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File: e5b30ad5d71b173⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,4128x2322,16:9,20190309_135950.jpg)

 No.406514 [View All]

Question to other cuteboys in this chan.

What's your weight and height? Recently went to the doctors for your usual check up and doctors were worried a bout my weight due to me recently been losing weight [ 25 pounds in 2 months ] Was wondering how to compare. Also on a side note for those who just like cuteboys what is your ideal height and weight for a cuteboy?

I'm 5'11 143 pounds.

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I mean I'm 5'9 161 6.3%bf (pro tested bitches) and close to how small I can be without being seriously unhealthy.

I'm t h I c c genetically and obsess over myself so ymmv.

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5'6" 100lbs

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i can tell im nowhere near that % bodyfat, ive got not a lot of muscle to me and a fairly lithe frame i think all in all for a genetically western dude. loose skin means it could hang better than it does but i can tell ive plenty to lose. also 151 as of last measure, hopefully ill be 140 something come monday.

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5'1 100lbs

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File: b970e30dad5aa34⋯.jpg (11.84 KB,249x243,83:81,^B7707933BABD9CEC2A3D42CE1….jpg)



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Pretty much perf

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File: ba1aad12bedb3f5⋯.jpg (10.45 KB,242x251,242:251,john.jpg)

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I'm 65kg


How to loss weight

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This can't be real. You shouldn't tease people like that because it's rather unbecoming.


I'd say it was perf too.


Sup faggots my name is John…and I want to cuddle every single one of you.


Cut out 1 meal per day and see if that helps. Start slow to achieve greater results.

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147 lbs as of last weighing

monday i see what ive lost this week


i suggest that honestly the best cut is a harsh one, just to get yourself out of bad habits that got you there in the first place

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File: b47743dede2ed27⋯.jpg (172.09 KB,800x999,800:999,0fd862ab7bd71156e4b89a2258….jpg)


That would give you a BMI of 22.8 which is nowhere near being overweight. Sounds healthy. You probably don't need to lose any.

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I my tummy is so big also my thighs

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Probably not as big as you think they are. Everything looks bigger from your point of view.

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I'm working out everyday and eating less for a good while. Probably the better part of a year. Idk what I'm doing wrong.

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but yourself a good quality electric scale and weigh everything, then run it through a calculator like youre a fucking autist. do that with everything, from the bread you eat to the fucking milk in your coffee, and youll find out exactly how much you eat in a day. at this point i dont butter my sandwiches or have milk in my coffee, all to maximise caloric efficiency. if youre struggling, target 1200 kcal a day on off days instead of whatever youre doing now, and youll watch the weight drop off you.

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File: 369c534fb7fe0fd⋯.jpg (24.17 KB,508x676,127:169,20190607_235053.jpg)

I'm currently 5'8, 108 pounds.

I'd feel it would be unhealthy if not for the fact i feel amazing all the time and that it looks really nice.

My parents get worried too but even the doctor said everything's fine. Just an abnormal BMI.

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bmi isnt the be all and end all, just means you dont follow the average healthy weight range. if you wanna go up on BMI and stay healthy you would wanna build some muscle i imagine.

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5'6 and around 135~

Should i lose weight?

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dunno anon, would you like to? would you benefit from it? i cant tell you much from numbers alone because what really matters is body composition.

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would lick endlessly

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i want you to cum when i rape you boy. you are so sexy pretty i kiss all over your body and lick over and over your ass before i cum insides. what is your discord?

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Little much there, friend.


Dawww thanks!


Nawww I'm fine. Ill ride out what I have until it doesnt work anymore.

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do what you wanna do fam, theres nothing wrong with you as you are thats for sure

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I dont know if i want to. i dont think my body composition is bad, im just not always happy with it.

Sometimes i feel fat, sometimes not at all.

Im probably just confused and worried

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i mean to me it seems pretty simple, look at yourself in the mirror and ask "is this what i want to see?". if not, what would you like to see?

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File: 0a020821de0799a⋯.png (1.06 MB,971x937,971:937,H2vPgeJ.png)


HI friend. I am 6'2 ~140 but I used to be in the 180's. I started eating peanut butter sandwiches, smoking cigarettes, and drinking coffee all the time. Fast weight loss but not a fun or healthy lifestyle. Doing this ended up leaving a lot of squishy skin in the love handle/butt area. Consistent exercise on a bike was a good idea, to and from work.

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>I started eating peanut butter sandwiches

>not a fun or healthy lifestyle

no fucking shit, anon.

im going a similar route myself but with proper diet, im hoping the saggy bits will go faster if i kill the fat underneath it.

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Only thing I would change is my butt wish it was a little bigger instead of just having big thighs.

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File: 25643693f518c9e⋯.png (464.4 KB,714x638,357:319,hahahah.png)


>Do you have any health problems other than being a furfag?

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6'3" 195 lbs

kill me

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167cm 52kg, but ive probably gained a bit of weight since

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5'3 105 lbs

163cm 44kg

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5’9”, 5’10”ish 160lbs I’m 18 and a really late grower tho wouldn’t really call myself a femboi either lol

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really not doing yourself any favors there pal

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>not a healthy lifestyle


>not fun

id eat pb n j for every meal if i could

also, 5'5" 120

gonna try to get to 110 because theres still a bit of chub in the tum

but im worried about losing a bit of thiccness in the bum

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>a really late grower tho




my worst thing to eat is granola. i could sit and eat my maintenance calories in it in less than 2 hours and still want more.

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I'm 5'10.5", a little under 140 lbs.

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5’9” 160 lbs. wouldn’t call myself a cuteboy tho

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tfw 5'6" 195lbs

at least I'm kinda cute

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5'1 and 120lbs

wish i was actually cute though

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Big thighs are plushy and cute dw

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5"8 180 lbs

Its unremarkable I knos

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Hi pretty: )

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6 ft 160 lbs

i sorta have some chub tho :( and boobs too. just barely

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Discord, Discord, Discord

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Update from same Anon. I found out from measuring that I'm actually 5'8", and now I weigh 180 pounds.

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Eat raw meat and diary for a perfect body fat percentage and to be healthy of course.

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5 1 and 130 but working on it


Hell fucking no vegan gang, some meat is fine but dairy is basically poison

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I mog all you fuckers.

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