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/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

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 No.1060 [Last50 Posts]>>1064 >>1650 >>1655 >>1990 >>7532 >>8706 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Post CYOA-related things that trigger your autism here.

>When people use immediately recognizable images from video games or other media

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>>1060 (OP)

when people put unnecessary limitations on the cyoa

"btw this one thing is impossible"

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When they get meta but, like, meta in a bad way.

I don't have anything against references or setting something in the same universe but there's also that thing where they throw in a superfluous line like "because every CYOA needs a choice like this apparently".

That's even irritating when you don't have a lore heavy CYOA.

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When these setting pickers are called "CYOAs", but CYOAs are referred to are "quests".

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When all the choices are horrible and out of context

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When you can't choose because all the choices are awful, instead of being unable to choose because you really want all the options at the same time.

If a person reads your CYOA and their think "I'd rather not take anything at all…", then you've failed.

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I don't think that's a failure, it's just an unpopular genre.

Just like there are CYOA's that focus fully on escapism and not on balance mechanics there can be CYOA's that only focus on balance and not on escapism.

That's also why I think the "you can always walk away" headcanon some people have is bullshit. It completely breaks any game With unpleasant themes.

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Your pet peeve is correct terminology?

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>prison cyoa

>internet option

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When it's presumed I want to/have to fight others. I don't want to fight anything. The only use I have for shooting fireballs from my eyes is to start a campfire when the wood gets wet.

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Clearly you've never been to a European jail.

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 No.1483>>1485 >>1509 >>2420 >>2535

I particularly dislike "choose 1" CYOAs. There's really nothing creative you can think about, no combinations or builds, it's just "which would you rather".

The best CYOAs have a huge selection of options with both positive and negative costs that I can piece together to form a build where the positives balance the negatives while the negatives add flavor and "challenge". After that, the setting should be familiar enough that I can spend time imagining how life would go on under the effects of the CYOA, so ideally real-life modified by whatever event allowed the CYOA to happen to begin with.

This whole board is "pick one" cyoas, no wonder it's so dead.

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Well, if there were multiple instances of "choose one", then you do have a build.

Personally, I really hate a CYOA where you have to keep a tally of "points" spent. It seems so artificial and contrived. There's never a decent in-universe reason why you're limited to this number of points and how the heck some things give points back.

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Chose 1 CYOAs are fun if there's some reason for you to be in competition with others who've picked. Then you have to consider all the other options not just for how you can use them, but how they can be used against you.

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>>1060 (OP)

"Meta" CYOAs, or CYOAs which allow you to use other already-existing CYOAs.

Its a cheap trick, drop it.

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>>1060 (OP)

People who just post a list of options selected without any kind of elaboration on why or what they'd plan on using it for. Even one or two sentences makes the difference between actual content and wasted bandwidth.

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 No.1737>>1739 >>13369

The term "CYOA" to refer to these strategic option image games. It doesn't make sense outside of a few boards. Most people don't know what it is, google it, and think we're talking about hypertext adventures or the old kid's books.

Leddit has taken to calling them MakeYourChoice. Not bad.

I like ChooseYourAdventureChart ("sea-yak"), or maybe PickYourChoiceChart ("pic").

Trust me CYOAs aren't dying because of a lack of content or a drop in autism rates. It's getting buried under an old, confusing, and conflicting term.

(Space Jam pic unrelated)

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That's bullshit and you know it.

When are threads ever getting buried by semantic arguing? Confusion about the term is rare and never lasts longer than three posts.

I guess a problem invisible to us could be people trying to find it but not knowing the proper term and being unable to reach the appropiate forums. But really, who spontaniously develops an interest for something without being exposed to it? The word CYOA is pasted in huge letters at the top of the image more often than not.

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I know that the first time I saw a CYOA image, it was not labeled as such or on a labeled board. I had to ask and when I went searching for more it was frustrating to get through the noise.

I also know people who dismiss this out of hand because they think I'm talking about something else, so they don't check it out. Search engine traffic and newcomers are a thing. At least if you want new people.

Your perspective is exactly the board culture isolated mindset that I had to overcome to get in to this hobby. And most people aren't as obsessive as I am.

There is nothing to lose by adopting some alternative/ supplemental term to fix the clarity problem. We don't call tabletop RPGs "creative history wargames" anymore and that's worked out great for everyone.

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I will say that the CYOA is definitely a misleading term to anyone who does not already know what I'm talking about. In fact, I saw so many "CYOA" threads on Space Battles that I thought the old brancing-storyline style of storytelling had faced a resurgence in popularity.

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>>1060 (OP)

>when every option is the same but has different drawbacks

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 No.2084>>3925 >>4090 >>4091


But the vast majority of people who even participate don't want to roleplay/daydream about a CYOA where you end up utterly FUCKED no matter what. You act as if there were a more broad spectrum of players who like getting their asses kicked in their fantasies.

>PS, the Seven Sins CYOA objectively sucks for this very reason.

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>every cyoa has "muh demons" theme shoehorned in

if your going to be unoriginal at least stay classy and avoid the most boring and distasteful cliche

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This exactly. Most CYOAs I play, I end up thinking on how it'd affect my current life instead of having to fight people. Like, I get teleportation, then I get rid of commute time! It'd be fucking fun watching all the places and such. That kind of shit. Or get spaceship, do shit on space!


I see why you don't like them. I'm indifferent to them, though. They're kinda mechanically simple, for a forum game they're okay. By comparison, points-based CYOAs end up feeling silly, you have to know how many points you have and which elements you've chosen. I still like them, though, but I don't browse internet with notepad on the side.

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Yeah I just discovered this board because it was trending, and thought it was about the branching-storyline thing. Which I thought was great, because I love that shit.

Then I found out it was something else. >>680 should be pinned to avoid confusion and explain what's meant by CYOA. But really a new term would be best.

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>rolling dice to determine your option

What part of Choose Your Own Adventure didn't you understand?

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I never found this to be a big deal, it's not like they're FORCING you to roll the dice, if you just wanna choose, then just choose.

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when you post something you consider to be decent, which then goes on to get zero posts or attention at all.

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The Star Wars Lewd CYOA is shit anon, rolling for starting points with the chance of only being able to get that money upgrade and absolutely nothing else loses the point of it being a CYOA.

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When people put "fam" or "lit" or other nog speak in their cyoa

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when has that happened? haven't seen it on this board.

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 No.2483>>2484 >>2505 >>12023

File (hide): 43b3c1b0c55e91e⋯.png (2.49 MB,1200x3400,6:17,IMG_1165.png) (h) (u)


I haven't seen it here but browsing other cyoas which I can't find had fam in them. This one has "lit" under vaporeon. It's very minor but it triggers me

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Jeez, dude, calm down. It's clearly using the word in the sense of "activated" or "aroused" (har). There are better ways to write that sentence, but it's not slang.

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I expect a degree of autism but really?

words can have multiple uses

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this, holy shit

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 No.2535>>4090 >>4091


My aryan brother.



>i'm so retarded i don't like remembering my 20 points and the 3 options i picked

>i like easy choises :DDDD

fuck off normalfags

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404 revive bump.

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 No.3714>>4090 >>4091

>When the premise is so horrible that you don't want to participate because there is no upside

>When it's implied that everyone, including your own family are killed/raped/monster food

>When the text is hard to read and low contrast

>When there's that one fetish that keeps popping up it's embarrassing

>When the premise is that I have to live in the times of kings, knights and sewage on the street

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Maybe some people don't want to daydream or find escapism through the options, maybe they just want inspiration for things like storytelling or roleplaying, in which case, the negatives are pretty important.

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 No.4025>>4076 >>4098


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 No.4026>>4098 >>6838


Gay shit

Dark evil satanic nonsense

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same concept as life. it sucks, I want to go play a fun video game, not a chore.

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same concept as life. it sucks, I want to go play a fun video game, not a chore.by

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anything that turns you into a little girl

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have no idea what happened here, sorry.


>anything that turns you into a little girl

even if it's just for a game the feeling can be nice.

>be cute

>family and friends take care of you

it's not always a bad cyoa game. more often than not, it's actually good quality. for some reason the people who make those games put alot of love into them, so I'm happy they exist.

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I don't think I've ever seen a cyoa game of this type.



only seen a few of this kind.

>Gay shit

seen some of this kind. nobody really forcing me to play it, so I don't care if it exists for all the other gay anons. I just don't give a shit.

>Dark evil satanic nonsense

now this, I see constantly. very annoying and unoriginal concept for cyoa games. it's always with demons and satan because they are too lazy to come up with anything better. I rather people make cyoa games more generic with that special "fun generic magic" that left 4 dead 1 had (some cyoa games capture this very well) than using some overused bullshit concept

>inb4 zombies overused etc.

learn to read, learn to understand what others mean.

the gay and maledom and femdom stuff doesn't bother me one bit. femdom cyoa can be fun every now and then. some people like them more than others.

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Multiple pages and waifus.

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>game has no companions to make into waifus

>you, your friends, and your family will never be immortal

It hurts

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>you must perform this ritual to receive powers

Yea fuck that

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 No.6862>>13293 >>13322



>I don't think I've ever seen a cyoa game of this type.

It's not that whole quests are maledom games (though its implied in ones involving owning slaves, as most anons are male), but rather that sex/relationship options have a maledom undercurrent or theme going, with no equivalent for femdom. Everyone worships dick, no one worships pussy.

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This, just cancer my shit up fam. I'm not trying to read a book, and I'm not trying to fap to your magical realm.

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>btw this one thing that doesn't have anything to do with the actual restrictions of [x] is impossible

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>it's a "choose a waifu" CYOA

>it's a multi-page CYOA that starts out interesting on the first page and then on the next page reveals itself to be a "choose your waifu" CYOA

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>>1060 (OP)

>I made this thread two and a half years ago

Oh hello, youngins. How are your fidget spinners and fortnite twitch streams? Boy I sure am glad we got away from that gamergate censorship. Praise Hotwheels!

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Anything that doesn't properly explain why YOU are being CHANGED into whatever you are creating. I have absolutely no interest in creating some RPG character for a game that will never be played. CYOAs are about choosing YOUR OWN adventure, putting yourself into a situation you will probably never be in and then imagining the results. In order for that to work the character at the end has to be me. It's not enough to simply say that it's me either. A number of CYOAs are written from the perspective of a narrator asking "what are you/can you do/do you have" etc. Unless there is a clearly defined event where those things could have changed from what they are now I can't pick options that don't describe me as I am now and expect the character to be me.

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Following that, anything where you would not be able to appreciate what you've become is arguably even worse. To bait someone in with the premise of gaining something only to take it away in the end is worse than not giving them anything at all. Usually this is in the form of identity/memory death. If the character being created was but is no longer me then it goes straight back to the "RPG character I will never play" category.

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>when an author doesn't include your fetish in their lewd cyoa

Dear lewd cyoa authors make sure to include vore next time.

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CYOAs that look like they're made for both sexes but tons of the options (typically drawbacks) only affect men and end up giving female players/characters a distinct advantage at best or a lack of decent choices at worst.

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I also hate when there's a sfw and an nsfw version. You shouldn't be doing cyoas at work, also neckbeards who do cyoas don't have jobs.


>2017 was a whole year ago


shit fetish

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>companions take up more than half of the cyoa

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>>1060 (OP)

>"choose your sex/ you are a female"

>when it's lewd

>futa option

>when it has niggers

>when it claims the holocaust happened

>"animals see you like one of them but lower, they will treat you like a bitch that u are XDDDD"

>when it's too easy

>"roll a dice"

>short and/or with no content IE "choose 1"/"lewd"


>husbando option is not nukoduke/genos tier

>when it doesn't have taller girls

>when it doesn't state if the waifus are virgin or not


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>Cyoa teleports you to another world in a different universe and to a completely new civilization

>There's a drawback just makes you look like an infamous person like Hitler and everyone will hate you some raisin

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I know the exact drawback you're referring to, and it says that you look like an infamous person from the world you're in. They just use Hitler in the title to get the point across.

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This one annoys me. It's literally 50+ waifus between the Pokemon and the Allies yet theres no option to increase past one ally, three pokemon, and one rival as a normal trainer. You SHOULD get the first three pokemon and one ally free, one required revial and from then on out you can add up to 6 pokemon and as many allies as you want as long as you have an equal number of rivals.

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 No.12031>>12053 >>12119

File (hide): 696a670a8d32562⋯.jpg (318.55 KB,978x1225,978:1225,thot.jpg) (h) (u)

>Game has too many waifus

Where are the bros at?

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 No.12053>>12059 >>12069


>half the description of the waifus is dedicated to THIS IS THEIR DESIGNATED FETISH AND FAVORITE SEXUAL POSITION

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>cringey dialogue

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>"I'm a brave and confident woman warrior who has bested the most elite soldiers my enemy has thrown at me. But d-don't look at me with my helmet off b-because it's embarrassing and I'm n-not pretty…"

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File (hide): f70f210544c86dc⋯.png (675.95 KB,767x767,1:1,1518201690.png) (h) (u)


>girl has your designated fetish and favorite sexual position

>she's ugly and/or has an unbearable personality

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Holy shit this entirely. Especially when it's not even supposed to be a sexual thing.

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waifu cyoas with no lolis

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>see new lewd fantasy rpg flavored CYOA

>several pages and no furries in sight


>obvious futa kink slaps reader in the face

>okay it's not a tiefling it's a draenei

>all the goblin pictures are WoW fanart from tumblr

>somehow animal genitalia and zoo shit made the final cut despite anthro purge

I'm really going to have to get off my ass and make a decent CYOA at this point.

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When people use art of an actual character from an anime or cartoon or something but pretend that it's supposed to represent an original character.

Lewd art when the cyoa text isn't inherently lewd.

Autistically putting a picture next to every option even when it's totally unnecessary. I remember some cyoa having a picture of two people holding hands on a beach on the immortality option. That's asinine, only put in a picture if it compliments the text.

The narrator is some roastie dumbfuck who speaks with annoying "quirks". If the author does this there's probably a companion option for said roastie dumbfuck narrator. Hey dumbass, no one's going to find your pathetic attempt at waifu dialog attractive in any way.

The author gives you free points for importing builds from their other cyoas.

Lots of cyoas which I presume are from reddit which seem to assume that you're going to be a moralfag.

Authors who punish you for or by fiat say you can't do certain things just because they think it's bad or icky. Like they include a loli companion but say it's impossible to do anything non-platonic with them.

Also that guy who gets really mad if you post a cyoa in pdf format. Seriously, what's up with that?

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 No.13266>>13269 >>13272

File (hide): ce252e9ddd89753⋯.jpg (97.19 KB,576x720,4:5,butthurt-form.jpg) (h) (u)


>using art of actual char

willing suspension of disbelief you autistic


>isn't inherently lewd

the fuck does this even mean? do you want every sentence to be dripping with it?

>picture next to every option

reddit detected. it's part of what makes them attractive to look at. granted, unrelated pictures ain't great but don't throw a fit over it


lol butthurt. don't be such an incel.

>free points

it's a way of promoting other stuff they've made, why is this a bad thing?


provide examples

>do not lewd lolis

because that makes you a pedo, anon. and I don't want to hear a load of waxing and whining about semantics. chances are any other examples will be just as shit.

>pdf format complaining

ey yo that's me. because pdfs have a shitty tendency to be nothing more than 70 pages of plain, minimally formatted black and white text in a miniscule font. fuck that. Also, please fill out the following form before posting again.

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Wow, I had to read your entire shitty post only to be informed that it was all just a tantrum because I mentioned pdfs. Seriously, what mix of personality disorders do you have?

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 No.13270>>13271 >>13289


I know content from r/nsfwcyoa gets posted on here, but that doesn't mean redditors get the privelage of shitting the place up. go back.

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You're the one namedropping subreddits, I don't know what the fuck r/nsfwcyoa is and I don't want to know. And I'm 100% sure that the vast majority of "nsfw cyoas" are heavy on the images, which just goes to show that clunky jpgs strewn with irrelevent tasteless images are more evocative of reddit, not less. Hell, you even slipped up and talked about "promoting other stuff they've made". You do realize that this is an anonymous imageboard, right? We don't go around being a sleazy shit just to get e-fame here. You're clearly an autistic teen here either from 4chan or reddit trying desperately hard to fit in with your sad superfluous sperg-outs.

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>because that makes you a pedo

No, fucking real little girls does. And why the fuck do you care what he's fapping to, you freaking moralfag?

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you don't understand, you need to go back.

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Considering you said "incel" I'd reckon you ought to go back. Maybe take him with you, I don't know, I didn't read that closely. Can't read posts from people from elsewhere, they're always shit and gay. Makes my eyes hurt.

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Not everyone worships dick only the chick, and what's wrong with that? That's the way it's supposed to be, the only good place for a woman is in the home at the call of her man

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So you're not a fan of maledom. Ok then.

Me, I'm not a fan of femdom. And guess what? I seem to see it prevalent everywhere (or rather, in way more CYOAs than I like).

The actual state of the things, of course, is that neither "maledom only" and "femdom only" are prevalent, most CYOAs tend do allow it either way; but things we find repulsive are easier to remember (and thus quickly become annoying) than those we're fine with. And also that "dom/sub" positions are extremes, while most CYOA authors tend to either "play the middle ground" or "cover as wide range as possible".

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>character is a mary sue except for some unrelated quirk that won't ever come up like: doesnt like garlic bread

>Options don't interact with each other

>Whoever made it has a preference for high strength/agility/intelligence and it clearly bleeds through and makes all other choices unviable


Is right, first time I got here I tought it would be like the books

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