For those who want a good redpilling opportunity, take last pic related.
You know how people spammed halfchan with 8chan links once we "moved" here? To help recruit others? Despite the instabans it had, some people saw it and came across (myself included).
Or how whenever someone brought up Gamergate, it just gave us a chance to spam infographs to teach them all.
Well, Adam Savage (Mythbusters) is doing an AMA (Ask Me Anything) thread on Reddit on Thursday.
Imagine if many accounts asked him about #Pizzagate.
Even if the celeb doesn't respond- users will see it. They'll look into it. And (hopefully) they see the infographics before the MSM "It's fake because we say it is."
Yes- Reddit is normalfag. But the recent election shows that we are not the minority. Neutral can be taught and is not destined to be nuLiberal.
And if Reddit work overtime to keep banning people, they may even stop the AMA. Meaning people then ask "Why was the AMA shut down?" "Because of #Pizzagate" "What's #Pizzagate?"
Streisand Effect.
The solution to nearly all your censorship problems.