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File: 6f478fb2f67a047⋯.jpg (42.59 KB,516x618,86:103,image-5.jpg)

 No.386902 [Last50 Posts]

>Comfy place

>Admin becomes a tranny

>Shoves unrelated topic because

>Automatically becomes "I'LL BAN U DON'T HURT MY FEEFEES"

Every fucking time

You fucking retarded mongoloid admin know that HRT are exclusive to people that want to transition, not fucking B O Y S but you probably sorrounded yourself of yes man circlejerks that give pats in the back away like it was christmas considering that even 4chon/lgbt/ is full of "uwu just transition" which is why I left that fucking place in the first place, fucking preadtory trannies that wont stoop pushing their stupid HRT you are just in fucking denial austistic shit, and here are you fucking cock gargler enabling these fags that have R U I N E D communities.

This is the exact same fucking thing that happened to SCP, and you little shit think you can pull this off as well and everything to be fucking dandy.

Go fuck yourself, I'm glad this place is fucking dead, hopefully it will become dessert in a few weeks and the userbase finds a better place.

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File: 0a043610b65fc23⋯.jpg (137.95 KB,992x1200,62:75,DUTGzLhUQAEXBvL.jpg)

its okie dokie if you dont like me anon but im not trans

you can just call me a leftist or an sjw or something

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I visit lefty places

You are cancer mate

Even leftypol makes fun of retards like you (they call em idpols)

>hurr durr I'll tell him to call me this it will surely show him haha

How abou you make a fucking point and actually dress the points I made.

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At least all these trannies will see themselves out when they inevitable kill themselves, as every tranny does eventually

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i dont wanna argue im just telling you that im not trans

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File: 2661b97240b8887⋯.png (248.32 KB,600x600,1:1,Let me tell you why that's….png)


>Please don't hold he accountable to my dumb fucking decisions

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File: ab7c9395ef6e7eb⋯.gif (304.93 KB,387x402,129:134,d459e51a2bf4b8bb7e88d505d8….gif)

You guys are just jealous tbh

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File: 3566f3ce0f76bee⋯.png (191.89 KB,473x488,473:488,1446035988583.png)


I dont hate you anon if you are a tans but I do fucking Hate the stupid fucking decisions the admin is making

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File: 1047ebcc6d1e1da⋯.gif (2.91 MB,200x155,40:31,1407436009688.gif)


oh nvm, the thread is gone!

Hurray for admin!

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>if you are trans

Not "if you are a trans".

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yeah my bad

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Why would anyone be jealous of a self-mutilating mentally-ill cadre of freaks? If anything I feel pity somewhere among the enormous piles of disgust.

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I will laugh when you kill yourself

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dont post trannies outside of your designated containment zone, you disgusting freak.

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File: 252f174bfe3f58f⋯.png (14.68 KB,574x359,574:359,58a759e6c8[1].png)

reminder this is what the BO thinks of his original userbase and of anyone posting wrongthink and calling out his bullshit

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File: 6c4aaaea633ea4f⋯.jpg (45.94 KB,800x600,4:3,1468814081337.jpg)

There's nothing wrong with trannies, they're just cuteboys with tits.

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it'd be really cool if this board didn't turn into /lgbt/ where every thread is a trans thread, but most especially the non-trans threads are.

i don't hate tranners but holy shit every place they post attracts the worst kind of histrionic attention whores who just ruin a community. i respect the choice to make drastic & irreversible changes to your own body but it seems like that respect doesn't go both ways. trans pushing hrt on emotionally unstable boys with self image issues & telling them it's the only way they can be good enough to be loved is fucking creepy, it also seems to be highly pervasive anywhere than they post.

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>i don't hate homosexuals but (…). i respect the choice but it seems like that respect doesn't go both ways. homosexuals pushing their lifestyles on emotionally unstable youth.

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File: ee395a5c80c3291⋯.png (73.21 KB,1920x1080,16:9,killalltrannies.png)


You're either a tranny or you ban people for not staying silent while you and your tranny friends try to push HRT onto innocent cute boys.

Trannies deserve the rope.

HRT is for trannies and not boys.

If you take HRT you will regret it and that regret will cause you to try and hurt others by pushing HRT onto them.

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This sums up my thoughts thoughts essentially. I just see a trans presence on a board dedicated to feminine males (a lot whom have serious self-confidence issues) to be inherently predatory. Considering all the trans spaces already in existence, why do trannies want to post transitition-related information here?

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File: 7ac3df6ca170780⋯.png (89.6 KB,1200x900,4:3,XB3R9CF.png)


it's all the same thing in the end m8

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>ignores all the points made in the post

Turn your flag back on, Negro-Saxon.

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Users here are gay, bisexual, heterosexual, questioning, boys, girls, inbetween.

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>post words thing in tranny containment thread… permaban

>post mutilated freak outside containment thread… post deletion—no ban

You glow in the dark, admin.

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He clearly is enabling them at this point. That shit reeks of double standards. Fuck this board and fuck the constant transgarbage shilling.

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File: 6eff9a37d2951ea⋯.jpg (43.76 KB,433x480,433:480,2H0flIE.jpg)


would fug tho

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This is so weird. I couldn't have gotten this reference wrt Legbutt drama until like this week, so does everyone just suddenly browse /x/ or would I just not have noticed this when I didn't get it?

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No it's because now a tranny made it's way to become one of the people who moderate the site, and got triggered when a joke scp about a sexy doorknob got made. Yes, a doorknob.

It's like how a tranny helps run ANN now. And now the word "trap" is banned as hate speech, even though almost every season there is a trap character in at least 1 show.

Trannies ruin everything

But I'll post my own story some time. One where I was groomed for years into almost taking HRT and the years after when every community I joined died. Also note that trans people who don't do this shit I'm alright with because they tend to be quiet and transition. But then you get people like this asshole >>386929 who almost thew a fit in the last tranny thread when he realized the Admin will actually contain his shit

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I know what the SCP drama is about, I'm just saying I wouldn't have if I hadn't started going to /x/ a couple weeks ago. Like, the coincidence is that I even actually understand your reference. I had to look the ANN thing up, tho, so I guess the odd resonance ends there.

The HRT grooming thing is funny - neets off /soc/ used to offer to pay for HRT for me to be their magic trappu waifu, too. Tbh, it's kinda flattering. What was really funny is I somehow managed to hook up with a practicing Muslim (I didn't know it initially) like 3 years ago and he really wanted me to turn into a girl.

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You were groomed by guys into taking HRT (according to your own say). You were not groomed by transgender women. Yet "trannies ruin everything". Stop projecting. You were groomed by gay/bisexual men, so why not directing your anger against them, if anything? The answer is that you're biased and you've turned your painful experiences into bias against trans people. At least be honest.

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People here tend to tell "straight" and bi people to fuck off.

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Actually I was groomed by someone who was 5 years into HRT treatment and who was a tranny. I understand that's difficult for you to get but it happened and as I said I'll tell that story soon. But please point out where I said a guy groomed me.

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This seems like a good place to ask. How do I convince my best friend to stop taking HRT? He was manipulated into this hard by his emotionally abusive piece of shit "gf" who is of course a hideous tranny. I can't even begin to express just how much it treats him like trash. He's effectively a live in slave being forced to take hrt now. It's depressing as hell to see this happen to him. He knows how bad it treats him but he has extreme self esteem issues and believes he doesn't have the option of finding someone else. I think the grooming started with his last gf who I think was a real girl (I never met her or saw pictures of her or anything.) a few years ago and just continued with this new bitch.

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Ask him this:

If you were alone, would you keep taking it?

If no one else could see you, would you keep taking it?

If you couldn't see yourself, would you keep taking it?

Unless your friend is one of the very few who actually has the disorder, the answer to this answered truthfully would be no. Explain to him how estrogen and testosterone usually have the same mood altering outcome. No, T doesn't make you more aggressive nor does E make you less, that's a correlation perpetuated by culture. Both however will cause mood swings. Also explain how this will impact everything. His job, his family, his finances, his fertility. He will forever have to take this. Finally, ask about his plans for the future. HRT will not keep you looking cute. It will age you like a woman, which is bad considering that's woman aging on a male bone and musculature frame. Fat deposits only hide so much.

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This sounds like the stories that conservative families make up when their daughters or sons decide to live life on their own terms, shortly after coming out as gay or lesbian or indeed transgender or abandon faith, and suddenly you start hearing stories about them being groomed or in a cult.

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Hey tranny where's your flag?

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>No, T doesn't make you more aggressive nor does E make you less


"regardless of their gender, the most violent prisoners have higher levels of testosterone than their less violent peers."

>Also explain how this will impact everything. His job, his family.

Depends. If they already have a supportive and loving family, this will not change. If they already have a progressive and empowering place of employment, this will not change.

>He will forever have to take this.

Partly false. Trans women will need to take estrogen for the rest of their lives, but if they undergo surgery (orchiectomy or GRS), they won't need to take anti-androgens anymore. So, this wouldn't be different from cisgender women needing estrogen supplements when they're older.

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>Have you not noticed that most trans people either work in low skilled jobs or porn?

It's 50-50 in my experience actually.

But, do you mean that people shouldn't be themselves because of an antagonist society? Then the same would have applied to gay men.

Like I said, it's 50-50. Half I know are unemployed, while the other half makes ridiculous amounts of money in well-regarded jobs.

They may be genderqueer, they may be trans. I don't know this person.

To me it seems you're anti-trans in general.

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File: e28ea8c050299e6⋯.jpg (29.74 KB,200x209,200:209,aya.jpg)


>It sucks that trans people are stuck doing shit work

But, they're not. It's highly dependent on the person, the country they live in and all sorts of other factors.

In my honest experience, I have found both to apply, and otherwise I know trans people in every profession imaginable.

Again, I do not know them. So, I will not pretend to know them better than they do.

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and despite that this shitheel BO is permabanning dozens of people because they upset xir precious tranny princesses

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using this as a meta thread

I actually just got my ban appealed within minutes

I didnt even say im sorry

I dont know whats happening or what to think but thats the first time ever I have seen an appeal work so thats neat

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The absolute state of jealousy in 2018

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Well maybe he'll look at the IPs and realise it's always the same few people demanding their safe space versus probably a few dozen people being against it. (inb4 it's a super committed troll changing IPs every couple minutes).

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Maybe I did get banned and my IP changed when I left for the stupid library to research shit on a sunday, yikes. I wonder if I know you, I was a little late to the kageshi party, it was already declining when I started frequenting. The trans rooms were kinda fun too at first, if only for their ridiculous drama.


I don't think that makes sense, first of all we don't know how that BO ticks. I'm assuming it's you because you keep posting the link, whenever I see that I assume it's similar to people shilling their discord servers to get more members. Also we'd lose like 80% of the userbase here, splitting an almost dead board doesn't work. Admin did make this board after all, he put a lot of effort into it and it used to be good.

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Yeah, I just meant that we know the admin here, he's not too enthusiastic anymore and the solution he's enforcing now is pretty stupid but we know he's not some retarded guy (and I remember him being pretty cute). Someone created /cutebois/ 3 years ago to complain about the moderation here, that guy might be a lot worse if he's even still active after these years. I dislike it because it reminds me of discord.

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Back to containment. Admin's policy is if you need a safe space like the chubby thread you can have your safe space there, and nowhere else on the board

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>HRT is only meant for people who plan on cutting their dicks off

Nah that's not true, there are enough transgirls who live normal, fulltime women lives but don't want SRS. As far as I know you don't have to say that to get HRT prescription and medical care, at least not in a couple Eu countries. Posts like that will just let them play their victim card.

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It's not wise to discuss your strategy in a thread on the exact same board.

Personally, I only wanted to see the transphobia dealt with. I never actually wanted an HRT thread, just actual board moderation.

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There's no strategy. We just want their/your hugbox gone from this board. Either admin finally listens to the userbase and removes the general or anons will start policing every other thread on this board and you'll face more of those evil words than ever before.


What transphobia? Some bad words and shitposting? Get over yourself.

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Eh I guess you're right. I still want them gone from this board, I don't want to cave in after a day and accept them getting their special hugbox thread. It doesn't belong here.

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>You were not groomed by transgender women. Yet "trannies ruin everything".

The other guy said that, not me.

I have nothing against trannies, although I sympathize with the chantard side of the SCP bullshit just because those new SCP people are fucktards who write even worse than the old SCP fucktards.

>You were groomed by gay/bisexual men, so why not directing your anger against them, if anything?

Lmao, not even the guy who was pissed at trannies and you're asking me to hate fags. Fuck you. I enjoy the attention and don't mind it when guys who think they're straight go after me. That said, it's still weird - there's a cultural push towards this stuff, and you won't hear about it from *certain crowds* because they're too stuck on the idea that trans people are oppressed de jour. It never occurs to them that homosexuality is still so taboo that a lot of people go around trying to make pretty gay boys cut off their dicks.

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File: 2203afc30a5022b⋯.png (34.2 KB,616x781,56:71,banned.png)


Hey that was me, it's been removed so good job.

Guess it's time for me to say goodbye now, /cuteboys/

I tried to make a genuine response but the userbase is being culled for wrongthink even if it's genuine questions.

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What you have is literally transphobia. A fear of something you don't understand. That's nothing that someone else can fix or explain for you. You need to do it yourself.

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What you have is literally cisphobia. A fear of something you don't understand. That's nothing that someone else can fix or explain to you. You need to do it yourself.

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File: 9eb7b21d8d2ba37⋯.jpeg (21.74 KB,480x319,480:319,DgOz2d1VAAA8qUq.jpeg)


>tfw a medically diagnosed transsexual

>hate the fuck out of all transgender bullshit

I don't think it's fear bro.

<inb4 "it's internalized" so you invalidate my world view

Fuck you for making my illness look like a fucking joke. If there was a pill to make me fine being a man I'd take it any time over this bullshit, but there isn't so I can't.

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Because it's impossible to take you guys seriously when you get this triggered. Everyone that chilled out and appealed their ban got unbanned it's just the anons that keep ban evading and pretending that I'm secretly part of the trans cabal that stay banned.

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Why do trans, and only them, get a free-of-criticism safe space where you cannot even ask true questions like >>387100

? There's interracial/feet/etc containment or general threads where you can talk shit about others pics, beliefs, whatever, why do only trannies, who are not even related to the fucking board, get protection? If you're giving this one unrelated group special rights and a thread where their propaganda cannot be questioned in any way, do you honestly think others will think you impartial and not a part of them?

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File: 44c3393ebb48135⋯.jpg (307.16 KB,919x1377,919:1377,31e39f6e99a218a6e3e368b535….jpg)



As long as Admin keeps all tranny memeshit in the HRT thread then fine the trannies can have their poisonous cesspool there. People seem to forget that the fucking zeemap had an option for tranny markers among the plethora of options. Everybody seems to have forgotten that Admin has been fine with trannies and this board in general has tolerated them when they don't bring it up constantly. (If they did bring it up they got shat on) The new issue arising isn't that trannies are allowed here it's that these specific posters bitching about transphobia like it hasn't been here since day fucking one, and again, are either doing this for a joke or are actively malicious towards this boards user base as they don't act like the trannies that have been posting here for years. If they're malicious, regulate them to a thread, if they're trolls, regulate them to a thread. Either way they'll either get bored and move on once the kvetching dies down and if they have a hidden agenda they're not going to do much when they're allowed to be shat on everywhere else.


>Why do trans, and only them, get a free-of-criticism safe space where you cannot even ask true questions like

They don't have exclusive rights to a safe space. Do you remember the chubby threads? You can shit over fat people anywhere else on this board but if you went into the chubby thread to stir up shit you got banned.

Also Admin isn't a tranny, I've seen his face and he's a cute redhead twink I want to put my penis inside.

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But you have internalized transphobia (if you are indeed transsexual).

Have you considered maybe that that could be the product of spending prolonged amounts of time in spaces and with crowds that basically negate you?

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I mentioned some of this when someone really got triggered by me using the term "cis" when I specifically wanted to say not trans.

The issue I find is that when someone does start bringing out actual transphobia, a lot of what transtrenders have said has just taken meaning out of the term. It means that when someone is being totally abhorrent, when you start calling them out as transphobic, people just lose their ability to know what it means.


>he's a cute redhead twink

Now, I want to see what he looks like. He might be totally perfect. Total bf material.

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File: 499b924de65a6a8⋯.png (186.05 KB,1152x842,576:421,Admin ban message.png)


>you couldn't possible be a transsexual and hate me without it all being out of your control

Fuck you. I tried to understand people like you, I went to IRL meetups in the shithole that is Portland and met people like you and it was the grossest worst experience of my fucking life. Everything felt like it was made of fucking glass and I couldn't make a peep or joke without getting shat on for not being PC. I tried again elsewhere and the same fucking thing, that same dead look in your fucking eyes that can't take a joke and can't rationalize someone hating your guts that bad while understanding what the fuck you want and are. I would rather have a pill make me fine living as a man then all the hoops and jumps to become the thinnest facade of a women. Don't get me started on the surgeries they're a fucking joke. For now all I can do is get my balls chopped off while I wait for medical techniques to have the slimmest slightest chance of ever giving me a fully functioning vagina and womb but I'm not that fucking lucky. I would choose being a normal men over a transsexual every single day of the fucking week, but I don't get that fucking choice. I could either kill myself or hope medical techniques get better enough so I don't have to, and I chose the later. I wish more research was going into undoing this state of mind but we have such a fucking limited grasp of the structure of the brain that's it's not going to be possible in my lifetime. Fuck this illness and fuck you for glamorizing it. I have asthma too but you don't see me advocating for asthma pride month.

>Admin banned me for knowing what is face is like


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Listen this shit website doesnt let me PM you don't bully me

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never chilled ouy and you appealed me anyway

I dont know what to think

my appeal wasnt even an appeal it was a goodbye note but then It worked so I dont know if I am gong to leave or not now

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Stop being bully bait

Though if you want to PM just write to the email address

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Look. That is exactly what transphobia is and looks like, and feels like.

What you need is help, not spending more time in space that - again - will only make you feel worse and comfort you in opinions that I'm sure you know are wrong.

You are a trans woman. No, you don't want to be a man.

Informing has nothing to do with glamorizing.

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Wouldn't hypnosis help you more than waiting for some weird, aberrative surgeries that won't ever come? I hope you didn't cut anything off yet.

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I might have accidentally banned you then I don't even remember what your post was but if you're not acting like the board is going to collapse in on itself in the next 24 hours then you're probably chilled out.

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im acting like it already has

I was preparing to leave the wreckage, but I dont know anymore

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I have my husband hypnotize me on the regular, that isn't how hypnosis works, or at the very least. Would take months of intense sessions to get even close to any results and would meantime have me as a suicidal depressed wreck that I am.

And the only thing I'm getting cut off it my balls because they're too nuked to do anything useful anymore and the anti-androgens fuck me up in a big way. The chances of medical techniques getting good enough to create a fully functioning vagina is higher than human's figuring out how to unfuck a brain on demand.


I've been to three separate therapists, I've been on hormones for 3 years, I'm slated to get my balls chopped off in a month. I've posted on /lgbt/ and bothered with the trannies there I've talked to trannies on here and for every mild mannered self-respecting transsexual I've met there's 9 trangenders that are batshit crazy. What more do you want me to do? I have an illness, hormones are a treatment not a cure, I want a cure, but I don't get one. I have a loving husband, I love him very much as well, I am perfectly happy at the moment and even have a nice job. The only thing wrong with me for the moment is that I'm a transsexual and there's little I can do about that other than treat it.

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>Automatically becomes "I'LL BAN U DON'T HURT MY FEEFEES"

you are 4 years too late on this one m8, admin has always been the worst kind of faggot.

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Post history leads me to believe they aren't shilling so I'm lenient. Seems like they misunderstood the post they were responding to though.

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dont sweat it fam, historical consensus is that deballed bois make the best bottoms anyway

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The person explicitly identifies as transsexual, what are you talking about? Like, am I reading something else.

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I cant speak for him but I think its just a knee-jerk worry you are going to do something you cant un-do, but you have obviously thought about this a lot to come to this conclusion

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Reminder that these are the people behind the hrt spam on 8chan lately

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Do you have more proofs?

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It's not that they want to be a man but that being trans sucks.

or at least thats how i read it

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I am a transsexual, which sucks. If I could be made a perfectly normal man with a pill right now, I would want to be. If I could be made a perfectly normal woman right now with a pill, I would want to be. This in between bullshit is the pits but I don't have other options except suicide which admittedly I'm too much of a pussy to do

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That looks like the usual discord insanity. I've seen a couple servers with shit like that, special roles for "x's harem" and owners giving out rights in return for lewds, bodywriting and other stuff with the entire server behaving like a cult. Posting self harm pics is also pretty standard attention-whoring practise.

Not sure how legit that spam/manipulation is, probably just a couple threads to keep the cult growing. I doubt they dominate any board.

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If you identify with the transsexual label, I obviously totally respect that, but not the implications that it seems to carry for you in terms of more sane or even "transer than thou" or whatever.

Transgender is just becoming the leading term, both in and outside the medical lit. That's just the reality of the situation.

But, I still think that you have internalized some transphobia and that's something that holding you back. But, yeah, g l!

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>tranny doesn't even know that transsexual is a specific subset of transgender

>tranny pill pusher trying to tell me this term is going out of style when it still has heavy use

Any journal recording results for actual surgeries or medical outcomes and not psychology/sociology surveys uses transsexual. I will admit most of that literature is from years ago but it turns out once people stopped considering it an illness medical research reduced. Who'd a thunk it.

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dont know why sweden isnt rangebanned thats the very first thing I did on my board

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Bullshit. Try some good hypnotists, not your inexperienced husband. Your thoughts won't magically disappear after you cut off a body part of yours. There's hypnosis to make your self-esteem go back, improve how you think about yourself, and it does work.

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its iffy

all hypnosis is self hypnosis, it wont work for everyone some people just cant do it

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>Your thoughts won't magically disappear after you cut off a body part of yours.

The ball cutting is not for the thoughts, the ball cutting is to reduce the strain on my kidneys as well as prevent it from making me feel so dehydrated all the time giving me incredibly low energy levels.

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I have never heard of these things

its this because of the HRT?

this is interestng to me mechanically, do you know whats happening in your body exactly that makes it like this?

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All pills have side effects. The anti-androgens I take are spironolactone. American trannies piss like a horse because spiro wasn't originally meant to block testosterone, it's meant to regulate your salt levels and just happens to have the side effect of blocking testosterone. So, when a relatively normal person with normal salt levels takes pills to help regulate that shit, the main treatment (preventing water retention and keeping keeping sodium potassium levels balanced) becomes the side effect (pissing like a horse because your body thinks you have too much salt in you). Eventually, with enough time, this will hurt your kidneys which is why you shouldn't be on them indefinitely.

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If you try long enough, it just works. Hypnosis is like Skyrim, it can be perfect but there's fucked up mods, so you'll improve yourself as long as you avoid retarded files most retards use and find the right things.


First time I hear about such a thing. Is that because of the hormones? How about you just stop taking them? No offense but the way I see it, you'll cut them off, you'll be even more unhappy as your organism really won't like losing a part of itself and then you'll end up suiciding at some point. The way you described your balls in >>387159 it's probably too late though. Maybe it isn't so I'd consult a doctor if stopping to take the HRT could help, but I think you still fucked up by taking something like that to fix a problem that's all in your head.

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thank you for responding, this is very interestng to me and you just helped me write some autistic bodysuit fiction, I dont pretend to be 100% medically accurate I really have no medical background at all, but I dont like it when people see something wrong it takes them out of it

with this becoming more and more popular (for all the wrong reasons) learning about what it actually does is helpful, im about to go re-write something because of it

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Cypro is illegal in the US, the prescribed anti-androgen of choice is spiro which doesn't affect testosterone production so you can't lower the dose over time like with cypro. Getting rid of the balls kills the production at its core which is valid way and probably (very likely) healthier than staying on spiro for many years. Stopping HRT makes very little sense.

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You mean Spiro can.

There are other anti-androgens, and some are more of a risk than others. GnrH Antagonists have virtually no risk at all and virtually no side effects.

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Agreed. And what the end result of a "permanent" change is is even nastier, the frankenstein monster dicksticks and wound pussies that can permanently close because, well, they're wounds. The naive and uninformed among /cuteboys/ should be protected from those subversives seeking to harm them by the way of information, not their propaganda.

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>First time I hear about such a thing. Is that because of the hormones?

Yes, refer to this post for the specific one causing it >>387186

>How about you just stop taking them?

See I tried this meme once. Mood swings out the ass, unbridled anger turning into depression, and a shit ton of suicidal thoughts. And yes, I've researched hypnosis very deeply, and while my husband isn't perfect he's the type to fiddle with something until he's very good at it. He practices Chiropractory from studying it on his own, he runs his own server for anime, he hosts his own imageboard because he didn't like any of the current ones. And an extremely personalized environment with someone I trust to fully have my best interests in mind because they're his interests too is going to be better than a clinical environment for almost everything just trust wise.

>Maybe it isn't so I'd consult a doctor if stopping to take the HRT could help, but I think you still fucked up by taking something like that to fix a problem that's all in your head.

Again, I tried that, I tried that so hard I almost committed suicide, throw soymemes at me all you want but the choice became kill myself or take hormones and hope for better results and I chose to take hormones because admittedly I am too much of a pussy to kill myself, and again, my balls are nuked. Two years on spiro and your balls will not recover fully. They will keep pumping test but they will not make healthy sperm amounts.


This only goes for American trannies though, for Europeans Cypro has the danger of liver poisoning instead and it's the one that causes you to have erection problems in fact I can get a erections just fine as of 3 years. If you want to know anything else, Estradiol the estrogen supplement increases blood clot risks which means giving up smoking. Finasteride has been linked to some neurological side effects. And uh, oh Progesterone is the really fun one because there's multiple version on the market and the cheapest shoddiest one is produced from pregnant horses and that shit fucks you up to the point of near insanity (happened to a friend of mine), the promethium variant doesn't have any major side effects as far as I recall.



They're more expensive and involve sticking yourself with a needle one a week, and they still involve some side effects associated with any hormone treatment such as headaches and nausea. I prefer to cut the middle man and not look like a junkie.

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>wound pussies that can permanently close because, well, they're wounds

This is factually wrong. They are not wounds, nor are they ever have been wounds.

And they do not close, because they are not wounds.

Dilation is only required to maintain depth, and dilation is only needed for 2 years after surgery. Cis women who have had a hysterectomy also need to maintain their depth in their vagina because there is nothing anchoring it in place.


>I prefer to cut the middle man and not look like a junkie.

Let me tell all the diabetic people who need to inject themselves with insulin every day that they look like junkies then.

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>Dilation is only required to maintain depth, and dilation is only needed for 2 years after surgery.

Blatantly, categorically, totally false.


It reduces to twice a week after two years but it is for and total life.

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>This is factually wrong. They are not wounds, nor are they ever have been wounds.

>removing the dick and creating a gaping hole from it is not a wound at all

>Dilation is only required to maintain depth, and dilation is only needed for 2 years after surgery.


>Cis women

Oh fucking hell.

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>Let me tell all the diabetic people who need to inject themselves with insulin every day that they look like junkies then.

If you have scars all over your arm it is not unhead of for you to be detained by the police. Granted, you need to act really fucking stupid and it doesn't cause it in and of itself, but one of my high school teachers was detained by the police because he donated blood constantly and the cops thought he was shooting up. It's simple consequences you tard.

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>Do you seriously expect these people to tell the truth?

Of course not, the mentally ill tend to lie about everything.

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Nobody in these HRT groups advocate becoming post-op, just taking HRT to look sexy as fuck

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Can you explain how that happens? What I've gathered in this thread so far:

You grow tits, your dick stays permanently limp, your hips become huge, ass gains fat.


postuj bojpusi

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>sexy pills :DDD

Lmao, you basically shit on every trans person with that post.

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If you describe everything that disagrees with your worldview as a "tactic", there's no point talking to anyone who may disagree with you, so fuck off


Small tits, hips and ass, flaccid dick (preferably in a chastity cage), what's not to love? As long as you're not ugly and unfit when you start taking it you look fine as fuck after a while


It's not my fault ugly people think they can cheat the system by becoming trannies

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>Can you explain how that happens?

Assuming you go full line up that MtFs are prescribed

<grow tits

<depending on the AA limp dick

<when cumming nothing comes out or clear precum like substance barely dribbles

>skin will get smoother and softerbecause test makes you greasy

>fat butt

<mood swings

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So you're a feminisation and sissy fetishist, got it. Many like you on this board, doesn't make it less pathetic.

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No, I'm not a feminisation fetishist, I don't want them to become sissy sluts - I just like my boys with a femboyish-as-possible figure for as long as possible. I'm not into girls

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You just confirmed what anon told you you are, good job.

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>advocates for HRT

>likes flaccid dicks

>chastity fag

>likes femboys

<isn't into feminzation

We have a board for that >>>/sissy/

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>No, I'm not a feminisation fetishist

>Small tits, hips and ass, flaccid dick (preferably in a chastity cage), what's not to love?

xD I'll give you a 2/10 since I replied twice.

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Whatever you say, but I don't want to be involved with women, female psychology, or pussy

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Exactly. They're too stupid to even change it up and every time the Britbong tranny cannot lie his way out of a situation like >>387207 >>387205 , he just suddenly forgets it was ever spoken about. Pretending having a dick cut off doesn't leave a wound is retarded and a vicious lie. Even a cut leaves a wound. When I've had a cut on my leg, it was there for a long time until it healed. That's what a wound is.


>postuj bojpusi

Nie. Skąd w burgerlandzie?


>I'm not a feminisation fetishist

>I just fetishise feminised boys

Oi gov do you have a self-contradiction licence?

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"feminised" is not how I think of it, just the inverse of masculine features, which is what I'm attracted to

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File: d46a6f73f43d630⋯.png (53.25 KB,449x316,449:316,wut....png)


>not feminized

>inverse of masculine

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He's certainly not a native English speaker, probably Mohammad wanting to get his dick wet.

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INverse, not opposite.

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Honestly, I'd take it if it wasn't for the limp dick and tits. I might give it to my boyfriend, though.


Connecticut. :D A ty?

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absolute autism lol shut up britbong you make our country look bad >>387234

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That's the point, retread. There's not fucking inverse of masculine, it's a binary concept.

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I definitely am a native English speaker, I was born and I live in Dorset, and I will die here in Dorset.


I don't mean tits but soft puffy barely-a cups that you can nibble on


suck your mum

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>I don't mean tits but soft puffy barely-a cups tits that you can nibble on


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I was under the impression you people thought I meant actual tit tits, I totally didn't

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Some place on some anonymous chinese paintings forum is TRANSPHOBIC


also trust me I am le oldfag XDDDDDDDD

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Okay, I'm interested. Is there any way to take it without getting a limp dick?

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You'd have to be in America and you'd have to take Spiro so I hope you enjoy peeing a lot. Also you can't be on it forever. Any other form will fuck up your penis's ability to get hard, hell, if you don't jack off on spiro your dick will probably atrophy too. It's in no way a good idea to do it if you're not fucked in the head like me but there's literally nothing I can do to stop you from making a mistake except warning you there are consequences.

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Bicalutamide monotherapy will not affect your genitals, but it will stop masculinisation.

You would also need to take Finasteride to block DHT, since Bica only blocks testosterone.

If you do not want breast growth, take Raloxifene to stop that from occuring.

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Drugs like >>387247 and >>387249, I heard regular jacking off andf kegels help too.

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>bica+finasteride+ralox meme


Didn't even /lgbt/ realise that's retarded after some time.

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Spiro is also prescribed in Europe fyi

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Yes, yes they did, but someone retarded enough to think that hormones are worth it to look cute is also going to be too retarded to think of consequences.

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It's not the best option, since you're taking 3 medicines, but it's the only option if you want to guarantee sexual function.

I have heard anecdotal evidence of some trans women who never lose the ability to get an erection, even on high Estrogen doses and on Cyroterone.

I've also heard that some trans women start getting erections again once they start taking progesterone.

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True, the "I don't plan on living past 30 anyway" mentality is pretty rampant. Imagine your entire personality being defined by online validation from your looks, now that's a sad thought.


Go away already.

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Anon is right, continue your conversation in the other thread faggots.

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He just wants people to be winners, really. Since killing your enemies means they win, killing yourself must mean your victory, so the high likelihood of suicide is only a positive for this Canadian. Day of the rake when

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>freaks can post their garbage in tranny-hate thread unabated

>posting anything remotely off-topic in the freak containment thread results in permaban

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Men are not supposed to have tits we are m e n

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oy vey talk well of our freak overlords, goy

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Where the fuck is the admin

He just fucking admitted he is shilling HRT and pulling the the same shit that happened to r9k

Then again, he is ignoring what is blatant either SJWs/r9k-feminization-shillers/shitposters fucking up the front page for no reason

I'm so pissed off that the Admin is letting these reatards pray on people like >>387246 , roaming free


What the fuck is wrong with you, you are seeing how malicious these people are and know how they pray in cuteboyls like what happened in /r9k/ and you still let them have their own general in the front fucking page?

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File: 7f253a6946309cf⋯.jpg (13.54 KB,261x619,261:619,image (13).jpg)

>Be admin of board I barely regulate

>People with obvious malicious intentions show up posting unrelated topics and making fun of the userbase, but then notice it…

>They identify as apache helicopter, give them the freedom to not only have their own general in the front page but do nothing about them being assholes other than delete some posts

>except for the offenders of the HRT transition threads of curse, those get banned, stupid cis white males aren't as oppressed

>people are posting screencaps showing how they have malicious intents, how this happened in other chans and forums before and always ends up bad, how they want to make boys into soft trannies, how they are plain shitposting, etc.

>"what would the /cuteboys/ admin do?"

>adress nothing and then dissapear while posting smug anime faces and let the board burn

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File: 08f0c1bdd980ebd⋯.gif (2.93 MB,222x400,111:200,abyss.gif)


>mrw trannies ruin the least degenerate fag board around

I swear trannies ruin everything.

Why can't they just hurry up and add to their already high suicide statistics?

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I'm not part of any of these groups, I was just putting my opinion forward, fucking retard

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No one seems to understand you have to support every form of "degeneracy" so that you can have your form of "degeneracy"…. If you don't get that…. you're like post-autistic ok…. The alt-right isn't you friend…. it starts with bashing trans, then taps, then cute boys, then bisexuals, then masculine gay guys sooo just swallow a cyanide pill and follow your leader.

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>Also explain how this will impact everything. His job, his family, his finances, his fertility.

There's another thing that makes these questions lose value. He has a medical condition and has been told by his doctor he'll lbe dead before he's 30. This is the reason he's so deep into this now, because he feels like he has nothing to lose and believes taking hrt makes him more desirable when he admits all he really wants is to be wanted by someone. So it's really hard to get him to care about the future at all. Honestly, if he actually seemed happy with his current situation I would just let it be, but he gets used by this tranny who's feeding him these pills so much that he's extremely suicidal. He's already come very close to succeeding more than once. It scares the shit out of me thinking it's only a matter

of time until he does it and nothing I try to say ever gets through to him. I've suggested therapy but he's very adamantly against it.

I feel really shitty talking about all this publicly, so I'm trying to not get TOO detailed about his private life but I'm worried and don't know how to help.

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>1 britfag, one swedish retard

I just had a crazy idea. i cant stop derailing threads please report my post and broccoli?

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Oh, so THATS what was filtered. I was wondering what it was that got filtered into that.

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The Bongtranny is some real deceitful faggot. Not only does he ignore the worse parts and actively tries to deny their existence while never responding to contrary evidence when it's presented to him, but the worst part is that the admin himself cooperates with him and his group to ensure they're not posted in their shitty, unwanted thread. They're nothing but invaders and admin wants us to share this board with them, except they are more equal and with more rights. Just from the thread there's maybe 4 of them, a Bong, a Leaf, a Swede and an American. With how easy changing IP is and how alike they all write, one or even two might be fake. The admin puts those hostile outsider fuckers that prey on weaknesses above the rest of the board. I hope he changes, but so far there's no indication of that.


I don't get it

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What's the filter? Kys?

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It's been in for a while now.

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That's very likely. They all write exactly the fucking same and appear to be suspiciously different from a regular 8chan anon. They also all posted at roughly the same time and stopped not too far from each other excluding the Bong. Interesting considering they're from different time zone and nobody really posted pro-tranny shit before so it's suspicious people not interested in typical /cuteboy/ stuff would be here all at the same time. It's almost like they all talked to each other beforehand to coordinate it, so (((pure coincidence))) indeed. I wonder when they'll all suddenly reappear. If it's not a retard it's going to attempt writing slightly different on various countries this time though, but it's too late. Everyone saw through the tricks.

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>nobody really posted pro-tranny shit before so it's suspicious people not interested in typical /cuteboy/ stuff would be here all at the same time

I am romantically interested in cute guys, that's why I'm here. I only really complained about the trans hate in the first place. That's about it.

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Why do you think I'm in some sort of group? I just think hrt makes boys cuter. I don't want manly men. I'm the manly man in my relationship. I don't want them to cut their dicks off, or live like trannies, I just want cuter boys you fucking troglodyte

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You people are absolutely nuts, did /cow/ send you?

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>claims to want boys

>by removing what makes them boys

What an insane shithead

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>men. fully-grown, masculine, men

>on my /cuteboys/

Trans is closer to the ideal of the board than your fucking otterboy swimming anime boys, fag.

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t. Tranny

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/cuteboys/ as always been for any body type (we had a regular chubby thread for god's sake) trap/femboy/shota only got popular because idiots like you can only associate "cute" with "feminine".

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File: f2c170d2a906444⋯.jpg (63.77 KB,800x686,400:343,flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg)

You just deleted like 3 threads.

I know you are there you fucking retard, plan to hide like the cuck you are or adress any of the points you dick crippling enabler?

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get this tranny shit off the board. it's a crossdressing community. you can be a fag without wanting to be a girl.

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go make your own board then dickhead

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File: 12e447f67167366⋯.jpg (135.94 KB,677x611,677:611,1ef4ae24bd[1].jpg)


>trannies get to have their own circlejerk threads but faghag and niche otherkin get the boot

It's beyond evident this BO doesn't care about "being fair" and it's just pandering exclusively to the 3 trannies samefagging

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Guarantee you that if this fuckhead BO reversed his decision, this bumbling hypocrite would be one of the first to screech about getting oppressed and muh bigotry

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File: 910016b0ce9ae24⋯.jpg (137.17 KB,1024x576,16:9,the most traps.jpg)


t. fat, legbeard


Even the chubby thread was all about pulling off the feminine aesthetic, the "chubby girl" look, being "thicc" and not a bear. Don't conflate shotacon with irl trap/femboy/crossdress, and don't for a minute think men can be cute without being indistinguishable from a woman

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If I wanted to go jerk it to tranny shit I'd go to a place that allowed it I really dont give a shit

People from here started going tranny years ago im just suprised this didnt get changed earlier. Like 1/4 of the old discord started hrt at some point

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To be fair, they were incredibly fucking obviously just trying to start shit and immediately filled with bait. Try creating a faghag thread in genuine honesty, I think that'd be cool, I know some

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File: 5ea41e0b9d54f49⋯.jpg (32.62 KB,277x278,277:278,5ea41e0b9d54f490d7671ff42d….jpg)


I can't

/lgbt/ is filled with predatory trans people that tried to make me take HRT and they are absolutely no flirting or fun allowed. I almost fell for the HTR if it wasn't because I did research and found out there is no drug that was a soft transition that would just make my features feminine. HRT doesn't make you "cute" it can't change the shape of your skull or facial features.

There are very few women who are cute, there are even less men who fit into the girly cute category.

In /soc/ there is absolutely no Mexicans or latinos for some reason

>You just didn't search enough

Go ahead, look up the archives in soc for mexican people, there is like 2 or 3 pages Max of posts

hispachan/lgbt/ is dead and /hisparefugio/ is just /b/

/trash/ is too niche for being a hidden board and no many are in the trap thread, which it doesn't even fit me because I don't wanna be a trap or feminine nor do I look in specific for a trap boy, I just want one that I get along with.

/cuteboys/ is the only place where there are some Mexican boys and where I'm under people radar and viceversa.

That's why I cant "just make another board lol" because it would for sure not have the same ammount of active users, or even near my region, which is why it fills me with rage on why the Admin is just okay with you being fucking assholess and insulting us and luring people into taking hormones that can fuck up their biology.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Why is the admin letting harmful and mean people like you around?

Why would he want to fuck up this little piece of heaven?

I would love to have Admin discord or something to try and reason with him but I don't know of any way to contact him…


There is a sad thread already, why would you need an HRT thread?

I guess it would make sense in a more leniant board to general LGBT issues of all the spectrum but the niche of this board is /cuteboys/, is in the name, that general describes how to transition.

>If I wanted to go jerk it to tranny shit I'd go to a place that allowed it I really dont give a shit




He won't fucking reply or do anything other than delete and ban people

He is legit becoming a fucking asshole at this point.

I've been even thinking on checking and see if it's ilegal to promote HRT or other drugs in 8chan to report the thread or make the Admin accountable

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File: 684716b4cd58475⋯.jpg (168.75 KB,1280x1440,8:9,doesn't count as losing yo….jpg)


Holy shit.

Mascfags are fucking irredeemably hopeless. No wonder the board's in such a state, it's a reaction to this shit taking over. Full-on traps will rule the earth and you nor trans can stop us

He won't reply because he genuinely doesn't feel anything would come of interacting, anon, because of us all behaving like this.

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Go and ask Admin. Since day one it's for gay boys and all faggots have been welcome to post. Bears got shit on but not because they weren't alowed to post but because fags like you forced them out. Go to the "boy milk" thread it's full of /fit/ masculine men.

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File: 1e4c4f57a502e72⋯.jpg (21.17 KB,300x300,1:1,11851160.jpg)


I don't mind traps or trans or wathever.

I mostly fear that people will get repealed because of the HRT threads. Like I said, they behave like smug assholes and I don't really want the population of this board shrink more, because of the reasons stated above.

Second is that I fear how predatory and persuative these people are, you are seeing how much they ommit, they are fucking dangerous and a hazard to my friends in here.

>He won't reply because he genuinely doesn't feel anything would come of interacting, anon, because of us all behaving like this

But I'm being genuine my concerns, I don't think he would just let this board burn into the ground like many on the people in here.

Hopefully he will respond my e-mail.

Wish me luck mapple syrup

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File: f4cd9fe09074e1c⋯.gif (2.46 MB,369x338,369:338,f4cd9fe09074e1cfa93d69dc6f….gif)


It wasn't always like this. This is as much not a place for /fit/ uggos as for trans, and even though I'm only just coming back into this drama, I'm up for burning it all down to get the hell back to traps.


People are repelled by the outright gay stuff. I won't say the weird, creepy fucking trans clique going on here isn't a horrible, predatory group, but I'd sooner shoot myself or all the /fit/posters than them, just because at least they're sometimes nice to look at. Sometimes, as opposed to manliness' never

Best of luck, taco. ♥

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File: c84c191a275a485⋯.jpg (45.94 KB,614x298,307:149,retard.jpg)


This guy gets it.

The backlash against this tranny wave isn't because some obnoxious "hate" against them, but because of their horrid fucking behaviour.

I myself do not give one shit about whatever stupid bullshit you do to your own body, but the moment you start forcing it on everyone else? Strongarming the admin into giving you privileges? And then acting like a smug shitstain like the sack of shit in this screencap? Yeah that's when there WILL be a backlash against your faggotry, regardless of what the fuck you are or are trying to push.

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File: 3d3469450001fc5⋯.jpg (36.5 KB,649x618,649:618,1494278072684.jpg)


The problem is not the trannies but the HRT and the attitude of the admin thowards it, letting shitposters and assholes roam free anon.

I think your tastes are bad and you should feel bad but you wish me luck so is all okay.

Good luck to you too leaf.

Have a good time with your bf <3

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File: ed0270a16581e71⋯.gif (1.95 MB,225x400,9:16,xVrPwOZ.gif)



This is such a nicer, more productive dialogue, too.

I think the only reason I want the trannies to stick around is because they're tearing apart the hard-gay that this place has become and I just want to be indistinguishable from a girl. Admin-chan and this place were my only place to go to for fitness advice, once, and I can't do that anymore. It's just /fit/ again, and I'm bitter about that.

I love you guys. I hope you find one for yourself, tacobuddy.

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File: 221cca7d6fac4a8⋯.png (202.28 KB,1001x798,143:114,nyoron_by_iklone-d8ylry0.png)


Thanks friend.

I'm sorry to hear that this board doesn't have many fitness threads for girly bodies.

If you want a good advice you should become soft vegetarian and do lots of cardio.

I planned to do some good old board OC to maybe attract some people and hopefully a lot more traps come and give lots of advice.

All boards have a OC meme thread and I dont see why would cuteboys have to be an exception, but now that this shit going down I'm hesitant.

Either way, sorry if I come out as rude, like I said is hard for me to find other Mexicans gay boys and this is one of the few places where I can talk with some that share my interests and that.

I love you too friend

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I responded to your email.

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File: 088b16f51c9f1da⋯.jpg (59.46 KB,378x414,21:23,heart eyes.jpg)


You're so goddamn cute.

Thank you for giving me body image goals to work towards, way back when. I remember doodling shorts over images of you so I could demonstrate what I'd like to be to the people in my life who wanted to know what I wanted to be was even possible in real life.

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File: 5bd6cf08c709ae2⋯.png (295.31 KB,696x1000,87:125,workout2.png)


Thanks anon I hope you're working hard for the trap bod. We're all gonna make it breh

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File: 0e3668a8183a3d4⋯.gif (1.81 MB,183x381,61:127,idle animation.gif)


I've lost seventy pounds thanks to you and this board, and someday, when I can finally love the way I look, I'm going to post my screencaps of the thread and entertain everyone for a night. I can already quietly mix pictures of myself in with image dumps of other cuteboys and people seem to love it

What's the philosophy behind your decisions regarding the recent drama, admin buddy? I don't know whether to believe what's come out about the "trans clique" or not. What do you think of it?

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I dunno if there's a trans clique or not I would need longer post histories to figure it out but even if there is one it seems really ineffectual because they only seem to be posting in this thread and the HRT thread.

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File: 4ce52f10e70ca36⋯.png (537.04 KB,620x877,620:877,deadly trap.png)


That's interesting. There's been screens thrown around about some discord server with a supposedly crazy trans lead trying to prey on cuteboys and "turn" them trans, on some crazy crusade against testosterone in society. It seemed insane and difficult to believe, but the uproar about this trans stuff has been so crazy that it feels only like its validity could justify the outrage, I guess?

I don't know what to think.

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>only its validity could justify the outrage

that cult does exist, whether these are those particular fuckers or just one dedicated tumblerite remains to be seen, but either way it is an invader talking about things completely off topic, doing something that can probably get them put in jail for manslaughter, and being a huge fucking cunt about it too all while the BO protects them from mean words because ???

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File: 8274a704b9129f2⋯.jpg (100.8 KB,895x1024,895:1024,trap asolfo thinking.jpg)


See, this seems like an insanely out of proportion overreaction to anything other than a dedicated, organized attempt to pull users for some comically insidious purpose like "turning cute boys into girls to rid the world of test." Jail, for manslaughter? Off topic on a trap board? The "testosterone literally causes all the world's problems" stuff is pretty goddamn silly, but until the discord screens started coming out, I thought it was funny, and completely lighthearted memes

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They think we're being invaded by trans anons that are going to turn this place into /lgbt/. I guess we'll find out in a week.

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Didn't we used to have hrt theads a few years ago? It's been so long I cant remember but I swear people used to discuss it at least

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File: f7948810e826040⋯.jpg (71.35 KB,372x334,186:167,1445891563365.jpg)


Some anons have stated the reasons but in a nutshell:

1- There have been discord servers moving the strings for the sake of fetishism, disregarding the security and health of the users. Doesn't help this case seems like a carbon copy of a r9k drama that involved blackmailing users and forzing them into taking HTR : https://youtu.be/yCjJh1s_c0Q

2-That expanding the spectrum to off-topic broad LGBT leaning pandering when it's not the main topic is a huge redflag for a SJW Purge/Coup d'état, letting this kind of people that are inflamatory and egoscentric that ask for more policing to the admins. The most recent example of this is /x/ SCP: https://youtu.be/eTjtKJznhNM

3-Even in the chan culture trans people tend to have a borg mentality of "just take HRT uwu". Is not something I'm making up, is the reason /lgbt/ si shit.

You can try it yourself, ask for advice and take a shot for every reply that recommends transitioning or something in that fashion (pic related)

4- A lot of these posts ommit info about HRT. Even the board owner is being wilfully full of shit.

He just told me how mainly it changes your fat distribution and the other anons are not even mentioning how it doesn't change your facial features radically. If you are not girly from the start HRT won't do shit other than change your body fluid functions, and that's a best case scenario.

Unfortunately the Admin is showing off how he as well is being wilfully ignorant and may as well be as dangerous as the other deceitful people in this thread.

5- HRT is just plan and simple off-topic. There is no way around it. The Admin admitted as well how they just let the general be around because some anons are interested in it.

I would add to this that is unrepresentative to the board and the people that enter it, it gives a bad first impression. Not only because the "discussion" in there is shit and all the posters are obviously inflamatory people but because the topic of the board is not related to /lgbt/ related issues. The closest to that would be the sadness thread and I don't see a reason on why this board should expand beyond that thread in /lgbt/ territory.

6-There is no fucking jannies to inforce the "I won't let em post outside" meme.

5 fucking threads in the front page full of shitposting related to this.


Stop lying

We are not fering being invaded by trans anons, but by shitposters and HTR shills like the r9k one, and you allowing them to stay.

Half of the outrage was caused by your decision rather than the people in that general.


Is impossible not to discuss it in places like this, however I see no reason on why should be a fucking general rather than casual discussion.

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>half of the outrage was caused by your decision rather than the people in that general

I can delete the HRT general thread and go back to letting anons talk about HRT wherever they want if that will get you guys to stop being so triggered.

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The boyishness, dick and psychology are what makes them boys. Otherwise they're men, and as a man, I don't want a man as my BOYfriend. Too masculine

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just keep it as a containment thread because people are probably gonna sperg out whenever it gets brought up from now on

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That's going to make it all worse again.

You made the right decision with allowing a containment zone in exchange of keeping everywhere else clean, but you made the wrong decision in letting these people police and dictate who gets banned.

Allow a containment but don't start banning everyone who says something negative unless they are blatantly spamming or breaking rules.

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Nobody dictates who gets banned except for me I already told them I'm not going to babysit their thread 24/7. They get the same treatment that every other general thread gets. If someone starts shitposting and trying to derail it then they get banned.

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Then why is that the only thread where any sort of negative comment gets you a post deletion and permaban right away?

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frankly, trans & chasers trying to coerce femmy boys onto hrt has been going on long before discord even existed. whether or not some organized cult exists, it's a larger trend of behavior that's been around for a long time it happened to me years before 8ch was around and that's not even getting into the sexwork grooming that goes on in trans circles, that whole community is really fucked up tbh


gj anon, it's always nice to see someone moving towards their goals

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There are negative comments in the thread that haven't been deleted. The posts I've been deleting and banning for are the ones from anons that are just going in there trying to stir shit up because they don't like the thread. And most of those I've unbanned when they calmed down.

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File: f1990d478ae52ad⋯.jpg (178.14 KB,1280x720,16:9,sqjgx1do0wix.jpg)


You know that the main problem is not the fact that there is a general in itself.

If you want some praise in the middle of this shit storm, a general is a good container for these kind of situations.

The problem is like we said, the attitude and possibly the intentions in which they are shilling for HTR.

You have seen that they inflammatory and some suspect how there may be a discord pulling the strings for malicious intent.

If you really want a focused non inflammatory board then yeah, you should delete this and the HTR general and inforce the rules but unfortunately you don't seem to have many extra hands to inforce the rules or the investment to do it constantly.

If you want the realistic low maintenance non-rule fag option then you should probably allow this kind of meta thread where we bitch and moan about these kind of situations that pop up from time to time and also allow the HTR threads.

Tl;dr: You let things be like they are already or become more of a lurker.

Either way you are not going to like it or us though, so pick your poison.

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>reddit spacing

The eternal Redditor slips up and reveals himself

Get off our board and stop trying to change the collective state of mind

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Hi bongtranny

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File: db31f7203004104⋯.jpg (21 KB,627x633,209:211,1528071122194.jpg)


I don't like reddit.

Is full of liberals.

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Looking cute anon gj!

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Fuck that belt. I ordered that cosplay and everything fit fine execpt the belt. Shit can sling over my hips because they're too fucking wide while everything else was great. Fucking bullshit.

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I'm not a tranny nor am I pro trannies

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There are many trannies who are mentally unstable attention whores, who force their ideology and bad life choices on others. which is why they are hated. (comparable to furries, for example)


Also, this.


You reek of some doctor or drug company representative who is advertising HRT as this magical thing that fixes all your problems and is totally safe and without its drawbacks. HRT is something that shouldn't be done just on a whim.





All this "Only positive posts. You get banned, if you post something I don't like" is Tumblr Tier doublethink


>if you don't agree with me, you must be from /pol/

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you have blood on your hands and I dont, its not about your particular degeneracy there are boards where people will call you a girl and I dont raid them, this topic came up from time to time here and nobody really minded even if its a little off topic

but you are going to and probably have set chains of events in motion that will kill people, and you are an outsider asking us to change for you

you dont respect our own degeneracy, our community, or our lives, why should we do those for you?

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File: daf13e54a34f1ab⋯.jpg (35.61 KB,500x589,500:589,daf13e54a34f1ab70a9873225f….jpg)



Can you guys give any advice for how to lose that much weight? If I lost as much as this anon, I would be super skinny and a lot cuter.

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dude just accept all kinds of degeneracy, pedophilia and necrophilia are great, wouldn't want to offend transfeelings

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wrote this a while back, a few ideas on forming good habits based on things that worked for me it's a bit extreme b/c i ended up with major dietary restrictions due to some health issues, you don't have to go as hard just as long as you stick to the underlying ideas


gl anon!

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File: 17bc43641bae273⋯.jpg (25.64 KB,500x500,1:1,1530530280773.jpg)


Thanks so much, anon! :D

If you don't mind me asking, how long did your process take to lose the 70 lbs? That has actually been my goal for a while, but I just lose motivation each time.

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Yeah, and what a weird coincidence it is he stopped visitting 2-3 years ago because a boy board likes manlier boys too despite more effeminate threads being there all the time anyway, but just happened to be visitting just after admin suddenly allowed them a thread to recruit people to mutilate themselves. It's almost like it was coordinated because otherwise it makes no fucking sense. Let's be honest, this cannot possibly be a fucking coincidence and the BO is a retard if he believes any of it. I'm almost glad the board is dying because at least it's unlikely anyone will fall to the bongtranny's lies by being here.

That this guy is no /cuteboy/ is obvious. There were pure /cuteboy/ threads with regular cuties but those are not enough because there are more masculine guy threads. He can tolerate masculine guy threads when there's a thread intended to turn them into dilating trannies until they suicide. It's almost like /cuteboy/ content doesn't interest him at all and he's only here to turn anons into trannies because why would he leave because of manly threads when he is evidently not the sort who is unable to stay in a place just because something he dislikes is there?

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File: 531e5ce35a6fdd2⋯.jpg (52.31 KB,680x360,17:9,1513030691389.jpg)

File: 3229de08a63fa6c⋯.png (78.39 KB,1305x625,261:125,shemale.png)

File: 199e681d1a64ee9⋯.png (222.06 KB,828x974,414:487,tranny bugurt.png)

File: a92d0483b4baa36⋯.png (109.29 KB,1336x934,668:467,tranny feels.png)


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Can you guys stop with the tranny propaganda?

There's literally 60 responses just for a destroy-your-body-and-life recruitment thread,

this is not what /cuteboys/ is supposed to be

THIS IS A GAY BOARD, not trannyshit board. Hate is a regular, deserved reaction to this subversion.

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When trannies get the fuck out, sure.

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File: eab14959bd2f4b1⋯.gif (1.9 MB,700x593,700:593,eab14959bd2f4b11de252dad7b….gif)


nie powiedział mi gdzie mieszkasz

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File: 09757144dcd849b⋯.jpg (9.92 KB,314x261,314:261,1529339701416.jpg)




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Między swemi. :>)

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File: 734078025b1d48c⋯.png (75.8 KB,486x332,243:166,ivZhxdK.png)


dam ci klapsa anon

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Musisz mieć długą rękę by potrafić dać klapsa przez ocean. wielkopolska, choć nie chodziło mi przedtem o to skąd jesteś w Burgerlandzie, ale jak się tam znalazłeś.

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>image 4

I'm comfortably "cis" but even that gave me vicarious anxiety. Absolutely savage.

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>some faggot from the Aero Discord is found in the HRT thread

>the usual suspects whine about how these posts are irrelevant and how Admin should delete all of it

this is poetry

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Eat less food.

That's literally it weight loss is just calories and exercise.

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>all enabling the HRT thread is give fuckers a platform to attack and dox people they don't like

Thanks Admin, truly our greatest ally right fucking here.

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I'm a shill for fasting, it's the easiest way in my opinion

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There is no proof of any dox, stop spreading misinformation.

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>Predatory trannies

100% agreed mate. Transsexuals are bad for the mental health of poor impressionable gay boys.

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Don't you mean traps? Traps =/= trannies, trannies are only people who have done SRS traps are boys with tits. Gtfo.

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File: d0126ac8c4fae46⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,2400x7000,12:35,1541333414910.jpg)


Fucking this. Most of the shit (and you can bet on it) is coming from r9cute. We rarely even had hrt pushing threads over the last few years of /cute boys/ existsnce. And only recently we started getring daily hrt threads? Honest question, do you truly believe we even have the numbers to pull of such a thing? No we don't. Those threads are not organic and they don't belong here tbh.


They've been shilling hrt everywhere from 4chan to 8chan and get defensive when we start to actually put some heat on these sick child groomers. They are so autistic that they thought they could get away with posting that tranny suicide cult shit without being noticed and not having anyone to actually document the crazy shit that they do. They summoned the hatemachine and they are going to get the hatemachine.

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I feel sorry for this kids but anyway, is the natural selection.

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Don't you think accusing them of being inherently predatory is a bit of a biased overgeneralization? You do you OP, but it's just unrealistic to generalize things of any category of people. Even your own kind. Not meant in a bad way or to make you feel bad. Individuals are just more complicated than the way collectivism oversimplifies things until they're misconstrued. Good that you could vent your thoughts and feelings on the topic though.

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I can agree that the communities can be toxic. But most trans people outside of those communities as independent individuals know better. They don't contribute.

In general people are just attracted to relatable content. Which makes sense regarding why they'd want to come to this board.

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File: c235e49fab0ae97⋯.jpg (28.92 KB,600x600,1:1,following.jpg)


OP may sound antagonistic, but he's actually right on this one.

the HRT stuff is very predatory. It has nothing to do with traps or trap culture.

What's the point of making yourself permanently infertile and giving yourself ED?

On top of that none of the hrt pushers talk about the side effects. The guides rarely if ever talk about what happens to your body.


Actually it's the trans pushers who are jealous of cuteboys for being able to pass naturally without damaging their bodies

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Why are you on /cuteboys/ if you want to be a girl?

Why are you on /cuteboys/ if you want to look at people that look like girls, and not boys?

Why do you want to pass if you're gay? Why would you want to fuck someone that passes if you're gay? I like guys, not girls.

This board and honestly this community outside of this board is turning to shit and I don't know where to go.

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Stop fem shaming us

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I'm trans (MtF) and I browse /cuteboys/ because I like feminine boys. I don't post (outside of this.)

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File: a461d0aadc12c6c⋯.png (688.2 KB,960x544,30:17,cd607ae5530dccf1381e854ff3….png)

I'm interested in dominate Traps / becoming a trap…. Not people on HRT, because, I don't want to go on HRT, and even dating someone that is… even if they don't want to cut off their dick… might make me want to do it as well, and the reality is that I haven't given up on having kids, so I can't do that nya~

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File: f77f74e6371d042⋯.png (534 KB,1060x720,53:36,0d96da8b644861afd9ec2fbe4f….png)


Honestly /trap/ would be more my board if the owner actually knew that a trap is not a new-half or a transexual nya~

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File: ff2b28a77f0c103⋯.jpg (52.49 KB,850x400,17:8,unter1.jpg)

I Just want my board back anon …

When will I get it back , you idiots already have /r9k/ and /lgbt/ isn't that enough ??

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Kill trannies

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