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File: 89998163de2f34b⋯.png (195.9 KB,1393x859,1393:859,monaco_grand_prix.png)

File: f8f0e6ae4ba49b7⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,1920x2684,480:671,Ferrari_Monaco.jpg)

c453b5 No.66215

Schedule Note

Times are based on local time of the race.

UTC +2/GMT +2 Central European Summer Time


Monaco brings back grid girls. https://archive.fo/c6klg

List of power elements used prior to the Monaco Grand Prix weekend.


Aston Martin to make engine decision in 9 months.


F1 changes aero rules for 2019 to promote overtaking, forgetting that the 2009 regulation changes was suppose to do the same thing, before the aero rules were changed for 2017.


Cuck Saward claims an F1 technical director became rather "tired and emotional" on the plane back from Australia while wearing team gear and told off the boss to his face. Turns out it was Sauber's Jörg Zander who was let go due to "technical reshuffle".

McLaren's Tim Goss was fired as well.

Some fun from the infamous Mikef1 who worked in WEC, and was the first to break the story of Williams signing with Martini back in 2014.

<He didn't tell much about the car or any new parts we don't already know. He said most people in the Paddock actually believe Williams are on top of the issue and that a fix will be in place but gave no indication of timeframe and didn't want to share with me where he understands that will put them in the field.

<He's also part of a group bet on how many times the FW41 will crash in Monaco…. it really is the laughing stock of the Paddock. He said you can expect to see the car in the wall around turn 2 3 and 4. And also running wide frequently braking out of the tunnel. It's going to be a painful weekend.


>Betting on how many times the FW41 will crash

Top kek

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c453b5 No.66217

File: 58a8ea5073b609a⋯.jpg (72.13 KB,1126x1160,563:580,PRACTICE_1_MONACO_2018.jpg)

File: b5a5a18f77bc293⋯.jpg (89.43 KB,1024x576,16:9,PRACTICE_2_MONACO_2018.jpg)

Thursday practice results. Friday is where the support races happen.

Porsche Supercup race left a massive oil slick from the swimming pool to the pit entry.


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b7f3bb No.66218

Any bets when mad max does his usual thing?

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d13d0b No.66219


Assuming they qualify next to each other, I'll guess lap 15.

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4d05ab No.66220

Red Bull on first and last position in the grid. I don't need to mention which of their drivers starts from the pole, it should be obvious.

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b7f3bb No.66221


I legit wonder why max still isn't suspended.

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c453b5 No.66222

File: b41e2745ac7cee4⋯.jpg (103.46 KB,1024x576,16:9,qualifying.jpg)

Qualifying Results. Max Verstappen crashed out in Free Practice 3 and needs a gearbox change. 6 races in a row where Max Verstappen crashed out in any of the sessions.

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b7f3bb No.66223


Cue RBR botching their tire strat and Vettel gliding into an easy victory.

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d13d0b No.66224

>losing power

Oh no.

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d13d0b No.66225

RIP Alonso.

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b7f3bb No.66226

RIP Leclerc's brakes

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