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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

Dicks and butts

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File: 6f478fb2f67a047⋯.jpg (42.59 KB,516x618,86:103,image-5.jpg)

 No.386902 [View All]

>Comfy place

>Admin becomes a tranny

>Shoves unrelated topic because

>Automatically becomes "I'LL BAN U DON'T HURT MY FEEFEES"

Every fucking time

You fucking retarded mongoloid admin know that HRT are exclusive to people that want to transition, not fucking B O Y S but you probably sorrounded yourself of yes man circlejerks that give pats in the back away like it was christmas considering that even 4chon/lgbt/ is full of "uwu just transition" which is why I left that fucking place in the first place, fucking preadtory trannies that wont stoop pushing their stupid HRT you are just in fucking denial austistic shit, and here are you fucking cock gargler enabling these fags that have R U I N E D communities.

This is the exact same fucking thing that happened to SCP, and you little shit think you can pull this off as well and everything to be fucking dandy.

Go fuck yourself, I'm glad this place is fucking dead, hopefully it will become dessert in a few weeks and the userbase finds a better place.

182 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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>half of the outrage was caused by your decision rather than the people in that general

I can delete the HRT general thread and go back to letting anons talk about HRT wherever they want if that will get you guys to stop being so triggered.

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The boyishness, dick and psychology are what makes them boys. Otherwise they're men, and as a man, I don't want a man as my BOYfriend. Too masculine

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just keep it as a containment thread because people are probably gonna sperg out whenever it gets brought up from now on

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That's going to make it all worse again.

You made the right decision with allowing a containment zone in exchange of keeping everywhere else clean, but you made the wrong decision in letting these people police and dictate who gets banned.

Allow a containment but don't start banning everyone who says something negative unless they are blatantly spamming or breaking rules.

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Nobody dictates who gets banned except for me I already told them I'm not going to babysit their thread 24/7. They get the same treatment that every other general thread gets. If someone starts shitposting and trying to derail it then they get banned.

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Then why is that the only thread where any sort of negative comment gets you a post deletion and permaban right away?

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frankly, trans & chasers trying to coerce femmy boys onto hrt has been going on long before discord even existed. whether or not some organized cult exists, it's a larger trend of behavior that's been around for a long time it happened to me years before 8ch was around and that's not even getting into the sexwork grooming that goes on in trans circles, that whole community is really fucked up tbh


gj anon, it's always nice to see someone moving towards their goals

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There are negative comments in the thread that haven't been deleted. The posts I've been deleting and banning for are the ones from anons that are just going in there trying to stir shit up because they don't like the thread. And most of those I've unbanned when they calmed down.

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File: f1990d478ae52ad⋯.jpg (178.14 KB,1280x720,16:9,sqjgx1do0wix.jpg)


You know that the main problem is not the fact that there is a general in itself.

If you want some praise in the middle of this shit storm, a general is a good container for these kind of situations.

The problem is like we said, the attitude and possibly the intentions in which they are shilling for HTR.

You have seen that they inflammatory and some suspect how there may be a discord pulling the strings for malicious intent.

If you really want a focused non inflammatory board then yeah, you should delete this and the HTR general and inforce the rules but unfortunately you don't seem to have many extra hands to inforce the rules or the investment to do it constantly.

If you want the realistic low maintenance non-rule fag option then you should probably allow this kind of meta thread where we bitch and moan about these kind of situations that pop up from time to time and also allow the HTR threads.

Tl;dr: You let things be like they are already or become more of a lurker.

Either way you are not going to like it or us though, so pick your poison.

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>reddit spacing

The eternal Redditor slips up and reveals himself

Get off our board and stop trying to change the collective state of mind

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Hi bongtranny

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File: db31f7203004104⋯.jpg (21 KB,627x633,209:211,1528071122194.jpg)


I don't like reddit.

Is full of liberals.

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Looking cute anon gj!

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Fuck that belt. I ordered that cosplay and everything fit fine execpt the belt. Shit can sling over my hips because they're too fucking wide while everything else was great. Fucking bullshit.

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I'm not a tranny nor am I pro trannies

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There are many trannies who are mentally unstable attention whores, who force their ideology and bad life choices on others. which is why they are hated. (comparable to furries, for example)


Also, this.


You reek of some doctor or drug company representative who is advertising HRT as this magical thing that fixes all your problems and is totally safe and without its drawbacks. HRT is something that shouldn't be done just on a whim.





All this "Only positive posts. You get banned, if you post something I don't like" is Tumblr Tier doublethink


>if you don't agree with me, you must be from /pol/

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you have blood on your hands and I dont, its not about your particular degeneracy there are boards where people will call you a girl and I dont raid them, this topic came up from time to time here and nobody really minded even if its a little off topic

but you are going to and probably have set chains of events in motion that will kill people, and you are an outsider asking us to change for you

you dont respect our own degeneracy, our community, or our lives, why should we do those for you?

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Can you guys give any advice for how to lose that much weight? If I lost as much as this anon, I would be super skinny and a lot cuter.

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dude just accept all kinds of degeneracy, pedophilia and necrophilia are great, wouldn't want to offend transfeelings

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wrote this a while back, a few ideas on forming good habits based on things that worked for me it's a bit extreme b/c i ended up with major dietary restrictions due to some health issues, you don't have to go as hard just as long as you stick to the underlying ideas


gl anon!

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Thanks so much, anon! :D

If you don't mind me asking, how long did your process take to lose the 70 lbs? That has actually been my goal for a while, but I just lose motivation each time.

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Yeah, and what a weird coincidence it is he stopped visitting 2-3 years ago because a boy board likes manlier boys too despite more effeminate threads being there all the time anyway, but just happened to be visitting just after admin suddenly allowed them a thread to recruit people to mutilate themselves. It's almost like it was coordinated because otherwise it makes no fucking sense. Let's be honest, this cannot possibly be a fucking coincidence and the BO is a retard if he believes any of it. I'm almost glad the board is dying because at least it's unlikely anyone will fall to the bongtranny's lies by being here.

That this guy is no /cuteboy/ is obvious. There were pure /cuteboy/ threads with regular cuties but those are not enough because there are more masculine guy threads. He can tolerate masculine guy threads when there's a thread intended to turn them into dilating trannies until they suicide. It's almost like /cuteboy/ content doesn't interest him at all and he's only here to turn anons into trannies because why would he leave because of manly threads when he is evidently not the sort who is unable to stay in a place just because something he dislikes is there?

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File: 531e5ce35a6fdd2⋯.jpg (52.31 KB,680x360,17:9,1513030691389.jpg)

File: 3229de08a63fa6c⋯.png (78.39 KB,1305x625,261:125,shemale.png)

File: 199e681d1a64ee9⋯.png (222.06 KB,828x974,414:487,tranny bugurt.png)

File: a92d0483b4baa36⋯.png (109.29 KB,1336x934,668:467,tranny feels.png)


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Can you guys stop with the tranny propaganda?

There's literally 60 responses just for a destroy-your-body-and-life recruitment thread,

this is not what /cuteboys/ is supposed to be

THIS IS A GAY BOARD, not trannyshit board. Hate is a regular, deserved reaction to this subversion.

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When trannies get the fuck out, sure.

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File: eab14959bd2f4b1⋯.gif (1.9 MB,700x593,700:593,eab14959bd2f4b11de252dad7b….gif)


nie powiedział mi gdzie mieszkasz

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Między swemi. :>)

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File: 734078025b1d48c⋯.png (75.8 KB,486x332,243:166,ivZhxdK.png)


dam ci klapsa anon

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Musisz mieć długą rękę by potrafić dać klapsa przez ocean. wielkopolska, choć nie chodziło mi przedtem o to skąd jesteś w Burgerlandzie, ale jak się tam znalazłeś.

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>image 4

I'm comfortably "cis" but even that gave me vicarious anxiety. Absolutely savage.

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>some faggot from the Aero Discord is found in the HRT thread

>the usual suspects whine about how these posts are irrelevant and how Admin should delete all of it

this is poetry

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Eat less food.

That's literally it weight loss is just calories and exercise.

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>all enabling the HRT thread is give fuckers a platform to attack and dox people they don't like

Thanks Admin, truly our greatest ally right fucking here.

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I'm a shill for fasting, it's the easiest way in my opinion

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There is no proof of any dox, stop spreading misinformation.

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>Predatory trannies

100% agreed mate. Transsexuals are bad for the mental health of poor impressionable gay boys.

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Don't you mean traps? Traps =/= trannies, trannies are only people who have done SRS traps are boys with tits. Gtfo.

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Fucking this. Most of the shit (and you can bet on it) is coming from r9cute. We rarely even had hrt pushing threads over the last few years of /cute boys/ existsnce. And only recently we started getring daily hrt threads? Honest question, do you truly believe we even have the numbers to pull of such a thing? No we don't. Those threads are not organic and they don't belong here tbh.


They've been shilling hrt everywhere from 4chan to 8chan and get defensive when we start to actually put some heat on these sick child groomers. They are so autistic that they thought they could get away with posting that tranny suicide cult shit without being noticed and not having anyone to actually document the crazy shit that they do. They summoned the hatemachine and they are going to get the hatemachine.

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I feel sorry for this kids but anyway, is the natural selection.

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Don't you think accusing them of being inherently predatory is a bit of a biased overgeneralization? You do you OP, but it's just unrealistic to generalize things of any category of people. Even your own kind. Not meant in a bad way or to make you feel bad. Individuals are just more complicated than the way collectivism oversimplifies things until they're misconstrued. Good that you could vent your thoughts and feelings on the topic though.

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I can agree that the communities can be toxic. But most trans people outside of those communities as independent individuals know better. They don't contribute.

In general people are just attracted to relatable content. Which makes sense regarding why they'd want to come to this board.

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OP may sound antagonistic, but he's actually right on this one.

the HRT stuff is very predatory. It has nothing to do with traps or trap culture.

What's the point of making yourself permanently infertile and giving yourself ED?

On top of that none of the hrt pushers talk about the side effects. The guides rarely if ever talk about what happens to your body.


Actually it's the trans pushers who are jealous of cuteboys for being able to pass naturally without damaging their bodies

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Why are you on /cuteboys/ if you want to be a girl?

Why are you on /cuteboys/ if you want to look at people that look like girls, and not boys?

Why do you want to pass if you're gay? Why would you want to fuck someone that passes if you're gay? I like guys, not girls.

This board and honestly this community outside of this board is turning to shit and I don't know where to go.

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Stop fem shaming us

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I'm trans (MtF) and I browse /cuteboys/ because I like feminine boys. I don't post (outside of this.)

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File: a461d0aadc12c6c⋯.png (688.2 KB,960x544,30:17,cd607ae5530dccf1381e854ff3….png)

I'm interested in dominate Traps / becoming a trap…. Not people on HRT, because, I don't want to go on HRT, and even dating someone that is… even if they don't want to cut off their dick… might make me want to do it as well, and the reality is that I haven't given up on having kids, so I can't do that nya~

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File: f77f74e6371d042⋯.png (534 KB,1060x720,53:36,0d96da8b644861afd9ec2fbe4f….png)


Honestly /trap/ would be more my board if the owner actually knew that a trap is not a new-half or a transexual nya~

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File: ff2b28a77f0c103⋯.jpg (52.49 KB,850x400,17:8,unter1.jpg)

I Just want my board back anon …

When will I get it back , you idiots already have /r9k/ and /lgbt/ isn't that enough ??

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Kill trannies

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