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/doot/ - DOOM

for fans of the doom series

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File: 7218a6b52ccfb82⋯.jpg (22.17 KB,474x267,158:89,OIP_3_.jpg)


the way doom eternal was made is great dont get me wrong but there is a serious problem with the speed run glitches not to mention the fucking marauder.

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File: c5e51314c49b137⋯.jpg (65.28 KB,812x960,203:240,zfdqtzh6bjq41.jpg)


yes there are problems with speed run glitches but whats wrong with the marauder?

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Aside from punishing downies with no skill whatsoever with FPS games? Absolutely nothing.

Seriously, once you learn how to effectively fight him (i.e. spam the super shotgun), he's just a low-tier miniboss.

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