There is no general advice imo. Some things work for people and some other things work for others. Currently the only thing I'm pushing through is writers block and it pays off so far, I guess. Other than that I'm just trying to take life easy. Find something you like to do, to be honest. That should be your prime focus because even if everything else sucks, at least you have some shelter in form of activity. It helped me before when times were much worse, at least I could lock myself in room and record something.
As always, I tried to bruteforce myself through life even though I was well aware it's not working for me. Now I go out in the morning, take pictures of flowers, fuck around, do some work, try to sit down for a while, write something, play guitar a little bit if I feel like it, take a shower, have coffee, work on something else, write here or on other boards, whatever. For some people exactly the opposite works, they have to force themselves do to something otherwise not doing anything does more harm to them than benefit.
Also big part of why I feel better recently are lies and ignorance. I just don't want to bathe in my own shit anymore, I don't have mood for it. I want to feel comfortable, that was my main motivation, I wanted to be more like people who are always chill no matter what, not taking part in any negative type of shit because it's pointless anyway. I don't want to be objective, I don't want to question everything, rather I take now things as they are, not paying big attention to how's life going and how it will be in future. I'm sure it will be better, yeah maybe economic crisis will hit us but we will get over it and people are tired of tradshit anyway so I don't have to fulfill your roles. Before I would say "yeah, life sucks but at least I'm honest to myself". Well fuck it, /comfy/ is all that matters and if that means being more careless and dumb to others, then so be it.
>it just seems too simple that time+attitude+environment is the way out of debilitating mental illness
You will still carry some deep shit in you, it's part of your personality and you will hit the lows again, who cares. Just don't forget nothing is such a big deal. We don't know why we live, we don't know many things. Don't listen to people telling you what you should do or be, fuck all of that. Unironically be urself, my person of african-american heritage. Don't even listen to what I say, have your own head; or listen to me because I said don't listen to me.
Having problems is fine, being doomed is fine, many of us are, just look around yourself but taking it easy and not making too big of a deal about it helped me. Having time for yourself, not hating everything, even though you know world could be a bit better, that's all really nice.
tl;dr masculine approach to problems like "I have to combat everything in my life" is garbage attitude and not caring too much isn't escapism, sorry about blogpost