used pregmod

White knight somewhere else

 No.101056>>101063 >>101065

File (hide): 3f15ff5180fe4cc⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1768x2092, 442:523, 3f15ff5180fe4cca113b0d4ede….png) (h) (u)


>is just going to be about fucking little kids with cat ears?




this is the wrong timeline



Why are you mad anon? I was just pointing out FCTV has good stuff and not just the old write faggotry from the first implementation.


File (hide): 698b2ffd0cd0030⋯.jpg (442.03 KB, 721x1000, 721:1000, lewd kitty.jpg) (h) (u)


Exactly this.

 No.101069>>101106 >>101195


Just like i said, it indeed HAS some MINOR improvement over the base game, i don't deny that, it even have some optimization for speed, but any progress in anything not related to incest has been pretty much non existent

Most changes has been ported from the vanilla game, and anything even remotely different from what seems to be his fethish, loli and incest, has been rejected so hard he may very well have throw the ideas in an exploding incinerator

FC desperately need new gameplay, new FS that radically change how you play, or at least to consider your slaves and your citizen, instead we got a pregmodder that call the mod every time a discussion involving anyone who seriously disagree with him got out, and little progress

I really hope that fc get renovated and improved in the future, but unless new ideas and concept get discussed rationally by everyone in that thread happen, this game will stall and slowly die

Let's exclude completely furry and bestiality, btw catgirl ARE NOT furry, i have seen possible discussion about improved cybernetics, genetic engineering, deeper more relevant customization for your alter ego in game, making such distinction relevant, even possible flavour only details added to arcologies

but nothing was even remotely seriously talked about adding those things in, instead pregmodder ignored everything and everyone wasn't discussing bugs or loli/incest and continued on his way, not even accepting work done by others that go against his personal idea of fc fetish inclusions

In fact i remember him saying that deeper customization would have been irrelevant, too much work for little gain, a loss that fucking your grand daughter have little gain in game either, considering there is no dedicated content to the protagonist relatives at all

If this changes i will be happy to find new life injected in this slowly stalling game, otherwise fc pregmodder will be know only as the person who allowed 5 years old girl to birth 10 babies or even die because her womb burst, a shame given the game potential

 No.101094>>101144 >>101766

Sorry to be a shit, but what does this mod actually add and does it remove or drastically change anything from pregmod(assuming that was the base cause lolis)?




>this shit again

Look, at this point all the arguments have been laid out and I don't think anyone's going to change their mind. Can we please drop the "Is x furry?"? It's getting tiresome.

 No.101109>>101112 >>101396


Your ignorance know no bounds, but i said enough, if you can't get even the most basic fetish straight i certainly won't waste more time trying to fix you up

A simple example fro you mentally impaired, so you know the difference

This is furry:


This is NOT furry, no matter what that chucked faggot of pregmod may think:


 No.101111>>101224 >>101229 >>101486

File (hide): b4fc96a83f8345d⋯.png (922.11 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 438f8c7770a2ec9945426e3d3a….png) (h) (u)


pic related is furry but impregnating a trap's anal womb is totally straight right?

>I call him she so it can't be gay!



>that chucked faggot

maybe you should stick to your native tongue, anon



>faggot can't be chucked

Maybe you should consult urban dictionary anon



I do not see a definition there that makes the utterance make sense.


>chuck chuck chuck

Are you too triggered to use the real word?



Only annoyed me a little. Needs more redtext.

Also, this thread needs more actual content. I'd contribute myself, but I'm busy with something productive for once.


I still can't believe that fake cat ears and tails caused THIS much of a shitpostapalooza, even when in its own thread. Like, its in a place where you don't have to look at it now, but yet you still fucking do??? Explain how you aren't the same as a sjw that goes out to purposely be "triggered" by innocuous things.


I am probably being retarded, but how do you change a girl into a catgirl? I can't seem to find the option anywhere.



it just adds a single sentence description for cat eat ears on a slave. there is no impact on gameplay though.

 No.101146>>101205 >>157179

File (hide): 6ef23a7076c9a29⋯.jpg (101.37 KB, 1199x900, 1199:900, 1273695715869.jpg) (h) (u)



>free of degenerate taint



*for now

it could change in the future

 No.101195>>101205 >>101210


Anon. Why you mad tho?

Why are you expecting so much and not doing anything yourself anon?

What have you contributed?


File (hide): fc848ec315b1ee8⋯.png (416.47 KB, 1022x1024, 511:512, sktbit.png) (h) (u)



I'm 99% sure he is the LC """developer""", he's just buttmad that he can't develop for shit but feels entitled anyway to ask other to add his fetishes.

 No.101213>>101215 >>101766

So is there an actual mod with headbands and tail plugs? I don't give a shit about grafted on stuff but the former I'd be real interested in. This game is surprisingly lacking in bdsm content despite being all about slaves..



Yes, but seeing it's not kosher you better update it yourself or pray real hard.



Quads of truth, my friend. Quads of truth.



FCDev and Pregmod Dev are both equally cancerous faggots shitting on opposing sides. Their existence is proof the horseshoe theory is real. I bet they both have Anglo ancestry as well.



Does Pregmod have any new/different events from the base game other than FCTV stuff?



you'd probably be better off asking that in the main thread



You are an expert on ignorance, considering you don't know how to post these pics directly instead of pasting the links to them.


File (hide): 60530b01f116003⋯.png (907.34 KB, 886x702, 443:351, 6tyw7.png) (h) (u)

>>100549 (OP)

Lad, you a fucking hero.


File (hide): 968d0a0ee048136⋯.jpg (139.87 KB, 800x600, 4:3, CANNONBALL VN neko loli.jpg) (h) (u)





>Post a site with link for the ignorant so the tag can help fix his incredible stupidity

>Someone don't approve

>All image board ever

Can't make everyone happy



Hopefully not only with cat ears, but the whole monstergirl menu, eventually:


 No.101433>>101437 >>101453 >>101484

These drama FC threads are really something, its amazing how judgemental degenerates can be of other degenerates. Let's be real, the game (even vanilla) is completely fucked up. Just accept that people will want more fucked up fetishes and move on.


File (hide): 57a5dcd2b48b083⋯.png (143.3 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 14285403127510.png) (h) (u)


Good one.



>-Minor "improvement" for speed, not fully functional but it help a little

You what, mate? It was easily 20x faster than the base game.


Horsecocks when?


>Pregmod (with Nekos)

So, why is it that you chose that for the title when the dev was explicitly saying that he plans to go full-on furry, with kemonomimi just being the first step?

If there's even a dev here anymore (which it seems like there isn't) then it's dumb to name the thread over what they consider to just be a stopgap feature.

Either way, it seems like this entire thing is just perpetuated by one or two extremely salty anons.


It's kind of hilarious reading through these arguments. There's a shitload of strawmanning, but no one who ever comes even somewhat close to what these autists are claiming.



i abandoned FC threads around the libre cities shit show

What did i missed?

 No.101456>>101460 >>101470


Lucky you if you got 20x faster, most people won't get that much, and in my rig i can play any game AAA at 1080 with max settings at 60+

So yes, minor is the only guarantee you are gonna get in most rig, anything more is purely configuration dependent, especially because more then a few user admitted to run fc in an old rig that can't run most modern games properly and thus have even less resource




That has nothing to do with how horribly inefficient the text compression was. I have a 6700k in my rig and it was still several seconds of delay every time you clicked anything. Pregmod fixed that. You could only claim otherwise if you had literally never played the game before they dramatically improved the perfortmance.



I have a fucking i7 gaming/work pc along with a shitty intel atom laptop and both ran freecities like shit until pregmod added in the fixes. Now it's shitloads faster on both computers, not a "minor" improvement. What are you going on about?



File (hide): ffe1afa06c372a4⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 540x304, 135:76, felix argyle.gif) (h) (u)


>not liking both


Is there a weeb imagepack?

 No.101511>>101515 >>101518 >>101546 >>101554


>I have a fucking i7

You are retard, i7 is shit for gaming, let's me guess, you also have 32 gb of ram you will never use right?

You fucking morons wouldn't recognize a proper rig if it bite you in the ass mr i spend nearly 1000 for a cpu is only marginally better then it's 600 equivalent


Gaming pc have lot's of resource available you fucking idiot, if a shitty browser game doesn't work and both browser and hardware are fine, then spaghetti code is involved, or if java/falsh is involved it's not loading correctly

Your claim of 20x is actually impossible given the code structure of twine, and the processing capacity here is more cache depended in browser then power dependent when cpu is involved, all gaming cpu have a significant cache available to support low level high speed processes, the effectiveness speed of the cpu is only marginally relevant here

If the improvement in your rig was so significant, then your pc is either shit or is badly configured, on my rig where everything is properly fine tuned the improvement of pregmod are minimal


The museum called and want it's cpu back, with so little memory it doesn't surprise me tearing the code to pieces improved your experience, if you had a pc worthy of the name "gaming", the difference would have been minimal, exactly what i saw

Just like i said before, you moron, older cpu will inevitably benefit more and see a bigger improvment

My timing for play this game are, on week change, firefox browser:

Week 63, slave 38, all upgrades done with whorehouse and diary

Time to load next week: barely 3 sec



>Gaming pc have lot's of resource available you fucking idiot

No, a gaming PC has a more powerful GPU than a regular work rig. Free Cities is entirely text-based, so I can say with absolute certainty that your XX ELITE MLG GAMING GRAPHICS CARD XX is not improving your performance in the least.


Considering neither Java nor Flash are even somewhat relevant, I'm starting to think you're just an idiot.

>The museum called and want it's cpu back

What? The 6700k isn't even two years old yet, and it was a top of the line CPU on release. The 7700k is only getting ~8% improved performance over it, and it's still performing better than the best Ryzen CPU.

>My timing for play this game are, on week change, firefox browser:

>Week 63, slave 38, all upgrades done with whorehouse and diary

>Time to load next week: barely 3 sec

How the fuck does that help your argument? That's a laughably slow response time, and that's after the improvements were added.

Literally every single part of your post reveals that you have no fucking clue about anything that you're talking about.



Are you fucking retarded? It's a gaming AND work pc, with 16gb ram. i7 is not shit for gaming, it's marginally not as good as an i5 for gaming. My point from the post you replied to still stands.


File (hide): 986242a222ab2b6⋯.jpg (102.3 KB, 732x540, 61:45, 1447290273961.jpg) (h) (u)


I have never read such retarded word vomit in my life. In a righteous world you would have been the victim of a eugenics program.



please go back to /r/freecitiesgame mr faggot

 No.101582>>101599 >>101603 >>101630 >>101754

File (hide): a2b21a01d8745cf⋯.gif (897.26 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 1292348768329_u18chan.gif) (h) (u)





So much tech illiteracy is making me cringe, this idiots really believe that a gaming pc is all the gpu and the speed of your ram, oh the future is bleak indeed you fucking ignorant retards, i assembled gaming computers since i was a child and i never see so much stupidity all concentrated on a single thread

This fucking idiots don't even know was cpu cache is, unbelievable

>Are you fucking retarded? It's a gaming AND work pc

I call you retard right here, right now, a gaming AND working pc….for what?

Do you realize that the technicality are RADICALLY different, you ignorant fool?

You obviously don't, let me just say a word that you pathetic faggot probably don't even know what it means


i7 cpu come with it, and while it's good for editing programs, it's absolute shit for gaming, since most games DO NOT properly support it and provoke known loss in performance, but because you don't even know how it work i won't waste my keyboard on it

I would suggest you illiterates to return reading computer 101, you clearly need it.

Now that this thread has been derailed long enough by claiming of light speed improvement from FC pregmodder faggots, we can continue on the op reason to create this


Holy shit! talking about computers? in my hgame? What…

Seriously, i need a zombie mod for free cities



Umbrella Corp zombies or magic voodoo zombies?



Here's a handy list of games from the past 10 years in which cpu cache size is important:








I was going to remark that you forgot .kkrieger, but that's from 2004.



> it's absolute shit for gaming, since most games DO NOT properly support it and provoke known loss in performance

And you keep on over exaggerating the "loss of performance" I already said that it's marginally not as good as the i5 with gaming, in fact hyperthreading was why I said it. The thing is the performance difference is marginal, and just because something is slightly worse doesn't mean it's "shit". If I'm going to be using the thing for work anyways, why not use it for gaming as well? Is there some kind of unspoken code of computer use that says you can't game on an i7? Stop exaggerating things and being so buttblasted about anons saying you're wrong.


File (hide): 4b568f71b3bea46⋯.jpg (324.38 KB, 840x1120, 3:4, 1480473198218.jpg) (h) (u)

And we're doing this again.

Is the Neko mod only for catgrils, or do you also intend to include other MG-lites?



Once again, literally every single part of your post reveals that you know absolutely fucking nothing about what you're talking about.



It also has fox girls


File (hide): df767376961d662⋯.jpg (175.92 KB, 1244x1000, 311:250, fc2ee4458f677d2afd1b1d9cfc….jpg) (h) (u)


Likelihood of bestgirls?




There isn't any developer here, just a couple of salty people who perpetuate the shitstorm.


>>100549 (OP)

Hey can you please post the loose files I want to add this to the latest version



Libre Cities 2: electric boogaloo



Might want to ask in the actual thread, senpai. This one was made just for shitposting.



Okay ty



This is copypasta right?

 No.101762>>101764 >>101792


>>Pit changes

That was me too.

Pits allowing clit rape and flaws/quirks having more of an effect and possibiltiy for flaws/quirks being generated

Slave-on-Slave rape (Have another slave ride dick/clit or have another slave rape vagina)


That's all me.


Given all the other HORRIBLE fetishes and crap he included, that sentiment is understandable.



Was the "invitation to have your bodyguard fight in a pit" event also you? Because I just looked at it, and it doesn't utilise the full range of $deadliness for the opponent. This should go to 9 even without cybernetic combat limbs, and up to 19 with them.

 No.101766>>101803 >>101813

File (hide): 8ab8aa2eb07de05⋯.jpg (29.5 KB, 576x432, 4:3, Farting.jpg) (h) (u)


>Its just a shame that FC Dev is trying to keep things somewhat realistic/near future.

The funny things is that growing an animal shaped tail/ear is far more believable than making a working futa.


What it adds that you can grow cat or fox ears and tails and implant them on your slaves


There's a bunny suit in-game….


Well, it's easy to add more. Just follow the same template.

Each animal part requires changes to 4-5 places.

- long slave description

- degradation (that's surgery recovery text)

- organ fabricator (to grow it)

- surgery itself (to implant/remove it)

I made cat and fox to test it, but it can be easily expanded


I AM the guy who wrote the code, and no, I don't plan to go full furry, fuck that shit.

Why are you so salty that you have to go on and lie?



No, I'm not into gurro.

I prefer my slaves alive.




There is one error in there, implanting a fox tail should have set slave.tail = 2, not 1


File (hide): 53034b10ed82590⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 500x281, 500:281, koneko2.gif) (h) (u)


Nice and all, but it's nekoMIMI.

 No.101803>>101805 >>101807


>There's a bunny suit in-game….

There's also a literal monster girl.



It's only a virtual avatar, that doesn't count.



Stop being racist.



There's also a demon and Santa Claus.


File (hide): c9ad27d58a09074⋯.jpg (131.54 KB, 900x592, 225:148, 568r69f9.jpg) (h) (u)


They already put in fat worship. So, horn&wing implants next? Literal angelic harem, when?



>Why are you so salty that you have to go on and lie?

Well, the guy who was originally talking about it in the main thread said that, so how the fuck was I supposed to know that you changed your mind?



At least call me a realist.


File (hide): 5790b6479803ea4⋯.jpg (13.31 KB, 255x255, 1:1, wut.jpg) (h) (u)


>Bunny suit already in game, include bunny ears

>Add cat ears and tails

>Ur rnw frry!

I love this comment, please make more

 No.101831>>101855 >>101857 >>101874 >>101941


I don't know who that guy was, I never changed my mind, since that wasn't my position in the first place.

The only thing I said that I added grown animal ears/tails to the game and I'd MAYBE add a horse/cat/dog dick if there was enough interest, but that's the absolute extreeme line.


Now with dog bits too…


Haven't tested any of this yet, beware



The important question is: Will that horse/cat/dog dick be just for flavour only or it will introduce actual diferences on the sex mechanics? Because that sure will be fun.



>horse/cat/dog dick

Aaaaaand I'm out



>wants to add /zoo/ tier genitals

>insists it isn't a furrymod

 No.101941>>101990 >>102018


g a s f u r f a g s

 No.101947>>101972 >>101990 >>102016

File (hide): 9a9a0fc46ff6641⋯.png (1.26 MB, 850x1032, 425:516, 1460075852820.png) (h) (u)

Free Cities is dead

Long live Fur Cities




I said MAYBE, IF there was a lot of interest and IF I felt like it (unlikely). A lot of if's and maybes.

And no, that still isn't furry (though it's getting damn close).


 No.101990>>101997 >>102013 >>102116


Not sure about fur, but fc is slowly stalling, seems even the 'new' aztect fs dev vanished and it's left incomplete, the attempt to actually finish it are pitiful at best, at least they are trying


Gas the pointless commenters of flaming retardness, guess what, you are the first on the list

 No.101997>>102000 >>102013 >>102043

File (hide): e8d9fe7aeab8180⋯.jpg (48.69 KB, 412x350, 206:175, smugcat.jpg) (h) (u)


Yeah, this thread seems to have higher activity than the FC one ATM.

Guess they understimated just how many people love kenomini



Coding takes time. Game testing takes time. Name list research (what I did the last days mostly) takes a lot of time; hours per nationality. So at least I need to keep the commenting down.



>but fc is slowly stalling

Did you recently come here? The FC thread always had periods of fast and slow. In any case it shouldn't surprise you when volunteer devs come and go.



Yeah, higher activity driven by shitposting or arguing which consists of most of the thread. Also fuck off with your deviantart/furaffinity/whatever it was kenomini shit.


File (hide): 4642a6f690ecb9e⋯.jpg (318.55 KB, 1632x1500, 136:125, no catgirls in free cities.jpg) (h) (u)


Considering how it's possible to further specialize gender radicalism into the preference for futas or lol anaI wombs, would that be a good precedence for someday splitting transformation fetishism into the focus on standard tits and ass implants and monstergirl transformation implants?



>Did you recently come here?

No and it's why i say it's stalling, after implementing the tank for growing children and implementing newer vanilla updates, nothing significant has happened, bug fix and a few ideas but nothing more

>Yeah, higher activity driven by shitposting

Problem is most shitpost are this


This mod is supposed to be simple, pregmod fc with added tails and ears, period, and you find it strange it's not the same volume of original threads?

Recently seems cock has been added in, but it's more a joke then anything, considering this, there is still most discussion here, shitposting or not, and fc is still stalling

Perhaps later some significant changes to fc will happen, but i begin to doubt that, pregmodder doesn't seems interested in a anything else, and contributor are lessened, maybe because they prefer the beach right now, but the point remain


File (hide): 6bc3e99a88645ea⋯.jpg (21.88 KB, 370x370, 1:1, muh dick.jpg) (h) (u)


I'd say you're missing the point of FC or any other threads having their share of shitposting.

 No.102043>>102045 >>102112

File (hide): e221995f1ad5efe⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 97x113, 97:113, 1284872151862.jpg) (h) (u)


>Two extra days for posts

>Not even half the replies

>Higher activity


File (hide): f7ae975151d644e⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 340x340, 1:1, 1496667006672.jpg) (h) (u)


Enough activity for you to feel threatened, I'd say.


So ignoring the shitposters for a second, was there anyone working on rabbit ears? I'm surprised that's not an option.



The FC thread usually goes to 750 in 2 days.

It's been slow lately, that thread is only up to 350, it barely moved in several days



There was a period of two or three threads quite a bit in the past where it was pretty fast before slowing down to a similar speed and leading to the hueg burst of activity the thread recently had. Drama is also a pretty good way of bumping up reply count, which this thread mostly is. It's also on 420+ not 350 anon.



FC is the worst case of spaghetti coding I've seen and I've seen some ugly shit, to me its a wonder that development is still happening at all.

 No.102204>>102275 >>102298


>fur dicks isn't furry

I don't know where your logic train for this starts or ends but if you attach an anatomically correct cat/dog pussy to any of the examples of not-furry characters in the nekomod, and posted in-thread it'd be pretty fucking furry. Why should there be a distinction for male genitals as not being furry? Its furry as fuck man, its of the same degeneracy, don't even try to deny it.



Attaching animal ears (well, technically, animal-SHAPED ears, the tissue is human), attaching a tail.

Not that big of a difference if y0u attach a human penis or a cat-shaped penis.

Just by attaching a penis you're already commiting an affront to nature, ti's not like the penis color matters at that point.

Also, I'm no expert in animal dicks as you claim to be, but since when are they furred?


File (hide): 418089a88a26011⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 720x951, 240:317, dgp.jpg) (h) (u)


With this logic all animal are furry then, after all they have ears and penis of an animal species no?

Pretty sure it's not

 No.102316>>102510 >>102584 >>102592 >>103025

File (hide): 00daacf6f413267⋯.jpg (217.84 KB, 637x850, 637:850, 515ec28a43d5cb4fe840b04780….jpg) (h) (u)

>the ongoing furry/notfurry argument

If it's a personified animal, it's furshit

If it's a human with animal characteristics/traits, it's a monstergirl

If you cannot comprehend the difference, your legal guardian shouldn't be letting you browse these boards anyway, retard.



thank you

 No.102584>>102595 >>102652


While I agree, I think the issue is more the border than the categories.

What exactly pushes one over the border.

eg. I think changes to the primary or secondary sex characteristics pushes it towards furry, along with alterations to facial bone structure (snouts/ect). But on the other hand I consider limbs fairly innocuous and the character still human even if they're changed to a noticeable degree. (4 digits instead of 5, alterations to the nails, tails, ears ect.)

Pads (feet or hand) are something that i'm not sure, it tends to make a slightly furry thing seem deliberately furry, where as on mostly human characters its just a quirk.

tfw you like fantasy and scalie shit and know you'll never have a concubine lamia making a tail chair for you to sit in while interviewing slaves.



Anything with animal ears and a tail isn't a monster girl.

A catgirl or a dog girl isn't a monster girl.


File (hide): 24d1c4dfe846da8⋯.jpg (101.07 KB, 720x560, 9:7, Furrychart.jpg) (h) (u)

old image, but it's pretty relevant



What about the centaurs and their likes? Half human, half monster/animal is pushing it pretty far. Having a thing for arachnes personally.

 No.102652>>102656 >>102768

File (hide): 5025da0724b9063⋯.jpg (96.68 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, 01e7ab6b364f5175775c04311a….jpg) (h) (u)


Snout is absolutely furscum. Always. Animal dicks are furshit, too.

The paws/pads is MG material.

I had no idea I needed a lamia chair in my life. Thanks, asshole


You're wrong, though. But, it's semantics, so why argue.


>even attempting to imply horse pussy is furry


Really, though, centaurs, arachnes, lamias, and the like get passes because their torso and up are humanoid. I think that's really what determines whether she's an MG or shit to be purged.

 No.102656>>102711 >>102749 >>102768


By your logic, anatomically correct dicks on male centaurs and snakemen also get a pass since they're human waist up.

Animal genitals are animal genitals, no way around or over it.



Centaurs gets somewhat of a pass, or at least more leniency, because they are some 3000 years old by now. Same for mermaids.



Oh okay then, since its not furry lets make cats and dogs available as slaves.


 No.102721>>102763 >>102768 >>102773


Still a matter of preference though, fucking an animal's hindquarters is a hard sell, no matter how sweet and pleasant the upper portion may be.

 No.102749>>102762 >>103014

File (hide): 34748c400d1897b⋯.png (336.38 KB, 1000x827, 1000:827, c56e7cdf158c5e606376d6efb1….png) (h) (u)




Anon pls



Free Cities has male/female/futa slaves and a male/female/futa player character. Nothing stops you from playing as a straight woman with her reverse harem of slaves, taking the dick from every one of them. Even with the reputation hit.



Even funnier if mermaids could only lay unfertilized eggs into water, waiting for you to jack off to that scene, without any fucking involved in the process.


File (hide): f3865077e33ffd7⋯.jpg (447.77 KB, 1000x1376, 125:172, the-little-mermaid-disney-….jpg) (h) (u)


If she wants my genetic material that badly, I better at least get a proper handjob out of it.

 No.102768>>103014 >>103041


Your trolling need work, for the sake of argument that's obvious bestiality, it has nothing to do with furry


>Snout is absolutely furscum

Somewhat correct, but defining human by removing body parts probably isn't the best way to do it

Changing genitals, somewhat paddish hands, ears, short tail and eventually add some light fur;

All of this still do not break the thresholds into furry territory, also monstergirls are creature where at least half their body is pure monster type, like lamia and yes it include centaurs


>Animal genitals are animal genitals, no way around or over it

So are ears, so are tails, means little, cock and pussy are considered physical traits just like the ears or the eyes, a full human with a dog cock is not a furry, not even adding tail and ears

This is because it's human trait are still clearly identifiable and only a small part of his body has changed, altering the face would comprise the recognition for sure, thus it would be probably passing the threshold to furry or monster, depend


That's mosntergirl, and it's not the original scope of this mod


File (hide): 3fb45a89bc3a639⋯.jpg (5.25 MB, 3800x5352, 475:669, 3fb.jpg) (h) (u)


No matter how sweet and pleasant the lower portion may be?



Do you honestly think anyone but real freaks would want to have a doggy dick and find someone willing or not so willing to have it inside of them? Sounds it'll lead to moving onto genuine bestiality or degenerating into becoming more accepting of furry traits.



Still fucking an Animal. With Legionnaire's disease and damn hard on the knees.



Please update

 No.103041>>103059 >>103076


>furry has nothing to do with beastiality

u fkin srs m8?



Not him, but: One's a person, the other's an animal. Seems pretty clear cut to me.



Trolling retard confirmed

Furry are sapient you fucking moron, bestiality is sexing creature that are not sapient


So the Free Cities nerds pitch fits until other topics are made, then they invade those topics anyway just to bitch about the content?

Sure, makes sense.

Go back to your anal obsessed traptown guys.

 No.103143>>103167 >>103234


In the end it is still fucking an animal's cock/pussy, this level of mental gymnastics is SJW-tier. It'll take a real jaded freak or someone already degenerate to want to do it with an animal's body. Not saying you can't have your fetish, but trying to take the high ground and proclaim it to be more wholesome and acceptable than fucking a furry is something I'd expect from the other side.



Let me ask you a question. Which is more furry as far as you're concerned; Fucking a traditional mermaid or a version with normal woman parts from the waist down but all fish from the waist up?

It's not mental gymnastics. People like one of the things you're using for your comparison and not the other so they have terms that differentiate the two that separate them based on the reasons for that preference. You're on a chan porn board for god's sake. You should expect attempts at accuracy in discussing/categorizing their fetishes.

 No.103234>>103252 >>103353


Stop being a cunt and go back where you're wanted. Playing the "stop liking what I don't like" card is the height of faggotry.



Not to mention more on par with shit the aforementioned other side says.

 No.103284>>103285 >>103290



Its mental gymnastics in that you're trying to insist something that is very furry, isn't furry. No, its not total furry but its not monstergirl material either.

Whether or not you like that/am allowed to like that isn't what is being questioned here.

 No.103285>>103289 >>103290 >>103351


No, what it is is faggotry on your part. You don't like something here? Too bad, you triggered pussy. Go back to your safe space.



How about this instead; if you want a furry FC mod then you go make one instead of shitting up the monstergirl one.



>Whether or not you like that/am allowed to like that isn't what is being questioned here.


>You don't like something here? Too bad, you triggered pussy.

anon, it's a classification argument. Not him.

 No.103322>>103341 >>103354

File (hide): 7fbe18ea9a2323c⋯.jpg (19.23 KB, 400x356, 100:89, dogewink.jpg) (h) (u)

Regarding animal dick/vagina.

I honestly don't care. Wouldn't personally want to fuck a centaur (I prefer a full woman body shape).

However, I don't mind watching a girl get horse dick.

So a futa catgirl with a cat dick? Probably wouldn't fuck her. Would totally watch her fuck another catgirl.

 No.103341>>103351 >>103354 >>103477


As long as I'm not forced to engage with any of it, it's all okay. I mean I know there's probably a shit ton of content for whatever the fuck "hyper pregnancy" and all that shit might be from pregmod but I've seen exactly zero bits of it because I turn it off and don't chase it down. As long as you can go "Nah, not going to buy the centaur girl" "Nah, I don't need catgirls in this run" then that's fine. The only unavoidable content in this should be "Yeah, you're pretty much gonna have to own people. Sorry if that's not your thing."

 No.103351>>103354 >>103477


This has always being the base philosophy of fc, this mod too, part of the mess happened in the original fc thread was because morons didn't want to understand or acknowledge this

No content is forced down your throat, personally i don't like hyper or futa so i just avoid it, it's that simple, you aren't forced to add a cat tail or ears to any girl, nor to have a centaur or naga or whatever even if it's not the original scope of this mod

Even animal genitals are purely optional, and as long as it' stay like this there is no reason to say anything get ruined by anyone


Ww discussed that at nauseam, adding cat ears and tail to a girl do not make this game furry, not even adding her a dick does, it just become a futa catgirl in that case

The whole of internet but the morons in the pregmod thread agree with this, a rigid thinking person say otherwise matters not



>stop liking what I don't like

Reading comprehension apparently isn't a requirement of anons huh?

 No.103354>>103358 >>103389


Why does it have to be fur dicks? Game allows for non-furry dick to be attached at your discretion.



>No content is forced down your throat

If someone wants a monstergirl mod they shouldn't also have to deal with furry content. P sure the original author was quite vehement about his mod not being fur, but animal dicks are furry as we've established. If the mod is fur then pregmodder was 100% right about excluding this content.


Its not about adding dicks to catgirls. Its about adding furry dicks to what would otherwise not be considered furry.



Who gives a shit what pregmodder's about now though? He's in his safe space with the other "OMG triggered!" cucks. If someone wants to add something Pregmod doesn't like, this is certainly a space to do that without the pedophile guy shedding tears about "degenerates."

 No.103389>>103391 >>103439


>but animal dicks are furry as we've established

Who established that? You?

One person don't make it 'established', that's your personal belief and are frankly irrelevant to this mod, beside you have already being told, don't like it? Return to assfucked trapland where the triggered chuck of pregmod fan reside

 No.103391>>103393 >>103395 >>103476



Maybe you haven't read the thread. Because if you did, you'd see the argument that animal dicks are furry is very clear and laid out and the only retort since seen is screetching about muh fursecution. I'm not taking pregmodders side here, he's a spergout, but he has it right when he says furshit is degenerate; at the very least its polarizing as the activity in this thread has demonstrated. Throwing around these buzzwords like "triggered" and "safespace" really has no meaning when on the opposite end is furshit and all the dregs that rabidly defend their shit fetish.

At the end of the day, though, I care less about you faggots and your fur fetish than I do about keeping a monstergirl mod focused on that; monstergirls. And its funny that you're bashing pregman about his dickgirls when the thing you're defending here is the idea of including /zoo/-tier animal penis modifications.



Again no, none agreed to that, nor here nor anywhere else




As said before:

>Return to assfucked trapland where the triggered chuck of pregmod fan reside



You sure sound like you feel the dick up your ass for someone who's claiming he could care less. Maybe you need to show us on the stuffed bear where the animals fucking molested you? At the end of the day, you're just another triggered cuck trying to tell other people there are limits that DO.NOT.EXIST.




>all this lust for the knot

>>>/furry/ is more your fellow's speed. Go there and stay there.


whens the next update


File (hide): 749bcbf452e1e7b⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 300x278, 150:139, cmpl.jpg) (h) (u)


Here we go again

Triggered flaming retard fan of pregmod, attempting to diminish everyone who don't grovel at the feet of his savoir and master, pregmodder

At this point i am gonna use your same logic, and tell you that i am right, because i am, and you are wrong, because i am right

Take a number


and fuck off


it's sad to see a furfag be so far in denial


>this mod is [MEANINGLESS_LABEL]!


How about instead of freaking out across the entire thread like a giant autist you just, you know, ignore shitposting?

It's a bit tough to buy your supposed moral superiority over the original pregmod when all you've done is shitpost about how you're not [MEANINGLESS_LABEL], you're just [OTHER_MEANINGLESS_LABEL].

 No.103439>>103452 >>103476 >>103898


animal parts beyond tails and ears are furry

genitalia is an immediate jump to 120% furry

make no mistake, citizen, you are a heretic



>[animal] genitalia is an immediate jump to 120% furry

I don't think thats true at all

Like what about that manga where that teacher/rider of a horse accidentally kills the horse during a race and gets cursed by it

The one where curse ends up giving her a horse dick and she rapes all her students with it

I don't think that was furry at all

tbh though, my opinions might have been biased by the gratuitous amount of horse dicks i've seen on the chans over the years, for some reason Dog/cat dicks are 130% furry for me

Though that might be be because they have a knot, whilst a horse dick is sort of like a human dick in regards that it lacks a knot, dicks that got beyond that and have knots/barbs ect… are too far for me

I mean knots are pretty fucking furry





All of you can go fuck yourself.

Start contributing something of substance to this thread.

Also, to the rest of you fucks - cut it out already.

You're never going to agree what is and is not degenerate or allowed, so the best thing you can do is to stop trying to force your defintition onto the others.

Don't be like pregmodder.


No, anal and inflation are pregmans fetishes, not futa.





Too bad love for anal speluking can't be turned off, because SOME FAGGOTS really like pushing their shit fetishes onto others.

As long as you're not forced to partake in it, WHO CARES - especially if it's a community project.



>stop replying to obvious shitposers with your own shitposting.


Before I thought you were just easily baited, but it seems that you really are just full-on tumblr.

 No.103548>>103606 >>103732 >>103975

Are any of you guys making progress on a mod?



>All I want is to fuck X

You are doing everything right, my nigger. FC is a game about being the king of some place, and fucking anything or anyone in any way your dick desires.



Nope, just autism fights. If there were any coders they'd actually put effort into coding something like a game instead of trying to latch onto FC/pregmod and then insult both.



What progress?

This is a mod with pregmod plus cat ears and tails, dog too, that's it, it's not supposed to allow cannibalism or something, we leave aztect retarndess blood sacrifice 4 years girls pregnancy blowing up uterus in atomic explosions, to pregmodder and friends

If ever this mod just need to be updated when something relevant from pregmod come out


Learn to read 101, you need it, badly

 No.103736>>103748 >>103975

File (hide): 765799677de39b7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.42 KB, 251x251, 1:1, 1437032188305.jpg) (h) (u)


>trying to call people out on their faggotry while reddit spacing.


Nice dubs,

However counter argument. While I very much agree with the "to each their own" mind set. There is a problem with projects that deviate from their mission statements shitting the bed when it comes to timelines/regular development and I think that (or hope) that that's a good chunk of the concern and not just "eww I don't like it."

While I like the dedication pregmodder has shown and some of the people who help, I do believe a good chunk of the those who want to edit/want others to edit are suffering from impatience in so far as not waiting for the project to be finished before tweaking.

This is mostly in regards to adding features, or editing variables/checks in the code, when FC dev has a long history (as per the change log) of just tilting shit on its head to see what he gets.

So hopefully after the "official" release is done we'll see a good deal more work to make some things options (Anal Adventures being one I want to work on weeding out, and am currently submitting data to pregmodder to help him find all the situations when anal chastity belts are ignored.) and have more mods that operate in the toggle-able fashion such as cybernetics and security forces. My own will be on adjusting degradation to have little splinters like gender rad where you have the option on focusing on the tattooing aspect, and remove some of the penalties for lack of implants, and then one that's the reverse. (Also I want to touch up the clothing because I don't think the "society disaproves of her fancy clothing" is always appropriate when it's more of a uniform, or supposed to be that kind of gap-moe-esque, it's more degrading because they are a pig in a dress.)

 No.103745>>103747 >>103748 >>103975

this thread is a failure. Of all the mods available for free cities this one just adds description to a slave which you can already do i any version of the game.



to be fair, this IS the part of the internet one thinks about and goes to when you're looking for failures.

 No.103748>>103750 >>103776 >>103955 >>104088

File (hide): f18256bb40cfb29⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 600x417, 200:139, k9ZKx.jpg) (h) (u)



Fuck off idiot, for pussy like you every argument is won by saying the magic word reddit

I have another magic work for you, dildo, return playing with that


Witch make those fucking idiots of pregmod white knights even more of a retard, basically this what was needed to be added in, option for extra customization, done that's it, fucking apocalypse is coming now


>this thread is a failure

>i am posting here

Great job man, your stupidity is truly legendary



You are the reason this thread is such shit, anon.

All you do is shitpost.

Just. Fucking. Stop.

 No.103776>>103779 >>103955


Good job proving that there hasn't been any significant progress beyond the initial shitty release and that this thread has devolved into autistic arguing by arguing autistically.



I honestly don't know why there's shitposter(s) following this topic around just to drop their dicks on something they claim to be degenerate and awful, other than they're secretly into it a lot more than anyone else here. It's really fucking starting to sound like those guys screaming "no homo!" at the top of their lungs while launching as many cocks up their ass as possible in private.



S, going by your logic, if we give an average 100% human female a horse penis, she's now a furry despite have absolutely no fur anywhere on her. Please tell me you can see how retarded you're being.





learn to read, faggot

Nothing worthy to update to here, only fatty fs bul, and blood for the blood god aztect shit

 No.103975>>104074 >>104088 >>104501


I could write stuff in, but I have no desire to do more than I already have.

I dont' recall ever promising constant updates or releases.

FFS, it's 5 blocks of text that need pasting - any retard with Notepad++ can easily update any new .html or add changes - and that's without Git.


What would be the original mission statement?

So much USELESS, horrible shit and trash fetishes that are less popular are already in.


Everything is this game is nothing more than a conditional description, fam.



Except for arguing in circles. It seems to be the most popular fetish here.


File (hide): 6c101eb4998a88a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 161.87 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 8b40f00dd5993a7e9cae7a882c….jpg) (h) (u)


>this mad, and still reddit spacing.

you're just begging for it aren't you anon? you want the (You)s


>They keep adding things I don't like! this must mean that they're retarded.

>And all the people who are okay with the changes and downloading the game are as well.

>As are the people adding to the mod and offering suggestions/fixes.

Does it take effort for you to act this mentally dysfunctional or is it talent?


File (hide): 78baaf9e2f27858⋯.jpg (11.53 KB, 267x200, 267:200, sgstn7566ddf1c90.jpg) (h) (u)


Don't let the door hit you when going back to reeddit


File (hide): e32f529cf3040a7⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1358x1200, 679:600, 1453781109904.png) (h) (u)

How is it going? Anybody doing anything else than baiting or bitching?

 No.104405>>104407 >>104425


I had a dream about slaves laying live chicken eggs through their butts and it's really bothering me because i want to make it a reality.




i wonder what the smell would be like haha

just curious



Like lilacs



Hi. I AM that one retard who doesn't know how to figure this shit out.

TLDR on what goes where? Do i just shove the parts in their respective files off the git before compiling or do I need to be more careful than that?


did this mod actually add ear and tail body parts, paving the way for adding elves and other monster girls?

 No.104544>>104628 >>104685 >>104870 >>119119

File (hide): 0941d8733a695fd⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 418x475, 22:25, 1497017148466.jpg) (h) (u)

>>100549 (OP)

>237 replies

>52 images

>2 weeks 4 days ago

>nothing else added except for the OP's 'contribution' which amyone can already do by using custom descriptions ingame

Huh, it's almost like furfags can't get anything done but complain about lack of furry content.

Really makes you think.


File (hide): 03bce5ba5e002af⋯.png (556.51 KB, 634x623, 634:623, 03bce5ba5e002af3022732b4e9….png) (h) (u)


I am truly sorry that you're retarded, anon. No, really. Now, go tell your legal guardian that you've stumbled upon an adult imageboard and need it to be filtered.

 No.104685>>104879 >>147587


There is nobody here with a patreon for them to hemorrhage money at.

real cowgirls never ever ;-;



If you honestly think a custom description is the same as having a organ factory grow it, surgery effects and description, then you are crazy.

Granted, more could be done - a FS, beauty effects, etc.., but it's not nothing.




<nipple piercings


File (hide): 16df76a7930304a⋯.jpg (276.63 KB, 900x1100, 9:11, 1453867630832.jpg) (h) (u)

Anybody here?



I'm here, but I'm just a lurker.


This should really be a mod. I'd do it but I'm trying to generate patreon bux.



Free Cities and particularly pregmod is already approaching the transhumanism angle through the various hormones and implants in the game. Even better when you get the fabricator, the dairy farm and the cybernetics stuff…

The next logical evolution would be some kind of biological fuckery. Including properties from other animals either through more artificial means or mutation. Hell if I had the resources I'd be trying to create catgirl waifus IRL. Wings for flying around would be really cool too. I really don't see what the big deal with the fighting is, there really is demand for mods like these.

Full on furfags can yiff in hell, but they're free to develop their own mods if they want to.

Btw great props to nekomodder and the guys who made the guides on how to get it working! It's barebones but I'm glad we've seen at least some progress after the libre cities shitshow.

I am deeply grateful for the kind of autism that makes a person able to write stuff out in Twine.


File (hide): 5757bdc52cf747a⋯.png (33.23 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1500614212490.png) (h) (u)

ded fork

Its libre cities all over again

 No.108312>>108313 >>108321 >>108419 >>109457


Elf ears would be nice

>inb4 orc lovers and deus vulters come stomping around about beware knife ears

 No.108313>>108317 >>108419

File (hide): e9f148e008e059e⋯.jpg (926.51 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, dorf.jpg) (h) (u)


>liking elves



>liking anything


File (hide): 2e13e20ea912d47⋯.png (78.71 KB, 426x382, 213:191, 2e1.png) (h) (u)


well they did exterminate a whole entire race that one time…

 No.108419>>108422 >>108567





Tbh an entirely new game more focused on the species and race wars aspect of slavery would be better, but no one is autistic enough to start from scratch.

Free Cities with orcs, elves, dwarves and stuff like that would be epic. Real fantastical racial conflicts and memes.

I think libre cities started with ideas like those, but the tards were in way over their heads.



yeah, would require a lot of effort and autism to make



-would be awesome though

 No.108567>>108594 >>108597


I've started similar projects before, my problem is I really don't like the "procedurally generated" aspect of Free Cities-like games. This makes me out of step with most of the people here who seem to love them, though, so I never felt there would be any audience.

Er, "procedurally generated" in the sense of characters. Procedural generation for gameplay stuff is totally fine. I just find it really boring when it is applied to characters that are supposed to be organic human beings. The "everyone is the same robotic pile of adjectives" effect hits me within a few seconds of starting up Free Cities.

 No.108594>>108597 >>108602


>game with procedurally generated personalities

>interactions vary and personalities are dynamic

has anyone ever tried doing this?



wew, I meant has anyone ever tried doing this while avoiding the "pile of adjectives" generic in-depth descriptions like >>108567 said?



Again, I've experimented with it. Basically what you have to end up doing is create a lot of traits and write good content that is then patched together intelligently. The main difference between this approach and what Free Cities does is that Free Cities is very uncreative about its use of content. It's basically "$name has $blonde hair" instead of "<<if $name has $blonde hair>> $name's blonde tresses spill around her face in a shiny waterfall" or something like that. To give a really basic example. Ultimately the most procedurally generated game is still, once you reduce it to its component parts, static. It just depends on how much content you create, and how you piece it together, to create the illusion for the player that they are experiencing a fully random or real world rather than just a bunch of if then statements.



Ever tried Crusader Kings 2?



You know, I keep seeing that pop up, but never understood it. Is it a mod or something of this Crusader Kings 2?

 No.108718>>108884 >>109074


The CK 2 vanilla game+DLC has a metric shit ton of flavor content, which is what I think anon was saying.

There's some h mods for it over on loverslab called Dark World. Pretty mediocre though.



I'm more noticing that the game manages to characterise people beyond just a "pile of adjectives" … by them not only being a pile of adjectives (traits, as they are called), but also acting on them and their personal events being tied to specific traits and trait combinations.



CK2 is really robotic once you understand its systems, though. Which was my original point. All games are that way unless the amount of content involved in its systems is so massive that most players don't see it. In CK's case once you've played a few hundred years, let alone finished a single game, you've probably seen all the content for characters within your sphere (i.e culture/religion/etc).



Oh, fuck off. There's two-three dozen at best and you're not likely to see more then a few repeat due to MtH or unlikely prerequisites. And that's with all the dlc including the one that specifically expands on personal events.


Your example is shit.



>Your example is shit.

In what way? I've played CK2 a lot and it's highly repetitive.


File (hide): fe2c4392a9cb8c2⋯.png (1.22 MB, 800x1000, 4:5, smug puss - by 魅菜.png) (h) (u)




Elven ears alone without the whole assorted body type, complete with skin, eye, and hair tone variation, would produce only a poor caricature of elves. Goblins also have pointy ears, for example.

 No.109501>>109523 >>109544 >>109647 >>109650

>Anon cooks up a tiny little mod literally for the sole purpose of adding nekomimis to the game

>people come to the thread to bitch and whine about how he's done nothing else (when he never said he would)

Why is everyone in this board such a huge faggot?



It's a mystery.

 No.109544>>109554 >>109643


Because you can realistically see most of the content in a few decades. And that's generous.


They put chemicals in the water.



Why give them such a logical excuse, especially one that removes them from fault or accountability? Besides, the water tastes fine…I tasted myself, just to be sure.



Oh okay, my example was shit because I agree with you? Whether you think the time it takes to be repetitive is a few decades of a century, that's still highly repetitive.



>Elven ears alone without the whole assorted body type, complete with skin, eye, and hair tone variation, would produce only a poor caricature of elves. Goblins also have pointy ears, for example.




Because people like you are perpetuating the pointless shitstorm.



Your timeline is a little wrong there, man. It was closer to

>anon complains for weeks in the main thread that there's not furshit in pregmod

>endlessly demands that pregmodder add in furshit

>says he's going to make a furshit mod countless times

>intentionally starts numerous shitstorms

>eventually someone else comes along and writes the 3 lines of code required to add kemonomimi

>original anon starts numerous more shitstorms

>everything related to this is kicked out of the main thread

At this point, 99.9% of people are perfectly fine and don't care one way or the other, because the main thread is free of the shitposting.

>a couple of anons are salt mines, arguing to hell and back in the Libre Cities thread

>eventually one of them gets salty enough that they make this thread

>said anons have then been arguing to hell and back in this thread

>because they never sage, this thread is often on the first page, which lures in new people

Now do you understand the full context? The guy who actually wrote the ""mod'" probably left long ago.

 No.109690>>109692 >>109695 >>109701

File (hide): bb0abb0e5ff44de⋯.jpg (485.06 KB, 905x1280, 181:256, 2163c72bb856062de5f0d6c210….jpg) (h) (u)


I meant that pointed ears alone don't make an elf. I would have a hard time imagining an elf weighing 300 lbs, for example.



>elven society has 300 lb obese NEET elves who sit around for a 1,000 years refusing to become druids or rangers

You know it's true



It's true that Elves are beautiful creatures in general, except that depending on societies, more "curvaceous" women can be seen as more beautiful, so…


File (hide): ca38de5b627ed4f⋯.jpg (75.87 KB, 606x1000, 303:500, bc880f1f06df7424e18c2ffd16….jpg) (h) (u)


Anon, you simply lack imagination.


File (hide): 41a5f7ff8a69ffb⋯.jpg (204.96 KB, 1663x1200, 1663:1200, NEET elven princess1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 01dabb8c6f1f873⋯.jpg (432.54 KB, 1101x1600, 1101:1600, NEET elven princess2.jpg) (h) (u)


See pic related. She was too thin, not too chubby.



An elf would refuse to wear something so cumbersome and restrictive.

 No.109705>>109707 >>119142

File (hide): 0ac193a3f20ed92⋯.jpg (242.83 KB, 1024x1435, 1024:1435, 1466688504627.jpg) (h) (u)


To be fair, the stereotype is of them wearing all the metal on the inside. Doesn't mean it doesn't weight a ton.

 No.109707>>109708 >>110310

File (hide): e7e872e24c15724⋯.jpg (634.63 KB, 796x1128, 199:282, warhammer_40k__eldar_phoen….jpg) (h) (u)


The only even remotely relatable stereotype I know comes from WH40K. Still nothing about them being excessively cyborgized.

 No.109708>>109710 >>110258

File (hide): 07cccc7b669d90b⋯.png (690.93 KB, 1280x1245, 256:249, dd57de8909632add93828f2d9c….png) (h) (u)


Shadowrun elves come in all kinds of shapes and forms - and all kinds of technological enhancements.

And even in the classic "magic elf" variant.

 No.109710>>110237 >>110248



What comes with excessive cyborgization in Shadowrun is loss of essence. A typical elf would rather not give up considerable innate power just for some fallible machinery. Pig fat elves are anything but classic in any setting.



Nice lies faggot.

I think you are attributing posts from different people all to one person. Probably because you're a faggot that needs people to conform to his shit preconceptions.

And no, nekomini isn't furshit, you cock-sucking kiddy-diddler.


Except that's a fatty fantasy. Fatty love has always been a tiny fetish and never widely accepted.



>What comes with excessive cyborgization in Shadowrun is loss of essence. A typical elf would rather not give up considerable innate power just for some fallible machinery.

I have no idea about shadowrun, the post



If you actually knew Shadowrun you would know that dwarves not elves make for the best mages. Elves and humans are only the second best spell casters.



the day she realized she could summon food from the fridge without getting up it was all over


File (hide): 2dc7ca006906be7⋯.png (2.67 MB, 968x1414, 484:707, DE_Haemonculus.png) (h) (u)


You don't know shit.

 No.110323>>110800 >>110825 >>111128


These mutated psychos don't count because of the influence of Slaanesh. Try again.

 No.110800>>110818 >>110865


Dark eldar have nothing to do with Slaanesh.

Their society is, barring their lack of psykers, a perfect example of what pre-Fall eldar culture was like.

 No.110818>>110825 >>111128


Bullshitting will take you nowhere. Denizens of the Webway have their souls slowly siphoned away by Slaanesh, drop by drop. What is replaced by byproduct of suffering of other sophonts contaminates the remaining part with cruelty and madness.




t.nu eldar craftworld faggot



actually their society is a step beyond what pre-fall eldar were like. They discovered that cruelty and excess lessened the feeling of Slaanesh's talon in their soul and indulge in it at every available opportunity


And there goes the discussion. I think I understand a bit more why they didn't accept catgirls and stuff in vanilla pregmod, if everytime you say something about this, everybody starts arguing.



You can't really blame the nerds who want to fuck cats or whatever for that though. Even when they try to quarantine themselves as everyone in the other topic demanded, those idiots still come here to bitch and moan that someone who gets off to something they don't like exists.



>out of arguments, the post



Eh, not every ancient eldar was some Dark Muse cultist.



Why not? Elves - checked. Weird chrome bitz wired for shits and giggles - checked.


Nothing to do with the webway. They're fucked specifically because they're spesh elves, it's just that their response to being fucked differs.


I made ears and a tail using the a custom head texture >>111190

You can color them however you want.



> Basically what you have to end up doing is create a lot of traits and write good content that is then patched together intelligently.

This would be the major hurdle creating sort of personality pieces hat can be randomly attached to each other. I don't think it'd work too well as a slave management game where you can have hundreds of slaves but pare it down to like a fantasy adventuring harem where you might only have up to six or seven partners max it could work a lot better. After you've got all of your basic interactions and events written per personality feature you could then move on and write unique content for specific trait combinations to make the individual characters more unique.

I'd almost want to do it in slots or by percentage, The more of the personality pie is taken up by specific traits the more uniquely "brash and foolish" or "seductive and sultry" content for that personality gets unlocked since it is a bigger focus of that characters personality. The way you progress through the main game content would affect the personality combination percentages and you could see them change over time due to their experiences.

It could actually be really rad and great for replayability. I can hardly even play FC anymore just because I've seen the same events played out so many times I don't care about them anymore, the slaves all react the same, the in-game effects are all the same. I would trade up having so much physical customization for just more variety in slave reactions.


I would just like to stop by real quick to point out that Free Cities already has…




-Chemical labotimization

-Permanent dismemberment, disfigurement, and mutilation

-Forcing people to fight to the death for profit

-Literal human objectification

…And you don't have to do any of it.

But as soon as this mod adds something new that isn't YOUR specific fetish, holy FUCK man ACTIVATE THE SPERG PROTOCOL

Sweet Youkai Jesus on a motorcycle, grow the fuck up.

Have a nice day.



Why is it that whenever someone creates optional content for a group of people there's a handful of retards who can't fucking handle that something exists inside their little bubble be it a game or modding community that doesn't pander to them and only them then throw a giant shitfit? If people don't like shit they can ignore it.

I feel nothing but disappointment that I share a board with seemingly underage faggots at times when I read comments like >>104544 mind you this is probably a cuckchan crossposter who thinks 8ch is where all the cool edgy dudes hang out so he needs to act like a fuckboy to fit in.

/hgg/ is a slow board with many threads people can willingly ignore in favor of content they like.

Its a slow board, not a board for slow people.



Plastic bone what?

Are you sure you didn't meant to write plastic bone jousting, you goddamn illiterate?

Sorry, I… can't help myself.



>Its a slow board, not a board for slow people.

No, it's both.

It's both.


Has anyone made any progress on updates to the mod?




feel free to contribute


To kick things off again, here's the latest contentpost:


>Ok I've added the catgrills code to the game. Here's the HTML:


>And here's the source code:



>If anyone wants to take it up and expand it, you just need to create a fork of the main repo and overwrite the pulled files with the provided source.

>What is missing from this is:

>-slave title does not reflect the presence of a tail or ears

>-cat dick is missing description and surgery degradation scene

>-no event takes into account any of the new parts


>Now I don't know if preganon is fine with having this posted here, if not feel free to take this and make a new thread. If anyone is willing to pick it up I'm here to help you mod the game.


>Hopefully now we can avoid further drama.

Now let's playtest and contribute! No fur/no-fur debates please; that never goes well.



It can easily go well, but this mod was never meant to be a full fledged release, just a proof of concept meant to prove the duchbaggery/hypocrisy and the the level of retardness of the people in the original thread

It was said "it will degenerate", it didn't and nothing that could not be easily avoided just like the rest of the content was added in, that's it done

Maybe when the original thread add something actually new in it we can update this



Okay, new Version of Pregmod released. Anyone able to update and post here?


So, looking through fabricator and surgery. Where is the added stuff exactly?


So if playing this version for the first time, is there anything special I need to know?

Like are the body mods available right away, or are they locked behind certain facility upgrades? And same thing for slaves, are they only available from certain sellers/events, or does everything that generates new slaves have a chance of creating a nekomimi?



I am actually looking at it, and it appears as though some of the code is not working properly. Specifically, there is no option to actually add the Option to do the dispensary upgrade for the ears and tails. Currently trying to figure it out. Currently looking for $arcologies[0] , in the code, because that is what is supposed to be changed.


I can edit it so it can be done right away, but that means you don't upgrade for it.


The code in the dispensary is looking for $arcologies[0].Kenomini . I could change it so that it just looks to see if you have reached a certain upgrade, but I'm not sure.



So what about slave generation, then? (When the mod is working normally), are they ever "out in the wild" so to speak, in that they have a chance of generating each time a new slave is created for an event? Or are they only available via modifying them yourself?

As nekomimi considered a race on their own, or merely a cosmetic modification like tattoos, etc?

And last question: Does this mod add any substantive gameplay changes besides the nekomimi stuff? Like does having cat ears/tails modify slaves' stats or desirability somehow? Are there any custom events, or social engineering specifically geared towadrs them, etc?



For effects or game-play, at the current moment no. Mostly just some short description.

Currently, it is just a modification via the pharmaceutical fabricator. I can probably do something that can make them appear randomly in the wild, but I am not sure. Hell, I didn't even make this. I am just an anon trying to get the code that was provided to work with the current version.

That said, I would love to have some of the other anons who could work on this contribute as well.


I'll post the files when I can get it to work.


Thus far, I have made it to where there is a semi-decent chance a random slave will have ears and a tail. I have also made it so that the pharmaceutical fabricator works to a degree.

 No.145923>>146303 >>146381

Replace your src folder with this: https://mega.nz/#!oYtlhTzT!LQ9ZsBV0TxgM8l8Z5UOIlkVtNhCpEOUqsSvl81QJutU

Also, replace your eary files in the resources/vector/hair folder with these: https://mega.nz/#!sB1DHBRQ!F3CFNotnvjtWrAeUL7Q-M4DDNVkxFI3WwWo3DLCm0f8


Is anyone actually adding anything to the vector art pack? It seems like half the stylistic choices break something, but the digital art pack is atrocious.



There have been a couple people doing some minor stuff to the vector art like the ears/tail/different pregnancy bellies but the anon that was doing the bigger stuff has been mia for the last 2 months or so as far as i know.



That's a shame. I was hoping they'd at least keep some art in for the different hairstyles if not any of the clothes. Half of the hairstyles seem to show as baldness.

 No.145941>>145942 >>145984 >>146052 >>146126

So does this mod only include cat ears and tails, or other animals?

And does it actually include furry stuff, or is that just autistic overexaggeration from the other thread.



The guy who added the ears said he was working on getting several other hairstyles to work. Apparently the assets are already there they just don't function.


Over the top. They really have an absurd hatred for it given some of the other fetishes already included in the game (turning toddlers into broodmares? Come on, furry is pretty tame by that measure). I haven't actually played it myself but from what I've gathered its pretty much just cat ears/tails/penis and there is no full on furry.

 No.145975>>145981 >>146052


>The code in the dispensary is looking for $arcologies[0].Kenomini



This variable really, really should be spelled Kemonomimi. Lower case is fine too, whatever fits the code's conventions.

 No.145981>>145993 >>146009



From a previous post and search it seems like it's a term from deviantart.


File (hide): ab61cfb09ea67aa⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.44 MB, 200x200, 1:1, Lolicatgirls.gif) (h) (u)


>And does it actually include furry stuff, or is that just autistic overexaggeration from the other thread.


>They really have an absurd hatred for it

I think this thread will go better if we don't talk shit about the other thread. If you're bored, post pic related.




I think what happened is that kenomini is just a severe misspell and also happened to be used by some deviantart Donut Steel factory as an oc race



Mainly in organFarmOptions. The logic behind growing organs was changed fairly recently to allow for multiple organs to be grown at the same time for the same slave.


So how do I get vector art working with this?


Furfags ruin everything they touch. But I don't see a problem with cat ears/tail accessories.


File (hide): 9a2af303e96112d⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1871x1043, 1871:1043, 37.png) (h) (u)


this guy

 No.146015>>146050 >>146100 >>146303 >>148814 >>150602

Guy who added the code in here. Did kind of a shoddy job, so I fixed a couple of things. I also added proper slave titles.

Now for this to be considered decent:

-beauty calculation should probably be adjusted to check for the presence of ears/tails

-cat dick now has a description, but still lacks a surgery scene.

-good luck with events.

-ears and tail description can use some love.

Here's the updated game file and source:




Hope you didn't butcher the formating on this one.

The last file was a bitch to edit. Also, are you use it's accessible?

Under what conditions did you paste the code? Back when I wrote it the only condition I put was an upgraded organ farm.



Just cat and fox bits, but it's trivial to add more.


That code was there for the future - I was thinking of adding a special upgrade for it or a FS. The variable was never checked.



Tell me where the problems are rather than being passive aggressive about it.



Suggestion: use version numbers. Probably something like xxx.yy, where xxx is the base pregmod version, and yy resets when xxx changes.



The anon from the main pregmod thread who coded the two paternalist events, Paternalist Swan Song and The Siren Strikes Back here. It is only kemonomimi, no actual furry content, so that would mean it is over exaggeration on an autistic level. I'm not into furry, but I do know the difference between full on furry content and Kemonomimi content.

 No.146142>>146144 >>146155


>Just cat and fox bits

Well, given we have dairies, I'm surprised we don't have cow horns, ears, and tails already.

And I'd like to put in a request for bunny ears too. Since we already have the bunnygirl outfits.



>original game has bunnygirl outfits but no bunny ears

Who thought this was a good idea?



Those are fairly simple to add.


If someone gets a git fork going, I can do some work on this with the limited JS knowledge. My strongsuit is more with writing.

(I'm not code illiterate, though. Just not familiar with JS.)

I'd fork it myself, but a little too busy with the end of this semester to want to deal with the hassle of /managing/ a project.

 No.146299>>146304 >>146315 >>146330

So, there's been some discussion going on in the main pregmod. It seems like most of the anons there would be okay with stuff like cat girl ears/tails as long as they were technically non-biological (i.e., cybernetic implants?).

Might open the possibility of no longer having to fork the mod between two versions if true. Or maybe I'm just getting my hopes up.



Did you include the work I did in this post? >>145923

Aside from fixing stuff with the dispensary and implantation, it also made it so that some of the slaves generated will randomly have cat tails and ears, or fox tails and ears.

Not whining for credit, just figured it would be good to add.



You're probably getting your hopes up, but the idea is nice.

Best to keep it separate regardless.



That's been the case ever since this whole mess started anon.



Well, if you (or whoever codes it) is okay with constantly maintaining their own fork, more power to them.

I'm just worried about the day that one of them vanishes, stuff like catgirls will be lost from FC forever.

Hopefully someone would eventually code some pseudo-cybernetic animal ears and tails for the main pregmod fork just in case.



I'm guessing the implication is that the outfit has ears on it?



He said original, not current. The current outfit does include (fake) rabbit ears.

It was a nice surprise all things considering.



>Might open the possibility of no longer having to fork the mod between two versions if true.

One of the worries of the anti-kemono* people is that kemono content will have bugs that its authors and friends won't bother to fix, so they'll end up patching up code that they didn't want in the first place. Whether or not it's a reasonable worry (I don't care), it could be addressed by maintaining a fork for at least a little while.

* I'm not saying furry because as best as I can tell there have been roughly 1 actual furry in this discussion. If you've got a better term, don't jump down my throat for using this one instead.


Seeing how this got updated, can someone answer what's different in this from normal pregmod?

Also is there any special vector art I need for this?

 No.146381>>146437 >>147484


Use the second link in this post: >>145923

It adds a tail to the "eary" hairstyle.



So what exactly does this mod add then?



No. I have some time today, I'll try to do it though I never touched the vector graphics code.

Not that my version should be considered the catgirl version. I was not planning on this. Just helping out the part of the community that wants this.


>>146437 >>146381

I would also like to know that. Especially if this mod is "just" the newest version of pregmod with catgirls and maybe other types or if this mod uses an older version…


It would be a lot easier to maintain a git fork of GitLab didn't lock Repository Mirroring behind their Enterprise Edition (i.e, paid,), so it isn't a feature available on GitGud.

(If that /was/ an option available, it'd be possible to fork Pregmod while automatically keeping the new fork up-to-date with Pregmod.)

But no such luck.

(Unless someone with actual knowledge and experience with managing git projects steps up. My competence only extends so far as being able to read documentation, and not being a fucking moron.)

 No.147221>>147228 >>147235 >>147703

I'm doing some work on this right now locally, going to do some writing for scenes.

Expanding more than cat and fox, too. We'll see how this goes.



Ganbatte, anon!


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Good luck, anon!

 No.147468>>147486 >>147615 >>147621 >>148136 >>148215

Been plugging away, and also thoroughly documenting things (for both myself, to figure out how things work, but also so it's easily known what is part of the mod for keeping it up-to-date with Pregmod's development).

Don't have anything ready to be posted yet, and I'm going at my own pace, hopefully should have something in a day or two depending on how college work goes.

Now, a question: what kind of things ARE desired? Ideas are useful at this stage in things.

For what types of animal parts, I've got… cat, fox (the two already in the 'base' version above), dog, horse, cow, bunny/rabbit. Missing anything there?

New personal assistant(s), new FS, those are other things I've at least thought of, though I have no specific ideas insofar. Scene ideas would be nice to start collecting, too; that's the hardest part of writing for me.

…I am also pursuing the "extra heretical" thing of having animal genitals, at least dicks; I have it right now as something as default turned off.



Well, code wise, the files from this anons post seems to work, so I would suggest that if you are making a git, you include them.

Now, content wise, I would suggest adding wolf ears and tails. Somewhat similar to dogs, true, but not nearly enough to just use dog stuff. Besides, has a much better theme to it.

I might suggest adding prejudice stuff. For paternalists, they get the nice fuzzy feeling of taking those who would be abused and giving them a nice home. Conversely, degredationalists can get some get some fantastical racism going.

Maybe you catch one stealing from you, and they are starving, and you can punish them and let them go, take the food and let them go, let them keep it and let them go, make them an indentured servant, or enslave them.

Basically finding a girl and have it go from pic one to pic too.

Maybe add things like elves and dark-elves too because why not.

 No.147486>>147489 >>147504 >>148215


>For what types of animal parts, I've got… cat, fox (the two already in the 'base' version above), dog, horse, cow, bunny/rabbit. Missing anything there?



>…I am also pursuing the "extra heretical" thing of having animal genitals, at least dicks; I have it right now as something as default turned off.

Ugh. And here I was hoping that the autists on the other thread might calm down enough for this to be incorporated if it had enough content.

I still kind of want knots and horsecocks though.


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As long as everything is behind a toggle, its really not any different than a bunch of other content already in pregmod.




Attempting to deny this mod even when all options are fully toggle able, is the definite proof of faggotry from the original thread and pregmod



What part you in? The start? Cheat Slave edit?



A screenshot, maybe with some editing in paint to point out the issue you are looking at.



How old are you, and how old is the slave?



Also notably, what did you make the age of puberty. Because if you have it it say, 13, and the slave is 20, the child has to be 7 or Younger.

Also, if this is your first slave you are making, you need to finish making her, and move on to the next one, and if they are the right age, you can retroactively make the last slave the mother.

Just another note, If you make the slave Hate-filled, Terrified, and either obese/emaciated, you can give them amazing intelligence and beauty.

Second note. give them crooked teeth an nearsighted. Once the reach ambivalent, use the remote surgery to correct it. it will increase the devotion and trust.

Also, it may be too late now, but I recommend surgeon as a background. Makes modifying slaves a lot easier.



First off, put them in a pentient nun outfit. It increases fear, but increases devotion. It hurts health, but put them on curatives.

Second, don't do anything to alter them via surgery or diet. They hate that. Slowly build their devotion, then start doing other stuff.

From their, I generally use surgery, because I start with surgeon, and assuming they don't hate you, their devotion increases because you performed it yourself, and were competent.

Also, let them rest. You have basically made them feel absolute hate and misery. Forcing them to be a fuck toy in that state is just asking for a one way ticket to break town.



I can do it ^_^

Do you have mechanics/descriptions of what exactly you want to be here?

I've made a BE mod with kinda grim content here for slaves past 270k tits volume.


I agree with some people here about the furry stuff. I do not see it as more sick and degenerate then anal sex/homosexuality/transgenders. Pretty sure it is more natural to fuck a female horse then a man.

 No.147592>>147594 >>147595


lmfao "more natural to fuck female horse than man"




Yep. It is funny how modern agenda pushed "gay" from mental ilness into something normal and even encouragable.

Know what, there are much more boys fucking goats in middle east then boys fucking boys and those people are more backwards aka closer to nature.



And it is actually more natural for majority of people. Horse/goat vagina is still a vagina, only different in size (women have variable vagina sizes as well) while an asshole is totally not for breeding and full of shit stains and give you all kinds of desease possible.



>only different in size

Only when dipshits that can't into veterinary open their mouth.


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Seconding call for wolves.

 No.147621>>147627 >>147695 >>147790


Request for Squirrel, lion and bear, please.



Definitely agree on squirrel.

Also, Tigers.

 No.147638>>147641 >>147667 >>147695


Dryads when?



Dam son! I thought I was the only one that wanted to fuck a tree!



Generally speaking its better to not drop them below accepting and caring if you can (caring is especially important if you want to make large families otherwise they start to get massive amounts of fear events from family members). Starting them with minimal physical attributes (breast/ass), poor health, masculine waist also all help.

Another tip is make them uneducated and drop their intelligence one below what you want (you can raise int by 1 while schooling them).

Finally if you still need to lower price more, make them an indentured servant. It drastically lowers costs and as long as they have both stats 95+ when their indenture runs out, they'll want to stay with you.


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prepare to be punished

 No.147668>>147669 >>147696


if you amply explore more then 1 female pussy you would discover that different women have different internal shape. It gets to become kinda same after a time, at least for me, because of combination of stretching and vaginal exercise I make my women do (had only 3 so far but first for 4 years and third for 5 now with second not worth mentioning). Or maybe it always adjusts to your shape, regardless of exercise.



Stretching during the sex.



>no supporting images

Opinion discarded.


>four phat tree booties

I do not understand, but I approve.

 No.147696>>147716 >>147718


>because of combination of stretching and vaginal exercise I make my women do

>from an /hgg/ poster

I guess if you believe yourself, that's what's important or something.


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Doing gods work ,an0n



>it is impossible to find woman even more beta then yourself to dominate to



the wording was confusing here, it's only vaginal muscles exercise, stretching part here isnt about exercise, it just happens after lots of sex




>The modder that made the implant .txt mod refused to compromise with pregmodder's compromise of headbands

Good. Because that wasn't a compromise in any form.


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I come bearing reference images for Tiger girls and Squirrel girls!



Not trying to do any rushing, mostly just curious. How are things coming along?

An occasional progress note would be nice, but not needed of course. I just occasionally get curious and I hate not satisfying curiosity.

 No.148215>>148246 >>148266 >>148271 >>148305 >>148323


No, it's okay, I understand; I intended to post something to say I still existed and was still working on it, but I ended up staying at the library doing work for basically the entire day. Y'know, it's that time of year classes start to conclude and finals are looming.

(Needless to say, I didn't touch it yesterday, but I'm going to try and get something in tonight.)


>Ugh. And here I was hoping that the autists on the other thread might calm down enough for this to be incorporated if it had enough content.

I mean, since it'll be a toggle, it could literally just be stripped out. So unless they're that far stuck up their own assholes…


>Well, code wise, the files from this anons post seems to work, so I would suggest that if you are making a git, you include them.

I am already working from what the others have put up, as a base! No sense it doing it over again unless it ever became problematic the way something was set up.

I also do intend to put a git up, sort of already made a fork, but I haven't gotten around to sanitizing it yet from what pregmodder is using for the development upstream, no real reason to keep a lot of it.

There's also the issue that I would really, REALLY like it to synchronize with main-pregmod upstream. Need to figure out how that works for GitLab in specific, since gitgud is using that and not github itself. I know it's possible, but GitLab does want the $$$ and that feature may or may not be locked behind their pay/professional versions. So, it may require a workaround if that's the case.

(Never set up a git before, so it's a learning process.)

>>147484 >>147615 >>147790

Noted on wolf girls, and sure, tiger girls. Then squirrel girls.

In that order.

(I don't hate squirrel girls, I don't really have any feelings at all on them. I just think the other two have stronger 'cases' so are going to be done first. Not going to cockblock something because I don't have a thing for it specifically!)

Also… the thought just occurred to me reading all the inane bestiality vs. homo cancer earlier… if we have animal cocks, should we also have animal *pussies*? That would throw even more fuel onto the "ZOMG FURRIES" sperging, but it is a 'logical' extension of it. I really don't have qualms with it. Not going to lie, furry stuff isn't a turn-off to me; it just isn't a turn-on, either. I've drifted into and out of Their communities, so writing animal pussies into something wouldn't be a first-time activity for me. (Don't worry, though, I have no intentions of catering to actual-furry stuff. I don't think it thematically makes any sort of sense, and I don't really want to deal with the cancer that comes with it. From furries themselves, or from the crusaders over in the main thread.)

… As an admirer of monster-girls, I would consider something just a little more than ears+tails+horns. Might make more sense as cybernetics at that point. Far more important things to cover before ever touching that, though.



Sounds great!

Also Monstergirls sound nice.

Would you be able to work something for the Custom Slave Order? I saw an anon mentioning adding variables about outfits in the main thread, and I figured that might be something that could be done to custom slave orders too.



At this point I'm not familiar enough with the intricacies of how things work and the limitations of how things are designed to be able to make any sort of informed response to that, one way or another.

I don't rule it out, though. I'll have to look into it at some point.

What did you have in mind?

(On an unrelated note, I had an idea earlier about how the club/public-use theme for some animal-based FS could be a zoo / "petting zoo".)

 No.148271>>148286 >>148330


To be completely honest I'm willing to settle for cybernetic ears and tails.

I think animal pussies are too far. Horse cocks and knots are one thing but a horse pussy is a whole other thing.

Also are you planning on adding petplay stuff like events and slaves only being able to make animal noises and crawl on all fours?


>(On an unrelated note, I had an idea earlier about how the club/public-use theme for some animal-based FS could be a zoo / "petting zoo".)

Maybe a FS where slaves are considered animals?



Constructive honesty is what I'm looking for, so that's fine you're completely honest.

I do intend to do petplay stuff at some point. It's not directly my thing, so it won't be written as easily, but I'm amenable and intending to do that. (Or someone else can, if I can provide enough stability and background work that other people will contribute.)



I would flip my shit (in a good way) if there was straight-up a monstergirl mode for free cities. Like, instead of asians and blacks there's harpies and lamias or whatever. I imagine that'd be pretty crazy to program though. I wouldn't get much out of animal cocks and even less out of animal pussies, unless both are on actual animals. I would enjoy bestiality content where my girls fuck dogs etc.

As for which (simple) monstergirls to include, I'm mainly wanting dogs/wolves, cats, and dragons… How feasible would angels and devils/succubi be? I guess that question mainly boils down to "are wings out of the question?"



>free cities but with monstergirls

This has my interest.

 No.148323>>148328 >>150747


This works for me, I built it off one of the links that crimeanon posted.

mkdir $Dir
git clone https://gitgud.io/Blank/fc-pregmod.git $Dir/
cd $Dir/
git remote add upstream https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod.git
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/pregmod-master
git push



The first four lines are ran once and then after you only need to run the remainder when/if needed. You could use cron and in theory git's -c flag (i.e -c Username=$ -c Password=$) to fully automate it.



I don't get how grafting on animal dicks is cool, but grafting on animal pussies isn't.

 No.148333>>148384 >>148494 >>148501


Roughly speaking, the idea is that when it comes to sex, humans are gentler and more complicated than animals, and so, more feminine. That makes animal parts more masculine, and an extra-masculine penis is more appealing (in general) than an extra-masculine vagina.

On the other hand, there's civilization:rational:men vs nature:emotional:women, but that arrangement seems less relevant to sex somehow.

Another factor may be that the penis is attached to rather than inside, so grafting it seems a little less radical.

Or maybe it's that other species' vaginas are less obviously distinctive than their penises, and so less interesting.



That is a shit rationalisation. Just come out and say that animal cocks are prettier than the human fleshrods, be honest with yourself.


Where do the animal ears appear? I haven't been able to find anything.



There are some interesting vag's out there, friend. And trying those different flavors of femininity very much appeals to me.

And there are plenty of interior portions of the dick that make it a bit more complex than just grafting it on.

But honestly, my ideal end goal would be the ability to make it so male human on female animal and lesbian zoophilia are as normal an occurrence in my arcology as harem sapphicism and fathers expressing their love for their daughters sexually currently are.

Maybe the ability to surgically replace animals ovaries with human ones to allow them to be more useful.




Zoophilia has always been about dehumanization; there's something primal and almost a bit unsettling watching a girl taking dog cock or a man slowly training his snake to love his dick, or variations of that sort. It's base, it's grotesque, and it's really fucking hot. There is little room for establishing a philosophical narrative about why interspecies sex happens, leave that to the beast-autists that would defend their fetish even if you put a gun to their head.



just because they would have human ovaries doesn't mean their bodies are fit to bear humans


>> 148215

>> 148323



I've yet to do basically anything fancy with the repository other than duplicate it, and figure out how to do all the git bash stuff I needed to do, but it's there now.

Also yet to do anything /new/ on the actual mod end of things, since I spent the time I had to do such getting this set up. A necessary step though.

I did at least push what I had, no promises it has everything from even the "original"/base mod that started this thread, I just haven't combed through everything and worked things out. Descriptions are gonna get a little work, and I also have not in any fashion finished what I started to put in. Meaning, that stuff is incomplete.

TL;DR: I'm posting this repository to show it exists and to show that I didn't just twiddle thumbs doing nothing today. No promises that it /works/ or is /finished/ or otherwise functional. (This means people can at least start to collaborate on it, at least.)


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As somebody that's into bestiality and weirder shit (pics related), dehumanization and grossness has little to nothing to do with it, at least for me (I know others are probably into it for degradation and shit, though, given how hard it is to find beast doujins without rape and/or humiliation tags). For me I think it's a bit more of an exotic aspect. For a complete normie, an asian woman might be exotic. The next level up would be catgirls, then you start getting into the more fundamentally different monstergirls like harpies. It's something you can't really call human anymore at this point, but it's not the removal of the humanity, so much as the difference from humanity, if that makes sense. Things like a lamia's snake bodie are unique and capable of supplying an experience that you wouldn't be able to get from a baseline human, and it's fun imagining what it would be like with something so alien. Bestiality takes that aspect and drives it further. It's not even a humanoid that you're getting it on with anymore, so nearly every position is going to be different, and the genitals themselves will give a different experience as well (it's what bad dragon makes their money off of). Humans don't have knots, but the thought of being stretched to take one, then being locked with your lover for however long afterwards isn't attractive because it's gross, but because it's new. By fucking a dog you're getting an experience that no human could ever possibly provide.

Well, that's my take anyway. And I could be pretty far off from what actual zoophiles are into, I just fap to the porn


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So I'm probably retarded, but can somebody tell me how to get to the actual mod content? I cheated up to fully unlock the surgery and pharmacy because there's one line of text that says you need to, and there's still no indication of how to get extra bits onto people.

Using the version here: >>146015

I tried looking through the thread but it's like 90% people arguing over whose fetish is worse.


So are cat ears up to date? I just want cat ears and/or elf ears, what parts of the code can I jam into pregmod?



And are they inheritable?


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A good start m8.

 No.149039>>149283 >>149803 >>149843

Was working on descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw today (which controls things like eye/cock/vagina/breast/etc descriptions) to put in the cock descriptions, and there were two things that came up.

One, there's the matter of foreskin for animal cocks. Sheaths are likely the answer to this, and I don't /think/ it can still use the same variable. I need to go through and check where I have to add specific alternate descriptions, though, outside of this.

Two… it also brings up the question of scrotum appearance externally, and that in turn brings up testicles. Thoughts/opinions on meaningful changes from default here?

(The only thing I could think of is having a dark-skinned+leathery scrotum for horse. No clue if there should be anything special for testicles themselves, so I'm going with "no" for now, more important things to do first.)

I'm still working on this and ear/tail descriptions, so don't think I'm going to be doing any commits tonight.



>One, there's the matter of foreskin for animal cocks. Sheaths are likely the answer to this, and I don't /think/ it can still use the same variable.

Huh, I didn't know foreskins and sheaths were corresponding structures. Same variable sounds good to me. A penis having a sheath and a foreskin is a bit like a nekogirl having two sets of ears, isn't it?

>Two… it also brings up the question of scrotum appearance externally, and that in turn brings up testicles. Thoughts/opinions on meaningful changes from default here?

A good first approximation might be to add no variables, but change the scrotum description based on the penis. A more complex system can come later.


I managed to get the custom slave order to to add cat ears and cat tails.

 No.149429>>149440 >>149455


If you want to go ahead and do a commit to the git with that, it'd be appreciated!


>A good first approximation might be to add no variables, but change the scrotum description based on the penis.

I was more wondering about what kind of changes there would even be. The horse/equine version is the only one I can think of… that leaves cat/feline and dog/canine, and I don't particularly think we generally want to have fuzzy or furry sacks for our futa catgirl slaves. (Same also goes for cow/bull/bovine.)

On an unrelated note, this is the first time I've ever been in the position of having/needing to maintain a thread; when should I be making a new one to avoid it being pruned?



When it's bump locked. You should know how many posts are needed for it to happen.

Don't forget to make archive.

It could be helpful in checking for version numbers in future.

 No.149451>>149456 >>149499

can someone tell me where the hell the content is? I cant find any neko stuff in the game.




Just a FYI the bump limit is 751 (the maximum), which is 326 posts away when counting this one. It's always good to see meaningful activity in a thread, regardless of the content.





Have you fully upgraded the pharmaceutical fabricator?


Well, I have been looking over the files in the git, and it looks like none of those files posted earlier were used. I am submitting merge requests to all the files that I can in order to get things in working order.


Correction. Some were used. My apologies. I had assumed that updating it to match more recent additions of Pregmod may have undone earlier stuff.

That said, I have found the error. There was nothing in the generateXXSlave or generateXYSlave to give the slaves the ears and tail variable. That has been submitted in the merge request.

Basically, nothing has been showing up, because there were no ear or tail variable within the slaves themselves for the various facilities to alter.

 No.149504>>149506 >>149622

Merge requests made. With this, once the merge requests are put through, It should all work. Also, take note of how I edited the code in each of the file. Any variable you want to add, just change the number, and the name.

So for example if you wish to add wolves next, just make an instance of tails or ears = 3 refer to wolves,

 No.149506>>149507 >>149622


For example:

<<if $activeSlave.tail == 2>>

A large and flully fox tail grows at her back. It is incredibly soft and sikly to the touch.



<<if $activeSlave.tail == 3>>

Insert description of wolf tail.


Just make sure that any reference to wolf ears or tails from that point forward refers to three.



On a related note, I just learned how to spoiler after using this site for years.



Yes, also got the research for it from youth preferential and transformationism.



Well, As I mentioned in all the posts above, the issues have been addressed in 7 merge requests.

Once whoever runs it check in and approves them, it should work.


how do i turn them into catgirls, i.e. cat ears or whatever? preferably no fur tho.

i dont see any option for it.





Why not give .tail descriptive string values? "fox", "wolf", and so on. It would make the code a little easier to read and write, and maintaining correctness is a crapshoot either way.



A nice idea, but not overly practical.

By making it a number, it gives a lot of potential options for random generation possible. Maybe someone might want to make a system where you can find a slave with cat ears, dogtail and cow horns in the wild, or maybe some other random mix. In that case. Math.random() is a hell of a lot easier to code.

Besides, it is a lot easier to replace a "1" with a "2", then it is to replace "cat" with wolf, for every single time the variable appears. I believe, as it stands, with the merge requests I made, there are 13 separate files, with each variable appearing multiple times in said file.



On further consideration, this really calls for enums, and neither numbers nor strings are quite right. (I'd still campaign for strings over numbers if it weren't so damn easy to misspell them.) Neither SugarCube nor JavaScript make enums easy, so don't worry about it. Some other comments, though:

>Maybe someone might want to make a system where you can find a slave with cat ears, dogtail and cow horns in the wild, or maybe some other random mix. In that case. Math.random() is a hell of a lot easier to code.

Well OK, if you're going to draw from a pool of all possible tails more than a few times, you'll probably want to define that pool in some initialization code ($animalTails = […]) and `either` from it. That's even easier to code.

>Besides, it is a lot easier to replace a "1" with a "2", then it is to replace "cat" with wolf, for every single time the variable appears.

>Copy, paste, and edit

This is how you get bugs. Nobody should code that way.

 No.149665>>149704 >>149804


A fair point, but thus far, the way I haven working at it so far seems to function well enough. With the copy paste edit thing, Only do that for stuff like in the example above. Honestly, I do so mostly because I am rather short for time as of late, and don't really have the time to type out each if statement that is the exact same as the last one, just with a different number.

I admit, an either function could work with the tails and all, but like you said regarding misspelling, I prefer a quick fix to a number, largely because spelling errors are a lot harder for me to spot, because, like most people, my brain auto corrects some things. However, I seem to do it more readily then most.

Really though, the main reason I do it, besides for a general preference for numbers, is because I didn't make the basic code, me and another anon (the one who made the git) are just building off what another anon created eight months ago, and would rather tweak what I have already gotten to work, rather than going back and changing every number variable into a string, and risk potentially screwing it up.



>With the copy paste edit thing, Only do that for stuff like in the example above.

OK, that was short enough to understand as a unit, and only boring to retype because SugarCube is verbose, but:

>Honestly, I do so mostly because I am rather short for time as of late, and don't really have the time to type out each if statement that is the exact same as the last one, just with a different number.

!! That's the code's way of telling you that it needs an abstraction to keep it from repeating itself so much. I'm not saying you should drop everything and fix up the whole codebase; I just want to point out that principle to you and the onlookers.

>would rather tweak what I have already gotten to work, rather than going back and changing every number variable into a string, and risk potentially screwing it up

That's good, respectable reasoning. Incremental change almost always beats a rewrite from scratch.



True. Honestly, I agree that abstraction is generally better, but like we agreed on in that last line, that is basically how the code existed, and so implementing what was already there, with a tweak or two, was a lot better than trying to come up with something new.

Maybe I might go back and rework it someday, but for now, given my time constraints, and all the people who can't get the stuff to work until the merge requests are put through, I figured, the fast way that would satisfy people for the time being would be best, both to free up some of my time, and to get it to the people faster.

That, and I am fairly new to coding, so I am not sure how well I could manage to do it.


Went ahead and approved all merge requests.

Sorry that progress from /my/ end has been slow, but I have finals this week. Can't fuck up IRL for silly lewd things.

That being said, I have been doing some things on the local end. Going to reconcile what I have right now with what I just merged in from the other anon.


File (hide): 5354aa175667085⋯.jpg (4.01 MB, 2145x3090, 143:206, 03a13a7ee542ef69a4c04aa25c….jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 19aa95e8b31bb1e⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1600x1131, 1600:1131, Magnifire-429154-A_series_….png) (h) (u)

Does this work with saves from main branch pregmod or do we have to start new?



>Does this work with saves from main branch pregmod or do we have to start new?

It depends souly on if the repo is/how frequently syn'd with pregmod and if you have ran BC then saved at all.



Scrotums are scrotums. Dogs, cats, horses, humans - not much difference there.

Wasted time.



Well, it's just a single variable, there's not much you can screw up…besides backwards compability.

Now that this thing is really going, I might actually contribute to the git

T. anon who wrote the initial neko code



You act like I actually put time into that than merely considering it; the only time that was invested was typing up that section of that post.


Just made a dev branch for this, and pushed what I have locally worked on so far. I know I'm probably missing things, but I just don't have the time to sort it out until Thursday likely, so hopefully one of you other anons can fix shit up there and add onto it.

At the very least, it shows that I haven't just been fucking around since I made the repository.


File (hide): c40643b8b2f72a6⋯.png (445.89 KB, 704x960, 11:15, RedLatexCat.png) (h) (u)


A true human bean. Nekomod is something I set out to do myself but failed.



Well. The only thing that springs to mind is fuzzy vs clean scrotes.



Well, I still intend to follow through with this! Just, I have Finals this week. (I may or may not be procrastinating from studying.)

Writing is my strongsuit, anyways, and probably what I can offer more than a lot of other anons. I can still code, but I have no promises that what I have is going to be elegant, and I'm still learning how FC works on the backend, which definitely slows things down.


Hmm…."get tailjob" sounds like a future job.

Though I guess it would depend on the tail.

A fluffy tail would be good at teasing clits/dicks. Something like a cat tail could be used for vaginal penetration.


So, to the git maker, how are things coming along on your end?

To everyone else, did the merges I submitted that were put through fix people's problems?

 No.150324>>150332 >>150348 >>150408

File (hide): d3f7005abee5128⋯.png (604.82 KB, 570x668, 285:334, d3f7005abee512853703a7869c….png) (h) (u)

Hold up. I haven't paid attention to Free Cities or Pregmod for a few months because I wanted the feature creep to finally offer something sustainably new to play with. So now you are telling me that for all the super degenerate shit you can do in the main game now, cat girls and monster girls were too much for them and they conflated it with furry? That really gets my ol' fa/tg/uy almonds activated.


Some had that mindset, but many were afraid that if they did that, people would push for more, and the furries would come flooding.



From my extensive experience it isn't the inclusion of beings with cat ears that brings furries running. It is the inclusion of the fetishes furries are famous for shitting the place up with.



Im pretty sure the content was never the problem it's just that fags shoved there ideas into the thread and expect special treatment instead of making the content. Why is it that all the other modders were able to make something but no one wants to put the work in for cat ears or water sports, or femdom?

 No.150348>>150385 >>150408

File (hide): b59954f64a5f279⋯.png (191.69 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ConsiderTheFollowing1.png) (h) (u)


That's because pregomoder and the rest of the retard brigade are hypocrties of the highest order.

They get off at inflation (Dobson-tier fetish) and women being overfed/impregnated to the point of bursting. They get off at a horrible, painful death of women and children (fan fact: the stomach has the 3rd highest nerve density after the brain and spine, hence why gut shots are so painful), they inject their their sick fetishes everywhere and than dare to call people who find girls with cat ears cute "sick". They are the truest of degenerates that already contaminated the game, but can't help project onto others. They say catgirls will lead to furries, but are totally unconcerend if inflation will lead to guro (which it did).

Fuck each and every one of them with a rusty, burning halberd.

Normally, I'd say those individuals need to be called out and made fun of till they learn some sense, but I don't think these people have any shame or sense left in the void between their ears.

 No.150385>>150390 >>150392 >>150408


Basically, Furries are the 'Black Lives Matter' of pornographic games. Yeah, they have a good point every once in awhile…but then they go and alienate others over bullshit, wishing death and destruction upon all those who do not mindlessly agree with them. For every "Hey, I created a furry thing that I will update it myself." there are 10 "They are stupid for NOT adding my fetish and maintaining it for me! REEEEE" and a few dozen "We dindu nuffin! They hated us from the start!" that post slightly after that second group starts getting responses.

If you want to make progress you should really lower your hostility and draw people with talent, from every fetish group, into your project just like the main Free City modder group has done. Or you can hide your power level and just pick up tips like a normal FC modder, then do the work without raining Furry content on people who specifically do not want to have Furry content rained down upon them. Specifically posting something polarizing in the group that opposes said polarizing thing, then asking those same people to make the thing that they are opposed to is just shooting you yourself in the foot with an audience. The fact that someone is not creating something for you for free despite the fact that they don't like that thing should not be this big of a deal to you, but I guess that's just how millennials are, eh?

 No.150390>>150408 >>150434


Furry communities like all other communities have their own zealots, people that can't live without it and profess it religiously

That does not mean that all furry are this way, nor that catgirl, or wolfgirl lead anywhere. I would understand if pregmodder diden't want anything to do with bestiality and full anthro, but HE DID code in bestiality, or at least a part of it, but completely rejected fully sapient antrhos AND mere girls with cat ears/tails, talk about selective retardedness

 No.150392>>150408 >>150421 >>150434 >>150452

File (hide): 89f3262601e19c3⋯.jpg (120.21 KB, 680x561, 40:33, 5ea.jpg) (h) (u)


>lower hostility

Fuck you and the beat-up mare you walked on. You are stupid, ignorant and wrong on all accounts.

Those faggots were hostile from day 1 to anything that didn't tickle their fancy. The code was written, but the fags didn't want to include it cause they were petty little dictators, wanting to be the gatekeepers for a community project. I contributed code to the project - the dick/clit riding and salve/slave actions were mine, among other things. Stopped after seeing what a bunch of dicks they were.

LET ME REPEAT THAT - no one was asking them to write the code, the people who wanted it written it and would update it.

Now I don't give a rats ass how much hostility you have towards furries - it is irrelevant. I can't stand them either, but the very notion that those scat, guro, anal-fetish bitches are better is objectively wrong. Do you think I want anal content or anal wombs "raining down on me" (to use your own words)? Yet almost all of the "content" added in is shit I wouldn't touch with a 100 foot pole.

Same shit, different package. Heck, they are - god forgive me for saying this - WORSE than furries. Furries are just annoying degenerates.

But these guys are condesending, hypocritical, lying degenerates.

I just wanted fucking catgirls, and they declared war. War it is then.


File (hide): 37a3e8d21eaaf84⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB, 640x360, 16:9, it's time to stop.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

>this shit again





pic related


Less shitstirring, more working.



I'll work when I feel like it.

And I already contributed way more than your sorry ass.



>I just wanted fucking catgirls, and they declared war. War it is then.

Paranoia, autism, rage--furfaggotry never changes.


And this thread was doing so well… debaters pls stop.



Here is an example of your content creators.


Not wanting that guy seems fair, doesn't it? And he seems to be one of the main furry coders…


File (hide): 39046d007ecfafe⋯.jpg (17.43 KB, 450x337, 450:337, hilarious.jpg) (h) (u)


>projecting this much

>implying I'm a furfag

Buddy, the gay club is in the other thread

 No.150438>>150440 >>150442



There are videos on youtube on how to tie a noose, you should try it out.



What did you expect from a guy that kept using deviantart terminology?




That word doe not mean what you think it means.

And truly, posts like yours are the perfect macrocosm of everything that is wrong.

Despite contributing to FC from day 1 no one ever had any issues until the day I wrote the code for cat ears and tails.

Suddenly I'm a furfag that's going to run everything. There's just no winning.

I kinda feel like Trump. Everything I do is racist/sexist (read: furfaggotry)


What's tis?

Some failed attempt at purity spiraling?

Buddy, do you honestly think I give a single fuck about a watermark on an random image on my computer?

 No.150449>>153155 >>153199

Can we discuss something else like the lack of orgasm denial content?



>Do you honestly think I give a single fuck about a watermark on an random image on my computer?

No, but in this case it's easy to remove even in fucking paint. You lazy bum.


Are you even aware that kind of spergs out caused FC threads to be divided in half ?

I know because I saw it.

It was like this for almost 3 FC threads until that division.



So, is anyone going to answer this?

Would be kinda helpful if you want this mod to develop more. I currently have no idea if the merges I submitted that were approved fixed anything.



I've been up to my eyeballs in IRL work; I have nothing college related tomorrow and not many obligations, so I'm intending to dig into kemomod and get shit working. Done completely with the semester Friday, so hopefully from then onward work will be quicker than the anemic pace it's been going.

Also, can the rest of you calm your shit? I mean, I know what's going on; someone brought it up in the main pregmod thread in the last few days that this existed, so it's an excuse to shit up this thread. Can we just… not? For once? I know my audience here, so my expectation level is already through the basement, but still.


Did I miss something, or is >>146015 the latest pre-compiled release? Is it worth playtesting, or does it have many already-fixed bugs?



>No, but in this case it's easy to remove even in fucking paint. You lazy bum.

My life and image collection habbits doesn't revolve around imageboards. It's quite literally not worth even a nanosecond of my time to remove watermarks just because some autistic sperglord is triggered by it.


I was meaning to write something too, but end of the year is fucking murder on my job. Saps energy out of me. Plus, after 8 hours of staring into a computer screen, my eyes seek some rest.



It's the downside of all of this being a labor of charity, other shit can get in the way.

At least we're not asking for monies to be lazy.


I do believe it's the newest pre-compiled release; It's from before I made the git repository. I'm hoping to have something later tonight, if I didn't fuck things up badly. It might have some placeholder content, but I'm going to try to get the code working. (It should pretty much work, but I added some new things that may not. Just have to check that, fix bugs, put placeholder text in where it needs to be.)

It'll also get updated to the newest pregmod, since, I can do that easily thanks to git. (Also thanks to >>148323 up above who relayed some of the stuff crimeanon talked about in setting up his fork/branch.)

 No.150868>>150870 >>150937 >>151023 >>151586 >>152178

Kemomod v1 (pregmod v208)


Pretty barebones, but everything should work. Slave Overview shows animal traits. I need to go about and add things for slaves. The main things to come is to redo the job that the anon did that patched together the slave generation widgets to allow for this, since right now there's only cat and fox (and tweak the way/things it sets). I do have more added, but I wanted to push this thru tonight so you guys had something.

(I also have to write some longDesc's for the parts I added, and while I'm at it I'll add the bunny/rabbit, wolf, tiger, and squirrel girl related things.)

…Now that I think about it, I also need to add some way for people with existing saves to be able to toggle the animal dicks option on, since that's effectively a "mod" setting that's only accessible from the setup menu like Cybernetics or Security Expansion.



>…Now that I think about it, I also need to add some way for people with existing saves to be able to toggle the animal dicks option on, since that's effectively a "mod" setting that's only accessible from the setup menu like Cybernetics or Security Expansion.

The options menu file is src/uncategorised/options.tw . I assume you already have BC (Backwards Compatability (src/BackwardsCompability.tw) and the main init (src/init/storyInit.tw ) setup?

 No.150875>>150877 >>150887


It was time I had a break anyway. Hopefully this is usable.



I'll take a look at it tomorrow! (Done with coding for the night.) Thanks, though.



I just realized that BC was missing the tails options. I posted it three times as I spelling errors in my post the first two times.




Your options code is borked. It tries to set slaves[$i].tail , etc. without going through a loop and has extra << everywhere. Oh and 'NonHuman' is misspelt.

 No.150937>>150942 >>151023


I honestly don't think Tiger is worth it, since it's basically just cat. No difference since ear and tail shape is the same and cats can also have striped tails. No size difference either, since it's both humans.

Catgirls here don't have fur so no stripes on body.

Therefore, no real visual difference to tell a "catgirl" from a "tigergirl" unless you want to go more furry.



Would make sense to provide both colours and patterns instead. Striped cat, mottled cat, etc.



I'll think about that a little myself, and I'm still sort-of undecided. It is hard to draw the line between what's *"too furry"*, as it's the sort of thing where the two extreme ends are obvious, but there's a gradation in the middle where it gets murky and people's opinions differ. And we all know that Opinions are what anons have the most of.


That was *also* something I've thought over, as it's sort of a logical conclusion. Dogs in particular have a lot of variety, that's kind of their hallmark; cats still have coat differentiation, though. Was probably going to do something like this one way or another once I got to overhauling what the anon who made the first neko mod did, which is the task at hand now.

("Overhauling", in the sense that insofar I've just put it in there more as a placeholder until I got around to actually doing that portion of the writing.)

If anything, tiger girl is probably more of a behavioral distinction combined with some coloring differences. That's still possible to be done without changing anything other than a few descriptions from the cat body parts based on some variable(s) of some sort. (I'm vague because I haven't thought that far yet.)

 No.151299>>151330 >>151336

A problem: do kemonomimi girls keep human ears? I think "yes", because it'd just look weird otherwise. If so, those human ears are probably non-functional?

Was working on writing a widget for ears and modifying descriptionWidgetsStyle.tw (which handles the hair and clothing widgets among other things), and this was a question/issue that came up. I'm working from my assumptions of weird dual pairs of ears being more acceptable than weird no human ears, but I figure I should get feedback.

 No.151330>>151341 >>151350 >>151819


Realistically speaking, you'd have to have a canal leading to the ear drum to have functional cat ears…that means no regular ears.

there was an image floating around.

Found it!





Hopefully now it should all work.



That is actually an *incredibly* useful picture.


I had something similar already, took some from yours and implemented into what I had. I'll push it soon.



>that image

fucking saved


File (hide): 2c9f9846f3c7c52⋯.gif (2.8 MB, 496x235, 496:235, blake.gif) (h) (u)



Tried it out, finally. Somehow I got a reputation out-of-bounds error lategame, but I didn't notice it right away, so I don't know what triggered it. I assume its a pregmod problem, not a kemomod problem.

So if we can get the more recent pregmod merged in, say, once a week or once every other week, that'd probably be good. I'd offer to assist, but I don't know how to do programming stuff.



Cat ears != bat ears. Although a bat girl is fine, too.


So are there actually animal dicks? All I see are ears and tails. Am I missing something.



You're missing a question mark on your second question. :^)


how do i add in car ears or tails? i dont see any option for it or anything, in the remote surgery or anywhere else… pls halp



Are you using this? >>150868

The option to change a girl into a cat/foxgirl in Starting Slaves is under Intelligence. Beyond that, I haven't experimented, so I can't help there.

 No.152351>>152638 >>152769 >>152997

>> 152116

As of now, I don't actually have it *enabled* yet or any descriptions for them. kemomod v1 is just for the basic, initial mod that started this thread. Not really my handiwork.

I have been getting some work done on a restructuring of how the ears and tail work. But since it's been changing quite a lot structurally and frequently, I've not pushed it as a dev branch. Whenever the code actually settles down, I'll at least do that much.

I also got sick recently, so that was nice.

Here's an update to current pregmod version as of writing this:

Kemomod v1 (pregmod v217)


*This contains no kemomod changes!*


Is it even possible to grow tail /ears, or is it only for randomly generated slaves?

 No.152584>>152631 >>152689


Implant them?



not that anon, but i can't find the option for it



So to clarify: currently the mod is just cosmetic changes? My catgirls won't be more valuable, or get certain buyers due to being catgirls, or get unique after-surgery text for being modded in such a way, or produce/reduce prestige because "that crazy weeb arcology owner grafts cat ears, tails, and dicks onto his slaves" or anything of that nature?



Yep. Just cosmetic.



How? That's what I'm asking. Which upgrades do you need to implant them.

I've gone into cheat mode to get everything, but I still can't find the option.



As of now, that is the case. It won't stay like that, as that's not the intent. I haven't gotten that far yet.

I'm afraid I'm just not a reliably quick coder; my working habits for things like this tends to come in fits and starts. (It being holiday season and having familial obligations doesn't help.) To make it short, this is still something being done on my own time, so it'll get done when it gets done. Doesn't mean I'm abandoning it, doesn't mean I'm moaning and whining about it, doesn't mean I'm going to be like the "furfags" who want something made for them. It just is what it is.


I /think/ you should be able to use an option, but I'm not actually sure if it's working.

<<if $organFarmUpgrade > 2 && $arcologies[0].Kemonomimi < 1>>
<<if ($rep >= 5000*$upgradeMultiplierMedicine)>>
[[Fund research into modified body parts|Dispensary][$cash -= 30000*$upgradeMultiplierMedicine, $organFarmUpgrade = 4, $arcologies[0].Kemonomimi = 1]]
//Costs ¤<<print 30000*$upgradeMultiplierMedicine>>.//
<br>//Will allow the attachment of human-compatible animal body parts to slaves using the autosurgery.//
<br>// You lack the reputation to access the research necessary to develop human-compatible animal body parts. //

I'm going to go play around with that to see if it is in fact broken, and fix it if it is.


Hey, would it be possible to make the PC a meow/bark/neigh/???? person?

 No.152997>>153198 >>153513


>can't find monstergirl surgeries in-game, only find monstergirls through buying/custom slave creation

>debug mode can't turn slaves into nekos/kitsune/etc.

>open up the .html in notepad++ to see what requirements I'm missing

>despite having no issue with vanilla, notepad++ stops responding after pressing page down one (1) time

>after ending the program and trying again a couple times figure out that you somehow deleted all the line breaks and now the entirety of the FC program is on line 36

Nice to see that you're working on centaurs (presuming that's horse) though.



It might be the > 2 the issue. I don't think there are three tiers of upgrades for the dispensary. It should probably be >= 2



Actually level 3 exist, or at least it's mentioned in game



No, the largest warring tribes are throwing hissy fits. So super inflation and animals ruin things like they always do.

 No.153198>>159769 >>222116


>open html

>seach for kemo

>replace all checks (instead of if kemo == 1, put kemo != 1)




If you pair (subordiante slave) a dominant and submissive slave, you get orgasm denial in weekly reports.

Also, you get orgasm denial in slave-slave sex acts (dick/clit riding and fucking)

 No.153513>>153680 >>153692 >>154994

Here's something I've been beating my head against the wall about, and want to see some feedback about:

So with ears, we mentioned earlier that because tiger girls are similar to cat girls, they shouldn't be separate types. Tiger girls would consequentially be a subtype of cat girls. (The same would hold true for wolf girls to dog girls, and probably other cases could be imagined.)

What kind of variable should we actually use to track this? I'm not positive what the least messy way to do this is; my instinct is just to go with "earsSubtype" in the slave array and have it be a string value based on whatever ("tiger", "wolf", etc.), and then just run checks that'll run special cases for it.


The hell did this come from? I'm honestly not sure, because pretty much all I did was update the previous version to the current pregmod version upstream. Didn't change anything.

I admittedly didn't do much bugtesting for that.

I won't push another update until v2, I guess, when I can actually get my shit together to put a proper, "complete" release?


So is there anyone that actually works on thisor is it super dead?



I think the criteria is visual difference. The fox is a member of the canine familiy, but it's distinct enough to warrant a separate category.

Dogs are iffy, because dogs are more varied than cats in term of ear and tail shape. Do not that pointy ears in dogs are mostly from surgery (floppy ears cut while dogs are pups) rather than natural. Wolves do have more pointy ears naturally.



Beside this


If in the future we add some basic personality type depending on what animal the slave take upon, dog and wolf will also have different personality, with wolf more aggressive and dog more obedient, tough if it will ever be done remain to be seen

 No.154338>>154380 >>154514

Speaking of further animalistic variation, I feel that animalgirls should be predisposed to certain fetishes. Specificially:

Catgirls - Sadism

Doggirls - Dominance

Bunnygirls - Pregnancy

Cowgirls - Breasts

Can't think of any for other xgirls we've discussed.

Also how does natural fangs for animalgirls sound?



I don't think I would want predispositions.

If there were, dogs are extremely loyal. A wolf would be a dom, a dog would be something else.



Sub, maybe? Dogs have been genetically predisposed to see humans as superiors (compared to wolves, at least). People who work with wolves say that wolves don't distinguish between humans and other wolves and treat you as one, dominance games and teeth play (which isn't a problem if you have fur, but can hurt a human) included. As an example, even the best tamed wolf that has accepted you fully as a leader might attack you if you try to touch his food while it's eating, but you need a problematic or badly trained dog for that reaction to occur.

Also, how might this be implemented? Maybe having two kinds of animal girls: normal girls with surgical implants without behavior variations, versus genetically engineered ones grown using the incubator (CRISPR modified pregnancies, or fully lab grown) who have the behavior variations?



I wouldn't mind a Zoo School kind of society to buy slaves from, where they genetically engineer people and sell them as exotic slaves. Or maybe call it The Ark.

Or if feeling risky… Maybe a futuristic society where people are spliced and bred for superior qualities; demeanor, healthy "coat", etc. Get people shunned from their societies coming to ours for safety or owners selling their beloved pets because they can't take them where they're going, etc. A Pet Society, or a Kennel Club kind of thing.

These are mostly to increase chances of acquiring them, maybe help give plot reasons.



You're adding a tail, not tampering with the brain.

I don't see any logical explanation for behavioral change.

Besides, you can already steer it with training and smart piercings. It's a waste of time.



Agreed. Though you'd need to get into cat/dog/fox/whatever training, perhaps with an associated facility… maybe better to focus on form over function for the moment?


File (hide): 91f4f0ebb97690d⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1280x767, 1280:767, karakara.png) (h) (u)


There's also the explanation used in that one VN. What was it… Here it is, KaraKara. In desperation to cope with a worsening climate, humans started trying splicing themselves with select animals to gain helpful traits… ending up with catgirls that are functionally no different from anybody else, but are super adorable

 No.154646>>154653 >>155007


A happy coincidence from an otherwise failure of a project. Works for me. Works for the setting too. Plenty of entrepreneurs would take advantage of that in a mostly AnCap society.

The school in question could be a Kennel Club of sorts. Ensuring the best demeanor, yadda yadda. Maybe a rescue center to boot for those that prefer a Paternalist outlook. As for society? Now I dunno. I guess it could be like that Batman Beyond episode where people were splicing to get high, but that went a bit far in most cases. Also I dunno if I want a Batman suddenly appearing to stop my madness. Still, I feel we should save these ideas for later while the main man with the master plan gets the skeleton put in place. You can pretty up skin all you like, but without a skeleton it's just a pile on the floor.



>Also I dunno if I want a Batman suddenly appearing to stop my madness.

Now you've gotten me interested in the idea of a chain of events involving a literal Bat-Man terrorist trying to stop the players "crimes against human decency!" It could be tied to the level of crime or authority.

 No.154743>>154836 >>155007


So long as I get to cuck him out of a Bat-Girl, I'm okay with this.

Like psychological warfare, THIS TIME I HAVE THE HOSTAGE.



This could lead to some genuinely fun scenarios where: you could just throw your weight around (in the form of spending authority to get the people to turn him in), you could send the drones after him with a higher chance of success based on how heavily upgraded they are, or play his game and act out the part of the villain by taking his side-kick hostage or setting a deathtrap for him. Hell, I'd write it myself if I weren't already busy with my own projects.



>So with ears, we mentioned earlier that because tiger girls are similar to cat girls, they shouldn't be separate types.

I think you should use the same subtype system for this and cat and dog breeds. Otherwise you'll either have two suspiciously-similar things (cats and tigers), or two suspiciously-similar systems for distinguishing things (similar-species and breed systems).

>Tiger girls would consequentially be a subtype of cat girls.

>(The same would hold true for wolf girls to dog girls, and probably other cases could be imagined.)

Consistency is good, yes.

>What kind of variable should we actually use to track this? I'm not positive what the least messy way to do this is; my instinct is just to go with "earsSubtype" in the slave array and have it be a string value based on whatever ("tiger", "wolf", etc.), and then just run checks that'll run special cases for it.

Here's another approach, even though I don't like it as much:

Instead of having .ears and .earsSubtype and so on, have .ears, and make it a JS object of type and subtype. The advantage would be fewer variables added to the already-kinda-bloated slave object, and an easier time remembering to touch both type and subtype when needed. The disadvantages include potential difficulties with SugarCube (IDK if you can reference or set a JS object's properties without dropping to JS entirely), and a little more complexity.

One thing I'm very sure of: whatever type/subtype setup there is for one bodypart should apply to all of them, enforced (or at least checked) by code. I promise, if you fold the kinds of ears one way because they happen to look the same way, but distinguish tails for the same two species/breeds, you'll run into bizarre, enraging, 6-dimensional corner cases. You'll forget that you decided all striped tails are the same, and the code will choke (or silently fail) on your "tiger" tail. Worse, different passages and functions will develop diverging schemes for the same parts unless manually kept in sync--and how likely do you really think that is?

I posted in the main thread about the difficulty of simulating enums in SC/JS, but I have a less invasive way to at least catch missing cases in a switch: Instead of unconditionally displaying something in the default case, use an if to explicitly check for all the values the default is supposed to catch, and throw an error if the value switched on isn't in the list.

If that strikes you as too heavyweight, fine, but I'm dead serious about classifying all the bodyparts the same way. Fuck not with the distinction between species and breeds.




>capture not-Batgirl

>mind break her and transform her into your adoring sex slave

>capture not-Batman when he comes to rescue her

>either sell him off to previous villains he defeated for money, turn him in to the authorities for vigilantism and bolster your reputation, or keep him and also mind-break + transform him into a second unbelievably slutty slave

>you could even bleach not-Batman's skin, give him permanent makeup tattoos, a slutty suit to wear and turn him into a female/shemale/herm not-Joker who delights in humiliating public sex




I like you.

 No.155538>>155546 >>155580


You could even set up a pool of hero archetypes to pull from when generating the hero based off famous characters

>Tall, buff as fuck man for the bruiser/superman tier

>You could dye his skin blue, broaden his hips to the maximum width and his shoulders one below that, give breast and ass injections until his bust and rear are huge, and have your own fem-Pocalypse for a bodyguard


File (hide): 3e3c6f7e4667cfe⋯.gif (3.52 MB, 406x339, 406:339, Sweating Jon Tron.gif) (h) (u)


File (hide): 1023f22718b58e6⋯.mp4 (82.8 KB, 640x360, 16:9, STOP- JonTron.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]



File (hide): e0fee32b34b7fea⋯.gif (31.42 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1387777647338.gif) (h) (u)

fkc me





>being a cuckchan crossposter

How do you fuck up by posting the link rather than the image? Go back to cuckchan.


>>100549 (OP)

Okay so I will start this off with stating that I am quite idiotic when it comes to some instructions. But I was hoping to ask if someone here would be kind enough to point out what stuff/links I would need and what I would have to do to just play this properly.

I went to the git and grabbed a download and a few from the other links in the OP but I'm not too sure which one to try or if I have to merge anything.

If anyone does reply to this and give a good guide then I thank you for I will get to enjoy making my own harem of cute waifus.


File (hide): 5ff7aa56ce6ee53⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 600x756, 50:63, 04e[1].jpg) (h) (u)


File (hide): 3551f8cb7f54c2f⋯.png (50.77 KB, 1590x929, 1590:929, dload.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 878c98bc1b1ae87⋯.png (68.15 KB, 757x644, 757:644, compile.png) (h) (u)




Smash compile.bat

Your executable will be in the bin folder

 No.155677>>155682 >>159631


Ran as admin, plus tried debug and sanitycheck.



Don't know what to tell you bub it works fine for me just tested it again right now. Try deleting your files and re-extracting.



No dice, even after redownloading. Do I need to do something with the TweeGo files?


So, has there been any progress?

Also, what kinds are there going to be in the end? Fox, cat,, wolf, dog (maybe upright and floppy?), cow… Maybe things like bear or pig?


kinda sucks how the descriptions and catgirls in general are so lacking in content…

also rather annoying that so many catgirls appear generally, id much rather it be a private thing within my own arcology, doesnt make sense for it to be widespread

cow and pig would be fun lol, esp for already cowgirls. i imagine there could be some integration with that one slave school that sells cow girls




stop abusing the enter key and lurk more.



I didn't know Boogie was on Cartoon Network.

 No.159624>>159631 >>159769

I've been rying to make the fabricator work, to no avail. Does anyone know how to fix it, I feel like you should be able to do it in Notepad++.




Those files are WIP. Just delete the entire folder that contains those files as they aren't even called anywhere if I renember right.


What seems to be the problem?



I can't seem to be able to purchase the upgrade for the organ grower to make the animal parts.



Someone requested if I could update this to the latest version of pregmod, so I did (it's was an easy rebase). Direct link to html page:


(You have to right-click and chose Download on the download link)

 No.165703>>165704 >>165706 >>165878 >>182754

Oh man, you furrys sure are making amazing progress with your version of the game.



Now now, don't lie to yourself you snout fucking furfag. You're here after all.



>What is obvious sarcasm? It would have been great If >>165703 had saged but oh well.



thank based bearfucker


File (hide): 9ea141059413998⋯.png (187.26 KB, 311x393, 311:393, Furry Chart.png) (h) (u)


Consult the chart, faggot.



Don't bother, he knows, he's making an active effort to believe otherwise to appease his faith. That's what this chan is now.



I blame /leftypol/.


Two questions. Can we get an update to the new version of FC, and how is progress so far?



>Can we get an update to the new version of FC,

Done. https://mega.nz/#F!8jJkmDyL!IjbbFazY0kswBHy7YCnBTg the files I had to manually update are embeded (it is a .7z archive).

>and how is progress so far?

I wouldn't have a clue.

Running ./compile on the latest code spits out the following of note.

[IncorrectArticle]src/utility/descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw:4500: $possessiveCap womb contains ''a oc''tet of oversized babies. There is little chance of $object giving birth to them.
[OnlyUsedOnce]js/wombJS.tw:15:WombImpregnate($slave, $fetus_count, ''$fatherID'', $initial_age) - should be added after normal impregnation code, with already calcualted fetus count. ID of father - can be used in future for prcess children from different fathers in one pregnancy. Initial age normally 1 (as .preg normally set to 1), but can be raised if needed. Also should be called at time as broodmother implant add another fetus(es), or if new fetuses added from other sources in future (transplanting maybe?)
[OnlyUsedOnce]js/wombJS.tw:19:''$isReady'' = WombBirthReady($slave, $birth_ready_age) - how many children ready to be birthed if their time to be ready is $birth_ready_age (40 is for normal length pregnancy). Return int - count of ready to birth children, or 0 if no ready exists.
[SlaveAttributeUsedOnce]npc/uploadSlave.tw:79:nipplesAccessory: $activeSlave''.nipplesAccessory'',
[SlaveAttributeUsedOnce]pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw:57:<<set $args[0]''.nipplesAccessory'' = $args[1]''.nipplesAccessory''>>
[SlaveAttributeUsedOnce]pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw:194:<<if ndef $args[0]''.nipplesAccessory''>>


Is this being worked on still?

Also, if merging it with any updates made to the regular Pregmod is as easy as it sounds, how would one go about doing that? (So I can do it myself instead of always having to ask someone / wait for someone to ask for a new version)

 No.182633>>182719 >>183210 >>221393 >>238935


Dunno if anyone is working on it, but I updated it to the latest pregmod:


(just click the download button)

If you want to update it in the future, you need:

git clone git@ssh.gitgud.io:pregmodfan/fc-pregmod.git

cd fc-pregmod

git remote add stuffed git@ssh.gitgud.io:Stuffedgame/fc-pregmod.git

git fetch stuffed

git cherry-pick stuffed/neko




>gitgud went down 20 minutes after you updated

>it did this the last time you updated as well



Could be because catgirls are just some of the things we like, and not an autistic obsession or fetish that dominates our lives.

At least for me, I don't have the time to go trough that spaghetti code that handles beauty or future societies, which is something that would be necessary to add more weight to nekos. I got plenty of other projects on my plate already.


File (hide): b9bc1d96553d018⋯.gif (290.35 KB, 854x1500, 427:750, giphy.gif) (h) (u)


pawsitively delightful.


So is this dead or what?



Yes furry cuck. It's dead



It must be sad being so angry about people enjoying things you don't



I'm grinning and/or laughing about it,

you're left with the after taste of sadness, as you describe it.


 No.221393>>221790 >>221825


Could this be explained better??



You keep using that word (words actually), but I don't think you know what they mean.



It literally tells you exactly what to do step-by-step. There is no better way to explain it.


>>221393 You are likely wasting your time unless you are a coding guru who has just never seen a text shell for using Git to pull and merge files.

Those are the commands line by line to use with Git via text command shell to combine the neko branch with a copy of the main branch that at the time would have been updated one time, things likely would have broken a little and then a fix would be written but with three months of updates each breaking neko a little that is potentially now a full rewrite of the neko mod branch.



I tried buying everything the pharmicutical fabricator had to offer (and putting myself like 500k in the hole) . Still couldn't find anything related to neko content. So far the only thing I've found is in the slave creation at start.



modify the check. See >>153198



does that also apply to the kemodicks == 1 or no?


just apply backwards compatibility update to upgrade the dispensary

this was a hackjob so it might not work perfectly



It's been ages since I've written the neko code, so I'm not sure.

I think you don't have to touch that one.



Can't apply some commits now


Hey, I'm the guy who made the vector art linked in the OP.


You can come back to the main thread.

I made cat ears and a cat tail!

As far as I can see you made nothing or would you like to explain it so we can integrate it into the main pregmod?



There will be no integration as pregmodder will only allow animal ears/tails as accessories like headbands into the main fork.



And the difference is what apart from the mechanic?



Because then it's not actually animal girls, just girls with accessories.

Buttplugs with tail shape =/ girls with tails

 No.239663>>239762 >>240118 >>240231


Do you want them to have fur too?





File (hide): 35e0374770125c3⋯.png (630.7 KB, 622x786, 311:393, Furry Chart.png) (h) (u)


Consult the Chart™

 No.240283>>240292 >>240369


A cat is fine too?

 No.240292>>240336 >>240369


File (hide): de900f1cb5ab944⋯.jpg (185.98 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Garfield_x_Gumball.jpg) (h) (u)


IDK, "You Sick Bastard" sounds about right for us around here.


File (hide): f4e9597574533d0⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Asked for it.png) (h) (u)



Well there's talk of bestiality in the Pregmod Thread… so I guess that's an option now?



Its not just talk, either. Based on some screen shots of the game from bug reports, bestiality is in at this point. That said, that's not going to translate to anything they consider even remotely furry getting allowed in without it being in a separate branch and not as anything more than realistic accessories.



Bestiality is okay, but God forbid you fuck a Slavic woman.

 No.242838>>242894 >>243718

It is plausible at all to make this into an additional separate mod instead of an overhaul of pregmod that requires constant upkeep?



Beastiality can be disabled and is off by default..

Unless you make it into a completely separated mod (similar to how Security Force and the others work) so it can be en- or disabled at will (like >>242838 suggested) I support the decision that it should stay out as forcing it down peoples throats is not cool.


not sure it's possible but i echo the fact that turning this into a mod is a good idea


It surprises me how a branch with so little progress is bumped so much.



>as forcing it down peoples throats is not cool

As opposed all the other shit?


>>242948 literally what?

You can disable basically any content the game has, so I don't really get what you're referring to

 No.243057>>243064 >>243386 >>243396 >>244221

File (hide): e421b3bc8da802d⋯.gif (347.87 KB, 192x231, 64:77, Shrug Joey.gif) (h) (u)


I think he means the hedonism and fat people. Of which your tower should take structural damage for taking the hedonist path for all the fat slaves.

Anyways, I'm fine with it being a separate mod, but I don't know if PregDev ever offered that. He's always tried to keep things as "real" as possible.



I am pretty sure that turning people into three legged dogs that are twice as smart as normal humans is more realistic than some of the stuff in it



He specifically stated that he would only allow ears and tails and only as accessories, no real living appendages. Also, the hedonism is behind an FS wall, and only appears if a player chooses that FS.



>"real" as realistic

Sure, because transferring slaves consciousness with the equivalent of an electric power vacuum is extremely realistic, pitiful excuse


That exactly the point, everything is behind fs choices, organic ears and tails would be as well, slippery slope argument was and is stupid

 No.243716>>243720 >>243816


Actually, now their argument is they just don't want to attract the furry fanbase so they don't try to submerge the game in money and buy out any other content requests, though that is technically an invalid argument since, unlike every project they cite as examples, FC is completely free and doesn't even have a donation page set up.



>It is plausible at all to make this into an additional separate mod instead of an overhaul of pregmod that requires constant upkeep?

Not yet. Slowly working on it though. Not specifically for nekos, of course, but in general the game could need a huge load of an easier integration of mods and many others would also benefit from it.

 No.243720>>243807 >>243958 >>244222


>now their argument

This has always been the main argument. Few anons are disgusted with catgirls as such; instead, they fear what might come with them.


>Slowly working on it though.

Show us! It will be motivating.



>Show us! It will be motivating.

You can check the "CityMod" WIP over on Gitgut yourself, but the core of it are simple one-line extensions of passages like economics.tw:

<<HandleEvents economics>>

And the code for that widget currently is …

* Generate the <<include>> macros needed for the event-tagged passages.
* Usage: <<HandleEvents eventname>>
* <<HandleEvents eventname silently>>
* This will look for all passages tagged with "event:eventname" and create the
* include links for them. If the second "silently" parameter is given, the
* event handlers are wrapped in <<silently>> and so don't output anything.
<<widget "HandleEvents">>
<<if $args[0]>>
<<set _includes = Story.lookup("tags", "event:" + String($args[0]))
.map(function(p) { return "<<include '" + p.title + "'>>"; })
<<if $args[1] === "silently">>
<<silently>><<= _includes>><</silently>>
<<= _includes>>

This is mainly for me to decouple the mod from much of the game's logic besides a limited set of clear, well-behaved interaction points, as opposed to the current practice of crapping your mod code all over the place and having a hard time understanding which code belongs to what. But it will work for other mods too, as a side benefit. In the ideal case, a mod won't have to change any of the main game's passages at all and still be able to hook into the gameplay.



>doesn't even have a donation page set up.

There is for the vanilla game but it is meant/has worked as a tip jar.



Yes, it has been thrown around since the beginning, but now they just aren't even using anything else. They've gone all in on that reasoning this time.


I didn't know FCDev made one, I've been on Pregmod only since way before he quit on us. Anyway, the pregmod devs don't get any of it, so it doesn't count toward my point. If FCDev were still with the project, yeah, there would be potential for the furry fanbase to take monetary hold of the project by tipping drastically more than anyone else, but that is no longer the case with all development in pregmod's hands.



I brought it up purely as a academic point because one technically does exist as you say. (He still receives (currently) $52 monthly from 32 massive retards, thanks for confirming the patreon's average level of intelligence.)



>Anyways, I'm fine with it being a separate mod, but I don't know if PregDev ever offered that. He's always tried to keep things as "real" as possible.



Those two words don't belong in the same sentence.

How the FUCK is anal wombs and men giving birth more "real" than a tail and cat ears?

PregDEv and the faggots that suck his dick are all hypocrites and retards.



>Few anons are disgusted with catgirls as such; instead, they fear what might come with them.

I'm already disgusted what came with PregDev and his cohort of deviants.

At this point, even fucking furfags would be an improvement



>no YOUR fetish is weirder

god you guys are fags



Hence the quotes, my man.


He's not wrong. PregDev's shit is basically the stuff in the Bible that makes God throw fire from the sky.

 No.266939>>267109 >>267213

Y'know, looking at the comparative levels of white-knuckled impotent shit-slinging in this thread versus the other one, I'm starting to understand their logic for not wanting to encourage the furry crowd.


File (hide): 58a0a8ec34fe0fd⋯.png (376.55 KB, 946x532, 473:266, howmanycompanyare.png) (h) (u)


>tmblr logic

>Attempting Logic, especially in this game

The retard area of the park is THAT way anon




Look at this thread again and think for a moment who exactly is starting all this shit


File (hide): 47e0a49a366e38c⋯.gif (1009.69 KB, 500x248, 125:62, Shaking My Head.gif) (h) (u)



>taking the bait

 No.282886>>285758 >>285774

File (hide): 28161babf22bd54⋯.png (56.74 KB, 1186x511, 1186:511, Untitled2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a0fe68f96f02ded⋯.png (55.41 KB, 1190x719, 1190:719, a0fe68f96f02dedb95536cd8f3….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 256199a723891fa⋯.png (59.11 KB, 1185x390, 79:26, Untitled.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): abc4dc1dffc29d5⋯.png (45.75 KB, 1186x604, 593:302, 20e35317eb9cdae000542b7ec9….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 39f7b59c6ffde8b⋯.png (22.28 KB, 1193x397, 1193:397, 39f7b59c6ffde8b10c791ff235….png) (h) (u)

This is an archive post with evidence that furries are pushing furry shit into Free Cities, using Nekomod as a vehicle for that. First cat girls, then they'll demand full animals.



I see no evidence of furry shit being pushed by anyone, anon. All I see is discussion on the shitstorms that happened in the main thread because "furry must die."

 No.285774>>286519 >>286532


>First cat girls, then they'll demand full animals.

>Writing that, when farmyard facility which has bestiality content is slowly being implemented to game anyway.

In that case entire shitstorm about it, didn't even matter.



There's a difference between animals fucking humans (bestiality) and humanoid animals with more animal like features than ears and tails (furry).

 No.286532>>286615 >>286623 >>287460

File (hide): df180a5228e18ff⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 420x599, 420:599, shrug.jpg) (h) (u)


Sorry anon, but dogfuckers are just much more chill than you. Maybe if you were less of an obnoxious little bitch people wouldn't mind your presence.



I am aware of that.


>Maybe if you were less of an obnoxious little bitch people wouldn't mind your presence.

You mistook me for someone else.



>Fucking a feral unthinking animal is always better then fucking a human with only animal ears and a tail

Just when i tought stupidity have a rock bottom i find someone that manage to go deeper



What he was implying was that people who fuck animals are significantly less obnoxious than people who fuck teddy bears while dressed in shitty Halloween costumes while dreaming about cartoon abominations.


File (hide): 19843b4f160f484⋯.png (840.78 KB, 1086x711, 362:237, Fighting Words.png) (h) (u)


Go away, Kero.

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