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/fur/ - Furry

all fur one and one fur all

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File: bb05192427cb984⋯.jpg (15.76 KB,852x480,71:40,question_mark_clipart_rati….jpg)


Why do internal cumshot pics still go with the meme of "shooting into the uterus"? That's not remotely anatomically correct at all. There are videos if internal sex made with small cameras. The penis doesn't penetrate the cervix, you cum in the vaginal canal. If it did penetrate, or even touch, it would cause intense pain. That doesn't stop every artist from getting it wrong. Why does this stupid shit still persist with hentai artists and especially furry artists?

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At no point does learning to draw furry porn involve anything close to life-drawing. It's all copying what coomers have paid the bux for in the past.

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>>118444 (Trips checked)

What I want is for artists to stop with the "sperm fertilizing egg" meme. It obstructs the pic, looks like shit half the time, and is anyone going to jack off to it? We get it, you have a breeding fetish. But you can imagine that in any M/F penetration pic with a cumshot. What a waste.

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