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/gamedevconsortium/ - Game Developer Consortium

Furthering the devolution of interactive media

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File: a2aa92f2e91b94c⋯.png (2.08 MB,1440x960,3:2,1681786851024538.png)

1af837 No.1

This general is for making posts and recommendations regarding the fundamentals of visuals, visual design and their components(fundamentally based in the aesthetic).

Things like concept art, mock-ups, and references from other games and media are encouraged to be posted in this general.

This is not the general for design or game concepts but the aesthetic, stick to those generals for those types of discussions.

When discussing the aesthetics of computer graphics please do so in a general way without diverting to a technical discussion.






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If you haven't already, read the board rules before posting.

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7558b8 No.21

File: d5fd1e6f2323d25⋯.jpg (79.34 KB,887x600,887:600,magikarp_jump_screenshot_2.jpg)


>using AI for a visual design OP

That's some very bad energy. Detail without intention is just garbage noise.

Artists aren't expensive and if you're careful with your designs then your artstyle can become easy for artists to reproduce, such as shown here. Just don't be derivative like AI is.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d75924 No.25


I'm just experimenting with how to layout the board overall, you can edit posts here after all

also how did you find this? from the board featuring or from aggy?

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