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53c8f3 No.65539

…and could only talk about motorsport-related topics, what do you think will blow the mind of your past self the most?

>That Kovalainen guy? Yeah, you guessed it, he's going to McLaren, but he's not going to be the team's "third generation" Flying Finn by any means. Sooner or later he'll be sent to the bottom teams to job out and that'll be the last we hear of him

>Raikkonen will still be on the field in a competitive seat 10 years from now

>Miss Schumacher already? Don't worry, he'll be back in 3 years, though he won't win a single race and only get on the podium once, and no, it won't be a Ferrari he sits in

>Massa? He's not going anywhere. It'll look like he'll win the next season, but after that he'll suffer a near-fatal injury the year after and never be quite the same after that

>Kubica? He's never going to make it big. He'll have two really big rally-related accidents and never return to Formula 1

>You know the team formerly known as BAR, Honda or whatever? They might suck right now and look to be on the verge of bankruptcy, but starting from the next couple of years they will rebirth into one of the most dominant teams in Formula 1 history

>Also Red Bull, the team that took over Jaguar a couple years back? Yeah, they're going to be at the front for quite a while too

>As for McLaren? Eventually they will go orange and get Honda back as an engine manufacturer many years from now, but they will have their worst season in more than 30 years. Also just before that they'll put the good old West scheme back on for half a season, though the results won't be that good

>Williams' main sponsor will become Martini around 5 years from now

pic unrelated, but it's a nice concept nonetheless

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23b695 No.65540

that bernie was removed before his death

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ef1f2c No.65748

Brawn GP's story, just because it absolutely destroyed everyone else that year.

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