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It's not a meme, it's a way of life.

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Why would you listen to that dilettante if you can bump my dead thread?


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I made some pelmeni and it was god-damn delicious. The cleanup was a cunt though. 10/10 would recommend.

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Pelmeni without vinegar are shit. Add some EVOO and apple vinegar to them.

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What, as in just drizzle a bit on top?

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After boiling add a bit of EVOO and shake in order to prevent their sticking to each other. It's far tastier than any "traditional" fat like butter or sunflower oil. After that you can add as much apple vinegar as you want. I prefer to pour it in another plate and dip pelmeni in a vinegar with my fork one by one, in this case less vinegar will be wasted.

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You can't fool me, Boris

I've already seen those vids, comrade.

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File: 74d39ec0d186d1c⋯.jpg (48.84 KB,375x310,75:62,WUT.jpg)



>0 results found

>mfw no coleslav

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