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File: eee55f576733534⋯.png (476.37 KB,754x503,754:503,lookmatwowheels.png)

415153 No.66195

Since our Canadian that's been making threads is AWOL, might as well get a thread going discussing these two excellent races.

>pic semi related

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96d37d No.66196

that was fucking hilarious. what a shitshow. when they sent out the medical car, I assumed that it was because they suspected that Grosjean had had a stroke.

BTW, was that Verstappen move illegal? did he make too many moves? or was it a Riccardo fuckup, because those are rare, plus Verstappen had been a loose cannon all fucking day.

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1886c8 No.66197

File: 46490e82148a81f⋯.jpg (474.48 KB,2048x1152,16:9,_101089567_mural_getty.jpg)


Looks like the official decision is that they were both at fault.

Baku also had this masterpiece which puts Sepang to shame.

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415153 No.66198


I'm more surprised everybody's finding ways to fuck up ranging from botched pitstops in Bahrain to debris on Baku's streets than anything else. This season is going to be excellent if this level of unpredictability keeps up.

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dee6f6 No.66199

Didn't know this place was still active, fell off the circus a bit last year, did anyone see in qualifying just then when Stroll nearly got TRACTORed?

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