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/fur/ - Furry

all fur one and one fur all
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File: b7009868fbe1d94⋯.png (347.35 KB, 759x1280, 759:1280, d2201f2471a06f603f692caad9….png)


go to


this image now becomes reality ,rate it and tell us how it went.

>picture related ,

not so bad could have been way worse, the character is generic and flat, and the colors are obtrusive, but would still fuck. 7/10.


File: dd38da6c06afb4d⋯.png (10.78 KB, 511x672, 73:96, 91dd6386a017deb48cccbbb465….png)

fap bait videogame/10

Could have been worse, but it's still shit.


File: a42f8bfc15d5754⋯.png (1.23 MB, 2061x1957, 2061:1957, 2efb5aa1e8b4f7efeb7d0975a5….png)

File: c7a1286a31567b4⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 450x320, 45:32, stock-photo-closeup-portra….jpg)

fug D:::


Mind went pretty damn well, except it's in black & white.



File: ee46b2bd58f5610⋯.png (279.44 KB, 737x1050, 737:1050, 4d81d9056f024a6610a7ec6317….png)


It's okay, I've seen worse


File: c5315b26bad8b1a⋯.png (2.4 MB, 625x1000, 5:8, ea901b7d60c8bf170f72ef2a1f….png)

Her finger is so distracting I can't even see the rest of her.



which finger?


File: 388f31b4f436b42⋯.jpg (253.8 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 8e9ffb98589ac8c5ca648d4d0e….jpg)

Could not have gone better.


File: 8e5d191e6466e7c⋯.png (308.1 KB, 674x729, 674:729, 1c10ed66d7a2c.png)

>Skynet assimilated furries

We're fucked. Completely and utterly fucked. 0/10 - he doesn't even have a dick.


File: 4c47b1fb7e68629⋯.jpg (826.95 KB, 1373x2904, 1373:2904, a0f833d8f924ee00f090e6f404….jpg)

>holy fax machine


File: fdfd91a580cee5b⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 800x606, 400:303, ed49bdb15fe6c8ceb7a56da489….jpg)


At Least it's a orgy.


File: 7840f84077b85ab⋯.jpg (102.4 KB, 800x618, 400:309, d867685b7e7f36a65eff0d3eb2….jpg)

2/10; I'm pretty disappointed.


>terrible background gradient

>I don't care for latex


File: c256d865969e01e⋯.jpg (336.28 KB, 884x1500, 221:375, IMG_2967.jpg)

Well what the fuck am I supposed to do with this shit.



Lilinfeng! He was the best kemono cub artist for a decade, before Marimo. I wish I'd gotten that one.


File: 9308b884c23788d⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 610x800, 61:80, 5f72c0c51cabc48204dc02ea26….jpg)


Going again. I'm liking this image more than the last one. I think the genitalia might be a bit off location-wise, though. Simple, clean lines, not much else to say.


If this thread were to get to bump-limit, I wonder how many MLP images well end up with. Nice digits, by the way.


File: 23ed3f82fce5837⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 1000x1071, 1000:1071, fdab74f5001f7dbb6517faab05….gif)

>could have gotten a cute lizard girl

>get gore and mlp instead

>two shit-tier fetishes rolled into one


File: a41888defb312af⋯.jpg (239.1 KB, 1450x794, 725:397, 77e694ae244f5.jpg)


Based on about 30 rolls I just did, seems to be around 15%. More testing is needed.

Also, whoever said furry is full of faggots is full of shit. It took me those 30 rolls to find something NOT female-solo, female/male, or female/female. Pic related; it ain't even lewd or really "furry".

Anyway, 4/10 would let him jack me off with the Force. When 900-years-old YOU reach, get a boner you will not be able to, either.


File: e9995c34afbcf49⋯.jpg (280.64 KB, 900x1209, 300:403, 3bcfa07b9835d46dc5c38e6929….jpg)

Wouldn't have to worry about politics anymore, have an entire island to myself, could become really fit...

Although, I would not be able to go anywhere, have to survive entirely on my own merit, and I would have to figure out what can actually be built out of coconuts and bamboo.

I give it:



File: b1a1bce1d9ace3b⋯.gif (85.91 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Lucario-Check.gif)

>>18111 (checked)

Thanks for spoilering this, have an oc edit for your trouble.


after rolling 7 times for luck ,this is what I got.

9/10 for the Vulpix

and would go easy on his bro out of 10 for Luxio


File: ebcd0a82f64ce6b⋯.png (202.83 KB, 626x457, 626:457, 481cba48219ff5b9fac8974063….png)


oops,forgot the pic


File: 8ce263a9b962307⋯.png (2 MB, 1600x1800, 8:9, 776ca561045876754d7ed74742….png)


>30 rolls


>7 rolls

Rerolling isn't part of the OP, niggers

More ponyfags, but this time it's some unholy cross between pony and diamond dog cartoon realism. Everything has pillow shading ugly colors and the perspective is ass but at least they understand basic humanoid shapes? 3/10


File: 34148c2f17aeefe⋯.png (370.63 KB, 961x1000, 961:1000, ab08b7418e6e4eda63ff173c9c….png)

wew, pretty gud


File: e1d30a7fe1d6c2f⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 916x1280, 229:320, 247bc406317b4af09a86f29634….jpg)

Perfectly okay with this, assuming he's generic brown-fur wolf rather than sketched out. Better than other horrors in the thread.



Can you manage to get the artist name?

Please. It's for research purposes


File: 89398a49f42fd79⋯.png (1.09 MB, 748x1024, 187:256, ClipboardImage.png)

This is pretty good.



Kakushimi, probably better searching Japanese sites than e621.


File: fd268072c51677a⋯.jpg (180.29 KB, 600x832, 75:104, 1f4b579e233c65c30af14472f8….jpg)


This turned weird.


File: 8aef48b67b15924⋯.png (1.3 MB, 709x1000, 709:1000, 9921523803f773b1f308351cc9….png)


Cool art but looks fucking brutal


File: 9552b03d5ac8392⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, 60642ba9db91b2615bc82ec91e….jpg)


I wonder what's he's praying for?


File: 882ae6a4c883ebf⋯.jpg (223.25 KB, 960x500, 48:25, f936192abf445cd1a88f4be6ab….jpg)

Eh, boring tentacle shit.


File: 8f1e7d647281a7e⋯.jpg (837.25 KB, 1225x1071, 175:153, cecb78ef1863a06d287681d7cc….jpg)

I guess this is okay


File: 747e2ae834a7633⋯.jpg (261.92 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, b64550c1f31eb7965c8507eca6….jpg)

File: 44b38e7914da2cc⋯.png (857.87 KB, 1280x791, 1280:791, 4c752c2870e6d449bc55180d1a….png)

First one was full random

Second was Random but no ponies... it took a few.


File: 24f85cf2001947a⋯.png (926.05 KB, 792x1080, 11:15, bbfbe6f0adc374e4ca458851ef….png)

Honestly the ideal reality


File: cff056d0738ac59⋯.png (700.78 KB, 1174x893, 1174:893, fc85d453bc982d6605ed4813e5….png)

Vile does so not care about Sting Chameleon's bullshit stories

funny I got a worksafe one


my version of this game is search the tag(s) you usually search then add "order:score" to the search. go to last page, enjoy.


File: ae32a54c2ceb189⋯.png (947.08 KB, 800x633, 800:633, ClipboardImage.png)

>Art featuring only human females

>posted on e621

I'm disappointed and kinda surprised it even has those 3 up-votes


Let me introduce you to order:score_asc tag.


File: 9f60b14b0a750b2⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1000x1519, 1000:1519, delet this shit later.png)

Got a childhood ruining one.


File: e4506c5e2d6a270⋯.jpg (285.76 KB, 600x800, 3:4, cd82f7c18ed1bb.jpg)


Searched for "cub" like that (anything female is blacklisted) and got this for dead last. Had a good laugh; nobody fucking likes vaporeon.

Honestly, the score this is not a very good metric. Everything on that last page was there because it's not someone's fetish, almost all of it because it was guro. But it's mostly GOOD quality art; there's just a lot of pussies on e621.


File: fbf3019f20737dc⋯.png (461.64 KB, 1400x987, 200:141, e986eef275b42bdf17e022359f….png)

A very generous 4/10. Could've picked something worse. Pic is super boring.


File: 2ceefdefa30dc9d⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 857x1200, 857:1200, ec78a7f23c430227b17ca035dd….jpg)

This one doesn't look too bad, nice background, though the 'main action' itself is rather bland.


File: 67b9ab21e4dacb6⋯.jpg (269.78 KB, 1000x396, 250:99, IMG_1588.jpg)

Katia Fucking Managan/10

Coulda got My Little Autism, got Katia. Today was a good day.


File: b4e17653d6b9174⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 500x699, 500:699, de06467b1802f5d9822020019e….jpg)

>boring monster shit with a focus on some gay dick

It's shit.



Fuck you, I like vaporeon.


File: 92e425fc50d175f⋯.jpg (465.11 KB, 1274x1080, 637:540, 71dabaf0e61eb25f5b69104c98….jpg)

holy moley, I got an accurate depiction of /fur/




I like vaporeon too...


File: a6c2d9f0d8f23b1⋯.jpg (313.99 KB, 1035x1500, 69:100, 73f771d6d948339e8245445e24….jpg)

It's okay/10


File: a89debd528ecef1⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1400x1400, 1:1, 8b74bccd566dd92d037c9f7309….png)


>kemono tag

E-excuse me?


File: 68222e3063cbce4⋯.jpg (160.87 KB, 1280x1226, 640:613, f82cfa1f66e9637e7c8324b1f9….jpg)

Bleh. I give it a "hairy nigger/10."

Also, is there a way to post images from an existing URL?


File: e239b651a49382e⋯.png (323.26 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, tmp_30609-5bf5f6ff383b6c6c….png)

Dead, Soulless Eyes/10

Those hands look pretty fucked up, and the pose is kinda generic. She's kinda buff and scrawny at the same time? The coloring and lack of shading is meh, not terribly offensive. This does nothing for me.


File: 8f1d9f5f101d574⋯.jpg (38.13 KB, 303x379, 303:379, beavisthemethhead.jpg)



What's up with the meth head stare?



Just answered your own question. It'd be a great leap of faith to assume that those types can be aesthetically pleasing.


File: 8defcb020f94d24⋯.gif (24.85 KB, 329x302, 329:302, ab2.gif)


What's it say about his power level?

It say's:


File: 864b0221f3d13c0⋯.png (3.5 MB, 2273x1500, 2273:1500, c6e0d9fbd2ae2648eef98ca23b….png)

This is pretty garbage

Would avoid if real



cucked by a canuck cock?


File: f9782080e1bba1f⋯.jpg (510.91 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 02a4137c55cd104a0a4511ccaa….jpg)

I'd give it a (Good art, but not furry at all)/77


File: ac580d5eff6f527⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 905x1280, 181:256, oh come on!.jpg)



Oh, I remember that comic. Was hot as fuck until this last page, which completely ruined it with that marriage bullshit.


File: 19334000c64c1fa⋯.jpg (337.29 KB, 984x1280, 123:160, 44b50deb284b1ee89091eb1b89….jpg)

Aside form the head the anatomy is bretty good.



File: 9f08a924f5d6e35⋯.jpg (132.95 KB, 1280x1097, 1280:1097, e825a65d6b9a81a6cf4f1dfc90….jpg)

Considering it's is one of my fetishes, I'm okay with this.


File: 0e99997bcbd4908⋯.jpg (5.71 MB, 2965x6000, 593:1200, 2a628a85d52c7f80671b3d4011….jpg)

Yes please.


File: ebf44ec2fc4329d⋯.jpg (70.1 KB, 369x800, 369:800, 72da02b30b24c3a2818303da0c….jpg)

Cute bunny girls doing cute ladylike things always gets to me.



File: d89da7be36f0508⋯.png (350.82 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, 9183365f3f0a6227ecf7326c36….png)

Considering my love of hair down there, I really lucked out.


File: e81c8c5a5bf8806⋯.jpg (171.84 KB, 1191x739, 1191:739, 758e2f248a38ec873ef354bd81….jpg)

I wasn't expecting this one. Pretty awesome though.


File: 3ae89644973b546⋯.jpg (333.12 KB, 1280x1252, 320:313, 7d30070c57753692ae912410ca….jpg)

Clicked the link. Was treated to a big fat sweaty milf exercising her pussy.



File: 902880b372bb9f1⋯.png (302.84 KB, 1024x924, 256:231, d95383b36352eb107a15fab1ba….png)

I'm not sure what this is, but I'm absolutely positive I don't like it. -Pizza/10


File: 7c1c6c4ec85b550⋯.jpg (2.49 MB, 3444x4945, 3444:4945, 3e9ad95faa9cc3089a48f6fde5….jpg)



File: e3687d3e5677391⋯.png (190.96 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Fallout_4_-_Unnamed_tank.png)

Neat. I get some nice ladyass.

Unless I'm the ass, I guess.


File: e477f09c6d4d544⋯.jpg (118.39 KB, 744x1280, 93:160, 457.jpg)

Everything going quite nicely. Female, nothing weird and fetishy going on, perfectly generic species. Perfect for my more vanilla tastes.


File: 07e37e5d598d104⋯.png (923.86 KB, 1280x886, 640:443, 41232a219b5fc668766604f7c9….png)



File: eb210c0837f73d0⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 750x750, 1:1, e3c835383779c6f8ca56911a14….jpg)


10/kim jun un


File: 46e1a169b6dccbb⋯.png (170.61 KB, 640x1080, 16:27, 18ae6425c1e2a4988e407a2e1a….png)

10/10, would get lost in those muscles.


File: f1a4da21fdd951c⋯.jpg (128.53 KB, 1500x856, 375:214, 2049dcae72b4aab2408926c93d….jpg)

Face is as ugly as sin, but otherwise pretty good.


File: 212267d13a8d36c⋯.png (848.35 KB, 840x1200, 7:10, c20a4b544b179a12d054c7206e….png)

Not the worst pony shit


File: fbc2e53a3fdc308⋯.png (380.41 KB, 1200x1300, 12:13, 34145cca9d049bc73991760148….png)

Decent image ruined by a shit-tier pokémon.


Pretty good ponyshit, actually.


File: a4e7263776088f0⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 5400x3600, 3:2, DELETTT.jpg)

Could be way worse, not arousing at all just weird


File: 292423ec7d4fecf⋯.jpg (248.62 KB, 995x1280, 199:256, 4.jpg)


File: 4e3bfbe9ff8cd55⋯.png (466.59 KB, 1280x1022, 640:511, ClipboardImage.png)


Bretty gud


File: 0da8e324ec0efc1⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1400x1197, 200:171, 1f8c30473eea24c528986732e5….png)

I like the art, but I'm not a fan of the characters from the furry conversion propaganda film.



Looks like both are really really high.


File: cb4b4221f93e8df⋯.jpg (290.06 KB, 540x576, 15:16, 4ed68a3423817450e8429235e3….jpg)



File: 7c089554cf7e571⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 460.94 KB, 898x1298, 449:649, NOPENOPENOPENOPE!.jpg)


Nick is cumming, so weird facial expression are excused. Judy... well, she just had her ankle really badly broken, so I'm not sure why she would look so happy.

As for my own image, I'm spoilering it. If you have a faint stomach or heart, DO NOT CLICK IT!


File: b7b43b344175529⋯.jpg (328.63 KB, 866x723, 866:723, chinese.jpg)

i've been using e621 for, easily, 8 years now, and this is the first time i notice there is a racism tag


holy fuck this is funny



Other great tags:



>where is your god now



I looked into the racism tag and found this: https://e621.net/post/show/963792/2016-anthro-armpits-avian-bear-bird-brown_hair-clo

What the hell is the point of this comic? Seeing as it's on Deviant Art and it's full of "Muh Diversity" was it supposed to make me not like the duck? If anything it just made me sympathize with him.

>Justified his hate because pig and... Brown cat? come up and harass him

>retarded red panda joins in and abuses a psychological trigger to cause further embarrassment

>Duck makes fun of pig's fat as retaliation

>Gets punched.

Yeah I get that he touched her, but they were provoking him intentionally.


File: a410749c25462f4⋯.png (448.01 KB, 700x640, 35:32, wut.png)

i'm just kind of confused


File: 7117fa63f09a984⋯.jpg (590.14 KB, 900x2243, 900:2243, 07770d3b852e91930558679e63….jpg)


Who cares if these are conflict minerals.

This is a veritable gold mine!


File: 295bd3ca39cc2a1⋯.png (654.21 KB, 784x1007, 784:1007, 3c9b568d47beea789a6cb2c642….png)

well then



>holy fax machine

my sides



You won.



Let's get a tag list going:




I think the art style is fine, but the comic is just too non-sequitur to be coherent.

>Seeing as it's on Deviant Art and it's full of "Muh Diversity" was it supposed to make me not like the duck? If anything it just made me sympathize with him.

This. It's properly difficult to make most people sympathise with a character with a swastika tattoo, but this comic did it.


File: cbe6d1f9ddce163⋯.jpeg (456.89 KB, 900x1160, 45:58, image.jpeg)

4/10 meh









File: f0558fd6a1461a2⋯.png (1.03 MB, 3235x2685, 647:537, f2eda92a745acd03bcb10e86a9….png)

meh, generic ponyshit. could be worse. but could be a lot better.






I remember that one!


>pic of close-to-model, correctly proportioned Nicole

That is a good tag. Cheers, Anon.




I checked that tag out and immediately recognised the Leaning Tower of Gumball by Gara from years ago. Looked at the tags and found these as well:







Related, and twice as hilarious: >snake_impalement.

Surprised nobody's mentioned


though to be fair it's not applied as often as it should be. Furries might have absurdly flexible assholes, but they still need to BREATHE, so for example many instances of


should be assumed to rapidly be leading to suffocation.








File: cb969b1d19a86e8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 193.22 KB, 788x800, 197:200, 136105970728.jpg)


Definitely checking these out.


>tfw I already know a few pics that will likely be high up in there

In fact, most of the pics with this pair should be in that tag.


File: 43e060df9065f93⋯.jpg (554.02 KB, 1224x1756, 306:439, a0bd85866f9d4e23cf55b281e6….jpg)

Pokemon now exist, but now we're all mimes.


File: 82b521eea28df53⋯.jpg (536.71 KB, 1100x1602, 550:801, a7f58c5568a1f08ac961c0fcbc….jpg)

nice dialogue on this one



I would go as far as saying the text saved the image

(Yes, I do not have a foot fetish)


File: d2e1bbbefaf3a6f⋯.png (44.21 KB, 653x1057, 653:1057, 9967606152033c28f3f2fa336b….png)



File: 8a86ffe3521f056⋯.png (735.72 KB, 1400x2046, 700:1023, ClipboardImage.png)

Absolute sin.

not bad


File: 6d15f8cc07bac84⋯.jpg (95.32 KB, 638x640, 319:320, e80b29ca09aa55edd872131342….jpg)

I'm fine with this, could have gotten something much worse


File: 72d5537d41c1cd7⋯.jpg (597.51 KB, 1153x1677, 1153:1677, 734bc744953d82bd2adc03cbec….jpg)


Pretty cute but it seems like she forgot her air supply. Then again, I doubt her brain needs to much oxygen. I don't care too much for MLP but the art is alright.

7/10 art

0/10 sexieness


File: b79ac671aba57e8⋯.jpg (177.65 KB, 958x1280, 479:640, 138b0caacf77314c89d70b27c9….jpg)

I don't know if the blue magic is some Native American thing, but this is actually pretty neat. Artist probably went for some Wendigo shit here


Vaporeon's my favorite. I'm not even a huge fan of water types, I just like its design. Also tapering whale/dolphin dick


File: 99926a716cd504d⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 489x383, 489:383, ew, humans.jpg)

disgusting human, it doesn't look bad but her skin does look quite weird.

4/10 because I'm gay


File: 561c07f6460bdda⋯.png (812.15 KB, 1428x1285, 1428:1285, ew.png)

rolled again and got this. Typical disgusting futa mlp shit

1/10 (I hate ponies edition)



>But it's mostly GOOD quality art; there's just a lot of pussies on e621.

Yeah. I personally don't go for guro, etc., but I can enjoy black humour and a lot of it is surprisingly well drawn. The voting system isn't well defined, and since it would show up for people just looking up vaporeon, they downvote it to hell.

I usually find the top scores are good or generic, and the bottom are joke posts or MS paint atrocities. The bottom is sometimes better.


File: 5cf2134020d31e1⋯.png (782.61 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't know why this is on E6, and I don't even like Trinity, Oberon at least has some deer aesthetics. It has a dick, but at best it's fake, being a suit; I don't like latex, 4/10 at least she has Energy Vampire going for her.



That abused face but unbreakable optimism. Classical Katia.


File: 1648782e0b4ed73⋯.jpg (44.23 KB, 640x843, 640:843, 5ad4d3e254f8ce399fb3c55c6d….jpg)



File: c851035171edb38⋯.png (402.83 KB, 806x1000, 403:500, 9751e9796dac07c282dd2bd463….png)

Well, at least it isn't ponyshit, but it's not the best thing in the whole world, either. I mean, I suppose I'm okay with the head, the body and the way the feet are done, but the naughty bits look bland and tasteless. Also, I'm not into BDSM like that spreader bar and the titty-twisters or whatever those are, but I do like the arms behind handcuffed behind her back. I rate it a 4/10.


File: a00a63eede116eb⋯.jpg (843.74 KB, 1024x1561, 1024:1561, 5e0d397eca84393f2578eec2bc….jpg)

They look too manga-human for my taste. Decent color choices though. Their character designs are still absolutely disgusting however. 5/10 Could have been worse.


File: d9c8388a8d22a3e⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1476x1273, 1476:1273, 5bafc097a9c09366c1f7ceab9a….png)

I don't even know how to put this, its just a bat girl with unnecessary glowing belts. Just kind of eh. 5/10


File: 9ccb84072c74d9e⋯.jpg (269.77 KB, 591x807, 197:269, 293c0cbccf8a9edd71cb292bbd….jpg)

A toucan, eh? Never tried to search for those.


There's a lot of non-anthro stuff on E621, including aliens, monstrous human-like creatures, goo and slime monsters etc.


File: 55e3db92371a313⋯.jpg (304.69 KB, 1170x600, 39:20, b31f9e7b7b0b20ef36960d74c4….jpg)

What do I even do with this


File: 97ca42dbe6d496d⋯.gif (644.22 KB, 580x540, 29:27, 1fc5e1c05c153093386464e006….gif)

What the fuck is this? 0/10



Is that FalconMcCooper?


File: 5cdec6fce106071⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

not bad. im not really sure how that would actually feel but i can dig it.


File: 9c2ef32b4af4fcf⋯.png (576.77 KB, 672x840, 4:5, 9ed1c56ac39ba62eea54975167….png)

I'm not gay but at least its not a shitty artist.


File: e4b54fc1fab7b25⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, catfireeyes.gif)


cute actually

>pic related


File: 7675a597aed36d1⋯.jpg (10.03 MB, 3600x5175, 16:23, b053e94885128148316dc90120….jpg)

What is this? A dragon that should look like a pony?

Also extra work because this thing was 36 Mb big so i had to convert it to jpeg.


File: 7faf5318049ba07⋯.png (185.14 KB, 719x948, 719:948, 7d8128580ecb2e130771deb682….png)

if is me:

<meh. at least i'm a cute female

if is gf

<not too bad

I r8 cute/romance




File: d0a26fdd5240ab0⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1035x1280, 207:256, fbb2d0f390f5e46c2d9bf91195….png)


I am now in the middle of a thunderstorm presumably on a cliff or island, a nude stranger showed up with his dick out and got hit by lightning

hope he isn't kill

looks kinda nice actually, I prefer this version to the one with the car now



File: 27f49d2a9639353⋯.jpg (228.55 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 8be172bae426d25f99823587d9….jpg)

feel kinda weird to see such image on e621

8/10 not a fan of pokemon, but cute pikachu and nice drawing


File: d4cf569c3ef6c1d⋯.jpg (888.63 KB, 1024x1385, 1024:1385, 7dcf919f2bd.jpg)

Thought the character was cute, so I checked his tag, and found another picture where he's fucking Ante. GODDAMMIT, that whore!


File: 33570caecb1619d⋯.png (154.92 KB, 340x199, 340:199, ledragonface18.png)


File: 993374a1b23682e⋯.jpg (339.15 KB, 807x1241, 807:1241, mustache.jpg)

Looks painful.


File: 2fd33a4d4cd61b3⋯.png (667.97 KB, 786x1100, 393:550, ClipboardImage.png)

Why this isn't bad at all, I just get a free ca...



File: 393d724ec6d3476⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1541x1541, 1:1, z.png)








What was that famous MS paint cock tf comic or something? Looked like this, might actually be it.


File: c6677770ae1cd8f⋯.jpg (140.07 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, Fuck dammit.jpg)

burn it

just burn everything




Lust Penis?


>get a pony image

>people with pony names that are obviously saying things in character but have 0 records for roleplaying in comment sections



The mods will only get people for that in the images where they actually go to looking for it. I know for a fact that Ratte mostly crawls cub images to hand out bans like Halloween candy, because she hates cub and the people who like it. The only thing this means is that the mods are unfairly pony-friendly.

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