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All things Butterfly War, New Emotion, and Gnostic Warfare

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d75be0 No.193 [View All]

This past few weeks has been very active. From the /pol/ ban to the /pol/ mod replacement, to Bilderberg, to G7, to the whole CEMEX mess.. let me provide some insights on what is all means, what is coming, and what to do about it.

The Milanote I've created is designed to teach people the basics of information entropy, the science behind information theory, and prepare them for the philosophical insights describing the evolution of neurons. Each video covers the basics and is about ten minutes in length with helpful animations, good voice work, and fairly good production values. They provide an incredibly useful overview of the large body of knowledge you'll need to take on to participate effectively in Gnostic Warfare operations. For reference, here is the link: https://app.milanote.com/1FjzOb11HKlU7x/gnostic-warfare

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99c29b No.378


>ht tp://dailycaller.com/2018/08/05/twitter-suspends-candace-owens/

Targeted Twitter trolling got Twitter to develop an auto-moderation AI that effectively bans any user who uses the word "Jew" in a negative context. This led to a BASTE black lady gettinf suspended for switching "white" for "jew" but not for switching it with "black".

Now the online dissident right waa already up in arms about that but then the biggest names in Silicon Valley decided to ban InfoWars all at once. Now even sites like HN are beginning to wake up to the reality of the war being fought right in front of their faces. Just look at this comment thread for starters: ht tps://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17709329

The fire rises.

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cfe875 No.379


I have noticed more unabashed double-standards from the left in terms of speech policing; the veil is being lifted. It seems Twitter will have to actually clarify their anti-white stance.

I think this board is basically dead until CultState gives us some real, actionable information/code/program that the likes of /pol/ can sink their teeth into. Implied future code that can mask shitposting with minority metadata is a nice idea, but right now these concepts are only concepts. Of course, if CultState is up to far more important things that the likes of brainlets like me simply can't fathom, I'm actually, genuinely fine with that. That said, I would like some more input from CultState - the last posts he made on /pol/ have been slid completely off the board, along with his thread.

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a7a5d2 No.381


I am working on something to try and shift the gestalt on pol, and it will spread far and wide because it is organic and everybody is feeling it subconsciously.

I will probably never be able to live this country legally after that.

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cfe875 No.382


May I ask, what effect should we see around /pol/ should your efforts be successful? What is this that I'm feeling?

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a7a5d2 No.383


Unlike every cunt who tries to mold or control the behavior of the autists there, I usually don't. I let it grow organically, within parameters to where I expect it to go. If it goes right, more leftists normies to the right, and massive radicalization to our side from normies, digital warfare against corporations. Long term, decline of quality of life globally, important digital infrastructure getting fucked, local wars maybe. To make a few. What you are feeling I don't know, the gestalt is pretty straightforward. Everybody is pissed at elites, corporations finally decided to show their true colors and how big of a threat they are to old American values, so angst is palpable, everybody is looking for an answer, staleness is visible, many want a goal.

Let me be clear. Unless we deal with corporations NOW, a literal hellscape await everyone, and mainly and specially us. I let the the solving of bigger problems to CultState.

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d75be0 No.388


"Good enough" AI is sufficient for two people: entrenched elite who get it and the radical revolutionaries who were once elite but now want power for themselves.

The old saying is to "Imprison 5% to keep the other 95% in line" Good enough AI only needs to target 5% of the population to secure meaningful results.

Butterfly War forces elite and former elite alike to escalate to systemic destabilization. Once here, any valid Gnostic Warfare techniques we discover become the foundation for a new order of power.


As you know, a frictionless world cannot exist, even in the perfect "void" of space. Casimir effect proves virtual particle cycles create resistances that cannot be nullified.

The Fredkin gates are of interest, especially with homomorphic encryption. Scaled homotopy will most likely require gates similar to Fredkin.


I have been very busy securing support and assets to move onto the next phase of Gnostic Warfare. I can't give the details yet, but you've already seen my work. I can give hints:

> Indirectly connect Kathy to the CIA.

> An old grudge between the Irish and the Jews

> The auspex of paradise

I cannot give more at this time, but I am working on these fronts aggressively.


> BASED black lady getting suspended

Not just any based black girl. I visited Candace days before Kanye put her on the map.


It appears I have been neglecting things, but I haven't. I just haven't been public about actions recently.

If it is action you seek, then keep in mind that this is an unprecedented period in human history. Neural networks are the printing press of correlations. You're slap in the middle of Nietzschean horror where reproduction crises do nothing to dislodge the policies of authority while any deviation to the orthodoxy of Material Humanism is waved away as conspiracy theory or fake news. I cannot give you any more action than you are currently enveloped in. I am pushing the higher order events along where I can and securing assistance from players who have little choice but to adopt our work. Push conversation and interaction here. Get conversation going on your own terms and in your own time. This is all important work and any progress to Gnostic Warfare is action that clears the runway for space conquest.


Corporations are just privateers that allow plausible deniability for the policies of state actors. All are expendable once you can successfully demonstrate how additional focus on Material Humanism agitates the advancement of state affairs.

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cfe875 No.389


>It appears I have been neglecting things, but I haven't. I just haven't been public about actions recently.

Then Godspeed to you, sir. Please, share the recognition of your contributions when you receive it.

> I cannot give you any more action than you are currently enveloped in… Push conversation and interaction here. Get conversation going on your own terms and in your own time.

Please keep in mind, and I believe I speak for many of us when I say this, I keep my power level hidden AT ALL TIMES out of necessity, except on either very mundane topics, or very esoteric ones. This conveys an overwhelming sense of paralysis. Luckily, AI Nationalism is one of the exceptions; the concepts are new enough to not trigger any "immuno-memetic" response. I brought up AI Nationalism at a house party last weekend, and got some friends intrigued.

(Side-note, I would highly recommend everyone read Moldbug's "How Dawkins Got Pwned" series of essays, where he outlines exactly how everyones' minds got infected with progressive-universalism in the first place. Available here: https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/2007/09/how-dawkins-got-pwned-part-1/ )

What I'm going to do is take your advice from the other thread and hone my framing and storytelling skill. I may not be able to code, but I might be able to persuade.

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eb81be No.390


I figured you were either picked up by friendly people in power or were makimg your own moves behind the scenes. I made my point in >>378 specifically because I remember your reference to approaching her right before the whole Kanye thing.

When that exact BASED black lady suddenly pops up in the center of an enormous twitter "censorship/civil rights violation" scandal it's more than coincidence and for once, it isn't just a (((coincidence))). It's even more apparent now that Ajit Pai is literally referencing thoae tweets as a reason for him to step in and impose transparency regulations on them. Bravo sir.

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a0b384 No.391


Good article.

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d75be0 No.393


Thank you. Seeds take time to grow. You'll find the hash at the end of this post of mine to be relevant to that specific event.


It's not time to reveal it, however. As always, I ask for patience. Sadly, the more impatient among us tend to be those who haven't figured out just how long this game has been going on. They tend to think of themselves as the first (and last) revolutionary, the final bulwark against the impending darkness. Part of the marketing, part of the allure… why fix what isn't broke, yes?

I often wonder if, in all of the ~177,000,000 years dinosaurs walked the Earth, did one of them ever managed to discover how to create fire on demand…? It would have changed history if true. There's many things such sapience could pull off if they had better control of their caloric intake and an expanded time window of food availability… compound that by 177,000,000 million years of time… well… perhaps for another time.

Paleogenetics is quite the treasure drove of learned lessons. A quickening of the way. A new emotion is closer than you can ever imagine.

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9dfe34 No.396


That link is gold. Been thinking out this exact line of reasoning. I even started calling progressivism "Christianity without God." The author is much more complete in his thoughts though. I recommend to all in thread highly.

>inb4 ima religious and it offends me

Look past it. He has important things to say about memetic inheritance, propogation, and survival strategies.

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430b2f No.397



I can also back up this anon's review of that treatise on Dawkinsian ideology. That's some great stuff right there and I wish this board was busier so that this kind of premium content could get more exposure.

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025855 No.398

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0eafd3 No.399

Any word on liquid math? Are Michael Atiyah´s claims useful for cracking Assange´s insurance file?

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b1535e No.400

So, did the BO dieded? Not that I wish him any harm, but silence on all fronts is highly atypical.


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cfe875 No.401



Moldbug is among the most important thinkers of our age. /pol/ hates him because he advocates political systems that are to the right of national socialism, and labeled him as a jew. He may be a jew, but his writings have given intellectual bedrock to any movement further right than your typical neoconnery. There used to be at least weekly threads on /pol/ evaluating monarchical political systems, and Moldbug's writings and ideas always rung true, so long as you never mentioned his name. Of course, that was three or four board wipes ago, good luck getting a thread of that quality on 8/pol/ today.

You don't hear from him much anymore, hopefully because he and his Urbit team is working on everyone's eventual escape route from the HR-asphyxiation that is social media in 2018. The most recent writing he's done was actually in the comment section of Scott Aaronson's blog (a typical neoliberal) back in 2017, consistently nuking each postmodern universalist argument from low orbit.


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cfe875 No.402


If you don't want to parse through that entire comment section (and not I don't blame you, that's several hundred thousand words), feel free to check this thread for some nuggets of wisdom.


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9dfe34 No.403


BO was alive as of 9/30. I can't give you POL but for what one anon's word is worth, there it is. There's a lot of work required to get his vision underway and unfortunately I think it comes down to funding. Crowd sourcing the development of this code base (and future projects he has hinted at on cultstate.com) is improbable. Of course the idea was always to bait in global observers since it doesn't really matter who starts the butterfly war, so long as it starts.

Yet despite the lack of industrial scale meta data war at this moment, if we judge from the number of "women" and "black" twitter accounts surviving mass bans despite being right of Hitler I'm going to hazard a guess and say the fire is started.

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9dfe34 No.415

Excellent article on the basics of Google's meta data tracking system. Should give you a good idea of how to hack it.


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9ec8df No.419

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9ec8df No.420

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8184e7 No.421

I wish I could help.

Godspeed :))


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30217c No.468


I wish there was a way to collaboratively analyze everything you are saying so it could be interpreted, vetted, and utilized.


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30217c No.469

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416d22 No.471


This forum exists for the sake of such discussion.

Good faith discussion is possible. Bad faith discussion will be called out and examined. Insistence of its presence will be ruthlessly exterminated.

The presumption of critique is that I've made mistakes over twenty years of examination and interaction. Critique of such a nature was possible over any point over that twenty year span. Few engaged in a meaningful manner other than to desperately and reflexively preserve virtualized bourgeoisie culture.

Now we are here. People will fragment off and apply what I offer to their local contexts. That is unstoppable and desirable.

As I said, this forum exists to examine what I am saying in full. Good faith will be engaged. Bad faith will be mocked. 1960s tier rebels who hate their dads will be trolled. Come to me with an understanding that your emotional predilections are faulty. Most have, thankfully.

Examine away under these pretenses.

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30217c No.478





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29e1e6 No.479


Are you some kind of Luciferian Antichrist?


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30217c No.480



The Amorphic National Technical Institute of Cybernetics, Humanitarianism, Research, Intelligence, Science, and Technology


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29e1e6 No.481

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416d22 No.482


Funny acronym.


Funposting is allowed, as chan rules are in effect.

But Mods = Gods because chan rules are in effect.

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30217c No.484


>Mods = Gods

I skimmed the wordy "What Is a Cult State?" <https://cultstate.com/> essay but didn't find an explicit thesis statement. Are you pro cult?

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416d22 No.485



Unacceptable. Read.

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9ec8df No.486

LOL, owned

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30217c No.487



Cults and gangs tend to operate with players in the Parent/Child ego states (or Domination/Submission animal states). Collegial, egalitarian exchanges tend to take place in the the adult ego state.



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30217c No.488


Dude, don't be a lackey/toady.

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416d22 No.489



I've found modern classifications of psychological modes (ego state, for example) to be skewed towards identity bias than objective description. They frequently struggle to define what is commonly understood between a cluster of interacting people. It's the same problem pre-atomic theory science had with describing the reality of chemistry when markets already knew what worked and what didn't, despite not knowing HOW it worked.

Neurons do the same. They connect based on what works without ever knowing HOW it works.

An addendum to my skepticism of identity-biased psychology: I've found obsessions over HOW a thing works to be almost useless outside of extracting efficiencies or doing weakness analysis. Psychology is a weapon, not an objective map or a curative.

Nothing on CultState is designed to extract efficiencies.

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29e1e6 No.490


>Psychology is a weapon

That suggests an attitude that is rooted in years of consistently deploying psychological weapons.

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9ec8df No.491


Just being whimsical "dude"

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30217c No.492


I imagine anonymous, public forums are probably highly vulnerable to pests and often degenerate into a kind of mosh pit.


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416d22 No.493


Bad faith will not tolerated.

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9ec8df No.494


its not your imagination neither is it simple probability, lurk moar

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30217c No.495


What if I engage in a naked attempt at bad faith demoralization and try to hide character assassination against a mod through (((questions))) instead of addressing /gnosticwarfare/ content and concepts?

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416d22 No.496


Well, despite that kind of honesty, that would most certainly fall into the category of bad faith actions.

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29e1e6 No.497


Evolutionary Algorithms within Complex Systems is a very poor way to do things - it's terribly inefficient, it produces monstrosities, and it is highly prone to large scale failures. Fortunately and luckily, it has given rise to an alternative paradigm. Unfortunately and tragically, many people are marching in the wrong direction.

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9ec8df No.498


I am not a math wizz programmer, Im just a NEET with a thesaurus who knows how to use a unix shell, why must you are quote me as if I am a proponent of evolutionary algorithms dear Tor poster? I am here to laugh at this "dude" getting cock-slapped by mod-power.

Kindly exemplify the "things" that evolutionary algorithms struggle with, also enlighten me towards alternatives available in the "new paradigm", even better define an evolutionary algorithm, my meager understanding is that this board is not intent on marching anywhere rather letting the stream of information do as it will while simultaneously and in contrast, providing a vector space for participating ego states to cascade towards a Gnostic asymptote, updating cultural firmware to emotion 2.0

Its turtles all the way down

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416d22 No.499


A common critique.

The brain is the byproduct of evolutionary rule sets within complex systems. That rule set is responsible for all of the configuration and organization of energy and matter required for us to even have this conversation on these digital means.

Inefficiency implies context. Within the context of tightly managed resources a la computer science back when RAM was $1,000 a megabyte, yes, free-range evolutionary algos are tremendously wasteful and yield little.

We no longer live in that world. We live in a world where we can rent a terabyte of RAM for $2.47 per hour.

We live in an abundance of compute, which means the only way to efficiently traverse through such a resource explosion is through evolutionary algos. Large scale failures will happen at this scale, regardless of autism engineering or bio-mimickry approaches. While engineers rely on postmortems in such catastrophy, evolutionary means let the failures rot without fully removing everything responsible. Autism engineering also creates monstrosities. (Look at any enterprise system for free nightmares)

In evolution, all "waste" is reclaimed. On this part, compute is still relying on the needs of finance for reclamation. That will change when neurochimera are available. In a world of Liquid Math, exponential complexity will be spun up and down on demand. Building shrines around it will not be a viable strategy.

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30217c No.500


I've assumed you are Patrick and we are having a playfully indirect conversation in an environment [1] that is more comfortable for you than email.

[1]: A state where esteem is a zero-sum game and you have totalitarian control. I am not sure if you've recognized the irony of this yet.

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416d22 No.501


I only post under the CultState moniker here.

You're trying to invite me to a game where I lose and I'm trying to invite you to a game where you win. It's election ramp up time and I'm an obvious target, but you're already too late, so clearly, none of this is for personal enrichment for you.

Your actions under this context determines all I need to know about what you value. You're a permanent bad faith actor and you're prodding the boundaries, but it's too late. Butterfly War cannot be stopped.

/gnosticwarfare/ is not a space for free men to thump their chest about how free they are. Go to the dark web if it is childish freedom you seek.

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9ec8df No.502

I am genuinely honored but enough said, if you want to cross check my diction as further proof this isn't samefag I dumped a school journal a while back at 2142df >>179

take it easy, OSU!

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29e1e6 No.503


[The Gernsback Machine: Towards a Museum of Possible Futures and Probable Pasts] (https://www.museumsandtheweb.com/mw2004/papers/hobbs/hobbs.html)

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