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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

File: 00dfbeb07617312⋯.jpg (53.64 KB,500x435,100:87,Equality.jpg)

 No.22853 [View All]

Obviously with any group of people, there's going to be different kinds. But which are the different categories and which do you think you fall under?

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She is not even in office and financial rats are already thinking about shorting the ground under their feet. That amerianon was right.

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>It is like they imagine men being some kind of holy brotherhood where nobody will backstab each other

I am under no illusion that my best friend would even hesitate to fuck my girlfriend if the whiff of an opportunity presented itself. I am generally trusting of other men only insofar as women aren't involved.

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Value actually derives from how much people want something, even if that thing is completely useless.

I always laugh at those people using sociology from centuries ago that is unable to even phantom that people today shower money on streamers, buy dirty bath water from e-thots, or cheaply made shirts just because there's the logo of a youtuber logo on it.

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Except the sjw has power, or is at least in line with those who have power and their respective institutions of socio-political discourse. The /pol/ack is like a sunken-eyed, gutter-laden peasant shaking his fist at his unseen betters in a high tower, far off in the distance.

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File: c60812099a703e3⋯.jpg (85.33 KB,750x937,750:937,1562664832428.jpg)


The question you might ask is that if this is really an issue, right? I think I wrote it before but I really like the idea of paying streamers, especially if I actually watch them, which I now rarely do but still, I do it here and there. To me it means more freedom, which is always a good thing. No, I don't want to pay for a TV with 99,99% of total crap and shit movies, I don't want to pay for newspapers full of articles with hot opinions, I'd rather pay this dude a few bucks, streaming from basement, who entertained me whole evening with his speedrunning skills, with feeling that I took part in helping some chill guy avoiding the need of being total wagecuck. If people pay for bathwater or pay for shit merch of shitty youtubers, that's up to them, I can spend my money on whatever I want and on the other end is some dude who can get by without being yet another brick in the wall. That's beautiful. Same reason why I buy new music by indie diy artists, etc. I know it would make my fucking day if someone gives me a few bucks for what I create, so why not to keep on going. People are screaming only because either they are assblasted wagies jealous about some kid earning money this way while they have to listen to mr. boss all day because they have to pay for bastard kid they never wanted or they hate it because it smells like socialism. Oh no, young people don't work in my factory anymore oh no, they rather distribute among themselves little money they have, oh no tradboomers, we better unite against this reeee, we should tell them on internet how big low-life each one of them is, faaart.

E-hookers are beautiful thing and it's good if men actually want to fucking pay them. As I said, you are not paying the girl for what she shows or whatever, you pay them for their time they spent for you. Same with streamers, same with artists, same with neckbeards working on your foss projects, same with zoomers drawing your futa furry porn you sick bastards, etc. The more we have "jobs" like this the better. We should get rid of the middle man entirely though so the individual gets 100% of the money. Money will continue flowing, rich boombooms on suicide watch, this is what I live for. Tell young people to never even bother with slaving their life away, stay away from this, rather sell your fucking bathwater. Question of dignity is a spook, fuck capitalism and fuck boomers.

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File: d5f595a5ecf14a4⋯.jpg (38.7 KB,600x337,600:337,142032_gettyimages54241435….jpg)


I will add one more thing since no one gives a shit anyway - if this is pure question of gender, f.e. e-hookers shouldn't do it because we must le protecc our wimin xDD, then you live in a dream. Maybe you did not noticed but we are living in this mud called society together. It's not something new. World was always trash and we are trash as well. I don't see how this is worse than walking the streets. The bottom line is that we are equally fucked and we always were. Don't fall for men vs women non-issues.

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File: 837d46502ffd18a⋯.jpg (137.44 KB,1600x1200,4:3,1443878953806.jpg)



I don't pay for streamers and I would never do it, just like paying for other content creators. I'm jew-like with my money even in regards to broken stuff, I will learn how to fix something and keep fixing it and fixing it again until the point it can't be fixed anymore. My last PC headphone costed 10 dollars and lasted 5 years. BUT, that being said, there's nothing inherently wrong with paying for that stuff. If anything is way better to give money to a bro trying his best to be entertaining, a guy who sees you as his boss or benefactor, than the media conglomerate who sees you as cattle and want to indoctrinate you. About e-thots, I just think you are paying more for less. Prostitutes are cheaper and better, I use their services constantly.

But that was not the point of the original post, what I meant was that older and elaborate forms of constituting values are inherently wrong, and are only brought up by people who can't look around then, like lefties who only read the communist manifesto and keep repeating the stuff Marx said back in the industrial revolution as if that applied to the modern world. God damn, a guy working on an office having a boss and a boss of a boss, gets a bigger wage than the owner of a market with multiple employees. Old sociology books don't really apply to modern society, SPECIALLY in regards to value, and online entertainers are just further proof of that.

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>My last PC headphone costed 10 dollars and lasted 5 years.

Don't even tell me, my headphones broke and can you imagine that? I f-d up the soldering because I wasn't patient enough.

>About e-thots, I just think you are paying more for less. Prostitutes are cheaper and better, I use their services constantly.

Personally, I don't pay for it because I'm not the customer but my point was more like I see it as legitimate way of earning money. I just don't like the moralfagging around it or jealous men/women because girl can use her body to earn money. I know many people would love to see better world or whatever, but that's not our case. Heck, if some whore wants to do this for free, be my guest. So not even typical capitalist formula applies here - if there is market for it, it's good enough. You should definitely do things even there is 0 market for them because why the fuck not. It's not like world is offering something you back for being good role model and good earner, if you are tired like me of all the rules but no rewards, then you have to help yourself no matter how general population looks on you.

>Old sociology books don't really apply to modern society, SPECIALLY in regards to value, and online entertainers are just further proof of that.

Yes I get it, don't take my reply as direct reply to you, it's more of a side note to all this stuff written itt. Not even economy theory is catching up imo. You read all the time about millennials living with their parents, being jobless, not being able to hold a job, not being interested in having children, etc. A lot of things changed but I assume we are not experiencing some new type of problem, we are just dragging behind our asses problems of the times before we were even born. The core issues we have now in society are nothing new, with exception of technology which changed everything and of course it had impact on us as society.

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File: 7a2ea009eaf8a0a⋯.jpg (736.16 KB,3487x2324,3487:2324,d8c665d7ffeec6a8d36febc38e….jpg)


>fuck capitalism and fuck boomers.

young man what type of manners is this?

Please never ever contact me or my husbands ever again on linkedin




finally, the rodent meme is blossoming

I fucking knew it when I invested in it, it would be a good investment

this will become the next pepe, I can feel it

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File: 4148befd4ab1bd9⋯.jpg (2.98 MB,2181x2979,727:993,Ludwig_von_Mises.jpg)


> e-hookers shouldn't do it because we must le protecc our wimin xDD, then you live in a dream.

sadly we live in the actual 3D world and actions have consequences. Especially when more and more people engage in incorrect behaviour

the problem is not that there is ewhores or even prostitution at all. Prostitution is important because otherwise the grandpas and cripples cannot get sex

But the difference between the past and today is that in the past there were maybe 100 whores in every town and those whores were servicing all the fuckhungry bunga bunga bois and cripples. Today, all women are reduced to whore status but the irony here is that they do not even get paid for it anymore. They just get pumped and dumped and often even pay money in form of drinks or whatever to the guys they obsess over.

Then one day they are old hags, understand that they have wasted their youth on bunga bunga boys and nobody wants to start a family with them anymore.

Or if at all, they are only second choice third choice if they already have children.

And these family structures single motherhood, broken families then produce the next generation of mentally handicapped people or children who grow up in poverty entire life and never have a chance to become productive members of society and blossom in their talents.

You see this is a complex system with many variables involved. There is no panaceum but observations suggest that what has been happening in black communities since the 70s absent fathers is causing a never ending doom spiral for the coming generations.

>Maybe you did not noticed but we are living in this mud called society together.

Allow me to use Ludwig von Mises' definition of society:

Society is labour division between all the individuals involved in said society. Individuals can specialize in something they can do best or most efficient or if they suck at everything, the thing they suck least and they trade their work with each other. Society is the most efficient way for individuals to satisfy their infinite desires because a specialist can produce goods or services in the most efficient and highest quality for all the other individuals and then the other individuals have free time to follow their dreams because they do not have to plant their own patatoes. Or if they choose to plant their own patatoes they can of course do this as well …

>It's not something new. World was always trash and we are trash as well.

technically not the world is trash, but the IQ80 subhumans that populate it and with which you inevitably have to live

they do not have a logical thinking humans brain capacity. Things like laws or codex do not exist for them.

They only follow their reptillian insticts and cannot think rationally nor be responsible adults when it comes to future planning.

>The bottom line is that we are equally fucked and we always were. Don't fall for men vs women non-issues.

of course we are all fucked. This is why society is so important. Because when 1 of your neighbors is a drug addict, then it does not have much impact on your life. Yeah he lingers around, does not do anything, steals a chicken here and there and one day he dies in the gutter. But when your entire neighborhood consists of people like this, you suddenly have a giantic problem and you cannot escape. And this is the situation that we are heading towards.

World is more and more populated with reptillian people and all common sense is being steamrolled for instant gratification and animal instincts.

Autistoid people being rational and logical people by nature, especially suffer from this condition as there is nowhere left to run.


An increasing amount of people are becoming rotten. Much more than people have been in the past. And this produces problems for everyone else involved because you cannot escape to another planet. We only have this shit dust crust we live on.

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File: 8f36b8a7b416ca9⋯.jpg (86.1 KB,970x450,97:45,c041212b871fc80a08bd3c5e11….jpg)


forgot pikku

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File: 5f3ee5f32b45234⋯.jpg (20.26 KB,634x514,317:257,4B032D0B00000578-5598895-i….jpg)


>muh wall of moralfagging

>muh families

>muh single motherhood

>muh women are all treated as whores but I definitely don't participate on that nor I am biased towards women *twists dick between fingers on 2D animu*

>muh some society definition

>muh people

>muh IQ

>muh world being trash is actually a bad thing

<I actually read this

Fascist as always, you owe me 5 minutes of my time. You won't even let people make mistakes without being all clever about it. Pressing Alt+S for cumspit on this post. Lifecoach-tier ass lookin boi.

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you know it is true :)

and it is the future we chose

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Dunno, 100+ IQ people can handle hedonism and promiscuity pretty well. They regard it as just a phase to go through in their 20s, and have no problem settling down and being productive citizens afterwards. The reason Trad-LARPing is popular because it is less socially expensive than pointing out cognitive differences (and I don't mean this in a strictly racial sense, either). But all taboos exist for a reason, and openly talking about human differences has bad knock-on effects. This is the twisted Gordian knot we have found ourselves in.

>Autistoid people being rational and logical people by nature

I really, really hope that this sad, sick and stupid meme would end. It does autists no favors.


Based Boomer Mom.

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In other words, reasons why /r9k/ is more fascist than /pol/.

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>2D animu

As opposed to 3D animu?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Soon anon, soon.

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What's wrong with fascism?

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i honestly find it very funny, most existencial issues in the west nowadays are trite bullshit but their shaping the collective in ways that are chaotic and unpredictable for the future. Is very amusing if you don´t really give a shit and don´t have a horse in that race and if shit goes south and a real downfall happens it will be even more amusing, but that´s unlikely, the west will keep floating , their people will keep getting degenerate and the rest of the world will keep catering to their shit taste because they can pay for it.

I already lived through the transition from good to bad to worse to absolute apocalipsis in my country, i see it all as some weird joke and i really don´t believe in ideology anymore. I wish i had some passive income so i´d don´t have to worry about sustenance or slaving away, i think people who have that and have their corner to live in without much stress are lucky, even when they are not very notorious or wealthy, they can live as onlookers, in the sidelines and thats a priviledge. Really is the best you can wish out of life at the current state of things, all else is part of the amusement park. I dont care about kids in 20 years turning into a surgically and genetically altered fursona and have their furry identity recognized legally as a new gender, could not care less. People who are actively engaging in things today are tomorrow´s scapegoats and they will see their ideals ruining things even more, we already saw boomers

doing just that during their lifetime. Feels like last couple decades humanity really wants to be all sci fi and show how much it can improve faster , that ansiety is fucking it all up, people are forcing change just for the sake of change, not becaus is really solving or improving anything , just because everyone want to spearhead some vanguard even when its retarded.

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>It' very amusing if you don´t really give a shit and don´t have a horse in that race

How do you think we feel about everything that's going on in your country? Sadly, nothing will be learned from it, and much as in your case, the people who know better won't do anything about it because nobody has any skin in the game.

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This question is only something 17 year old would ask. Not because of the political crap around that but because if you like to have master above you telling you how you should live your life then you might as well shut the fuck up and find some daddy who will lock you up in the basement. At least you will get your daily dose of nutrients in form of yellow semen you animal.

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File: ddb46ff41872b5f⋯.mp4 (11.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,waifu jeehad.mp4)


>3Dfags don't even know the waifu jihad started a long time ago

they are in here for a nasty awakening

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File: 20733697bdd719f⋯.jpg (73.15 KB,799x720,799:720,BETTER DEAD THAN RED.JPG)


THAT sounds like something a PINKO would say!!

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It is funny isnt it

On an individual level, freedom is the only rational and morally upright answer you could give when asked for any kind of political system.

>yeah dude, just let people do whatever they think is correct

>I mean, evryon has his own life, mkay?

and then you give people the freedom to be adults and do their own decissions and they surprise you with things we have today.

Lots of individuals participating in irrational and incorrect things that then end up fucking over the entire future of a country

But the silver lining here is that this thesis is based on the assumption that you have a rational thinking half-decently intelligent person standing in front of you which most normies are not, because if they were, they would not beg for daddy government to suck their dicks and promise them he will take care of them if anything might happen

This is why I have given up on any "political" solution for those worldy problems. No matter if fascism, communism, libertarianism, anarchy, islamism or green-ism. It all can be summed up with

>as long as there is humans, there will be retarded people who do retarded things and take other people with them into trouble, even if they never wanted it to happen to them and never asked for this

Therefore I see it as my holy duty to accelerate everything into even more chaos by voting leftist whenever possible so they can fuck things up until not even a 70% tax rate can sustain the system anymore and everything collapses into one giantic STALKER shitshow real life.

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Only slaves long to be free. Only slaves ask to be freed. I do neither because I don't think like a slave.

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I don't understand your /*pol/memes.




Are you drunk again?


By your logic in that post now I can see you are either really 17 year old or just down syndrome. Maybe both. Thanks for cringe.

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File: d3dfac036fbde4e⋯.jpg (154.13 KB,616x585,616:585,662b63453db97c28.jpg)


>I don't understand your /*pol/memes.

That "commie pinko" stuff was from at least before the 60's, and the screenshot is from Fallout 3.

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File: 660271198772968⋯.jpg (29.19 KB,500x512,125:128,CvJx6w8WAAAIZVF.jpg)


>Sadly, nothing will be learned from it

i know already, thats why i don´t even bother debating dick with foreigners and why i won´t be singing litanies when they go the same route, , you either don´t care or defend the perpetrators.If despite all evidence of what happens you still ask for it you deserve to get it.

The people among you who know better still want the same shit to happen in your country so they can profit like vultures and be like chavistas in the new status quo. Theres billions to be gained from a failed state.

Its ok, the same thing happened here with people sucking Fidel Castro´s cock and defending cuba like we wouldn´t end up the same.

Pic related is Fidel Castro in the UCV in 1989 receiving a warm welcome by professors and students of the university, they actually signed a letter with 1000 names which are all top faculty and famous people from showbiz and shit like that. The same people who defended looters and rioters from Caracazo and went on to suck Chavez dick.

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File: 094515289fa74fb⋯.jpg (5.72 KB,178x230,89:115,1454006852557.jpg)

>Theres billions to be gained from a failed state.

oh buddy, you don't even know how right you are …

and this is exactly why the politicos love those scenarios, you can rob entire country and then just claim someone stole everything and nobody goes to jail

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You do realize we had the same stuff you are describing here in eastern europe right? Stop acting like you are the hottest shit on the planet with unique problems.

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>You do realize we had the same stuff you are describing here in eastern europe right?

the entire point was that it happened already and people here still went for it, just as some other sucker society is going to go for it. Be mad if you like.

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>the social chameleon

>a broke, schizoid, depressive that has been ruined by his alcoholism

>learned to pretend to enjoy parties/hangouts/conversations, just to make the cravings stop

>descends into a wealth of self hatred as he sobers up and ends another night of exposing himself to depraved delinquents just because they love giving out free booze

>can't decide whether he hates them or himself more

>is mainly drunk around others and lacks the constitution for suicide while sobered up, so the cycle never ends

I really should fucking end it

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File: 71c989b873282f4⋯.jpg (49.48 KB,455x457,455:457,som-aoc.jpg)


Keep drinking, and find a better class of delinquents, who give out a higher tier of booze.

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Post wall of empty 30s here, life is still a nigger, it doesn't get any better


Hey everybody the party animal just arrived


>he doesnt practice 5-dimensional ultra-cucking

<get an automated script to randomly get videos off instagram bitches you dont even know

<makes deepfakes using the most atrocious porn, the kind not even efukt dares to show

<use said fake porn on omegle with bots, then record the subhumans there fapping to that

<once it hits 50 cases it sends the video to all the friends and family of the thot as evidence of her atrocious depravity

<thot commits explosive suddoku in a ball pit full of zoomers

COPE harder virgos


>Tradcucks and their fetish for "civillization"

Afaik as I know about the clusterfuck of diarrhea that genderpol has become the tradcucks are against mra/mgtow because they see them as faggot who have given up on bringing whammuns back to the kitchen, and the mgtow get salty when tradcucks tell them to get a job and support some thot's kids because muh civilization. This and feminazism is all one gigantic ball of unironic faggotry imho famalam

>why not bulldoze it all and burn this shit to the ground?

They dont have the balls and are holding for dear life to scraps

>Whenever you go to their forums and want to talk about business or anything else, it always ends up with bitching about THE EBIL WAHMEN

Because they are literally a bunch of coping faggots, not a movement. Still you can "be" mgtow by simply not getting married and just fucking around, afaik theres nothing on it about actively avoiding putting your dick in a vagina, just not putting a ring on the finger attached to said vagina




>E-hookers are beautiful thing and it's good if men actually want to fucking pay them

Jesus fuck NO


>e-hookers shouldn't do it because we must le protecc our wimin xDD

<Literally nobody but the cuckiest tradcuck saying that

The problem with ethots is that they do jack shit, literally, they do jack shit during their streams and have no talent besides being above average looking and willing to slut up to millions, they make whores like paris hilton in the noughts look like high-art. Most ethots are really terrible shitty people and they openly abuse their paypigs and publicly humiliate them when they refuse to keep paying. I used to ignore this shit but now its reaching some truly ridiculous levels.

>we are living in this mud called society together


Not really, we just happen to be in the same planet


>Prostitutes are cheaper and better, I use their services constantly.

Based and huepilled


Thats some turbocunt levels of bitchiness, can I get a background on this?


>a 70% tax rate can sustain the system anymore and everything collapses into one giantic STALKER shitshow real life.

Plenty of countries have been like that for decades and are not collapsing, just becoming shitholes where people are desperate to run out from but cant. So basically you're fucking yourself in the ass icecuck. Accelerationfags should read some history, like early 20th century russian history. It can always get horribly worse and nothing collapses.

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File: b0f1cdbf7d62064⋯.jpg (6.24 KB,262x192,131:96,images (12).jpg)


>COPE harder virgos

Leave my virgo sisters alone nvggr

>Jesus fuck NO

t. incel

>The problem with ethots is that they do jack shit

t. envious incel

>have no talent besides being above average looking and willing to slut up to millions

t. incel

>they openly abuse their paypigs and publicly humiliate them when they refuse to keep paying

t. incel moralist

>I used to ignore this shit but now its reaching some truly ridiculous levels.

*tips fedora linux distribution*

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>can I gets background on this

<duder comes from college

<wants jobby job

<profs tell him that "networking is important" and linkedin

<finds some boomer lady

<wants her to become his metaphorical mentor

<boomer lady tells him smugly to fuck off and that she is not gonna share her secrit club with him if he cannot offer anything in return

<boyyo probably gave up getting a job forever

the eternal boomer

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anons, I know that internet culture got very popular and all but where comes the obsession on imageboards with internetcelebrities?

really makes you think

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File: 74fd5879a3b657c⋯.jpg (440.74 KB,1029x557,1029:557,OG-RAM.jpg)


Yeah, the term is too narrow (There are a lot of guys who have sex but remain spiritual incels) and prone to overuse ( s/loser/incel/ according to the latest script). Let's come up with a new term: RAMs, short for resentful asocial men.

It has a poetic beauty to it in that they are like battering rams, just waiting to hurl themselves towards an unknown target. They have deprived themselves of any delicacy or finesse, and have become blunt instruments in a pointless war on society. Once you multiply them enough, they can bring down the entire edifice of civilization.

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File: 7a2ea009eaf8a0a⋯.jpg (736.16 KB,3487x2324,3487:2324,d8c665d7ffeec6a8d36febc38e….jpg)

>muh civillization

rodent ignore

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is a beautiful thing, RAM-anon. Even you can learn to appreciate it. You just have to get away from your judgemental moralism masquerading as victimhood bullshit. You have your bitcoin money, go out to a club tonight.

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File: 4920bb442ccdc66⋯.jpg (295.97 KB,805x1034,805:1034,evangeline.jpg)



The Orb Mother. The One who convinced me to watch Evangeline after years of giving up anime.

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>didnt get the cope joke

>is a paypig for ethots yet everybody else is the incel



I mean what happened after that, I assume that anon had some balls and at least doxed the cunt………right?


>There are a lot of guys who have sex but remain spiritual incels

<no longer involuntary celibate

<still involuntary celibate

If you mean hating women then plenty of playboys were high in the misogyny scale specially back in the day

>RAMs, short for resentful asocial men.

So the average soyboy antifag? I have yet to meet one who is content with his lot in life, and those that technically are still bitch as if it was a sport

>They have deprived themselves of any delicacy or finesse, and have become blunt instruments in a pointless war on society.

Some people really got the short end of the stick and had a shitty life, but through history society has always ignored and ridiculed those at the very bottom for they are powerless and only exist to be mocked and blamed for all the sins of the world. Not long ago most of society considered being poor a sin and that the poor were not victims but guilty of their condition.

>Once you multiply them enough, they can bring down the entire edifice of civilization.

We both know this is never going to happen, the russian revolution did start because of a bunch of starved proles as the tankies believe but out of privileged middle and upper class russians who wanted the power of the nobility for themselves, which they did obtain and became the nomenklatura. Most wars and revolutions go like this, the bottom of the barrel is only there to become cannon fodder or die in famines, they dont get to join the game let alone make waves. At best they get to be used by one side or the other.


>burgerstani presidential candidate quoting a 24yo cantonese robot cartoon

The fuck is happening?

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File: bca7b4ff2cf9cf6⋯.jpg (127.53 KB,1200x911,1200:911,1559751433930.jpg)


Never paid anything to e-hookers, you would know that if you could read. ps you are pathetic incel and probably autistic virgin as well

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>If you mean hating women

No, not just hating women but hating pleasurable and playful things in life.


say "yuppie" instead and we have an agreement. The kind of people who spend top-dollar on cars and clothes, but end up dissatisfied because reality gets in the way of their algorithmic pursuit of status. Come to think of it, Elliot Rodger was as much of a yuppie as he was an incel.

>So the average soyboy antifag?

antifa types can be resentful, but they are anything but asocial. In fact, you can say that left-wing activism is one way of fleeing asociality. It is dishonest and cringy to be sure, but nowhere as corrosive as incel bullshit.

>Some people really got the short end of the stick and had a shitty life

Yes, these people exist and deserve sympathy. But that's not what RAMs focus on. If they did, they wouldn't make all those shitty image collages depicting aesthetically-challenged people on the "other side". Nor would they be critical of attempts by those at the bottom of the social totem pole to socialize and express themselves.

>Russian revolution

I was talking about the other assault on civilized life that happened during the interwar period. You know, the one in Germany.

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File: a15627bc889c5c5⋯.jpeg (86.98 KB,979x702,979:702,triwttershoe.jpeg)


>burgerstani presidential candidate quoting a 24yo cantonese robot cartoon

The weeb vote will decide the 2020 election. Our Orb Mother has a lock on that demographic.

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File: bbbf1f82bdbd819⋯.jpg (254.49 KB,1080x1073,1080:1073,b0bf9c00916f6dd45f2d7adac7….jpg)



rodent ignore

>moralism masquerading as victimhood bullshit.

yeah I had a relapse but I am cured again clean

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File: 906e4c641252d76⋯.png (21.51 KB,843x903,281:301,chantards-arguing.png)


"Rodent Ignore" isn't an ignore. It is chantard for "I am bothered but I don't know why."

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File: 94ee84f903fec14⋯.png (220.77 KB,304x552,38:69,94ee84f903fec14391084a3e02….png)


















Hier für dich zum Staunen lauter schöne Substantiv-Reimketten

Lassen Kinnladen runterklappen und Unterkiefer brechen

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File: 39fcad179b937d6⋯.jpg (747.44 KB,1024x683,1024:683,anti-deutsch.jpg)


Speak English, Nazi.

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File: 33725f99ecfaca0⋯.webm (2.23 MB,360x294,60:49,based cringe dilate.webm)


absolute state

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