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File: d7d5f225c83aec5⋯.jpg (199.93 KB,1920x1280,3:2,Nico.jpg)

875e48 No.59145 [Last50 Posts]

16 Sep - 18 Sep

All are Singapore times

FP1: 18 - 19:30

FP2: 21:30 - 23

FP3: 18 - 19

Qualifying: 21 - 22

Race: 20

Last years podium: VET, RIC, RAI

Can Ricciardo take an expectant win?

Can Mr Singapore (VET) pullout a miracle?

Will Mercedes suffer at this track again?

Can Nicola keep the momentum of finishing ahead of Lewis?

How competitive will McLaren be?

Can Force India still keep Williams behind?

Vettel's pole lap : https://www.formula1.com/en/video/2015/9/Onboard_pole_position_lap_-_Singapore.html

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875e48 No.59146

File: 10ffb494dd5cd70⋯.jpg (112.22 KB,1200x799,1200:799,CcJ6EOsWoAA6c1j.jpg)

File: 8b14234d27d3bf2⋯.jpg (169.24 KB,1600x1065,320:213,dms1425no160.jpg)

>"The Sauber F1 Team is pleased to confirm the appointment of Ruth Buscombe as new Strategy Engineer," Sauber said in a statement. "The 26-year old Briton will start to work for the Sauber F1 Team from the Malaysian Grand Prix onwards.

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875e48 No.59147


Well at least she ain't ded

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875e48 No.59148

the thing about buscombe, you wait around for her strategy all day and then two show up at the same time

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875e48 No.59149


just like the british transport system

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875e48 No.59150


>Can Force India still keep Williams behind?

Williams is ahead by a handful of points atm but they are going to get btfo this weekend.

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875e48 No.59151


Ahh, forgot about that points situation. But yeah,Williams don't perform at street circuits, and most of the other tracks should be really tight between them.

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875e48 No.59152


>tfw you campaign for women in motorsport but end up being strategist for a GP2 team

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875e48 No.59153


Sauber got money now and they have the facilities. But who knows if they can do anything about next year as having no money for most of this year certainly affects future projects, as well as the lack of talent at that team.

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875e48 No.59156

File: 42c9e9efe4aec28⋯.jpg (476.8 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,CsOcPQIXEAAgXZ3.jpg)

would you touch a banana with johnny?

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875e48 No.59157


But with curry tits and the helm I can't imagine them stepping it up 'till next year.

not even their legal game

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875e48 No.59158

>Motorsport Manager for sale on Android in the 'Play Store' ($0.10)

I don't really play mobile games but it's tempting

now where's the catch?

>Updated May 15, 2015

>In-app Products $1.99 - $5.99 per item

pretty blatant what's going on, probably a new version coming out soon. I don't game much anymore but a new PC/Desktop Motorsport Manager would be nice.

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875e48 No.59159


There's supposedly a version coming out on PC, I think it's the same developer so maybe more or less a port. No release date though. So never ever.

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875e48 No.59160

File: 6595a3183ea082a⋯.jpg (117.89 KB,1000x1000,1:1,hulkcheco-podiums.jpg)

>Palmer admits making an impression tough amid Renault struggles

I think most non-casuals see that he is fairly well matched with Magnussen race-for-race. Too bad the one race where Renault apparently had a points-scoring chassis Palmer wasn't the one who scored. Not that I'm a fan or anything but he is a solid Bestfan-approved midfielder.

>Champion of a feeder series that teams overlook

>Occasionally brilliant but doesn't have much self-belief

>Regularly outshone by his teammate when it actually matters even if they are somewhat closely matched

Sort of like JB actually. Plus a load of nepotism and minus the hype at the beginning of Button's career. All Palmer is missing is the tragic story/excuse for underperformance like Brundle and Herbert's crashes.

Btw calling it now, Hulkenberg is going to have another strong 4th place or potential podium depending on whether anyone in front of them crashes. FI was good around Monaco and Mercedes aren't a sure bet for 1-2 at this point.

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875e48 No.59162

File: 0af7678a4e0287d⋯.jpg (30.88 KB,678x381,226:127,9d2c0f8109b3728176997e469c….jpg)

>"The Sauber F1 Team is pleased to confirm the appointment of Ruth Buscombe as new Strategy Engineer. The 26-year old Briton will start to work for the Sauber F1 Team from the Malaysian Grand Prix onwards. Buscombe has worked for the Scuderia Ferrari F1 Team, as well as recently for the Haas F1 Team."

Well, that's a terrible career move.

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875e48 No.59163


I can't even imagine the pay is good.

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875e48 No.59164

File: 1794627b953b6c2⋯.png (14.06 KB,455x168,65:24,jewis.png)

File: 183056aaeac3cea⋯.png (14.04 KB,457x173,457:173,fernando.png)

File: 0205be001a417d0⋯.png (14.39 KB,452x171,452:171,paul.png)


but is it as Top Quality™ as Racing Manager 2014?

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875e48 No.59165

File: a457c4610562223⋯.png (71.3 KB,457x351,457:351,bananamex.png)


I really, really, really like this image

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875e48 No.59166


ahead of every gp their press machine cranks out a bunch of worthless stories but now they're actually sounding optimistic

so double double mechanical dnfs and then something embarassing at suzuka

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875e48 No.59167

File: 68c3841a1748a08⋯.jpg (134.04 KB,1024x500,256:125,fiesta.jpg)


>paul fiesta

top kek

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875e48 No.59168

File: f974138e0be7bbb⋯.jpg (52.44 KB,740x400,37:20,Mercedes-Chassis-Trick-F1-….jpg)

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875e48 No.59169


Wew, even I had a hunch around Baku that they were using a derivative of the FRIC system. On the onboards, you could see the suspension being really compliant over bumps, better than other cars.

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875e48 No.59170


i like how they say

>Inzwischen haben selbst die Dümmsten kapiert, dass es nicht allein der Motor sein kann.

>die Dümmsten

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875e48 No.59171


Sorry what? Occasionally brilliant? Solid midfielder?

How do you see that in him?

In my opinion he has been a terrible driver and the most boring person around. Most races he is completely invisible until he crashes or crosses the finish line (more often than not behind Magnussen).

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875e48 No.59172


Being completely invisible is the most midfielder thing to do though.

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875e48 No.59173


In two-car finishes Palmer has actually been ahead a good deal of the time, when Renault are finishing way out of the points of course.

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875e48 No.59174


Sounds more like a backmarker to me. With Sainz you have a solid midfielder. Sure, the Renault isn't competitive at all this year but pretend it's like 2019 for a second and Renault competes in the top 3. They wouldn't let Palmer even near that!

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875e48 No.59175


I don't know, I always feel like I have more knowledge of backmarkers thanks to making fun of how slow they are and how much they like tractors, while midfielders are just doing their thing in a way that never stands out.

Maybe the problem is that I like to make fun of backmarkers more than anything else.

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875e48 No.59176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this tiger had one job…

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875e48 No.59178

Coming to you live from the everychan apk at the top of the page…

What I don't get is what happened to the list of various chans that let you shorten URLs instead of manually entering them. Is less more in overchan?

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875e48 No.59179


Nevermind actually, it's just buried in the options. The hazards of using two virtually identical apps…

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875e48 No.59180

File: f73aabbb61f57ad⋯.jpg (49.22 KB,550x346,275:173,sad tuger.jpg)


tfw "rescued" from awesome life of eating cartel victims only to be thrown in a mexican prison and constantly drugged up for use as a celebrity play toy

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875e48 No.59182

File: cbd41bf8c1b32fb⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,768x576,4:3,1448056472148-1.mp4)

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875e48 No.59183

what weird time is the press conf

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875e48 No.59184


>Thursday, September 15, 1800 hours local time (1000 GMT)

>Valtteri Bottas (Williams), Marcus Ericsson (Sauber), Felipe Nasr (Sauber), Jolyon Palmer (Renault), Sergio Perez (Force India), Daniel Ricciardo (Red Bull)

is 2 bongs

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875e48 No.59185

File: c7d7ab16ea96cd6⋯.jpg (182.15 KB,1280x738,640:369,S.jpg)

File: 1f68c4bd8a0693f⋯.png (5.45 KB,234x326,117:163,superS.png)

>watchin some canal-ing


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875e48 No.59186

File: 2676f0d0e2b4e73⋯.jpg (137.62 KB,1280x738,640:369,tamberlane.jpg)

for the wait

2016 - F1 Report - Singapore Preview


>patrick tambay

jeez i didn't know he was still alive but i guess i hadn't thought about it since watching that turbo docu for the old beatrice car

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875e48 No.59189

press conf starting now

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875e48 No.59190

>everyone pretending palmer won't be driving in a second tier LMP3 team next year

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875e48 No.59191


Buemi is looming large in the background and there are drivers that are faster than him on the current grid. It would be a miracle if he could stay at Renault and an even bigger one if anyone else takes a shot at him.

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875e48 No.59192

maybe renault will sign GUT

that's what you do when your first choice of mexican is taken right?

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875e48 No.59193


But then, who is Haas?

inb4 harry

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875e48 No.59194


kurt busch

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875e48 No.59195


LeClerk is another Ferrari driver who the mothership might want to put in a car.

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875e48 No.59196

File: f783fe5c93f48d6⋯.jpg (186.89 KB,800x533,800:533,f1-enrique-scalabroni-acti….jpg)

File: a214c43bb0f24e5⋯.jpg (220.4 KB,800x533,800:533,f1-enrique-scalabroni-acti….jpg)

File: f406d0987e4cb4d⋯.jpg (151.02 KB,800x533,800:533,f1-enrique-scalabroni-acti….jpg)

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875e48 No.59197


The only practical idea in that is the removable bar directly above the driver. The pussy cage and visor both are focusing way too much on being attached to the chassis, but this is too far in the other direction.

We'll just put this on the list for when they build rainbow road.

>active cockpit protection

>anti-debris missiles


>push to pass 'bullet' mode


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875e48 No.59198

File: 817bf8526c8beef⋯.jpg (41.49 KB,819x257,819:257,scalabroni_f1_04.jpg)

File: 1391159a9546b2c⋯.jpg (29.71 KB,329x447,329:447,scalabroni-project-f1 1.jpg)

File: 2dc92e864835a13⋯.jpg (70.32 KB,892x488,223:122,scalabroni-project-f1 2.jpg)


Would you trust the safety device of man who also designed this?

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875e48 No.59202


These actually look kinda cool, albeit I'm pretty sure having something over the driver's head wouldn't help in any way.

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875e48 No.59203



The head loop looks better in the second pic where the engine cover is built around the loop.

Still think if you are going to go this far you may as well just put a cockpit on it.

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875e48 No.59204

File: 7d781ebe46d1b74⋯.jpg (856.27 KB,1920x1280,3:2,Tyrrel P34 Formula 1.jpg)


Speaking of outlandish designs…

Unbelievable this thing actually competed for two whole years and book some success as well. If only F1 was to be more liberal about it's regulations, oh well.

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875e48 No.59206



just play one of the old ones they're actually good.

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875e48 No.59207

File: 2167e187a5606b5⋯.jpg (22.56 KB,500x373,500:373,gpx912.jpg)


Jody approves

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875e48 No.59208


Don't get me wrong I respect scalabroni but how in the fuck is that going to make up for the huge lack of lateral grip and the inability to control the rollcenter of the front axle.

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875e48 No.59209


I've never tried to learn how it would work.

Like even the simplicity of just turning confuses me.

Do the side wheels turn?

Are they powered?

Does the front wheel turn or lean into the corners like a bike?

Does the front wing follow it?

What in gods name does the rear wheel do other than keep the rear from grinding?

Does it get power?

Does it also turn?

How fucking long does a wheel change take?

The side wheels clearly have suspension but what about the front and rear?

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875e48 No.59210

File: ef5f22f96d5c123⋯.jpg (92.62 KB,822x478,411:239,scalabroni-project-f1 3.jpg)


Okay a few minutes of google searching answers quite a few questions

>First of all, according to F.1 rules (in 1993) a F.1 must have at least two steering wheels and it can't be a 4 wheels drive. There isn't any rules about three wheels drive, like this one (Note that at end of 1993 also 4 wheels steering were forbidden but I don't know exactly if such a system now would be allowed anymore).

>Such a car has a minor frontal section because there are no big wheels (back tyres were 18" in 1993, IIRC); lateral tyres on this project should have been standard front tyres on standard F.1. For this reason it is 25% more efficent: it use a 10% for a bigger back wing and a 15% for improving speed.

>There are two viscous differentials; standard transmission and a cardanic transmission for the back steering wheel. Three wheels drive means more grip. Ideal engine would be a V8 (remember that in 1993 there were V8, V10 and V12 and all of them were quite god in F.1).

>Front suspension is quite similar to motorbike or could be derived from aircraft wheels.

>If this car could have active suspension (allowed in 1993), in could lift interior wheel in bends.

So three wheel drive, front and rear wheel steering with the front acting more like a motorbike.

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875e48 No.59211


that's totally fucking insane but really cool.

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875e48 No.59212


until it goes around a high speed corner and flips the fuck over. 3-wheel is shit-tier.

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875e48 No.59213

File: b266b2e16a04900⋯.jpg (235.66 KB,1000x1000,1:1,2uareDOOM.jpg)



>spot mouse in house

>invite neighborhood cat friend inside

>she's just doing nothing, begging for food, rubbing against stuff, the usual

>leave her alone literally as long as it takes to piss then let her back out



>get up from nap, walk into back hallway

>still alive mouse with snapped spine pulling itself along at about an inch per minute in the middle of the floor dragging its motionless hind legs and lower body behind it


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875e48 No.59214


stray cats are fucking useless. Just use traps.

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875e48 No.59215

File: ff912438182ce86⋯.jpg (46.12 KB,640x439,640:439,carbon-fiber-fedora-1.jpg)

File: 32ff764fe13e932⋯.jpg (44.05 KB,640x403,640:403,carbon-fiber-fedora-2.jpg)

File: a49a25d95de827d⋯.jpg (42.32 KB,640x366,320:183,carbon-fiber-fedora-3.jpg)

[saved for future shitposting]

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875e48 No.59216

So what are the chances of Niggersenna crashing out during this one, lads?

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875e48 No.59217


maybe the spooky electromagic waves from underground will short out one of their trick cheat devices

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875e48 No.59218


you also have to take into account that solar radiation could also affect the steering and brake pedals. The wind could also cause his tires to degrade faster. This of course has nothing to do with the other drivers, it just affects Hamilton

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875e48 No.59219


Cats can be pretty ruthless.

My cat usually comes home with a dead bird and every so often a mouse. All fine and dandy that she hunts for fun but she brings it up to the door of my bedroom at night and I'm supposed to feel honored.

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875e48 No.59220


mine only swats moths and pulls the legs off spiders, which is why i had to bring in a ringer for an actual pest

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875e48 No.59221

>tfw late FP1

i would start drinking so i could enjoy the "every time there is a shot of the marina bay sands infinity pool" game but i have to wait for the autozone to open so i can get a part

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875e48 No.59222

File: 237dd459d0e2e1e⋯.jpg (19.35 KB,300x180,5:3,ga.jpg)

>some gay faggots in gay faggot sports not standing for our National Anthem to protest some gay faggot special snowflake shit or something gay and faggy

do you think this hot trend will spread to F1? it only took them several months to find out about pokemon go

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875e48 No.59223

File: d728d13adc309df⋯.jpg (76.3 KB,900x600,3:2,Ferrari Wing.jpg)

Ferrari front wing with shark tooth profile.

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875e48 No.59224

File: bb486392779b87b⋯.jpg (343.85 KB,600x848,75:106,Singapore sets.jpg)


Don't know what your yard is like, there is farmland behind my house, bordered by a forest area. She tends to attack insects at day and hunt at night, lots of sleep in between though.

It's really fascinating to observe how quick your average cat really is. They can turn on the spot and in quick succession while also holding momentum and they are extremely precise. Clearly cats are the Formula 1 of pets.

Speaking of which, it will be interesting to see how well the ultrasofts hold up in Singapore. The air will be hot and humid, perhaps it could be the perfect operating window for these tires and that is why we were disappointed with them on all the other track, or it's just going to degrade like nothing else and be horrible.

Knowing Pirelli, probably the latter and everyone who brought mainly ultrasofts is going to get screwed.

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875e48 No.59225


who will be first to put that crap on a road car?

some sort of chinese made pointy sticky tape doesn't count

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875e48 No.59226


i can't remember or never bothered to understand, do they have to take at least one set of each? don't see any zeroes

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875e48 No.59227


also inb4 usual boring tire management race from farce indian that somehow even if works perfectly keeps hulk from the podium

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875e48 No.59228


>inb4 hamilton takes a knee on the podium after mercedes hands him the race because kardashians or some shit.

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875e48 No.59229


It's purpose depending on positioning is to either help aero efficiency or help the air attach better after closing the rear wing. In the ferrari example it is to help efficiency so on a road car, to help front splitter aero efficiency if they fell that they might be producing too much drag. So it is still a looong way away from actually being used on hypercars even as it is a very specialized solution to a problem and cars are not as restricted.

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875e48 No.59230


Lewis wouldn't do it as it is too controversial. He likes good publicity.

But good god if he knelt before the US Grand Prix during the anthem the media would go on a fucking frenzy.

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875e48 No.59231



i mean that has never stopped anyone from putting shit on a road car, like wings on a toyota corolla

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875e48 No.59232

File: 8150fd278ef3bdc⋯.jpg (107.8 KB,1080x1080,1:1,14350641_553957968130347_1….jpg)


nice camera looking like a gun barrel pointed to your face

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875e48 No.59233

paddock uncut coming thru on sky right now

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875e48 No.59234


That's Lewis's cockpit. They have their charge level on the right, Ferrari have it on the bottom. the font pillar isn't blocking the view as bad as I had though.

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875e48 No.59235

brilliant knee to ground action

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875e48 No.59236

general custer in the house

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875e48 No.59237


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875e48 No.59238



It is what you deserve

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875e48 No.59239

>Pushing him back to the pits

Lucky cunt

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875e48 No.59240

>aero test for being pushed speed

preparing for 2017

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875e48 No.59241

di resta sucking the dicks of his teutonic masters

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875e48 No.59242


I decide to just mute sky and listen to the BBC.

Both the commentators are pretty against most things.

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875e48 No.59243


i dream of multiple audio feeds

sky germany was actually pretty good, they can keep quiet for longer than 0.2 sec

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875e48 No.59244

for trackside entertainment how many people do they cane to death for leaving bubblegum on the sidewalk

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875e48 No.59245


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875e48 No.59246




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875e48 No.59247


I can only find stats for 2012 but only 2,200 people were caned.

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875e48 No.59248


damn that's only like six a day, i think medieval times does more joust shows than that

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875e48 No.59249

A McLaren in it's natural habitat. In the pits on jacks.

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875e48 No.59250

>BBC commentators arguing about whether Lance Stroll is actually shit or not

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875e48 No.59251

where is grosjean

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875e48 No.59252



>Issue with @RGrosjean's car based on low intake pressure. Bodywork off, investigating possible leak. Session over.

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875e48 No.59253

can we kill jack whitehall yet

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875e48 No.59254


Playing cards

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875e48 No.59255

File: 546c523174fe28a⋯.jpg (110.03 KB,1024x576,16:9,bigcards.jpg)

>ROC deck

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875e48 No.59256

>engine air intake leak

i bet it failed the mandatory fia smog test

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875e48 No.59257

Ricci boy is on it.

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875e48 No.59258

quasilegal fric system overheating

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875e48 No.59259

10000m yen worth of poor revs

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875e48 No.59260

Nicola in the wall

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875e48 No.59261


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875e48 No.59262

>wise thinking to get the car back

expert paul commentary

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875e48 No.59263

File: 058e23aa670ac9f⋯.jpg (17.81 KB,622x212,311:106,Nico_mana_baka.JPG)

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875e48 No.59264

File: af7ca2823c6ea58⋯.jpg (150.63 KB,1920x1080,16:9,CseLKOYWgAA8yW3.jpg)

so glad to see classic nico is back

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875e48 No.59265


Can't recall if having at least one set of each compound is mandatory, but it is for the two hardest steps. Those are reserved for the race though, so that's why we don't see teams running their one set of hardest tire.

tl;dr because Pirelli

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875e48 No.59266

>Merc is 3rd fastest team at end of the session

>they were running the hardest tire when everyone else is on ultras

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875e48 No.59267


>this is not a merc circuit

>we are not favorites in singapore

good german sense of humor

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875e48 No.59268

>i'm just hugely impressed with his moustache

cheeky horner

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875e48 No.59269

Vettel's helmet looks nice.

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875e48 No.59270

>James Allen reporting for NBC

also forza Gimi

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875e48 No.59271

Alonso also has a chrome helmet

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875e48 No.59272

Went for a haircut thought I'd miss more than the first 7 minutes

>tfw I can see again

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875e48 No.59273


>HAM P1 -0.892


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875e48 No.59274

do you think someone on roller blades could tow ski behind around this track

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875e48 No.59275

>NBC showing a super-compilation of Ham's poor starts

>saying his slow getaway in Spain triggered the accident with Ros

based as always

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875e48 No.59276

>manor LED 'driver cooling' vent

are those RGB?

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875e48 No.59277


I'm just trying to imagine Corsair sponsoring a car. It doesn't work.

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875e48 No.59278

>young ted at disneyland

i wonder if goofy felt him up

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875e48 No.59279

Vettel lost time in S2 and S3, think that has something to do with tire deg?

forza Gimi once more

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875e48 No.59280


probably holding his cards close to his chest. He was also a bit ragged at the first corner. Ferrari also haven't put their race engine in yet, there might be a bit more time in there.

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875e48 No.59281

haas build quality

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875e48 No.59282


That is actually impressive

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875e48 No.59283

Romain going for the vintage rear wing look

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875e48 No.59284

>speared into the barrier

needs a note or shopping list

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875e48 No.59285

That DRS actuator and support pillar is quite impressive with it's strength.

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875e48 No.59286

maybe it's their new invisible sponsors

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875e48 No.59287

>sky, who spends 99% of the time not talking about the action on track, complaining about fom not showing the action on track

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875e48 No.59288

File: a255bc1f7e7bc8e⋯.jpg (171.82 KB,1000x687,1000:687,download.jpg)

Haas went and took inspiration from another non-current Ferrari chassis

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875e48 No.59289

File: f10fce6c6d0526f⋯.jpg (268.56 KB,1920x1278,320:213,dcd1616se836.jpg)

But is it an RGB LED?

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875e48 No.59290

The racing gods conspiring against HAM

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875e48 No.59291


Think it's just a simple blue led.

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875e48 No.59292

>small hydraulic issue

he wanted to pee didn't he?

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875e48 No.59293


Glad to see that classic Grosjean is back too.

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875e48 No.59294

>You need to remember it is Nasr


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875e48 No.59295

What a weird FP1&2 so far.

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875e48 No.59296


that was quite savage.

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875e48 No.59297

>cut to smoking mchonda with a driver climbing out


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875e48 No.59299

>Lewis Hamilton says he would happily keep Formula 1's halo cockpit protection device on his Mercedes in the Singapore Grand Prix, after trying it during practice.

>"Apart from getting in, which is a lot different, I don't really notice much difference," he said.

>"I could run it this weekend, no problem, if they allowed it.

>"[From] my mirrors, I couldn't see the rear wing, so it blocks a little bit of the view in the mirrors, but otherwise in the corners I didn't really notice it.

>"I kinda felt like I should've just kept it on.

>"It definitely doesn't look good, but when we go back to that 17% [safety improvement], it's still better than nothing."

Should they let him race with it as a trial?

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875e48 No.59300



>car flips, catches fire

>he can't get out because of the halo

>dies because of halo

>halo scrapped

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875e48 No.59301

File: bb3c556062e3a6d⋯.png (676.44 KB,486x672,81:112,Frogface.png)



more like Hamilgone

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875e48 No.59302


>a bitch pretty boy nigger propped up by middle aged German cucks

>Ruth Buscombe, vagina rights in racing

>pissant engines, everyone wringing their hands over efficiency and safety

just fucking end it already

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875e48 No.59303



who actually likes Hamilton?

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875e48 No.59304


its all about the diversity pokemon points

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875e48 No.59313

File: d962a2d6d9bb05a⋯.png (17.98 KB,533x204,533:204,capt.png)


if you get image related from the new broken captcha popup, you can still use the old one from the direct link:


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875e48 No.59314

also what i originally wanted to post


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875e48 No.59315

sky FP3 coverage is go

and they fixed the audio

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875e48 No.59316

>can mercedes cure they are woes from last year

croftySPOILER: they did already

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875e48 No.59317

File: 76ce5373bfc9b9c⋯.jpg (123.06 KB,1024x576,16:9,coz1.jpg)

File: 9b7518b2cc0841d⋯.jpg (122.78 KB,1024x576,16:9,coz2.jpg)

flow conditioner cozies

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875e48 No.59318

hulk also didn't attach his hans or do up his chin strap or his earplugs

you sky mongs

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875e48 No.59319

secondberg's replacement everybody

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875e48 No.59321

File: e87874435880ec9⋯.jpg (73.12 KB,1024x576,16:9,jira.jpg)

inb4 singapore lizard twatter account

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875e48 No.59322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I didn't know the queen was at the race.

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875e48 No.59323

nasr btfo


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875e48 No.59324

>tfw actually recognize one of the "celebrities" they give the vanity shot for once

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875e48 No.59325

File: 666c2650bf98cfa⋯.png (29.68 KB,250x350,5:7,button.png)

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875e48 No.59327

Lewis feeling the pressure

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875e48 No.59328

>these landmarks

if they put a second race in US they should do it in one of the countless generic suburbs that all look exactly alike

>left past the 7-11 and down [Something] Vista Boulevard straight to the Chili's Curves*

>*actually straights and 90degree intersections

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875e48 No.59329

does ricky ardo really need to do the airplane hand gestures over the radio

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875e48 No.59330

>they expected better but alonso over a second ahead

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875e48 No.59331

>the worst car i've driven for a very long time

coming from a man who drove the last two lotii

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875e48 No.59332

File: cd27e558ac0a955⋯.jpg (114.35 KB,1024x576,16:9,fp3.jpg)

strange order


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875e48 No.59334


VES pole hype

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875e48 No.59336

File: b1a70636c74e4cf⋯.png (140.31 KB,706x754,353:377,bgp 2016 15 sing pred.PNG)

almost forgot

one of the mercs will be on pole, but anything can happen (and it usually does)

and Hulk will get his podium

>the absolute madman


>rolling out a feature that is blatantly broken

it's the current year, folks

thank you anon

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875e48 No.59337


>we almost as popular as /cumshop/

>mis-save only proof screenie in monochrome

dunno how i did that

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875e48 No.59338

ALRIGHT, good morning boys! Cracked open the first beer of the day.

> it's 8am here

> not an alcohol

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875e48 No.59339


but is it @Heineken®©™

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875e48 No.59340


hahaah no, I wish I had a Heineken. And a can of red bull. I'd mix em both up

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875e48 No.59341


that sounds truly disgusting

>tfw used to mix guinness with st pauli girl

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875e48 No.59342

goddamn why didn't i write a generic inoffensive shitty pop song strongly featured around a nonspecific but popular product type

>here in my food i really like food

>food is real good

>it's food

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875e48 No.59343

or even more generic

>i'm so excited

>baby i'm ready to go

>celebrate great prices come on

>let's all purchase goods and services at the merchant

free money and pssy

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875e48 No.59344

>implying rossi would come back from indy to drive a manor shitbox around the back

sky plz

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875e48 No.59345

>suzuka was very emotional because they just had the devastation

can you imagine if some yuronegro got an american gf and put cowboy writing on his helmet and then everyone expected americans to support him

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875e48 No.59346

>not even a montage can help this season review

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875e48 No.59347

>kylie "knows jenson very well"

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875e48 No.59348


what about a haas?

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875e48 No.59349

File: 09c2e2135039634⋯.jpg (89.6 KB,1024x576,16:9,manwhorex.jpg)


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875e48 No.59350


i'm sure he'd take that

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875e48 No.59351

all this fussy coverage of mercs

in Q1

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875e48 No.59352

vettel ded

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875e48 No.59353

Q1 is fun without Mercedes on top but we all know Mercedes is still to turn up their engines right?

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875e48 No.59354

Ferrari are trying there best to make Vettel depressed

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875e48 No.59355

File: 3da232d6cfca337⋯.png (281.78 KB,540x450,6:5,1468158641840.png)

>vettel already out

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875e48 No.59356

nico on a timed lap on a warming lap shut up

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875e48 No.59357

File: eb870abeb00de62⋯.jpg (117.7 KB,1024x576,16:9,hookers.jpg)

are these grills famous

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875e48 No.59358


Never seen them before

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875e48 No.59359

stunning lap from RIC

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875e48 No.59360

why do they even bother sending ericsson out again

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875e48 No.59361

emilia sighting

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875e48 No.59362

File: f41998e1fd6397e⋯.jpg (149.58 KB,533x800,533:800,Emilia_Bottas_singapore_2.jpg)


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875e48 No.59363

Suomi wives on tv.

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875e48 No.59364

File: a42cc3d6f43d84d⋯.jpg (83.97 KB,1024x576,16:9,b077.jpg)

they got her name updated

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875e48 No.59365

>Singapore Raikkonen fan club

>the even wear Suomi hats

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875e48 No.59366


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875e48 No.59367



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875e48 No.59368



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875e48 No.59369

How did Perez improve his time? with yellow flags in the last two sectors?

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875e48 No.59370

i hope the race attrition is this high

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875e48 No.59371


Good that Crofty and Martin saw that


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875e48 No.59372

kylie's face falling apart

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875e48 No.59373

james allen in the background there at the pen

so thy've finally banned buxton in favor of another sexual harasser

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875e48 No.59374


Buxton's dad died

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875e48 No.59375

File: 7059a03799e377c⋯.jpg (24.93 KB,579x329,579:329,buxton.jpg)


sexually harassed to death

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875e48 No.59376

does allen have a facial tic or does he really wink that much

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875e48 No.59377

>Ham +0.704


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875e48 No.59378

isn't fiat supposed to be out there

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875e48 No.59379



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875e48 No.59380


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875e48 No.59381

excellent chance for max to crash into ham at the start

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875e48 No.59382

File: f93668648ae1a08⋯.png (31.16 KB,351x395,351:395,1431627993445.png)

>hamilgone 3rd

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875e48 No.59383

>at least Vettel won't get rammed by a Red Bull in the first corner

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875e48 No.59384


excellent chance for nico to make an ass of himself

i want both tbh

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875e48 No.59385

Nico just fucking killed Lewis.

That was an insane lap.

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875e48 No.59386



that is because he is mentally destroyed

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875e48 No.59387

ROS was so much faster kek

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875e48 No.59388

morecombe tied v cambridge u

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875e48 No.59389


Got it on the radio

Sounds like we are on the back foot.

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875e48 No.59391


And now we are a goal behind


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875e48 No.59394

Stellar effort from Nico, so pleased for him. He needs to ruthlessly dominate tomorrows race.

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875e48 No.59396


We'll know if he does a good job by not seeing him all race long.

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875e48 No.59400




cute monitor lizard


the lotii weren't even that bad. the latter one just suffered from literally no development.


southern tier ipa ftw



wow that sounds terrible


yeah we'd shoot the cunt


would you fuck any of them?

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875e48 No.59410

File: 318b56c8ce07095⋯.png (197.5 KB,400x400,1:1,1427815492854.png)

what's the over-under on Nico's car getting 'contaminated' like in 2014?

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875e48 No.59411


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875e48 No.59414

Vettel going for a new engine and gearbox. No surprises there starting from the back.

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875e48 No.59415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Quali notebook.

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875e48 No.59417


>custer blowing ted off

that's how you do it, just keep walking and don't stop and get sucked in

then ted complains about it forever because he is a cockhole

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875e48 No.59418

File: 546df1b851b7264⋯.png (3.35 KB,536x95,536:95,fix.png)

File: 63feb5616ad91e7⋯.png (4.02 KB,651x167,651:167,fu monkey.png)


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875e48 No.59420

File: 5a2d96fce5ec095⋯.jpg (63.29 KB,1280x738,640:369,ms0.jpg)

File: 8abc6f1096fff9f⋯.jpg (64.1 KB,1280x738,640:369,ms1.jpg)

she needs to be rolled to the juicing room

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875e48 No.59421

stephen o'domenicalli sighting

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875e48 No.59422


sexy windows 98 box mate

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875e48 No.59423


this style is a timeless classic

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875e48 No.59424

that mutton curry does look good fam

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875e48 No.59425

food pundit

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875e48 No.59426

standing directly in front of the exhaust so they have to speak up

what theatre

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875e48 No.59427

My fantasy at the moment is that Vestappen takes everyone out at the first corner ahead of him and Kimi Krusies to the win.

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875e48 No.59428


I'm memeing Nico out of the race (>>59336), but a Gimi win would be nice.

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875e48 No.59430

i am almost feeling /HYPE/ for this

i don't know why

this is unexpected

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875e48 No.59431


it is the feeling that anyone besides Mercedes can win

I know, it's been a while

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875e48 No.59432


VET should provide some entertainment from the back. HAM battling with RIC is also exiting-ish.

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875e48 No.59433


Do you want me to call a doctor?

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875e48 No.59434

cars out of position guaranteed attrition and SC

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875e48 No.59435


do i look like i'm made of money

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875e48 No.59436


what an odd feeling

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875e48 No.59437


deaths incoming

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875e48 No.59438


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875e48 No.59439

>Make people disappear.

Bernie you dog

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875e48 No.59440

>Bernie wants Rosberg to disappear

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875e48 No.59441

>having a national anthem like you're a real country

aww cute

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875e48 No.59442


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875e48 No.59443

Any streams up?

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875e48 No.59444



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875e48 No.59445


He's become Americanised. No thanks.

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875e48 No.59446


i think nederlands is in charge of the henno stuff now (?). i just use the same old 2288 ace from forever


because he was so much less annoying in the gavin and stacey era

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875e48 No.59447

File: 0ac6a2e8d031bf0⋯.jpg (77.38 KB,1024x576,16:9,jaybee.jpg)

>sponsors on the cool vest

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875e48 No.59448


Mind resharing the ace ID?

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875e48 No.59449

Driver of the day has changed.

Vote will open up half way through the race and finish at the end.

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875e48 No.59450



there's surely a better quality one if someone wants to look but i'm lazy

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875e48 No.59451

those dudes who put the watch face up and take it down again on the ferris wheel must get knackered

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875e48 No.59452


Is it actually there? It looks like CGI

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875e48 No.59453


Congrats on them making it sillier.


Thanks, mang.

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875e48 No.59454


they have a team of riggers


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875e48 No.59455


Oh sure.







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875e48 No.59456

VET on Softs. Gonna be interesting

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875e48 No.59457

I love that moment the blankets come off

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875e48 No.59458


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875e48 No.59459

Poor Romain

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875e48 No.59460

america fuck yeah

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875e48 No.59461

Damned. Grosjean is going nowhere is he? I mean not just today, he is going to do Haas until they force him out and then he is going to do something else.

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875e48 No.59462


Did that ace just fucking die?

I've been using it all weekend

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875e48 No.59463

File: b7cf644faaf8652⋯.jpg (210.55 KB,1080x1170,12:13,corey.jpg)


>pulling down the cover and there is a big pirelli

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875e48 No.59464


still working here

try some from >>59455

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875e48 No.59465


Ferrari might pick him when Kimi leaves.

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875e48 No.59466


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875e48 No.59467


wrong car

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875e48 No.59468


Who put hulk on the podium for badger?

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875e48 No.59469

>max verstappen

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875e48 No.59470

File: f529c23fee8eb60⋯.jpg (63.15 KB,1024x576,16:9,huylk.jpg)

that'll buff out

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875e48 No.59471


so much for that


this guy

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875e48 No.59472

all the wrong cars are getting taken out

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875e48 No.59473


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875e48 No.59474

>inb4 rest of the race is completely boring

Oh who am I kidding that is gonna happen.

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875e48 No.59475

It's kinda nice to see cars going through the pitlane like this

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875e48 No.59476

File: 1891f3925cb83bd⋯.jpg (88.92 KB,1598x922,799:461,1461890697366.jpg)

>tfw Univision is kill

what am I supposed to watch during commercials

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875e48 No.59477

maybe next we'll lose some saubers manors and renaults

>mercs unaffected

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875e48 No.59478

>FOM graphics doesn't realise that the cars going through the pitlane means not everyone pitted

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875e48 No.59479

>Magnussen in P10

the absolute madman


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875e48 No.59480


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875e48 No.59481

nice marshaling

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875e48 No.59482


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875e48 No.59483

black and red flag

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875e48 No.59484

this is going to be a fun fix

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875e48 No.59485

>Kvyat vs Verstappen soon

awww man

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875e48 No.59486

>meatball means 'come in when you feel like it'

>'if it's not a bother'

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875e48 No.59487


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875e48 No.59488

>Rosberg driving away

Mana has never seen Rosberg win a race in person

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875e48 No.59489

>inb4 both merc out with brake failure

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875e48 No.59490

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875e48 No.59491

Mercedes might only win by a slight margin this time

stay tuned

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875e48 No.59492


would be fun

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875e48 No.59493

Magnussen and Steve doing well to be running in the points with last year's cars

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875e48 No.59494

>max struggling

>kvyat still ok

he might not even kill himself tonight

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875e48 No.59495

>max being told he'll be racing ocon

top kek

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875e48 No.59496

ocon earning his advert money tonight

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875e48 No.59497


He had some trouble to overtake him first.

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875e48 No.59498

>Mercedes pitting Hamilton first

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875e48 No.59499

rai tires going to shit

rosberg wins lol

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875e48 No.59500

well, apart from a characteristic choke near the end

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875e48 No.59501

Lewis losing it

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875e48 No.59502

>19. Button

>19. Bottas


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875e48 No.59503

>Nico 4,3s

>Louis 2.9s


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875e48 No.59504

>mercedes fucks up rosbergs stop

what a surprise

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875e48 No.59505

Shitty stop

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875e48 No.59506


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875e48 No.59507

if you attached a dildo to one of those wheel guns how would you finish this sentence

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875e48 No.59508


quite obviously a conspiracy

we bestfans now

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875e48 No.59509

good ferrari strategy of losing a billion seconds a lap

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875e48 No.59510



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875e48 No.59511


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875e48 No.59512

Max btfo

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875e48 No.59513

kek, max and kvyat should take each other out

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875e48 No.59514

based kvyat

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875e48 No.59515


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875e48 No.59516



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875e48 No.59517

This is brilliant

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875e48 No.59518

bitch more you faggot

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875e48 No.59519

Punchy Russian

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875e48 No.59520

like fiat cares about+/- 1 place to alonso

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875e48 No.59521

File: e896d0b72d8de0f⋯.jpg (6.43 KB,183x275,183:275,jos-the fist-verstappen.jpg)

>urge to beat people rising

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875e48 No.59522

>it's the perez runs long strategy

what a shock

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875e48 No.59523

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875e48 No.59524

Vettel got a penalty in 2009 for doing that

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875e48 No.59525


went for Kwiat on this one

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875e48 No.59526


That's early, interesting

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875e48 No.59527

Went with Kvyat too.

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875e48 No.59528

wow kimi is right behind choco senna

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875e48 No.59529

ted mentally destroyed

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875e48 No.59530

>Kvyat closer to Alonso than to Verstappen

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875e48 No.59531


he gave up and pitted

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875e48 No.59532

palmer on 16 laps old super softs

not giving a shit

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875e48 No.59533


actually 27 since its a used set

pls pirelli explode

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875e48 No.59534

Once again Martin complains about something he asked for

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875e48 No.59535

File: 0c348196197099c⋯.jpg (26.71 KB,600x206,300:103,Nico_mana_kubiato.JPG)


I love Japanese pronunciation of drivers names

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875e48 No.59536

max being told to ignore the brake warning light

what the fuck is the point of a warning light you can just ignore?

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875e48 No.59537


maybe it gets triggered for certain reasons but they have knowledge about circumstances and know it can be ignored in this case

there's a reason they're on the paddock and not you

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875e48 No.59538



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875e48 No.59539

>pass when the helicopter shot is blocked

good job

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875e48 No.59540


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875e48 No.59541


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875e48 No.59542

>not paying attention

>univision commentators start freaking out


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875e48 No.59543


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875e48 No.59544


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875e48 No.59545

crofty so upset by that pass that he starts speaking gibberishly

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875e48 No.59546

ted meltdown incoming

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875e48 No.59547



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875e48 No.59548

Williams collapsing

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875e48 No.59549

they did it again lool

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875e48 No.59550

>bottas getting a mid race bj from emilia

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875e48 No.59551


they are married now, that is all over

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875e48 No.59552


right, they're in the cheating phase now

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875e48 No.59553

File: fcbb08aaf5f4896⋯.jpg (200.81 KB,1080x1176,45:49,Emilia_horse_rape.jpg)


Does it count as cheating if it is a horse?

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875e48 No.59554


only if it is a black one

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875e48 No.59555

williams the only team that uses willian belts

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875e48 No.59556

File: 3282e6e5f18d6e9⋯.png (213.6 KB,1024x1113,1024:1113,1461797398281.png)

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875e48 No.59557

oxi-clean salesman hitting on drunk blonde

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875e48 No.59558

>All those Mario characters

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875e48 No.59559


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875e48 No.59560

Crofty getting majorly confused….again

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875e48 No.59561

McLaren meme chassis getting BTFO again

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875e48 No.59562

>Button retirement

Oh how sad.

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875e48 No.59563


What are you doing?

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875e48 No.59564

do you think any of ham's gay music buddies is here to not drink champagne with his failure

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875e48 No.59565


fug :DDD

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875e48 No.59566


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875e48 No.59567

why did they pit Gimi

>this is most unsettling

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875e48 No.59568

Minttu not happy

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875e48 No.59569

merc garage filled with seals

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875e48 No.59570

minttu never smiles when the camera shoots her

emilia completely loses her composure and breaks into giggles

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875e48 No.59571


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875e48 No.59572


Minttu looks like she likes it up the butt though

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875e48 No.59573

Don't throw this away Nico….

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875e48 No.59574

Are Minttu and Emilia the only whores there or why are they showing them all the time?

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875e48 No.59575


saw button's whore on the ted notebook

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875e48 No.59576

Ayy, Kvyat vs Max again.

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875e48 No.59577

File: 2f3b78023a98f17⋯.jpg (105.44 KB,800x480,5:3,Linda_Alonso.jpg)


Brittny is there and Alonso's GF Linda

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875e48 No.59578

Amazing that Vestappen even with a poor start is behind Vettel now.

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875e48 No.59579

This is gonna be close

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875e48 No.59580

Merc if you have fucked this up Mana will kill you

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875e48 No.59581

Come on riccy boyyy

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875e48 No.59582


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875e48 No.59583

>tfw see Max and Kvyat and just praying for them not to cause a safety car

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875e48 No.59584

leave it to ferrari to fuck everything up

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875e48 No.59585


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875e48 No.59586

Rosberg got his. Stroke it home.

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875e48 No.59587

>sky discovers following closely will cause ricciardo to slow down

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875e48 No.59588

GUT in traditional 11th

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875e48 No.59589

How could Red Bull and Ferrari loose in Singapore?

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875e48 No.59590

File: be2aa9ccec971cd⋯.jpg (164.53 KB,761x761,1:1,1441541092580.jpg)

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875e48 No.59591


hopefully kimi can still take hamilton

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875e48 No.59592


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875e48 No.59593


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875e48 No.59594

File: 27c25a6877cadac⋯.jpg (59.57 KB,640x360,16:9,_70880774_vettelon-board.jpg)

wew boys that was a close one

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875e48 No.59595

First non champion to win Singapore.

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875e48 No.59596

who has a better mustache. chase carey or that mercedes mechanic?

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875e48 No.59597

>Nico speaking Italian to Riccy

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875e48 No.59598

File: d615096a19f699a⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Nico_Mana_crying.mp4)

First time Mana has seen her Husbando win in person.

She isn't tweeting so I assume she has lost most of her motor functions

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875e48 No.59599


can bully even speak italian

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875e48 No.59600


his father is italian, so probably yes

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875e48 No.59601


nico's father is finnish and he speaks no finnish, so not necessarily

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875e48 No.59602


well who wants to speak finnish

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875e48 No.59603


Do you speak any other languages?

I speak a bit of Italian, I can speak a bit of French – but when I say a bit of French, I mean like five words. But Italian I can speak fairly well on occasions.

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875e48 No.59604

badger points




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875e48 No.59605

Great start, great end, extremely boring middle.

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875e48 No.59606


Ricciardo usually speaks italian for italian tv.

When he doesn't know some words he tells them in english and then the jounalist translates the words in italian

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875e48 No.59607

does di resta speak romanegro?

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875e48 No.59608

File: 0c1cc0a9ac594c7⋯.jpg (225.79 KB,1280x960,4:3,Nico_mana_singapore_win.jpg)


I somehow missed Mana was one of the ones climbing the fence.

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875e48 No.59610

File: c21d846a1fa22e2⋯.png (216.34 KB,1354x1101,1354:1101,WCC without Mercedes sep18.png)

File: 5992a4f4ae6df24⋯.png (366.82 KB,1368x1099,1368:1099,WDC without Mercedes sep18.png)

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875e48 No.59611

File: e0b7358f283c79a⋯.png (151.16 KB,1210x1022,605:511,WCC without Mercedes sep18.png)


No idea how that happened

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875e48 No.59614


136 points here, just adding it up in my head. Didn't do a good job with my predictions unfortunately.

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875e48 No.59615

>Plebbit F1 got hacked


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875e48 No.59616


the replies in that thread are gold.

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875e48 No.59619

File: f4374dbd4aec041⋯.jpg (407.63 KB,2560x1440,16:9,1463327934181.jpg)

Race Results for Singapore

You scored 136 points

The Top score was 204 points

Your World Ranking was: 919 / 7294

not the greatest but I am moving up in the plebbit and halfchan leagues. (7/140 and 4/65)

>tfw chances of gloating again are intensifying

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875e48 No.59621


link pls


a real hero

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875e48 No.59622


Their mods deleted everything last I checked

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875e48 No.59623



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875e48 No.59629

>rumors about Apple buying McLaren

just when you thought things couldn't get any more embarrassing for them, they've had to come out and categorically deny the rumors

>all-time great F1 constructor down on their luck

>parent company is bought out by a tech company

>they grab the intellectual property and sell the race team

are McLaren the next Motorola?

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875e48 No.59630


In so far as the current mclaren has anything to do with bruce's team.

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875e48 No.59631


mclaren group != mclaren racing

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875e48 No.59632


I am well aware, technically speaking McLaren Group ⊃ McLaren Racing anyways :^)

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875e48 No.59633

File: a162a3ab653ce06⋯.jpg (104.63 KB,1024x682,512:341,heineken-celebra-la-llegad….jpg)

>When has if he could add one race to the F1 calendar, Di Tondo responded: “That is very simple - it is again in Asia: Vietnam. We are very present in Vietnam through a local partner and they were our guests in Monza and they were over the moon. So why not have a race in Ho Chi Minh City.”

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875e48 No.59634


yuropoors you guys need to take one for the team and get richer so we can go back to a classic track.

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875e48 No.59635

File: a74e567901873c2⋯.jpg (5.01 KB,279x165,93:55,1468164859992.jpg)


>unironically linking to Ted Cruz-sponsored legislation in the banner

>thinking the USA invented or controls "the internet"

>current year

which morans are in charge of this website again?

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875e48 No.59636

File: 732dbaba5780b5e⋯.png (7.78 KB,1176x183,392:61,assn.png)

what random did they give us to this time?

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875e48 No.59637


ahhh fuck

Well it's not me.

Thanks for reminding me to login to /driftgirls/ and post.

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875e48 No.59638


Ted is an annoying fuck but handing over ICANN and domain name registration to the UN would be unmitigated fucking disaster.

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875e48 No.59640


it wasn't me too, but hopefully we can have some new banners and flairs

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875e48 No.59641


I don't want to go down the rabbit hole and find who originally made up the 'UN' claim but I trust Tim Berners-Lee over Breitbart et al.



it ain't me either

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875e48 No.59642

File: d3cb15c76c0578f⋯.png (57.74 KB,970x778,485:389,keloo8.png)

File: 8adaf59c5e01f40⋯.png (7.21 KB,787x162,787:162,bm.png)




i think we got sold to mclaren group (1st pic)

or they assigned us another from the poole of globals like that spuh guy from a couple weeks ago

also the log has already reverted to showing our generic BO name

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875e48 No.59644


all classic tracks will be turnt into tilkedromes eventually anyway

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875e48 No.59649



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875e48 No.59650



speaking of tilkedromes hasn't malaysia had some resurfacing since Ferrari won in 2015?

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875e48 No.59651


Resurfacing and reprofiling some corners.

Some are now more off camber (the final hairpin is very off camber, apex raised by 1 metre), some have been banked more.

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875e48 No.59653

File: a36eb9210f4bc61⋯.jpg (107.28 KB,1280x738,640:369,sngrev.jpg)

>scarbs on sky

missed that


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875e48 No.59654


>just shooting the general shit and not doing technical anal isis


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