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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

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 No.389121[Last 50 Posts]

Last one hit bump limit!

ITT we talk about transition and HRT in a positive and supportive atmosphere. You are welcome whether you are questioning, already transitioning, an ally.

Rules :

- Only one trans/HRT thread at any time.

- If you post something negative here, you will be banned.

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>Only one trans/HRT thread at any time.

Trannies confirmed for being completely unable to read

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Uhh do you expect us to wait 11 months for the thread to fall off the catalog after hitting bump limit? No thanks. Also how do i turn off my flag

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These threads should provably be framed around guys taking hrt and not transitioning rather than questioning/trans people


Without the flag how will we know you're out greatest ally?

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Then make another.

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File: 598bf4b1681cb77⋯.png (85.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1472496127313.png)

Why can't we have more than 1 thread?

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Because it's a containment thread to stop you from further ruining the board

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I'm not ruining anything…

I'm just defending myself and what i stand for…

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We don't need a second tranny hate thread

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What discord are you talking about?

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File: 9abbadd99aa312c⋯.png (57.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, hmmm.png)


HRT is related to cuteboys. A lot of cuteboys take HRT to become more feminine and cute.


The entire world would be better without haters like you


Calm down, we don't want to fuck up your board. We just want /cuteboys/ to be a more diverse and welcoming place for everyone.

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>we don't want to fuck up your board

>we only want to radically change it while slowly increasing our demands and enforcing our made up rules in spite of the existing community

Of all the disgusting traits you creatures have, hypocrisy is the filthiest one.

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You keep criticizing admin but he is the only keeping this board from collapsing.


If the board want to survive it has to change. The community is getting smaller everyday. We need new people.

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>we need new people

How about getting some CUTE BOYS instead of some revolting tranny freaks then? Not like you dipshits will stay long since you all end up killing yourselves before long lmao

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You can be a cuteboy without having to be cisgender

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Transexuals are mentally ill degenerates that deserve pity and electro-shock therapy.

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Well, that's just your own bigoted opinion.

I'm glad normal people don't think like you anymore. I hope you get some help one day.

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>tranny outright ignores every argument calling his bullshit out

>latches to the cheap bait instead

Kek this dishonesty, no wonder no one wants these clowns around.

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Yea it's not like you actually want to hurt trans people, because "it's all just a bait" right? :^)

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There is no need to hurt trannies since you sickos just kill yourselves every other day on a dime :)

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This avatarfaggotry is fucking awful. Learn to draw you useless cretin.

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File: b3b0b875fbbbbb4⋯.jpg (201.19 KB, 1016x1417, 1016:1417, trans.jpg)

People can make their own decisions in life and we don't need people like you to tell us what is right and what is wrong.

I don't understand why people are so butt hurt about other people trying hormones and liking it.

Who gives a shit if people wanna "mutilate" their body. It's their body, not yours.

I don't see anyone complaining about body modifications unless it's about trans people.

So why are you all picking on trans people? We did nothing bad yet we are still hated by everybody just because we are different.

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How is gender dysphoria not a mental illness anon?

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Because it was classified as not such.

Basically, it's different, but it can cause other mental health like depression.

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File: 25862e343437cfc⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 650x600, 13:12, 1468989293055.jpg)

What the fuck happened?

I just left the thread for 2 seconds and now everyone is talking about Chijo

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I'd like to see you draw better

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There's a couple of fucking retards who shit up /cow/ with sargonite-tier threads about how much they absolutely hate hate hate trannies and how obsessing over every one of Chijo's words is julaying

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File: 62538f1f5c52a71⋯.png (89.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, aww.png)


I think it's cute

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I wish /cow/ would leave this board alone

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File: d42ca321144ca2c⋯.png (73.65 KB, 500x600, 5:6, actually.png)


This is not my work.

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Admin finally deleted the trans hate thread

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This thread is up for deletion too at this point if it's just going to be arguing with the shitposters.

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File: 9d4f776a3587a37⋯.png (56.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, awesome.png)


They all got banned

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Can you stop with your dumb conspiracies?

NO ONE is invading this board. okay?

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Outside of location and the porn threads, there's a lot of shitposting anyway.

I'd rather not see this thread be deleted, since there's sometimes rather decent discussion here, and there is the possibility that people will be more open to talking about stuff here, particuarly since there is space to at least talk about people who are unhappy with gender, but are basically presenting as male due to their circumstances.

That said, I have to say that I can't believe that so many people really give a shit about people not being 100% happy about their gender, or rather, they give enough of a shit to shitpost like they do. I honestly think you should consider implementing codified rules and posting them in a sticky, but board meta is a tough topic to discuss.


If you're actually from the Netherlands, and you're trans, would you mind me asking a few questions about how things are regarding that in the country?

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>the avatarfagging

>the board needs to change

>"we" need more "diversity"

>cuteboys can take hrt to become more feminine

>cuteboys can also not be boys


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I'm not actually from the Netherlands

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Nothing wrong with all that

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Does anyone have the archive from the previous thread?


You're the obese guy who participates in Ancapistan streams? Nick I think.

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File: 83a7dddfa7907d7⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 353x453, 353:453, 1471461717371-1.jpg)


mfw this guy is just OP hoping IPs and the whole thread is the same 2 trannies samefagging just like last time

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Do i look like i have the time to samefag for a entire thread?

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I hope you are keeping a watchful eye over what's happening here. They are already demanding to create more trans threads. So I urge that you please clarify:

Is this board for cute *boys*, or for LGBTQ in general?


>"no one is invading your board"

Yep, and so far here's what been posted in the last days:

>posting males should be banned

>gay guys are the actual invaders

>you should take HRT even if you don't have to

>>whatever if that's banalizing drugs, let's do self-medication and potentially destroy our health just for a kink!

>we need more HRT threads, even if Admin zirself has said that all magic pill discussion should be limited to one thread


>since there's sometimes rather decent discussion here

Hardly ever.

No tranny has addressed these arguments so far:

>if after a boy takes hormones (s)he becomes a girl, then why should a girl be welcome on a boy board and discuss girl matters?

>why can't cannot tolerate gay men (and posting males) on the same board as yourselves?

>why do you view that a male cannot be cute unless he starts HRT and wants to become a girl? Why is it impossible, in your view, to be male and cute? And isn't that a sexist view?

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>Yep, and so far here's what been posted in the last days:

>posting males should be banned

>gay guys are the actual invaders

>you should take HRT even if you don't have to

>>whatever if that's banalizing drugs, let's do self-medication and potentially destroy our health just for a kink!

>we need more HRT threads, even if Admin zirself has said that all magic pill discussion should be limited to one thread

None of this is true. You're just twisting and making stuff up

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>Anonymous Netherlands 9 hours ago No.389147

You do

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Again, thank you for not addressing absolutely none of the points I have made.

Let's see now:

>posting males should be banned

Last thread, when you said "I hope they stop posting manly man".

>gay guys are the actual invaders

Also last thread.

>you should take HRT even if you don't have to

On the first thread I believe, when a perfectly fine femboy was posted and one of you claimed that he should do HRT to look more fem - even if he clearly didn't need or want to.

>we need more HRT threads

Jesus Christ. >>389147

Will you please, address my points on this post now?: >>389261

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Are you stupid? (you are)

That post is saying you have been shitposting here for 9 hours and somehow pretend you "dont have the time for samefagging"

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>tranny magically disappears again after getting checkmated

watch as he magically comes back later pretending no one asked him anything

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That Dutchfag has been shitting up plenty of threads with his mental illness

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Like always. Questions they can't beat they ignore if they're in an environment where they cannot just shout people down for wrongthink.

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So it's a duch or just a robot trannie using proxy? Same about the Israel flag.

Btw, I'm sad about the moderation banning people PERMANENTLY just for silly posts, /lgbt/ in cuckchan is already a board only about trans, even /r9k/ is also only about those trannies. They also have DISCORD and other boards here.

We only have here and /hm/. Some of us only use 8chan so only /cuteboys/.

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sorry pal, the old community can go die according to admin

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Was there any actual discussion in the first thread or was it all shitposting?


What's wrong with cuteboys taking hrt to be more feminine? The main changes are to your skin, how your fat distributes, tiny boobs and mental state. It doesn't magically make you a woman overnight and you're still clearly a guy. I can understand not liking the boobs on a partner but some people don't really mind it

All the other shilling is disgusting though, guys can be cute with or without hormones. It's a personal choice

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>No tranny has addressed these arguments so far:

Then why don't I?

>if after a boy takes hormones (s)he becomes a girl, then why should a girl be welcome on a boy board and discuss girl matters?

Well, cis girls are allowed on here, though they're here to talk to cute and fem guys, as well as also discuss them. Cis girls aren't allowed to post their nudes, but as far as I can tell, they're more than welcome here to talk about guys.

>why can't cannot tolerate gay men (and posting males) on the same board as yourselves?

I am ok with gay guys. That's my perspective, and I consider solidarity to be an important aspect of the whole lgbt thing. Posting males is also fine. I would be more interested in encountering bi (or pan) guys or not guys. The debate that's popped up, which I consider irrelevant to trans people is defining "cute". A number of threads have turned into bear fests, and the question has come up as whether they count as "cute" or not.

>why do you view that a male cannot be cute unless he starts HRT and wants to become a girl? Why is it impossible, in your view, to be male and cute? And isn't that a sexist view?

Male people can be cute. Female people can be cute. Cis people can be cute. Trans people can be cute.

The question of whether or not someone takes HRT is much more specific to an individual, and is usually linked to their gender expression.

I like cute guys, that's why I'm here. That's more or less it.

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Migrate to the alt-board. Trying to put up with or beg a BO to be competent has never worked.

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File: 598bf4b1681cb77⋯.png (85.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1472496127313.png)






This is why we can't have nice things…

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File: 602155f966fba6b⋯.png (195.23 KB, 303x311, 303:311, 0 int.png)


Alt board?


>avatarfagging and shitposting for 10+ hours

>made obvious by >>389147 with the exact same image and filename

>doing that shit after pretending he's so busy he can't samefag an entire thread

Are you seriously this stupid?

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Just because i started posting 10 hours ago doesn't mean i have nothing else to do.

I can always reply to someone and check back the thread 2 hours later.

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Alt right is a real thing. Stop pretending like it's not.

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Why are you being so autistic jesus christ. Does this thread being here really hurt you?

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Just an alternative board to this one. Not some alt-kike faggotry, at least not how I define the alt-kikes.

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Just ignore shitposters. Their posts will be deleted at some point anyway, there's no point responding to it, really.

I don't mind responding to genuine questions, but this sort of shitposting isn't really worth it…

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File: 8e59663a5a4e348⋯.png (80.34 KB, 600x500, 6:5, damn straight nigger.png)





Enjoy your ban

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Oh no I castrated myself now I can't have biological kids with my boyfriend!

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Has there even been any real discussion here? Just seems like people getting mad at the tranny bogeyman

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Reported, enjoy your ban.

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Just people being offended by things they don't understand.

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File: 9e253ff17f0de83⋯.jpg (132.56 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1530204852137.jpg)

How can you not be a transbian when you realize cis girls and transgirls are also super cute… some have even dicks.

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simple: be bi master race. Includes one (1) transbian card and one (1) straight card

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File: 8dcdba28bb45c87⋯.jpg (50.15 KB, 380x380, 1:1, sad.jpg)


tfw no anime transbian gf to be my mommy and gibe me cuddles :/

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File: 215ca05d0237293⋯.jpg (140.69 KB, 756x1050, 18:25, 1528580100284.jpg)


Wanna fix that?

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File: f9cad4c0afd1e08⋯.png (243.22 KB, 647x900, 647:900, 1532417723601.png)


I'm bout it

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>shilling for girls already

See admin? This is how it starts


The last 2 threads were also nothing but shitposting and the same three retards bouncing IPs talking to themselves and pretending to be multiple people to make it look like trannies are welcome here

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Could you mentally ill "humans" remove yourselves from this plane of existence?

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>shilling for girls

Better start telling the straight cuteboys that they're shilling for girls too.

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File: 8ce85736ce6c2a7⋯.jpg (170.46 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Androgyn (35).jpg)

>Not sharing the male/female aspect equally with your partner and be 50% husband and 50 % wife

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I addressed them, but I can only speak for myself.


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I wanted to transition, but I kinda want to just go full androgynous instead. As long as I can look and act femme, and be treated accordingly by people close to me, I'd feel great

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I don't know why I should take hormones. Some people think I'm a female this happens even in real life, because I'm slim and have long hair. But I don't like to be feminine, I am both, I like manly /out/ things as well as intimate cuddling with plushies or a BF. I don't need to follow gender rules, I just do what I feel comfortably with.

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File: 5319d6a12c0d335⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2344x2203, 2344:2203, 5319d6a12c0d335857d1850ada….jpg)


This should help.

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Why are these pics always filled with retarded unrealistic anime girls instead of pictures of how people actually look like after HRT? How come there's barely any pics of that at all despite this being the 3rd thread already?

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/HRTgen/ on 4chan changed their image a while back, they no longer have these weird anime girls anymore, though I think that particular anime girl is supposed to be a trans character.

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Because they look like anime girls

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I'd like to see any proof of that

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I'm tired of all this. I hope admin ban all of you.

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I'm working on only what I've been told about this character. I don't watch anime unless it's something like Pop Team Epic or another highly recommended anime

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File: 8fff6978b5a5d25⋯.jpg (52.48 KB, 600x618, 100:103, tumblr_o88x2k7n8e1ugoomro2….jpg)


Yes, this ~

As much as I would like to look super femme, it's only to justify my empathetic nature and traditionally female traits. If I can find people who accept me for who I am, I would eventually be happy with who I am. I don't want to destroy my physique to be a sub-par woman. I'd definitely transition if I could pass, but my ribcage is terrible ¡^¡

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>job interview today

>boobs are really obvious in formal clothes

Oh god they're gonna think I'm a tranny aren't they

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If you live in a liberal city, they might give you the job for "diversity quota" reasons.

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Being friends with many people on the internet via discord and other means I rly have come to like and relate to the trans community. I am bi myself btw

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8 months of HRT here (currently on 1mg of oestradiol and 100mg of spiro). I need some second opinions of what should I do.

I just lost an appointment with my endo and I'll only have another one in December. Therefore, my psychologist talked to a doctor who got to see my hemogram. He said it looks ok and told me to up the stradiol to 1,5mg and keep the spiro as it is until the next month.

The main problem is I can't manage to find pills of 0,5mg to fill the dosage. What should I do? I'm kinda scared of ruining my health.

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Just take a 1mg pill and cut it in half. You can find those pill cutters in most pharmacies anyway.

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Unless they're scored pills you can't cut them in half, they won't be homogeneous so you wouldn't be taking half the dose (could just be all filler). If they're scored you can just break them in half with your fingers though you don't really need a pill cutter unless you're splitting into 1/4s or 1/8ths imo


1mg is half the dose most people start on, are you trying to get really slow results? Most people start on 2mg and up to 4mg after a few months, it's what I did when I was DIY and my endo said that's what she would have prescribed me

It's probably be a lot easier to just up to 1mg twice a day, 2mg won't make your estrogen levels too high or anything and you want to make your levels stay as consistent as you can

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Does anyone know the best water brands to leak estrogen from?

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File: 7ffe19e81de3d99⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 1152x3238, 576:1619, 1532573892578.jpg)

So does this thread mean that trannies aren't in fact women, and that traps are indeed gay?

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File: d60a405670fd3d7⋯.jpg (54.8 KB, 640x644, 160:161, BILUkeSAEGx1mwWuEr4rqv8VRm….jpg)


My biggest discomfort with dating guys - apart from the hard to ignore fact that everything about their exterior grosses me the fuck out, from body to fashion to everything - is their personality.

Thank god there are exceptions, but I just can't deal with like 90% of them.

Like… no, I don't have any interests in sports, or your caveman opinions about women, or for that matter your slutty attitudes toward men… Like none of this shit appeals to me. Nor do I dream at night about finding a dorito-eating, gamergater with negative IQ points for a life partner.

Would be open to dating a nice FTM guy who is not a macho tho :d Ideally one who likes to flaunt their feminine qualities. I really would to see some posting here!

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quality post. That shit kind of appeals to me.


A lot of people that are androgynes are on HRT.

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This is the old infographic.

It's partly outdated. DO NOT take 50mg of cypro. No doctor who follows current developments in medical research and care prescribes this. It's ridiculously high.

Cypro is no joke. It's usual these days to take either 10 mg or, if you want to go cheap 12,5 (you buy the 50 mg package and then cut pills in four).

Other stuff in there might also be out of date or even dangerous, but haven't looked. The one OP posted is newer.

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File: 6bb9895a0171f29⋯.jpg (398.96 KB, 785x1080, 157:216, Andreja-Pejić1.jpg)

File: 2b9a3943144dbe6⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 427x640, 427:640, 5a7777389fd33c802b59269232….jpg)

File: ec45b4831e2d81e⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 715x975, 11:15, a757f84c2c18a2ac11855560fb….jpg)

File: c5421a352f408f4⋯.jpg (39.64 KB, 596x600, 149:150, lana-wachowski-327443.jpg)


Here are some?

Age range from 20s to late 40s.

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File: 9c4f2632e8b2722⋯.jpg (155.45 KB, 1134x1276, 567:638, 1527480236189.jpg)


Thanks. I'll do that. I should have figured that before.


>are you trying to get really slow results?

Not really. My endo just prescribed me to do like that. Besides that, after this month with 1,5mg, I'll stick to 2mg.

I think the results are slow as well, but I'm afraid on self-medicating and changing the dosages by myself, since my health is fragile, so I'll stay on the safe zone.

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There's a site for you: https://www.tumblr.com/

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File: ceb7030f632199f⋯.png (1.18 KB, 144x196, 36:49, 1528773538959.png)


lrn2 hide.

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Sure. I'll pretend that I understood you, so please, be quiet from now on.

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File: fc7601cea1f786d⋯.png (241.26 KB, 595x842, 595:842, 1523856162415.png)


Less talking, more action. I'm pretty sure you're just bullshitting because your butttears aren't wiped properly.

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Nonono don't split your pills unless they're scored and have a break line down the middle


Big boy over here everybody watch out

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Don't bother responding.

The fact that these shitposters get a reaction out of us is enough reason for the admin to not even allow this thread to exist, he said so either in this thread or another one (can't remember which).

Just report it and move on, it'll be cleaned up sooner rather than later (though I feel like admin needs to have at least one janitor to clean things up when he's not online).

I've heard that admin is a cutie, and he's great for letting discussion at least exist on this board, but we shouldn't feed into the shitposters.

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If admin still looks like his pics from a few years ago then he's one of the cutest guys here

It sucks that the shitposters are so aggressive though :(

Do people really hate trannies that much?

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>all this blatant as fuck avatarfagging

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YIKES these are some powerful horse faces here. Not a single one of them besides the first one MAYBE would remotely pass.

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File: 65d5bf432db7e1c⋯.png (457.01 KB, 550x383, 550:383, HongKongExpress-This-promo.png)


I love that you're sticking with your doctor's advice. That's very commendable.

At the end of the day, he knows what's best for you. We just don't know your particular situation, and what makes your health fragile, so it's important to have a dialogue with your doctor.


My overwhelming impression is that in any large city, people just don't care. Like, there are just too many people to care. Most people are focused on their day to day activities and their own problems.

Since chans attract a particular segment of the population (mostly unemployed, undereducated, unstable), these people have the dangerous combination of having too much time on their hands and not enough sense.


Have you ever, even remotely considered that they're not doing it for you? Like, I'm just saying.

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>Have you ever, even remotely considered that they're not doing it for you? Like, I'm just saying.

I don't believe anyone has ever suggested they'd do it for a reason that wasn't entirely self-centered, they let a fetish consume their personality.

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>Do people really hate trannies that much?

I do yeah

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That's because you're transphobic. Just like some people "really hate" homosexuals and are homophobic.

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I don't fear them I just hate them.

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That's exactly what homophobic people say : "I don't fear them, I hate them."

The definition of transphobia is : dislike of or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people.

So, yes, you're transphobic.

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>- If you post something negative here, you will be banned.

Fuck off.

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>internalized homophobia



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That's more directed at trolls. I think people giving valid criticism is OK, but just shitposting to get a reaction isn't.

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File: 84e8ac6b9f09428⋯.png (198.82 KB, 763x1604, 763:1604, Marceline_de_niña.png)

File: e3dba4d6e67ccf1⋯.png (32.56 KB, 133x491, 133:491, Marceline_Stock_Night.png)

left : -x months

right : 2 years HRT

Sorry, i felt like posting a trans meme :3

Also, why is Marceline such a big qt

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The definition of phobia supersedes your shitty definition.

>phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something

Hatred of transsexuals is neither a fear nor an irrational aversion. If you want to stretch it as far as you can you might get a rational aversion, but hatred encompasses so much more than simple aversion. Adding trans to phobia narrows the scope of the definition, but does not change the root.

>transphobia: n extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to trannies

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>Hatred of homosexuals is neither a fear nor an irrational aversion. If you want to stretch it as far as you can you might get a rational aversion, but hatred encompasses so much more than simple aversion. Adding homo to phobia narrows the scope of the definition, but does not change the root.

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All impulses are by nature not rational. The appeal to rationality is useless against the sheer force of impulse and emotional heuristics. In other words, someone who has made up their emotional mind will not be swayed by any evidence. They can only be reached emotionally. Rationality is a secondary concern that is not responsible for essentially any major decisions.

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>tfw live with family and can't easily order hormones or dildos

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You can just go outside, buy it and hide the pills in your wardrobe. At least is how it works where I live.

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Oh, godness.

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>allow trannyshit

>suddenly get spammed left and right with tranny bullshit

it's almost like containment doesn't work

give these faggots an inch, they take a mile

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You can report them, you know.

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File: ed7a2d34046cb16⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 592x563, 592:563, ih1eazqlxlc11.jpg)


I feel your pain. Amazon delivers everything in its generic Amazon packages, but I get the feeling you're maybe more concerned with hiding them?


Pretty sure, HRT medication is prescription only no matter where you live. In the US, there's 'informed consent' (at institutions like Planned Parenthood), but you still need to go to them and then you get a prescription from one of their doctors.

But, afaik, this runs through your insurance or in the case of minors through their parent's, so I'm not sure if this is an option for anon. I'm not sure though. I think they also have something for "mature minors" starting age 17?

Anyway, it's a really cool organization. They have a list of locations on their website, you just need to enter your state or city and then you can book an appointment online : https://www.plannedparenthood.org/

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Oh wait, on there website it says :

"With or without insurance, you can always come to us for your health care."

I can't see how going to them would do any harm as long as it's made clear to them what the situation is ("I live with my parents who may not be accepting" idk).

But, definitely don't take any risks. You don't want to get kicked out, that's probably the worst that can happen to a trans teen, or anyone.

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"2. If you make posts in the trans/HRT/whatever thread because you're upset about it, you'll get banned."

How hard is it for you to understand this?

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File: 8c669b1c86979f2⋯.jpeg (23.68 KB, 485x254, 485:254, IWAFVEmD.jpeg)


Apparently not all clinics offer gender services / HRT, so it's probably a good idea to call them and ask what the nearest clinic is that does in your area.

Here are 2 lists I was able to find online :


1) Planned Parenthood with Gender Services

Planned Parenthood - Champaign Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Englewood Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Asheville Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Aurora Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Austin Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Bloomington Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Near North Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Decatur Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Peoria Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Rogers Park Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Pekin Health Center

Planned Parenthood - Springfield Health Center

2) Updated list of Planned Parenthood HRT Centers


Walnut Creek - Walnut Creek Health Center


Denver - Denver Central Health Center


Biddeford - Biddeford Health Center

Portland - Portland Health Center

Sanford - Sanford Health Center

Topsham - Topsham Health Center


Billings - Planned Parenthood Heights

Billings - Planned Parenthood West

Helena - Planned Parenthood Helena


Reno - FifthStreet Health Center

New Hampshire

Manchester - Manchester Health Center

New York

Ithaca - Ithaca Center

Saratoga Springs - Saratoga Springs Center

Corning, NY health center

North Carolina

Asheville - Asheville Health Center

Chapel Hill - Chapel Hill Health Center

Raleigh - Raleigh Health Center


Barre - Barre Health Center

Bennington - Bennington Health Center

Brattleboro - Brattleboro Health Center

Burlington - Burlington Health Center

Hyde Park - Hyde Park Health Center

Middlebury - Middlebury Health Center

St. Albans - St. Albans Health Center

White River Junction - White River Junction Health Center


Bellingham - Bellingham Health Center

Mt. Vernon - Mt. Vernon Health Center

See more at: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/sexual-orientation-gender/trans-identities#sthash.vYr00cdp.dpuf

As one of the largest providers of trans healthcare in America, the scope of Planned Parenthood’s services is much broader than folks might think.


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Nice resource list. :)

You might be able to help me. When are you officially diagnosed as having dysmorphia? I've talked to my shrink and GP and have submitted my referral to the local gender clinic. Asking cause I'm waiting to be officially diagnosed before I come out.

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File: 52258c4c00c4079⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 240x240, 1:1, Lw5DNVA3_400x400.jpg)


I'm not sure what the situation is like in Australia, but I know that informed consent is also available in other English-speaking countries like Canada where they have their own Planned Parenthood-style clinics (like CWHWC in Vancouver).

You probably mean dysphoria as in distress caused by gender identity not matching body and at-birth-assigned gender? That's the symptom.

I'm not sure, because in my case : started DYI'ing, did that for a while, which I don't recommend unless impossible otherwise, then made an appointment with an endo, they referred me to a trans-friendly therapist, then after explaining my situation that person wrote a letter stating that due to my trans identity, and associated dysphoria, I should be on hormone replacement therapy. Then endo started treatment. So, to answer your question it was the therapist who I guess officially made the diagnosis.

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File: b5ed261b62e5c2e⋯.png (454.96 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, trannie natsoc.png)

better version

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File: 047f8bac25880af⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1880x1087, 1880:1087, 2323124231.png)


first thread i come on and some mistakes me for someone randomly posting the transcatgirl, am i efamous now lmao

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>I know that informed consent is also available in other English-speaking countries like Canada

Only Canada, and only in certain provinces and territories.

In the UK and Ireland, for example, there is no informed consent at all. The closest that comes to that would probably drug trials for experimental medicines.

Read up about how your health system works first.

If you're out of luck, and need to deal with a system with years of waiting lists plus crazt gatekeeping, it's best to self-med while you wait.

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Yeah, from everything I've heard, the NHS is supposed to be a total nightmare. I've also heard of people going to private doctors and paying out of their own pocket?

In any case, I wanted to add that while what you're saying is generally true, even in gatekeepy countries, there are always doctors that are more progressive than others, and therapists that are more progressive than others / allies.

So, it's a combination of a little bit of luck and a lot of perseverance primarily. If one doctor refuses, you just go to the next. Repeat.

I know from first-hand or second-hand experiences that there are definitely doctors out there, including family doctors and GP's, and specialists from other areas, that will listen and will go the extra mile with you if you find them.

Then, if all fails, there's always safe self-medding where you self-med, meaning you buy your hormones from a reputable online pharmacy (IHP or alldaychemist) and just go to any doctor and tell them just plain how it is : you're self-medding, and you need to do blood tests to make sure everything is ok with your liver and everything else, and ideally also to check hormone levels. An endo doesn't do anything else. You do lose out on his expertise when it comes to adjusting dosage or switching drugs to attain female testosterone and estrogen levels and doing this in the safest way possible.

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The gender clinic should refer you to a psych who gives you your diagnosis, then they'll refer you back to the clinic for hrt. My psych was at the trans clinic so she gave me my diagnosis at the first appointment (also id been self medding for a while) but I've heard it can take a few sessions.

It takes a little while to get hrt so if you want to start hrt asap it's best just to order some online imo

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Thanks for the responses guys. :)

I'm guessing I'll need more than my shrink's diagnosis on this. I'm ok with waiting to start HRT. Gives me time to sort out personal stuff

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Oh which state are you in anon? It might be a different system in different states

If you've been referred to a gender clinic they'll probably tell you how it works though

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Sure, you're welcome! I'm confused as to why your shrink's diagnosis should not be enough though. Can you get them to write a referral letter? That is all that is needed.

It should just say that you are transgender, have disphorya and HRT is advised.

If, for whatever reason, the gender clinic does not accept it, which would be strange enough as it is, just take it to any endocrinologist in your area.

Call them up, ask if they have experience with transgender peeps, that's it.

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File: a2bd647b9af27f2⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 540x807, 180:269, 1523235894168.jpg)


Despite my flag is showing that I'm in USA, I live in Brazil. I don't kow why is this happening here in 8ch. The flag shows ok in other IBs.

Anyway, in my country, it happens too. You can only start HRT at the age of 18 years and you're able to intake the SRS after 2 years of psychologic or psychiatric following. But, after all, the meds don't need any prescription. I buy my stradiol and spiro without any prescription. If your health is ok you can just self-med until you find a doctor and explain to him the situation.

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Oh wow. I had no idea. Then again, Brazil has a big transgender culture right? So maybe that has something to do with it. Perhaps, it's similar in other countries like that, in Southeast Asia.

Good luck to you! Thanks for the input.

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File: 79b015caac4c529⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 690x744, 115:124, 1524404449501.jpg)


>it's similar in other countries like that

I didn't know that. So, we aren't too back into this area.

The culture is strong here. Probably the easier rules in the treatment came because of the high rates of STDs and prostitution between the transsexual community.

The larger cities have even a specialized campus to help us with the treatment and to find a job. It's recent and it's only at some cities, but it's happening, at least. Great job for an emergent country.

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That's great info.

Yeah, I would say the same : good job Brazil on that front.

Do you feel safe where you live? How do you feel about Brazil in general?

Again, thanks so much for your posts!

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File: 8c759f4e51db58c⋯.jpg (19.96 KB, 307x263, 307:263, 1528031062343-0.jpg)


>Do you feel safe where you live?

I do. I'm currently living in the metropolitan area of one of the top5 cities in population. My city is pretty small and people tend to say more shit about your live because of the lack of things to do, but I do everything out of here and don't go outside too much, so I'm managing to live a quite confortable life.

In terms of violence, again, living in a smaller city has it's pros. Drug dealers are who owns the most part of the commerce, so they don't want the population making a fuss and doing shit against others. Taking that in consideration, if you ignore the drug deal, there's less crime rate here than in the whole metropolitan area (and the capital).

>How do you feel about Brazil in general?

It's a country messed up by the population, but it still manages to be a good place to live somehow. You need to be minimalist and take care just of your business to do it without larger issues.

For the trans population, larger cities are the way to go. People on larger cities tend to care less about the others, so you'll be free to do whataver you want with yourself. For example, in the capital, nobody still recognized me as a trap. In my city, otherwise, the whole block already says that I'm a faggot just because of my grownup hair (arround the shoulders sized).

>Again, thanks so much for your posts!

NP. You can ask whatever you want anytime.

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Well I mean that's not incorrect either.

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Can you buy Cypro over the counter in Brazil? That system sounds so much easier then over here and makes places like the UK seem barbaric

Can people under 18 buy hrt?

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I'm just curious if underage people can buy it because it's otc?

You can get it prescribed under 18 in most places but it's usually script only

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File: 4196012ade5d763⋯.jpg (114.45 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 4196012ade5d7631ead50bf0e9….jpg)

You're not a cuteboi anymore if u become a woman

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File: 6481f9234ac87e2⋯.png (915.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 648.png)


nigga these digits

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File: 36fa4971f7bbe67⋯.png (383.7 KB, 631x720, 631:720, 1524351305885.png)


>Can you buy Cypro over the counter in Brazil?

It looks like yes. I just googled it and some of the first links of popular phamacys didn't show the popup asking for the prescription, like it usually does for psychiatric medicines.

>Can people under 18 buy hrt?

Yes, as well. Spiro is used for lower the blood pressure as well as some other things; oestradiol is used for hormonal reposition by XX woman. Even teenagers use it. That - the fact that the main focus isn't HRT - makes it easier for you to buy it w/o big problems.

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How dare you use logic?

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Admin please delete these


upset at the thread
















upset at the thread

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There's no janitors just report them and let him get to it if he decides to delete them

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File: 754b6692aa5195a⋯.jpg (13.52 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 3f3c42bc9552aaa260d827f773….jpg)


This is a dumb question I'm sure, but how do you report posts? I just can't seem to figure it out.

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jesus fucking christ these threads are literally reddit

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Victoria. On the waiting list.


Ok, so my shrink's say so is all I need? I don't want to be one of those people who says they're something until they're official.

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>already transitioning

So like at the end of the day this is a trans thread not a /cuteboy/ thread and if you pull the bullshit that "girls can be boys too" it defeats the point of transitioning retard

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If your shrink writes a referral letter stating the usual (is transgender, has dysphoria, needs HRT), then yeah. Then go to an endo

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"2. If you make posts in the trans/HRT/whatever thread because you're upset about it, you'll get banned."

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You can take hrt and still be a boy, it doesn't magically turn you into a woman that's why trannies need so many surgeries.

No idea why trannies that actually want to be women would come here tbh, it can't hurt to give info to people that are questioning though. I know a few people from here that turned into trannies so there's at least some kind of overlap


I honestly can't tell if this is bait or not

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It's not?

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File: b49cb1650c71adc⋯.png (154.53 KB, 800x392, 100:49, report.PNG)


Click the arrow beside the poster name and then click report.

Global report only is for illegal content.

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Thanks a lot!

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Cool, thanks. Shouldn't be too hard to get that done. When I told him how I felt he said he wasn't surprised. Lol.

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Reminder that /cutbois/ is run by an incel and is a cesspool of unstable gay rad separatists.

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File: cd6173bc10cd593⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, TransFlagCityHall.jpg)

File: 86e7a9988b5c483⋯.jpg (35.86 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Ce6n9keUEAAsl6X-500x375.jpg)

From left to right, trans pride :

- City of Philadelphia city hall.

- Wells Fargo Charlotte office tower.

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I hope you know they don't do this to support trans people, they do this to look good to the public and get more money.

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File: 225d027336b5d6e⋯.jpg (157.94 KB, 1100x734, 550:367, Trans-March-26-2.jpg)

File: 36ad59d0fd94e7e⋯.jpg (120.14 KB, 720x360, 2:1, flag-raising-ceremony-prid….jpg)


San Francisco and Vancouver.

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I don't think they're either. When you go throw a surgery like that, you can't go back, and you can't become what you want to be. I'm just saying companies do this to get good PR.

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File: a8eb48468c2bcca⋯.jpg (53.52 KB, 451x569, 451:569, smugurako.jpg)



Enjoy getting your board shitted on

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>cities are companies



Being trans has little to do with surgeries. You can have them, you can choose to not have them. Some people are pre-op, post-op or non-op.

The rate of satisfaction post-surgery, however, is close to 100%.

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Then what's with the suicide rate?

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File: 364e39544de8a91⋯.jpeg (11.87 KB, 180x255, 12:17, fc7601cea1f786dcabd3d0b4e….jpeg)


lol. I see what you did there. kek

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"We conducted a systematic literature review of all peer-reviewed articles published in English between 1991 and June 2017 that assess the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being. We identified 56 studies that consist of primary research on this topic, of which 52 (93%) found that gender transition improves the overall well-being of transgender people, while 4 (7%) report mixed or null findings. We found no studies concluding that gender transition causes overall harm."


"Persistent regret among post-operative transsexuals has been studied since the early 1960s. The most comprehensive meta-review done to date analyzed 74 follow-up studies and 8 reviews of outcome studies published between 1961 and 1991 (1000-1600 MTF and 400-550 FTM patients). The authors concluded that in this 30 year period, <1% of female-to-males (FTMs) and 1-1.5% of male-to-females (MTFs) experienced persistent regret following SRS. Studies published since 1991 have reported a decrease in the incidence of regret for both MTFs and FTMs that is likely due to improved quality of psychological and surgical care for individuals undergoing sex reassignment."


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That's to do with the issue of data collection.

Basically, it's not about actual sucide rates, but the general question "have you ever been suicidal?", and you get the quantative data from different groups.

The fact of the matter is that somone could have been suicidal before transitioning, then after several years and being post-op, they will probably be happy with their life, but because they were suicidal 10 years ago, it gets counted.

In other words, the people who get SRS tend to have the worst dysphoria and tend to be the most suicidal feeling before transitioning.

Basically, it's misinterpreted data.

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You guys are all fucking niggers. You don't need to cut your dick off to take hrt. Heck, you don't even need to grow boobs, just take boob reduction pills.

What gay guy wants to look like an old man, honestly? Why wouldn't you want to look feminine if that's exactly the aesthetic you're going for?

You don't need to identify as female for taking hormones. You don't need to act female, you don't need to sound female. You don't even need to dress female.

What's wrong with looking female anyway? It's not like it changes your personality. If you're worried about not getting hard, just take spironolactone as an anti-androgen and make sure your spiro dose isn't too high.

People will say it's a slippery slope, but I say bullshit. It's only a slippery slope if you actually want to be female, in which case, why not go for what you actually want?

I don't get why people get so mad at the prospect of a man taking female hormones. What's there to be upset about?

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That is true of every single person supporting tranny shit, These suckers have become the ultimate virtue signaling button.

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>trannies openly raiding another board

>admin will allow this anyways

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Trannies and femboys that take hrt have been on /cuteboys/ since forever. It's true that there are shitheads who will openly try to convert gay guys to become trans when they're not. Which should be a bannable offense.

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>It's not like it changes your personality.

Hell yes it does. Because guess what, replacing testosterone with estrogen in your body does a hell of a lot more than just change your appearance. Nobody is upset over boys wanting to look feminine,

that's very core to this board and it's telling you people think this is an issue against femininity in general. HRT is a treatment for gender dyhsphoria and not a simple body modification, that's the main point (inb4 semantics nitpicking).

I'd explain why it doesn't inherently belong on this board but we've been over this before / at the beginning of these threads and they're here to stay so whatever, enjoy your time and discussion but don't propagate something as major as HRT as a simple looks issue.

> just take spironolactone as an anti-androgen and make sure your spiro dose isn't too high

Spiro is an extremely shitty AA and low-dosing hormones is just not an option. Hormones actually are a black or white thing, either you replace your birth sex hormones or you don't, anything in between is stupid.

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>It's true that there are shitheads who will openly try to convert gay guys to become trans when they're not.

Then please, tell your Discord/Shareblue/JIDF/Tumblr/whatthefuckever friends to stop raiding the other board. You people wanted /cuteboys/ and Admin zyrself made sure you got your own thread and well, the whole board for yourselves. Why do you need to invade yet another board?


>You guys are all fucking niggers

That's racism. I'm literally shaking right now…

…laughing at the irony.

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I would say that this thread is fine for this board for a few reasons, and I think they should be acceptable to you.

1. with regards HRT, it's not just trans people who take it, femboys who identify as male sometimes do too, and certain non-binary people do as well. I won't debate non-binary people and their place on this board, since that becomes vague and opens up more issues.

2. questioning people, and general gender discussion. I would guess that there would be a number of people on this board who aren't totally happy with who they are, and may question their gender identity or expression (since I believe they are separate but linked aspects). If someone is questioning, I feel like they should at least be able to talk about it. That's not to say that everyone who questions is trans, you can spend some time questioning and come to the conclusion that they're fine as they are, or that the way they express their gender doesn't have to line up with their identity (see femboys and feminine males).

3. boymode. I think this is probably the most controversial, since if someone is trans, the question is should they be on a board with "boy" in its title? I would argue that trans people who choose to present as male in "boymode", either because they're early in transition, or because they feel they do not pass as female are fine here, since they basically will go with a male gender expression, even though that might not be their identity. Someone who would prefer to be female, but either feels ashamed to present as female, or knows they do not look female should, in my opinion, be accepted somewhere, and I think that should be fine here. Most of the threads here are location threads anyway, and if someone presents as male for the above reasons, can't they at least be able to find someone to meet and maybe cuddle with?

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File: bd779358ff5476c⋯.jpg (99.49 KB, 640x853, 640:853, S8fGVV7hJHFiig3-JjQxlT4mIL….jpg)


4. 5. 6. FTM's. They're bad asses and make better guys than guys.

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File: 85bc539a61bfdb0⋯.jpg (236.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1529878271776.jpg)


You're just proving further that cisgender males are the most triggered and upset group of people.

Enjoy being at a lower state of biological development.

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File: b3b0b875fbbbbb4⋯.jpg (201.19 KB, 1016x1417, 1016:1417, trans.jpg)

Anyone feel like testosterone is the reason why this world is so fucked up?

Most if not all men are vicious warmonger rapist, women are the beautiful flower caretaker gender, why wouldn't someone want to be a woman.

They literally lack any sense of empathy or capacity to recognize the simple truth of what they truly are.

It is an aberration and a disease. We cannot continue to ignore it.

I believe encouraging HRT to convert males into women is actually a very forward thinking idea with good motives.

A feminized society based on elegance and grace would be a revolutionary idea, fixing all the violence and rape in the world.

This is pretty much why i avoid cisgender males at all cost, gay or not they are still the same.

As a MtF i feel like being transbian is the only good way to go with relationships.

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>femboys who identify as male sometimes do too

Yeah and it's stupid. I've seen it pretty often and it's almost always a bad idea but I guess it's personal choice. Though if you have such a huge desire to look feminine you're altering your basic body chemistry it's probably already a form of dysphoria.

I guess 2 is a fair point (with my main concern being that HRT encouragement is already out of hand online and should be restricted here, people in question should talk to a therapist about that). I personally dislike the idea behind 3 but I can also understand it, there have always been people on hormones posting pics here which has been fine if it wasn't trans related.




Haha nice shitposts.

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This is not stuctured as an FtM thread though, plus there would be a few issues that could possibly arise from this.

While I don't think this board should be a porn board (I'm fine with it being NSFW though), FtMs have a particularly difficult time with getting with cis guys. Honestly, I think this board should be open to all, but still based around a central theme, which is of course cute guys. Now, I speak more as someone who's into cute guys, and that's something which I feel should not be in question.

Problem is, FtMs are hated by a lot of gay guys for being FtMs. It's a mix of factors, but among them tends to be misogynistic opinions surfacing. Basically, I've come across gay guys who claim that FtMs are just "crazy, psychotic women". There's also the vagaina hatred, which you can also see from some of the shitposting trolls in the this thread from time to time.

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>if a gay man refuses to fuck a vagina he is a misogynist

we're reaching peak retardation right fucking here

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Misogyny can exist among gay man

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File: c3bdffbe395eaee⋯.png (74.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, puft.png)


I know the struggle of dating men as a MtF. Pretty much everything you said is relevant to me.

I've been on a very toxic relation and i can understand why anybody would want to go transbian.

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So it's okay the say the word tranny but you get all offended when we say the word cis?

That's pretty hypocritical of you.

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Probably a fasle flag operation from your own admin trying to make us look bad.

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My false flags are a lot more tactful and entertaining than inane "xD transition lol" spam with a single IP for a few threads. /cuteboys/ makes itself look bad on a daily basis without my help.

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How is not being attracted to vagina misogynist?

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>admin gives trannies a space because he's too nice

>instead of any sort of gratitude, trannies use this space to start drama every day, abuse the rules to get people banned, stage raids and then gloat about it

Will admin ever realize his own mistake?

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You misunderstood me.

Gay guy doens't like vagina, fine, but at least treat an FtM with respect, don't start saying that they're a "hysterical woman".


You also misunderstood me. There's a difference between not liking vaginas, and using misogynisitic language when talking about an FtM. It's one thing to not want to have sex with an FtM. It's another thing to start calling an FtM a "disgusting woman".

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idk what the fuck you're talking about. I've only ever been on /cuteboys/. I don't hang out with trannies because most of them are too unstable

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ftr I (the one in this reply chain) am a different anon from the dutch tranny getting mad over people calling him a tranny

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File: 875faaf01263fd3⋯.jpg (159.67 KB, 1066x850, 533:425, Cq-E4I6WgAI-H-z.jpg)



kill yourselves.

choke on some other tranny's dick.

if you don't like guys, don't go to a gay board.

i understand why people get so mad at trannies on this board now. you're ruining the image of anyone who even takes hrt, like me.

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File: ad797914deefb69⋯.png (15.92 KB, 559x491, 559:491, stungbyabee.png)


the only people who think like this are vicious warmonger brained beta males

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It's not structured as a FtM thread because this board isn't very progressive, I like to believe that among lurkers there are FtM's and in any case I'm definitely hoping that in the future FtM's will feel comfortable posting here. That would be the best. They're so cool.

Secondly, I can't post anything FtM related, because I'm not FtM and would not be comfortable at all recommending anything due to lack of experience. I just know that they have it very hard with DIY because testosterone is a controlled substance.

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Mmm what gives you to think they want that hole fucked? Also, stop reducing everything to sex.

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>A feminized society based on elegance and grace


Even if this is bordering on a meme, it's hard to deny there's some truth to it. Prison population for instance is 95% male. All genociders are virtually men.

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>Prison population for instance is 95% male

It's also majority shit-skins.

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I'm sorry. No one deserves that. Relationships should be cozy. And make you feel safe. I also think that sexuality can evolve over time and is flexible to some extent.

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I understand you. You're a misandric fuck who externalizes her dysphoria in a way to hate on everything that's masculine, but just because I understand your viewpoint doesn't mean I don't think it's completely fucking stupid.

You need to start acting like an actual normal human being instead of larping as a tumblr lesbian. Realize why you have the thought patterns you have, you might see how erroneous they are.

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The only thing it's changed about my personality is that I'm not depressed anymore, and that I'm slightly more emotional, but there are normal gay guys who are more emotional than me.

Not wanting to kill yourself helps a lot in "changing your personality". I'm still the same person, I'm just happier.

For the record, I take 100mg of spironolactone a day (50 in the morning, 50 in the evening). That's considered a low dose, yet my T levels are <1. I can still get hard and my libido isn't non-existent.

Also, hrt is totally for looks. That's the entire reason trans people use it, to look more like their desired gender. I'm pretty sure all the bs about it changing you as a person is just placebo; transition itself might change you, hrt just helps with transition.

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>elegance and grace

Real life ain't shojo. It's hard to deny until you've spent some time around women, but very few live up to that fantasy. Maybe some high class chick living off daddy's investment account and never had to work a day in her life would fill the roll. Or she'd be a Kardashian.

Like they say, don't try to understand women. Women understand women, and they hate each other.

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>I'm pretty sure all the bs about it changing you as a person is just placebo;

Man you're gonna be in for a ride.

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But I still don't fear them.

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I'm too tired for this bullshit. It sounds like you're self-medding without supervision, go ask any specialised therapist if HRT has an influence on kognitive/behavioral functions. It undeniably does. It is NOT just a body modification (well duh you're literally reprogramming your body, changing its core chemistry).

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This is retarded, HRT is only used for looks the mental effects are just a side effect. The WPATH standards of care doesn't even mention mental effects, neither did any of the info my endo gave me.

At MOST you'll get more emotional, have a lower libido and appetite and maybe want to kill yourself a little less. I got depressed when my Cypro dose was too high but other than that it hasn't done much emotionally for me. HRT is just prescribed to make you look more like the gender you want to look like and almost all the effects are physical that's why it's given to trans people (who get dysphoric over not looking like the gender they identify as). It won't change you as a person

Before you sperg out and accuse me of self medding I go through an endo and a trans specialist doctor and I'm on patches and Cypro. I've been on HRT for a while so I've got some idea what the fuck I'm talking about

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The only documented behavoural changes estrogen causes is causing a person to feel a lot more calm and relaxed. I've also heard that a number of people taking estrogen feel like they can focus and concentrate more, or even have more motivation to do things

I have also heard of anecdotal evidence that estrogen makes someone more clingy or desiring human contact, though this is more anecdotal and isn't documented well enough.

Cyroterone Acetate is known for causing vitamin B deficiencies, which itself causes depression. This is the only AA, at least as far as I can tell which causes this. Spironlactine has been known to cause "brain fog", where someone can't concentrate or will just faze out of situations. Some people avoid spiro for this, although I've heard from some people that increasing an estrogen dose can also do this.

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File: e3aba972af087f1⋯.jpeg (109.96 KB, 1300x1600, 13:16, e3aba972af087f1c6cf8d50d7….jpeg)


>He avoids unpleasant truth that female rulers on average start more wars than males

>He doesn't discuss that females are top child abusers (i.e. females beat their children when they want to) and that lesbian couples have the highest rate of domestic violence

>He avoids the fact that borderline personality disorder and narcissism are asymmetrically more prevalent among females

>He avoids the fact that females start 70% of divorces, causing their faithful partners immense material harm

If we add to this the fact that females have slightly lower IQ… Sorry, fem is really the worst, the hollowest gender ever, that's why I avoid them like the plague.

Boys now, boys forever. Femoids never.

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You have your fucking cuckchan's /tttt/ all to yourself already, and yet you still come here, for what? You are the oppressors, femoids.

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Way to expose yourself as a cuckchan cross-poster retard.

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These retards aren't even cuckchan, they are pure tumblr and discord spillovers as evidenced by how they didn't know how reports work and their blatant disregard for any of the established community here

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>their blatant disregard for any of the established community here

To be fair just about every top board owner and chinkmoney have disregarded established communities on a routine basis. That's not exactly a tumblr/cuckchan exclusive trait.

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I am self-medding, but it is supervised. There's a lot of gatekeeping where I live so it would have taken 3 years of real-life experience if I wanted to get hrt the official way. I can't wait on that, and my GP agreed. I still go to the gender clinic to "talk" (do nothing). My GP takes my levels.

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On what studies is this based?

Surely, if the changes were like you're describing, and if "any specialist therapist" had knowledge of it, there would be by now dozens of studies you refer us to to back this up. Except, that's not the case.

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Trans research is virtually non-existent regardless of your stance on trannies. Research needs (((funding))), and funding trans research would result in more truth about their nature to be exposed and would likely not bode well for the current narratives they push. The notion that anything and everything important to societies well being gets researched to death is either naive or delusional. There's a reason why any attempt to research the impact of circumcision on children gets shut down.

I'm not the German anon and I don't know that much about feminizing HRT specifically, but shooting your test levels down to non-existent levels and essentially castrating yourself will probably influence your psychological state. Either way just spouting "muh studies" isn't really an argument, especially in a field that is incredibly under researched and meddled in by many external authorities with an agenda.

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> I don't know that much about feminizing HRT

Thank you, that's really all we needed to know, although we kind of had that figured out already. Just like your friends who have no clue of what they're talking about.

>Either way just spouting "muh studies" isn't really an argument

So, what do you want to argue with other than knowledge based on scientific studies? The moons and the stars? Stones and bones and the shapes they take when thrown on the ground? Prophecies based on the sun and moon?

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Actually, we know 2 things for certain when it comes to transgender people :

1. HRT leads to improved well-being. That's non-negotiable. Based on a review of all literature available (50+ studies, independently conducted and reviewed)

2. GRS has an almost 100% rate of satisfaction. Based on thousands and thousands of cases, based on the review of all available literature, based on research conducted since the 60s.


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> I don't know that much about feminizing HRT

>Thank you, that's really all we needed to know

You conveniently ignored that the entire scientific body doesn't know much about feminizing HRT either, which was the point of that entire first paragraph of my post in which you didn't quote anything from.


>improved well-being

I'm not quite sure what that means.

>GRS has an almost 100% rate of satisfaction

I would think it's pretty difficult to come to terms with your mistake after you've chopped your fucking dick off, so that statistic is more or less meaningless. A lot of the stats people tend to present in all of LGBT studies often miss the context, and are alarmingly dishonest.

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Yes, the statistics are meaningless because they're all surveys where people have to self-report. This is why there needs to be more science.

Also, a lot of trans women don't cut their dick off. Dysphoria isn't just about your dick, it's also about appearance and how people perceive and interact with you. It's not like getting your penis inverted into your body gives you a functional vagina. It's just something that looks like a vagina, and might feel like a vagina under the right circumstances. A lot of trans women just don't think it's worth it, even in countries where it gets covered by health care.

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>I'm not quite sure what that means.

You're not sure because

- You "don't know that much about HRT" according to yourself

- You have not read the studies

- You have no direct experience with the subject

- Hold no medical degrees.

That's why you don't know.

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>You conveniently ignored that the entire scientific body doesn't know much about feminizing HRT either

As far as I'm aware, medical science does know a lot about feminising HRT, and medical science has pretty much come to a point, where anything about the physical effects are probably all well known.

Psychological effects are harder to pin point thanks to placebo possibly making the psychological effects not be directly from HRT, rather from knowing you're taking HRT. The only confirmed effect from estrogen on psychology is a calming effect, since it reduces hyperactivity in the brains of those with dysphoria. Brain scans of individuals with gender dysphoria before and after HRT are very different from cisgender people, which suggests that gender dysphoria is more a kind of intersex condition, though since little is known about the brain in the first place, I would be willing to suggest that psychological effects of most things won't be conpletely understood for a long time, generations maybe.

>I would think it's pretty difficult to come to terms with your mistake after you've chopped your fucking dick off

You have not experienced dysphoria, which is fine, dysphoria is terrible, but you clearly are trying to project your feelings of your own gender identity on someone who does have dysphoria. You would probably recoil at the idea of not having your genitals anymore, and that's fine, but don't project that feeling onto someone who might feel like their own genitals are an abomination, and are an unnatural body part. That's genital dysphoria, and unless you have it, I don't think you pass judgement on what people do in terms of SRS. You might like your dick, but you cannot force someone else to like theirs.

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The point is that it isn't well defined within the study. They don't outline how long individuals have been on HRT, their age, or anything meaningful. They are broad spectrum claims about a field that has only in the last 5 years gained significant traction and the public spotlight. Once again you ignore context and act as if self-reported short-term happiness from HRT would reasonably be considered conclusive evidence that it is beneficial to society and to the individual by any self-respecting scientist. People live for much longer than 5 years, in case you were unaware. Appealing to authority is also not an argument. Whether or not someone has a medical degree has no bearing on reality and truth.


>Brain scans of individuals with gender dysphoria before and after HRT are very different from cisgender people

The sample sizes for these are terrible and it ignores the reality of the majority of trans people, which tend to self-medicate and rarely self-report for these studies.

>I would be willing to suggest that psychological effects of most things won't be completely understood for a long time, generations maybe.

Most of trans related things won't be understand for a long time. Right now you have millions of horny, young, retarded and disenfranchised young men who have fallen into roman variety transsexualism as an answer to being displaced and isolated from society. Very few people on HRT legitimately suffer from biologically driven gender dysphoria.

>You would probably recoil at the idea of not having your genitals anymore, and that's fine

None of this refutes the point I've made. An individual can not be expected to give reliable testimony to whether their permanent decision to chop their dick off improved their quality of life. To come to terms with the fact that it's a mistake that is going to make daily life miserable until the day they die would likely result in their suicide. We've seen insight into people who have had SRS, I can try and dig up some of the story lines.

>I don't think you pass judgement on what people do in terms of SRS. You might like your dick, but you cannot force someone else to like theirs.

I can judge whoever I want on the decisions they make. I don't need to be something to understand it. I don't know why you bring up forcing people to do anything. It's completely irrelevant and no one besides you has mentioned force. The only force anyone here has experience have been these threads onto a community that was largely against them.

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>the study

Which study are you even talking about? What we're talking about is a meta-study of hundreds of studies.

>Whether or not someone has a medical degree has no bearing on reality and truth.

This is, again, why, when seeking medical advice you are happy to go your local McDonald's instead of a medical practitioner with relevant degrees?

>a field that has only in the last 5 years

Trans studies have existed for about a 100 years, which, you wouldn't know because you're the same person who admitted knowing next to nothing about HRT.

SRS has been studied for 50 years.

>millions of horny, young, retarded and disenfranchised young men

What are you so obsessed with MTF's though? And, secondly, why are you so obsessed with MTF surgeries specifically?

Being transgender has little to do with surgeries, many don't do it.

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>Trans studies have existed for about a 100 years, which, you wouldn't know because you're the same person who admitted knowing next to nothing about HRT.

How long something has been studied for is meaningless when the sample size has increased by an immeasurable amount in the last 5 years you disingenuous fucking retard.

>What are you so obsessed with MTF's though? And, secondly, why are you so obsessed with MTF surgeries specifically?

What does this have to do with the argument?

>Being transgender has little to do with surgeries, many don't do it.

I'm aware, I'm not fixed on SRS. I don't particularly care about it, it just happened to be a point of discussion that I felt like engaging in. Last I checked the point of imagboards and online forums was to engage in discussions, something you oddly seem to perceive as some sort of sin that you can accuse me of.

>This is, again, why, when seeking medical advice you are happy to go your local McDonald's instead of a medical practitioner with relevant degrees?

But we aren't talking about who to seek medical advise from. The point of the arguments around these things is that medical advise for psychological states is incredibly controversial, as psychology can hardly even be considered a science as it literally operates around what society considers to be orderly conduct, which is constantly changing from generation to generation.

Pretending like this is a hard science with mountains of uncontested evidence to back it up is blatantly dishonest.

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>On what studies is this based?

For example this one is relevant http://www.eje-online.org/content/155/6/773.full


>1. HRT leads to improved well-being. That's non-negotiable. Based on a review of all literature available (50+ studies, independently conducted and reviewed)

Many people on r/asktransgender report depression and brainfog as a result of HRT (many report curing of these states if they existed though). This could be attributed to off-target glucocorticosteroid activity of Cypro and cortisol-raising activity of Spiro - the most common anti-androgens.

Instead of disclosing this bitter truth - that common anti-androgens have significant and multiple off-target activity which can cause depression and brain for - you are faking confidence.

Also it is well known that MtF HRT shrinks gray matter volume [1][2] and enlarges ventricles. Proponents of HRT argue that this brings the male brain to female proportions, but sceptics like myself note that trans people's brains are not really feminine to begin with (only in HSTS transpeople, like in gays, limbic structure and symmetry are feminine with the rest of the brain being masculine [3]), thus by fully feminizing their brains trans-people are losing some of their cognitive abilities (anecdotally, some r/asktransgender people report such effect).

Again, you hide this unpleasant truth instead of admitting it right away.

As the field of transgender medicine is in its infancy and is still politically biased it is unwise to confidently say that HRT leads to improved well-being based on biased studies. It may lead to better life for many (even most, if you like to interpret things charitably), but for significant number of people it brings misery.

1. http://www.eje-online.org/content/155/suppl_1/S107.full

2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306453016307144

3. http://www.pnas.org/content/105/27/9403.short

TL;DR; Transgender people are very desperate and thus they are ok with taking a very imperfect therapy which can give them brainfog, depression and cognitive loss … and that would be O.K. because these are their bodies, but they also misrepresent their therapy as good and flawless to outside people, and even drag some cute males into their practices. This is irresponsible.

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> Once again you ignore context and act as if self-reported short-term happiness from HRT would reasonably be considered conclusive evidence that it is beneficial to society and to the individual by any self-respecting scientist.

Funny thing is that this sort-term happiness could be easily attributed to GR (glucocorticosteroid) effect of Cyproproterone-Acetate. (One MtF acquaintance was honest enough to tell me that)

See GR effects:


See Cypro off-target activity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyproterone_acetate#Glucocorticoid_activity

… and once the HPA axis corrects this GR overabunance the person falls into their weakness/depression again.

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>the sample size has increased by an immeasurable amount in the last 5 years you disingenuous fucking retard.

This is an example of female logic

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The possible (stress possible) side-effects of cypro regarding depression are mitigated by the fact that the golden standard of medical care is now low-dose (10 to 25 mg compared to the 300 mg daily that are common with prostate cancer), which minimizes the possibility of side-effects to the absolute minimum possible.

>sceptics like myself

At the end of the day, you have no credentials, have done no research, no studies, you're a most likely undereducated, unemployed, underemployed anonymous nobody. Your opinion just doesn't matter ultimately. Not on this subjects, where you have 0 expertise anyway.

People will take the results of a meta-study based on a review of all available scientific studies over your 'sceptic' opinion with dubious value.

>is still politically biased

It's the world against you isn't it.

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If you don't have dysphoria you probably shouldn't take HRT since it won't make you happy. However, a lot of gay people, especially on this board, do have dysphoria. They just don't want to be trans.

If you think HRT will actually make your life easier, like it did for me, then I see no reason to not take it. SSRIs have nasty side effects too, but it's better than wanting to kill yourself.

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>which minimizes the possibility of side-effects to the absolute minimum possible.

Kek, how do you minimize the possibility if you take this drug for years? Also there are other pure AAs like bicalutamide, but MtFs don't take these for religious [they fear higher T even if it has no effect on their AR1 receptors. What a cargo cult].

>can't discuss this b/c no papers?

give her papers

>you are a nobody so you can't discuss papers!

WTF, fem logic I guess

>shrugs of evidence of brain shrinkage

What did I even expect from people whose only other option is suicide. Just please don't spread your toxic despair-driven practices around these places?

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Before people accuse me of trying to convert gay guys, that's not what I'm saying. I'm only saying that if you have dysphoria it's better to acknowledge it and do something about it than let it pile up until you're bald and old and hate yourself.

I know it sounds very tumblr-y to say you can have dysphoria yet not identify as female, but in my experience a lot of trans women don't feel fully female. They want to keep their dicks for example, or not have large breasts, or look more androgynous than female. It's just easier for most people to insist they identify fully as a woman if they want to transition, because society will give them an easier time, and because the medical world is built that way.

I'm in this weird middle ground myself. I tell people I want to be seen as a woman, but if I look at what I identify as, it's not fully female. I don't mind using my dick, I like cute stuff but I'm not that averse to looking androgynous, and I don't really get angry when people refer to me as sir or he. I'm bisexual as well, so maybe this is just similar.

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>However, a lot of gay people, especially on this board, do have dysphoria. They just don't want to be trans.

Don't deny the fact that growing a coneboob and/or becoming a fat pig could cause another kind of dysphoria in these people.

>If you think HRT will actually make your life easier, like it did for me, then I see no reason to not take it.

Sure, it's your decision. Just don't overpromise this to depressed people.


> but in my experience a lot of trans women don't feel fully female

This is actually true not due to tumblr, but due to trans-ness being a biological phenomenon, a developmental disorder which as most disorders produces a range of effects, with fully feminized brain being the furthest effect in this range (and thus, quite improbable to encounter).

>It's just easier for most people to insist they identify fully as a woman if they want to transition, because society will give them an easier time, and because the medical world is built that way.

This is truth

… but many people [from reddit] experience personality/preference drift on estrogen, including stronger dysphoria (instead of being satisfied with androgyny they begin to lust for full female form, etc).

Also many people are not genetically gifted to become female-like with HRT, so society will mess their life up for their appearance.

In the end the person has to make a decision for themselves, but this decision should include risk-reward calculation and be unbiased. /tttt/ discussion feels too biased in /tttt/'s favor at this point.

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If growing boobs makes you more dysphoric, just stop, or take boob reduction pills. The effects of hrt are mostly reversible if your boobs aren't that big yet. Of course, if there's absolutely NO reason for you to take hrt in the first place, then you shouldn't do it.

I'm not overpromising things to depressed people. I notice that people on here say "dysphoria uwu" and I go, why not take hrt? The response is always something along the lines of I look like shit or I don't want to be a disgusting tranny.

My point is you don't need to become a full-on tranny for hrt to help against your dysphoria.

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also finasteride is a very good alternative to full-on hrt if you're worried about hair loss. it's an anti-androgen that only really prevent testosterone from latching to hair follicles, preventing you from losing your hair line.

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