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/f1/ - Formula One

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Classic race streams at: Https://Cytu.be/r/8chanf1 Feel free to make any constructive suggestions. For the forseeable future, discussion of NASCAR, WEC/LeMans, Indycar, and other motorsport series will be allowed.

File: 321f8a22fe9e344⋯.png (72.99 KB,469x385,67:55,20390_SoyBooru.png)

447e70 No.66637

>nobody gives a fuck about this dead board

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7af565 No.66645

File: 2e5bf985eb4cbd0⋯.png (51.98 KB,255x255,1:1,1684112821538.png)

I looked back to see if they even talk about races here, but it's just advertising shit. I don't think jannies care about this board.

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