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/hentaiporn/ - Hentai & Cartoon Porn

Any Kind of Hentai or Cartoon Porn

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File: 1452014250161.jpg (546.09 KB,1300x1838,650:919,rikadigimon.jpg)

 No.22 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

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File: 7befc046babdc29⋯.gif (231.35 KB,791x1316,113:188,031.gif)

New problem…, for her

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File: 20b501e679bb4f5⋯.jpg (75.55 KB,640x480,4:3,Digimon-Adventure-01-E17-'….jpg)


Ha ha. That one was hilarious.

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what is this place? and why she seems naked?

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i remember a picture that was on an early version of this form of a season 1 Kari bound to a futa who was dressed as a gatomon. does anyone have this pick if so could you posted it

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Does anyone have any pictures of Sunflowmon?

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File: 788f3990066acd0⋯.jpg (1.97 MB,2389x1927,2389:1927,kaguya_kakashi_wet.jpg)

 No.17305 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Previous Thread: >>14334

Cyberunique Thread

Mainly Narutobomb content, but other sites like 1PieceHentai/ FairyTailEro/Vaygren will likely be present here too. Contributors to his site (like DKIR) and edits are also welcome. This thread is mainly for new images to keep flowing smoothly, so try not to use up the thread post limit too much if there's a drought in new image releases. Content of the images is irrelevant as long as it's on topic and from one of Cyberunique's websites.

Made at request from Anon because apparently creating threads is currently blocked. If you need any other threads to be made, please ask in the Meta thread. This is not my doing, ask /sudo/. I have no setting to change this. For now, ask in the meta thread.

~~ the_black_queen

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yo! i complied all of the photos in this thread and other older (narutobomb) thread. it's currently uploading. be sure to get it before it gets down lol xD

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Can someone explain all these works? I've been looking around and I see that it's very similar to Dkir and Lexus (artist) and that there's a lot of edits going around. Is there a collection? is this thread the main source of edits? is it easy to find the main image and certain edits? Where is the main source of images coming from who? Many questions I know but I was introduced to this artist and Im fond of it. If anyone would like to help me that would be great!

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File: fee80e412692565⋯.jpg (267.9 KB,1280x1924,320:481,038_fcHIN1rl8UM.jpg)

File: 2847adc028b43b6⋯.jpg (254.12 KB,1280x1924,320:481,060_s95Pz2qYpAo.jpg)

File: 33b08cea28791ad⋯.jpg (248.18 KB,1280x1924,320:481,071_9lJQIRe1V30.jpg)

File: b48f3d206d6154a⋯.jpg (214.06 KB,1280x1924,320:481,346_BeMjql727QY.jpg)

File: 0a3ba2535038bc8⋯.jpg (298.99 KB,1277x1920,1277:1920,577_4nWtQpNawK0.jpg)

I would sacrifice untold numbers of people to see every female character from the Naruto series edited into this pose.

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can you plz post more ino pics?

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File: ea93cbd6fde7008⋯.jpg (303.6 KB,1303x1541,1303:1541,naruto-bomb-hentai-free (2….jpg)

Can someone please edit her to Kushina

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File: 08faa8072279830⋯.jpg (771.58 KB,1300x1837,1300:1837,Blaze (2).jpg)

 No.26147 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

All sonic themed content is welcome

previous thread:


I usually post MU updates as soon as i can but delays can happen so ill let you guys know when that happens.

Also if someone here has a subscription of pietro's secret club, ill appreciate if you can post the updates here


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File: 1c1c18d4a076f41⋯.png (61.33 KB,370x104,185:52,july18-04 (2).png)

File: 3725ef5652fdb00⋯.jpg (729.58 KB,1300x1837,1300:1837,Queen Sally.jpg)

File: ee1236a78f67201⋯.jpg (607.16 KB,1837x1300,1837:1300,SonarFennec.jpg)

File: ab76ee33300fadb⋯.jpg (616.71 KB,1300x1837,1300:1837,blaze.jpg)

July 2018 Part 4

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Where the rest of Red Fox District? Can someone re-upload it?

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Thanks for updates

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File: 50d255a58fe7e4e⋯.png (1.69 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 00.png)

File: f5f6afdce37d1c7⋯.png (1.7 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 01.png)

File: 04bd61ee7659927⋯.png (1.83 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 02.png)

File: 881263d738a9da0⋯.png (1.83 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 03.png)

File: f426ca570fb0ef9⋯.png (1.93 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 04.png)

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File: a48baffa2aabe9c⋯.png (2.22 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 05.png)

File: cf4c49d2eea9d80⋯.png (1.9 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 06.png)

File: cbdc435f78af91e⋯.png (1.95 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 07.png)

File: d78c211967507a7⋯.png (1.91 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 08.png)

File: 97397863286c1af⋯.png (2.13 MB,1200x1696,75:106,RF 09.png)

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File: cdbfb479999dd32⋯.jpg (134.98 KB,902x400,451:200,picture 01.jpg)

 No.28430 [Open thread]

Hi friends…

Has anyone ever gotten this collection?

thank you all!

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File: f573251bf8c4e97⋯.png (6.92 MB,3510x4961,3510:4961,pic20 annie.PNG)

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File: 5c7e158eecdf914⋯.swf (7.15 MB,Annieprofundo.swf)

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A slight improvement, if not for the addition of out of place humans in many of these images…

There is a big cast of characters on this webcomic, so why can't he just use those instead of the humans?

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I like humans too :D there's something perverse in the size diference of characters also. heh

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I actually really don't like the use of humans in this. Fact of the matter is, he has many other characters, yet he decides to instead be lazy and add humans, which don't even appear in the actual webcomic.

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File: 49e2cbf3ec505cb⋯.jpg (419.63 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,01.jpg)

File: 4313b0b82bfda17⋯.jpg (434.18 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,02.jpg)

File: 19a908ad4b2f497⋯.jpg (433.83 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,03.jpg)

File: 0ad62badf9eb8d0⋯.jpg (409.46 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,04.jpg)

File: aa6dc954a8e8d32⋯.jpg (478.5 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,05.jpg)

 No.20393 [Open thread]


I love to create and share comics for free. Whether it's LVL UP or some side story of Gold Digger (My monthly published comic) or something more adult.

Having patron support will ease the pressure to have to produce comic art and stories for *only* publication in order to pay the bills and enable me to create and share more comics.

Among my favorite types of comics is "Booty comics": Booty comics focus on the sexy and the wondrous. Images that tease and tantalize. The term "Booty comics/books" is a reference to my days as a combat engineer in Desert Storm. Works that were good girl art or cheesecake. Works that were so good they were "Booty"!

These days I try to be more fair to my audience. Some of my work will involve beefcake alongside cheesecake. I plan to have plenty of each available for all my patreon supporters. Your vote will determine the nature of those compositions. (The composition proposals will have a lot of variety, so please keep that in mind.)

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I'm tense

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more please

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File: 7f457d726398963⋯.jpg (482.84 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,Deku & Froppy Smash #05.jpg)

File: 22f7b644d24a1ab⋯.jpg (527.77 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,Deku & Froppy Smash #06.jpg)

File: 087ec881c2655e3⋯.jpg (454.4 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,Deku & Froppy Smash #07.jpg)

File: 36fb520e02e1eb5⋯.jpg (543.37 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,Deku & Froppy Smash #08.jpg)

File: df9105ff5fbe262⋯.jpg (474.71 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,Deku & Froppy Smash #09.jpg)


ask and ye shall receive.

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File: 850c84141321a02⋯.jpg (1.55 MB,1013x1575,1013:1575,9.jpg)

File: b26ef8a7b3d0071⋯.jpg (333.61 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,10.jpg)

File: bf7c712cfa7a98a⋯.jpg (331.22 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,11.jpg)

File: b4854d30e1a17c1⋯.jpg (362.74 KB,1013x1575,1013:1575,12.jpg)

someone is missing the last few pages

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File: 9835f1b9c5a40ec⋯.jpg (228.55 KB,1100x1555,220:311,belle2.jpg)

File: b4c2c48d98b109a⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1300x1837,1300:1837,starbutterflyjackielynntho….jpg)

File: b20f9fad8b1f3da⋯.jpg (928.31 KB,1300x1837,1300:1837,usagitsukino36.jpg)

 No.27803 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Previous thread got spammed. So here's a new thread.

Link to old thread #3: >>21716

Now play nice… or else.

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ban this spammer

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Does anyone have the new Shantae comic? ^^

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Here's the PC,ST,YH Siterip of both Exclusive Pictures and Exclusive Comics

2009-2015 and some of 2016


for the CD and little tails and others


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The server is going back on the whole *You need to be this level to see updates* crap again.

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File: c2625fba645fe09⋯.gif (104.06 KB,380x169,380:169,advip.gif)

updates anyone?

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File: 5ed1db99c7b65bc⋯.png (756.33 KB,900x1200,3:4,tumblr_o9pbtzBDBk1vz4uuno1….png)

 No.11808 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I have no idea why the other one was gone.

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Anyone got new wip

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Soooo, anyone have the new WIPs?

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Holy shit I saw Penny and Ciel wips.

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So are you going to share or???

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I'm not the patreon.

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File: 1457625949728.jpg (340.24 KB,723x936,241:312,DoctorCursed-407657-Oedipu….jpg)

 No.2018 [Open thread]

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File: 359e1d9f92e18a5⋯.png (447.39 KB,1280x1170,128:117,1523425233077.png)

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File: b62fa100e6a8256⋯.png (348.16 KB,700x600,7:6,super deepthroat.png)

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File: 33526ac4f530d2c⋯.png (1.71 MB,1920x1080,16:9,lord dominator 1.png)

File: c8c722bd9e2324d⋯.png (1.74 MB,1920x1080,16:9,lord dominator 2.png)



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Maybe a little bit off topic but does anyone know which flashes from zone have secrets/endings?

Like the midna one or the biocock thing.

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File: 1465935683903-0.png (974.34 KB,927x1200,309:400,3156596.png)

File: 1465935683903-1.png (966.79 KB,927x1200,309:400,4532092.png)

 No.6375 [Open thread]

Just a thread for a current Interracial. So to say, most images are not for the racially sensitive.

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File: 6d01d76b77edfc0⋯.jpg (196.31 KB,848x1200,53:75,15.jpg)

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File: 0c2b3d7cef1075b⋯.jpg (492.86 KB,1272x1800,53:75,16.jpg)

File: 32be393819d1551⋯.jpg (349.86 KB,1280x1811,1280:1811,17.jpg)

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File: f49c36948668577⋯.jpg (326.46 KB,1272x1800,53:75,18.jpg)

File: 1348f21b0635e72⋯.jpg (348.36 KB,1280x1811,1280:1811,19.jpg)

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File: 9bf1ef83feb2823⋯.jpg (215.77 KB,1024x1449,1024:1449,interracial-threesome-comi….jpg)

File: d6158820908debe⋯.jpg (168.15 KB,848x1200,53:75,interracial-threesome-comi….jpg)

File: fb7617993bba698⋯.jpg (185.16 KB,1024x1449,1024:1449,interracial-threesome-comi….jpg)

File: 20461687e49e0f9⋯.jpg (209.12 KB,1024x1449,1024:1449,interracial-threesome-comi….jpg)

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File: fb7617993bba698⋯.jpg (185.16 KB,1024x1449,1024:1449,interracial-threesome-comi….jpg)

File: 20461687e49e0f9⋯.jpg (209.12 KB,1024x1449,1024:1449,interracial-threesome-comi….jpg)

File: 02d3a32d4c192fe⋯.jpg (204.68 KB,1024x1450,512:725,interracial-threesome-comi….jpg)

File: a02e2f9c0c130b2⋯.jpg (227.31 KB,1024x1449,1024:1449,interracial-threesome-comi….jpg)

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File: 77c51c591c36086⋯.jpg (304.69 KB,1280x1946,640:973,00a.jpg)

File: 1a053b4f02ed67d⋯.jpg (261.27 KB,1280x1946,640:973,00b.jpg)

File: 71920713d24a0d1⋯.jpg (404.74 KB,1280x1946,640:973,01.jpg)

File: 215acfda8751379⋯.jpg (405.13 KB,1280x1946,640:973,02.jpg)

File: 17f1ecfb7cf4108⋯.jpg (365.86 KB,1280x1946,640:973,03.jpg)

 No.21320 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hey guys lets get a Comics thread going. Will begin with a dump then will post my collection so people can make requests.

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File: 83f350e710c7d77⋯.jpg (153.48 KB,600x927,200:309,Page51.jpg)

File: bf95712f23a8bdc⋯.jpg (168.45 KB,600x927,200:309,Page52.jpg)

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File: 01213ba00bef030⋯.jpg (184.03 KB,600x927,200:309,Page55.jpg)

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File: c68d0d36193c440⋯.jpg (189.29 KB,600x927,200:309,Page57.jpg)

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File: c1764432f3abd39⋯.jpg (203.35 KB,600x927,200:309,Page70.jpg)

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File: 0e8ca3ab8e74fc9⋯.jpg (216.65 KB,600x927,200:309,Page75.jpg)

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File: ccd18eec71f8ba0⋯.jpg (430.9 KB,1024x2185,1024:2185,01.jpg)

File: 792ade4ecfd4532⋯.jpg (556.6 KB,1024x2428,256:607,02.jpg)

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File: 7eab05ba6efa262⋯.jpg (569 KB,1024x2344,128:293,05.jpg)

 No.20580 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


Deception is a Pokemon Parody Comics–Totally not sponsored by Nintendo or Game Freak, I love U guys, I Buy Yo Stuff, I keep Pokemon Livin' And Breathin', IM FIRST GEN!, PLEASE DON'T SUE ME! I WON'T INFRINGE ON YO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY FOREVER! I JUST WANNA SEE GARDEVOIR GET LAID! PLEAAAASE!—-

…Anyways, Deception is a Pokemon Parody Comics about A Not-so-much-of-a-Trainer named Brand who gets lost in the woods and wakes up being in the Care of a Family of Pokemon. AND THEN THEY FUC—Wait no, not yet.. Brand meets a Kirlia, who is Deceptively Loli…Kirlia wants the Love of Brand. Kirlia wants TO BE LOVED. But Brandy boy refuses this 'LOVE'.. Because she looks barely legal..And Because she's a Pokemon. AND THEN THEY FUCK. OR WILL THEY?! What Will This Little Kirli do!? FIND OUT! SUPPOWT MEH! BE WITH MEH! DON' LET THIS DIE!!!

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File: c7aa3ff8e3f799e⋯.jpg (109.09 KB,454x1200,227:600,146.jpg)

File: c58cc92035d942c⋯.jpg (126.85 KB,477x1200,159:400,147.jpg)

File: 216025a4ca41300⋯.jpg (99.95 KB,493x1200,493:1200,148.jpg)

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File: db44f931c61f848⋯.jpg (2.32 MB,1500x3307,1500:3307,149.jpg)

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File: 681346a6ca1e672⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,1500x3765,100:251,150.jpg)

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File: f5028a14a26fca6⋯.jpg (722.38 KB,1500x3595,300:719,Page151_preview_jpeg.jpg)

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File: 4824ff484e71a0e⋯.jpg (717.61 KB,1200x943,1200:943,Mallow and Steenee.jpg)

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File: 1459821393415.jpg (742.27 KB,1669x1000,1669:1000,Lucy, Juvia, Wendy II.jpg)

 No.3305 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post any new rtenzo artwork here!

Last post was taken down

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File: fe983764e961276⋯.jpg (811.2 KB,850x1202,425:601,21573 - Juri_Han Reiq Stre….jpg)

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File: dcd6b77f40bf523⋯.jpg (443.25 KB,1520x1200,19:15,1004379 - Asuka_Langley_So….jpg)

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File: 5c207f0443fbde7⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x975,16:13,944011 - AAA Asuka_Langley….png)

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File: f91b221e3bf6258⋯.jpeg (508.97 KB,1115x950,223:190,kill la kill.jpeg)

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june dropbox?

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File: 65176ec263ca487⋯.jpg (104.68 KB,396x717,132:239,2495955 - Hitomi_Uzaki Rat….jpg)

 No.28988 [Open thread]

Hi, I need help for find anothers pics from this anime

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File: 56cfc55c5612578⋯.jpg (254.96 KB,618x900,103:150,hitomi_by_lilith_fetish-dc….jpg)

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File: 906fa7b753a91c1⋯.jpg (105.65 KB,877x1240,877:1240,2526684 - Hitomi_Uzaki Kil….jpg)

File: ec78f2606153e2d⋯.png (3 MB,1963x2866,1963:2866,d9e48b6aa8aad0faf971dc546c….png)

File: 8b7c5af0bf733e0⋯.png (3.19 MB,2500x3000,5:6,fbf72a4dde1b141d05d8d9a931….png)

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File: 033b666c46dd82e⋯.jpg (355.27 KB,1061x1500,1061:1500,2529527 - Hitomi_Uzaki Kil….jpg)

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File: e27cc3e5288d961⋯.png (639.03 KB,684x1047,228:349,c3f0f9a073fc91ad4aaf35cd55….png)

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File: ee8cb230673f865⋯.jpg (961.59 KB,1100x1562,50:71,7c07df296ca69441545478c3c7….jpg)

File: e16086705c88efb⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1275x1785,5:7,133fcdd0bc3c4dfdf0adf9c8f8….jpg)

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File: 1456148615886-0.png (1.45 MB,1764x1704,147:142,3452.png)

File: 1456148615891-1.png (1.45 MB,1764x1704,147:142,3452b.png)

File: 1456148615892-2.png (1.45 MB,1764x1704,147:142,3452c.png)

 No.1461 [Open thread]

Thread for edits that arent the standard shows when it comes to editing.

I'll mostly post edits for HOTD, DxD and Shokugeki no Soma.

And yes I can take requests/suggestions.

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File: 7317bdc552a6dd8⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,2556x2322,142:129,AU Hinata 1.jpg)

Might as well keep triggering the Hinata hating autismos

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File: 5c71d1d9372b434⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB,3000x4301,3000:4301,Hinata.jpeg)

Gotta trigger the autismo more.

Their lack of maturity is amusing.

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File: b549c6808cdc685⋯.png (1.81 MB,3096x2034,172:113,3 way.png)

NaruSakufuckbuddys, the scum of the earth

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oh, the fucking irony

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To be fair this zozo character is pretty autistic

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File: 1466135546994.jpg (674.38 KB,3000x3779,3000:3779,1465925311070.jpg)

 No.6777 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3701

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Oh little zozo, you shy guy, just admit it. Everyone here sees it clearly.

You'd give anything to be in Naruto's place fucking her.

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All Hinata has to do is show up and you all go crazy for her.

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like a 3yr old

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… that was perfectly timed

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All you guys here love her.

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