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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

File: 9a9b4d419a0807b⋯.png (628.75 KB,828x819,92:91,thingshavegottenworse.png)


Jesus fucking christ, this place needs to be revived again.

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It won't, because it can't. Boomerlennials put it to the torch, whining about muh sluts and shit.

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It's sad because I only found out about this community after it had "died". But to see old posts on the front page isn't that big of an issue… Right?

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File: 8ea307024298cf0⋯.png (9.87 KB,424x103,424:103,Zoomer_Cringe.png)


>whining about muh sluts

Meanwhile Zoomers:


Or just look up CPR on Tiktok:


Maybe you should listen to your elders when they tell you not to act like this.

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Again? I've never seen this place alive.

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I was hoping to find Doomer girls lurking here or a femboy or like someone who passes for girl, but there's no one here. I don't know where else to post. I heard Reddit is cringe so I don't use it.

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this place is gay and it is better left for dead

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More millennial projection.

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Well if you think Millennials are bad then you aren't breaking the curse. Zoomers right now are embarrassing themselves all over social media. I thank whatever creator being exists beyond this mortal coil that we didn't have internet to post our Ls when I was growing up. The most embarrassing trend we had was probably the Macarena. I'd rather be thrown in a padded cell listening to the Macarena on loop than listen to whatever new dance craze in trending on the latest crap Commie app.

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I'm a 20yo zoomer and I've never met a peer who even knows what the Macarena is. That's some boomer shit right there sir

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What do you and your sophisticated Zoomer friends know then? Do you know the WAP? Millennials had a little cringe but we didn't have twerking. We didn't have anime and lolis. Most of us were out of high school by the time anime became a big deal. Social justice wasn't a big deal either. The only Millennials who are actual SJWs are from libtard states like Commiefornia and Jew York. We don't care about gender identity out in farm country. I would rather listen to the Buttstreak Boys greatest hits than Korean Pop or whatever Zoomers are listening to now.

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Again, moe millennial pjection. Millennials unvented tweaking and Korea idol groups and millennial started the whole social media fauxpas. Alot of our e celebs are millennial looking make a killing. So if anything, I suggest you get your head out your ass and touch grass.

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Millennials are taking Ls in their adult lives. There 25-40 yet whine about being single and horny with no gf, they get into shitty relationships that end badly in. Few months, they obsess too much ovrbirth years, they harass children's media networks over old kiddie cartoons being rebooted and prey upon underage girls to feel young again, despite not being 50.

Also, millenials had anime. Anime isn't even inherently bad anyway.

Millenjials invented SJWism.

You guys think you can reset cultural memory just because there's a new kid on the block?

Boomers still refer to you as snowflakes.

You're nearing 40 with no careers, no lasting relationships, no house of your own, no home training, no cognitive parity.

The ones with careers are giving he'll with their incompetence. The millennials whom are having kids dump them onto grandparents and schools.

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>Millennials invented twerking

I have never twerked a day in my life. Most of my fellow Millennials think twerking is cringe. That stuff came out during the Zoomer timeline. It was probably some creepy old Boomer who invented it so they could watch the young kids doing it.

>whine about no gf

Dudes have to nut sometimes and if they can't then it makes them irritable. And because women would rather put out for some dude over 7 feet tall with 7 inch girth and 7 figure income, that's why their are a lot of bitter incels.

>old kiddie cartoons

Hey if it aint broke why remake it and make it more gay than before?


Millennials had a couple of anime but it was not a big deal like it is today. Zoomers have way more anime to watch now that they can watch on their cell phones which Millennials couldn't do growing up.

>invented SJWism

That was the Boomers. They started that whole hippie free love interracial gay pride movement.

>no burger flipping, no homeown

Okay so are you a CEO? Do you own a house that isn't a shipping container and have a membership to the country club?

>dumping kids onto grandparents and schools

That has always been an issue even a hundred years ago. I wouldn't personally raise children in public schools where they will learn a lot of useless information and get bullied and require mandatory vaccines for a laundry list of infectious diseases. Just give kids some books and let the history channel play in the background.

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File: 88c038444a57f96⋯.jpg (877.38 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Dont_Tread_On_Me_Wallpaper….jpg)

lmao revive this

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Twerking was a millennial thing. Just because you and your friends didn't do it doesn't man everyone else didnt.

Also, millennials popularized anime. And there was loads of aime back then. It just wasn't on smartphones at the time.

>That was the Boomers. They started that whole hippie free love interracial gay pride movement.

Yet you blame zoomers for that, despite the fact you adapted the SJW shit?

>Dudes have to nut sometimes and if they can't then it makes them irritable. And because women would rather put out for some dude over 7 feet tall with 7 inch girth and 7 figure income, that's why their are a lot of bitter incels.

Now you're just making excuses. You already sound irritable and are blaming zoomers and boomers for your shitty situation.

"We millennial kin are cool kids. Idk why everyone else is such a dork."

Mean while, everyone else is out enjoying ther best life, you just sit and mope on imageboards watching your cliche old cartoons and whining about not having a girlfriend for sexual relief.

Whose the real degenerate here?

It sounds to me you have a willful ig orange worldview. You still think of people in terms of "boomer, zoomer, millennial".

Again, grow up and get over yourself. You are not special, as the detractors against Gen Y have always said.

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>That has always been an issue even a hundred years ago.

Again, Millennials are deflecting their faults. No, this wasn't a problem a century ago, except in the upper class.

Parents actually trained their kids for survival. Grandparents also helped as well, because extended family was the mainstay.

Maybe if you guys were raised tht way, you wouldn't be such self important faggots obsessed with birth years.

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>Twerking was Millennial

Twerking only became popular like 10 years ago when Obama was president. Millennials women may have participated in it and Millennial men may have jerked off to it, but it was not part of our childhoods.

>popularized anime

Japan popularized anime. The Boomers imported anime like DBZ and Pokemon in the late 90s. It didn't become popular until at least the early 2000s when many of us were leaving high school. It wasn't a big part of our childhood.

>you blame Zoomers

Then stop participating in SJW nonsense. Stopping spending so much time on SJW and break the curse that you believe Millennials are responsible for. Tell all your Zoomer buddies to stop dancing on Tiktok.

>adapted the SJW shit

Only Millennials who grew up in progressive blue states like Commiefornia. Most people I grew up with from the red states think SJWs are cringe.

>now you're making excuses

No I'm on NoFap. I understand the problems that porn causes but I can't forcibly change other people's decisions. Relationships would be better without porn and hookup culture. It will not get better for Zoomers if Zoomers don't stop the trend.

>everyone is enjoying their best life

Not really. Many people are miserable and the economy is bad. There's more mental illness and marital problems than ever before. Even Gen Z posts about it on social media about how depressed they are.

>Whose the real degenerate?

It depends on what you engage in. I'm pretty vanilla and I try to avoid watching porn.

>You still think in terms of

You're the one who keeps coming back to post about how Millennials suck. So if my worldview is orange then yours is too.

>You are not special

I never said I was special. Maybe you should stop seeing Millennials as the big bad boogieman who is trying to oppress you.


>Millennials are deflecting

And I think you're shifting blame for your own problems, for whatever Millennials did that let you down. Maybe your parents are Millennial or someone you had a crush on, someone that bullied you. I don't know the exact reason but you seem certain that Millennials are the cause of your problems.

>this wasn't a problem before Millennials

The nuclear family was the ideal for many conservatives but not everyone followed it. There were foster care and orphanages even before our time. There were education systems and families put children in school before the 1900s.

>Maybe if you guys were raised that way

What about you, were you raised that way? Or is that why you're upset with Millennials?

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>Then stop participating in SJW nonsense. Stopping spending so much time on SJW and break the curse that you believe Millennials are responsible for. Tell all your Zoomer buddies to stop dancing on Tiktok.

You mean you tell your friends to stop promoting SJW policies and stop dancing on TikTok. And making Twitch, OnlyFans, and Facebook monologues. Again, you're trying downplay your generational faults.

Again, you're deflecting your generation's faults onto the new kids as usual.

>I never said I was special. Maybe you should stop seeing Millennials as the big bad boogieman who is trying to oppress you.

I could say the same to you about the constant t whining about boomers and zoomers "ruining everything for you".

>And I think you're shifting blame for your own problems, for whatever Millennials did that let you down. Maybe your parents are Millennial or someone you had a crush on, someone that bullied you. I don't know the exact reason but you seem certain that Millennials are the cause of your problems.

Just the same way you shift blame on to boomers or zoomers for your generational failures. Boomers and GenX all say Millennials are unable to take responsibility for their own faults. They always blame someone else.

Again, you are not special.

>The nuclear family was the ideal for many conservatives but not everyone followed it. There were foster care and orphanages even before our time. There were education systems and families put children in school before the 1900s.

Again, the nuclear family was an Amglo invention from the 1800s. Most of the world had extended families.

And yes we had orphanages.

And yes there was educational systems that only the rich could afford.

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>deflecting your generation's faults

And you're not accounting for your generation and it sounds like you're not doing anything to break the curse. You believe Millennials caused all these problems, yet you aren't doing anything right now but complaining on some imageboard. You could be out there changing the youth, and being a good example for your generation.

>constantly whining

I don't whine constantly about Boomers and Zoomers. I'm just responding to your whining about Millennials. You started the conversation not me.

>always blame someone else

You mean kinda like how you're blaming Millennials? I don't see you complaining about any other generation as much as you complain about Millennials.

>only the rich could afford

No public schools started in the 1800s in America and were available for poor families. There were wealthy schools dating back much further in history. But the point is that people were dumping their children off somewhere else and not always raising them at home long before the Millennials came around.

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posters say its dead while posting, if anything it's a slow board but there is still some activity, anons still visit

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That one on anon comes back every few months just to complain about Millennials. I wish there was more active discussion about other topics.

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Join us fellow doomers



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File: a53b465b89e59bb⋯.jpg (161.57 KB,500x452,125:113,132815678430.jpg)



So what can we sum up millennials with? Their incessant reference to Harry Potter house trivia? Their chronic inability to take a joke and think everything is problematic or degenerate? Who have turned cinema into a rerun/retread factory because they can't get over aging? Who turned young adult literature into the femcel power variety hour? Who grew up on muh nineties (aka Gen-X shit) and yet somehow ended up even cringier than Jim Bakker's post-apocalypse shit buckets? Who consume every internet site with TFW NO GF level cringe and then whine when people don't care? >>29856 also said something funny about women:

>Dudes have to nut sometimes and if they can't then it makes them irritable. And because women would rather put out for some dude over 7 feet tall with 7 inch girth and 7 figure income, that's why their are a lot of bitter incels.

Too bad, so sad. Women shouldn't feel bad for wanting to get the best out of life. Funny how men never get shit on for wanting females who are total pure virgins but yet can fuck like porn stars and do all the housework just like Mommy used to. Why is focusing on looks bad for women but good for men? You don't even know what you want - you're just shitposting on a dead imageboard generalizing Gen Z and then getting mad when people reply millennials are just as bad. We have all fallen short as Scripture says. There's tons of good Gen Z and millennials out there. But you wouldn't know that because you're terminally online and are scared of "normies" because your loser parents chronically neglected you. No properly raised, normally functioning person uses an imageboard.

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>7 feet tall 7 inch cock 1 million dollars

>Women shouldn't feel bad for wanting the best

Well the thing is those types of men are notorious for having a high body count and many divorces. It's women who are complaining about "where are all the good men" when they turn 30 and are alone with their cats. The nice normal guys can't be your ideal fantasy bad boy, but girls have the option not to sleep with the guys who just use them for sex.

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People love to shit on Millennials meanwhile Gen Z hasn’t produced anything except for more drug overdoses, and all of their memes are thrifted.

The future is dead just like this board.

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>People love to shit on Millennials meanwhile Gen Z hasn’t produced anything except for more drug overdoses, and all of their memes are thrifted.

Millennials love pointing to zoomers whenever they shit on for some reason, even when zoomers aren't even being talked about. Why is that? Did COVID and the whole "SAVE GRANDMA" thing ruin boomers being a scapegoat for your inability to get your act together or something? Now we're supposed to believe a bunch of dorky kids are?

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File: 2a026a0116622cf⋯.jpg (405.17 KB,3464x3464,1:1,ZoomerKids.jpg)


Have you told your Millennial parents that you hate them?

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File: 22c2ec3ea31817c⋯.gif (2.86 MB,320x240,4:3,bette_davis_laughing_at_yo….gif)


>Have you told your Millennial parents that you hate them?

Have you told your boomer parents that you hate them? Or are you too busy studying the "everyone I don't like must be a X" playbook like a little bitch? Funny how a millennial, whose entire generation's schtick is OLD MAN BAD, is trying to trot out this trope as some "gotcha" against supposed zoomers. How many more boomers will you blame for why your generation can't own a home or save money?

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>Have you told

Predictable response. Doesn't answer the question.

>blame boomers for home

No I blame capitalism for that. The Boomers didn't make things any easier though.

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So basically, youre blaming Boomers.

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Millennials will blame everyone and everything.

>Can't get laid? MEN. WOMEN. JEWS.

>Can't get a job? MEN. WOMEN. BOOMERS. JEWS.

And so on and so forth, rinse and repeat. The millennial lives solely to leech and blame everyone else for the host's inevitable symptoms.

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You're just doing the same thing you say Millennials do, blaming the Millennials for everything. I'd be interested to know your age range. Are you Boomer, Gen X, or Zoomer? I'm one of those Millennials you complain about so much. Additionally would help if I knew your race. You sound like you might be pro-Israel.

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>are you a Boomer

>Are you Zoomer

>Are you pro-Israel

Yep. You keep feeding tge stereotype about the Generation WHY ME persecution complex.

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>Are you

Why are you unwilling to answer very simple questions? It would help to understand your position better if I knew what team you're on. You can already tell I'm not any of those three groups you mentioned. By refusing to reveal any information about yourself you just sound like an anonymous troll.

>Millennials don't like A/B/C so they must have a complex.

Disliking things is normal. It sounds like you're feeling persecuted if it bothers you that Millennials don't like something.

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