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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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 No.923 [View All]

thread for doomer lasses

tell us the woes of doomer life from the female perspective

>not a girl myself just interested in how you girls are holding up

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You type like you have your Dad's cock in your mouth. Stick around and impotently accuse everyone of being a woman.

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File: 5f4d0f83bcb1f18⋯.png (924.62 KB,691x762,691:762,Home_forever.png)


Sums up every relationship I've had over the past few years. I feel better when I'm on my own. People complicate things

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File: 2ab7f0c7dd9271a⋯.jpg (68.91 KB,748x748,1:1,1530560225742.jpg)


Dude if you honestly just put a tiny effort in your looks then guys will notice. I met up with a guy last week who barely knew my name yet he was talking about moving in together. I looked like garbage btw. Don't give up on yourself. You and people like yourself matter more than shallow cunts who have never had a bad day in their lives. You know what it means to be in a shadow, or feel something. That matters. You matter.


Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

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Heading to the library tomorrow, I'll look her up, thx

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>I like the direct alpha who wants to kill me more than the indirect poster who doesn't want to to kill me, and who also slightly criticized me


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>I think my bullshit worldview is so airtight that only the 'le eternal evil female' will ever want to mock it.

Stuff it, faggot.

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that's some pretty angry 'mocking'

you know, it's okay to be sad and angry. you don't have to pretend you're laughing about everything

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of course, if you're angry and sad literally all the time, and you don't want to do anything about it or recognize that you're fucked (and that it's you who is fucked), then that's a pretty good idiom for avoiding ever having to do anything about your situation

until, of course, you do have to

but that comes later

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Incels are too depressed and pathetic to ever lead to a revolution. Even if they did it would fail miserably. When you don't have the abilities to get laid, you generally don't have the abilities to build a revolutionnary movement.

I read somewhere that, counterintuitively, societies with a male surplus are LESS violent that societies with a female surplus. That study was made on small indigenous societies though. It may not be true for huge multiethnic countries like China and India.

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Stay salty, roastie.

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You keep thinking that I'm female, even though I am a guy. When you're that shit at reading people, you can hardly make a serious claim about anyone's emotional state. And then you give yourself away by replying to my post twice and adding nothing of substance in doing so.

We're all fucked. "Laughing about it all the time" is a lot healthier than coming up with a patently delusional worldview. Your prose invites mockery, so I mock it. Simple as that.

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>Your prose invites mockery, so I mock it. Simple as that.

clown world


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Yeah. Passive voice "you are being"/"you invite" whatever, stating not even your opinion, but just literally whatever you need to be true at the moment as if it were scientific fact. "It has been decided."

Someone insults whichever autist-grooming site he haunts, so suddenly the hand of god has made his prose objectively factually indisputably ridiculous. Just like how the same hand of god made it ridiculous for people who play games to complain when shitlib rags started calling them racist.

>the next generation of ratfucker yellow journalism garbage is going to come from the chris chan stalking diaspora

is barely even a prediction. This guy is using the same tools as Vox– haughty, indignant laughter, passive-voice frame manipulation, "omg ur crazy" gaslighting– right here and fucking now.

The alpha approach is to double down– "if you're a guy, why do you write like a woman, faggot". That's the only thing that works, but it also makes you into the same kind of evil faggot as him. That's how evil works, the smart kind of evil: it rots you out, even if you fight it.

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>The alpha approach is to double down– "if you're a guy, why do you write like a woman, faggot".

Except that I don't think "writing like a woman" is a bad thing, nor do I care for "alpha" bullshit. And instead of using tortured pop-psych to judge people's posts, I rely on a simple heuristic - any one who the overuses the word 'evil' or says shit like 'satanic tool of feds and commies' is probably not the most stable person in the world.

Since I feel like being charitable today, I think you do make a valid point about our young journalists being the alumni of the same "dark reaches of the internet" they love to criticize. The Helldump to DSA pipeline is as real as it gets. Too bad that you had to ruin the one good point you had by overselling it with downright conspiratorial takes and a shit-sprinkle of misogyny.

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does anyone really care if you're convinced of anything or not

>this point would've been good (if you'd done more to secure some rando's approval) (by carefully neutering it and redacting any implications for present-day power cliques)

lol no

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>does anyone really care if you're convinced of anything or not

no, and nobody cares about sperg-outs either. Yet you keep derailing multiple threads to promote it. (using incredibly underhanded means at that)

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>does anyone really care if you're convinced of anything or not


i would rather convince no one of anything than castrate my content so some moron doing the Reasonable Adult Faggot Saleman concern troll routine can reject it out of hand for a totally different reason

99.99% of people are too retarded to differentiate a single sentence of this from schizophrenic rambling anyway, and they'll tell you so

everything i said was materially, factually true

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>underhanded means

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You probably ought to ask yourself why you're here, if mentally distraught people bouncing off each other bothers you so much. What did you expect?

>it doesn't bother me, I'm laughing about it, I just come to gawk

This is bitching, not gawking.

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I have to add this, because, like, are you dumb or something? I mean, what in all seriousness do you expect from an 8chan board, that's an /r9k/ spinoff, for a set of people who have mostly lost the hope that their lives might ever improve? Did you hope that this would be some kind of swank, aesthetic /r9k/-lite that would allow you to meet girls in a neo-goth idiom? That's not happening, ever.

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>>20016 (Assuming good faith)

I guess I am perverse in my own way, but at least my perversity doesn't involve misogyny…or multiple attempts to hijack threads …or constant samefagging, false-flagging, etc. etc. I'm just calling out bullshit when I see it.

It's not the mentally distraught that bother me, it's pseuds with messiah complexes.


/doomer/ is its own thing and not an /r9k/ spinoff. This is not a safe space for robots.

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>at least my perversity doesn't involve misogyny

There's threads about genocide and wanting to kill people, but casual male-coded antipathy to women-in-aggregate is when you can't stands no more? Really? I mean, it's a common blind spot, but damn. Really?

>/doomer/ is its own thing and not an /r9k/ spinoff.

/r9k/ via twit/pol/, I think. Hence the Wojak mascot.

>his is not a safe space for robots.

"Should" aside, again, what did you expect? Consider the intersection of "people who go on imageboards", "people who have bad prospects", "people who like Wojaks", "people who are willing to drive all the way out to 8chan", and a bunch of other sets that I'm not going to elaborate. Do you really think you're going to get a slice of that that's even mostly robot-free?

What did you think was going to happen here?

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1) accept that you are a prostitute to both alpha white males and beta white males. If you don't accept this, you womb will crash right into the niggerwall.

3) you must suppress the urge to sow division by pitting the alphas and betas against each other for cheap and unfulfilled pussy tingles.

4) encourage the alphas and betas to do homework with you. Hell, just get the drug addicted parents out of the house and you could have vaginal intercourse with both of them right then and there.

5) sit back and watch as the spacefaring white nation takes shape before your eyes.



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>casual male-coded antipathy to women-in-aggregate

Nothing casual about the other poster, I'm afraid. I obviously have no problem with anti-[x] shitposting. But like I said above, it's the self-seriousness and the entryist tactics that I have a problem with.

>genocide and wanting to kill people

I have called this out as well, as have multiple other posters. This is not a /pol/ safe space either.

>what did you expect?

None of this stems from an idealized expectation of what this board could be. I have been here since November, so I remember the board as it was. And it was mostly robot-free. There were male virgins on this board, of course, but they rejected /r9k/'s bullshit for the most part.

>What did you think was going to happen here?

I guess you are right. Given its name and the wojak meme, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I would have preferred later.

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Oops sorry I forgot 2) God I suck at life

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>again neverending gender wars

>when the true core of the problem is not genders

>or political ideologies

>or skin color

>or religions

>the core of the problem is that 85% of humans are rotten pieces of shit

>devoid of any redeeming qualitites and ready to sell you out and fuck you over

I hope one day you people will understand

Existence was a nigger even 100K years ago

and it will be 100K years in the future

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>I obviously have no problem with anti-[x] shitposting

It's not really that obvious, when you're applying a test like "is it casual enough that I feel cool with it". That makes you sound like one of those crusty blowhards who say shit like "it's a shame all these fuckin nazis made it impossible for us to say nigger and call trannies ugly".


Yeah, the problem isn't saying inappropriate stuff, it's believing in it. Or in anything, really. You have to be a perfectly smooth blob of desire-free jelly with nothing anyone can use against you, or YHBT. No. Look, man, it's not 2004 anymore.

>entryist tactics

You're the one saying that sincere misogyny is cringe on the forum format and from the userbase that pioneered "TITS OR GTFO", so, uh, okay?

>This is not a /pol/ safe space either.

I was here in November-December, and I remember it being more "/pol/" than it is now.

>I would have preferred later.

I'm not able to stop you from painting yourself as the injured party here, but come on.

>Consider the intersection of "people who go on imageboards", "people who have bad prospects", "people who like Wojaks", "people who are willing to drive all the way out to 8chan", and a bunch of other sets that I'm not going to elaborate.

This isn't about who came here, it's about your seed stock. Who do you think is going to start a board like this? It's like with the entryism thing- what entryism? What were you expecting?

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>"it's a shame all these fuckin nazis made it impossible for us to say nigger and call trannies ugly".

No, it's more like "its fun when we bust people's bubbles and call out their naked emperors, but let's not enter bubbles or appoint naked emperors of our own"

>Yeah, the problem isn't saying inappropriate stuff, it's believing in it

That's not what I meant by by self-serious. Being a banal centrist and not always demanding to be taken seriously are two different things. You can have a serious ideology without constant demanding to be praised for it.

>I was here in November-December, and I remember it being more "/pol/" than it is now.

I remember this. But even then, all the /pol/ bullshit did not get a pass. There is a ban avoider who is still bitter over this


a wholly different thing from claiming that women have immense power and are in a conspiracy to ruin everything

>painting yourself as the injured party here

Not doing this at all. I always have the option of hiding threads, and my experience of the board will not be diminished at all.

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>let's not enter bubbles or appoint naked emperors of our own

This is a call to epistemic humility without the substance. You presume you're already in the pure land, free of attachments, but a disgruntled loner dropping evopsych 101 has you trying to sort posters by adverb frequency.

>not always demanding to be taken seriously

The dynamic that enabled detached irony is broken and it never really worked anyway. "I don't take you seriously", said in conversation- what is that, but a challenge/insult? Why do you feel the need to say anything? "Because otherwise they'll overrun the board." In other words, you're playing the same game.

>did not get a pass

Where? From whom? You don't need papers for that, we're not within 50 miles of a border.

>There is a ban avoider who is still bitter over this

What does this prove?

The main utility of anonymous boards is saying stuff at no social cost. Expecting an anonymous board to not mainly feature socially costly content- i.e. misogyny- is silly.

Expecting resentment towards life, feelings of despair, to not have a gendered component- or worse, hoping the gendered component will be feminine, on an imageboard- is idiotic.

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>is idiotic

Should read "is doubly so".

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>You presume you're already in the pure land, free of attachments

No. But I recognize gradations in the strengths of various claims. This recognition is fundamental to building anything of value.

>Expecting resentment towards life, feelings of despair, to not have a gendered component- or worse, hoping the gendered component will be feminine, on an imageboard- is idiotic.

Yes, it has a gendered component– I admit this freely. I'll even that admit the kind of despair exhibited on this board is strongly masculine in both form and content. But there are different ways of reacting to the said despair. Why should misogynistic reactions be considered any more valid or authentic than non-misogynistic ones? And If I find myself supporting the latter stance (as I do), should I not argue for it?

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File: 7502020cbce5ac5⋯.jpg (50.53 KB,888x640,111:80,gtmlhc5pmd2z.jpg)


/doomer/ is first and foremost feminist board, supporting riot girrrl movement and women rights to completely ruin their lives and stick the biggest dildos they can find into their hairy pussies and asses until it prolapses. I personally support women right to not fuck and also mock any moron who calls this board r9k spinoff.

Before you completely sperg out and write casual wall of text, I just want to let you know that I'm breaking balls so calm the fuck down.

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>women aren't in the same hell

nah they are

>reality is a nigger


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File: 899d18c9565cbd1⋯.png (142.69 KB,430x415,86:83,juBt Bo Bn the Bnternet.png)


>nah they are

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File: 7b30fc7dcddf865⋯.jpg (36.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,fusako1.jpg)

File: 4c18e8c0102db39⋯.jpg (44.73 KB,870x663,290:221,fusako2.jpg)

File: 0075e7c95bb2ff8⋯.jpg (37.77 KB,500x670,50:67,fusako3.jpg)

File: 42b0081e7a737a8⋯.jpg (163.42 KB,640x360,16:9,fusako4.jpg)

Just found this waifu

Fusako Shigenobu, leader of a hardcore communist terrorist groupe that killed ~200 people (including internal purges) mostly in the 70s, back when communism was serious business and /doomer/ as fuck.

>tfw no qt terrorist waifu

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File: 82ccca1deadee38⋯.jpg (203.96 KB,1729x799,1729:799,piazza-fontana-bombing.jpg)


The 60s/70s were wild. The quality of terrorism has declined, both in terms of aesthetics and competence.

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File: 6273708aff964c3⋯.jpg (755.38 KB,900x1249,900:1249,548738056.jpg)

Are you a qt anime girl?

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File: 2e5ffa9e09415d1⋯.jpg (34 KB,704x400,44:25,70499.jpg)


Is this fucking thread real or am i loosing grip on reality?

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File: a6303c6a2d07100⋯.jpg (10.36 KB,236x236,1:1,alyssa.jpg)


BTW nobody mentioned Alyssa Bustamante yet. Killer a 9yo girl when she was 15 just to "see what it's like to kill someone".

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In world where qts are doing the dirty work, I feel kind of bad for being still alive tbqh, like I had one job and I failed at it.

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File: bebaffeb73fe919⋯.mp4 (11.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,prom queen.mp4)


Just because we don't mention her, doesnt mean we forgot about her

for a few weeks ago there has been threads about her on /b/ and I have been annoying one guy with some webms. that was fun

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Yeah but the only reason it made news is because murders by teenage girls are extremely rare.

I love her 00's emo/goth style. Reminds me of my high school days back when naivete kept me satisfied.

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File: 359d2570e973762⋯.webm (858.71 KB,360x360,1:1,princessa.webm)


>Alyssa = Princessa

that was the webm I used to annoy /b/ with

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No matter how many people they kill, communism will always be a fucking joke.

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>Fake pseudo-depressed women

>Thirsty beta orbiters replying to their posts

>Autistic political discussion

Wow this is a dumpster fire of a thread kill yourselves.

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File: fab515461945b23⋯.jpeg (38.19 KB,320x358,160:179,bz-5d0b07b3b928d.jpeg)


Thanks for bumping it then you soyboy slant.

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Finally! Someone who gets it.

Adults are just sentimental though-experimenters who have no balls to actually materialize their political fantasies.

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File: a0a226dcb2277ea⋯.jpg (13.65 KB,620x349,620:349,1470000948968.jpg)


OG femcel Christine Chubbuck

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I'd really like to meet a doomer guy so we can cuddle and prep together but it's just impossible as I try not to interact with people IRL if at all possible. But if anyone wants to try to start up a conversation my burner email is kestrel1987@hotmail.com. I'd prefer if you were 25-35 and must be relatively self-sufficient. I own land and I have a beautiful white child from IVF. I am a college graduate with a major in IT and I have worked in my field for 8 years. I am 32 years old. Will send pictures upon request. Fuck it, gk2gk.com is gone so why not try this place for meeting people? I'm tired of being alone.

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