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/eris/ - Discordianism

God is a beautiful blonde with big tits and an ass that tastes like French vanilla ice cream

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Administering Disorder through Order to keep the Sacred Chao balanced.

File: 621ce53131aa6a0⋯.png (714.32 KB,746x720,373:360,1515671965314.png)


Fuck your shitty cult, you're a bunch of heretics and your goddess pads her chest. Repent of your faggotry and Aqua-sama might find it in her to forgive you.

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Literally who?

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I'm gonna rip your dick in half

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No one ever said Eris was "good" did they?

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>feels hatred towards a style of drawing


goggel it bitch


You seem to have some aggressive tendencies. Please get them in control, violence is very bad from the PR perspective.

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Pretty sure anybody here will freely admit that Eris can be a right bitch when she gets in a mood.


Why would I spend precious time googling something I have zero interest or investment in?

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>Why would I spend precious time googling something I have zero interest or investment in?

I didn't :D

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I must say, you're not doing a very good job selling us on this.

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My anger is only towards those that do not worship Eris, though.

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But All Things Are True.

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pffft, They're also false and non-sense in some sense.

Don't trust everything you read.

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Worship is non-sense. If you're getting angry over other people doing nonsensical things, you may have a touch of Gray.

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discordianism makes no sense, hating nondiscordians makes no sense, why would I even bother making sense?

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You could get infected by a job

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UR a whore, Aquachan was sucking me off for free the other night. Go cry into your drunk mother's padded chest, for my Goddess's chest is most bountiful.

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Hail Eris! what a lucky roll, even if it isn't 2223 or 2233.

I GOT that sense for y'ah, high grade sensimilla, good price too. That way you don' got'ta make no sense yourself, just buy it. We live in a capitalist society, no reason you gotta make some'ting you don' wan'na.

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I just got banned from kohlchan for "cuck-posting". I was just a joke, a single setence before a wall of redpill on w*men.

and you'd expect the germs to enjoy cuckshit, stupid pedos

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Aqua is useless goddess, though she has a nice singing voice. Kazuma is probably an Eris cultist too, she's a nice good girl who cares about him.

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